Open viewing in the preparatory group. Synopsis of the open review of GCD on physical development in the preparatory group outline of the lesson (preparatory group) on the topic

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Exercise children in walking with high knees; repeat ball dribbling exercises; crawling; exercise in maintaining balance while walking on a reduced area of ​​\u200b\u200bsupport.


To cultivate independence, creativity, interest in physical education, friendly relations.


Develop dexterity, speed, the ability to navigate in the space of the hall.

Equipment: Balls (according to the number of children, 2 benches, cones)

1 part.

Building in one line. alignment. Rebuilding in a column one at a time.

Walking in a column in one march, at a signal, switching to walking with high knees, walking with whipping legs, walking with rolling toes and heels, switching to running: regular running, snake running with a change of leader; normal walking with breathing recovery. Rebuilding in two columns. opening. Performing aerobic exercises as shown by the teacher to the music.

2 - part.

a) General developmental exercises (a set of aerobic exercises shown by the teacher to the music).

b) The main types of movements.

1 Dribbling in a straight line (basketball version)

2 Crawling on the gymnastic bench (hand grip from the sides)

3 Walking on the rail of the gymnastic bench, freely balancing with my hands.

After showing and explaining, the children stand in two lines, and on a signal, the first group dribbles the ball in the forward direction to the designated line, throws the ball into the ring. When leading, children move on slightly bent legs with a slight torso tilt forward. The hand leading the ball is bent at the elbow, and the hand with spread fingers is superimposed on the ball from above and away from you. The ball is hit somewhat to the side of oneself, evenly, in accordance with the movement. The pace is moderate, each individual. (2 times). Gymnastic benches are placed parallel to one another, and children perform crawling on their stomachs in two columns in a streaming manner with the help of gripping hands from the sides (2-3 times). Turn over the gymnastic bench and carry out an exercise in balance - walking along the rail of the gymnastic bench, putting the heel of one foot to the toe of the other and freely balancing with your hands. Insurance is a must.

4 Mobile game "Empty place". The players stand in a circle, putting their hands on their belts - “windows” are obtained. The leader is chosen. He walks behind the circle and says:

I walk around the house

And I look in the windows

I will go to one

And I'll knock softly.

After the words “I’ll knock,” the driver stops, looks into the window against which he stopped, and says: “Knock-knock-knock.” The one in front asks: “Who has come? The leader says his name. The one standing in the circle asks: “Why did you come? ". The driver replies: “We are racing,” and both run around the players in different directions. There is an empty space in the circle. The one who ran to him first remains in the circle; the latecomer becomes the driver, and the game continues.

3 - part.

Let's turn back together,

And how shall we say; "jump-jump-jump",

The words "skok-skok-skok" are pronounced by one child (as directed by the teacher).

The driver opens his eyes and tries to guess who said these words. If he guesses correctly, that player takes his place.

Walking in a column one at a time.



MBDOU No. 3 Nevinnomyssk 2016

Synopsis of the open review of GCD on physical development in the preparatory group

Prepared and hosted:

physical education teacher

Kharchenko L.A.



Exercise children in walking with high knees; repeat ball dribbling exercises; crawling; exercise in maintaining balance while walking on a reduced area of ​​\u200b\u200bsupport.


To cultivate independence, creativity, interest in physical education, friendly relations.


Develop dexterity, speed, the ability to navigate in the space of the hall.

Equipment: Balls (according to the number of children, 2 benches, cones)


1 part.

Building in one line. alignment. Rebuilding in a column one at a time.

Walking in a column in one march, at a signal, switching to walking with high knees, walking with whipping legs, walking with rolling toes and heels, switching to running: regular running, snake running with a change of leader; normal walking with breathing recovery. Rebuilding in two columns. opening. Performing aerobic exercises as shown by the teacher to the music.

2 - part.

a) General developmental exercises (a set of aerobic exercises shown by the teacher to the music).

b) The main types of movements.

1 Dribbling in a straight line (basketball version)

2 Crawling on the gymnastic bench (hand grip from the sides)

3 Walking on the rail of the gymnastic bench, freely balancing with my hands.

After showing and explaining, the children stand in two lines, and on a signal, the first group dribbles the ball in the forward direction to the designated line, throws the ball into the ring. When leading, children move on slightly bent legs with a slight torso tilt forward. The hand leading the ball is bent at the elbow, and the hand with spread fingers is superimposed on the ball from above and away from you. The ball is hit somewhat to the side of oneself, evenly, in accordance with the movement. The pace is moderate, each individual. (2 times). Gymnastic benches are placed parallel to one another, and children perform crawling on their stomachs in two columns in a streaming manner with the help of gripping hands from the sides (2-3 times). Turn over the gymnastic bench and carry out an exercise in balance - walking along the rail of the gymnastic bench, putting the heel of one foot to the toe of the other and freely balancing with your hands. Insurance is a must.

4 Mobile game "Empty place". The players stand in a circle, putting their hands on their belts - “windows” are obtained. The leader is chosen. He walks behind the circle and says:

I walk around the house

And I look in the windows

I will go to one

And I'll knock softly.

After the words “I’ll knock,” the driver stops, looks into the window against which he stopped, and says: “Knock-knock-knock.” The one in front asks: “Who has come? The leader says his name. The one standing in the circle asks: “Why did you come? ". The driver replies: “We are racing,” and both run around the players in different directions. There is an empty space in the circle. The one who ran to him first remains in the circle; the latecomer becomes the driver, and the game continues.

3 - part.

The game of low mobility “Guess whose voice? The driver stands in the center of the hall and closes his eyes. Children form a circle, without holding hands, go in a circle to the right and say: We have gathered in an even circle,

Let's turn back together,

And how shall we say; "jump-jump-jump",

The words "skok-skok-skok" are pronounced by one child (as directed by the teacher).

The driver opens his eyes and tries to guess who said these words. If he guesses correctly, that player takes his place.

Walking in a column one at a time.

Back forward

Attention! The slide preview is for informational purposes only and may not represent the full extent of the presentation. If you are interested in this work, please download the full version.

Target: development of cognitive activity, creativity and skills of interpersonal interaction with peers and adults. (Slide 2)

Program content:

1. Develop logical, figurative, conceptual, creative thinking; imagination, auditory, visual memory, attention and speech of children.
2. Teach children the ability to listen and hear the other.
3. Continue to teach children to use facial expressions, pantomime and voice in communication.
4. Enrich and activate children's vocabulary.
5. To cultivate the desire and ability to cooperate, take into account and respect the interests of others, the ability to find common solutions.
6. Awaken in children good feelings for each other.
7. Build a sense of confidence.
8. Contribute to the full development of the child's personality through self-expression and creativity.

Material: presentation for the lesson, interactive whiteboard, sheets of pages from the book, tape recorder, audio cassettes with music, felt-tip pen.

Handout: sheets of white paper with 5 circles drawn, pencils.

Preliminary work: reading Nosov's fairy tale "The Adventure of Dunno".

Individual work:

  • expand vocabulary: internet, computer, encyclopedia
  • enter an active dictionary: rebus, crossword puzzle.


I. Organization of the beginning of the lesson


Hello kids!
Girls and boys!

Children: Hello.


Our occupation is unusual,
Even very symbolic.
Do you guys like to travel?

Children: Yes!

Teacher: Look at the desk. (Slide 3) I suggest that today you visit the fabulous land of Knowledge. Imagine, in this country, everyone greets differently. They have their own traditions. You want me to teach! (Slide 4). If I clap once, you need to greet each other with your palms, if twice - with your fingers, three times - bow to each other. Rule: you must perform each action with a new partner. One, two, three, start the game!
- Guys, where do you think we get Knowledge from?

Children: From books, encyclopedias, the Internet (computer), assignments, from educational films, from adults. (Slide 5).

Teacher: Yes, a really important assistant in obtaining Knowledge is a book. (Slide 6). And what are the books?

Children: The book is new, interesting, library, old, children's, colorful, fabulous

Teacher: Well done! You have come up with a lot of words. (Slide 7). And today, this fabulous book will help us get into the country of Knowledge. (Slide 8). Now we will open it, but it does not open. Guys, something is written here: “To open you a “magic book, think and choose the correct answer from the four proposed words?”

a) abra, kadabra;
b) snip, snap, snura,
c) hop, hep, lalaley,
d) sim-sim open.

Children: Sim-sim, open up!

Teacher: Let's say these words out loud together: One, two, three.

Children: Sim-sim, open up! (Slide 9).

Teacher: (music sounds) Well, guys, go ahead, to the fabulous land of Knowledge. (Slide 10). Oh, be careful the path is very narrow. Let's go carefully, calmly. Suddenly there were puddles. We go around the puddles .... One... second... third... What is it? The bridge is so steep, we go only one at a time. Carefully…. And now a tree has fallen across the path, Yes, what a huge one! Branches in all directions! ... We climb over a fallen tree .... Wow! Finally, they came. Hey guys, what is this?

Children: So these are the leaves from the book; they are scattered (Slide 11).

Teacher: That's right, these are pages from our "Magic Book" - 1,3,5 .... All pages are mixed up. The pages are not simple, something is drawn on them. What do you think it is? What should be done with them?

Children: Assemble the book piece by piece.


We don't just collect
leaflet book, but
Let's complete the tasks
To get Knowledge.

- Yes, guys? We will definitely try to complete all the tasks, then our “Magic Book” will be assembled. And invites everyone to sit on the chairs (semicircle). Good luck!


So, first page? (Slide 12)
Who lives here?
Neither animal nor bird.
Lives - a warm-up for the guys.

Page 1: Brainstorming game

  • Lemons are sour, but sugar... (Slide 13)
  • In the morning we have breakfast, and at lunch ... (Slide 14)
  • What more apples or apple trees? (Slide 15)
  • Who has more paws in two cats or two dogs? (Slide 16)
  • Moscow, Salekhard is...? (Slide 17)
  • Perch, crucian...? (Slide 18)
  • In a year… 24 months, 12 months, 3 months, 4 months. (Slide 19)
  • Trees always have ... leaves, flowers, fruits, root, shade. (Slide 20)


You have completed the workout.
Okay, great!
What awaits us on the second page?
What shall we start?

2 page: Pair to Pair game

Teacher: Guys, look at the picture. (Slide 21). So this is the assignment. Be careful! Drawn at the top left costume And fabric roll. There is a connection between them, how do you understand?: costume sewn from fabric. Drawn on the right House. To him, you need to pick up an object that would have the same connection with him. Carefully consider the items located at the bottom of the card, choose?

Children: Bricks.

Teacher: As a result, we get two pairs of objects: costume sewn from fabric(first pair) a house built of bricks(second pair).
And now, let's train our abilities to act in the mind.
Given a couple of words: Skates Winter. How do you understand?
And now for the word Boat choose only one word out of five that will also relate to the word "boat" as "winter" to the word "skates".

Children: Summer.

Teacher: Let's check if you completed the task correctly (look at the blackboard). (Slide 22). Well done! You are very attentive! They did a good job with this task.

Here is the third page
We managed to turn: (Slide 23).
We have a very interesting
Long, long good way.

3 page: game "What is common and how is it different?"

Teacher: Guys, prove to me as much as possible how they are similar to each other and how they differ. plane and bird?


- “airplane and bird” - they fly, they have wings, the beak of a bird and the nose of an airplane are sharp ...;
- "plane" - blue, large, it carries people, it is iron, it is filled with gasoline ...;
- "bird" - a living creature, brown, small in size, it has feathers, it gets food for itself ....

Teacher: Well done!

On page four
Let's get some rest. (Slide 24).
Let's play and dance
And again, rather, on the road.

4 page: game "Dance how?"

Teacher: (music sounds) I will wave a magic wand, and you turn and dance into beautiful, colorful butterflies; now fish; flowers; and now dance in pairs: the dance of Christmas decorations, the dance of funny little men, the dance of beautiful swans.

Children: (dance)


Here is page number five.
Tell you about her? (Slide 25).

5 page: the game "Solve puzzles"

Teacher: Rebus- this is a riddle in which a word is encrypted with the help of drawings, figures or signs. Please look at the board, we are offered puzzles. The time for each puzzle is limited, only 30 seconds. Be careful, let's get started.

Children: kidney, thunderstorm, mole, rainbow.

Teacher: Great! Well done! Work together!

The next page is in a hurry to us
The task tells us a new one. (Slide 26).

Page 6: Inventor Game

Teacher:- How can you use a simple pencil.


Teacher: Of course, first of all, it is intended for drawing. Try to invent a new use for the pencil. Passing a pencil to each other, and without saying a word, use it to portray, no matter how gestures, facial expressions, movements, try to convey your attitude towards it. And we will guess aloud. Psychologist depicts playing the violin ...

Children: Violin; pointer; drum sticks; guitar; a stick stirring something in a jar; police stick (baton); the baton that the conductor waves...


Now it's time for us to be
Inventors! Yes Yes!
You have a piece of paper with 5 mugs on your tables.
In response, I expect drawings from you,
Turn the circle into interesting objects...

Children:(draw) a sun, a face, a plate, a wheel, a globe, a Christmas toy - a ball, an aquarium, a ball, a bagel, a clock ...

Teacher: Let's check who's mugs turned into similar objects, you will raise your hand. (Slide 27). Fabulous! Move on

There is a house teremok
He's not low, he's not high
All the windows in it are burning,
"Come in!" they say. (Slide 28).
Letters settled in it
If you invite friends
It will immediately become more fun.

Page 7: Crossword game

Teacher: Crossword is a task game. For example, I give you a riddle, I will write your answer in the first row, I fill in the letters in these squares. Rule: How many cells, so many letters should be in this row.

1. The girl who lost her glass slipper at the ball. ( W booby)
2. Naughty brother Alyonushka. (Willow n abalone)
3. A girl with blue eyes. (M but lion)
4. Washbasins chief and washcloths commander. (Mo th dodyr)
5. The postman of the village of Prostokvashi no. (Pec to in)
6. Friend of the crocodile Gena (Chebur but scale).

Teacher: What happened? (Slide 29).

Children: Znayka(children read).

Teacher: Wonderful!

Music sounds, Znayka appears(Slide 30).

Znayka: Hello my friends!

I'm so happy for you!
I'm happy for you!
I saw everything through a telescope
You guys have tried.
Well done!
I believe the path was difficult, but also interesting,
And another surprise for you:
The biggest prize is waiting for you.
If you answer my last question
“If I were the Book, I would….because…. »

- If I were a Book, then I would teach all the guys to read, because you don’t have to ask mom and dad to read.
- If I were a Book, then I would be all in pictures and fat, because you learn a lot of new, useful things.
- If I were a Book, then I would be fabulous, because it is old.

III. Summary of the lesson

Teacher: Well done! So we have collected with you all the pages from our "Magic Book". Great, you did a great job! Did you enjoy traveling?

Children: (answers).

Teacher: And what did you like the most? What is the most important task?

Children: (answers).

Teacher: How did you feel in fairyland?

Children: (answers).

Teacher: Znaika really liked it, you did a great job . He presented each of you with a very interesting, informative encyclopedia. We also hand over medals and diplomas. (Slide 31).

State Budgetary Educational Institution

School No. 1161 structural unit No. 4

Abstract of open viewing

directly educational activities

In the preparatory group of the field: cognitive development.

Topic: "Journey to the Land of Knowledge"

Prepared and conducted


Goryacheva SA.

Makhmudova Z.M.

March 2017

Open cognitive lesson in the preparatory group

"Journey to the land of knowledge".

Purpose: development of cognitive activity, skills of interpersonal interaction with peers and adults.

  1. Develop cognitive processes (logical thinking, memory, imagination, attention and speech).
  2. Teach children how to listen and hear others.
  3. Enrich children's vocabulary.
  4. To cultivate independence, the ability to work in a team, in pairs, the ability to negotiate.

Material: pictures (laptop, phone, encyclopedia, question), tape recorder, music disc, sheets of paper with a map diagram, simple pencils, chest, keys to the chest.

Lesson progress

Organizing time.

Educator: Hello guys! Visitors came to us today, teachers from the school. We will show guests how you can work in class, think, give answers, listen to the answers of comrades and complete assignments.

Do you love to travel?

Children: Yes!

Educator: Great, today we want to invite you on a journey to the land of Knowledge. Whether we need knowledge or not. What for?

Guys, where do you think we get knowledge from?

Children: From books, encyclopedias, the Internet, assignments, from educational films, from adults.

Educator: Guys, today we received a letter from the Queen of Knowledge. Let's find out what she writes to us. (reads letter)

Educator: “Dear guys, I am very glad that you have received my letter. I have prepared for you a chest with tasks that await you in the land of Knowledge. You must get as many stars as there are tasks. To get to the Land of Knowledge, you must find your way there on the map. My magic card is in an envelope."

Let's go on a map trip.

(Children find their way on the map as directed by the teacher).

Map: From the stone we go to the right to the forest, we go around the forest on the right side, turn left, we pass between the stumps, we go between the birch and the Christmas tree, we pass through the wide bridge, we snake between the stones and find ourselves at the gates of the Land of Knowledge.

Educator: Do you think we can go there?

Children: No.

Educator: Why?

Children: (answers)

caregiver : What needs to be done to open the lock?

Children: (answers)

(children pick up the key to the lock)

Educator: Now close your eyes and imagine that you are in the land of Knowledge. (children open their eyes and in front of them is a chest with tasks).

In order to complete the tasks, we will arrange a warm-up for the brain.

"Warm-up for the brain."

  • How many months in a year?
  • What is the first month of the year?
  • What day of the week is between Tuesday and Thursday?
  • What is the difference between a dog and a wolf?
  • What time of day do we leave kindergarten?
  • Which house is higher 9-storey or 12-storey?
  • How is a lake different from a river?
  • What is the name of the main square in Moscow?
  • What date and in what month will you go to school?

1 task: the game "On the contrary."

Big small,

Cheerful - sad,

Wide narrow,

High Low,

Kind angry,

Sick, healthy

Poor - rich

old - young,

Dry - wet

Loud - quiet

Smart - stupid

Fat slim,

Cold - hot,

hard - soft,

First - last.

2 task: game on the basis.(3 times)


The sun sleeps and the sky sleeps (palms to the left cheek, to the right cheek)

Even the wind doesn't make noise.

The sun rose early in the morning (raise hands up, stretch)

All its rays sent. (swing with raised hands)

Suddenly a breeze blew (wave hands up and down)

The sky was cloudy. (cover face with hands)

And shook the trees. (swing of the body to the left - to the right)

The rain beat on the roofs (jumping in place)

Drumming rain on the roof (clapping hands)

The sun is sinking lower and lower. (forward bends)

That's hidden behind the clouds (squat)

Not a single ray is visible. (get up, put your hands behind your back)

Task 3: the game "Inventor".

Educator: What is an invention? Who is an inventor? Why do people make inventions?

Children: (answers)

Educator: Today we will be inventors. How can you use a stick. Try to invent a new use for the stick.

Children: drum stick, wand, pointer...

4 task: the game "Bird" (chip)

Educator: You see, in front of you is a field drawn into cells. A bird flies across this field. The bird moves on command. It can move up, down, right, left. I will dictate moves to you, and you will memorize where the bird should be. Do it mentally.

Task 5: Make up a story based on plot pictures (work in pairs).

Educator: Now the Queen of Knowledge wants to confuse us. She mixed up all the pictures. You must arrange the pictures correctly and make up a story. You will work in pairs, you need to agree among themselves, and in order to get it right.

6 task: "Wizards".

Educator: Guys, the Queen of Knowledge is a sorceress. She wants to see if you can become little wizards. You need to draw the figures. Turn shapes into different objects.

Task 7: Tell the poem "Conversation with Spring" according to the scheme.

Conversation with spring

Well, Spring, how are you?

I have cleaning.

What do you need a broom for?

Snow revenge from a hillock.

Why do you need streams?

Clean up the trash from the tracks!

What are the rays for?

For cleaning too.

I'll wash everything, dry it -

I will invite you to the party!

O. Vysotskaya

Summary of the lesson.

Educator: Well done! All tasks were completed. You did a good job. Did you enjoy traveling?


Educator: And what did you like the most?

Children: (answers)

Educator: Let's count the stars. You did an excellent job with all the tasks. You can deservedly consider yourself future first graders.

In November, in the preparatory group, an open viewing of the GCD "Cognition. Artistic creativity (drawing)" was held, the teacher Tarasova I.V. conducted, parents of the children of the preparatory group and kindergarten teachers were invited to the lesson.

Lesson on the topic:


During the course, the following goals were successfully achieved:


Clarify and summarize children's knowledge of insects: all insects have common features by which we distinguish them from the entire animal world, and there are differences in their appearance and life manifestations, thanks to which we distinguish insect species and distinguish between specific insects. Strengthen the ability of children to make groups of insects.


To develop logical thinking in children: to learn to compare, analyze, establish cause-and-effect relationships, make generalizations.


Cultivate good feelings for insects. To form consciously - the correct attitude towards insects, the understanding that in nature everyone needs each other.

The children were happy to free the "six-legged" friends from the evil sorceress Faya. They especially liked to find enchanted letters on the map that the Kind Bee brought.

At the end of the lesson, the flower meadow was populated by small residents.

It became clear to the children that in nature everyone needs each other.

Teacher of the preparatory group: Tarasova Irina Viktorovna.

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