In which month are the most babies born? Statistics in Russia and the world. What day of the week are most babies born? And other statistics Child BY When most children are born statistics

Antipyretics for children are prescribed by a pediatrician. But there are emergency situations for fever when the child needs to be given medicine immediately. Then the parents take responsibility and use antipyretic drugs. What is allowed to give to infants? How can you bring down the temperature in older children? What medicines are the safest?

In what month do our forum users most often give birth? Is it true that the first birth is easier than the second? What time of day do Belarusian babies prefer to be born?

Child BY analyzed data on newborn "members of the forum". Turns out...

The most favorite months for birth are June, July and October.

In 39%, the weight of the baby put on ultrasound coincides with reality.

For 20% of women, the first birth was easier than the second.

Babies love to be born on Mondays, Fridays and Thursdays...

... and preferably from 6.00 to 12.00

Would you like to contribute with the birth history of Baby BY? Then you

In the meantime, catch another sea of ​​positive rays - newborn babies of our forum on the first day of their lives.

The day starts with happiness
Happiness is up first!
Happiness smiles at mom
Turning a smile into laughter.

Children are taken from mother's fairy tales,
From blue skies, from sweets with a surprise,
From pencils, mother-of-pearl paints,
With which mom draws sketches.

What is the sweetest candy in the world?
Sugar - I could once answer
Honey, marmalade, jam, sherbet. . .
Only now I understand the answer!

The smell of the crown of a native child,
What remains on our pillow;
Soft fingers and nails
Ass, knees and elbows. . .

Children are joy, children are happiness,
Children of the sun rays
The tramp of legs, the radiance of the eye
And warmth in your chest.

Carry on the hands of children!
It's hard to spoil love
And the opinion about it is false
Carry on the hands of children! Be brave!

A miracle walks around the apartment,
There is no favorite in the world.
Like saucer-eye lakes,
Little gnome from a fairy tale.

Warm, sweet, quivering lump
Requires attention and patience
Requires worries in a sleepless night,
Swaddling, petting and feeding…

Your baby sleeps sweetly,
How do angels sleep?
And the little nose sniffs
Beloved son or daughter.

The night sat timidly in the palm of the sky...
Sleep, sweet hare, close your eyes.
I won't let the wind disturb happiness...
Sleep, my ray of fairy tales. Bye-bye-bye...

An angel appeared in the house
Small, pretty, dear,
His laugh is like a ringing bell,
For parents, it is the most expensive.

Dear readers! What month was your baby born in? Did your births fall into the average statistics for the site? What did your baby look like in the first minutes of life?

We are waiting for your photos

Seasons when the most children are born in Russia

The birth rate in the world, as well as in Russia, is relatively evenly distributed throughout the year. Nevertheless, one can always trace the trend of an increase in the birth rate in some months and a decrease in others.

According to statistics, in the states of Western Europe, the peak of fertility occurs in September, although in some countries it can also extend to August. Russia is distinguished by originality here too: for it, July turned out to be the most prolific month. However, another peak was also observed in our country - in certain periods of its history, the largest number of children were born in January. If we follow the statistics published by the State Statistics Committee of the Russian Federation, which also covers the Soviet era, it is clearly seen how these two trends replace each other.

So, if from 1956 to 1973, most of the births in the territory of the Russian Federation were in January (the exception is 1969, when the maximum number of births was recorded in May), then in the period from 1975 to 1988, the birth rate peak falls on July.

At the same time, a characteristic dynamic should be noted: after the birth boom of the second half of the 1950s, starting from the 60s, the total number of children born, albeit unevenly, gradually began to decline until the collapse of the USSR. And since 1992, there has been a sharp decline in the number of births - a trend that led to the so-called "Russian cross", when the number of deaths for the first time in Russian history exceeded the number of newborns.

A rather significant difference between the most prolific and the poorest months in terms of fertility is noteworthy. So, if in January 1956 294,461 babies were born in the RSFSR, then in December of the same year, almost 100 thousand fewer were born - 197,167. However, in the future, the difference between the two indicators will not be so noticeable.

In the modern period of Russian history, the birth rate peaks in January and July are preserved, except that they change places noticeably more often or even shift to neighboring months. So, if in 2015 the peak of the birth rate in our country fell on July (about 180 thousand), then a year later it shifted to August (about the same number of births).

Soviet and Russian official sources do not comment on the trend towards an increase in the number of births in specific months. Perhaps a slight difference in numbers does not deserve such close attention. However, British doctors, who are more scrupulous about such things, drew attention to the frequency of distribution of women in labor by month. Not only do they single out September as Britain's most prolific month for newborns, but they also determine the date on which the most babies are born. September 16: On this day, according to statistics, 9% of babies born in September are born in the UK. Accordingly, the fertile day (when conception occurred), according to British doctors, for this date was December 11th.

The doctors from Foggy Albion explain the increased number of September births by the higher quality of the seed in the cold season. They also noted that in December the health of parents is in an optimal state, since by this month a sufficient amount of vitamins and minerals has accumulated in their bodies. It is important that at the beginning of winter the human body is not yet exhausted by colds and can quickly replenish the loss of energy.

There is another explanation for the increase in the number of conceptions in December: for England, this is the first truly cold month, and couples in love are spending more and more time not on the street, but in a warm and cozy home environment, conducive to intimacy.

In Russia, for mothers who gave birth in July, the fertile month is October. Considering that in a significant part of the Russian territory the cold comes earlier than in the British Isles, this month is comparable to the English December. Perhaps it is by October that the Russians, who have gained strength over the summer, become the most reproductive.

October productivity also fits well into the lifestyle of the Russian village. The end of September is the traditional time for the end of the harvest: the harvest usually lasted until the Day of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary on September 21 (the day of the autumn equinox), after which it was time for weddings in Russian villages.

Has its own explanation and the January peak of the birth rate in Russia. Children born in the first month of the year are the fruit of parental activity in April. It is in April that the human body truly feels the arrival of spring. In accordance with the biological cycle in the human body, the hormonal background increases, which increases sexual desire. On fine spring days, we, alas, are unable to resist the basic instinct.

Children are born every day in the world. According to statistics, every 6-7 seconds a baby is born. The birth of children occurs regardless of the time of day, of the season. They are born day and night, winter and summer. But at the same time, while still studying the birth rate, experts calculated and came to the conclusion that at different times of the year, a different number of children are born. Studying the birth rate, it was found that the birth rate is not the same in all months. There are months in which more children are always born, and there are those months in which the birth rate is minimal.

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It turns out that a lot of babies appear in the autumn season, and more specifically, the highest birth rate falls on the month of September.

In addition, it is worth noting that it is from mid-September, or rather from the 16th, that the number of newborns is 9% more than from September 1 to September 15. Accordingly, the possibility of conception falls on the month of December.

This phenomenon is easily explained:

  1. In the winter season, the quality of the seed is higher;
  2. In the winter season, parents are full of energy, as in the warm season, their body is healed, a good supply of vitamins is created, immunity is improved;
  3. As paradoxical as it sounds, it is during the winter season that many people have more free time that people devote to each other.

Many inexperienced parents are still concerned about the question: at what time are children born, and in what week is the second or third child born? The answers may differ depending on the number of children born: one baby - about 38 - 40 weeks, two - 36-37, three - about 35 weeks.

What blood type is the baby born with?

In the twentieth century, it was proved that all people do not have the same blood. That is, there are 4 types of blood.

In this case, each blood type has its own Rh factor, negative or positive.

What blood will the baby inherit from parents with different blood types:

  1. A baby from parents with the first blood group will also have this blood type;
  2. The situation is different with the parents of the fourth blood group. Their children can have, in addition to the fourth blood type, both the second and third blood groups. That is, anyone, but not with the first blood group;
  3. But if the baby's parents have the second and third blood groups, then with what blood type the baby will be born, this is a mystery, which is very difficult to solve. An unborn child can become the owner of any blood type from all four groups.

What eye color?

In addition to the blood type, what else can a baby inherit? All along, parents could only guess what their child would be like. With the advent of ultrasound diagnostics, you can find out who will be born a boy or a girl. But to guess with what eye color a child will be born, even ultrasound is not able to see. For this there is such a science as genetics. With its help, it became possible to find out what eye color the baby will be born with, what hair color, whether he will have a good ear for music, or will be an artist.

  1. Dominant.
  2. Recessive.

Dominant traits include brown eyes and dark hair. That is, if one of the parents has brown eyes and dark hair, then in 90% of cases, the baby will be born with dark eyes and dark hair.

But light blue eyes, light skin, blond hair, these are all signs that belong to the recessive group, which are less likely to be inherited than dark hair and brown eyes.

It is difficult to answer the question of how tall and with what weight children are born. The size of newborn children of boys and girls is different. There are very small children and quite large ones. The average size of a newborn girl is 46.1 centimeters. At the same time, the size of newborn girls can be 43.6 centimeters, and 54.7 centimeters, which is considered the norm.

The size of newborn boys is on average 49.9 centimeters, the smallest size is 44.2 centimeters and 55.6 centimeters, which is also not considered a deviation.

Immediately after birth, the ratio of height and weight of the baby is determined. The result obtained is an indicator of the development of a full-term baby. The height, weight, and developmental rate of premature babies will be different.

There are no healthy children from parents. Despite the fact that 75% of women with Down syndrome are able to become pregnant, only 30% can give birth to a child, the remaining 45% have a rejection of the fetus early in pregnancy, and, as a rule, a miscarriage.

Among children born to mothers with Down syndrome, only 1% of children have a normal chromosome set., which once again confirms the fact that there are practically no normal healthy children from parents with Down syndrome.

Firstly, pregnancy itself for a woman with this disease is already a threat to her life and the life of a child. The presence of concomitant diseases, for example, heart disease, thyroid diseases affect the intrauterine development of the child.

Pregnant women with Down syndrome have a high risk of complications during pregnancy and childbirth, which can cause death for both the child and his mother.

Pregnancy and alcoholism, drugs are incompatible things.

The most common influence on a child is the alcoholism of both parents. Alcoholism is a family disease. At the same time, alcoholism is not a hereditary disease, but the result of upbringing.

The negative influence on the development of the fetus begins from the first seconds of the connection of a drunk egg and a drunk sperm. If the father takes part only in the conception of the child, then the mother, in this case, takes part in the development of the child for all 9 months. Statistics say that every fifth child conceived from drunken parents is born dead or dies in the first day after birth.

90% of the remaining number, children are born with all sorts of dangerous deviations and pathologies that affect the health of the child (psychological deviations, seizures, epilepsy, heart disease, kidney disease, mental deviation), and alcohol addiction in the future.

Not the best way things are in newborns from drug addicts. Most young women believe that if you stop using drugs at the beginning of pregnancy, the baby is not in danger? Unfortunately, this is not true. Even a single use of drugs after 8-10 years can affect pregnancy and fetal development.

Drug addicts do not have healthy children. These are children born with various pathologies, defects, mental retardation.

In addition, newborn children of drug addicts:

  1. These are children who die on the first day due to drug addiction and the so-called withdrawal;
  2. Surviving children are risk groups, in 99% of cases they become drug addicts by the age of 23-24;
  3. These are children with weak immunity, they often get sick;
  4. Have various congenital abnormalities;
  5. These are deformed children, mentally retarded, schizophrenics.

In addition, the degree of danger to the health of the baby depends on the type of drug used. Each drug works differently:

  • Marijuana - children with underdevelopment of the fetus, underweight, reduced head size, visual and auditory pathologies, cerebral palsy;
  • Cocaine - hypoxia, stroke, placental abruption, high mortality at birth and congenital genitourinary pathologies;
  • LSD is a mutation, developmental pathologies, a high mortality rate, and surviving children from mothers who love LSD are mentally retarded, physically underdeveloped babies;
  • Heroin is newborn addicts. Usually children from such mothers die in the first day of life.

The consequences of narcotic harm cannot be corrected.

About the effect of bad habits on the fetus in more detail on the video:

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Your date of birth determines not only your zodiac sign, but also a number of other characteristics. A recent study showed that what month you were born in depends on how your health will be. Remember that the development of a particular disease, as well as certain physical indicators, are primarily explained by heredity, predisposition, your lifestyle and the environmental situation in your place of residence, and only then by the month of your birth.

Best Physical Fitness

A series of studies published in the International Journal of Sports Medicine found that school-age boys who were born in November perform much better on various sports tests than those born in April. So, November children have higher rates of cardiorespiratory endurance - the level at which the heart, lungs and muscles work together during prolonged physical exertion. This indicator characterizes physical health. In addition, children born in April have weaker arms and lower bodies. This is explained by the fact that the mothers of children who were born in November spent most of their pregnancy in the warm and sunny season, when, thanks to the sun's rays, vitamin D was effectively produced in the body, which had a positive effect on the development of the fetus. Women who gave birth in April experienced a lack of vitamin D throughout their pregnancy, which explains the poorer physical fitness of their children.

food allergies

According to data released by Johns Hopkins University, people born during the fall months tend to be much more prone to food allergies than those born at any other time of the year. Babies born in the fall receive quite a large dose of vitamin D through their skin while walking, which makes them prone to developing food allergies.


According to studies conducted in Austria and Germany, among people who were born in one of the autumn months, there are more left-handers than among other people. There is a scientific explanation for this. High levels of testosterone in the uterus make it more likely that a left-handed baby will be born. Long periods of daylight and high amounts of sunlight can trigger a surge of testosterone in the body of an expectant mother in the last months of fetal development, when this trait is laid. In addition, left-handed people can be more intelligent than right-handed people, since, due to the fact that our world is imprisoned for right-handed people, those who are dominated by the left hand may experience some difficulties in everyday activities. Their brains have to work in an enhanced mode even in such familiar situations as, for example, driving a car.

preterm birth

Babies conceived in May are very often born prematurely. This conclusion was reached by a group of scientists in 2013. There is a rather logical explanation for this fact: the autumn months are the period of colds and the flu virus. In the case of a disease in the last trimester of pregnancy, it is very difficult for the mother's body to cope with such a strong load as fighting the virus and bearing a child, and therefore a premature labor process may begin. Mothers whose pregnancy falls in the autumn-winter period should be very attentive to their health, take preventive measures and try to avoid being in public places. At the first suspicion of the development of the disease, especially in late pregnancy, you should immediately seek help from a medical facility.


People born in the spring have a 21% greater risk of developing melanoma than those born in the fall. An infant's exposure to ultraviolet rays can affect its susceptibility to developing melanoma as an adult. Preventive measures such as wearing sunscreen, avoiding sun exposure, and wearing hats and sunglasses should certainly be followed, but they cannot guarantee 100% protection against skin cancer. Therefore, if any neoplasm is detected, you should immediately consult a doctor and undergo a series of examinations in order to exclude the worst. And this rule applies not only to those who were born in the spring, because, unfortunately, no one is insured.

early menopause

Italian researchers who monitored more than 3,000 women came to one interesting conclusion. Those born in the spring tended to experience earlier menopause, namely before the age of 49, than those born in the fall. In these women, menopause occurred approximately 15 months later. Most likely, women who were born in the fall during intrauterine development produced more healthy eggs.


A study published in an ophthalmological journal shows that children born in the summer have more vision problems, and in particular suffer from myopia, than those born at other times of the year. This may be due to the large amount of light that affects the body of infants and affects the development of visual function. Animal research was conducted in this area, which proved the validity of this theory.

mood swings

According to statistics, people born in summer are more likely to have a so-called cyclometric temperament, or are more prone to mood swings. This can be explained by a combination of parameters such as the length of daylight hours and the amount of sunlight that the mother was exposed to during pregnancy, which had an impact on brain development and the production of chemicals responsible for mood.


A 2017 Danish study found that people born in the spring-summer months are more likely to suffer from asthma than those born in autumn and winter. The work of scientists from Denmark is not the only one in this area. The Spanish researchers also looked at the association between month of birth and risk of 27 chronic diseases. As for the development of asthma, this phenomenon may be due to the fact that women who were pregnant during the winter were more likely to get flu and other respiratory diseases, which had a negative impact on the developing fetus.

Problems with heart

Researchers at Columbia Medical Institute have been looking at patient records since 2000 and have concluded that there is an association between a person's month of birth and risk of cardiovascular disease. For example, people born in March were more likely to suffer from atrial fibrillation and heart failure.

Summarizing all of the above, one can understand why the month of birth of a person has such a strong influence on his health and the development of diseases. The last months of intrauterine development, as well as the first months of a child's life, are very important in terms of the development of various systems that are responsible for physical health and psycho-emotional state. Thus, future mothers should be more attentive to their health and pay attention to the conditions in which the first months of a baby's life pass in order not to harm their child and not spoil his health.

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