The realization of madness. Shivering: Walkthrough of the main quests Oblivion conspiracy against the forces

Antipyretics for children are prescribed by a pediatrician. But there are emergency situations for fever when the child needs to be given medicine immediately. Then the parents take responsibility and use antipyretic drugs. What is allowed to give to infants? How can you bring down the temperature in older children? What medicines are the safest?

Door in Nibenay Bay

  • A source: Door in Nibenay Bay


  • So, you need to find out about the strange door that opened in the Nibenay Bay.
  • Already approaching the indicated place, you will surely see a huge stone head and strange vegetation.
  • Further more. Right at the entrance to who knows where there is a guard (who, as it turned out, is called Guy Prentus).
  • He refuses to talk, shouting about some kind of madness. You won't have to wait long to be convinced of this - in a few seconds, a Dunmer will jump out of the mouth of a stone head, shouting something incomprehensible.
  • The guard's patience will run out and he will start a fight with the Dunmer. You can help the guard, or you can just watch and cheer.
  • I say right away - do not place bets, Guy Prentus will win anyway. He will tell you about this strange door. Hmmm... sparsely. What is happening here is still unclear.
  • You'd have to go in there yourself and find out. Oh, what is this? Right in the head of the hero, a nasty voice is heard, which begins to chastise the stupid heroes, climbing anywhere and dying ingloriously. However, he very cordially invites you to his kingdom. As you probably guessed, this is Sheogorath himself, the prince of madness, and he needs a protector. For what? He is clearly hiding it.
  • Well, okay, it's time to go through this strange door, otherwise you should not neglect the hospitality of the owners, and even more so such a host ...
  • "Inside" the statue you will see a man (human?) dressed obviously not in Cyrodiil fashion. He will offer the hero to sit down.
  • After that, he will start a long conversation, the essence of which is this - to leave or die ingloriously on ... That is, to become a defender on the Trembling Isles and save the kingdom of Sheogorath.
  • Our hero is not from the timid and therefore agrees.
  • Haskill (namely, that's what his name is), having wished a successful stay on the island, will dissolve into thin air. And our hero is waiting for dangerous adventures and unexpected discoveries.
  • Congratulations, you are in the Shivering Isles!
  • Be sure to learn the Invisibility spell if you haven't learned it yet, on the Shivering Isles you will need it more than once to complete quests.


  • The quest will only start after the Imperial Prison break, which takes place at the very beginning of the game. Therefore, if you play, for example, with the M.O.E mod, then first get caught and start the main plot, only after that the addon quests will appear.
  • In no case do not use the console command in this quest movetoqt.
  • Near the door to the islands and the guard is a Khajiit S'fara, who visited the islands, but unlike the Dunmer, she is not hostile. You can even talk to her, however, there is no sense in this.

Sent: Sart

Beyond the madness

  • A source: Beyond Madness


  • Here you are in the Shivering Isles. More precisely - not yet on the islands, but only in an area called the Reach, created to test adventurers.
  • Few were able to pass through the Limit, or rather, no one could. Our hero, of course, will correct this sad trend. But - in order.
  • After going down the hill and defeating a wonderful animal - a grammite, you will see the small town of Pasval.
  • Right in the center of the city, Shelden and Falas Sarandas are standing and talking. It turns out that quite recently a group of adventurers arrived here, they are now going to break through the Gates of Madness, fighting with the Guardian of the gates. Curious, curious, you should take a look.
  • It will not take long to go, and a tragic scene will unfold before you - the Gatekeeper kills one adventurer with almost every blow, but they still continue to fight. In the end, one adventurer remains alive, and he manages to escape. So the conclusion is that a direct assault will lead to death, you need to look for more elegant solutions.
  • Talk to all the inhabitants of Pasval, pay special attention to Relmina Varenim.
  • Ask her for all the details about the Guardian of the gates. Now you need to talk to her student, Nanetta Don.
  • In order for Nanette to tell you about the Guardian, you need to raise her attitude to at least 75 points. After that, she will say that the tears of Relmina Varenim hurt the Gatekeeper.
  • Let's watch the witch. At midnight, she will go to the Guardian, talk to him and shed tears. They are what we need. Pick up a wet handkerchief. Great, now we have 3 elixirs that cause serious damage to the Gatekeeper.
  • In general, you can attack him right now, you have a serious advantage. But let's do it differently.
  • When asking the inhabitants, you must have heard about Jayrid - this Nord also wants to kill the Gatekeeper.
  • Together with you, he will go to the ruins, which are called, what would you think? "Gardens of bones and flesh". There you need to find the corpse of the past Gatekeeper.
  • However, despite the romantic name of the ruins, you will encounter very unromantic-minded undead there.
  • After clearing the area, Jayrid will ask you to visit the light in a few hours. He will prepare bone arrows that deal increased damage to the Gatekeeper. Now that's really all.
  • Go to Jayrid, take the arrows and go with him to the Gatekeeper.
  • He will meet the hero and the Nord in a very unfriendly way, but you have tears and arrows, so you can easily defeat him.
  • After that, take the keys from the corpse of the Guardian of the Gates.
  • Haskill will congratulate you and show you the way to Sheogorath.
  • First of all, decide which door to open. There will be no special differences, only spells differ.
  • Head to New Sheoth (this is the capital of the Shivering Isles), enter the palace and talk to Sheogorath.
  • He will give the amulet "Grace of Madness" and talk a little about the current state of affairs.


  • In general, the Guardian can be defeated immediately, without tears and arrows, since it is not difficult to do this, but then the whole highlight of the quest is lost.
  • You can learn about tears in another way:
  • Go to the Revelers' Purse Inn
  • Climb to the second floor and go into the room at the end of the corridor. This is Relmina Varenim's room.
  • There is a letter on the table from which you can learn about tears.
  • If you attack Shigorat, then a very fun journey awaits you, however, the last one in the life of the hero ...
  • If you open the gates of Mania, you will get the opportunity to infuriate people, and if you open Dementia, then scare them.

Sent: Sart

The best trap

  • A source: Best trap


  • Sheogorath will give you his first task - to activate the Judgment Resonator (it is located in the ruins of Zedilian).
  • To do this, you must first install three focusing crystals in judgment centers. Sounds very scary?
  • In fact, everything is much simpler - in the ruins you just need to find three Grummite shamans, pick up a crystal from each, and then install them on three pedestals. The ruins are also teeming with common grammites.
  • After installation, follow the marker to a huge crystal (this is the Judgment Resonator), click on it and complete the quest.


  • The usual "cave" quest, fortunately, there are few of these in the addon.
  • Shamans are stronger than ordinary grammits, be careful.

Sent: Sart

Trap in action

  • A source: Trap in action


  • The judgment resonator is activated, it's time to get out of the ruins.
  • We go to the portal, move ... and meet the keeper of the dungeon - Kiliban Nirandil.
  • He will intelligibly explain that three adventurers are now rampaging in the dungeon, and until we get rid of them, we won’t be able to get out.
  • You don’t need to kill them yourself, you just need to choose their fate - death or insanity (the path of Dementia or the path of Mania, respectively).
  • What do I need to do? In each room (there are three in total), press one of the buttons - with a smiling face, or with an evil one.
  • As a result, one of the adventurers will remain in each room.
  • In the end, when the last seeker dies or goes insane, the door with a portal to the exit from the dungeon will open, and Kiliban Nirandil will give out a very unusual sword, the Dusk/Dawn Fang, as a reward. Plus, don't forget to inspect the trophy chest.
  • On the way out, the Knights of Order will attack you, but they are not too serious opponents, especially now that you have the Fang.
  • After the victory, ask Kiliban Nirandil about them. This will complete the task.
  • Save this quest, for sure you will want to go through it again more than once.
  • Always pick up hearts from the corpses of the Knights of Order, they will be needed more than once.

Notes: Fang has a small bug - he also takes the soul from summoned creatures, even from a skeleton, even from a lich. Thus, the sword can be quickly pumped.

Sent: Sart


  • A source: Addicted


  • You need to work for Mania, or rather for her master - Teidon. He has a terrible problem - he used to take feldew without consequences, because he had the Cup of Inversion, which instantly cured the addiction to this infection. However, the bowl is gone, guess who will find it?
  • Feldew is a drug that can be taken from the elytra. Well, so - Teydon will not even say where the bowl is, you will have to find out from someone.
  • You can learn from many, for example, from Wide-eyed or Kitlan. But Shirokoglaza is better - she will provide more complete information.
  • It turns out that the bowl is located in the Root hole, where there are a lot of elytra.
  • Let's go there. However, the entrance is closed - you will have to eat feldyu, fortunately, one of the elytras is not far away ... Only after the meal will the entrance open.
  • At this stage, everything is quite simple - go ahead and methodically clear the cave. But there is a catch here too - if you do not take feldew for a long time, then the hero will begin to weaken right before your eyes. At first it won't show much, but then the hero won't be able to kick even the last scamp, so constantly pick up feldew from elytra corpses and eat when necessary. Eventually, you will reach the bowl.
  • The chalice is guarded by drug addicts, and if you have not eaten felldew, then the fight with them will be difficult and long.
  • That, in general, and that's it, the addiction is cured, it's time to take the cup to Teydon.
  • He will be terribly happy ... but we are not. The greedy will give nothing.
  • I emphasize once again - be sure to eat felds during the cleaning of the cave, without this it will be very difficult to complete the quest.
  • Coming out of the cave, you will surely see a crystal (or an obelisk, in other words). Do not rush into battle, you still have time.

Notes: After completing this quest, you can eat feldew without fear, there will be no addiction.

Sent: Sart

Lady of paranoia

  • A source: Lady of Paranoia


  • The Duchess of Dementia, Lady Syl, will ask you to uncover a plot against her.
  • Given the nature of the duchess, there may not be a conspiracy at all ... In general, Herdir will help us.
  • This cheerful old man will torture the people (or non-humans) you specify with an electric charge from his fingers. Brr, I'm already scared.
  • First, talk to Kitlan, a Redguard who serves Syl.
  • He refuses to talk about the conspiracy. Okay... Where's our old man?
  • After the second session of shock therapy, Kitlan will crack and say that Anya Herrick has been acting very strange lately.
  • She will also refuse to talk about the conspiracy, but our old man will not let you down this time either. It turns out that the Khajiit Ma'zada offered her participation in the conspiracy, but she refused.
  • Great, already a clue. Khajiit will be a stubborn type, despite the torture, he will not say anything.
  • We'll have to "question" other inhabitants of the Crucible. The hero had been doing this all day, but no one knew anything.
  • The hero was depressed, and decided to rest in the diner Sick Bernice.
  • And here luck accompanied him - Sick Bernice said that at night, next to the sewer, she often sees Ma'zada and Nelrin together.
  • You need to eavesdrop on their conversation, just leave Herdir in the diner, otherwise he will betray you with his head.
  • Around midnight, Nelrin and Ma'zada will start talking about the displacement of the Forces.
  • When they finish talking, start a conversation with the Khajiit. Put pressure on him, he will get scared and promise to get evidence of the conspiracy, as well as find out who its leader is.
  • Come at midnight the next day to his house. Unfortunately, the cat is dead, but maybe he managed to get the evidence?
  • Rise to the second floor and search the buffet.
  • There you will find Nelrin's sword and a note from the Khajiit. From it, you will learn that Murin is leading the conspiracy, and that the sword was to be given to Ana Herrick in order for her to kill the Duchess.
  • With these clues, go to Nelrin.
  • She will confirm that Murin is indeed leading the conspiracy.
  • Murin immediately admits everything. It remains only to report this to the Duchess of Sil.
  • She will be terribly delighted and execute Murin, and as a reward she will give you a very good bow Doom's Edge.

Notes: Zombie Uncle Leo lives on the second floor of Myurin's house. However, he is not hostile. He can also be found in another Bethesda game - Fallout 3. True, there he is not a zombie, but a super mutant ...

Sent: Sart

comprehension of madness

  • A source: Awareness of Madness


  • It turns out that the Knights of Order serve a certain Jigallag. This is also a prince, but very boring, according to Shigorat's words.
  • When Jigallag appears, the islands are always destroyed, and then reappear. That's why Shigorat needs a protector, you need to break this vicious circle.
  • True, the prince of madness does not say something: “When Jigallag comes, I always leave.” What would that mean?
  • And the mad god will teach you an interesting spell - "Challenge Haskill". No, not to protect the hero, but for various tips.
  • Sheogorath will require you to test this spell twice. Poor Haskill...
  • After that, you will have to find out more about the two sides of insanity - Mania and Dementia.
  • In general, you need to complete the quests "Lady of Paranoia" and "Addicted". After completing them, talk to Sheogorath to complete the task.


  • Haskill can only be summoned if you are in the Shivering Isles.
  • Various trophies are placed in the main hall, for example, the Chalice of Inversion or the helmet of the Gatekeeper.

Sent: Sart

Cold Flames of Agnon

  • A source: Agnon's Cold Flame


  • Now you need to light the Great Torch in New Sheoth.
  • The torch itself is located in Cylarn, the former but now ruined capital of the Shivering Isles. And everything would be simple, but the golden saints and dark seducers (Auril and Mazken) constantly squabble among themselves in these ruins. You have to choose a side of the conflict.
For Auril: Talk to Chuna, she will give you the key to the ruins, listen to the dialogue between Mirel and Commander Kane. Now choose an order: direct strike, or stealth. Everything is clear with the first, but I will focus on the second. You need to explore the ruins of Undertip, as well as the main road to the Altar of Despair. From the intelligence it follows that the Undertip is guarded much weaker, tell this to Kane. She will agree to your plan, it remains only to follow the golden saints and help them in battles. After the complete defeat of the dark seducers, Kane will sacrifice himself to light the altar of Despair. For Mazken: Get the key to the Stela, talk to Commander Ulfri. The Golden Saints are about to attack the ruins. Ulfri will ask for help in the defense. But let's do it smarter: tell Ulfrey about the Auril stealth plan. Ulfri will send his troops to Undertip. Now go to Kane, order her to deliver a "stealth" blow. She will agree and send her troops straight into the mazken trap. After the victory, Ulfri will sacrifice himself and light the altar of Happiness.
  • Take a piece of fire and head to the chapel of Arden-Sul.
  • Now decide which side of the madness you like best. Have you chosen? Great, talk to the right priest and light the Great Torch.


  • I painted only the most common options, there are more ...
  • Sometimes during the battle between golden saints and dark seducers, fps drops catastrophically, there is no cure for this, except to lower the graphics quality for a while.

Sent: Sart

coronation ritual

  • A source: Ritual of coronation


  • Immediately after lighting the Great Torch, you will meet Sheogorath.
  • He will offer neither more nor less - to become the duke of either Mania or Dementia.
  • Now talk to the priests to learn about the coronation ritual.
  • After that, tell Shigorat about your choice.

Notes: The shortest addon quest.

Sent: Sart

Ritual of Mania

  • A source: Ritual of Mania


  • According to the ritual, it is necessary that the Duke of Mania die of an overdose, and the one who set it up takes the poisoned blood and puts it on the altar ... Well, let's get started.
  • First of all, find Wide Eyes and ask her about Teydon and the daily routine. She will mention green pollen, a drug that is more powerful than the damned feldew.
  • But she will refuse to say where the pollen is, but it doesn’t matter - follow the Argonian, she will lead you to a secret warehouse with the treasured green pollen.
  • There are a lot of guards inside the warehouse, invisibility is indispensable.
  • At the very end of the cave you will find a whole mountain of pollen, it is endless, you can take as much as you like.
  • In any case, now you need to get into Theydon's private quarters, add pollen to his food and drink (this must be done in the afternoon, but no later than 8 pm).
  • Added? Now wait for the evening and go to the main hall of Mania.
  • Teydon will begin to recite a composed poem, but, fortunately, you won’t have to listen to it for a long time - the Duke of Mania will almost instantly die from an overdose.
  • Now "click" on his corpse and take the blood.
  • Go to the chapel and put the blood on the altar.
  • Congratulations! You are now the Duke of Mania.
  • True, the joy overshadows the fact that the Force goes over to the side of Order. The mad god lets her go, but it's okay, we still get even with the Force ...


  • Even though you have become the duke of mania, breaking into the green pollen store is still considered a violation. I wonder if this is a bug or an idea of ​​the developers?
  • By the way, about pollen - if you take three doses at once, the hero will die instantly.
  • You can, of course, tritely kill everyone and calmly pick up the pollen, but it’s so uninteresting ...
  • And what is the most offensive - you still can’t sit on the throne!

Sent: Sart

Ritual of Dementia

  • A source: Ritual of Dementia


  • The ritual for Dementia is simpler than the ritual of Mania - you need to simply kill the current Duke of Dementia and take his heart.
  • And who is the Duke of Dementia? Lady Syl, who tasked us with uncovering the conspiracy. Looks like her fears were very real...
  • So, first talk to Kitlan and Anya Herrick, persuade everyone to help in eliminating the Forces (their attitude towards the hero must be at least 60 points).
  • Now follow the marker to your private quarters. Hmm, Syl, however, has already been killed, but it’s too early to rejoice - Kitlan, who has come running to you, will report that this is just a double, while Syl is running from the palace through a secret dungeon. There is nothing to do, you have to catch up.
  • In the dungeon, you will first have to dodge spells, this is quite simple to do, just cling to the wall, then you have to break through the dark seducers, of which there are quite a few.
  • The only trick at this stage is that in one of the rooms the door will be blocked by furniture, but do not rush to leave - there will be a button on one of the columns that will open another passage.
  • In the end, you will reach the duchess (strange, but there will be no pretentious dialogue, Force will immediately attack the hero).
  • After the victory, take the heart.
  • Now it remains only to return to the chapel of Arden-Sul, place the heart on the altar and listen to the congratulations of Arctus.
  • Unfortunately, Teydon betrays us, the Mad God lets him go.
  • But never mind, the Duke of Mania and I will still get even...


  • Unlike the Duke of Mania, the Duke of Dementia will be able to sit on his throne (sounds awfully stupid, right?).
  • There will be no penalty for killing dark seducers who are in the ruins of Zirethard.

Sent: Sart

Return Limit

  • A source: Return Limit


  • Immediately after the ritual, Shigorat will send you to the Limit, where the Knights of Order are now in full swing.
  • No sooner said than done, the hero arrives in Pasval and sees a terrible picture - the once juicy Limit is overgrown with crystals.
  • Go to the town of Pasval and help the golden saints in the battle with the Knights.
  • After the battle, Auring Desha will ask for help in defending the city.
  • You can independently place the golden saints in positions, or you can give command to Deshay. In any case, the Knights will start attacking soon, there will be 3 waves in total.
  • It is not difficult to reflect, they will actively help you (do not forget to pick up hearts).
  • After the victory, Desha will outline the essence of his plan - you need to get into the ruins of Zedeffen and there destroy the source of the Knights in the Limit.
  • Of course, according to the laws of the genre, they will not give you assistants, dismissing the fact that it is impossible to weaken the defense of the city.
  • We'll have to walk with our heads held high.
  • On the way to the ruins, you will meet several Knights, but they roam far from each other, and sneaking around is not difficult.
  • The ruins themselves are gloomy, cold, damp... Hmm, I digress. Quite often there will be patrols of the Knights, it is enough to hide for a while so that they run past and do not notice anything.
  • At the very end of the dungeon, you will finally reach the source of the Knights' powers - the Obelisk.
  • At the same time, you will unexpectedly meet Shelden, he will promise to help with his fists. Hmm... But at least he will distract some of the Knights. In the meantime, you need to install three hearts of Order in turn in the Obelisk so that it cannot withstand the incoming energy and explodes.
  • When this significant event happens, everything will begin to crumble, you need to get out of the ruins, otherwise they will become the grave of the hero.
  • Along the way, you will meet Knights, but they will either die under the rubble or be badly injured.
  • In one of the rooms, a grate will separate you from Shelden, but that's even good - you don't have to watch him.
  • When you finally exit the ruins, talk to Desha, she will direct you to Sheogorath. He will be very happy, but you will not receive a reward.


  • I described the events as if you chose Mania (see the Mania Ritual quest). Differences from Dementia are minimal (see the NPC of this quest)
  • You can not take Shelden with you, but then he will die anyway.
  • In fact, you can not rush, the dungeon will never collapse completely.

Sent: Sart

Restoration of the Gatekeeper

  • A source: Gatekeeper Recovery


  • Be patient and get ready for the most boring quest of the Islands.
  • This time, Shigorat will ask you to restore the Gate Guardian, and for this you need to find Relmina Varenim.
  • She is in the dungeons of Zazelm. There are many enemies in Zazelma, but there will be no difficulties, just follow the marker and you will reach the sorceress.
  • She won't be too happy to see the hero, but she has no choice.
  • She needs: breath extract, blood solution, bone marrow and skin membrane. You will find all this in the Gardens of Bones and Flesh (in the second quest, you and Jayrid already went there, but not inside, but into the courtyard, now you just have to go inside).
  • This is where all the horror begins: The dungeon is simply huge, and the necessary elements are far from each other. But if the skin membrane, blood solution and bone marrow can be simply found by a marker, then with a breath extract it is somewhat more difficult. It is hidden in a whole labyrinth in which you can wander for hours.
  • Fortunately, there is a clue - sometimes green vapor floats through the air, follow it and it will lead you to the breath extract.
  • When you collect all the elements, return to Relmina Varenim.
  • Now you need to select the body parts for the Gatekeeper. There won't be much variety.
  • After all these torments, the sorceress will finally announce that all the ingredients have been collected, and it's time to go to the Limit.
  • Upon arrival, she will utter all sorts of rubbish and give instructions on what and when to lower into the mysterious “pool”.
  • At the end of the ritual, she will summon the atronach, who will enter the "pool" and turn into the Gatekeeper. And as a bonus, you will add an atronach summoning spell (not a gate guard, don’t even hope).
  • Now watch how the Guardian can easily cope with the Knights who have come running. Among them will be our old friend - Falas Sarandas (remember, Shelden mentioned him in the ruins of Zeddefen?).
  • Return to Shigorat and report on your progress. Congratulations - you managed to pass the most tedious addon quest.


  • There are many notes and various experiments in Sazelma. Do not be lazy to find them, some are very interesting.
  • In Zazelma you will also meet Relmina Varenim's student, Nanetta Don. At the same time, she will refuse to talk to you, even if you learned about the tears not from her, but from a note. Developer oversight?
  • If you "click" on the Gatekeeper, you will receive various spells.

Sent: Sart

Helpless army

  • A source: Helpless Army

  • Category: Shivering Isles main quests
  • Target: Restore the source of Mazken / Restore the source of Auril.
  • Reward:
  • Title "Defender of the Realm"
  • Summon Dark Seducer Spell/Summon Golden Saint Spell
  • Dark Seducer Armor Set/Golden Saints Armor Set
  • How to get a: Complete the quest "Restoring the Gatekeeper"
  • Quest locations:
  • New Sheoth
  • Pointed Cliff/Brellac
  • Quest NPC:
  • Shigorat
  • Adeo / Issmi
  • Dailora / Staada
  • Dark Seducers / Golden Saints


  • A very interesting conversation with Shigorat will be interrupted by a messenger of dark seducers.
  • He came with the sad news: Order captured the very heart of Mazken - Pointed Cliff, without it the dark seducers are doomed to extinction.
  • Go there, right at the entrance to the dungeon, Adeo will turn to you.
  • She managed to unite the remaining dark seducers. She will also tell that the fortress fell because of the Forces, which let the knights in, crushed the forces of the defenders and broke them into parts (well, it’s immediately obvious that there are no Black Horse couriers on the islands).
  • In general, it is necessary to release Dylora, the commander of the dark seducers.
  • There are many knights in the fortress, but you have the most terrible weapon - an immortal ally, so there will be no difficulties.
  • In the end, you will reach Dailora, but in order to free her, you will need to ring the bell.
  • After the release, she will tell about the source of life of the dark seducers and that you need to get to it as soon as possible.
  • But you won't make it in time - in the next room, Mazken will fall to the ground. This means that the Order managed to freeze the source, we urgently need to fix it!
  • You will have to ring 5 bells that are located around the source.
  • After that, all the dark seducers will come to life, and Dailor will teach you a spell and give you a set of armor.


  • Again, I described this quest as if you chose Mania. There are almost no differences from Dementia, even the structure of the fortresses is absolutely the same (see reward, quest NPCs and locations). But do not confuse - if you are the Duke of Dementia, then you will have to help the golden saints, and if you are the Duke of Mania, then the dark seducers.
  • This is the last quest from Sheogorath, then Haskill will become your quest giver.
  • If the allies accompanying you are killed on the way to the commander, then you will meet others.
  • A bug is possible - after completing the quest, Adeo / Issmi will follow you. The only way to get rid of an annoying tail is to kill it.

Sent: Sart

Official symbols

  • A source: Official symbols


  • That's all... Shigorat escaped, the troops of the Order are gaining strength. But maybe Haskill knows something? Talk to him.
  • He will say that you can try to create the staff of Shigorat so that our hero takes the vacant seat. But recovery requires knowledge that Haskill does not possess. Perhaps there is something left of the ancient library? According to Haskill, the library is located in the Knife Hole, and in order to open it, he will give a certain crystal. Well? Let's hit the road!
  • Hmm, the remaining library turned out to be one person named Dius. He will agree to help create the staff, however, two components are needed - screaming branch And eye of sirta.
  • First, let's deal with the branch, it is located in the Grove of Reflections, and the grove itself is in Milkar.
  • And everything would be simple, but when the hero touches the Tree of Images, a double will appear from behind!
  • We have to fight him, there is no other way. After winning, you will finally be able to pick up the branch.
  • The last component remains - Sirte's eye. Sirte herself is in the Moaning Halls.
  • When you go inside, you will be attacked by a man in a glowing robe. Apparently, this is an apostle.
  • Do not forget to take the dagger from his corpse, you will still need it.
  • Ahead, two more apostles will attack you, do not forget to pick up the daggers from them too.
  • In the next room, you will meet a Khajiit named Ra'heran.
  • He will not attack, but will state the essence of his plan - you bring him three daggers of the apostles, and he will help you kill Sirte.
  • Agree, good, you already have daggers.
  • After receiving the daggers, the Khajiit will run to his associates, and after that - to visit Sirte.
  • You can help the Khajiit and his allies, or you can just stand and watch the fight.
  • In my case, for example, a Khajiit killed Sirta and her bodyguard on his own.
  • Now search the corpse of Sirta, take her eye and run to Dius.
  • He will be very surprised that the hero survived and brought the necessary components.
  • He will create a staff, now it remains only to return to New Sheot and take the place of the mad god!

Recommendations: Although there is no reward for this quest, you can make a lot of money on it - after defeating the double, you can pick up a very good and expensive Shadowman sword, you can remove a good mantle from Sirte, and don’t forget the mantle of the apostles.


  • Many more side quests are connected with Milkar.
  • Khajiit will give you the mantle of the apostles, wearing it, you will cease to be an enemy in the eyes of other apostles. In the same way, you can try to deceive other cults, only you will not succeed ...
  • There are still many ways to get the eye of Sirte - you can simply kill everyone in your path, you can pretend to be an apostle, sneak up on Sirte and strike, after which, as if nothing had happened, leave the ruins. And by the way, do not be too lazy to talk to Sirte, you will find out that her eyes saw the forbidden.
  • Your doppelgänger is a really tough opponent, stock up on bottles of healing.

Sent: Sart

Roots of Madness

  • A source: Roots of Madness


  • It's too early to rejoice - Order has captured the Source, which means that it will not be possible to create a staff and this will lead to defeat in the war. And I didn’t write so much for this ... that is, you didn’t go through so many quests for this.
  • With a formidable look, enter the dungeons of the Source and begin to administer justice. True, one fact can prevent this - the priests of the Order used crystals to block the paths. But it doesn't matter - tame gnarls, who roam here and there, know how to remove obstacles.
  • However, sometimes there are no gnarls nearby, and then you will have to use fragments of the Order - a kind of keys that can be taken from the priests of the Order.
  • Well, now that you have figured out how to remove obstacles from the path, it's time to clear the pools of Mania and Dementia from the crystals.
  • Near these pools, you will have to fight immediately with 3-4 priests of the Order, but none of them are warriors.
  • Oh yeah - you'll also meet either Syr or Teydon, depending on which ritual you went through. I told you that we still get even with them ...
  • When both pools are clear, return to Sheogorath's palace and place the staff on the Font of Madness.
  • Now you have a working staff of Sheogorath! That's just the point of him ...

Recommendations: Occasionally you will meet various containers that are closed with crystals, do not spend Order fragments on them, these containers contain the most common "cave" things. It's better to spend the fragments on the destruction of obstacles.


  • The staff of Shigorat "freezes" enemies for a while, but you can't attack them at this time. Therefore, the meaning of the staff is only one - for escape.
  • Hand Gnarls that remove obstacles can also be created by finding "cocoons" and "clicking" on them.
  • And one more thing: do not confuse manual gnarls and ordinary ones. The former do not attack the hero, but the latter are hostile. True, with the latter there are also strange exceptions.

Sent: Sart

End of Order

  • A source: End Order


  • The joy of receiving the staff will be interrupted by the messenger. He will inform you that you must urgently meet with the commander of the golden saints / dark seducers.
  • The commander will report that the Order has begun storming the palace! We urgently need to organize defense.
  • After leaving the palace, you will see how Mazken and Auril are fighting the Knights of Order, in the meantime you need to close 2 obelisks (do not forget how this is done?).
  • After closing, His Majesty Jigallag will appear. At the same time, it will powerfully appear - the surviving Mazken and Auril will die due to a powerful wave of energy.
  • You have to fight one on one. Jigallag has a good sword and health, but this will not save him.
  • And before leaving the Islands forever, Jigallag will reveal the essence of his curse. Victory!
  • If you run out of Order hearts, then take them from the corpses of the Knights, since the Knights will appear endlessly. And keep a few in reserve - for memory.


  • This time it is not necessary to kill the Priests of Order, they will not be able to restore these 2 obelisks.
  • If you hurry, you can even search the corpse of Jigallag, only there is nothing there.
  • You probably already guessed that all the obelisks were closed forever.

Sent: Sart

prince of madness

  • A source: Prince of Madness


  • This is not even a quest, but rather a hint. Just talk to Haskill to receive various rewards and find out your responsibilities.
  • Examine the trophies in the palace, you now have a complete collection.


  • This was the last quest of the main storyline, but there are still various secrets and side quests left.
  • You can take two bodyguards at once, but keep in mind that an order to one means an order to the other.
  • Unfortunately, the guards will continue to catch you for various violations. At the same time, the guards, without a twinge of conscience, will try to kill the Mad God, and if you give up, they will take away all the stolen things (Hnyg).
  • The limit has now been finally restored, and if you visit Zeddefen, you will encounter a tribe of grammites.

Timed to coincide with the official launch of the Creativity Club for Skyrim Special Edition on all platforms. Meet a lot of new content - including a survival mode.

Below are the materials currently available for Skyrim Special Edition. New materials will be released in the coming months.

Creations are sold for credits, which can be purchased on Steam at the following prices:

  • 750 credits - 499 rubles
  • 1500 credits - 949 rubles
  • 3000 credits - 1499 rubles
  • 5500 credits - 2499 rubles

survival mode

Divine Crusader

Now you have access to the powerful equipment of the divine crusader, Pelinal Whitestrake, once reserved only for the Knights of the Nine.

This creation includes two sets of armor and weapons and can be obtained by completing a quest.

Cost: 500 credits.

Plague of the Dead

With the sunset in Skyrim comes the time of the dead! Repel the attacks of hordes of zombies and get precious mortal flesh.

Creations appear at night in certain parts of the world after completing the task.

Cost: 400 credits.


Known as the Blade of the Paladin and the Sword of Heroes, this Claymore has infused powerful enchantments such as fire resistance, spell absorption, and devastating damage.

Cost: 300 credits.

Doom's Edge

Wield this deadly bow, favored weapon of Sul, Duchess of Madness. Each arrow fired has a chance to hit the victim with a spell such as Paralyze, Silence, Demoralize, or Frenzy.

The creation can be obtained by completing the task.

Cost: 400 credits.

Staff of Sheogorath

Symbol of the Mad God Sheogorath, this strange staff has the power to stop opponents in place.

The creation can be obtained by completing a quest, it includes an additional artifact, the Tickling Fork.

Cost: 250 credits.

Hammer of Stendarr

It is said that this two-handed hammer was once wielded by Stendarr himself, the god of mercy, as well as pious and powerful government, and therefore he can defeat any enemy.

The creation can be obtained by completing the task.

Cost: 200 credits.

Magic Archer's Set

Gives you a significant advantage in magical power with equipment designed specifically for archers, such as elemental arrows, soul stealing arrows, and a unique talent that allows you to take a summoned quiver.

The creation can be obtained by completing the task.

Cost: 150 credits.

Magic Items

From robes that grant enchanting benefits to ancient tomes containing powerful spells such as Rune of Paralysis and Rampant Frost, this set contains a wide variety of magical items to empower the mage.

Creations can be obtained by completing a quest, they are contained in various containers around the world.

Cost: 100 credits.

Before directing you to prevent the Gray March, Sheogorath wants you to penetrate into the essence of his kingdom, comprehend what this world breathes and lives. To do this, you need to get acquainted with Teydon, the ruler of Mania, and Sil, the Duchess of Dementia. Sheogorath believes that after talking with them, you will understand why the integrity of his kingdom is so important.

Lady of paranoia

In the south wing of the palace is the House of Dementia, led by Duchess Sil.

In a conversation with her, from the first minutes it becomes clear that she has all the signs of paranoia - the duchess considers everyone around her to be traitors and spies and does not trust absolutely anyone.

After making sure that Sheogorath sent you, Sil will appoint you as the Grand Inquisitor, who must identify the conspirators. To help you, the executioner Herdir, famous for his ability to untie foreign languages, will be presented to you. You can find him in the torture chamber, which is located in the lower rooms of the House of Dementia.

The search for conspirators should begin with the approximate Forces. Redguard Kitlan will not say anything interesting, but Anya Herrick, after Herdir has a passionate conversation, admits that Khajiit Ma'zadd visited her with a proposal to remove the Forces. Go to Curasible in search of Ma'zadda, who can be found on the street, in the diner of the Sick Berniso. Ma'zadda is a tough nut to crack and won't say anything even in a "conversation" with Herdir. But Herdir can untie the tongue of someone he meets, who will say that among the townspeople there is a rumor about Ma'zadda's connection with the captain of the guard Nelrin and about their meetings at night. You should follow the Khajiit, who, indeed, will leave the house at night and go to the meeting.

After eavesdropping on Ma'zadda's conversation with Nelrin, you will hear curses against the Grand Inquisitor, who broke off all the raspberries.

Having evidence of Ma'zaddah's involvement in the conspiracy, you can try to put pressure on him, who, frightened, will promise to help the investigation and find out who is leading the conspiracy. He promises to get information in a day. After that, you should talk with Nelrin, who, only after three lightning tortures by Herdir, admits that the leader of the group is Myurin. For evidence at the appointed hour, we head to Ma'zadda. But the poor Khajiit is dead, Murin's henchmen will get rid of their former accomplice. Hoping that he managed to get some information before his death, we search the house and on the second floor in the sideboard you can find the ceremonial sword of Nelrin, which is intended to serve as an instrument for killing the Forces, as well as a note from the deceased mentioning the name. Now we have all the evidence to implicate Muirin.

If you push her against the wall, she recognizes her role in the conspiracy.

Syr, learning that Muirin was plotting against her, immediately orders her to be thrown into the torture chamber. Together with the duchess, you will have to go down to the torture chamber and observe the execution of the death sentence.

Sil, in gratitude for the service, will give you a bow of Doom's Edge. Has a random effect on hit.


The Duke of the House of Mania, Theydon, is not only, like all the inhabitants of the Shivering Isles, crazy, but he is also a drug addict. You can find him at lunch in the main hall or at the Conservatory of Alcyone, painting or dancing. Teydon, after a short conversation, will ask you to bring him the Cup of Inversion, which he needs to use ie felldew - a local drug. For information on where to look for this Cup, you should contact his servants, Wide-eyed or Gundlar.

You will learn from them that the Chalice is worth looking for in the Root Burrow, which is located northwest of New Sheoth.

We head to the Root Burrow. It's just impossible to get into it. In order for the entrance to open, you will have to use felldew. In addition, it is impossible to stay in this hole in a normal state, you need to periodically pump up Felldew, the supply of which can be obtained from the luminous elytra that are found in the cave.

The dungeon is quite large, consists of several locations. The bowl stands on a pedestal in a conspicuous place. We pick it up, from now on the need for felldew will disappear, you can leave the Root Hole through the nearest exit.

Having returned the Chalice to Teydon, we get a place at the court of Mania.

After completing the tasks of Theydon and Powers, you will receive the rank of Honorary Mad.

5. The Lady of Paranoia(SE05)

Visit Syl, her chambers are all in the same palace. It should be noted that the person is even less pleasant than Teydon. Sil appoints you as his "Grand Inquisitor" (Grand Inquisitor) - she is sure that a plot is being plotted against her to kill her, your task is to reveal it. To help you will be credited with the local executioner Herdir (Herdir), he has a special talent for "persuasion" with the help of a lightning bolt. Find him in the Dementia House's torture chamber.

Start an investigation. Under suspicion, without exception, all the inhabitants of Dementia. You can not go far, but start with the manager of the Forces, Kitlan (Kithlan). Feel free to bring Herdir in for questioning. Redguard will tell you that Anya Herrick, the court lady of the Forces, looks even more scared than usual, maybe she knows something. So, the next target is Anya. She will point out that the Khajiit Ma "zaddha is involved in the plot. However, the cat turns out to be a grated roll and does not prick without evidence.

We'll have to start questioning the people of the Crucible. It turns out that literally half knows that at night Ma "zadda secretly meets with the guard Nelrin (Nelrene), a dark seducer. You will have to secretly follow them. Ask Herdir to wait or send him back to the palace. Head to the Khajiit's house yourself and follow where he is hide (it is best to hide behind the boxes), wait for the dark seductress to come to the meeting place and eavesdrop on their conversation. the duchess is her connection with the ruler of Mania, Teydon. Ma "zadda will ask you to visit him at home in a day. He needs time to get more information.

Syr will invite you to be present at Murin's execution. Go to the torture chamber and watch. A satisfied duchess will reward you with a place at the court of Dementia and a bow called "Deadly Edge" (Ruin "s Edge), firing random spells. The quest is completed.

Go to Sheogorath and report that you have been received at both courts of the kingdom. if both quests are completed. If you haven't visited Teydon yet, then you should visit him.

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