Pedagogical project “The role of sports games and entertainment in kindergarten. Project in kindergarten “These different balls Sports projects in kindergarten

Antipyretics for children are prescribed by a pediatrician. But there are emergency situations for fever when the child needs to be given medicine immediately. Then the parents take responsibility and use antipyretic drugs. What is allowed to give to infants? How can you bring down the temperature in older children? What medicines are the safest?

Project in the preschool educational institution "Towards records"

Project direction:"Physical Culture"
Educational areas:"Health", "Physical culture".
We build the future boldly
We walk towards the goal like athletes!
We won't go off the path,
We will return the health of the nation!
Russia's future is children
The most valuable thing in the world for us.
To lay a solid foundation -
We must revive traditions.

Project relevance:
The revival of the TRP complex in educational institutions, today, in my opinion, is relevant and fundamental. The purpose of the introduced complex is to further increase the level of physical education and the readiness of people, especially the younger generation, for work and defense. This is how the foundation was laid earlier, and will now be laid for the country's future achievements in defense and defense. Being a unique physical education program, the TRP complex should become fundamental in a unified system of patriotic education of the younger generation.
As if to confirm the social significance and relevance of this project, I would like to note that all people are different. However, everyone who voluntarily decides to pass the test with the TRP complex has one thing in common - purposefulness. It is this trait that is most important for people in the 21st century. Only motivated and physically fit people will be able to succeed in a competitive labor market, and our task is to help them in this, because. their achievements will have not just personal, but social meaning. It is at preschool age that the foundation is laid for the physical development, health and character of a person in the future. This period of childhood is characterized by the gradual improvement of all the functions of the child's body. A child of this age is extremely plastic. All this prompted me to think about creating a project for the implementation of the TRP complex.
Problem: insufficient awareness of parents about the importance of physical education. Low sports activity, sedentary lifestyle of children and their families, lack of understanding of culture. Negative statistics on lifestyle in the family (reduced activity, unbalanced diet, non-compliance with the daily routine, growing risk factors, lack of good habits).
Objective of the project: to make work on the physical education of preschool children systematic and effective.
Project objectives:
1. Introduce children to the TRP program and the tradition of their conduct;
2. Expand and consolidate the knowledge of children and parents about a healthy lifestyle;
3. Continue to develop motor skills and physical qualities of children;
4. Improve physical abilities in the joint motor activity of children;
5. Promote the development of interest in physical education and;
6. Improve the professional skills of preschool teachers on the topic "healthy lifestyle";
7. Create a single educational and educational space based on trusting partnerships between employees of preschool educational institutions and parents.
Project novelty: creation in a preschool institution of a system for preparing for testing (tests) of the All-Russian physical culture and sports complex of the TRP. Joint activities of a preschool institution, MBOU DYUSSH and the family in order to introduce the child to a healthy lifestyle and enrich his social experience.
Project type: educational and wellness.
Project participants: preschoolers 6-7 years old, physical education instructor, educators, music director, parents, director of MBOU CYSS, coaches - teachers of MBOU CYSS.
Project partners: MBOU DYUSSH.
Project duration: Long term.
The main forms of project implementation: conversations, children's creativity, games, quizzes, competitions, excursions, entertainment.
Project implementation timeline: From September 1, 2017 to July 1, 2018.
Integration of educational areas:"Cognitive development", "Speech development", "Artistic and aesthetic development", "Physical development", "Social and communicative development".
Forms of work: Playful, educational, creative.

Expected results:
1. identification of the physical and psychological predisposition of a preschooler to any kind of sport;
2. replenishment of knowledge about the TRP complex.
3. increasing motivation and interest in physical culture and sports;
4. positive performance in passing the TRP standards; 5. growth of sports achievements; 5. emotional rapprochement between children and parents;
6. growth of professional competence of teachers;
7. active interaction of parents and teachers;
8. enrichment of the pedagogical experience of parents;
9. the formation of parents' conscious needs for systematic physical education and sports, maintaining a healthy lifestyle;
10. enrichment of the methodological base and the developing environment in the preschool educational institution;
11. gaining experience in interaction with social partners;
12. increasing the attractiveness of the kindergarten in the eyes of parents and colleagues.
Conditions for project implementation:
For the successful implementation of the project “Towards the Records”, MBOU “Parabel Gymnasium” has a personnel potential: a physical education instructor, educators, a medical worker, a speech therapist, a psychologist, and a music director.
Favorable conditions have been created: a sports ground has been prepared, the necessary sports equipment has been purchased, a comfortable spatial environment has been created in the groups, centers of physical activity in all age groups. Methodical and fiction literature was also acquired.
Normative - legal regulation and regulatory framework for the implementation of the project
The regulatory framework of the project is built on the basis of legislative, program documents of the federal, regional and municipal levels. The most significant documents that determine the conditions and mechanisms for implementing the educational component model at the federal level include:
1. The Constitution of the Russian Federation (adopted by popular vote on December 12, 1993) (subject to amendments introduced by the Laws of the Russian Federation on amendments to the Constitution of the Russian Federation of December 30, 2008 N 6-FKZ, of December 30, 2008 N 7-FKZ).
2. Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of March 24, 2014 No. 172 “On the All-Russian Physical Culture and Sports Complex “Ready for Labor and Defense” (TRP)”.
3. Draft Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of 2014 "About approval
4. Regulations on the All-Russian physical culture and sports complex “Ready for work and defense” and (GTO)”.
5. The State Program of the Russian Federation "Development of Education" for 2013-2020, approved by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of November 22, 2012 No. 2148.

Project Roadmap

Organizational and pedagogical work:
1 Diagnosis of the level of physical fitness of children. September 2017 - May 2018. Responsible: FC instructor.
2 Analysis of the conditions for the implementation of the project. September 2017. Responsible: Head, working group.
3 Selection of methodological, popular science literature, illustrative material on the project topic. Constantly. Responsible: Educators, senior educator, physical education instructor, music director.
4 Drawing up an action plan. September - October 2017. Responsible: Physical education instructor, senior educator, educators, director of MBOU DYUSSH.
5 Acquaintance and study of test standards (tests) of the All-Russian physical culture and sports complex "Ready for Labor and Defense" (TRP) I stage (age group from 6 to 8 years); November 2017. Responsible:Instructor in physical culture.
6 Presentation using multimedia equipment "History of the TRP"; November 2017. Responsible: Physical education instructor, senior educator.
7 A selection of equipment, sports equipment for regulatory testing, physical education and sports events. October-November 2017. Responsible: Head, physical education instructor.
8 Presentation for children and parents using multimedia equipment "We comply with the TRP standards." May 2018. Responsible: Physical education instructor, educators.
9 Presentation of the project and the creation of guidelines for teachers of other preschool educational institutions. June 2018. Responsible: Physical education instructor.
10 Photo report on the website of the kindergarten on the activities carried out within the framework of the project. June 2018. Responsible: Physical education instructor, senior educator.
11 Compilation of a collection of poems, riddles about different sports. April-May 2018. Responsible: Physical education instructor, educators.
12 Analysis of the monitoring of the work on the project "Towards Records". June 2018. Responsible: Physical education instructor.
13 Selection of musical repertoire, production of new attributes, preparation and decoration of the hall for sports events. September-October 2017. Responsible: Musical director, physical education instructor.
14 Development of the scenario for the sports festival "TRP is our true friend." April 2018. Responsible: Physical education instructor.
15 Stand "TRP - Revive Traditions!". October 2017. Responsible: Physical education instructor.
16 Exhibition of joint creativity of children and parents "From the norms of the TRP - to the Olympic medals!". February 2018. Responsible: Educators, senior educator.
17 Photo exhibition “Towards records”. March 2018. Responsible: Educators, senior educator.
18 Workshop for teachers: "Physical and educational space of a preschool institution as a condition for preparing children for passing the norms of the TRP complex." October 2017. Responsible: Physical education instructor.
19 Consultation for teachers: "What is the GTO?". December 2017. Responsible: Physical education instructor.
20 Consultation for parents: “Why do we need a TRP at preschool age? January 2018. Responsible: Physical education instructor.
21 Consultation for teachers: “Introduction of the GTO complex in preschool educational institutions. March 2018. Responsible: Physical education instructor.
22 Consultation for parents: "Regulatory tests" GTO "and how to pass them." April 2018. Responsible: Physical education instructor.
Integrated sports and recreational activities for children.
24 Excursion to MBOU DYUSSH. October 2017. Responsible: Director of the Youth Sports School, physical education instructor.
25 Acquaintance with the best athletes of the Youth Sports School. January 2018. Responsible: Director of the Youth Sports School, physical education instructor.
26 Delivery of the norms of the TRP on the basis of the Youth Sports School. May 2018
27 Carrying out the sports festival "GTO is our true friend." June 2018. Responsible: Physical education instructor, educators.
Events with parents.
28 Joint event “Mom, dad, I am a sports family”. October 2017. Responsible: Physical education instructor.
29 Master class "Do as I do!" for children of the preparatory group for school and their parents according to different types of TRP standards (strength, flexibility, speed and endurance). May 2018. Responsible: Physical education instructor, educators.
Work with children.
30 Games - exercises with the inclusion of mandatory tests (tests) of the VFSK "TRP". During a year. Responsible: Physical education instructor.
31 Examination with children of illustrations, photo and video materials on the topic of the project. During a year. Responsible: Educators, physical education instructor.
32 Reading stories with children, making riddles, learning poems about sports. During a year. Responsible: Educators.
33 Conducting intellectual and educational games with children: “Know the sport”, “Sports equipment”, “Fold the picture”, “Find the athlete by description”, “What has changed in the sports arena?”. During a year. Responsible: Physical education instructor, educators.
34 Drawing

Project type:

  • by duration short;
  • along the dominant line in the project practice-oriented;
  • content socio-pedagogical;
  • by nature of contacts within the framework of the preschool educational institution;
  • by number of participants frontal.

Project participants

  • children of group No. 7 "Rainbow";
  • parents;
  • educators: Gaskarova V.M., Poghosyan R.A.;
  • Head of Physical Education: Romadanova N.P.

Project implementation timeline 12/08/2014 - 12/18/2014

Problem insufficient awareness of parents about the importance of physical education. Negative statistics on lifestyle in the family (reduced physical activity, unbalanced diet, non-compliance with the daily routine). Preserving and strengthening the health of the younger generation is now becoming a priority social problem.

We, adults, want our children to study well, to become stronger, to enter the future life not only as knowledgeable people, but also as healthy people.

Children's health problems need new approaches, partnerships between preschool workers and parents. After all, health is a priceless gift.

Objective of the project the formation in children of ideas that health is the main value of human life, the formation of the foundations of a healthy lifestyle among preschoolers.

Project objectives expand and consolidate children's knowledge about sports, its types, about a healthy lifestyle, expand ideas about what is good and unhealthy, expand knowledge about recreation and sports, instill a love for physical education and sports in children, inspire the need for sports for further life, to cultivate a constructive attitude towards one's health - to create conditions conducive to the preservation and strengthening of the health of preschool children; increase the interest of parents by involving them in recreational activities with their children, ensuring the unity of the educational, developmental and educational goals and objectives of the family and kindergarten.

Ways to implement the project:

  • thematic classes, including physical education, participation of children in the All-Russian Internet competition;
  • monitoring procedures (questionnaires for parents, tests);
  • sport competitions;
  • conversations;
  • outdoor games,
  • consultations for parents;
  • exhibition of children's art.

Preparatory stage:

Prior to the start of the project, the following activities were carried out:

  • search work on the set of illustrations about sports;
  • selection of fiction;
  • search for riddles about sports;
  • talking with children about sports;
  • preparation of presentations, abstracts of GCD;
  • preparation of visual material;
  • game selection;
  • selection of cartoons;
  • selection of music about sports.

Organizational stage

cognitive development role-playing game "Sporting goods store", didactic games "Sports", "Know the sport", "Sports equipment", "Sports in winter and summer".

Speech development:

Compilation of stories about sports;

Conversation "Oh, sport, you are the world!", "Sport is health."

Enrichment of the dictionary with sports terms.

Physical development:

Entertainment "A healthy mind in a healthy body"

Carrying out breathing exercises, self-massage.

Doing gymnastics after sleep.

Conducting outdoor games for a walk.

Carrying out morning exercises.

Artistic creativity drawing "My favorite sport", application "Medals for the winners", modeling "Sports equipment".

Working with parents


Advice for parents: "How to choose a sport?", "Physical development of the child: where to start?", "Healthy lifestyle in the family", "Joint sports for children and parents",

Create a slide folder

Creation of the photo exhibition "I and sport",

Participation in the sporting event "In a healthy body - a healthy mind."

The final stage:

Exhibition of children's drawings "My favorite sport",

Sports festival "A healthy mind in a healthy body".

Conversations with children “What new have we learned?”, “What is sport for?”.

Gratitude to children and parents for participating in the organization of the photo exhibition, exhibition of drawings and participation in the sports festival.

Project activity product:

Questionnaire for parents;

Consultations for parents;

Folder - mover;

Thematic conversations: “Oh, sport, you are the world”, “Sport is health”;

Development of lesson scenarios;

Card file of riddles, proverbs and sayings about sports and a healthy lifestyle;

Card file of artistic and musical works;

multimedia presentation;

Rewarding children who participated in the international competition.

Expected Result:

  • increasing children's interest in physical exercises and sports;
  • increasing parents' interest in a healthy lifestyle;
  • creation of a single educational space based on trusting relationships between employees of preschool educational institutions and parents;
  • Reducing the incidence of pupils.

The expected results will become a reality if all project participants have the same attitude to the problem of "man - lifestyle - education - health".

When this group realizes the importance of their own efforts to maintain health, progress in this direction can be considered successful.


As a result of the implementation of the project, preschoolers have developed a stable motivation for systematic physical education and sports. They are focused on a healthy lifestyle, have a solid knowledge about the means of promoting health, about the needs and capabilities of the body. The participation of parents in joint activities filled it with new content, made it possible to use the personal example of adults in the physical education of preschoolers, to study the positive experience of family education and promote it among other parents. the well-being of the child. An active parental position has increased in the need for preschoolers to move in the fresh air, which ensures the healthy life of the child.

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution "Kindergarten No. 28, Leninogorsk" of the municipal formation "Leninogorsk municipal district" of the Republic of Tatarstan

Pedagogical project on the topic:

"The role of sports games and entertainment in kindergarten"

Children's age: 5-7 years.

Project type: practical and health-improving, creative and playful.

Duration: long term.

Project participants: children of senior preschool age, educators, music director, senior educator, parents of pupils.

Project relevance:

The greatest value of every person is health. Raising a child strong, strong, healthy is the desire of parents and one of the leading tasks facing a preschool institution.

Preserving the health of a preschooler depends on the lifestyle that he leads, therefore, in kindergarten and in the family, it is necessary to create conditions for a healthy lifestyle for each child.

The preparation of celebrations and entertainment serves the moral education of children; they develop feelings of collectivism; participation in activities and entertainment forms discipline and a culture of behavior among preschoolers.

Combining the efforts of preschool teachers and parents to create conditions for sports entertainment contributes to the improvement of the child's body; emotional, personal, cognitive development of the child.

Many years of experience shows that a positive result happens when there is interaction and understanding between the family and the kindergarten, when everyone feels an atmosphere of cordiality and goodwill, mutual respect and understanding. Perhaps nothing brings parents and children closer than joint holidays and entertainment.

Modern mothers and fathers should act not as “spectators” at sports events and entertainment, but as active participants.

Target :

Contribute to the formation of a positive attitude towards a healthy lifestyle through sports events and entertainment in kindergarten.

Tasks :

Expand horizons, communication skills, memory, imagination;

To systematize the cognitive and creative activity of children;

To form a positive motivation among children, teachers, parents to conduct sports events;

Improve children's health.



Setting the goal and objectives of the project;

Drawing up a plan - project schemes;

Inclusion in the plan - scheme of the OA project, sports games, relay races and other types of children's activities;

Selection of sports games, relay races, outdoor games, presentations, visual


Project presentation.


- project presentation;

Mobile, sports, folk, didactic games, relay races;

Viewing presentations about winter and summer sports;

Artistic creativity;

Examination of albums, illustrations about sports;

Leisure, sports holidays;

Winter and summer sports days;


  • exhibition of children's art.


Holding a sports festival "Dad, Mom, I am a sports family!"

Implemented activities:

Cooperative activity

1. Sports leisure "Big races".

2. Leisure activities "Visiting Doctor Aibolit".

3. Sports leisure "Small Olympic Games".

4. Sports festival "On a visit to Zimushka - winter."

5. Winter Olympics.

6. Summer Olympics.

7. Day of health.

8. Day of Neptune.

9. Sports and musical festival "Wide Maslenitsa".

Independent activity

1. Modeling "Girl (boy) plays ball"

2. Drawing "How we do exercises"

3. Modeling "Skier"

4. Collective modeling "Olympic Games"

5. Didactic games: "Winter sports", "Summer sports", "What do athletes need?"

6. Viewing presentations and videos about sports, athletes.

7. Examination of albums, illustrations depicting sports, sports equipment, athletes - champions.

Interaction with parents

1. Acquaintance with the project work plan.

2. Consultation for parents "Movement is the basis of life"

3. Questionnaire "Healthy lifestyle"

4. Tatar holiday Sabantuy.

5. Sports festival "Dad, mom, I am a sports family!"

Expected Result:

For children:

Children are more enthusiastically engaged in physical culture and sports; a significant change in the features of physical development: improved posture, coordination, increased muscle tone, children become more organized;

Actively participate in sports games and relay races;

Expanding sports horizons;

Participate in sports festivals, competitions of the city and region.

Enjoys joint activities with an adult, strives for such activities;

Overcoming difficulties, the joy of creativity in joining the world of sports;

Has adequate self-esteem, status in the group.

For parents:

preservation and strengthening of children's health.

Active and interested participants in the pedagogical process;

Improving physical culture;

Show interest in sports

Have an idea about various sports and leading athletes of the country;

Attract children to physical education and sports, conduct conversations;

Attend sporting events in the city.


The kindergarten, together with the family, must take constant care of the health and physical education of children. In the process of systematic physical exercises, the activity of internal organs is improved, physical qualities are comprehensively developed, children master a number of vital skills. At the same time, the following qualities are brought up in the children's team: organization, discipline, courage, endurance, a sense of friendship, camaraderie.

Bibliography .

1. Fun physical education for children and their parents. Classes, entertainment, holidays, hiking./ O. B. Kazina. - Yaroslavl: Academy of Development, 2008.

2. Health-saving space of a preschool educational institution: design, training, classes / comp. N.I. Krylova: Teacher, 2009.

3. Filippova S. O., Volosnikova T. V. Olympic education of preschoolers. SPb. : Detstvo-Press, 2007;

4. Kartushina M. Yu. We want to be healthy: health and educational activities for children of the preparatory group. - M.: ARKTI, 2004;

5. Novikova I. M. Formation of ideas about a healthy lifestyle in preschoolers. To work with children 5-7 years old. – M.: MOSAIC-SYNTHESIS, 2010.

Alena Vakulenko
Pedagogical project "Kindergarten and sport"

Municipal budgetary preschool educational

institution « Children's Garden No. 55 combined type " Vorkuta

Pedagogical project

« Kindergarten and sports»

Compiled: caregivers:

Vakulenko A.V.

Yablonskaya N. D

1. Explanatory note

2. The passport

3. References

4. Conclusion

5. Application

Motto project:

Physical education is something that ensures health and brings joy.

Explanatory note

Preschool age is an important period in the formation of the human personality and the solid foundations of physical health. It is at this age that the foundations of physical development are laid, motor skills are formed, and the foundation is created for the education of physical qualities.

Total deterioration of health children's population is one of the most pressing problems facing society. The solution to the problems of reducing the overall incidence is possible with the proper organization of educational and health-improving work, the implementation of urgent measures to prevent deviations in the state of children's health.

At present, in Russia, the overall level of deviation in the state of children's health is increasing by 6.7% annually. Due to the lifestyle of modern life, most adults have a weak motivational aspect of physical activity and a low level of ideas about a healthy lifestyle,

about sports and the Olympic Movement.

Modern children experience “motor deficit”, i.e. the number of movements they make during the day is below the age norm. It's no secret that children spend most of their time at home in a static position. (at the tables, at the TV, playing quiet games at the table).

This increases the static load on certain groups

mice and cause them fatigue.

The strength and performance of skeletal muscles are reduced, which entails a violation of posture, flat feet, a delay in age-related development, speed, agility, coordination of movements, endurance, flexibility and strength. Physically weakened children are subject to rapid fatigue, their emotional tone and mood are reduced, which in turn negatively affects the nature of their mental performance. Consequently, our children need vigorous activity that contributes to an increase in vitality and satisfies their interests and social needs. Favorable effect on the body is provided only by motor activity, which is within the optimal values. When it comes to the physical education of preschool children, we all, following tradition, first of all imagine running, jumping, rope climbing and other gymnastic exercises. However, teaching children sports games, we can solve the following tasks: improve health, instill sports skills which will definitely be needed in adult life, to form such moral qualities as

the ability to achieve goals and cooperate, to show restraint and perseverance, to act in a team, in a team. Consequently, physical education is the basis of the foundations of preschool education. physical exercise, sports games and entertainment create good health, “charge” the child with vigor and energy.

In order to successfully make such a decision in our kindergarten project is being implemented« Kindergarten and sports»

Passport of the pedagogical project

Name project: « Kindergarten and sports»

Addressing project: educators, children, parents.

Supervisor project: caregivers:

Vakulenko A.V.

Yablonskaya N. D.

Members project: children, educators, parents.

Age group: senior preschool age (6-7 years old).

View project: in contact with the family, group, creative, short-term.

Type: Cognitive, wellness.

Target: Creating conditions for the formation of children's interest in classes sports

through the involvement of children in physical activities.


To acquaint the children of the preparatory group with available information from the history of the Olympic Games;

Develop motor quality: dexterity, speed, skill and endurance;

To form an idea about the Olympic Games, games in Sochi

how about a competition for the purpose of physical improvement, in which athletes of all countries;

Raise the desire to lead a healthy lifestyle; respect for athletes participating in the Olympic Games "Sochi 2014";

pride in our country, our Motherland.

Forms and Methods:

Conversations, looking at illustrations, meeting with

young athletes, sports holidays, leisure, week


Resources project: discs with recording of phonograms for performing exercises, photographs and paintings with images of various types sports, portraits of prominent athletes, illustrations and reproductions, educational literature, fiction, photo album "Polar Games", watching TV shows, reports about the Olympic Games.

Attributes for conducting games and organized activities in physical culture; awards.

Level of preparedness participants: average and high level of development of children, professional competence teacher.

Expected results: instilling in children the need to perform physical exercises, the development of physical qualities,

guaranteeing all-round development (dexterity, courage, endurance, desire to engage in sports sections;

Development of the personality of the pupil, his creative potential, the ability to interact with other people;

Education of moral and patriotic feelings, social responsibility (ability to act in the interests of a large community);

Mastering the system of integrated knowledge and skills;

Before starting work on project a survey of parents is carried out in order to obtain information about the physical fitness of family members, about their attitude to physical education and sports.

In progress project thematic classes are held sports entertainment. Folders-movables are put up to help parents, consultations are given, homework for children and parents on sports topics: collecting material for the release of a group wall newspaper, a photo album, the benefits of physical exercise. Communication with children in free time time: conversations, games, relay races.

Distribution of functions of participants project.

Group tutor

Self-education (accumulation of knowledge about Olympic history, great athletes, the directed action of physical exercises on different muscle groups). Development of abstracts of classes, conversations, holidays and their holding. Selection of literature, illustrations on the theme. Learning poems, songs, dances.

Physical culture and health-improving cycle classes, training walks. Participation in holidays, leisure activities, relay races. Visiting the competition sports sections. artistic activity: drawing, modeling on the topic. Learning poems, dances, songs.


Participation in the collection of information. wall newspaper layout,

photo album, stand. Visit with children sports sections.

Participation in holidays, entertainment. Production of non-standard physical culture equipment

Stage 1 - the accumulation of knowledge.

1. Examination of illustrations, photo album "Polar Games", magazines, photographs sports topics, viewing a presentation about the Olympic mascots, symbols, awards, various types of sports.

2. Talks about the history of the Olympic Movement, the health benefits of exercise, the great athletes, reading cognitive and fiction.

- "Olympic Games! What it is?"-expand children's knowledge about sports; Learn about the history of the Olympic Games.

Section visit.

Riddles, proverbs, poems, crossword puzzles, puzzles on sports theme and sports attributes.

Stage 2 - practical.

forward planning (Attachment 1)

Stage 3 is the final one.

1. Physical entertainment with parents "Future Olympians - now go to Kindergarten»

2. Design of the wall newspaper “We are with sports on"you"!».

3. Exhibition of drawings on sports theme(co-creation of children and parents) "We love sport» .

Used Books.

"Entertaining physical education in kindergarten» K. K. Utrobina.

"Physical education, games and exercises for a walk" V. G. Frolov.

"Develop agility, strength, endurance in preschoolers" E. N. Vavilova.

"What kind of physical education does a preschooler need" V. A. Shishkina, M. V. Mashchenko.

"Methodology of physical education of preschool children"

L. D. Glazyrina, V. A. Ovsyankin.

"Physical culture - for preschoolers" L. D. Glazyrina.

"We want to be healthy"(health and educational

Classes for children of the preparatory group kindergarten)

M. Yu. Kartushina.


1. Lesson notes № 5

2. Forward planning on topic No. 1

3. Questionnaire for parents on this topic. #4

4. Consultations No. 3

5. Artistic word on sports theme(riddles, poems, proverbs).№2.

6. Material for albums about Olympic symbols No. 6

7. Entertainment Kindergarten» №7

8. Photos of charging No. 8 \


Result project: Project« Kindergarten and sports» solved the problem, realized the tasks. 91% of parents with great desire took part in sports entertainment; participation in the collection of information, design of a wall newspaper, photo album, stand. interested in physical equipment made from waste material, expressed a desire to take part in its manufacture for the group and at home

Attachment 1

forward planning

№ Type of activity

1. Conversations "What is the Olympics?", "Where did it originate?"

"What kind athletes may participate in

Olympic Games? "Olympic symbols",

"Favorite Views" sports»

2. GCD "Journey to Health"

3. Watching cartoons "And Baba Yaga, against" "Forest Spartakiad"

4. Artistic word Learning poems about

sports and healthy lifestyle Riddles

about different types sports Learning proverbs and sayings about sports

5. Video reports sports competitions World Championships in biathlon, skiathlon, etc.

6. D\I "Kinds sports» « Sports Equipment»

7. Songs about sports"For charging" "Coward does not play hockey",

"Physical training"

8. Artistic Drawings "Favorite view sports»

modeling "One two Three, freeze figure sports» .

9. Sports games Football, Pioneer ball

10. Questionnaire What is the place of physical education in your family?

11 Consultations « Gym at home» "How to become sports family

"Physical education of children in the family"

12 Photo application “Thanks to charging - health is in order”

13 parent meeting "Health Seriously"

14 sports entertainment“Future Olympians now go to childish

Alsu Khaliullina
Project on physical development in preschool


"In a healthy body healthy mind."

Direction of the project: "Physical culture"

Educational areas: "Health", "Physical culture"

Completed by: Khaliullina A.F.

“Gymnastics, physical exercises, walking should firmly enter the daily life of everyone who wants to maintain working capacity, health, a full and joyful life”


Relevance: deterioration in the health of the younger generation (according to the Research Institute of Hygiene and Child Protection, in Russia, 60% of children aged 3 to 7 years old have functional deviations in their state of health). Most adults have a weak motivational aspect of physical activity and a low level of understanding of a healthy lifestyle, about sports (according to the results of the survey, it was revealed that only 5 parents of the middle group out of 25 lead a healthy lifestyle, few are fond of sports and outdoor games, morning exercises with the child only these 5 parents do)

An analysis of the work of researchers of this problem, their own experience, showed that a child already at a younger preschool age is able to take care of his own health. But it is important that children are not only placed in a health-preserving environment, but that they themselves know how to preserve and build health.

Hypothesis: Children's health will be preserved, strengthened and developed, and physical qualities will be effectively improved, provided that a system of work with children and their parents on physical education and health improvement is developed with the creation of comfortable conditions for physical education in the preschool educational institution and at home.

Problem- search by the participants of the educational process of effective ways to improve the health of the child and introduce him to a healthy lifestyle.

Justification of the problem:

1. Lack of awareness of parents about the importance of joint motor activity with children

2. lack of knowledge of parents and children about the physical skills and abilities of children of this age;

3. parents' inattention to a healthy lifestyle in the family

Project type: educational and health

Project participants: children of the middle group, physical education instructor, educators of the family group of pupils.

By time: short-term (December).

The purpose of the project: the formation of social and personal motivation of children of middle preschool age and their parents to maintain and strengthen their health and education of socially significant personal qualities.

Project objectives:

Promotion of healthy lifestyles;

Creating comfortable conditions for physical education at home and in preschool educational institutions

Encourage children's interest in physical education and health activities

Forms of organization of activity:





Project methods:

Thematic physical education classes;

Holidays, leisure, entertainment

Expected Result:

Children have formed an idea of ​​a healthy lifestyle;

Parents have expanded their knowledge of a healthy lifestyle and formed ideas about creating a favorable emotional and socio-psychological climate for the full development of the child

Created comfortable conditions for physical education classes in the preschool educational institution and at home. Parents will be involved in a single space "family - kindergarten"

Increased children's interest in physical education and sports;

Stages and terms of implementation.

Stage I - preparatory,

Stage II - practical,

Stage III is the final one.

Stage I - preparatory

(1st week of December)

1. Study of concepts related to the topic of the project;

2. The study of modern regulatory documents governing the activities of health saving;

3. a survey of children on the topic "What do they understand by the word" health "

3. Questioning of parents;

4. Development of a long-term plan for the organization of sports and leisure activities;

5. Preparation of a cycle of thematic physical education classes, entertainment and regime moments

6. prepare poems, proverbs, sayings and songs for children about a healthy lifestyle (Tchaikovsky's poem "Moidodyr", "Yogerek su, yomshak su", music for rhythmic physical exercises and proverbs)

II stage - practical

(2 weeks 2015)

Work with children

1. Carrying out a cycle of thematic physical education classes, routine moments (morning gymnastics with objects (gymnastic stick, hardening procedures (respiratory, visual gymnastics, gymnastics after sleep, vitaminization, physical education classes (2 times a week) and 1 time per week in the fresh air and holding outdoor games every day with favorable climatic conditions.)

2. cognitive activity (talks on the topic “to always be healthy, you need to practice”, “My teeth, eyes, ears”)

3. Artistic and aesthetic activities (a photo exhibition from physical education classes, reading a poem by K. Chuikovsky “moydodyr” and discussing it in a group, holding outdoor games “a gray hare washes”, “Cheburashka” “ducklings” to rhythmic music).

4. Speech activity (familiarization with proverbs and sayings and a healthy lifestyle)

Working with parents

Consultation based on the results of the survey in the form of a folder - movement on the topic of a healthy lifestyle "Prevention of flat feet, posture", "The meaning of outdoor games" "Irtenge gymnastics balla belen", "Active rest in winter"

Booklet on the topic "Prevention of posture"

Open House Day - Parent Visiting Physical Education Classes

5. Design of the photo newspaper "In a healthy body - a healthy mind."

6. Exhibition of paintings "What is useful, what is harmful"

Stage III - final

(3rd week of December 2015)

1. Conducting sports entertainment "Moidodyr is our guest"

2. Presentation of the project "A healthy mind in a healthy body"


Formation in children of elementary ideas about a healthy lifestyle;

Awareness by the child and parents of the need and importance of a healthy lifestyle, as well as the “vision” and implementation of ways to improve the health of the child and family members (active recreation with children, visiting circles, health-improving sections);

An increase in the activity of the parents of pupils, manifested in participation in sports and recreation activities with children, held in preschool educational institutions.

Project activity product:

1) Thematic plan of the project "A healthy mind in a healthy body" (Appendix 1).

3) Questionnaire for parents "Growing up healthy" (Appendix 3).

5) Photo newspaper "We are friends with sports."

6) a photo exhibition of classes and sports entertainment.

Ensuring project activities


Agapova I. A. "Sports tales and holidays for preschoolers", Moscow, 2011

Mulaeva N. B. "Summaries - scenarios on physical culture for preschoolers", St. Petersburg, 2010.

Kartushina M. Yu. "Health holidays for children 6-7 years old", Moscow, 2010.

Journal "Preschool education" №7, 2011

Journal "Preschool education" №3, 2012

Magazine "Instructor in Physical Culture" №7, 2012

Magazine "Instructor in Physical Culture" No. 9, 2012

Attachment 1

Thematic plan of the project "A healthy mind in a healthy body"

Date Event Participants

01.12 Opening of the week "A healthy mind in a healthy body"

middle group

04.12 1. Questioning of parents

middle group

05-08.12 1. Selection of material and physical culture equipment for holding physical moments and physical education and entertainment. middle group

14.12-19.12 carrying out routine moments (morning exercises, tempering procedures, reading literature on the topic "In a healthy body - a healthy mind", conducting GCD) middle group

14-26.12 Parental consultations on the topic "A healthy mind in a healthy body" with a small group

21.12 Photo exhibition middle group

23.12 Conducting sports and recreational entertainment on the topic "Moidodyr is visiting" middle group

May 25 compiling the photo newspaper "A healthy mind in a healthy body" middle group, educators and parents

25.12-28.12 Drawing up a presentation - project instructor of physical culture

Annex 2

Questionnaire for parents of children of the middle group.

1. Indicate how your child's motor activity is manifested:

morning exercises

Outdoor games

Sports games (elements of football, hockey, etc.)

Sledding, skiing, skating (in winter, cycling, scooter (summer).

2. What outdoor games does your child like to play?

3. How does a child exercise at home:

Willingly, with pleasure

not willingly

Doesn't perform.

4. What physical exercises do you do with your child:

I do morning exercises with my child

We play outdoor games together.

5. Do you pay attention to the prevention of spinal disorders and flat feet? How?

6. Who has the greatest influence on the motor activity of the child in the family:

Both parents

Brothers and sisters

7. How often do you engage in physical education of a child:


On weekends

During vacation

I don't do

I find it difficult to answer.

8. What prevents you from actively engaging in the physical education of your child:

Lack of free time

Lack of knowledge and skills in the field of physical education of children

9. Do you talk to your child about the benefits of exercise:

10. What physical culture and sports equipment is available for your child at home?

11. What equipment does your child use most often?

12. How do you temper your child at home:

Lightweight clothing for walking

Boso walking

Soaking feet in cold water

Gargling with water at room temperature

Walk in any weather

13. What contributes to the formation of cultural and hygienic skills in your child:

Personal example


14. Does your child follow the daily routine:

Not always

If it does not comply, then why?

15. Does your child follow the rules of personal hygiene at home (washes hands before eating, after going to the toilet, washing his face, brushing his teeth, washing his feet, etc.?

Thank you Dear Parents for your attention"

Parent survey results

What is the place of physical education in your family?

1. Attention to the feet should be paid literally from birth.

2. Children's shoes should have a hard heel, an elastic sole, and a low, stable heel.

3. A child should never wear someone else's shoes.

4. The child needs to move as much as possible. A sedentary lifestyle leads to a general weakening of the body, insufficient development of the circulatory and respiratory systems, nervous exhaustion, skeletal deformities, and flat feet.

5. It is necessary to form the habit of placing your feet correctly when walking (feet parallel). For training, the child is invited to walk along the side of the sidewalk (in a safe place, a log, a board, a rope.

6. It is useful to walk barefoot on various surfaces.

Physical education for children 4-5 years old

At this age, special attention should be paid to the development of the foot, since under adverse conditions flat feet may begin to form. Charging should consist of 4-5 physical exercises with 5-6 repetitions. We start the workout with a small warm-up - walking on toes, and then on the heels for 30 seconds (this is a good way to prevent flat feet, and only then move on to the main part of the workout.

"Turns" - standing, feet shoulder width apart, hands on the belt. Turn to the right, spread your arms to the sides, return to the starting position. The same on the left side.

"Tilts" - sitting, legs crossed "in Turkish", straight arms in support behind. Bend forward, slap your palms on the floor in front of your feet, clap your palms as far as possible, clap your palms in front of your feet and return to the starting position.

"Tumbler" - lying on your back, hands on the back of the head, elbows forward. Roll onto your side and then return to the starting position. Then turn to the other side and return to the starting position.

"Bouncing with a turn" - legs slightly apart, hands on the belt. Perform 6-8 jumps with a twist around you.

"Squatting with the ball" - the legs are parallel, the ball is held with both hands below. Sit down - the ball is in straight arms in front of you, keep your back straight, do not lower your eyes. Return to starting position.

"Shift the ball" - feet shoulder-width apart, both hands down, in the right hand the ball. Raise both hands forward, shift the ball to the left hand, return to the starting position. Raise both hands and shift the ball to the right hand, return to the starting position.

You can perform physical exercises with children both every day and every other day at a time convenient for parents - these factors do not fundamentally affect the positive result.

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