Wash the genitals of girls. How to wash a newborn girl? Basics of the procedure and step-by-step instructions for its implementation

Antipyretics for children are prescribed by a pediatrician. But there are emergency situations for fever in which the child needs to be given medicine immediately. Then the parents take responsibility and use antipyretic drugs. What is allowed to be given to infants? How can you bring down the temperature in older children? What are the safest medicines?

When the first newborn girl appears in the family, inexperienced parents have many questions. Sometimes the mother comes home from the hospital with the baby, but without the necessary knowledge. Very often you have to collect information on your own, asking something from pediatricians, learning something from grandmothers and friends. All parents want to raise a healthy and happy girl. And for this you need to give her your love and care. And, of course, every mother caring for her child should know the basics of hygiene. Indeed, not only the well-being of the daughter depends on this, but also the health of the future generation of the family. Let's figure out how to wash a baby and take care of the genitals correctly?

Features of the structure and physiology of the external genital organs in a newborn

In general, the structure and physiology of the external genital organs in girls corresponds to the structure of the organs in women. Outside there are the labia majora, then there are the small ones that close the entrance to the vestibule of the vagina. But the nursing girl has some differences:

  • the close location of the entrance to the vagina to the anus;
  • the external genitals are covered from the inside with a delicate well-developed mucous membrane;
  • there is a posterior commissure of the labia minora;
  • there are a lot of glands on the labia;
  • the contents of the vagina are acidic;
  • up to a year, placental estrogens affect the state of the vagina, the epithelium contains glycogen;
  • after a year, the protective functions of the vagina disappear, and the epithelial cover becomes thinner.

Mom needs to remember that the mucous membrane of the external genital organs and the environment of the baby's vagina are able to independently prevent the occurrence of infection, and when leaving it is important not to affect this natural defense.

Sometimes in a newborn girl, you can notice discharge from the external genital organs. They can be transparent, yellowish, gray-white, and sometimes reddish. Parents need not worry about this. This is how the sexual crisis of newborns manifests itself. It can also be accompanied by engorgement of the mammary glands and acne. A crisis occurs in a period of up to two months as a result of the fact that the child's body is freed from the abundance of maternal estrogens. Bloody discharge lasts 1-2 days, after which it disappears on its own, no treatment is required. A sticky coating of gray-white or light beige (original lubricant) between the labia and in the vagina is also a variant of the norm. If there is not much such grease, then you do not need to remove it on purpose. With discharge and plaque, the baby only needs to be washed under running water.

If the discharge lasts more than three days, has an unpleasant odor, purulent character, is very abundant and / or there is inflammation of the child's external genital organs, an urgent need to consult a doctor.

It is imperative to wash the girl after the chair, since its contact with the mucous membranes can provoke inflammation. During hygiene procedures, it is highly undesirable to frequently use various care products, be it soap, wet wipes or powder. They can affect the vaginal environment, reducing its barrier function. And the substances contained in them contribute to the appearance of dry skin and mucous membranes. Cleaning products can be used no more than once a day, and they must be appropriate for the age of the child. Due to the fact that the mucous membrane of the external genital organs of the girl is very delicate, it is not recommended to use washcloths, sponges, napkins, rough towels when washing and wiping this area.

How to properly wash a girl: wisdom and means

Already in the maternity hospital, a medical worker must teach mom all the intricacies of care. After arriving home, the rules remain the same.

They wash a newborn girl under running water when changing a diaper. It is not recommended to use baby care products. The sequence of actions for washing is as follows:

  1. Wash your own hands thoroughly.
  2. Turn on tap water. Its temperature should correspond to the temperature of the skin. You can check this with your own forearm or elbow, substituting it under the stream. The mother (or another caring adult) should not feel either warm or cold at the same time.
  3. Take the baby so that her head lies on the elbow cavity, the back on the forearm. Grasp one leg with the hand on which the child lies. The second hand is free.
  4. Place the baby's crotch under running water.
  5. With the second hand, strictly in the direction from front to back, first rinse only the girl's labia, then the groin folds, removing all impurities.
  6. Next, rinse the anal area and between the buttocks.
  7. Cleanse the skin around the perineum.
  8. Finally, gently pat your skin dry with a clean, dry towel.
  9. If possible, leave the child to "ventilate" for 10-15 minutes.

Before bathing the baby, it must also be washed under running water. When washing, you should not be overzealous and touch the mucous membranes. It is necessary to change the diaper and wash off the dirt after each act of defecation of the baby.

Nothing special: ordinary clean (if in doubt - boiled) water, you can wash it at room temperature, without any cotton wool or rags. It is very important - the direction of movement - from the pubis to the priest. No antiseptics (furacilin, potassium permanganate) need to be added, baby soap (soapy water) - yes, but not often (1-2 times a week, and wash well). The main thing: prevention of problems - support of the normal functioning of the mucous membranes, i.e. avoid overheating.

Komarovsky E.O.


Without a doctor's prescription, no medicinal and antibacterial agents for washing and treating the external genital organs should be used, since they violate the natural microflora of the child.

After air baths, you can put on a diaper or absorbent panties on the baby. Modern diapers meet all safety requirements and do not negatively affect the health of the child (including the genital area) with proper care.

How to wash a baby in the first year - video

How to care for the genitals of a little girl

When caring for a girl, hands should be washed, without long nails and inflammation. After washing with a frequency of about once a day, the mother should examine her daughter's genitals.

Intimate hygiene of a newborn - video To do this, with clean hands, you need to take a sterile cotton swab and moisten it in sterile vegetable oil. At home, the oil is sterilized in a water bath for 30 minutes. With movements from front to back, gently wipe the baby's labia. Change the tampon if necessary and repeat the procedure.

Sometimes a girl's mother can notice the formation of a film between the labia. This film can appear as a result of the fusion of the labia minora. This phenomenon is called synechia.

Synechiae is a fusion of the labia minora in a girl. Fusion can be complete or partial.

Signs of synechia:

  • the labia are connected by a film;
  • the genital gap does not open or is partially visible;
  • redness in the perineal area is possible;
  • if the fusion has affected most of it, then the girl has painful sensations when washing away (mom will hear crying);
  • a trickle of urine can change direction;
  • there is a regular leak of urine.

Synechiae is not such a rare occurrence. It arises due to a lack of sex hormones in the girl's body - estrogens. The provoking factors for the occurrence of adhesions include:

  • allergic reactions in a child;
  • constant washing with soap and other detergents;
  • reusable wiping of the labia with wet wipes, sponges and washcloths;
  • lack of washing before taking a bath (dirt can get into the child's genital crevice and cause inflammation);
  • infections of the genitourinary system;
  • too frequent washing or insufficient care of the girl's genitals.

If you suspect the occurrence of synechia, you should contact a pediatric gynecologist.

Washing with chlorhexidine and furacilin and other drugs can only be carried out after a doctor's recommendation. These are medicines, and their independent uncontrolled use can harm the child. Furacilin often no longer acts on microbes properly, since over the years of its use, pathogenic microorganisms have acquired resistance to it.

During the examination, the doctor chooses the tactics of treatment. If the fusion is small and does not cause inconvenience to the baby, then usually it is left, observing in the future. When synechiae interfere with urination, cause discomfort and painful sensations, the doctor dissects the film, having previously anesthetized the place of its formation. This manipulation is quick and painless for the child. Relapses can occur up to 5-7 years. To prevent them, you need to remove provoking factors.

Synechiae (fusion of the labia) - Doctor Komarovsky - video

Another common problem is diaper rash. To reduce the risk of their appearance, it is advisable to arrange air baths for the baby more often. It is necessary to treat the skin of a child for the prevention of diaper rash with special means intended for this. The diaper cream should not be applied to the labia area. They can be smeared with inguinal and intergluteal folds. It is better not to use powder, as it tends to roll into lumps.

Using a diaper not only makes life easier for a modern mother, but also helps babies to stay comfortable even at such a young age. Thanks to such an assistant, the baby's skin is not irritated by constant contact with moisture. Choosing a diaper for a girl is often empirical. It should absorb well and be suitable for the baby, that is, it should not cause allergic reactions on the skin.

Observing all the rules, the mother will be able to prevent many diseases and lay the right foundation for the growth and development of her daughter. It is important to remember, however, that approaching hygiene with particular zeal is just as bad as not doing it at all. The mother's clean, caring hands, running water and a soft, washed towel are all that is needed in most cases to care for a young lady.

How to properly bathe your child? This question is asked by all young parents. Failure to follow the rules can harm the child. The body of a newborn girl cannot protect itself from infectious diseases... The intimate hygiene of a girl is a very important point that requires special care and attention.

Since any mistakes can provoke infectious diseases, mechanical damage, synechiae, irritation in the labia, problems with urination. You can bathe the baby on the same day as we arrived home from the hospital. Until the umbilical wound has healed, it is necessary to boil water for bathing procedures, and it is not recommended to use any herbs.

Are the water treatments different for babies of different sexes?

The only difference in the bathing procedure is intimate hygiene. The structure of male and female intimate places requires different methods of care.

How to bathe a baby for the first time at home?

The first bath always evokes fear, the parents' feelings are passed on to the child, therefore the calmest parent should bathe the newborn... Then both you and the baby will enjoy the procedure.

Preparatory stage

You will need:

  • Baby bath.
  • Water thermometer.
  • Hygiene products for children.
  • Baby cream or oil.
  • Comb-brush for shampooing.
  • Boiled water (until the navel heals).

Now let's talk in more detail about the requirements for hygiene items:

How to wash the genitals?

It is advised to bathe a completely newborn girl with soap once a week., and wash once a day, from top to bottom, better in running water. Since frequent exposure to alkaline impurities worsens the condition of the mucous membranes of the genital organs.

Inner lips

If there is no urgent need, then you need to push the inner labia apart as rarely as possible. If powder or cream is collected there, using a cotton swab, remove it very carefully. The stick must be moistened with sterilized oil or purchased from a pharmacy. The use of boiled water is allowed.


The most comfortable position is when the crumb lies on the left hand with its head to the elbow, and the butt is on the elbow, and washing with the right hand takes place. It is good to rinse all the folds, preferably from a ladle or under a weak pressure of water, so that tiny cracks do not form. When washing the external genitals of a newborn girl daily, do not use regular soap, only baby Ph-neutral.

  • Hygienic cosmetics dry out baby skin, thereby destroying the protective functions of the skin. Therefore, up to a year, use a solution of potassium permanganate and other hygiene products as rarely as possible.
  • Dry with a soft tissue or sterile cotton swab with the sequence: genital slit, labia, groin folds, skin, perineum.
  • Rinse the girl after each trip to the toilet, wash it off with soap after stool.
  • Bathe your baby with the bathroom doors open so that there is no hypothermia when leaving the bathroom to a cool room.
  • Adjust the bathing time to suit the child.

Step by step instructions for the procedure

Upon arrival home, for 2-3 weeks it is enough to bathe the girl in clean warm water, use hygiene products once a week. The first bathing lasts no more than 3 minutes, then 3-10 minutes.

Advice: Talk to the baby while bathing, smile, sing songs, it will calm and relax her.

We recommend watching a video on how to properly bathe a newborn girl:

Actions after washing

Parents should pay attention not only to caring for the baby's skin, but also to his nose, nails and eyes. The baby needs to clean the nose every day, and if necessary, several times a day. You will need cotton swabs for cleaning, you can twist the cotton wool bundles yourself. In order not to damage the mucous membrane of the nose, cotton wool should be moistened with water or boiled oil.... Gently insert into the nostril and roll.

It is better to cut the baby's nails after a month, when they get a little stronger. It is advisable to purchase separate scissors with rounded ends for your daughter. This procedure is done for babies once every 7-10 days.

To wipe the peephole, you need warm boiled water and a cotton swab or gauze... It should be wiped from the corner of the eye to the nose. When souring the eye, you must consult a doctor. Until the navel heals, it must be treated with hydrogen peroxide and alcohol.

How do I dry my baby?

You cannot rub the baby with a towel, it can harm delicate skin, you need to gently blot it dry.

How to care for wrinkles?

To wipe the folds, you will need a special baby oil or baby cream and a cotton pad. The body can be handled with gentle massaging movements. As for the genitals, apply oil to the sponge and gently, spreading your lips, wipe from top to bottom (you can also use a cotton swab for this procedure). Do it very slowly and carefully so as not to cause pain and discomfort to the crumb.

Removing water from the ears

If water gets into the ears, hold the child upright, the water will flow out... Use a cotton swab or thin cotton cords to remove the remnants, wipe the entire auricle.

Other actions

If you bathed a child with various herbs, then you do not need to pour clean water over it. Just wrap your baby in a towel. After bathing is over, do not rush to unravel the child, let the water soak into the towel, as it will freeze when wet.

The intimate hygiene of girls (just like the intimate hygiene of boys) involves a certain daily ritual of washing, which helps to maintain natural cleanliness and health, perhaps the most vulnerable area on the baby's body. Moreover: by properly caring for the baby's genitals, you are, in fact, engaged in the most effective prevention of many "delicate" diseases that potentially threaten the young lady in the future.

The ritual of daily proper washing of a little girl is not only an obligatory part of caring for a baby, but also a guarantee of her future "intimate" health.

How to wash a girl away: frequency is a guarantee of health?

Before telling exactly how to wash a girl, it makes sense to decide how often it should be done. In the case of newborns and babies under one year old, it makes sense to wash the girl every time she “went to the toilet”. However, given the wearing and their excellent properties to quickly and reliably absorb moisture, the optimal washing regime for girls will be as follows:

  • after each bowel movement(in other words, the girl went "in a big way");
  • during evening swimming, just before bedtime.

And be so kind as not to overdo it! There is no point in carrying your baby under the tap whenever you just decide to change her diaper or change her clothes. In the case of intimate hygiene, excessive washing up is more likely to harm the girl's health than benefit her.

There are a huge number of beneficial bacteria that live on mucous membranes. They are extremely small, but not negligible. And many of them "walk" with us through life all the time that is meted out.

If we show excessive "washing" activity, we once and again wash off these bacteria from the skin, thereby depriving ourselves of a special unique protection. Simply put: we ourselves increase the risk of inflammatory and infectious diseases.

The same applies to the "depth" of the process. Remember: for intimate hygiene of a girl, it is permissible to use soap or special wet wipes only on the area of ​​the outer labia, that is, on the outside.

The most common cause of vaginitis (inflammation of the vagina) in young girls is getting soap inside the genitals. Without washing, the soap irritates the walls of the vagina, and as a result, an inflammatory process occurs.

What means are included in the arsenal of intimate hygiene of a girl

The question of what to wash a girl with is no more important than knowing what not to wash her with. In general, baby's intimate hygiene is an area of ​​parental care in which moderation and regularity play a key role. Judge for yourself:

  • The water should be running (if you draw water from a basin or any other container, then washing itself loses any reason right away - you simply arrange a cycle of bacteria and dirt between your child's perineum and the pelvis).
  • The water temperature should be approximately equal to body temperature - 34-36 ° C.
  • Regarding soap and other cosmetics, we will repeat once again: their frequent use causes more problems to the girl's health than not using them at all. Any cleansing cosmetics (even the most mild, pH-neutral, etc.) are acceptable in the genital area a maximum of once a day. And most likely this time is your time. This means that you should wash the girl during the day without using any cosmetic products - soap, foam, gel, etc.
  • If there is no running water nearby (you are on the road, visiting village relatives, etc.), you can use hygienic wet baby wipes. Moreover, they can only be used “unilaterally” - strictly in the direction from the pubis to the coccyx, and in no case vice versa. Otherwise, you will simply bring dangerous bacteria to the delicate mucous membrane of the genitals with your own hands.
  • Make sure that the wipes are free of alcohol and antiseptics!

Most pediatric gynecologists agree that it is possible to use soap and other cosmetic products when washing a girl, on average, 2-3 times a week, not more often. The rest of the time, only warm running water is the main tool and means of hygiene.

If you decide to use a special cosmetic product or wet wipes for the girl's intimate hygiene, make sure that your baby corresponds to the age category indicated on the package - all products of this kind have significant differences in composition and are strictly divided by age audience: some are intended specifically for little ones girls, others for little boys, others for teenagers, fourth for adult women, etc.

If you decide to give preference to a simple bar of soap, then here you should be smart about choosing it. It is best to choose a regular (but not lumpy, but liquid) soap, intended for the hygiene of the baby's first year of life. It is these products that meet the highest production requirements - they do not contain dyes, they have an ideal pH, etc.

Often, this infant liquid soap is much more suitable for intimate hygiene of a child of any age and even an adult than any other special product originally intended specifically for the care of the genitals.

How to wash a girl properly: why is ordinary soap bad?

This paragraph is especially for those who believe that ordinary soap is quite suitable for intimate hygiene. And spending on a separate tool "for tender spots" is just a marketing gimmick and a senseless loss of money.

But no! In this case, the purchase of a special product (namely, liquid soap for a child of the first year of life) is a completely reasonable and correct act.

Let's imagine that every time you wash your face with regular soap, you, in addition to your cheeks, chin and forehead, thoroughly lather your wide-open eyes and mouth from the inside. Do you think your mucous membranes of the eyes and mouth will like such a "rough" treatment? The sensations will definitely be negative: expect burning, itching, drying out and a sharp increase in the number of bacteria. So why do you care about your own cheeks, but do not care about your daughter's health?

After all, in a little girl, the genitals are more than 85% of the mucous membranes.

What to wear on tender places?

The requirements for clothing in the genital area of ​​girls are the most stringent.

  • Clothes and underwear should not be allowed to be tight, or even worse - squeeze the genital area.
  • Materials - only natural, the best of all - one hundred percent organic cotton.
  • It is advisable that the panties worn by the girl were white (especially for very tiny girls who are gradually weaned from wearing diapers and taught to potty and wearing linen). White means no dyes. The fact is that the dyes used in the production of fabrics are very mysterious in nature. By themselves, they can be completely harmless, but when mixed with human sweat, they can suddenly turn into serious allergens. There is no reason to take risks - it is wiser at first to just use underwear without dyes.

The role of the diaper in girls' hygiene

Most pediatricians these days are sincerely grateful to the appearance on the Russian market of diapers. It would seem - such an insignificant wardrobe detail! But as in the case, in matters of intimate hygiene of girls, diapers play a significant positive role.

The fact is that the diaper prevents liquid feces from a newborn girl from entering the vagina. Namely, this is the main reason for the occurrence of severe infectious diseases in baby girls.

As soon as diapers became fashionable, the statistics on infectious diseases of the genital organs in girls under one year of age dropped several times.

In other words - let your baby wear a diaper, in the literal sense of the word, to her health! And the grandmother, who all the time grumbles that her granddaughter's “butt in this armor,” can not be persuaded, but it is also not worth relying on her outdated knowledge in this matter.

Does the correct hygiene of the girl help to avoid synechia?

Let us explain: synechiae of the labia in girls is a fairly common physiological phenomenon (remember: this is not a disease!), The main feature of which is sticking of the labia minora in girls of infancy.

The fact is that the work of the mucous membranes of the genital organs is determined by the amount of sex hormones in the blood. Little girls aged from 6 months to about two years of female sex hormones (estrogens) are extremely low. That is why the mucous membranes of the genitals often stick together (and in very rare cases they can even coalesce).

Synechiae are never observed in babies of the first six months of life, because each girl receives a certain supply of estrogen at the time of childbirth - a kind of parting gift from her mother. After 2-3 years, the amount of estrogen in the girl's body gradually begins to increase, reaching its first peak in the initial stage of puberty (about 7-9 years).

The most common girlish age for synechiae is 10 months to two years.

According to the observations of Dr. O. E. Komarovsky: official statistics in our country speaks of 1.5-3% of girls with synechiae at the age of 6 months to 3 years. However, the professional practical experience of pediatricians states that in some regions of Russia such a phenomenon as synechiae is observed in 30-40% of girls of this age.

How synechiae affect a girl's daily intimate hygiene

In the overwhelming majority of cases, synechiae "disappear" by themselves in adolescence, when the amount of estrogen in the girl's blood gradually increases. But sometimes, quite rarely, there are such serious cases of sticking of the labia, in which the excretion of urine is almost completely blocked. In this case, the physiological phenomenon already acquires the status of a disease and is being treated.

In no case, if you find synechiae in your little daughter, do not even think about trying to separate the labia in any way on your own. Even in the case when, in principle, separation is discussed in the office of a pediatric gynecologist, this is done first of all with the help of special ointments. And by no means mechanical!

We repeat: if a girl has synechiae, but besides the sticking of the labia, there are no other symptoms, then nothing needs to be treated.

If, in addition to the sticking of the labia minora, there are also some discharge, redness, itching, difficulty urinating and other symptoms, then synechiae are treated with special ointments with the required amount of estrogen in the composition. The use of ointments helps the vast majority of girls. Of course, there are times when the fusion has occurred so strongly that there is no other way to separate the tissues, but mechanical intervention. But the percentage of such "operations" these days is negligible.

Hygiene of a newborn girl

The rules of intimate hygiene of a newborn girl are not so different from how you should wash an infant and older girl: the ritual is based on the same running water and a minimum of cosmetics. But there are also some nuances. For example:

  • 1 In the first days after the birth of a newborn girl, the external genitals are covered with a layer of whitish lubricant - this is a special protective "barrier" that prevents infections from entering the "holy of holies" for the first time. You will be doing your little one an annoying disservice if you wash it properly, thereby depriving the protective barrier. Do not touch anything and do not climb anywhere with your hands! Gradually, during normal washing and bathing, the white grease will wash off by itself.
  • 2 A newborn girl should change her diaper every couple of hours (provided it is not empty). If the baby has done "in a big way" - definitely carry it under a stream of warm running water. And keep it so that the water moves along the crotch of the newborn girl strictly in the direction from the pubis to the priest.
  • 3 For the first month, no cosmetics and herbal decoctions should be used when washing a newborn girl.
  • 4 After washing, if possible, do not dress the girl immediately - let her be naked for 10-15 minutes. Firstly, it is good for the baby's skin. Secondly, this simple event tempers the baby well. Thirdly, it will allow you to use less cosmetics for diaper rash, which are good for priests, but not very useful for the perineum: any oil, cream or powder that gets on the intimate area, in the first weeks of the girl's life "works" against her. To quickly establish the correct functioning of the mucous membrane in this area, only running water and air are needed. Any other textures - powder, fat cream or oil will only hinder the work of the mucous membrane.

11 main rules of intimate hygiene of a girl: a memo "on the refrigerator"

We summarize the basic rules of hygiene for a girl, which any parent, even out of hand, poorly versed in the intricacies of female anatomy, must follow ironically:

  • 1 Every day, to cleanse the genital area, it is best to use plain running water and nothing more. In the case when water is not available, it makes sense to "connect to the case" baby wipes without alcohol and antiseptics. The cosmetic product can be used no more than once a day, but best of all - 2-3 times a week.
  • 2 As a cosmetic product, it is best to use ordinary liquid soap for caring for babies in the first year of life. And without looking at how old your daughter really is.
  • 3 You can use soap (like a wet wipe) only on the outside - on the outer labia.
  • 4 If a girl has synechiae, but there are no negative symptoms, then they do not require any treatment. It should be washed in the same way as any other girl.
  • 5 You can only wash the girl with your hands (clean, of course) - no washcloths and sponges, cotton pads or cotton swabs are allowed. Movement when washing is always the same - from the pubis to the priest, and in no case is it the other way around.
  • 6 After washing with running water, do not rub the girl's genital area with a towel, but only slightly blot it.
  • 7 If you and your baby visit the pool, then before leaving home, you just need to rinse yourself in the shower, there is no need to use cosmetics or washcloths. But when visiting the pool, like any other "government" institution, it is important that you have your own personal towel.
  • 8 If you already from time to time dress your baby in underpants, then these underpants should be: not tight-fitting, made of cotton, white. They should be washed with baby soap with a double rinse at the end.
  • 9 Even if you do not find any visible problems in the girl's genital area, you still need to show her to the pediatric gynecologist from time to time: at the age of 1 year, in front of the kindergarten and in front of the school.
  • 10 To teach the girl the ritual of intimate hygiene, so that she can wash herself on her own every day, it's time - at 5-6 years old.

Don't sit on a tree stump!

Girls' intimate hygiene involves more than just a daily washing ritual. But also certain rules of conduct. The main one is to keep your distance from any cool surfaces.

Millions of girls in any generation hear strict warnings from their own and others' infancy: “Don't sit on a cool stone! Get up off the ground - it's cold! Put on your leggings - you'll get cold! Get out of the water - you'll catch a cold! ". And a lot of similar notations in dozens of variations ...

What it is? Where are the good reasons that give rise to such a lot of prohibitions for little and big girls? Why can't ladies, young and old, sit on the tiled floor in their underpants, even if it's summer forty-degree outside?

The meaning of all these prohibitions (and they are absolutely fair and true!) Is this: when a little girl (as soon as she learned to sit down on her own), a teenager or even an adult young lady sits on a cold stone, or stands in cold water for a long time, etc. etc., local hypothermia occurs in the genital area.

You yourself (if you belong to the female half of humanity) may not even notice this insidious chill in the area below the belt, nevertheless, it is there and, alas, he will do his “black” deed even without your knowledge.

Hypothermia, in turn, causes contraction of the vessels of the uterus and ovaries. The sad result of this chain is a sharp violation of blood circulation in the genitals, which significantly increases the chances of the occurrence of protracted and painful inflammatory processes in a "tender" place.

Teach your baby from the first year of life not to sit on stones, tiles, marble window sills and steps, and on other similar surfaces.

After all, this is neither more nor less - partly a guarantee that in the future you will fully enjoy the company of your own grandchildren ...

Every mother understands that taking care of her body must begin from childhood, that intimate hygiene for a girl is extremely important. However, not all mothers know how to properly wash their little girls, as well as carry out other hygiene procedures. But the female health of her daughter largely depends on the correctness of the mother's actions.

We offer mothers a kind of guide on the correct intimate hygiene of girls, which is based on the recommendations of experienced gynecologists and hygiene specialists.

Pediatric gynecologists today state a rather unpleasant fact: among girls and girls under 15 years of age, the incidence of urogenital infections, including vulvovaginitis, has increased. But the main predisposing factor for such diseases in girls is an elementary failure or ignorance of the rules of intimate hygiene.

So, let's begin.

1. Down with embarrassment and shame

The initial, most important task of any mother is to learn to talk to her daughter about intimate things without fear and shyness, to explain all aspects of hygiene procedures to her. Mom should tell the little girl how her genitals are arranged, how to take care of them, wash them, etc., explain how important it is for her health.

The grown-up daughter needs to be told about what menstruation is, what changes are taking place in her body. Particular attention should be paid to the consequences of unprotected sexual intercourse (pregnancy, sexually transmitted diseases). And do not put off this conversation until later, because modern girls grow up very quickly. According to anonymous polls, more than half of high school girls consider it absolutely normal to have several (!) Sexual partners.

2. How to properly wash a little girl

You only need to wash the girl with clean hands, so, first of all, wash your hands with soap and water.

We wash the genitals with warm running water.

We use two hands for washing: we lather one with baby soap and wash my ass (anus area), the other hand without soap is used to wash the genitals.

My ass with hand movements backward and upward (towards the male), the genitals - forward and upward (toward the pubis, without touching or reaching the anus with my hand). It should be noted that some doctors recommend washing the genitals only from front to back, towards the priests.

The stream of water should be directed from front to back, but so that water does not enter the vagina. Under running water, you need to thoroughly wash the anus from the remnants of feces; folds between the labia majora and labia minora, as well as between the labia minora and the clitoris from the remains of urine and secretions (we collect water in the palm and perform gentle movements).

After washing, the girl's genitals should be gently blotted (do not rub!) With a personal, separate towel, which is used only by the girl.

If you notice that white plaque remains between the labia, then remove it with a regular cotton swab or a disc moistened with baby (maybe peach) oil.

After the hygienic procedures, it is imperative for the girl to put on panties. Do not allow the baby to sit on the floor (carpet, chair, sofa, etc.) naked, since these surfaces are a) unhygienic, b) can injure the delicate skin of intimate places.

Until the age of five, all these procedures must be performed by a mother (or one of the adults). After 5 years, the girl should already learn to wash on her own, however, under the supervision of her mother.

3. Use of soap and other hygiene products

You need to use soap to wash the genitals of a little girl no more than 1 time a week!

Older girls (after 5 years) can be washed with soap several times a week.

Only the outer side of the labia majora should be treated with soap (or other special hygiene product). Soap should not get inside the genital gap between the labia. This must be understood and remembered by the mothers of all girls.

Choose the right product for washing.

Today it is already reliably known that to wash girls, you need to use only special means, the acidity of which (p H level) corresponds to the physiological pH value of each particular girl.

→ For little girls, a mild baby bath or special soap with a neutral pH (pH = 7-8) is suitable.

→ for girls from 8 years old - a product with slightly acidic and acidic p H (3.5-4.5).

4. Only the right linen

A girl should only wear natural underwear. The panties should be made of a material without synthetic impurities, such as cotton or linen. It is advisable to wear white underwear, as dyes can cause allergies. In addition, white panties are more hygienic, and it is easier to see the onset of discharge on them. Normally, girls under 8 years old should not have discharge at all, since this is the age of hormonal rest.

Underwear should never be tight, so as not to squeeze the genitals, rub the skin and create a greenhouse effect.

It is best to wash your underwear with ordinary laundry soap (a large ginger bar), or fragrance-free baby soap.

5. We take into account the stages of development of girls

It is customary to divide the sexual development of girls into several periods. Each period has its own characteristics, and its own nuances in the rules of intimate hygiene.

Newborn girls

Girls aged 1 to 8

Girls of prepubertal period (from 8 years to the first menstruation)

Girls of puberty (from the first menstruation to 14 years)

Young girls 15-17 years old.

Newborn girls have mucous accumulations in the folds of the labia called vernix. They are white-gray, cream-colored and can be difficult to remove. The genital skin is extremely thin and vulnerable. During this period, the slightest exposure to the remains of urine and feces can cause redness, inflammation of the skin of the perineum. Therefore, you need to regularly, often (every 3 hours) change the baby's diapers, as well as perform hygienic treatment of intimate places.

Wash the baby for the first couple of months, preferably with boiled water. And after 1.5-2 months, you can do with ordinary running water, medium pressure and a temperature of 36 degrees. No soap!

Girls from 1 to 8 years old experience a period of hormonal rest, the so-called neutral period. The girl's genitals during these years are especially sensitive and vulnerable. In no case should the girl be washed with "adult" cosmetics, household, antibacterial soap, as well as intimate hygiene products with lactic acid (such as Lactacid). Girls at this age have a neutral vaginal environment, so products for women (with an acidic pH) are absolutely not suitable for them. Many gynecologists recommend using Sauhella Polygin with pH = 7 to wash girls.

From the age of 8, noticeable changes begin in the girl's body, including the hormonal background. The vulva becomes less retracted, the mucous membrane thickens, the labia are enlarged. At this time, the first vaginal discharge appears. The reaction of the vaginal environment gradually changes from neutral to acidic. Therefore, the hygiene product should be with an acidic pH = 3.5-4.

Somewhere from 12-13 years old, girls begin to have characteristic mucous discharge, the first menstruation begins. During this period, the girl must observe hygiene especially carefully, regularly change pads, wash herself or (if there is no way to wash herself) use wet wipes after each visit to the toilet.

As you can see, each period of the girl's life is accompanied by certain changes. Having taught her daughter to properly observe intimate hygiene in each of these periods, the mother lays the "foundation" for the normal physiological development of the girl, for the normal formation of her reproductive system.

Be the best, most caring mother, protecting the health of your little daughter from childhood!

The health of a newborn to a large extent depends on proper hygienic care for him. Increased attention should be paid to the cleanliness of the baby's intimate areas. In the first months, the baby very often gets the diapers dirty. If every time after this you do not perform the necessary toilet of the genitals, this can lead to their irritation and even inflammation. Parents need to know all the intricacies of how to wash a newborn girl and boy. Consider the rules and features of this process.

A mother, while still in the hospital, should familiarize herself with how to care for her child.

The mucous membrane in the intimate area is thin and very vulnerable. Therefore, there are special rules on how to properly wash a newborn girl or boy.

  • The baby should not be allowed to stay in wet or soiled diapers for a long time. Indeed, in the feces there are lactic acid bacteria and enzymes, which, getting on the delicate skin of the perineum, can irritate it or even become a source of infection;

Therefore, you need to change children's pants as soon as you notice that the child has urinated or pooped. If a newborn is in a diaper, then it is rather difficult to understand when he got dirty. The diaper should be checked every 2 to 3 hours and, if necessary, removed immediately.

  • After each episode of bowel movements, the baby must be washed. It is not recommended to replace this procedure with wiping the priests with wet wipes. Firstly, it is not always possible to wipe the buttocks clean with their help. Secondly, the composition of the impregnation of such wipes contains chemicals that are not at all suitable for the delicate skin of a newborn, and can cause irritation; Read about how safe it is to use wet wipes in the article: Wet wipes for newborns >>>
  • When starting to wash the child, the mother needs to wash her hands with soap;
  • It is best to wash a newborn girl or boy under warm running water;

Even if the child has an evening bathing (about how to bathe a baby, learn from the article: How to bathe a newborn? >>>), you must first wash the remains of feces on the bottom under the tap. It is not at all necessary to pre-boil the water. It is not recommended to add a solution of potassium permanganate to the water for washing, it can cause a burn of the mucous membranes.

  • In no case should you use adult cosmetics to wash a baby. But baby soap should be used very rarely. Despite its special composition, it can still lead to dryness of the delicate skin of the perineum; Find out how often you can use soap in baby care from the article: Can a newborn be washed with soap? >>>
  • Particular attention should be paid to removing dried faeces that are firmly adhered to the skin. Do not try to peel them off with your fingernail or scrub them off with a washcloth. This can cause a scratch. Better to moisten a cotton pad with baby oil and rub it lightly. The particles will soften very quickly and can be easily removed;
  • After washing, dry the baby's skin. You can leave your baby to lie down naked on the changing table;
  • Only natural fabrics should be used to wipe intimate areas. You can not rub the baby's body with a towel, only blotting movements should be made;
  • It is not recommended to apply baby oil and powder at the same time. This can lead to the formation of white lumps in the folds of the skin, which will chafe. The same situation can arise if you shake the powder on a still damp body. A detailed article on baby powder and how to use it >>>;
  • The powder should be used only if there is irritation on the skin. Baby oil is only needed if the baby has dry skin. Without special need, these funds should not be used;
  • If redness appears in the intimate area, you should consult a doctor. This should be done without delay if, in addition, a rash or swelling is noticeable. In no case should you self-medicate, because we are talking about the reproductive capacity of the child in the future.

Due to the fact that the intimate organs of the two sexes have a different structure, the hygiene of a newborn girl has distinctive features. There are also special conditions in the requirements for caring for a boy.

Caring for the intimate organs of a girl

The genitals of a newborn girl do not have natural protection, because the hymen is just being formed during this period. The mucous membranes are not yet populated with beneficial microflora, which serves as a barrier to bacteria.

Therefore, there is a high risk of microbes entering the vagina, which can lead to the development of an infection. Mom needs to carefully monitor that particles of feces or low-quality cosmetics do not cause irritation or inflammation in the intimate area.

  1. The first and most important rule of caring for a newborn girl is that when washing away, it is necessary to make movements only in the direction from the labia to the anus. Indeed, otherwise, the remains of feces may fall into the perineal area;
  2. If the girl just urinated, then it is enough to wipe the genitals and the skin around them with a cotton swab. After that, you can arrange air baths for a few minutes;
  3. If the baby pooped, then you should wash her under running water. According to the recommendations on how to wash a newborn girl under the tap, the mother needs to lay her daughter, placing her face up, on her left hand. In this case, she should place the child's head on the elbow, and hold her thigh with her fingers. It is not necessary to direct the stream of water directly to the perineum, it is better to substitute your hand, draw water into your palm and then wash your buttocks.

Some parents wash the girl in two stages: first, rinse under the tap, and then wash in a bath using water with decoctions of herbs (about which herbs can be used, read the article: Herbs for bathing a newborn >>>). In infancy, this procedure should be treated with great caution.

It's important to know that many medicinal plants can adversely affect not only pathogens, but also the beneficial microflora of the vagina.

Relatively safe remedies include the following decoctions:

  • chamomile - helps to eliminate irritation;
  • oak bark - helps to get rid of diaper rash;
  • - promotes healing of microcracks, relieves inflammation.

In addition to washing, caring for the genitals of a newborn girl, provides for a careful examination of the intimate area. This is necessary to remove the white-gray plaque that forms from the secretions of various glands located on the labia. After discharge, it rolls off the skin and remains in the folds of the perineum.

  1. Lay the baby on the changing table (detailed article on changing tables >>>);
  2. Soak a swab in a special baby oil for cleansing;
  3. Wipe all folds and skin around the labia with a swab.

In this case, you should not touch the mucous membranes of the vagina!

Boy's genitals care

Now let's look at how to wash a newborn boy. This procedure also has its own peculiarities. In a boy, special attention should be paid to the head of the penis, which is closed by the foreskin. This delicate and delicate skin is not recommended to be delayed (at least until the child reaches one year of age).

  • At the same time, it is important to know that in boys, smegma - white flakes that are formed from the secretion of the sebaceous glands - can accumulate in the foreskin sac. Smegma needs to be removed, but it should be done only once a day after an evening swim. It is not necessary to carry out such a procedure daily, only as needed;
  • It is necessary to act very carefully, without pressure, slightly shifting the foreskin. To do this, it is recommended to moisten the thumb and forefinger in boiled vegetable oil and gently push the skin with them. A cotton pad should also be moistened in oil and blotted the upper part of the boy's penis;

Know! It is not advisable to use a cotton swab for such a case, since villi or pieces of cotton wool may remain from it.

  • At the end of the procedure, the foreskin must be released and the entire head of the penis must be lubricated with a drop of oil;
  • Do not try to crawl further under the foreskin to clean out all the white plaque! As a result of the movement of the skin, these flakes themselves move closer to the edge, and then they can be easily removed.
  1. First, lay the baby on his hand, belly down, and thoroughly wash the ass;
  2. Turn the child over on the back and put the penis and scrotum under the water.

It is not necessary to put on a diaper for the boy immediately after water procedures. It is very helpful to let the body "breathe". It is advisable that the first half hour - an hour after washing, the baby was in ordinary panties or sliders.

Taking care of the correct intimate hygiene of a newborn girl or boy, parents save their baby from serious problems that can negatively affect his future health.

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