The status of an ex-boyfriend to his girlfriend. Statuses to hurt a guy

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I don’t understand my ex-husbands who are married and with a child at the same time ... You are so bad married to your husband that you want to return mine ALREADY ?! Sorry, klushki - the train has already left!))))))

"Former" does not exist!

I bought the former as a gift - a plastic bib ... To pick up drool)))

What did the guy the girl loved? - BRAIN !!!

- Are you dating my ex?
- Well, yes and what?
- Nothing ... I'm gnawing an apple here, do you want to finish it?

I am pinned statuses like “I will be your most beautiful ex))". But be you even their leader !!! The main thing is that you are very far from his real one !!!

The moments when ex pounding at your door are like diarrhea ... they only have one frustration!

What could not be returned ... Do not come to my world cold, please forget about the future, you are my ex, you are only an ex !!!

Why, some women who, through their own fault, have lost their families, try to put a spoke in the wheels of their ex?

I wanted to annoy the “former”, poked my head, and then the salt ran out, there was only sugar !!! Damn, well, I'll give him a "sweet life" !!!

Friends parted with the ex. After a while, we decided to go to a cafe, talk ... and woke up in the morning in the same bed in an embrace ... Well, what kind of FRIENDSHIP is this ?!

- Darling, let's talk about fools? - Let's. - Is your ex still calling?

The former are like a tricycle: it seems that they don't care for it for a long time, but it's still not pleasant when someone else is riding it ...

Selling. The former. The organs. =))))

Lovely ex-girls, no need to reach out, attract attention and call your ex-boyfriends !!! After all, they may have already met another, the one with which they are better. Let them live in peace and happiness, do not interfere and you will find your happiness !!!

I can't drink - I miss my ex. You can't be sad - there will always be others. But having a lot, you understand that you have nothing if your ex is your happiness, and new people cannot change anything in your life ...

"New relationships with exes" sounds as tempting as "sour milk."

Honey, stay the same, there and don't call me again ...

This is not the right moment when the ex writes, you sit in shock and think, WELL, WHAT DO YOU NEED FROM ME ?!

Girls with a future can do without men with a past!

Happy exes do not write!

I have the impression that the "invisible" who come to my page are either my ex-boyfriends, or my husband's ex-girls ...

... I can always call you ... only there is no desire ...

Just don't let me go ... Suddenly I won't come back.

Yesterday I was drinking ... and I didn't call him! Oscar to me! Oscar!

Love is not chosen, loved ones are not blamed, fate is not repeated, exes are not called ...

I'll be your smartest ex. Promise.

Well, you are walking around the city, carrying your head beautifully! The arrogance of a light bang, and heels, needles. There is mockery in your eyes, and in them there is an order not to confuse you with that very ex, beloved and loved one ...

Best compliment from an ex - he blushed three times when he spoke to me!

I cannot be abandoned ... I can be lost ...

No matter how good, beautiful, smart you are, it is enough to find your girlfriend's first love and believe the best for her will still be him!

A call from an ex ... -Hi, what did you find a new guy for? -Yes, why are you calling? - yes, I just saw you together, you were so happy that it pissed me off

I wish the former at least good luck, because alas, he has already lost his real happiness ...

If you miss me, remember that you let me go yourself ... And I ... you know, but I don't care about you ...

A piece with love for him will forever remain in my heart. And it will not disappear anywhere! It's just too little to be together, but at the same time enough to feel the butterflies in the stomach from his call ...

Girls, be beautiful ... to make YOURS proud ... ANOTHER wanted ... THE FORMER bit his elbows ...)))

Lord, thank you for once divorcing me from my ex-husband !!! Now I am a beloved and loving bride again !!!

Why, having become a "former", he sharply became dull and terrified?

It is difficult to communicate with the former ... After all, for each of them there is a corner in the heart ... And a drop of love will forever remain there ... It's normal when you are drawn to the past ... The main thing is not to get carried away ...

- If men could be compared to flowers, then my ex is exactly a cactus. The same green from jealousy, prickly from greed and bloomed only once - when I became pregnant with my daughter.

You know, I still keep your photos ... I put coffee on them ... I put the pies. ...

They say "do not drink with the former." Not true, drink! It boosts self-esteem when he says how wonderful you are and what a moron he is.

The best statuses about ex on! In life, it often happens that a person with whom we have been together for some time ceases to exist for us. He goes to another level in our list of dear and loved people. In the category of the former! Who are these former people for us, people from the past who sometimes we want to forget, as if there was nothing between us. We walked by along the park alley, did not sit next to the subway, did not sit together on a pair, when the old teacher was explaining the laws of macroeconomics for a long time. You did not see each other in the club, did not collide at the doors of the cafe and many different "did not meet". But these meetings took place, there were deep, strong feelings for each other. And it seemed that you would never have statuses about exes on your Odnoklassniki page. Everyone knows the phrase that a person assumes, but life arranges everything in a completely different way. And it happened, you broke up. Such is fate!

Daring statuses about ex-boyfriends!

Everyone knows that women are much more emotional than men. They can cry for several days in a row, and then they put on a beautiful dress, do bold makeup and again go in search of the man of their dreams. No, they continue to keep love for their ex-boyfriend in the farthest corner of their heart, but life does not stand still, and you need to move forward. Let him know, you are made for happiness. The light did not converge on it like a wedge. There are so many beautiful, strong, kind, affectionate, cheerful, hard-working, caring men around. And he, the traitor, let him bite his elbows that he did not appreciate what a wonderful girl he could be! In the meantime, the pillow keeps the smell of his shampoo, and his toothbrush is in the bathroom, and many photos are reminiscent of past love, the girls continue to suffer. And on their page on the social network, statuses about ex-boyfriends are flashing! They are very different, angry, impudent, sad, sad - it all depends on the mood.

The best quotes about ex-girls!

Men can suffer too! Let it not be so tragic, without hysterics and tears. But they are worried! After all, this girl was the sweetest, most beautiful, kind. With her, he went to the cinema, walked in the park, went to the sea, looked at the starry sky, made plans for the next weekend, which did not happen. He remembers the smell of her perfume, laughter and the way she wrinkled her nose in a funny way, he even fell in love with her cat. They read each other's novels out loud, watched their favorite old comedies and argued until hoarse about which adaptation of the classics was the most successful. In the morning he made her coffee and she made a delicious breakfast. They dreamed of a big family, and that they must have a dog and a cat. All this remained in the past, a wonderful memory with a taste of bitterness. Men have been told since childhood that only girls cry. And he doesn't cry. Only occasionally looking through old photos with a new girl and finding a photo with an ex does he experience embarrassment and pain in his heart, which he still remembers. Forget about it, go to Statuses-Here. Ru and choose statuses about ex-girls. Let them know that you are doing great!

Sayings about ex-husbands for proud women!

Former husbands are a category of men with whom you either continue to communicate or delete from your life once and for all. It's good when you don't have common children with your ex. Then everything is simple, they fled and no one owes anything to anyone! And if there are children, it is more difficult here. Each woman decides for herself, since everyone's situations are different. The only thing that unites ex-wives is conflicting feelings towards their ex-spouse. Yesterday you slept in the same bed, your budget was shared, you planned together where to go on vacation. Now you have to solve all household and financial problems yourself. And this parasite lives with its new woman and does not blow in the mustache. And what I found in him then, such guys looked after me, and I chose this womanizer. From love to hate, as you know, just one step. So women are ready to take revenge on their ex in all possible ways that do not contradict the criminal code. And the easiest way is to select the most killer and funny quotes for your VKontakte and Odnoklassniki pages on our website in the category of statuses about ex-husbands.

You cannot buy true love, but you can pay for it bitterly.

I'm kind of strange, I imagine my boyfriend with his ex-girlfriend, how and what they had, and then I sit and rage.

It's just that the time comes, and you realize that forgiving is already useless.

Why doesn't my boyfriend write me warm SMS at night? - Because you don't have a boyfriend!

I will give you advice, friend: never be shy, if a guy is cheating, come and beat him in the face !!

You make a god out of a guy, and he leaves you. Another makes a beast out of him, and he licks her hands and does not lag behind her.

Dear, you and I are too different - you're just a schmuck, and I'm cool =)

I want to find a guy who, looking into my eyes, will understand without words that right now you just need to kiss me, and it doesn't matter if we are meeting or just friends.

Time does not heal, it leads to indifference, it kills everything that we loved so much ...

Only then will the guy understand how dear the girl is to him when he sees her with another.

I remember how he said that I was "the meaning of his life" ... Then it turned out that he can do just fine without the meaning of life ...

If a guy cheats, don't cry, laugh! Nice Guy Won't Cheat, Cheaters Change !!!

Earlier, those who said: "there is no love" - ​​I was very angry. And now I take it calmly ...

Any guy can get the girl he wants, you just have to try, this is not a big trick; but only a guy who respects a girl can part with her without humiliating her.

My mascara is too expensive to cry!

So you want him to suddenly sit down abruptly, it doesn't even matter where and where, and his friends asked - what is wrong with you? and he would answer: - bl *, guys, how I love her.

Dry your tears. Everything will work out. People learn from mistakes!

Like a fool, I bought a gift, waited for him, but he was busy and could not even go out for 5 minutes, and I was left with my gift and not a pleasant feeling, as if they had been thrown.

She threw him - it means a bitch, but how he threw her, so it means MAN ???

Still, it's sad when a man buys condoms by the piece. Either there is no money at all, or strength ...

Statuses about guys are sad - It sucks when the only thing that can give me warmth is a blanket

Love wears glasses through which copper turns into gold, poverty into wealth, and drops of fire into pearls.

Dreams are needed in order to be at least a little with someone who is no longer around.

A serious relationship is if a guy, seeing a pretty girl on the street, looks at her ... and thinks: "My girl needs to buy the same hat"

I don’t love, but I miss, I don’t want to, but I remember, in this world I am alone, in my world there is no you!

Before you cry into your friend's vest, smell if this vest smells like your boyfriend's perfume !!!

Why, when it's a solid ass in relationships with guys, the opposite is true for best friends?

Do you have a new boyfriend? - No, I just wash it with "Caress"

Loneliness is freedom, which is not happy!

Every girl wants one guy to fulfill all her desires, and every guy wants all the girls to fulfill his one wish.

Once I killed love ... Now it is back and is slowly killing me ...

It's crazy to be with you. Not being with you is suicide.

My plans were to break his heart. But, I still collect the fragments of my ...

Birth is the beginning of a new life. For the past - for now. Hello future.

I'm getting used to you, I feel the pull. You are already an inseparable part of me, affectionate and independent fluffy. (I live with the cat now).

Sent a guy yesterday. Now doubts are gnawing: everything is normal, has it come.

Free as a free wind, young man. I got dressed for the threshold. Running and speeding are encouraged. Time is running out - parsing will be after. Happy road.

Boy, you were cruelly wrong when you counted on an eternal feeling. I ceased to dry on you - you deceived yourself.

Do not roll noodles intended for ears on your long mustache.

More than others, I adore you. The rest of the girls I need purely for contrast and comparison.

When a girl cheated on a guy, you shouldn't jump from a skyscraper. The wings of love have been broken off for you, and no one has ever flown on the horns - they are butting with them.

I was mistaken, but I do not regret it - not all dreams come true. You are not the hero of my play - my characters are not mistaken.

Sobbing, the black widow would say: “He promised not to cheat, not to stare at other people's skirts, to cherish,” burying another body at night in the thicket.

If you want to walk, go, dear, no one is going to hold you a deer by the branchy antlers.

- Dad, dad, I will never go sledding with you again. - Stop whining, take it!

We can forget what we said, but we will never forget how we felt when we were together ...

Men they are all so windy ... so not constant ... today one kisses ... tomorrow another!

Honey, you were afraid to hurt me by leaving ... and I was worried that you would not hook the Japanese chandelier with your horns

Don't be stupid - there are too many competitors.

It's time for you to change, not to waste.

I know that you are afraid to disappoint me, but I want to reassure you, because my expectations for you are already low!

Do you know how long I've been looking for someone like you? “I don’t know… but I wish you the best in your further searches!

here I sit and think ...: I still have a drink .. or I already like you (c)

The dog is not fake!

A true optimist is one who thinks that originally the Leaning Tower of Pisa lay. (C)

I do not come across faces, but a personal insult

Don't slap your back - you will break your wings

If you don't mind, I'll stop listening to you and start talking myself.

Don't annoy those who have access to your food!

The meaning of the word "Loch" is an intelligent well-mannered well-read person. And it became sarcasm not so long ago.

He held my waist ... and I held him for an idiot

Well, when will the skpperfield get out of here?

You think that any thought that comes out of your head is pure gold. Now, let me tell you something. These thoughts are full of cocoa!

There is a boyfriend - there are problems, there is a boyfriend - there is only one problem - there is no boyfriend

As they say - "each creature has a pair ..." bitch, when will I find this creature for myself !!

You cry that it's hard without love. Believe me, when I don't have milk at home, it's even worse for me.

Once again, you missed a great chance to remain silent.

Given your lack of education, I am ready to answer any of your questions.

and let me in the world, no one is going to love, after all, I'm a bitch, I will harm them ..

To talk to you on the same level, I have to lie down ..!

Yesterday I was in the ass, today in the ass, tomorrow I will be in the ass ... the situation has stabilized ...

There are fewer and fewer names that are not associated with freaks.

An emo girl sits on a pipe, dreams of death, grieves over fate, and suddenly the pipe explodes ... Gazprom, dreams come true!

Wise advice - do not anger the informal angels.

Beauty will save mymr

Until there is an ass, the adventure will not end =))

yes, your politeness is neither in the pussy, nor in the red army!

Stupidity is not a lack of mind, it is such a mind.

you get used to everything, even to the gallows ...

When you wait for a prince on a white horse, then, as a rule, only a horse comes. And the prince at this time grazes some horse. (C)

Whatever you think to yourself, I'm already halfway to sex out of pity.: - D

It is a pity that your critical review was not written on paper.

want to hear a bedtime story? send SMS with the text: "I know everything!" to your boyfriend's number

and you are really nothing ... with good lighting, a favorable wind and a couple of ecstasy

Bitch, you can't even be sent anywhere, I've already been everywhere :)

Carry me, sea ... fuck about the rocks ..

Happiness is when you have everything you want and you are still free.

And you know how to present the naked facts ...

Somewhere in the depths of his soul, he was a real man ...

I'll climb the tree and star as much as I want

Don't run from the sniper - you will die tired !!!

I have no funds to pay for sorrows and dramas, so blow your own head!

So I look at you and think it's bad when a guy's abs are more prominent than his brain.

Man does not live by love alone!

He is so silent that he wants to undress ...

Honey, I have small ears, so many noodles do not fit on them! Hang on your horns

Almost all people have statuses about the former. After all, it is difficult to find someone who has never experienced (or not really) a person. How differently guys and girls look at parting and former lovers, is described in the article.

Statuses about ex-girls

  • "No girl has yet said goodbye in less than a hundred words."
  • "Once again refreshing my page, do not forget to remind yourself that you are indifferent to me."
  • "If you left me, it does not mean that we will not get married."
  • "We decided to part as friends. Friends who don't remind each other of themselves."
  • "The girl went to another. Now I think: to be happy for him or to regret?"
  • "You and I could be the perfect match. If there was someone else in your place."
  • "Do not lower yourself and do not humiliate yourself in front of me. Men love to rise with a woman, not to lift her."
  • "You said that your love was gone. Now come on by yourself, don't stand in my way."
  • "It is beneath my dignity to remember the one who managed to forget me."
  • "I hated her until I felt sorry for her."
  • "She was a smart girl. She knew how to joke, behave in society and leave before she got tired."

Ex-boyfriend statuses

  • "I wish my ex only good luck. After all, they have already missed their happiness."
  • "Each of us learned from the breakup. You realized that you were a fool. I realized that too."
  • "When you realize that you cannot live without me, I will already be with the one who realized this faster."
  • "The girls have an effective sign: if life is getting better and everything is fine, the former will soon appear on the horizon."
  • "Today's ex-boyfriend girls are always ugly, stupid and old."
  • "Dating an ex-boyfriend is like watching a movie you know by heart."
  • "Yesterday I broke the system: after the get-togethers with my friends, I didn't call my ex."
  • "I realized that I was on the right track after breaking up, when the ex blushed three times before talking to me."
  • "Over time, every girl thinks," Where were my eyes looking? "
  • "Every girl knows to leave the house without makeup and in sweatpants, you will definitely meet an ex."

Statuses about the ex are always very emotionally colored. During such periods, people are always more sensitive. The statement will be sad or joyful, the main thing is that it should affect the personality of another person as little as possible. In order not to regret in the future about an impulsive act.

Termination statuses

The statuses about former men and women have one thing in common - everyone is worried about the breakup. Each in his own way, in a manner characteristic of himself, but still worries. Parting is not joyful and devoid of any feelings. The statuses about the former and the breakdown of relations in general are convincing of this.

  • "Each of us is someone former."
  • "If a person left, then he was looking for someone better. This is the only and most compelling reason why you should not renew the relationship."
  • "Even if we no longer have a beautiful present, there are always fond memories of the past."
  • "You need to leave when you are completely sure that you will not return in your thoughts all your life."
  • "We said goodbye so many times forever."
  • "The point can only be in relationships. In love, not everything is so simple."

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