Christmas toys and bead crafts: how to do it yourself. Crafts from beads for the New Year

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Weaving patterns:

Weaving patterns:

Winter snowflake

This snowflake is made of white shiny bugles, white mother-of-pearl beads with a diameter of 2 and 4 mm, and white mother-of-pearl beads. It is desirable to choose a white wire.

Weaving in a cross is the basis for weaving this snowflake.

1st row- take 14 beads with a diameter of 2 mm and 14 beads and weave a chain as shown in fig. 51. Close the chain into a ring by crossing both ends of the wire in the first bead (Fig. 52, a).
The ring should lie in the plane of the table.
Each new row is woven with a new wire with two working ends. At the end of each row, carefully hide the ends of the wire. For those who have mastered the basics of this method, you can weave all the chains with one wire with two ends, transferring them from row to row (Fig. 52, 6).

2nd row- type a bugle and a bead on the right end of the wire (P), with the left end go through the bead of the first row and string the bugle, in which you cross both ends of the wire. For those who continue to weave with one wire from row to row, string bugles and beads on the right end of the wire, and only bugles on the left (JI) and also cross the ends in it (Fig. 52, c). Then string one bead on the right end of the wire, and on the left bugle beads (Fig. 52, d). Pass the right end through the bugles located on the left end of the wire. In this row, bugles are the connecting link where both ends of the wire are crossed. Now pass the left end of the wire through the beads of the first row and string the bugles; string the beads on the right end (Fig. 52, e). Continue working, guided by Figures 52, e.

3rd row- string bugles and a bead with a diameter of 2 mm on the wire, pass the left end of the wire through the beads of the second row (Fig. 53, a), string bugles on one end of the wire and cross both ends in it. Continue working, guided by Figures 53 (b-e). Until the end of the row, you pick a bead on the right end of the wire, and with the left one pass through the bead of the second row, cross both ends in a bugle, which is a connecting link. At the end of the work, carefully hide both ends of the wire, but only if "you use a new piece of wire for each subsequent row."
Each row of snowflakes must lie in the plane of the table.

4th row- string bugles on the wire, one small bead, one large, 4 mm in diameter and again one small (Fig. 54, a), with the left end of the wire go through the small bead of the third row and string the bugles on the left end (Fig. 54, b) in which cross both ends of the wire. Now type one small bead on the right end of the wire, and with the left go through the bead of the third row (Fig. 54, c). Cross both ends of the wire in glass beads (Fig. 54, d) and string one small and one large bead on the right end of the wire, then again one small, with the left end of the wire go through the bead of the third row and cross both ends of the wire in glass beads again. Continue with fig. 54, a — e.

At the end of the row, carefully hide the ends of the wire, this also applies to those who weave all rows with one wire.

5th row consists of 7 petals, each of which is braided separately. To weave one petal, take a piece of wire and thread it through 3 small beads, as shown in fig. 55, a.
Weaving is also done at two ends. String bugles on the right end of the wire and cross both ends of the weeding in it (Fig. 55, b).

Then type one small bead on the right end, and one bead on the left, cross both ends of the wire in bugles (Fig. 55, c).
Continue to weave and each time type a small bead on the left end, and a small bead on the right, the connecting link, as before, will be a bugle, in which both ends of the wire cross. When there are five such links, put one bead on the left end of the wire, and make a picot on the right of the four large beads (Fig. 55, d).

Then cross both ends of the wire in the glass beads. Proceed as shown in fig. 55, e, f. As soon as you cross both ends of the wire in the 10th bugle, if you count from the beginning of the weaving of the petal, pass both ends of the wire through 3 small beads towards each other (Fig. 55, g). With the end that will be closer to the middle of the petal, go through all 9 beads inside the petal (Fig. 56). Next, pass the same end of the wire through the adjacent 3 small beads and draw both ends of the wire towards each other from the edge of the snowflake to its middle.

Then cut off the excess wire (fig. 57). All subsequent petals are woven in the same way.
In fig. 58, a. 6 shows options for weaving petals, which will give you the opportunity to weave several more new ones based on the above snowflake.

Braiding an easter egg

Easter Egg "Merry Easter"
(fig. 124)

The egg is braided using the netting technique (horizontal). For work, you must use beads of three colors and a special blank with a horizontal girth of 14.5 cm and a height of 7 cm.

The pattern rapport is shown in Fig. 124. a. Cast on beads of the 1st row, enter the 1st of the collected beads. Put the resulting beaded ring on a special blank. Weave the 2nd row (Fig. 124, a, b). Next, braid the upper part in accordance with the diagram (Fig. 124, a). After completing the 12th row, collect the beads marked on the diagram with an asterisk into a ring. Having finished the work, braid the lower part of the egg in accordance with the scheme (Figure 124, a). The stand is made in the form of a cord closed in a ring.

Easter egg "Resurrection"
(fig. 125)

The egg is braided using the “crosses” weaving technique. For work, you must use beads of two colors and a special blank with a horizontal girth of 14.5 cm and a height of 7 cm.
Weave the canvas. The width of the web is equal to the height of the central part of the egg, the length is equal to the horizontal girth of the egg.

The pattern is shown in Fig. 125, a. Connect the end of the web with its beginning (Fig. 125, b). Put the resulting ring on a special blank (Fig. 125, c). Braid the "tops". When performing work, the number of links in each subsequent row should be reduced, as shown in Fig. 125, g. At the very "top" of the egg, collect the remaining beads into a ring. The stand is made in the form of a cord closed in a ring.

Easter egg "Gzhel"
(fig. 126)

The egg is braided using the “crosses” weaving technique. For work it is necessary to use a special blank (horizontal girth - 16.5 cm, height - 8 cm) and beads of three colors (always of the same size and even): white "porcelain", blue "porcelain", blue "porcelain". It is very important not only to choose beads of these colors, but also their exact shades, which are typical for Gzhel ceramics.

Of course, a different color combination is possible, but the finished egg will no longer resemble the products of this craft known to the whole world.
In fig. 126, and the pattern repeat is shown. When working, use the same techniques as when braiding an egg "Resurrection". Make the stand in the form of a cord closed in a ring, then decorate with a napkin (Fig. 126, b), woven by the technique of net weaving (horizontal).

Easter egg "Fantasy"
(fig. 127)

Perform braiding using the technique of "embroidery" with beads on the beaded mesh "rings". For work, you need to use a special blank (horizontal girth - 16.5 cm, height - 7 cm), as well as beads of five colors (one color - for making a net, four colors - for embroidery) and small beads of two colors 4 mm.

Weave the fabric using the "ringlets" weaving technique. The width of the web is equal to the height of the central part of the egg, the length is equal to the horizontal girth of the egg. Connect the end of the canvas with its beginning (Fig. 127, a). Put the resulting ring on a special blank (see Fig. 125, c). Braid the "tops". When performing work, the number of links in each subsequent row should be reduced, as shown in Fig. 127, 6.

At the very "top" of the egg, collect the remaining beads into a ring. After finishing braiding the egg, embroider it (see fig. 21). The pattern of the embroidered pattern is shown in Fig. 127, c. Use a plastic ring as a support. Braid it as shown in fig. 127, d. Weave a small napkin around the stand (Fig. 127, d) using the netting technique (horizontal).

Lyudmila Bozhko "Beadwork"

The beads are dressed up by themselves. And toys for decorating a Christmas tree, decorating a table or at home from it turn out to be unusual and truly exclusive. After all, what is made with your own hands in a single copy, you will not meet with friends and you will not find in the store. Angels, Christmas trees, stars, balls, Santa Clauses - these are far from all New Year's beaded toys that can be made quickly.

Some ornaments are very difficult to make and require serious beading skills. Others can be done even by those who have never held wire and beads in their hands before.

Clear diagrams, a little time and effort - and you will have a completely unique creation in your hands. You can hang it on a Christmas tree, decorate your home, or give it to your friends. Such a gift will definitely not get lost among the numerous boxes and packages.

Any work, experts are sure, should start with preparation. So that everything is at hand during the creation of a masterpiece, and nothing distracts from the creative process.

New Year's toys made of beads and beads do not require any special preparatory measures in this regard.

You just need to put comfortable pliers next to it, preferably with narrow ends. Stock up on wire - thick and thin, if necessary - colored. And also with a fishing line, if it is supposed to be used.

Of course, you need beads and beads. Here, the fantasy is not limited to anything.

Additional details - ribbons, bells and whatever. You can decorate jewelry using a variety of elements.

Simple and fast

A very simple toy that you can make on your own with your child. The process of making it is easy to build in the form of a game, this will make it more fun.

First, we inflate the balloon to the size we need. Then we take a thin wire for beading, string beads and beads on it. You can choose beads of two colors or one. You can arrange a real colored fireworks display of beads of different shades, configurations and sizes.

A little trick when making such a ball: do not put on all the beads at once - it is better to do it gradually. They strung a small section - wrapped around the ball once. We intertwined the wire from above, secured it - we continue.
It is important to ensure that the wire does not grip the ball too tightly: it can burst from excessive pressure.

When the work comes to an end, it is worth understanding how exactly it is planned to hang the ball on the tree. A wire can act as a loop. Then you need to leave a sufficient segment of it to make a loop or hook. Another variant of the scheme is to hang the ball on a tape. It is tied to a wire top weave.

When the work is finished, the balloon is burst and carefully removed from the frame. The decoration is ready!

Herringbone and snowflake

The diagrams for making toys from beads are very simple. For example, a herringbone. It needs green beads and several bright beads of large and medium size.

First, the end of the wire is folded over to prevent the beads from slipping off. Then put on a large bead - this will be the top of the Christmas tree. Then several green beads are strung, again a bead. Etc.

When all the wire is full, it is twisted into a spiral. If you then pull gently on the "top", the spiral turns into a cone. Another option is to make a cardboard cone and wrap it with beaded wire to create the desired shape of the finished jewelry.

You can hang the decoration on a thread or ribbon.

A more complex decoration is a snowflake. It is made of blue or white transparent beads and beads of the same color. It turns out very beautifully and effectively. The scheme is as follows:

  1. First, the middle of the snowfields is formed - 6 beads are put on a wire and connected into a ring; the wire at the junction is intertwined to secure.
  2. Then a large bead is strung on one end of the wire, then several small ones, now the second large bead.
  3. The resulting row is bent into a ring, and the wire is passed through the bead at its base - taken out from its other side.
  4. The process is repeated until the second circle of the snowflake is ready.
  5. You can make a snowflake of any size by adding rows.

Beads and lace

Beads look very nice in a company with lace. If you look at the diagrams, you can understand how to make a lace ball decorated with beads and sequins.

For this, a plastic bag is taken from which a ball is made. It is wrapped with threads, achieving the most correct shape. You can additionally strengthen the structure with PVA glue.

Then the ball is wrapped with a piece of lace or tulle, also securing it with glue. Now you can embroider the fabric: a needle is threaded through the lace, a sequin is put on it, then a bead and the thread is passed through the sequin again, returning it to the fabric.

Angels at the party

New Year's toys made of beads are different. The traditional Christmas decoration, angels, is made from a variety of materials. Beads are also a good solution.

For example, you can make an angel out of beads of gold, white and green, red and white beads:

  1. The first step of the diagram is the head, it is made from a large white bead; first bend the tip of the wire, then put on the bead.
  2. The second step is a corset, it is made of a slightly smaller bead, oval in shape.
  3. The third step - hands, between the head and the corset, fix the wire, put on it in turn two white elongated beads and three round golden beads; the wire ends are hidden in the extreme white beads.
  4. The fourth step is a skirt, it is made in the form of a cone from beads and beads of different shapes and colors; the finished skirt is attached to the body with wire.
  5. The fifth step of the scheme is the wings, they are woven from beads of a golden hue and fixed on the back of an angel.

You can decorate the angel's head with a crown. To do this, at the beginning of work, they make a wreath of white beads, and only then put on a large white bead.

Christmas wreath

A traditional Christmas wreath doesn't have to be made of leaves, flowers, and cones. A beaded wreath is also a very interesting decoration. Also unusual.

The wreath will turn out to be very effective if you use large green beads in the shape of crystals to make it. You will also need a lot of large matte red beads. And large golden hues. The main wreath can be a wire or fishing line.

The process is quite complicated, but if you adhere to the scheme, then everything will definitely work out. An important point - you need to act with two needles at once.

First, 10 round details are weaved from green beads and red beads. Then they are combined into a wreath. When it is completely ready, it is wrapped in a pre-woven chain of gold beads. The decoration is hung on a Christmas tree, door or elsewhere on a red bead loop.

You can add a bell.

The stars are in our hands

Even small children can make Christmas stars using beads, if you find schemes. With the help of parents, such a bright, elegant decoration can be created very quickly.

Two types of colored wire are taken - thin and thick. You will also need beads of different sizes, white transparent, you can have a different color. And beads of different shapes and shades.

First, the thick wire must be bent so that the outline of the star is obtained. If it is assumed that in the future it will decorate the top of the New Year's tree, then from the ends of the wire at the bottom of the silhouette it is worth building a mount, on which the star will then "sit". If the decoration is suspended, then the ends of the wire are carefully tucked in. And after the end of the work, a ribbon is tied to the upper ray.

The second stage of making a toy is wrapping the main thick wire with a thinner colored one. At the same time, beads and beads are put on it.

You can light your star if you insert a lamp from a New Year's garland or LEDs inside it.

New Year's candle

You can complement the New Year's decor with an exquisite beaded candlestick. This is a whole composition with which you can decorate a festive table or give it to someone.

It's good when everything you need is at hand. It is worth preparing in advance a thick wire, a thinner golden wire, to make curls. You need beads and beads, as well as a satin ribbon. A ceramic salt shaker can serve as a candle holder.

We make the leaves: decorate the thin wire with green beads and form a loop. Stepping back a little more, we make a second loop, then a third. And so 9 pieces.

We fold the wire with leaves in half - it turns out a twig. At the same time, the leaves are arranged in pairs, for this you need to twist the wire. A total of 7 branches are needed.

And yet, as the diagrams say, they make 7 shorter branches to decorate the candlestick below - to make a wreath out of them. They are decorated with pink beads.

An arch is made of thick wire, the ends are bent to make legs.

Master class with step by step photos. Making little men from beads as a gift for the New Year's holiday. Drawing up a panel.

A master class on beading men with step-by-step photos. Production of the panel "New Year's round dance".

Round dance, round dance,
The little people are dancing.
Dance by our tree
We are ready for a whole year!

Sinotenko Alina, 10 years old, studying at the association
"Needlewoman" MBOU DOD Lesnovsky House of Children's Art.
Supervisor: teacher of additional education Novichkova Tamara Aleksandrovna MBOU DOD Lesnovsky House of Children's Art.
Work description. The master class is designed for children of primary school age, teachers, educators, parents who are fond of beading and love to make gifts with their own hands.
Purpose: bead crafts will be a good gift for friends, you can decorate a panel and hang it in the room, take part in an exhibition.
Target: making crafts from beads as a gift, creating a panel.
- to teach the techniques of parallel weaving, to make handicrafts from beads;
- improve the skills of working with beads, wire;
- develop individual creativity, artistic taste;
- to bring up diligence, accuracy, the desire to create gifts with your own hands.
Materials and tools:
- large beads of different colors;
- wire;
- scissors;
- patterns of weaving of men (children invented and drew patterns). Later we found interesting schemes on the Internet. We present them to your attention. Perhaps you will be interested in them (Photos 55, 56).

New Year is probably the most favorite holiday for both children and adults. And he demands, like no other, many different decorations and gifts. For lovers of beading, we offer to make cheerful little people out of beads who also want to celebrate the New Year. Beaded figurines are a fun and interesting activity. But to make beading a favorite pastime for a long time, follow a few important tips:
- prepare the workplace, the light should fall from the left side and illuminate the entire surface of the desktop;
- buy the required number of beads of different colors and sizes;
- No. 10 is considered the most convenient for weaving flat and voluminous beaded figures.
- when determining the size of beads, be careful: the larger the number, the smaller the size of the beads;
- think over what you will store beads, beads;
- for each color of beads, there should be a place;
- prepare the necessary tools and materials: wire, fishing line, bead needles, small nippers, scissors;
- prepare the necessary accessories: clasps, fasteners, pins, etc.
- you need a small box for work and it's good if you glue a piece of flannel to its bottom, the beads will not roll out over the entire surface, creating inconvenience;
- be careful if there are small children in the house who strive to grab the beads and taste them;
- follow all safety rules when working with wire, scissors, beads, and then the work will be a joy to you, and hand-made crafts will decorate the New Year tree, a Christmas bag with gifts. Beaded figurines will look great on children's clothes, they will become an exclusive decoration for photo frames, photo albums. You can make an original panel.
Let's get down to business from conversation.

First step. Weaving girls.

We start weaving from the head. We will work using the parallel weaving technique. Let's make the hair. We cut off the wire 50 cm long.
1st row - we collect 3 orange beads and lower them to the middle of the wire.
2nd row - we collect on one end of the wire 1 orange, 2 light (for the face) and again orange. Holding the wire with the strung beads in your right hand, insert the second end of the wire into the strung beads and pass it through all the beads. The tip of the wire appears on the other side. Pull both ends in different directions and attach the strung beads to three, pressing the rows tightly.

3rd row - pick 1 orange, 1 light, 1 blue for the eyes, 1 light, 1 blue, again 1 light and 1 orange bead. We tighten all the beads to the previous ones.

We continue to weave the face of the red-haired girl.
4th row - 5 light beads.

5th row - 2 light, 2 red for the mouth and 2 light.

6th row - 5 light beads.
7th row - 3 light beads complete the girl's face.

Let's dress up the girl in a beautiful dress. Let's take hot pink beads.
Rows 8 and 9 - weave 4 beads each.
10th row - 5 pink beads.

Then we weave in the form of a pyramid, adding beads in each row.
11 row - 6 pieces
12th row - 7 beads.

Let's decorate the bottom of the dress.
13th row - we collect 8 white beads, weave. The dress is ready.

On each side we pass the ends of the wire through two beads, leaving the first free from the edge. We make legs in the form of simple chains of 5 light beads.

We put on the legs white shoes made of 2 beads. We tighten the wire, hide the ends in beads, carefully twist. Cut off the excess wire.

Not enough pens. We take a wire 10-12 cm long and pass it through the pink beads at the top of the dress. We string on each wire 3 pink ones. These are the sleeves of the dress.

Now add 3 light beads (handles) and thread the wire into the pink ones, tightening the light beads. We fix the wire between the beads, cut off the excess. The handles are ready.

We will braid our girl, and we named her while we were working Lisa. We'll braid Lisa's braids. Pigtails are made like hands. Insert additional wire, collect 6 orange and 3 pink beads, matching the color of the dress. These are bows. We fix the wire, passing it in the opposite direction through all the beads, and cut off the excess. Our Lisa is ready to celebrate the holiday.

And here the girlfriends arrived: Anya, Alyonka and Masha.

Second phase. Weaving a boy.

It's boring to celebrate the New Year's holiday without the boys. And they decided to weave a friend named Pavlik.

We will weave a hat for the boy. We will work according to the same pattern as the girl was weaving, using parallel weaving.
Rows 1 and 2 - we collect 3 brown beads each.

3 row - 1 brown., 2 light for the face, 1 brown.

4th row - 1 light, 1 blue (eye), 1 light, 1 blue (second eye) and 1 light.
5 row - 5 light ones. Do not forget to pull the rows tightly to each other.
6 row - 2 light, 2 red (mouth), 2 light.

7th row - 5 light beads.
8th row - 3 light beads. We made the face.

Rows 8, 9, 10 - string 3 gray beads each. This is Pavlik's shirt.

Let's move on to weaving trousers.
11th row - 5 black beads, weave them, then pulling them up to the gray ones. Cut off an additional 15 cm wire and insert it into the middle black bead. We now have four ends of the wire.

The photo shows step by step how to make pants. We string two beads five times for each pair of wire and weave.

We will make shoes to match the color of the shirt. We will string three gray beads on one (any) wire and fix with another wire. Cut off the excess wire.

We do our hands in the same way as for the girl. Insert additional wire, collect 3 gray and 3 light beads, pass the wire through three gray beads in the opposite direction, leaving light beads free. We fix the wire.

So Pavlik is also ready to go to the Christmas tree, but not alone, but with his younger brother.

Here is such a fun company gathered to celebrate the New Year!

Stage three. Weaving a Christmas tree.

It's up to the tree! I hope you have already mastered the parallel weaving technique well, and it will not be difficult to weave a Christmas tree. Our assistant will be the diagram. The scheme is taken from the Internet. True, we changed it a little. The star was replaced with red beads and they did not weave a stand for the tree.

We cut off a wire 60 cm long. You can take a shorter wire, and then build it up. It will be easier for the child to work with her.
1st row - we collect three red ones - this is the top of the tree (star) and 1 green bead. Leave the red ones free, and weave the green beads in parallel.
2nd row - 1 green bead.
3 and 4 rows - 3 pieces each.
5 and 6 rows - 5 pieces each.

Then we weave according to the scheme.
7 and 8 rows - 9 pieces each.
9 and 10 rows - 7 pieces each.
11 and 12 rows - 9 pieces each.
Rows 13 and 14 - 11 pieces each.
15 and 16 rows - 9 pieces each.
17 and 18 rows - 11 pieces each.
19 and 20 rows - 12 pieces each.
You can give your child the opportunity to fantasize and weave a Christmas tree, changing the number of beads at your discretion. Our tree, row by row, is getting higher and higher. And it looks like this.

We continue to work according to the scheme.
Rows 21 and 22 - 13 green beads each.
23 row - 14 beads
24th row - 15 green beads.
Let's make the trunk. On both sides, leaving one bead free, pass the wire through 5 beads and bring it out. Gather 4 rows of 4 beads, weave them. The barrel is ready.
A Christmas tree came to the holiday,
The smart one is standing
And on the top of the head there is an asterisk
It sparkles and burns.

They can be stunningly beautiful if done with desire and soul. And most importantly, everything is in your hands, because anyone, even the most difficult one, can be taught independently, according to step-by-step instructions with photos and video master classes.

Christmas decorations

If you have never made beaded Christmas tree decorations - we assure you you missed a lot. By doing, you will be able to immerse yourself in the world of childhood, New Year's mood, your soul will be filled with pleasant satisfaction that you cannot buy for any money. Be sure to try it, and you will find out in the master classes above.

Christmas toys from beads video

How to decorate yourself for the holidays

She herself also wants to look attractive for the celebration, and this is where skills in needlework come to the rescue. After all, you will make for yourself individual jewelry that no one else has, charge them with your positive energy. All this together will certainly bring not only a great mood, but also good luck!

New Year gifts

When your skill reaches a high level, do not be ashamed to make gifts to loved ones with your own hands. Because it is no longer just "handicrafts", but "handmade", which is valued much higher than factory mass production. Especially when doing useful things. , vases, boxes and more. This is not just an art object, but something that will really not only please the eye, but also be useful.

We hope now you know which New Year's craft is better to do and how. We wish you all the best for the New Year! The main thing is to continue to develop and improve your skills in weaving with beads!

We are sure that New Year's beaded arrangements with our own hands will delight the eye for a long time even after the holidays, so it is not necessary to do them on the eve of December 31, but at any time of the year!

New Year's compositions from beads master class video

Beaded snowflakes for beginners

You will need:


Pliers (to make it easier to bend the wire)

Beads and beads

These mesmerizing snowflakes are very easy to make. If you decide to make such a snowflake, then know that it is better to make one with 5 or more rays.

String the beads in any order, but each "ray" of the snowflake must have the same sequence to get the desired result.

We make a snowflake out of beads for the New Year

You will need:

Beads of 2 colors (in this example, blue and white) and the same size

Blue bugle


Ribbon or thin rope.

1. Prepare 7 beads and thread them a few centimeters from the end of the thread.

2. Thread the thread through the first piece one more time.

3. Add one piece of blue and thread the needle and thread through the 5th white piece.

4. Put one bugle and one white piece of beads on the string.

5. Pass the needle and thread through the bugles again and through one of the white pieces that make up the center of the pattern.

6. Repeat steps 4-5 until you have a full circle.

7. Pass the needle up through the nearest bead.

8. Pass the thread through any white bead at the end of the bugle (you can thread it in any direction).

9. Put the beads on the thread in the following order: 2 blue, 1 white, 2 blue, and then pass the needle and thread through the adjacent white bead.

10. Repeat step 9 several times to get a full circle.

11. When you have completed the circle, thread the needle and thread through the first white bead (see image).

12. Put the beads on the thread in the following order: 1 bugle, 1 white bead, 1 bugle. Count 5 beads and then thread a needle and thread through 6.

13. Repeat step 12 several times to complete the circle and thread through the nearest white bead bugle.

14. Put 6 blue beads on the thread, make a loop and then pass the needle through the glass beads with white beads that are below (see image).

15. Where the threads cross, tie a knot.

16. Thread a needle and thread through several beads to hide the knot, and then cut the thread.

17. Prepare a thin rope and pass it through the loop and bead you made on one of the tops of the snowflake.

18. Tie a rope with a knot and your snowflake can be hung anywhere.

Beads for the New Year: complex snowflake (scheme)

You will need:

White bugles - short (5mm) and long (8mm).

Large beads (color: white)

Wire (diameter 0.3-0.4mm)

1. Prepare a piece of wire 30 cm long. Start stringing a long bugle on it - 4 pieces in total. Place all the pieces in the center and twist the wire to create a rhombus.

2. Slip another 2 long glass beads onto one end of the wire. After the last piece, bend the wire back and twist it in between. Do the same with the other end of the wire.

3. Now on each side of the wire you need to insert one more long glass beads to get a rhombus with "horns".

4. Make the same diamond from the short bugle.

5. Using the short bugle, make two horns.

Put one long bugle on one end of the wire, and stretch the other end along it. Next, twist the ends and cut off the excess wire.

Make 6 similar blanks.

6. Using a short piece of wire, try to connect two adjacent elements by passing the wire through the glass beads of the lower diamond.

7. At the end of the twisted wire, start stringing 3 large beads. Twist the wire and remove the excess.

Similarly, try to connect all the parts.

8. To make your design stronger, the inner ring of rhombuses must be intertwined with a piece of wire and add 1 large bead to each rhombus. If you wish, you can insert one large bead into the center of the composition.

How to make snowflakes from beads (schemes)





Snowflakes from beads (photo)

Christmas decorations from beads

You will need:

Thick wire

Thin wire

Beads of different sizes and shapes

Beads (optional)



1. Bend the thick wire into the shape you want, and after shaping, twist the ends.

2. Attach a thin wire to the ends.

3. On a thin wire, start stringing different beads.

4. Wrap the thin beaded wire around the "skeleton" of your design, created from the thick wire.

5. Add beads if you wish.

6. From a new piece of thick wire, make a hook that you can use to hang the decoration on the tree or wall.

Christmas tree made of wooden beads

You will need:

Beads (in this case, wooden) of different sizes

Thin wire

Wire cutters (to cut the wire)


1. Think about the shape you want to bend the wire into. In this example, the wire is bent in a triangle shape.

2. Bend the wire with pliers and start stringing the beads - they can go in any order.

3. To secure the structure, you can attach horizontal pieces of wire to the tree, on which you can also hang various decorations, including beads.

4. Hang your craft on the tree and wall.

Christmas tree made of beads (master class)

You will need:

Beads number 11 of three colors: white - 5 g., Light green and dark green - 15 g each.

Thin wire (diameter 0.3 mm).

1. Prepare a piece of wire 50 cm long. On it you need to collect 4 white beads and place them in the middle of the wire.

2. Hold the far right bead and pass the right end of the wire through the other 3 pieces in the opposite direction.

Tighten the wire.

3. Place 3 light green and 1 dark green beads on each end of the wire.

4. Now fold both ends of the wire, and pass one dark green bead over them.

Tighten the wire.

5. Take one end of the wire and start putting beads on it in the following order: 2 dark green, 3 light green, 3 white, 3 light green, 1 dark green.

6. Pass the same end of the wire in the opposite direction through the first set of dark green beads.

Tighten the wire.

7. Do the same with the other end of the wire: first put 2 dark green beads on it, then 3 light green, 3 white, 3 light green and 1 dark green. Next, pass this end of the wire in the opposite direction through the first dialed dark green bead.

Tighten the wire.

8. At the other ends of the wire, make another similar loop.

9. Now twist all the ends of the wire into one.

10. Bend the loop, which is in the middle (sharp) so that it is perpendicular to the plane where the other loops are - this is how you get the top of the Christmas tree.

11. Prepare a wire 40 cm long and start stringing beads on it in the following sequence: 2 dark green, 3 light green, 3 white, 3 light green, 1 dark green.

These beads should be placed in the middle of the wire so that there are two dark green beads on the left and one on the right.

12. Take the right end of the wire and thread it in the opposite direction through the far left dark green bead.

Tighten the wire.

13. Take one end of the wire and make the same loop: 2 dark green, 3 light green, 3 white, 3 light green, 1 dark green bead. Pass this end in the opposite direction through the first dark green bead that you inserted.

Tighten the wire.

14. You now need to make the same loop at the other end.

15. In the same style, make another loop at a time to get 5 loops, without having to twist the wires together.

16. You need to make 3 of these parts. Each then you screw it to the trunk of the Christmas tree between the rows of the main branches - in order to better understand, we will call these blanks middle.

Weaving the main branches

1. Prepare a piece of wire 70 cm long. Start typing beads on it: 3 dark green, 3 light green, 3 white, 3 light green, 1 dark green.

All beads should be aligned in the center of the wire and done so that there are 3 dark green beads on the left edge of the wire, and one on the right.

Now pass the right end of the wire in the opposite direction through the 2 extreme left dark green beads.

2. Start stringing beads on one end of the wire in the following order: 2 dark green, 3 light green, 3 white, 3 light green, 1 dark green. Now pass this end in the opposite direction through the first set of dark green beads. Tighten the wire.

3. Now make the same loop at the other end of the wire.

4. Take one more end of the wire and cast on 3 dark green beads and 4 dark green beads on the other end.

Pass the end of the wire, where there are the fewest beads, through the last bead, which is at the opposite end of the wire.

Tighten the wire and admire the little twig you created. In total, you will need 20 such branches, the ends of 4 branches need to be twisted.

When you have made 4 branches, tie them, and on the remaining 16 you need to repeat steps 2-4, i.e. add 1 tier of "leaves".

Twist the ends of 4 branches and repeat steps 2-4 with the branches that remain (12 pieces).

Prepare 5 branches and twist at each end of the wire, and with the 7 branches you still have, repeat steps 2-4. Then twist the ends of the wire at each branch.

We collect the Christmas tree

1. Prepare the crown and 4 small branches on which you need to bend the wire so that it is perpendicular to the plane of the branch.

2. Start alternately screwing the branches of the tree to the crown. Try to keep the branches 5 mm below the crown.

3. Take the middle and attach it to the trunk 5mm below the previous row of branches.

4. Take 4 more branches, which are larger in size, and screw them one by one to the trunk - also 5 mm lower.

5. Take the middle piece and attach it to the tree trunk.

6. Take 5 more branches and screw them one by one to the trunk of the tree.

7. Attach the last middle part to the trunk of the tree.

8. You have 7 branches left, which you also screw alternately to the trunk of the tree.

9. If there is excess wire, cut it off.

We put crafts on a stand

1. Prepare a lid.

2. Bend the ends of the wire out to the sides. Do this so that these ends form a circle with the same diameter as the inside of the lid.

3. Now put the crafts on the lid and secure it with plasticine.

4. Spread the branches of the tree.

What can be made of beads for the New Year: New Year's ball

You will need:

Glue gun and hot glue

Glue stick


Small foam balls

Safety pins

Beads and beads

1. Put beads on a pin - create your own This pattern is varied by varying the diameter of the parts. Leave about 1/3 of the pin's length until the end of the pin.

* It is desirable that the first element of the beads on the pin be small and then ascending.

2. Apply glue to the tip of the pin and insert the pin into the styrofoam ball.

3. Make several of these pins and insert them into the ball.

4. When the ball is almost full (leave room for the ribbon to be attached), glue the satin ribbon to it, which you can then cover with additional pins with beads.

DIY beaded Christmas tree toy

You will need:

Beading wire

Volumetric tube 2x2 or bugles

Small beads of two colors (in this example, gray and blue) and silver beads (beads) of a slightly larger size

Christmas ball (preferably plain)



1. Attach a thin wire at the top of the Christmas ball.

1.1 To do this, prepare a long wire and divide it into 5 pieces of equal length.

1.2 Start securing all parts of the wire around the ball by stringing the beads on the bottom in a specific sequence and crossing the ends of the wires in the silver beads. You should have a ring that goes around the protruding part of the Christmas ball.

2. At each end of the wire, start stringing beads in the following sequence: 4 blue, 3 silver, 4 blue. Thread the ends of the wire closest to each other through the large silver beads. You will have 5 "rays".

4. Cross two adjacent ends of the wire together. From each pair (you have 5 of them), take one end and cross it with the next (see image).

6. Cross the ends of the wire again inside the large silver bead.

7. Cut off the extra parts of the wire, and you can hide the ends in the beads.

* Other colors can be used.


Ball of beads

You will need:

Fine brushes or fine wire

Beads and beads


1. Inflate the ball so that its diameter is approximately equal to the length of the brush.

2. Start stringing the beads onto the brush.

3. Use the brushes to wrap the ball (see image) and twist them together at the base.

4. Inflate the balloon and tie a string to the craft so that the toy can be hung on the tree.

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