Necessary tools for manicure and pedicure. Types of tools for manicure at home: description and instructions

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A manicure in a salon is most often an expensive service, you need to make an appointment in advance and set the time. Craftsmen do not always do it efficiently or they misunderstand the client's desire, the rule is “as lucky”. The emerging problems are solved by self-care. For a manicure at home, you need special tools for correcting nails and periungual space, toothpicks, stationery scissors and other improvised means will not work. It is important to purchase high-quality professional accessories so as not to get hurt, not to infect, and as a result, get neat and beautiful nails.

The manicurist starter kit includes tools for treating the nail plate, cuticle and skin rolls located next to the nail bed. Disinfectant for sterilizing instruments is a mandatory attribute of a case for a professional manicure.

Even if the equipment is used by only one person for personal purposes, the accessories must still be regularly processed to avoid infection and the development of infection.

Bacillol AF - a transparent solution with an alcohol smell, disinfects the surface

Use, for example, Bacillol AF:

  1. Place all items on a clean napkin beforehand.
  2. Spray the tool on the toolbox.
  3. Wait until it dries completely, do not rinse.

When buying manicure tools, pay attention not only to the price, but also to the reputation of the manufacturer. Your working aids should be made of surgical steel and have comfortable grips. Fulfillment of these conditions guarantees durability of use and safety in use.

15 accessories for smooth and beautiful nails

The case of a novice manicure master should include the following tools:

  • Router with special attachments.
  • Orange or bamboo sticks.
  • Nippers.
  • Clipper.
  • Several files of various grain sizes for processing the edge of the nail plate.
  • Scissors with straight tips for trimming overgrown toenails.
  • Cuticle scissors with rounded ends.
  • Corrector.
  • Curette.
  • Silicone mat.
  • Manicure spatulas.
  • Protective screen for the manicurist.
  • It is best to keep all these miniature accessories in a special case equipped with holders for fixing instruments. This approach will allow you to keep everything in order, and during the processing of nails, the desired item will always be at hand, which eliminates the risk of loss.

    The instrument case should also be regularly treated with a disinfectant.

    Choosing a nail cutter

    Fraser is an apparatus for professional processing of the nail plate.

    The milling cutter is used to perform hardware manicure and is mandatory included in the manicurist's starting case

    When choosing a router, you need to consider for what purpose it will serve. The devices intended for home use have low power and fully justify the affordable cost. If a milling cutter is required to provide professional manicure services at home, then the selection criteria change.

    The high power of the router will give it the opportunity to work for a long time without the risk of burnout or breakdown, so it is better to choose a device with a resource-intensiveness of 20 W and a rotation speed of more than 25 thousand revolutions per minute.

    Such a milling cutter can also be used to work with gel polish, when a long-term operation at maximum load is required from the apparatus.

    It is necessary to purchase special attachments for the milling cutter - cutters, sometimes they are included in the kit. For a novice manicurist, you can purchase a starter set of cutters, it includes:

  • ceramic;
  • felt;
  • fissure;
  • carbide or diamond;
  • silicone.
  • Ceramic cutter "Corn" is used to remove any artificial materials from the surface of the nail.

    Ceramic cutter delicately and quickly removes artificial material from the nail

    It can also be used to process nail rollers, and the wear-resistant material from which the cutter is made will allow it to be used for a long time both for manicure and pedicure.

    The felt cutter is designed for polishing and sanding the nail plate. Such a cutter is not suitable for an artificial nail, but it can bring a natural nail to shine.

    The felt cutter is made in the form of a cone and requires regular replacement

    The fissure cutter is mainly used for the treatment of cuticles and nail folds. It also helps to clean the space under the nail.

    Fissure cutter glides gently on the plate and is suitable for use on brittle and vulnerable nails

    The cutter is made with natural diamond dusting and carefully removes coarse dry pterygium.

    Pterygium is a thin film of necrotic (non-viable) cells near the base of the nail, it is also called the lower layer of the cuticle.

    A silicon carbide cutter is used to correct artificial nails and very rough cuticles. It is better to choose it in the form of a cone, so it is better and more convenient to work with it.

    Diamond fine abrasive cutters are also suitable for processing natural nail plates

    Silicone nail cutter allows you to perform professional polishing of the nail plate without the use of buff and cuticle oil. Such a cutter eliminates all the irregularities on the nail.

    Silicone cutter can polish and artificial nail coating

    There should be at least ten orange sticks in the manicurist's case. Such sticks are traditionally made from orange tree wood, but in rare cases bamboo is also used. Orange wood is renowned for its strength and softness at the same time, which makes sticks safe to use and atraumatic.

    In appearance, these are ordinary sticks, only on one side there is a pointed nose, and on the other, the instrument has a flat shape

    Orange sticks absorb water well, so they cannot be treated with an antiseptic. After use, the stick is thrown away.

    Sticks are used to cleanse the nail plate from dirt and to move the cuticle away from the base of the nail bed.

    Cuticle nippers

    Nail clippers are necessary to perform a trim manicure, during which the hardened cuticle is removed. The highest quality and most durable nippers should be made of strong and hardened surgical steel.

    The basis of any high-quality edged manicure is professional nippers made of durable steel

    You need to purchase this tool only in specialized stores. If you buy cuticle nippers at a kiosk or a small household department, then there is a great risk of getting injured while performing a manicure.

    Little secret: if you are a novice manicurist, it would be more appropriate to choose cuticle nippers with narrow blades. So the manicure will turn out to be more accurate and safe.

    It is imperative to check the cutting pliers for the gap between the blades when buying. A high-quality tool cannot have a gap between them, the blades must be ideally fitted to each other. Otherwise, a trim manicure using them will injure the cuticle, causing inflammation and infection.

    Surgical steel nippers require virtually no sharpening and can be used for a very long time. If the blades of the pliers are still dull, then you can use a diamond multi-layer bar for manual sharpening.

    When sharpening with a diamond stone, the outer cutting edges of the tool should be carefully processed

    It is necessary to hold the nippers tightly during operation, but not over-compressing the handles and the spring mechanism. Ideally, the pliers should be in a firm, yet relaxed hand.


    Clippers (in other words - cutters) are designed to cut the free edge of artificial nails. It is better not to use this tool for natural nails, as aggressive exposure can lead to injury. An exception is the use of a clipper for male nails, since the male nail plate is sometimes so stiff and thick that the use of conventional nail scissors is impractical.

    The free edge of the nail is placed in the clipper, and then the handle is pressed, which lowers the sharp blade onto it

    Craftsmen who specialize in nail extension call such a tool a tip cutter or a guillotine.

    There should be a fair amount of space between the clipper blades to allow for a high arch nail tool.

    Files for processing the edge of the nail plate

    Manicure files for artificial and natural nails are designed to correct the free regrown edge of the nail and differ in the degree of intensity of the abrasive coating. The manicurist's case must contain at least five types of nail files.

    In no case should you use a file made of metal! Such a tool leads to delamination of the free edge of the nail and looseness of the nail plate. The metal nail file can only be used for artificial coating with gel polish.

    When choosing nail files, it is important to consider the degree of hardness (abrasiveness) of each manicure tool

    The abrasiveness (hardness) of the files is measured in grids. For example, for the correction of the free edge of natural nails, files with an abrasiveness of 190 to 300 grit are suitable, while processing an artificial coating requires a hardness of 90 to 180 grit.

    The following materials are used to make professional manicure files:

  • ceramics. The best files are considered to be coated with silicon carbide or zinc;
  • pressed paper. Disposable files are made of this material using inexpensive quartz or Teflon abrasive spraying;
  • crystal. Such a file can be used to process not only the nail, but also the periungual rollers;
  • glass. Glass files have minimal impact on the nail plate, providing a high level of safety for the integrity of the surface layer of the nail.
  • Scissors with straight tips for trimming overgrown toenails

    Manicure scissors should be made of medical hardened steel, and their blades should fit tightly together. A professional tool is able to withstand long-term operation without requiring constant sharpening.

    Quality tools are characterized by light and smooth running and a smooth cutting surface

    The main working area of ​​manicure scissors is concentrated precisely in the tips, the convenience and safety of its operation depends on how easily the tool cuts off the regrown surface of the nail plate.

    The cutting parts of the scissors must be free of chipping and cracking. This can lead to splitting of the nail and infection under the skin.

    Experienced masters, before cutting the free edge of the nail, use hot baths with the addition of valuable natural oils or soda, thanks to which the nail plate becomes more pliable. There is a trick: the smaller the step of the scissors when correcting the shape of the nail, the smoother the cut and the neater the manicure.

    If suddenly during the execution of a manicure an injury occurs and the skin is broken, then the affected area should be wiped with an alcoholic tincture of calendula or pure medical alcohol.

    Cuticle scissors with rounded blades

    In addition to nippers or nail clippers to remove rough cuticles, scissors with rounded blades are used. Thin, elongated cutting blades are able to accurately and safely cut the cuticle and correct the periungual ridges.

    Narrow, sharp, sharpened using a special technology, scissors clearly cut the periungual skin

    Such scissors are a salon tool and are present in the case of every experienced manicurist. With their help, you can cut the cuticle into a thinnest narrow strip without affecting healthy skin and leaving no burrs that can lead to infection and bacterial contamination. Before performing a trim manicure, be sure to steam the skin of the hands and move the cuticle aside.

    When choosing a tool, you need to pay attention to the professional marking of the hardness of the steel alloy. The best indicators are markings 40x13 or 30x13.

    It is worth purchasing cuticle scissors with an adjustable screw fastening, since in this case the tool can be twisted in case of loosening of its components.


    The corrector is designed to remove excess nail polish or any other coating from the skin of the nail space. Such a tool allows you to achieve the perfect manicure without a long time investment. A manicure corrector is often called a manicure pencil.

    The most successful in form and content are pencils with a sharp cut, which allow you to remove excess varnish from the most difficult areas.

    Professional craftsmen choose pencils, which are supplied with replacement nibs by the manufacturer. One handpiece is usually enough for a couple of months of intensive use. This approach allows you to save a little on the preparation of the case.

    Some correctors are designed in such a way that they can be disassembled and refilled with regular nail polish remover, thus extending the life of the tool.

    There is one more secret from experienced specialists: if the tip of a manicure pencil has become loose and loose, it can be processed with a sharp blade, giving the necessary shape. This will also significantly extend the life of the corrector.

    The pencil-shaped corrector is ideal for beginners in the field of manicure, removing all blemishes when applying decorative varnish.

    The curette for removing dead epidermal cells under the cuticle is a professional manicurist's tool. It must be used with great care, since in the process of working with it, microtraumas of the skin often occur. It is not recommended to use a curette for beginners, nevertheless, it should be present in a professional case.

    Besides the main function, silicone manicure mats are used to mix the color palette of decorative varnish

    The mat protects the working space from stains of varnish or other consumables and prevents the hand on which the nail is being processed from slipping. After use, it is easy to wipe it with a disinfectant solution or nail polish remover to remove decorative elements.

    The manicure trimmer is used to treat the cuticle and is a two-pronged fork slightly curved at an angle.

    You should purchase a trimmer equipped with a protective cap, so the manicure accessory dulls less and lasts longer.

    It is absolutely impossible to insert a trimmer under the cuticle!

    It is necessary to hold the tool during the processing of the cuticle with the teeth up and at a very small angle to the nail plate, that is, almost parallel.

    This tool also belongs to the professional and is not recommended for use by beginners in the manicure field. The tips of the teeth are quite sharp and can easily injure the skin and cause infection.

    The trimmer should not be used even if there are burrs and cracks in the area of ​​the periungual ridges. It is also not recommended to use the nail trimmer for the cuticle treatment more than once a week.

    The buff is made in the form of a massive rectangle. The main functions of the buff are polishing and grinding the nail plate.

    Buff is a versatile tool that is used both at home for self-correction of nails and in beauty salons.

    Some buffs are made from disposable materials that are not intended for disinfecting, but mostly buffs are reusable.

    With the help of a buff, the nail plate is prepared for applying a decorative coating, and the tool is also used to correct natural nails. High-quality and well-executed polishing is the key to a good manicure.

    Buff polishing blocks are less abrasive than conventional files, but nevertheless, it is worth focusing on the number of grits.

    Buffs are:

  • with abrasiveness from 60 to 80 grit. This is the highest degree of hardness, such buffs are used only for artificial nails;
  • with abrasiveness from 100 to 150 grit. Such buffs are used before applying gel polish and for natural nails in need of emergency measures;
  • with abrasiveness from 150 to 240 grit. A buff with such markings can be used both for polishing artificial nail coatings and for a natural nail plate;
  • with an abrasiveness of 300 grit and above. It is these buffs that are needed for polishing to a shining shine and full processing of the natural nail plate.
  • The spatula for performing a manicure is one of the main tools of the master and is used to process the cuticle and periungual ridges. Typically, such a blade has two sides for different purposes. On one end of the tool there is a flat pusher for pushing the cuticle to the side, and on the other there is a scraper in the form of a hatchet or spear for trimming manicure.

    Reversible paddles are very convenient for home use

    When choosing a manicure spatula, the following features must be taken into account:

  • the shape of the tips of the scapula. If the tool is selected for your own use, then you need to take into account the natural shape of the nail plate. An oval cuticle pusher is suitable for medium-sized nails with a high arch, and a rectangular tip is more useful for wide and flat nail plates. If the manicurist's case is selected taking into account the provision of professional services at home, then several scapulae need to be purchased;
  • ergonomic tool handle. The comfortable handle of a manicure spatula should have a corrugation that prevents fingers from slipping;
  • sharpening the blade. The way in which the tool is sharpened determines both safety and efficiency in working with it. The best is considered to be a hand-sharpened tool, and not in the factory;
  • material of manufacture. A high-quality manicure spatula should be made of alloyed medical steel. Such a tool will last for many years.
  • The brush is made of synthetic bristles and serves to remove dust that appears on the surface of the nail plate after filing. The tool is necessary both for manicure on natural nails and for applying artificial coatings.

    The brush is suitable for thorough care and cleaning of hands and nails during manicure

    A brush for removing nail dust must be present in the case of a serious manicurist. Without it, the manicure will not be so neat and complete, and if the nail is being prepared for artificial coating or extension, then the smallest dust particles will not allow the material to form tight adhesion (adhesion) to the nail plate.

    Sometimes the manicure brush has a long bristle and looks more like a shaving brush.

    Professional craftsmen often use a manicure brush to clean the rest of the toolkit, thus taking care of the cleanliness of its synthetic bristles.

    Protective screen for the master

    The polymer screen is designed to protect the eyes and respiratory system from sawing products and sharp-smelling liquids for treating the nail plate. In addition, when cutting the free edge of a natural nail or building materials, small fragments can bounce to the side and lead to injury, and the use of a protective screen protects the master from such surprises.

    High-quality screen is perfectly transparent, does not turn yellow and does not give distortion

    Such a screen can be easily washed with warm water and soap, and the frame holding the protective device on the face should not press on the bridge of the nose.

    Sometimes safety glasses are used instead of a screen.

    The goggles are designed to protect the eyes from the front, top and sides from the effects of solid particles

    It should be noted that safety glasses do not provide protection for the respiratory system, therefore, if there is a frequent need to use volatile substances with a pungent odor, then it is preferable to purchase a polymer screen for a manicurist's case.

    All the tools that you need to do a manicure at home are best purchased separately. Ready-made cases often contain a lot of unnecessary accessories that are unlikely to be in demand. It is most convenient to fill the starter case with exactly those tools that are ideal for performing a flawless manicure.

    A successful person is given out by beautiful hands. This rule applies equally to both women and men. Manicure allows you to give your hands a healthy and well-groomed look. The quality of the procedure largely depends on the tools for the manicure and the materials used in the work.


    A manicure includes such components as cutting nails to the desired length, shaping, removing cuticles, as well as massage, scrub and mask for the skin of the hands. On average, a manicure is performed every two weeks, which keeps your hands in perfect condition. The following types of manicure are distinguished, depending on the technology of execution, the required equipment and materials.


    This type is considered classic. A trim manicure can be done by a master in the salon or by everyone independently. First, hands are steamed in a bath with the addition of soap and salt. From professional tools for the procedure, you will need scissors, tweezers, a nail file. First you need to remove the old coating, trim and trim your nails. In a bath of warm water, the brushes should be kept for 15 minutes so that the cuticle becomes soft and can be easily trimmed. The final step is to apply varnish or other coating to the dried and pre-degreased nails.

    The advantage of this type of manicure is its ability to transform even the most neglected nails.

    A trim manicure is easy to perform and does not require expensive equipment. The disadvantages include injury when working with cutting objects.


    Such a manicure is performed without cutting tools. To soften the cuticle, a special agent is used that is applied around the nail. Then the keratinized skin is removed with a wooden stick. Unedged manicure is suitable for well-groomed hands. The advantage is the inability to cut yourself during the procedure.


    For this manicure, you will need a professional apparatus with various cutter attachments. It is used most often in the salon. With the help of attachments, you can qualitatively polish the nail plate, give nails any shape. Hardware manicure completely eliminates the possibility of cutting yourself. There is also no risk of contracting an infection. The cuticle is removed carefully. This contributes to the fact that the skin coarsens less.

    Spa manicure

    Perhaps the most fragrant type of manicure. In addition to removing cuticles and cutting nails, the application of various masks, scrubs and lotions for the care of the skin of the hands and nails, paraffin therapy is added. Natural ingredients in cosmetics, such as milk, plant and algae extracts, minerals, help to eliminate the problems of delamination and brittle nails. The disadvantages of the procedure include its duration - more than 2 hours.


    This type is aimed at complex restoration of nails and skin nutrition. The combination of the unedged nail treatment method and the spa program allows solving the problems of cracks, brittleness, and delamination of nails. The procedure is very pleasant and necessarily includes a bath with oils and a massage with warm bags of salt.

    Hot manicure

    This type of manicure is considered curative. Hands are immersed in a bath with warm oils and special products for 15-20 minutes. The skin is filled with nourishing vitamins and minerals. Hands become tender, nails stronger. This procedure is especially favorable in the winter season, when the hands require additional care. The procedure has a number of contraindications, such as varicose veins, diabetes mellitus and other diseases.

    Which ones are needed?

    Pros in manicure do not advise buying ready-made tool kits - they are usually of poor quality, and you are unlikely to use most of the subject. Better to buy the tools separately, choosing the ones that will be perfect for you. Conventionally, materials for manicure can be divided into several groups depending on their purpose.

    Nail polishing

    Electric nail files have become popular lately. They are effective and safe to use. Most often, such a tool is used at home to create the effect of a salon procedure. For a professional manicure, you will need several files of different grit values. It is impossible to complete the entire arsenal of works with one tool. A buff is used to polish the nail plate. It has four sides, each of which is accompanied by a description of the sequence of use.

    It is worth mentioning that you need to polish even healthy nails no more than once a week.


    A whole group of tools for different purposes is united under this name. The most popular ones are:

    • pushers- tools for pushing back the cuticle. They can be square or rounded, depending on the shape of your own nails;
    • scraper- used to clean the surface of nails infected with fungus. For healthy nails, such a tool is rarely used;
    • a spear - the so-called narrow spatula with a round edge to remove dead cells, dirt, dust from under the nails;
    • curette - a tool for professional manicure, one edge of which is rounded to the shape of the nail. The curette is used to remove cuticles and clean under the nails.


    This group includes scissors, tweezers, trimmers, nail clippers. In unedged manicure, the cuticle is “dissolved” with a special remover based on lactic or fruit acid. Then the keratinized and softened skin is removed with an orange stick. The trimmer has a V-shape and is ideal not only for removing the cuticle, but also for treating the nail hole.

    Cuticle scissors, unlike those used to trim nails, have narrower curved blades. It is very convenient to remove the previously pushed back skin with them. Tweezers and nippers are also subdivided into cuticle and nail edge tools. For a trimmed manicure, in addition to everything else, you will need a bath for steaming the skin.

    Electrical equipment

    Hardware manicure is performed without the use of tweezers and scissors. The whole procedure is carried out on a special apparatus with different attachments - cutters: for removing the old coating, for processing the cut edge, for the periungual space and cuticles, for grinding, etc.

    The use of the device avoids injury and cuts. The skin treated with an electric tool coarsens less, which allows you to keep the manicure fresh for longer.

    For a manicure procedure at home, you can get by with a small device of low power. Among its advantages are relatively low cost, compactness, ease of use. The only condition is that you need to take a break from work every 15 minutes. This will protect the equipment from overheating and the device will last a long time.

    The professional manicure machine features a large number of attachments and high power. Often, interior equipment is equipped with additional features such as a vacuum cleaner for collecting dust, foot control and overheating protection. As for the attachments, the diamond ones are suitable for professionals - they perfectly process the free edge and remove keratinized skin. Diamond cutters are more durable. For a beginner, it is better to choose ceramic tips - they are safer.

    For building

    To build and decorate nails, you will need a special drying lamp, as well as various decorative tools:

    • dots - a device resembling a pen for a set of varnish, with its help, different types of circles are created;
    • wide and thin brushes for material and design of the nail plate;
    • acrylic brushes - designed for painting with acrylic paints;
    • templates for French manicure;
    • toothpicks, needles, pattern sticks.

    Complete list for home use

    For a home manicure, it is not at all necessary to have the entire arsenal of tools for a salon procedure. It is enough to purchase high-quality basic tools and consumables. The list of required materials is as follows:

    • scissors and tweezers for manicure. These tools must be made of stainless steel and hand sharpened. It is advisable to purchase the tool in a specialized store. The cost of scissors is quite high, but a high-quality tool will also serve for a very long time. With pointed scissors it is convenient to remove the prepared cuticle and shape the nails. The tweezers are intended for coarser skin and areas where scissors cannot reach;
    • nail file. For home manicure, one file made of abrasive material is quite suitable. A good solution would be to purchase a double-sided tool with an abrasive coating of different density on each side. It is convenient to shape and polish nails with such a nail file;
    • buff - a desirable but optional remedy;

    • orange stick. You can purchase a set of sticks of different lengths and diameters. It is convenient to push the cuticle aside with the wide side, and the sharp side to clean the dirt and dust from under the nails. The sticks are made of antiseptic wood, so they are completely safe and hypoallergenic. Since the tree absorbs water well, orange sticks are disposable to avoid the growth of bacteria;
    • brush for removing nail dust;
    • antiseptic. Even if your instrument is individual, it is still necessary to wipe it down with cleaning fluid. This procedure will avoid the growth of bacteria in a humid environment. In home use, the purchase of an ultrasonic cleaner is completely optional - this accessory is used only by professionals;
    • hand bath;
    • consumables such as gloves, cotton pads, sponges, towels;
    • material for covering and decorating nails (varnishes, stencils, brushes, etc.);
    • cuticle oil. Caring oil is indispensable for high-quality hand manicure, it nourishes and transforms the skin well.

    To store a set of tools, it is advisable to purchase a convenient handbag, case or cosmetic bag. The tools will always be in one place and at hand.


    As already noted, manicure tools must be of high quality. Among the popular manufacturers of equipment for salons, one can single out Yoko, Samaraprof, Metzger, Sphere, Erudite, Eclat, Zinger, Merz. Trademark Yoko offers a wide range of Japanese steel cutters, scissors, tweezers. The tool is known to sharpeners. The company offers an exchange of a broken device within a year from the date of purchase, which is very convenient. The price of the product is very budgetary. In addition to the tool, Yoko offers the entire arsenal of tools for building and modeling nails, materials for pedicure.

    Russian company Samaraprof for more than 5 years has been selling manicure and pedicure machines, furniture and accessories of domestic and foreign production. Good quality goods are presented at low prices. Trademark Metzger- Russian supplier of premium tools from manufacturers in Germany, England, France, Italy. High-grade steel of international class meets all quality standards. The cost of the tool is high.

    Among the tools of European quality, products can be distinguished Eclat and Zinger... So, scissors Eclat are diamond ground and made of high quality surgical steel. For home use, you can recommend products "Staleks" and "Erudite"- professional hand made tools made of high quality stainless steel. This accessory will serve you for a very long time.

    Suppliers and manufacturers offer a full range of nail polish products, including furniture, supplies and tool cleaners.

    How to choose the best ones?

    When choosing nippers and scissors, you should pay attention to the quality of the steel and the convenience of being in the hand.

    Scissors are the main tool for cutting nails and can also be used to remove cuticles. When choosing a tool, you should not save money; it is best to purchase goods in a professional store of a well-known brand. An obligatory addition to the good quality of steel is the guarantee for the accessory. As a rule, it is saved for a year from the date of purchase. The nippers are a connected tool with the blades pointing downward 5 mm to allow the skin to be gripped and removed. High-quality nippers should be sharp, cut well, but in no case cling or tear the skin - this can cause injury to the skin and infection.

    The blades must be firmly closed without leaving a gap. When choosing nippers, do not hesitate to take the product in your hand, because everyone chooses an accessory for themselves. It is worth paying attention to the type of the connecting mechanism - spring or pressure plate. The double-spring pliers are very easy to use and are great for beginners. Their cost, of course, is higher than usual. The length and shape of the handles can be different and depends on individual preferences.

    Good wire cutters should fit comfortably in the hand and have a smooth ride. Pay attention to the fact that the springs converge easily and are not tight. As for the appearance, you should pay attention to the fact that the item has no chips, notches and other defects. You should not choose the lightest nippers - the tool should be felt in the hand. In addition, lightness can say about the cavity of the object and the dubious quality of the material from which it is made. When buying an instrument, it is better to give preference to items made of surgical steel. These nippers will last for many years and are easy to clean.

    How to use it correctly?

    In order for the instrument to serve you for a long time, take care of its storage. It is best to keep the nippers and scissors in the case to avoid chipping when the object falls. A special silicone cap, which is put on the blade, will also prevent the tool from possible breakage as a result of an unsuccessful fall. An important factor in the long service life of a tool is its intended use. So, scissors are not intended for cutting fabric, tape, paper. Cuticle nippers are not intended for cutting nails; this will quickly dull them and shorten their lifespan.

    Over time, you will notice that the scissors have become poorly cut, and the nippers have become dull. If specks appear on the surface of the tool, this is a sure sign to refer them to the master. He will sharpen cutting accessories or perform diamond grinding. After the restoration procedure, the items will shine again and provide a good manicure. Pushers and shoulder blades also need to be sharpened over time. The instrument should be cleaned and disinfected regularly. Ordinary water will not work for these purposes - the device will rust. On the contrary, in case of water ingress, the instrument is well dried with a hairdryer.

    Before and after each use, wire cutters, scissors, spatulas and pushers should be wiped with alcohol or hydrogen peroxide. Also good for this procedure are special agents for the destruction of microbes and fungi. You can buy them at the pharmacy.

    If earlier the tool was wiped with alcohol and the use of boiling to rid it of fungi and bacteria, now there are more modern ways to disinfect accessories:

    • ultrasonic cleaning is intended for a small batch of nail treatment devices. By means of an ultrasonic wave, the liquid vibrates, the vibrations of the instrument are perfectly cleaned of dirt, even in hard-to-reach places.
    • ultraviolet radiation. With the help of ultraviolet light, you can quartz instruments. In this case, they should be in the device for 40 minutes.
    • dry oven. The most popular for disinfecting tools in salons is a dry-heating cabinet. A large batch of instruments can be placed in it, the disadvantage is the sterilization procedure time - about two hours. Be careful, only certain cobalt alloys and Japanese steel are suitable for this method, other metals may not be suitable.

    For disinfecting the instrument at home, you can advise the following method - periodic drying in the oven. The instrument previously wiped with alcohol is laid out on a sheet and placed in the oven for 20 minutes. Correct use for the intended purpose, careful storage and disinfection will help maintain the good performance of the instrument for a long time.

    They say that the age of a woman is "betrayed" by her hands, but this is only if they are not looked after. A modern, self-respecting woman is simply obliged to do a manicure once a week. Someone signs up with a master in a beauty salon, and some, knowing what is needed for a manicure, successfully perform it at home. There is nothing difficult in this, there would be desire and patience.

    The result of any work depends on the right tools at hand, and manicure is no exception. Using quality nail tools will make it easier for you to do your own manicure at home.

    Special nail scissors... They will be needed to change the length of the marigolds, so they must be well sharpened.

    Nailfile... The choice of this tool should be approached seriously, from their variety it is dazzling. A file is one of the most important tools needed for a manicure. When choosing it, read the recommendations.

    • There are files designed for processing artificial nails, they are more rigid. You cannot use them for natural marigolds; a soft file is required here. The hardness indicator is abrasiveness, and the higher the value of this indicator, the softer the file. The softest files are used to polish the nail plates.
    • Depending on the material, nail files are metal, glass, ceramic, emery. The most sought after, and durable ones, are those made of glass. Glass chips do not damage the nail, which cannot be said about metal chips. Metal files are harmful to nails.
    • The choice of the shape of the file, and they are in the form of an oval, rectangle, crescent, depends on the operation to be performed with the marigolds.
    • It is difficult to say which nail file is the best, but it is better to stop your choice on the one that gently and gently cares for your nails. Only through trial and error, you will find the right manicure tool, ideal for you personally.

    Cuticle tool. Skin fold - cuticle, protects the matrix, the most vulnerable part of the nail. Do I need to completely remove the cuticle while doing a manicure? Opinions are different, and everyone makes his own decision. It is best to get rid of only part of it and remove the pterygil. It is he who prevents the nails from looking neat and well-groomed.

    • special scissors with curved edges;
    • a plastic stick with a sharpened fork on one side that allows you to cut the cuticle, on the other there is a metal spatula to push back the cuticle;
    • a stick made of orange wood to push back the cuticle.

    Metal tongs. Will be needed for trimming and deburring. It is important that they are made from high quality steel, in which case they will not need to be sharpened frequently.

    Cotton swabs, discs, balls. Required for removal from nails.

    Liquid for removing the varnish layer. The best composition that allows you to gently remove varnish from nails is the one that does not contain toluene or acetone. The presence of these components is harmful to the health of nails, taking away moisture from them and making them brittle.

    Cuticle oil. It is applied to the cuticle just before removing it using scissors.

    Cuticle remover composition. The use of special formulations allows you to remove the cuticle without the use of scissors. After the product is applied, you need to wait a certain time, and then remove the remnants of the cuticle with an orange stick.

    A cream specially designed to nourish the nails.

    Hand cream.

    Nail polish.

    Base base for varnish. If you use the base before applying the varnish, it will last longer on the nails, and "lays down" neatly and evenly.

    Bath. Before performing a manicure, hands need to be steamed by placing them in any convenient container. For additional hand care, sea salt, olive oil, and various essential oils are added to the water.

    Towel. These are the main tools and tools at hand, what are needed for a manicure, performed independently.

    Home manicure - we do it step by step

    First stage: preparing nails for applying varnish.

    • Wash hands thoroughly.
    • Remove old nail polish.
    • Using scissors, give the nails the desired shape and length. Do not get carried away with long nails, they are easier to break.
    • File your nails to help remove burrs and smooth nails. The movement of the file is from the edges to the center of the nail.
    • The length of all marigolds should be the same. Only in this case will your hands look well-groomed and beautiful.
    • The classics of the genre are nails of medium length in the form of an oval.

    Over time, every woman can master the art of performing manicure in such a way that it cannot be distinguished from the "salon" one.


    Having everything you need for a manicure, and having learned how to skillfully wield tools, do not forget about the procedures for caring for your own hands and nails. Pamper them with baths, moisturize with creams, protect from the cold.

    Beautiful nails and well-groomed hands are in your hands. Good luck

    Manicure is an integral part of creating a complete image of a woman. Hands should always have a beautiful and well-groomed appearance. Manicure is not only an external component of the image, but also an important hygienic procedure, which is impossible to do without. Women do not always have the time and opportunity to visit a beauty salon, so let's figure out what is needed to create a high-quality manicure at home.

    What you need for a manicure: basic accessories

    1. Nippers or nail scissors. They must be sharp;
    2. Brush for polishing the nail plate (you can use a piece of suede);
    3. File. It is not recommended to use metal files, as they can deform the nail. Sapphire files and emery files are considered more gentle. Diamond and ceramic nail files are used to polish the nail plate;
    4. Tweezers for cuticle removal;
    5. Orange wood stick.

    If you have not yet decided where you can buy the above accessories, look at the store where everything for nails is sold -

    It is important to keep all these instruments clean, regularly disinfecting them with alcohol or a special disinfectant solution.

    In addition, for a manicure, you will need a nail polish remover, a moisturizing and nourishing hand cream, as well as a cuticle remover cream, cotton pads, whitening and correcting pencils, a soft towel and, of course, nail polish. More details in the video.

    At the end of the manicure, the nails are covered with varnish, the successful selection of which can decorate and harmoniously complement the image as a whole. Today there are a large number of nail polishes that differ from each other in composition, texture, color palette and perform different functions.

    The most popular types of nail polishes

    Depending on their properties, varnishes can be conditionally differentiated into many subspecies. Let's consider some of them:

    • base varnish (its purpose is to level the surface of the nail plate);
    • regular varnish (covers the nail in two layers, but if the varnish is dark, one is enough);
    • mother-of-pearl varnish (contains certain particles that create a mother-of-pearl tint);
    • transparent varnish (used both as a base and to create a protective layer, which gives the nails color brightness and shine);
    • matte varnish (it has a rather dense texture and the absence of the usual shine, its surface resembles velvet);
    • quick-drying varnish (one minute is enough for drying);
    • strengthening varnish (creates a protective layer and gives the nails hardness, due to the presence of keratins and silk fibers in its composition);
    • glitter varnish (transparent varnish that contains shiny particles of various shapes and colors);
    • hypoallergenic varnishes (do not contain formaldehyde resin and nickel) and many others.

    Professional nail varnishes differ from ordinary ones in their quality characteristics and, accordingly, in price. They have bright saturated colors, fit perfectly on the nail and dry quickly enough.

    In conclusion, it should be noted that the attractive appearance and neatness of nails depends on both a high-quality manicure and a proper balanced diet. Therefore, when creating a manicure, do not forget about your health in general!

    In modern society, an idea of ​​a person can be formed at the first glance at his hands. Well-groomed fingers with neat manicure speak of neatness, a responsible approach to business, and even are able to tell about social status. Conversely, unevenly cut nails with cuticles and burrs create a repulsive impression. This applies to both women and the stronger sex.

    You can make your hands perfect, create a high-quality manicure with success at home, with a minimum set of necessary tools. This will take very little time.

    What tools are needed for manicure at home

    The arsenal for performing manicures in modern salons is impressive. There is everything here, from the simplest tools such as spatulas to the latest devices. At home, you can get by with a minimum of available tools, but you can get an excellent result. You should not count on a ready-made manicure set, since individual devices will remain unclaimed. In addition, it will still have to be replenished with separate instruments. It is much more convenient to form your own cosmetic bag by individually choosing suitable accessories for your nails.

    List of tools with a description, photo and method of use

    To make a good manicure according to all the rules at home, you will need the following set of tools:

    • several files (one for correcting the length of natural nails, the other for polishing);
    • penza or ceramic file;
    • scissors with straight and rounded ends (for trimming nails and removing cuticles);
    • trimmer ();
    • spatula sticks made of wood (orange or bamboo);
    • miniature nippers or skin tweezers (will help remove burrs).

    For those who plan to use the device at home, it is necessary to take a responsible approach to the choice of a router.

    As auxiliary devices and materials you will need:

    • liquid for removing varnish residues;
    • cotton pads;
    • silicone mat (backing);
    • disposable wipes (or a small soft towel);
    • a medium-deep bowl filled with warm water, with the addition of essential oils, liquid soap or aromatic salt;
    • a special cuticle remover;
    • moisturizing hand cream (applied at the end of the procedure).

    In terms of time, the procedure for a classic trim manicure takes from 30 to 60 minutes. It all depends on the degree of neglect of the nails, as well as on the availability of work skills.

    Features of the selection of a router

    A milling cutter is called a compact apparatus that facilitates and speeds up the execution of a manicure. It can be powered by mains power or batteries. The device has:

    • cord;
    • frame;
    • a device equipped with various attachments.

    The milling cutter minimizes trauma to the skin around the fingers, as well as relieves pain. This is comparable to a salon procedure at home.

    When choosing a device, pay attention to the following parameters:

    • tip rotation speed (from 15 to 25 thousand rpm);
    • power consumption (up to a maximum of 50 W);
    • body strength;
    • aesthetic appearance;
    • overheating protection (thanks to an autonomous cooling system);
    • handle weight (150-200 g), no vibration during operation;
    • the presence of a collet clamp on the handle (prevents the attachments from falling out during operation);
    • number and functions of attachments included in the kit;
    • cost (up to 150 USD);
    • warranty periods;
    • availability of post-warranty service.

    The set with the device must include at least three types of attachments:

    • a diamond cap with a coarse-grained abrasive (will help in correcting the length of nails, removing rough skin);
    • rounded diamond tip with fine-grained abrasive (designed to remove cuticles, smooth nails);
    • tip made of ceramic or rubber, with a fine-grained abrasive (used for polishing).

    Additional attachments for the router can be purchased on request.

    Why do we need wooden sticks (orange)

    Not everyone can carefully cut the cuticle on each nail at home. There is a high risk of injury or infection. Professionals recommend using special cuticle removers made in the form of oil or gel. They are sold in specialized stores, packaged in small bottles, equipped with brushes, like nail polishes.

    To painlessly remove the cuticle, a special agent (remover) is applied to it, left for 7-10 minutes to soften, and then gently pushed towards the body with a small wooden stick ("hoof").

    The ends of the sticks are pointed, have the shape of a spatula, so even a beginner can master the skills of working with such a device. For the production of sticks, special types of wood are used (orange tree, bamboo). They have several advantages:

    • have a dense structure, therefore they retain their original shape for a long time;
    • well raise and push back the thin skin of the roller that has grown on the nail plate;
    • do not damage the cuticle, thereby excluding the possibility of infection;
    • do not leave any burrs behind.

    Cuticle metal spatulas are used mainly in salons. Due to the lack of skills in working with them, it is very easy to damage the thin skin around the nail. But this tool can be used at home to clean the space under the nails.

    Rules for working with nail and cuticle nippers

    Burr formation occurs as a result of drying out of the skin ridges surrounding the nail. There are many reasons for this, but the result is truly depressing: hands lose their attractiveness and accuracy.

    Nippers are used to remove ("bite off") burrs, as well as to correct minor defects in nails. Depending on the purpose, tweezers are:

    • with straight and beveled edges;
    • with pointed or triangular ends.

    For deburring, rounded triangular pliers are suitable, which are placed strictly perpendicular to the body. They provide a snug fit of the cutting surface to the skin.

    It is necessary to separate the nail clippers and cuticle clippers and not to confuse them with each other.

    It is unacceptable to pull back the burrs when removing them with nippers, as this leads to painful abscesses.

    The tool must be disinfected before starting work and at the end of the procedure. The nippers must be replaced with new ones every 3–6 months.

    Basic set for a beginner nail extension master:

    The principles for choosing tweezers and nail scissors are the same: high-quality material and sharp hand sharpening of the blades.

    Varieties of nail files and their purpose

    The choice of nail file plays a huge role in manicure. After all, this is the main tool necessary for working with nails. There are several simple rules for the selection of files:

    • weakened, brittle, thin nails will require a fine-grained, semicircular instrument with a special buffer;
    • healthy, dense, strong nails are treated with a tool with sand or sapphire coating.

    When buying a nail file, you need to "try" it for friction. To do this, it is carried out with the pad of the finger without strong pressure on its working surface. The high-quality tool will not scratch the delicate skin of the finger, its surface is uniform, rough to the touch. If roughness is felt on the surface, it is intended for the correction of artificial nails (acrylic, gel).

    Files can only be used on completely dry nails. After the bath, the plate softens and therefore easily exfoliates. All movements of the file should be directed in the same direction (from the edge to the middle of the nail).

    Nail files are often chosen according to the degree of abrasiveness (number of grit):

    • up to 180 grit - suitable only for gel and acrylic nails;
    • from 181 to 240 grit - for brittle, thin nails;
    • from 241 to 400 grit - suitable for ordinary nails, help to make the edge perfectly even and smooth, eliminate small clues on the cut;
    • from 401 to 900 grit - designed for grinding and polishing;
    • from 901 to 1200 grit - gives the nails a glossy shine.

    It is unacceptable to hold the file perpendicular to the nails: this leads to delamination.

    The abrasive is divided into two types, depending on the shape and size of the grains:

    • natural (pumice, diamond or sapphire chips, corundum);
    • artificial (silicon carbide obtained from synthetic diamonds).

    In addition to abrasiveness, the type of base (hard, soft) and the material are important for the file.

    Previously, metal tools were mainly used. However, now the manicure masters will give preference to other materials, rightly believing that the metal harms the nail plate (it exfoliates, crumbles, etc.). The basis of modern nail files can be:

    • glass (has a gentle effect on the nails);
    • plastic (inexpensive and practical);
    • metal;
    • cardboard;
    • ceramic (has the effect of sealing the sections).

    Photo: types of nail files

    Files on a paper basis are disposable and reusable. They must not be soaked in disinfectant Foam files are very soft and gentle. They are ideal for natural nails Metal files are durable and durable Glass files are gentle on nails. Their main drawback is fragility If the nail flakes or cracks, then use a ceramic nail file, which perfectly grinds the surface of the nail plate

    The most expensive, but at the same time the highest quality file, is a file on a wooden base with a pomegranate coating. In second place in cost is the crystal version, which can be used to cut the nail plate and rough skin (calluses) around.

    A sandpaper model is suitable for cutting sensitive, delicate nails.

    Auxiliary files

    The sanding file is flexible and soft, its base is usually cardboard. It is intended for:

    • aligning the outer edge of the nail;
    • smoothing irregularities left after a coarse abrasive;
    • removal of deep-seated varnish or age spots.

    A special polishing file with several working surfaces (4–6) will help to give your nails a pleasant gloss. Each of them has a different degree of abrasive grain.

    The nails are polished once every 25-30 days. This allows you to level their surface, and at the same time avoid damage to the nail plate.

    Buffs (buffs) are special suede strips and bars required at the final stage of a manicure. Unlike other tools, buffs cannot be disinfected. Therefore, they will have to be changed regularly.

    For a full-fledged manicure, you need at least 3-4 files with various abrasive coatings. Polishing models are often sold in a set (3-4 pieces). Each of them is marked with a number indicating the stage of polishing (primary, intermediate, finishing).

    Using a curette

    A manicure curette is a special tool. It is able to effectively remove dead skin particles that accumulate in the tiny gap between the nail plate and the cuticle. The curette is useful for people with ingrown nails.

    In appearance, an alloy steel curette is a cross between a nail file and a spatula. The instrument is equipped with a special rounded tip resembling a spoon up to 1.5 mm thick. Notches are applied to the handle to prevent the metal from sliding in the hand.

    Single and double-sided curette models are available. They are selected individually, according to the thickness of the instrument, which ideally should coincide with the width of the nail bed of the little fingers.

    Silicone mat - for comfortable work

    An unusual soft silicone rug with an original square markings is found in many salons and nail salons. However, this accessory will also be useful for home manicure. Its functions include:

    • protection of the table surface from contamination;
    • the ability to make samples of varnishes (convenient for nail art);
    • elimination of possible errors when painting nails (the drawing is first tried on the rug, and then easily transferred to the desired fingernail).

    On the surface of the mat, it is easy to mix different shades of varnishes for new, unique colors. The varnish remaining after the experiments is removed at a time, like a film, or removed with a cotton swab dipped in a remover.


    There are several types of nail scissors. With their help you can:

    • shorten an overly long nail to the desired length;
    • remove the cuticle;
    • cut off burrs.

    Despite the similarity of functions, it will not be possible to completely replace the scissors with nippers (or vice versa). Both tools should be in the home arsenal.

    It takes a lot of time to file the overgrown marigolds. Alternatively, they can be cut with scissors with straight or rounded ends to the desired length, and then filed to the desired shape and sanding the edges.

    To remove cuticles and burrs, miniature scissors with curved edges are needed.

    A good tool has several differences:

    • made of high quality stainless (alloyed, medical) steel, the packaging may indicate the grade of the material;
    • manual sharpening, thanks to which the blades remain sharp for a long time;
    • perfect fit of the blades, no visible gaps.

    It is unacceptable to use the ends of the scissors to push back the cuticle or to clean the nails, as well as for needlework.

    Manicure pencil

    The capillary pencil for manicure is a modern invention, the purpose of which is painless cuticle removal. It is easy to work with it, and a positive result is obtained much faster than using a special tool and chopsticks.

    A high-quality pencil not only softens, makes the cuticle more pliable and pliable. It also takes care of the skin and slows down its growth.

    In addition to the cuticle pencil, there is also a French pencil. They are often confused with each other. The pencil for French manicure has a classic white lead. It allows you to do without patterns and stencils when applying a decorative strip. Unlike varnish applied over the nail plate, draw underneath with a pencil.

    Another type of manicure pencil is a correction stick. He will help:

    • carefully remove traces of varnish left after the decorative coating;
    • simplify the execution of the jacket.

    In appearance, such a pencil looks like a felt-tip pen with a dispensing end cut off obliquely. Inside there is a nail polish remover. For beginners who are not used to applying a bright decorative coating on their nails, especially with their left hand on their right, the corrector will be indispensable. You will have to deal with the elimination of the flaws made immediately, before the varnish has time to harden.

    The main advantage of the corrective stick is its non-traumatic effect on the skin of the hands and nails.

    Other manicure tools

    Other tools for performing manicure at home include a trimmer. They can replace scissors when cutting the cuticle, as well as quickly process the pre-nail socket. The working part of the trimmer is made in the shape of the letter "V", in the recess it is sharper than at the edges.

    Unlike scissors, cutting with a trimmer is much more difficult. Therefore, experts recommend this tool to fans of edged manicure.

    Scrapers are indispensable for scraping. It is sometimes called a nail spatula or pusher.

    Pushers made of plastic or metal are more affordable analogs of wooden sticks. They are sticks with tips of various shapes (rectangular, oval). The instrument also serves to displace the cuticle. If the scapula has a pointed end, it can be used to scrub under the nails.

    Performing a manicure at home should be done every 7-14 days. The frequency of the procedure depends on the rate of nail regrowth, regular hand care and nutritional balance.

    A high-quality manicure can be done not only in the salon, but also at home. The success and speed of work largely depends on the correct selection of tools. A set for manicure procedures can be formed independently by carefully selecting files, scissors, taking into account the type and condition of your nails. For those who want to get by with a minimum of time and effort, it is advised to purchase a router. Professionals recommend removing cuticles at home not with a cutting tool, but with removers and wooden sticks. In this case, the risk of getting an infection or an abscess on the finger is reduced.

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