Hairstyles for ballroom dancing juniors 2 girls. Ballroom dance hairstyles

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Have you enrolled your daughter or granddaughter in the dance section? An excellent option for the development of creative, physical abilities, the opportunity for the child to express himself. Tights have been bought, special shoes have been selected, it remains to master the correct options for styling long and short strands.

An image for training, a stylish hairstyle for ballroom dancing for girls for hair of different lengths is easy to create. Tips from stylists, photos, step-by-step instructions will help you make an effective styling on the head of a young dancer.

What should be the style for dancing

A girl studying at a dance school is easy to distinguish among her peers. The young ballerina is distinguished by a proud posture, a chiseled figure, graceful, flowing movements, strict, stylish styling. Many athletes, dancers, even to school, to meet with their girlfriends, prefer to do a neat bun or bun.

A strict image disciplines, gives self-confidence, continues the slender line of the back. Smoothly combed strands are not afraid of wind, rain, with such a hairstyle it is convenient to do any business.

Styling a little ballerina, regardless of the length of the curls, should be:

  • neat, smooth - fleece, lush tails, French braids do not correspond to the concept of elegance, noble restraint inherent in ballroom dancing;
  • no dangling curls, curls, soft waves or cute curls. "Accidentally" stray strands, bangs reaching to the eyebrows and below, the hairs framing the face are inappropriate;
  • comfortable, well-fixed. When creating a styling, consider how to attach the selected strands so that the bun does not break up while moving on the parquet. Required: strong elastic band, hairpins, invisibility, for competitions, reporting concerts - strong fixation varnish;
  • expressive, revealing the face. During dances, facial expressions play no less role than movements of the body, arms or legs. Most often, ballroom hairstyles open the forehead, focus on the eyes, and pleasant features. For performances, a short bang is permissible, laid on one side, flat rings of strands, fixed with varnish, slightly covering the forehead.

Note! Everyday dancing hairstyles do not require decor. A special mesh, which young ballerinas put on a bun, will help to keep the shape of a bun or a bundle. The accessory is sold in a hairdressing store, supermarket departments. Take a look at the "Everything for Dances" store. There you will find training and dress suits, shoes, accessories, hair décor.

Ballroom hairstyles for short hair

For professional dancing, it is advisable to grow curls below the shoulders. Short strands constantly cling to your eyes, distract, interfere with concentration. What to do? What image to choose for a dance school student?


While the hairs are not branches, pin the strands with invisible ones from the sides, pick up the bangs using clips or invisible ones. Another option is to make one or two low tails, comb the hairs up, secure with invisible ones.

Important! Make sure that the clamps are securely attached, do not move during bends, turns, jumps, dance steps.


For special events, competitions, reporting concerts, you will have to use varnish. Additional fixation won't hurt. Such events are carried out infrequently, the minimum number of laying compounds at the age of 7-8 years is permissible. Spray or gel must be of high quality, from well-known brands.

Use cosmetic oil for perfect smoothness. A natural product will help to style the curls beautifully without damaging the strands.

How to proceed:

  • apply a few drops of cosmetic oil to the hairs, comb along the entire length;
  • separate the hair with a side parting;
  • put your hair behind your ears, fasten it with hairpins or invisible hairpins;
  • pin the front strands with invisible ones with a decor that matches the nature of the dance;
  • lightly sprinkle the hair with varnish.

Important! As soon as the strands grow back, stop using the fixing compounds. Fortunately, the length of children's hair grows quickly, and you won't have to use synthetic compounds for a long time. At the age of 4–5 years, do not use the fixing spray: it is easy to damage fine hair.

Long hair

The curls below the shoulders are easy to style in a suitable way. The ideal length for practicing ballroom, sports dancing is from the shoulder blades and slightly below.

Texture and quality of the strand play an important role. Too long, thick curls will make the hairstyle heavier, you will need a large number of hairpins, invisible hair for styling. Sparse, fine hairs can be quite long.


  • easy to create a high and low beam;
  • it is convenient to fasten the strands;
  • a girl of 7–8 years old and older will do a simple hairstyle herself, if the hairs will not be knocked out of the general mass.

Important! Give up cascading haircuts: with strands of the same length, the styling will keep its shape well, you will easily achieve a smooth hairstyle.

Traditional bun for practice

Step-by-step instruction:

  • comb the curls, collect a high ponytail, securely fasten with a soft elastic band so that the structure does not "dangle";
  • divide the strands into two parts, twist each with a tourniquet, wrap in turn around the base of the tail, fix with hairpins;
  • another option - braid a pigtail, if the hairs are not very thick, wrap around the elastic, fix with hairpins, if necessary, with invisible ones;
  • does the girl have thin, sparse hair? It is enough to twist one plait from the tail. Create a bun similar to the previous styling options, secure it securely.

Beautiful bundle with a donut

For performances, create sleek, dramatic styling with a simple hairdressing tool. The foam accessory is sold in professional cosmetics stores. The original bagel can be found in the stores of well-known retail chains, where cosmetics, hair care products, accessories, hairdressing devices are presented.

Until you get the foam ring, make a simple synthetic toe bagel:

  • cut off the top;
  • tuck the homemade "pipe" several times;
  • homemade bagel is ready.

Making a bun with a foam ring is easy:

  • ideal length - from shoulders to shoulder blades;
  • collect the tail at the back of the head, comb the hair;
  • put the foam rubber ring on the elastic;
  • tuck the strands under the bagel, secure with invisible ones;
  • take narrow strands, fix in turn;
  • after styling, straighten the strands, check that the hairs do not knock out from under the donut;
  • lightly sprinkle a neat bunch of varnish.

A simple hair decor will help to add originality to a solemn look. You will need a rare comb, invisibility, hairpins, a little patience, half an hour of time.

How to proceed:

  • separate the strands with a horizontal parting just below the crown;
  • Gather the lower part into a light tail, go on horseback;
  • divide the front strands with a central parting, twist a tight tourniquet from each part, wind it back, secure it with an invisible one;
  • create a neat low tail from the lower half of the strand, divide the strands in two, twist the bundles;
  • wrap, as usual, tight strips around the base of the tail, secure with invisible ones;
  • straighten the harnesses from the front strand, wind the ends under the bundle, fix with hairpins or invisible ones;
  • apply a little strong varnish to the bun;
  • decorate the styling with a flower to the right or left of the bundle.

Please the young dancer with a comfortable, beautiful hairstyle. Observe the requirements of the trainer, take into account the condition, quality of the hair, the length of the strand.

In your free time, practice, create several styling options, choose the best image for classes and performances. Teach an older girl to do a bun on the top of her head or a low bun. After a few workouts, you will understand that making an original hairstyle for ballroom dancing is quite simple.

Video. Option for creating a children's hairstyle for dancing:

The image of a ballroom dancer plays an important role in the success of the performance. It is created with clothes and hairstyles. For participants in sports dance performances, there is an unofficial dress code related, among other things, to the hair styling, which the dancers adhere to.

There are several classical styles used in costumes for Latin American dances, as well as European dance programs that include quickstep, foxtrot, and waltz. A well-executed hairstyle that does not interfere with the dance performance helps the partner to be elegant and stand out from the crowd. Various decorations in the form of flowers, rhinestones, brooches, hairpins and other details look especially appropriate on such styling.

Basic requirements for hairstyles for ballroom dancing

The organizers of dance tournaments impose certain requirements on the hairstyles of the participants:

  1. She should exclude free hanging of strands., curls or braids so that they cannot cover the surrounding space and interfere with movement.
  2. It is also inappropriate to construct high multi-tiered installations., also interfering with dancing.
  3. Attaching bulky accessories to the head is not recommended attracting increased attention to themselves and distracting from the dance performed.
  4. Hair should be pulled back and secured, styling them look neat and without excessive bombast, decorating hairstyles to look natural.
  5. Laying should match the dance performed and blend in with clothes.

What is necessary?

To create a ballroom hairstyle you will need:

  • strong hold varnish;
  • hair softening and styling gel;
  • a comb that has a double-sided shape or small teeth;
  • hairdryer with a power of at least 1600 W;
  • elastic bands for securing curls, wide enough and elastic;
  • a set of hairpins and invisible pins of different sizes;
  • mesh for fixing the laid strands (preferably invisible);
  • chignon or overhead curls (if necessary);
  • decorative ornaments: flowers, rhinestones, hairpins, combs;

How to do classic ballroom hairstyles?

A bun on smooth hair

A classic hairstyle, suitable not only for the Latin American theme, but also for European dance programs, is the styling in the form of a bun. The traditional execution of this styling is carried out on smoothed straight strands.

The process should be carried out in the following order:

  1. On clean and slightly damp strands apply the gel evenly.
  2. Oiled shiny strands gather with an elastic band in the back of the head in the form of a tail.
  3. Comb the tail with a fine-toothed comb and fix the fleece with a strong hold varnish.
  4. After the varnish has dried the strands of the tail are twisted around the elastic band in a circular motion, and the resulting bun is fixed with hairpins.
  5. Top of the beam for reliability, you can fix the mesh.
  6. Give your hair a festive look it is possible by decorating with hairpins having a head with rhinestones or stones.

The second version of this styling is with elements of curls. It is performed in the same way as on smooth strands. Just before collecting hair in a bun, you should leave small strands for their subsequent decoration, curling curls or braiding.

The ends of braided braids or curls twisted with a curling iron are fixed under an elastic band with which the tail is fixed. Then they are covered on top with a bun wrapped around the gum and fixed with varnish. Additionally, braids or curled curls are decorated with decorative hairpins.


The second version of the ballroom dance hairstyle is the shell styling.

Perform it as follows:

  1. Clean and slightly damp hair should be thrown to the chosen convenient side, leaving a small longitudinal strand along the temple.
  2. Fastening the outer part of the thrown strands vertically from above with the help of invisible ones, comb them.
  3. In the center of the occipital region twist a vertical roller from the combed hair in the direction of throwing the strands and, securing it with varnish, pin it with two hairpins.
  4. Loose strand, located on the side of the opposite temple, also comb and, wrapping around the roller, hide the ends inward.
  5. Secure the entire roller with studs, having previously shaped the shell of its upper part in the parietal region.
  6. The entire hairstyle is fixed with varnish.

You can use decorative ornaments with rhinestones and other decorations in the places where the studs are attached.


For Latin American dances, strands fixed in the form of a loose tail are widely used. The tail looks especially impressive on long straight hair of the same length. Therefore, a prerequisite for such a hairstyle is straightening the strands.

A hairstyle in the form of a tail is performed like this:

  1. Clean, slightly damp hair are smoothed using an iron.
  2. After carefully combing the straightened strands they are fixed on the back of the head or in the parietal region in the tail with an elastic band decorated with velvet or beads.
  3. If there are bangs, then it can be pre-combed, laid in any direction in the form of a wave or placed straight, and then fixed with varnish or gel.
  4. You can braid some or all of the strands of the tail, fixing the end of the weave with a decorative elastic band or a clip. A small pigtail can be styled in the form of curls and secured to the head with hairpins. A braid made of the entire tail should be laid in a bun in a circular motion around the elastic. You can fix your hairstyle with varnish.

How and how to decorate?

An additional festive color to the styling for performances is given by unloaded jewelry elements in the form of rhinestones, flowers, ribbons, feathers, sparkles, bright hairpins, etc. The elements of rhinestones and sparkles are fixed with the help of special glue. They should be glued after fixing the hairstyle with varnish, so as not to affect the intensity of the shine of these elements.

Sometimes, in order to give volume to the strands, false artificial curls or hairpieces are used to form an expressive beam. Before fixing these elements on the head, you need to evaluate their weight and volume, so that the styling does not look too bulky and heavy, interfering with the ease of movement.

In addition, care should be taken to securely attach these parts to avoid any surprises. In general, artificial strands should be applied only if absolutely necessary.

  1. To eliminate all surprises during the performance, it is imperative to perform a test installation, which should be used at the rehearsal a few days before the competition performances.
  2. Avoid cluttering your head with lots of glitter and jewelry, so as not to focus on them, and not on the dance performed.
  3. Before styling, you should make sure that it suits the type of person and his features.
  4. For dancing at a professional level better, because strands with a short haircut in the process of dancing constantly close their eyes and interfere with focusing on the dance movements.
  5. To fix the hair a strong hold varnish should be used and do not spare the gel that holds the strands together for styling.

Ballroom dance hairstyles for boys are an important part of a harmonious, attractive look. After all, having correctly styled the hair, it is convenient for the child to perform, performing pivotal movements of varying complexity.

Such a guy's performance is made out according to certain requirements. Prepare carefully in advance by looking closely and choosing the most suitable option. We will help you with this!

If you are a parent and believe that the rules for styling strands exist only for girls, then we open the curtain for you. Ballroom dance haircuts for boys have the following features:

  1. Speaking professionally, in the sports genre, comfort is above all important. Hair should not interfere with sharp turns, long active movements during different numbers.
  2. They are obliged to look pretty with the rest of the image, brightly decorating, complementing it. To emphasize the advantages of appearance, to make “sins” as unsightly and hidden as possible.

For reference! The requirements of the IDSF (International Dance Sport Federation) state that children and young men of different age categories are advised to cut their hair short for ballroom dancing. Long hair is allowed to be worn provided that it is collected in a ponytail.

  1. The durability of the strands being laid is important. No matter how long the performances last, for any period of time the head of hair must maintain an ideal look.
  2. The distinct sheen of the coating lends it luxury. This is done with the help of grease, which, in addition to shining, will perfectly fix the haircut. Severity and clarity of lines must be observed.

How to make a ballroom dance boy hairstyle?

Ballroom hairstyles for boys can be easily done at home, having prepared in advance: by purchasing combs of different calibers, flat tools, with wider teeth and in large quantities, as well as a brushing comb. With the correct haircut, you just need to lay the strands to the right or left, lightly applying the fixing agent.

If you are taking your child to the hairdresser, explain in detail to the stylist what you want to do. So it will be easier for a specialist to take into account the individual characteristics, the method of styling and the effect that it should produce.
How to make a boy's hairstyle for ballroom dancing more voluminous with curls of medium length, read below:

  1. Apply a long-lasting foam to clean curls. Wash your hair exclusively with shampoo, without using conditioner.
  2. Dry the strands with a high power hair dryer, in which a narrow nozzle. Now you can play with the volume of your hair by choosing the side to style.
  3. Create a parting. It can be done from the middle of the right or left eyebrow up to the crown. A double brush will help you to recreate the variation, making the parting even, preserving the splendor of the hair.
  4. If you have bangs, decorate it with a cornice, combing from bottom to top. Comb slightly to the side.
  5. Model the strands using wet gel. Spread it over your head with your hands. This will not affect the volume.
  6. Fix your masterpiece with varnish so that it holds beautifully for a long time and reliably.

Does your child go to ballroom dancing?


When creating a hair suitable for performances, take care of a properly designed haircut. Heavily regrown, unevenly cut strands will complicate the creation of an elegant look. Start styling only on clean curls.

Men's ballroom hairstyles: styling options, photo

Styling is perhaps the most time consuming process. Hairstyles for boys for ballroom dancing require the following:

  1. They should be combined with the appearance, type of person.
  2. Styling curls should be consistent with the overall style of the child.
  3. They require a harmonious combination with the outfit.
  4. It is appropriate to choose the performance for the age, event, specific performance.
  5. The need for strong fixation.
  6. The main thing is the original, pleasant presentation of the image.

You need to use styling products carefully, little by little, since the child's skin is still very delicate, sensitive to chemical components. If the curls are longer than 2-3 cm, varnish or mousse will fix the hair well, allowing them to look neat, no matter how fast and mobile the dance numbers are.

Hair can be styled by combing it from the forehead to the crown, dividing it with a parting line (in the middle or offset to the side), combing the bangs, and if it is absent, comb the front curls. If the hair is irregularly elongated, for example, short from the side, longer at the crown, the best effect is to comb it up, fixing it in this position.

Ballroom boys' hairstyles are styled differently, depending on which number the child is performing. Nowadays, Latin American rhythms of samba, jive, pasadoble, rumba, cha-cha-cha are popular. Haircuts for these numbers are made out in soft, lush proportions. There is no clear occipital line in them, some waviness is allowed.

A similar elongated nape fits in a small curl upward. The graceful head of hair adds height to the owners of a long neck. Other adolescents should refrain from long curls and collars, avoiding visual shortening of the neck. The best option is to form your own unique personal image.

For reference! In the European program (waltz, foxtrot, tango), Italians create a short cut and a clear straight silhouette on the head. The areas of the temples, the back of the head are shaved almost to zero. Further, the elongation increases, a high straight line is formed up the head to the occipital region. The result is an organic, expressive silhouette.

Appropriately designed head of hair is also an opportunity to level the difference in the height of a young man and a girl. When he is about the same level with his partner or a little lower, styling his hair, they are slightly raised, combed, and the girls' hair is laid low. But when the girl is very small, her strands are laid high, licking the guy's curls.

What are the secrets of covering your hair to keep it strong before going out on the floor and during performance? Choose the fixing varnish carefully. This is the main way of resilience. Apply sparingly, spraying from a distance of about 30 cm from the hair. Also apply the gel in moderation. It makes the strands heavier, but having sprayed in advance, by the time the hair comes out, it can lose its shape.

Guys in dance performances are generally prohibited from creating overly creative dance haircuts (mohawk, gavroche, square). The justification is correct, since such an external appearance is inappropriate to the nature of the performed number.
Be sure to use mousse. The tool lifts the roots, settling them in the right direction, stiffens the curl structure, keeping the required shape longer. But how to lay them with a hair dryer?

Get a high-power hair dryer with a fine nozzle. Choosing a wider nozzle, it is more difficult to arrange a spot adjustment, you can only dry the curls. Wash your hair first. Then apply mousse to the roots of all oblongness. Straighten the strands from the back of the head, starting to lift, guide the roots. Then work on the ends of the hair like finishing touches. The curls are raised, pointwise directing the hair dryer to the roots, passing along the curls with the comb upward.

Take a look at the photo, and you will understand which stage image may already suit your son.

Small moment - big talent

First, do a trial variation, looking at how it looks with a stage costume. Do this 2-3 days before the performance of the main number. Now touch up the questionable areas by giving your son a charming look.

However, remember that hair is only a separate moment in the entire appearance of a child. The main thing is the graceful execution of the number. The eyes of the audience will be grateful for the efforts of your talented child.

In ballroom competitions, both international and local, special attention is paid to the appearance of the participants. This includes suits, shoes, makeup and hair styling.

Girls with loose hair, careless curls, lush styling are not allowed to participate in contests. The use of unusual accessories is also unacceptable. And here there is a dress code: smooth hair neatly laid up. Curls must be securely fixed so as not to interfere during performance.

In the article, we will consider what are the hairstyles for girls for ballroom dancing, how you can do them yourself.


Before the performance, not only professional hairdressers work with the dancers. You can cope with the hairstyle for a ballroom dance competition at home. But, the following rules must be followed:

  • the girl's curls need to be styled so that they are combined with the costume;
  • the styling should be suitable for the direction of the dance performed, created for a specific appearance. The shape of the face is taken into account;
  • try not just to style your hair beautifully, but first of all to create a comfortable state;
  • overhead strands, the use of sequins are prohibited;
  • hair should look natural even if it is dyed. Toning and highlighting are not allowed.

At first, it seems that the rules of hairstyle for ballroom dancing are too strict, increased requirements are imposed on them. But, they justify themselves. The girls are dancing confidently. They are confident that nothing will prevent them from completing the competition program. How hairstyles for ballroom dancing for girls are performed step by step can be seen in the video lessons below. Such severe restrictions are lifted when a dancer reaches a certain age category.

Various options

Several types of styling for dance competitions are popular. The options depend on what style the couple is dancing in: sports or ballroom. On the video you can watch a master class on hairstyles for ballroom dancing, and choose the best option for the dancer.

The most common styling method is a bundle. Check out how to make a ballroom dance bun:

  • comb the curls well, take them in a ponytail, wrap with an elastic band;
  • wrap the ponytail in a wide donut to secure it in place, then slide it in half to make the same pieces. Sprinkle the top with a little varnish and distribute evenly over a wide elastic band. Further, the curls are fixed with hidden hairpins. You should get a roller;
  • the lower layer of the tail is laid out with a roller, varnished, fixed with hairpins with invisibility;
  • prominent long ends of hair, wrap around the roller. Fix with varnish and hairpins.

When a girl has very long curls, a wide elastic band is not needed. You can simply twist your hair into a tourniquet, twist it over an elastic band, sprinkle it with varnish, and fasten it with hairpins.

A shell is suitable as a hairstyle for sports and ballroom dances for a girl:

  • decide which part of the curls will be the basis for styling;
  • if the bangs are cut, move it;
  • remove the curls from the parting in the selected part;
  • fix the hair on one side with hidden hairpins;
  • comb the curls, lay on the other part. Wrap the ends inward, fix with hairpins;
  • Lay the bangs nicely and sprinkle with varnish.

If the bangs and small strands are well fixed, then such options are allowed. Watch how the ballroom dance hairstyles are performed in the video tutorials below. You can braid your hair, make plaits. But, it is imperative to record everything with high quality. There is also a photo with ballroom dance hairstyles for girls, which shows the whole process.

Another option for styling for the performance is flagella:

There is an instruction on how to create such a hairstyle for ballroom dancing for girls step by step.


When making hairstyles for dances for girls, you need to know some features:

  • purchase fixing compounds according to the type and structure of curls;
  • don't try to copy celebrity styling. Try to invent something of your own, unique;
  • if time is sorely lacking, take care of styling in advance.

Important: Despite the limited options for ballroom dance hairstyles, try to listen to the dancer's opinion. She should like the future styling. It depends on what mood she will dance in.

It happens that the dancer is slightly taller than her partner. In such cases, hairstyles should not be made too high. Otherwise, the pair will not look good. If the girl is short, then the hair is fixed on the back of the head, and smoothed for the partner. See in more detail how the hairstyles for ballroom dancing are performed in the video below.

  1. Lately, many young dancers prefer short hair. This option can be attributed to the new hairstyles for ballroom dancing. Everything is simple here. Hair is sprayed with varnish so that it looks more voluminous and does not interfere. Be sure to make sure that the curls do not look glued together. Too short strands can be hidden under a wide tape and fixed.
  2. To correctly choose the appropriate option for the performance, you can watch the video of hairstyles for ballroom dancing below. Step-by-step instruction will teach you how to do styling correctly.
  3. Be sure, before styling, rinse your hair well, apply a balm. To make the curls more obedient, use a special gel.
  4. Together with the dancer, choose hairstyles for ballroom dancing in the photo. Discuss all the nuances of styling, see how it looks on other girls. Try on mentally the styling option for the entire appearance of the girl.
  5. Do not forget that well-applied makeup enhances and complements the beauty of styling.

The enchanting world of ballroom dancing captivates with the beauty of movements, exclusive costumes and stylish hairstyles.

Every little thing matters here. Precise movement, flawless appearance. The dancers are in the spotlight and therefore have to look perfect. The hairstyle completes the image. Very often it is easier for a dancer to choose clothes than a hairstyle.

Young and adult dancers must strictly follow the rules for creating hairstyles. The generally accepted ones are quite simple, but they must be followed strictly.

Main rules:

  1. Harmonious combination of clothes and hairstyles.
  2. Compliance with the dance.
  3. It is beneficial to emphasize the face of the dancer.
  4. The partners' hairstyle should be in the same style.
  5. There should be zest and originality.

Jewelry must be used wisely. For babies, they are prohibited at all. Girls are allowed a hairstyle - bun. Decorations are allowed to be worn by dancers of the category "Juniors-1".

Main prohibitions:

  1. Glitter varnish is prohibited.
  2. Wigs, hairpieces are taboo.
  3. It is forbidden to tint and highlight hair.
  4. Do not go out onto parquet flooring with high installations.
  5. Decorations for babies are prohibited.
  6. "Juniors-1" have the right to use only non-flickering hairpins.

Styling types

All dance hairstyles are divided into types:

Effectively and modestly

The partner must also have a haircut. Often boys do not want to use styling products, as a result - the couple looks unkempt. The disheveled look of a dancer will definitely not decorate a couple in a dance.

It is enough just to make men's styling - the strands are combed and laid back with the help of mousse. The dancer's appearance will change immediately, he will look fit.

The dancer can be distinguished by combing the bangs or separating the even, clear parting, while smoothly styling the hair. There are fewer male dance hairstyles than female ones. Having embodied the fantasy, the master can emphasize the dancers favorably. Boys who practice dancing develop the habit of being collected over time.

We regulate the growth of partners with the help of hairstyles

The growth of partners is far from always harmonious. There are certain secrets to help minimize dissonance.

If in tandem a woman is taller than a man, the bun on her head should be made lower. At the same time, a man needs to make the fleece higher. If, on the contrary, the partner is much taller, then the girl is laid the bun high, and the man is given a smooth hairstyle. Then the couple acquires a harmonious appearance, and the disharmony in growth becomes less noticeable.

How to create a beautiful ballroom hairstyle

You can make a beautiful hairstyle yourself. The main thing is to practice before that. Once you get used to it, you will learn to do without a master. So, the stages of creating a dance hairstyle:

  1. We collect hair in a ponytail or bun. Short hair should not be put in a bun, since some of the hairs will stick out, the partner will look unkempt.
  2. Wrap the end of the tail around the elastic.
  3. We put a mesh on the bun. There are nets in stores with a variety of decorations and trimmings.
  4. We fix the hair with varnish. During the dance, not a single strand should get out of the hair.

Second way:

  1. We knit a tail at the back of the head.
  2. We braid many braids of the same size.
  3. We wrap the base of the tail with pigtails, fix it with hairpins.
  4. Weaving "French spikelet" will provide an interesting stylish hairstyle.

Artistic weaving is widely used now. Using various weaves, unusual hairstyles are created. However, all weaves must be tight. It is also important to keep the correct volume of hairstyles.

Video - Dance Mesh Hairstyle

Competitive styling

We transform the girl:

  1. To make your hair pliable and manageable, wash your hair one day before the competition.
  2. Sprinkle the strands with varnish, then comb.
  3. Make a ponytail at the top of your head. We leave free strands on the side on both sides, as well as on the back.
  4. The tail needs to be well combed and polished. We wrap the hair inward like a shell and fasten it with hairpins.
  5. We twist loose strands with a curling iron, varnish and apply waves to the hairstyle. We imperceptibly fix each strand with several invisible ones.
  6. We decorate the hairstyle with rhinestones to match the color of the dress. You can create a specific pattern.

How to create a hairstyle for a man:

  1. The partner should go to the stylist and perfect the haircut well in advance.
  2. We wash my head on the day of the competition.
  3. Using the gel we create “wet hair” on the head.
  4. On very short hair, we make a perfectly even parting on the side. Its beginning is from the eye, the end is at the back of the head.
  5. We comb the hair in front of the temples, fix it with varnish.

If your partner has hair fifteen centimeters long or more, do a stylish bouffant:

  1. On the forehead, fix the bangs with a hair clip.
  2. A bouffant is made in the middle of the head.
  3. The fleece is covered with a bang, after which the hairstyle is fixed with varnish.

Hair knots

With the help of flagella, you can make an unusual beautiful one. It is quite difficult to twist them the first time, you need to practice in advance. Once you learn, you can create incredible hairstyles.

  1. Divide your hair into equal parts over the entire head, treat with mousse.
  2. Twist each strand of hair into a tight flagellum, secure with a hairpin or elastic band.
  3. Fill the hair with varnish.
  4. We form a bundle from the ends of the flagella.
  5. We put it in a bun or hide it under the net.

If the rules allow, you can make lush curls from the ends of the flagella, and then collect them in a tail. The result is a very bold and memorable hairstyle.

Flagella can be used to style your partner's hair.

Video - DIY hairstyle

It is imperative to do a test hairstyle in advance, preferably a couple of days before the competition. The dancers are already quite seriously nervous, they get tired, and if an unsuccessful hairstyle is added to everything, there is a great chance of performing poorly.

The attention of the audience should not be riveted to the monumental and masterpiece hairstyle of the dancers. The styling should be so competently done that it could emphasize the gracefulness of the silhouette, and did not interfere with the dance. All dancers' attention should be focused on the dance, but not on the hair or clothes.

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