A letter to his teenage son from his father. Letter from son to father

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“Death is always unexpected. Even the terminally ill hope that they will not die today. Maybe in a week. But definitely not now and not today. The death of my father was even more unexpected, ”- this is how Raphael Zohler's touching story begins. He lost his father as a child, but his father left him advice for all occasions.

He left at the age of 27, as did several famous musicians from Club 27. He was young, too young. My father was neither a musician nor a famous person. Cancer doesn't choose its victims. He left when I was 8 years old - and I was old enough to miss him all my life. If he had died earlier, I would have no memories of my father and I would not feel any pain, but then, in fact, I would not have a dad. And yet I remembered him, and therefore I had a father.

If he was alive, he could cheer me up with jokes. You could kiss my forehead before I fell asleep. He would make me root for the same football team that he supported himself, and would explain some things much better than my mother.
He never told me that he was going to die soon. Even when he was lying on a hospital bed with tubes all over his body, he did not say a word. My father was making plans for the next year, although he knew that he would not be there next month. Next year we will go fishing, travel, visit places we have never been. Next year will be amazing. This is what we dreamed about.

I think he believed that this attitude would attract good luck to me. Making plans for the future was a peculiar way to keep hope. He made me smile until the very end. He knew what was going to happen, but he didn’t say anything - he didn’t want to see my tears.

One day my mother unexpectedly picked me up from school and we went to the hospital. The doctor delivered the sad news with all the delicacy he could muster. Mom was crying because she still had a tiny bit of hope. I was shocked. What does it mean? Wasn't this just another disease that doctors can easily cure? I felt betrayed. I screamed with anger until I realized that my father was no longer around. And I burst into tears too.

Something happened here. A nurse came up to me with a box under her arm. This box was filled with sealed envelopes with some kind of markings instead of an address. Then the nurse handed me a single letter from the box.
“Your father asked me to give you this box. He spent a whole week writing them and would like you to read the first letter now. Stay strong."
On the envelope was the inscription "When I am gone." I opened it.

A son,
If you're reading this, then I'm dead. I'm sorry. I knew I was going to die.
I didn't want to tell you what was going to happen, I didn't want you to cry. I decided so. I think that the person who is about to die has the right to act a little more selfishly.
I still have a lot to teach you. After all, you don't know a damn thing. So I wrote you these letters. Don't open them until the right moment, okay? This is our deal.
I love you. Take care of your mom. You are now the man in the house.
I love you, dad.
P.S. I didn’t write letters for mom. She already got my car.

His gnarled letter, which I could barely make out, reassured me, made me smile. This is an interesting thing my father came up with.

This box has become the most important in the world for me. I told my mother not to open it. The letters were mine and no one else could read them. I learned by heart all the names of the envelopes that I still had to open. But it took a while for those moments to come. And I forgot about the letters.

Seven years later, after we moved to a new location, I had no idea where the box had gone. It just flew out of my head where she might be, and I wasn't really looking for her. Until one incident happened.
Mom never got married again. I don't know why, but I would like to believe that my father was the love of her life. At the time, she had a boyfriend who was worthless. I thought she was humiliating herself by dating him. He didn't respect her. She deserves someone much better than the guy she met at the bar.

I still remember the slap she gave me after I uttered the word "bar". I admit that I deserve it. When my skin was still burning from a slap in the face, I remembered a box of letters, or rather a specific letter called "When you and your mom have the biggest fight."

I searched my bedroom and found a box inside a suitcase at the top of my wardrobe. I looked at the envelopes, and realized that I forgot to open the envelope with the inscription "When will you have your first kiss"... I hated myself for this and decided to open it later. In the end I found what I was looking for.

"Now apologize to her.
I don’t know why you fought and I don’t know who’s right. But I know your mom. Just apologize and that will be the best.
She is your mother, she loves you more than anything in this world. Did you know that she gave birth naturally because someone told her it would be best for you? Have you ever seen a woman give birth? Or do you need even more proof of love?
Apologize. She will forgive you.
I love it, dad. "

My father was not a great writer, he was a simple bank clerk. But his words had a big impact on me. These were words that carried more wisdom than everything taken together in 15 years of my life at that time.
I rushed to my mother's room and opened the door. I cried when she turned to look me in the eye. I remember walking towards her holding a letter that my father had written. She hugged me and we both stood in silence.

We made up and talked a little about him. Somehow, I felt like he was sitting next to us. I, my mother and a part of my father, a part that he left for us on a piece of paper.

It took a little time before I read the envelope "When you lose your virginity."

"Congratulations, son.
Don't worry, it will get better over time. The first time is always scary. My first time happened to an ugly woman who was also a prostitute.
My biggest fear is that you ask Mom what virginity is after you read that word.
I love it, dad. "

My father has followed me throughout my life. He was with me, even though he died long ago. His words did what no one else could do: they gave me the strength to overcome the countless difficulties in my life. He always knew how to make me smile when everything looked gloomy, helped clear my mind in moments of anger

Letter "When will you Marry" made me very excited. But not as much as the letter "When you become a father."
Now you will understand what true love is, son. You will understand how much you love her, but true love is what you will feel for this little creature next to you. I don't know if it's a boy or a girl.
But ... have fun. Now time will rush at the speed of light, so stay close. Don't miss the moments, they will never come back. Change diapers, bathe your baby, be a role model. I think you have everything to become as wonderful a father as I was.

The most painful letter I have ever read was also the shortest that my father wrote to me. I am sure that at the moment when he wrote these three words, my father suffered as much as I did. It took a while, but in the end I had to open the envelope "When Your Mother Dies"

"She's mine now."

Joker! It was the only letter that did not bring a smile to my face.

I have always kept my promise and never read the letters ahead of time. Except letter "If you understand that you are gay." This was one of the funniest letters ever.

What can I say? Glad I'm dead.
Jokes aside, on the brink of death, I realized that we care too much about things that don't really matter. Do you think this will change anything, son?
Don't be silly. Be happy.

I was always looking forward to the next moment, the next letter - another lesson my father would teach me. It's amazing what a 27-year-old man can teach an 85-year-old man like me.

Now, as I lie in a hospital bed, tubes in my nose and throat thanks to this damned cancer, I run my fingers over the faded paper of the only letter I haven’t had time to open. The verdict " When your time comes " barely readable on the envelope.

I don't want to open it. I'm afraid. I do not want to believe that my time is near. Nobody believes that one day they will die.
I take a deep breath as I open the envelope.

Hello son. I hope you are already an old man.
You know, I wrote this letter first and it was given to me the easiest of all. This is the letter that freed me from the pain of losing you. I think the mind clears up when you're so close to the end. It's easier to talk about it.
The last days here I have been thinking about my life. She was short but very happy. I was your father and your mother's husband. What more could I ask for? It gave me peace of mind. Now you do the same.
My advice to you: don't be afraid.
P.S. I miss you.

Dad with son A son asks dads: -Dad why does the sun shine? -And who knows -And why is there a polar night? -Who knows the ego -What is life? -And who the ego knows - Dad maybe you're already tired of answering? -No no son, ask who will explain everything to you except the father.

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Day! Dear parents dad and mom, sisters Shura and Nika. Hello and best wishes for your life from your son Peter. Dear parents, I would like to briefly inform you that I am alive and well, which is what I wish for you. I am writing now letter after ... that and speech, While in our power it - Living for the living to save! ... Letter from Proskuryakov Georgy Mikhailovich. March 7, 1942. Letter From your son Proskuryakov Georgy. Hello, mother, sisters Tanya, Pasha and Nyusya. I am sending you a fiery ...

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Ideas, even if someone tells him that he is deluded ... Train him to be gentle with soft people and cruel with cruel people. Try to give mine son the power not to follow the crowd when everyone is on the winning side ... Teach him to listen to all people, but teach him also all that he is ... yourself, because then he will always have a high faith in humanity. It's not an easy thing to do, but look what you can do ... He's so good my a son! (Letter A. Lincoln to his teacher ...

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Papa Joe - speaks correctly and well.
He calls for discipline
and fosters hard work in his son.
Do not be offended by him children,
after all, he is responsible for your life.
A man must be strong in character,
and in his deeds he is very stubborn.
You need it ...

https: //www.site/poetry/1122884

Letter... "Airplanes were flying over the country road ... The boy lies by the haystack, Like a yellow chick. The baby on the wings did not have time to see the spider crosses. Whether you were at school, or worked at a factory, helping in the production of Katyushas, ​​tanks and planes? Did you want to show heroism, ingenuity, courage? son regiment and help the Red Army? Did you have to heat the stove with books to keep warm? I hope you managed not to experience a heavy siege and your city surrendered ...

https: //www..html

Night stepped with a soft paw
on the pillow, byu-bye
You called someone else's dad
sleep my boy go to sleep
I'll sing you softly
your song
Shaking you lightly
Baiushki bye
We don't need someone else's uncle
the three of us are light
Me and you, sis ...

Hello dear dad!
How are you? Do you have some new?
I have everything still.
But despite the fact that spring is very cold here. Winter has passed. And the snow melted. Since we finally parted 17 years ago, I have
wrote to you. He told me how I live without you. But apparently you are not
received my letters or did not read them. It may be better. After all
then, probably, you would have to worry about me and feel
remorse. But I am your son and I understand how hard it is and
unpleasant. Therefore, for the most part I am silent and pretend that I have everything
In fact, everything is fine with me. Already okay. Since you
passed me, I learned to speak their language. Now I only speak
German It was difficult for me at first. Although everyone around them kept saying that it was mine
native language and is genetically embedded in the bowels of the brain. You just him
barbarously eradicated and destroyed. But I know, papa, that this is not true.
You have always been for me to speak different languages. You and the rest
forced their children to speak different languages, even if they have it
it turned out badly. I was afraid of offending the guests. And I, in truth,
never understood why you were afraid and not they - guests? It seems to be in
they are visiting you and they must learn your native language too. And we have,
somehow, it was always the other way around. So I took an example from the rest.
I tried to speak to everyone in a language they understood, so that they would not think that I
arrogant. Don't think dad, I always knew I was special in
family. Even though you didn’t tell me that I’m the most beautiful, lover,
talented and desirable. Now, I often think: why do I need all this? What should I do about it? Who should I show? I understand that in this case, beauty played a bad trick on me. She teased everyone in the neighborhood, turned over, almost half of the world and eventually became nobody's. Serves her right, papa. + Serves us right. I have lost weight over the years, have grown harsh, and become less attractive.
Probably, military rigor suits me. I seem more masculine
and not so seductive. Although why do I need it, dad, I don't even know.
Whom am I going to scare away with this masculinity?
You? Dad, I miss the times when we were together. + Since we parted, I have different dreams every night.
In a dream, we are close. We speak our native language. I'm happy, smart, at
I have no wounds or beatings. And also, dad, I sing, and my voice echoes
and excites the soul. You know, Dad, I didn't want to tell you, but I have a different name now. I'm sorry, but they changed it and gave me their own name. Now I -
And No, I'd rather not write it. You will probably be unpleasant. A
I do not want to distract you from important matters and spoil your mood.
In general, this letter is probably my mistake. In vain, I took it
writing, in vain distracted you from numerous problems.
But believe me, I'm so sick! Around not a single soul mate. Everywhere they are + everything
time they try to modify me, make me like them, leave
marks and scars to say later See, he's got an older
birthmark! Dad, I have no more strength to resist. I am silent and
I endure all the humiliations. I just get used to them, becoming insignificant.
And you know, 17 years is not enough to chop off and dump
all roots.
But 17 years is enough to grow a new one in their place.
Probably, if we ever meet with you, you will not
you will find out. A time of lawlessness and injustice left in my mind
too deep trail.
And this, dad, I will never forgive you
P.S. Sorry for the stupid question, do you want me back?

Your son: GARABAKH

Yenilənib: Noyabr 30, -0001

Dear Dad! I am writing this "letter to eternity" to you, but I feel that you will definitely receive it. Because I know that the connection between ancestors and descendants is never interrupted, and thin, invisible threads connect us with the entire universe.

You are big and I am small

Dear Dad! You are big and I am small. I am your little girl and you are my big daddy. How difficult it was for me to recognize myself as just a little girl, and not a super important person, more important than which there is no one in the world. Now I know - you are forever older and wiser than me. And it was you who brought me into this world to show me its beauty and power, to discover spiritual riches, and not vice versa. I'm just your little daughter. And for you I will forever remain like this.

You give and I take

Dear Dad! You give and I take. You gave me the most important thing - my life, but is there something more valuable in our world? I will never pay you back for this gift, because children cannot give life to their parents, and the river of life energy does not flow in the opposite direction. I only accept from you, and pass on to my children. Forgive me for not knowing this before, when I tried with all my might to save you, when I was not for you who I really am - your daughter. I know you don't need me to sacrifice myself for you, but you need my respect and my gratitude.

I'll take whatever you give me

Dear Dad! I will take whatever you give me, whatever it is. I love, respect and accept you by anyone. I do not judge you for anything in the world, because I am just your little girl, I am your child. I'm sorry if I once rejected your gifts, and thought that I could handle everything on my own. Trying my best to be older and smarter than you, I lost myself. I forgot who I really am and no longer saw my true path. It's time to return to your real self.

Forgive me for my stupidity and my mistakes. I didn't have to grow up prematurely for you to appreciate me. Although it was still necessary to become an adult in order to take responsibility for your life. To make decisions on my own, to learn not to give advice that no one asked for.

I thank you

I thank you for the values ​​that you instilled in me - these values ​​are my dearest spiritual wealth. And this wealth cannot be taken away from me. You never taught me with words, but only by your example. You have always been honest with me and others, and I have seen it. I learned to be honest with you. You just had to look at me and I understood everything without words. I learned from you your love for your land at the very time when you quietly sang to me the song "Where does the Motherland begin ...". I learned from you to love this world when I drove with you through the village fields all day. Thanks to such a life that passed among the fields and forests, I learned to absorb all the beauty of this world, I loved this world with every cell of my being. I learned from you freedom of choice, when you gave me the opportunity to make decisions on my own. And most importantly, I learned from you love and acceptance.

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