What to take for a child in a maternity hospital in the summer. What to take with you to the hospital: a list of things for mom and baby? Things in the maternity hospital for mom

Antipyretics for children are prescribed by a pediatrician. But there are emergency situations for fever in which the child needs to be given medicine immediately. Then the parents take responsibility and use antipyretic drugs. What is allowed to be given to infants? How can you bring down the temperature in older children? What are the safest medicines?

By the end of the 8th month of pregnancy, labor can begin at any time. In order not to feel discomfort, not to collect things at the hospital at the last moment, at the risk of forgetting the necessary items, responsible expectant mothers collect bags in advance.

What does the list of things in the maternity hospital include? Ask at the front desk what you need to take with you and what things you don't need. Each hospital has its own rules and lists, which may change depending on the season.

Things for the baby in the maternity hospital

Better take more than you need

The list of things in the hospital consists of essentials for mom and baby. You need to take only the most necessary things that you need all the time, otherwise you risk bringing with you a couple of extra suitcases. Therefore, when collecting things for a responsible event, be guided by the principle: only that which you cannot do without. What are these things?

All things that are needed should be divided into three parts:

  • mom in the period before childbirth and in the process;
  • mom who are needed in the postpartum period;
  • newborn.

Some items, for example, dishes, will be necessary for a woman during the entire time she is in the hospital. But still, it's better to pack yourself two separate bags. Unpack the first one immediately after admission to the hospital (items that will be required before childbirth). Leave the second for later. This will avoid unnecessary hassle and confusion.

Another point: if you are planning a joint childbirth, collect a separate package for your husband.

When collecting things, be guided by the following principles:

  • pack documents into a separate file or folder;
  • put all things strictly in plastic bags. Sanitary and epidemiological standards in maternity hospitals prohibit bringing leather or cloth bags from home;
  • divide the list into 3 parts: to the delivery room, the postpartum ward, discharge (as well as to the husband, if childbirth is joint). Prepare transparent bags and sign them;
  • You can leave the discharge bag at home. Later his relatives will bring him.

What to take to the maternity hospital for a baby?

What things do a baby need in a maternity hospital? The most necessary is:

  • 4 diapers - 2 flannel and 2 chintz;
  • undershirts and bodysuits - 2 pcs.;
  • anti-scratches on the handles of the newborn (babies are born with long nails and can injure themselves);
  • hat and cap;
  • jumpsuit and romper - 2 pcs.;
  • a large terry towel or blanket;
  • diaper packaging (size 0-1);
  • packaging of disposable diapers;
  • baby diaper cream for newborns (usually the doctor advises the woman which one is best to use);
  • baby powder. Better ordinary Soviet without aromatic additives;
  • a pack of wet wipes for newborns;
  • cotton swabs with a stopper for cleaning the nose and ears;
  • safe scissors for newborns to trim nails;
  • bottle for feeding with formula. Useful in case of lack of breast milk. Be sure to boil it at home;
  • baby liquid soap.

Putting together a bag of things

This is a complete list of things in a maternity hospital for a baby and mom. Check it with your doctor, as some maternity hospitals prohibit taking cloth diapers and dressing gowns with you, but give them out to women in childbirth on the spot, as well as disposable diapers.

When choosing clothes for a newborn, follow the rules:

  1. Buy clothes for your baby only from natural fabrics. A newborn has fragile and thin skin prone to allergies. The threads with which the clothes are sewn must be cotton.
  2. At first, while the baby is not used to clothes, seams, fasteners, and seals will interfere with him. With this in mind, buy things that have ties and the seams are outward.
  3. The sliders should have a wide knitted rubber that will not damage the umbilical wound.
    Depending on the time of year, the list of clothes you need to carry with you may vary.

In winter

In late autumn, winter, spring, take:

  • a pair of warm bodysuits;
  • warm socks or booties - 3-4 pairs;
  • a warm wadded blanket so that the baby does not freeze during sleep;
  • warm hat - 2-3 pcs;
  • a warm envelope is useful for an extract in winter; you should buy it in a specialized store.


In summer or late spring, give up a warm blanket, replacing it with a blanket or a terry towel. All insulated things: bodysuits, overalls, socks, hats, replace with lighter ones.

What to write out for a child in summer and spring, be guided by the weather. A demi-season set or a summer one is perfect. If it's cool, wrap your baby in an extra thin blanket or flannel swaddle.

A set of things in the maternity hospital for mom

Medicines from home

What things will mom need in the hospital? Take with you:

  • a cotton robe and a loose shirt. You can purchase a kit immediately;
  • 2 pairs of warm socks, not woolen. During childbirth and after women, chills often torment;
  • rubber slippers that can be easily washed in the shower;
  • non-carbonated drinking water - at least 2 bottles of 0.5 liters each. Light food that does not spoil, a thermos with tea will come in handy;
  • a small terry towel for wiping your face with cold water during childbirth;
  • hygienic lipstick, which will prevent the appearance of cracks on the lips (during childbirth, the lips dry out a lot);
  • elastic bandages or stockings for women who have varicose veins;
  • a hairpin or hair tie;
  • disposable toilet seat covers.

The child in the delivery room will need:

  • pilch;
  • socks and anti-scratches;
  • diaper;
  • thin hat with ties;
  • bike blanket.

These things are necessary directly in the delivery room, so prepare them in advance, wash and iron them on both sides.

If you are planning a partner birth, take your husband:

  • results of fluorography and other studies. Find out ahead of time in the maternity hospital what tests your partner needs to pass in order to be admitted to childbirth;
  • clean clothes (a T-shirt with light pants or a surgical suit);
  • disposable cap and mask, shoe covers.

Some maternity hospitals allow you to take a camera with you to take photos and videos.

Required documents for the maternity hospital

We take everything

Upon admission to the maternity ward, a woman must have the following documents with her:

  • identity card (passport and photocopy);
  • individual exchange card of a pregnant woman (issued in a antenatal clinic). The card contains the results of examinations of a woman during the entire period of pregnancy;
  • medical insurance policy;
  • insurance number of an individual personal account (SNILS);
  • referral from a gynecologist (issued in a antenatal clinic);
  • generic certificate;
  • delivery contract (if any).

Don't forget about the money. Take a small amount of cash and a plastic card. This will help save funds, if necessary, withdraw money from an ATM (they are installed in all modern maternity hospitals).

Hygiene items before childbirth

What mom will need

Before giving birth, a woman will need the following hygiene and care items:

  • 2 towels - for hands and shower;
  • a pack of disposable diapers 90x60 (necessary for examinations and childbirth);
  • underwear - bras and panties;
  • wet and dry wipes;
  • enema. The intestines are cleaned at the beginning of labor, but sometimes it becomes necessary to repeat the procedure;
  • bags for dirty linen and garbage.

Postpartum in the hospital

After giving birth, a woman will need the following things:

  • bras. Include a special nursing bra in your shopping list. Before buying, please note that with the appearance of milk, your breasts will increase by at least 1 size;
  • a shirt that fastens in the front and with straps to comfortably feed the baby;
  • disposable underpants. After childbirth, the linen will have to be changed often, and there will be no possibility to wash;
  • slippers;
  • mug, table and teaspoon, plate;
  • personal care products: comb, toothbrush and paste, soap, shampoo;
  • sanitary napkins with maximum absorbency - especially for women in labor.

It does not hurt to take a bag of dryers, a pack of cookies, apples, tea bags with you. Labor may end late at night, and the woman needs a snack. After childbirth, appetite increases, and canteens do not work at night.

For personal hygiene and recovery

You also need to take with you:

  • cream for cracked nipples. When the baby begins to suckle, the nipples will be injured. A special cream (Bepanten) will speed up the healing of cracks, and an ice cube will relieve pain. Prepare ice in advance and keep it in the refrigerator (assuming there is a freezer in the delivery room);
  • postpartum bandage. It supports the abdominal muscles and prevents the skin from sagging after childbirth;
  • glycerin candles. Useful if childbirth was complicated and sutures were applied to the breaks. In this case, you cannot push, and the candles will help you go to the toilet without any problems;
  • Magnesia. Useful for compresses in case of lactostasis;
  • breast pump. It will come in handy if for some reason you cannot feed your baby. It is difficult to open the chest with your hands, especially for beginners. The breast pump will ensure the preservation of milk and breastfeeding in this situation;
  • thermometer for measuring the temperature of a newborn.

On discharge from the hospital, ask the relatives to bring the child's things:

  • envelope for statement. Focus on the weather. If it's winter outside, buy a winter envelope, on a sheepskin, if summer is thin. In the off-season, an envelope on a padding polyester is suitable;
  • suit or jumpsuit;
  • a hat;
  • beautiful bow.

Things for mom for discharge:

  • decorative cosmetics;
  • hair styling products;
  • elastic bands, hairpins;
  • beautiful clothes and shoes.

Make sure to transport your baby home in advance. Buy a carrycot or child seat for your car.

When you are discharged from the hospital, you should be given documents:

  1. Birth certificate of a child. It is required for registration with the registry office.
  2. Discharge epicrisis on the development of the newborn. It must be given to the local pediatrician.
  3. Extract from the history of childbirth. Needed by the gynecologist in the antenatal clinic.

These things will definitely come in handy.

According to the rules, a woman in labor spends 3 days in the hospital after giving birth. During this time, the child and mother are examined by doctors in order not to miss the development of complications. To brighten up leisure and occupy yourself for this period will help:

  • pen and paper for notes;
  • player and headphones;
  • books. Books on childbirth and caring for a newborn, developmental features are useful.

If you forgot something, it's not scary. In every maternity hospital there are pharmacies where you can buy everything for mom and baby: powder, baby cream, diapers, pads, etc.

: Borovikova Olga

gynecologist, ultrasound doctor, geneticist

It is impossible to get ready to go to the hospital right the first time. It will certainly turn out that half of the bag is occupied by completely unnecessary things, and what is desperately required, relatives will carry half a day, which will seem like an eternity to you!

Therefore, it is better not to rely on the official list of the maternity hospital, which is too general, standard and outdated, and, of course, cannot take into account the needs of different girls.

I advise you to study as much information as possible on the topic of what you need to take, especially the reviews of experienced women in labor who have visited the hospital more than once, and know exactly what the hospital can do without, and what will only take up space.

It is better to collect the bag in advance, from about 34 weeks of pregnancy. Therefore, arm yourself with a pen, and write down the most complete list of things in the hospital.

To begin with, get ready for the fact that you will not have to pack things in bags, but in bags. This rule in 2017 and 2018 applies to all maternity hospitals, district and regional, as well as perinatal centers and is due to SanPin.

According to this document, various reusable bags can be too dirty, and also be the source of all kinds of infections, which is dangerous for newborns with immunodeficiency, as well as other disorders.

Therefore, the universal requirement is that all things for the mother and baby are put in plastic bags by the woman in labor.

These items should be put in a separate bag. You will take it with you for registration in the delivery room, leaving all other things in the ward. So, what to take to the hospital in the first place:

  1. Personal documents: passport, policy, SNILS (with copies).
  2. Medical documents: exchange card and birth certificate (issued in the antenatal clinic).
  3. Accompanying documents (if childbirth is joint): passport and fluorography no later than six months before childbirth.
  4. A bottle of water during labor and the first time after childbirth.
  5. Stockings from varicose veins (if it began to appear during pregnancy).
  6. Cellular telephone.
  7. A disposable diaper (it will be put on the baby immediately after birth).
  8. Cotton jumpsuit or bodysuit (if you plan not to swaddle, but to dress the baby in regular clothes right away).
  9. A cap and socks (the nurses ask, however, we didn’t wear either).
  10. Disposable postpartum kit (mesh panties and a huge pad).

List of things in the postpartum ward

These things in the maternity hospital for mom and baby, will wait for them in the ward and are designed to create the comfort of being in the hospital.

  1. Packaging of disposable diapers for newborns (for a weight of 1-4 kg).
  2. Packaging of disposable absorbent diapers (and for a mother to put in for the first time when the discharge can leak, and for a baby instead of a diaper if it is very hot or just ventilate the ass).
  3. Two jumpsuits or bodysuits. If you give birth in the fall or spring, when there is no heating or not yet, it can be cool in the hospital, so a cotton jumpsuit with closed legs and handles is desirable. If you are giving birth in hot summer months or in winter when the heating is hot, it is best to have light baby clothes with you.
  4. Liquid soap for children from the first days of life (and wash the child if necessary, and wash your hands more often).
  5. Baby wet wipes (wipe the bottom at night so as not to get up to wash, or if the water is turned off).
  6. Dry wipes (wipe your mouth if spit up with milk).
  7. Cotton pads (wipe wrinkles).
  8. A bottle of 0.5 of plain non-carbonated water (wet a cotton pad with which to wipe the folds).
  9. Four packs of panty liners of the largest size (maxi or night for postpartum discharge, it is better to immediately take more of them, so as not to save, but change more often, because dryness and cleanliness in intimate places is one of the conditions for quick healing).
  10. Washable slippers or flip-flops (if something spills or leaks on them, they should be easy to wash and put on immediately).
  11. Panties (3-4 pieces, no less, because at first they can easily get dirty with blood).
  12. Two bras special for breastfeeding (with wide shoulder straps, underwire, comfortable and not crushing). Two because during the rush of milk, one of them can get wet through, and you will have to wash and dry it, while wearing the second one.
  13. Breastfeeding inserts (you can't do without them during milk flow - everything will get wet)
  14. Dressing gown (it is usually put on when leaving the ward, and removed when entering the ward, thus contacting the baby in a clean shirt).
  15. Nightgown (this needs to be clarified in the hospital - in mine they were given out and there was no need to take your own).
  16. Shampoo, shower gel (to save space, it is ideal to wash both body and hair, that is, 2 in 1).
  17. Your personal care products (wash gel / milk, toner, cream).
  18. Toothbrush and paste.
  19. Solid odorless antiperspirant (maximally hypoallergenic, so that it does not irritate the newborn either with its sprays - therefore, not a spray, nor odors - therefore, odorless).
  20. A razor (you can be in the hospital for about five days, so you may need it).
  21. Glasses, a set for contact lenses (if you use).
  22. Hair ties (according to the requirements of many maternity hospitals, the hair must be gathered in a bun).
  23. Magazines, book.
  24. Pen, notebook (you will have to sign a lot of documents, questionnaires, you may be asked to measure and record the weight gain of the child, the names of medications, etc.).
  25. Mug and spoon (to drink tea or water at any time).
  26. A charger for a cell phone (you took the phone for childbirth, so it is already with you).
  27. 2L bottle of water (drink more to ensure there is enough milk in the breast and for more frequent urination to minimize the risks of urinary tract infections after childbirth).
  28. Soft toilet paper.
  29. Dry rations (granola bar, biscuit biscuits, yogurt in a jar stored at room temperature, an apple - in case you give birth at night, and before that you spend the whole day without food - it is quite natural that you may want to have a snack).
  30. Breast pump.

Should I take a breast pump with me?

I know girls who did a great job without it and do not include this device on the list of necessary ones. And I also know those who almost died without him. After the first birth, I was among the second group. After the second birth, the breast pump was immediately with me, and this solved all my problems with milk.

Will you find yourself among those who will not use it, or among those who will praise him, only time will tell. I definitely recommend having it with you right away.

I explain how it should be used in the hospital, especially if this is your first birth. When the milk comes (2-4 days with natural childbirth, and a little later with a cesarean section), your breasts will be rattled to incredible sizes.

This will be followed by two problems. Firstly, it will be difficult for a child to grasp the nipple, because it will become stone and huge. As a result, the baby will not be able to eat well. Secondly, the breast will be bursting with pain from a huge amount of milk.

After the first birth, these two problems cost me a day of hysteria and tears. The child screamed nonstop because he could not take such a breast. I was in a panic with a huge chest, which was wildly aching, rushing about the ward in tears, and could not understand what was wrong and what I should do so that the baby would finally calm down and so that the chest would stop hurting.

I got a fever, they gave me antipyretic drugs. A breastfeeding specialist came and said to knead the nipples and try to pump with your hands (oh, it was a hell of a pain, and with little or no result).

I was even given a referral for an ultrasound of the mammary gland with a diagnosis of lactostasis.

But then my husband brought me a breast pump, and I decided to try expressing milk with it. Imagine my surprise when just a couple of minutes later 300 ml of milk poured out of me without any unpleasant sensations, and my breasts became soft again.

The kid took it without any difficulty, ate it, calmed down and fell asleep for a long time. I breathed a sigh of relief: now I knew what to do.

If my breasts began to burst very strongly, I also expressed myself and just poured out the excess milk. This period of formation of lactation, when all these procedures are required, takes about five days.

Then the breast pump goes to the shelf, and your body already adapts to produce milk according to needs. But how many nerves can be saved during these five days!

I do not know what mastitis, lactostasis, cracked nipples are. My second Lyalka did not cry in the hospital. At all. It’s hard to believe, but it’s true. Other children were eager to fill the entire corridor. The picture was the same as my first time.

Therefore, take a breast pump with you by all means. Any. Some in pharmacies cost 50-60 rubles each. the simplest design. It's better than hands anyway. And if you start something similar to what I described, you will know what to do.

What not to take to the hospital

Save space in packages by excluding:

Checkout list

This is the very moment when decorative cosmetics come in handy (you can ask to bring it to you the day before). In the end, you want to look like a happy mommy for your loved ones and in the photo, and not a pale toadstool.

To look slim and fit, you cannot do without a postpartum bandage - this is a special wide belt that tightens a sagging belly.

Clothing for the child should be suitable for the season and weather conditions, as well as practical. That is, it should be cute and smart clothes, but one that you can later wear on.

No lace blankets or cotton envelopes! Surely, you will be met by car, which means that the baby will stay on the street for 5-10 minutes. If you dress him too hot, he will overheat and notify you about it with a loud cry.

No matter how much a young mother prepares for childbirth, she will never feel completely confident. The event is so exciting that it seems that you will definitely forget something. It is really very difficult to collect and calm down, but collecting is much easier if you first make an exhaustive list.

Essentials: what you can't give birth without

At the thirtieth week of pregnancy, most expectant mothers start running around pharmacies and shops, buying up everything that seems suitable for them for a maternity hospital. Many people make this mistake. And unscrupulous manufacturers profit from the natural feeling of anxiety of a pregnant woman, trying to slip expensive, and, most importantly, unnecessary things to an inexperienced mother.

Remember: you will be admitted to the hospital in any case. Even if you get there "from the street" without having anything with you. The hospital has a responsibility to provide you and your baby with everything you need. You will have a bed, food, and sterile clothing. Yes, these things will not be of the best quality, but of course, you want your child to be provided with the best. But as a last resort, free medicine will help you out.

There are things that will make your admission to the hospital easier. But this is not a generic bag and not a big concert with money. The most important thing is the documents. Collect them in a daddy, put them in a prominent place, or always carry them with you, even if you just went out for bread or returning from work. It should contain:

  • passport;
  • medical policy;
  • (this is the "medical history" that your gynecologist kept);

Get your generic certificate by all means. Its presence will be looked at first. It depends on this piece of paper whether the maternity hospital will receive money for providing you with medical services. Therefore, doctors are usually very nervous if the woman in labor has not been given it.

If you have already decided in which maternity hospital you want to give birth, do not be too lazy to call or come there to ask what they require upon admission. Usually the lists are different. Some take copies of all documents from the expectant mother, others require fluorography of the future father. By the way, if a young dad plans to attend, he needs a separate list of necessary things.

What to take in the maternity hospital for mom: less is better

Some women tend to pack their entire home in a birthing bag, hoping it will help them feel more comfortable in the hospital. But remember that after your husband takes you to the emergency room, you will have to carry the heavy trunk yourself. Narrow down the list of things you need to what you really need.

The best advisor in this matter is your maternity hospital. Different hospitals have different requirements for the list of things for a maternity hospital. Some do not allow to bring clothes for mothers and children, arguing that they are not sterile enough. Others require a clean nightgown and disposable underwear for women in labor.

Any list of what a baby and mother needs in the hospital is individual. But most often you need to bring the following:

  1. washable transformer slates;
  2. medical devices for childbirth and the postpartum period (compression stockings,);
  3. everyday hygiene products: toothbrush and paste, comb, baby soap, towel;
  4. disposable underpants, suitable postpartum pads. Sometimes it takes up to 11 pads per day;
  5. a phone with a camera and charging to it (if you plan to take a photo of the baby in the hospital);
  6. toilet paper (the softest, but not flavored);
  7. personal utensils: mug, plate, spoon, fork; if possible - a knife.

Many require a woman to have a disposable razor with her. Other maternity hospitals equate it almost to a melee weapon. It's good to have a dexpanthenol cream. It can be used by both mom and baby right after birth. But find out if you can have creams and medications with you that are not specified by your doctor.

First clothes for newborns: what to take to the hospital for a baby

Newborn babies don't require a large wardrobe. The most necessary thing is diapers, and they will be given out at the hospital. Most often, mothers bring several hats and socks, wet wipes for babies (at least 20 pieces) and a large package of diapers.

Newborns can go to the toilet every hour, so diapers are used up quickly. A pack of 50 diapers can run out in 5 days. When you get home, you can experiment with reusable or gauze diapers. But in the maternity hospital, only disposable ones are needed.

Newborn at home: how to dress for discharge

So, the tedious period of hospital stay is coming to an end. The birth of a baby is an important event, so all relatives will come to meet you. Prepare your clothes for the occasion in advance. But it is better for a woman not to take all this to the hospital at once. Ask someone from your family to bring the finished package the day before you leave.

But what to prepare for discharge for a newborn? Clothing should be appropriate for the season and comfortable. Here is a basic list of newborn discharge items for the warmer months:

  • diaper (babies grow quickly, make sure the diapers do not get small);
  • bodysuit (this is better than a regular shirt, because the bodysuit does not allow clothes to slide, even if the baby is fidgeting);
  • tights, romper or pants (even preferable for girls, it's too cold outside to wear dresses);
  • socks and a hat (depending on the weather, the child is dressed in woolen or cotton);
  • mittens without fingers (so that the baby does not scratch himself);
  • an envelope or blanket (so that it is convenient to carry the child outside).

Don't buy too many clothes. Children grow up quickly. Give your relatives the opportunity to make a birthday present. It's good if they know exactly what things you should give.

Caring for a baby is a daunting task for a woman who has just given birth. What you have collected should make it easier. Your bag should contain only useful things and a minimum of medicines.

Hour "X" comes unexpectedly. Suddenly you realize that mild pain sensations have acquired periodicity, and it's time to go to the hospital. The birthing bag must be ready in advance. So that you can get into the car as quickly as possible, do not waste time looking for personal belongings, underwear, clothes for you and your baby. What to take with you to the hospital? What items and things will be needed?

The list of things in the maternity hospital includes the essentials for mom and baby. In this case, it is necessary to take only what is very necessary, and which cannot be dispensed with. Folding the bag on the “just in case” principle guarantees you several suitcases of personal belongings. Therefore, we recommend using the main principle for collecting: only what is needed. What things are necessary in a maternity hospital?

The list of necessary things should be divided into three bags (packages):

  • Things for mom before and during childbirth.
  • Things for mom after childbirth.
  • Things for the baby.

Some clothes, linen, utensils will be necessary for the mother both before and after the delivery room. Still, it's better to put two separate packages for yourself. Upon admission to the maternity hospital, unpack only the first one (things and personal hygiene items "before childbirth"), and in the postnatal department, unpack the second one ("after childbirth" package). In addition, if you are planning a family birth, then a separate package will be for the husband.

Things in the maternity hospital for mom

Here is a complete list of what you need in the hospital. This list for mom can also be roughly divided into 3 parts: documents and money, clothes and care items, things necessary after childbirth.

Documents and money

This includes examination data (analyzes and ultrasound), an exchange card of a pregnant woman, a civil passport, medical insurance, as well as a birth contract (if one has been concluded).

As for money, you need to take both cash and a plastic card with you. Taking a lot of money in cash is not worth it. Let the main amount be on the card, it can be withdrawn as needed (most maternity hospitals have ATMs for issuing money).

If a family birth is planned, then in addition to your passport and tests, you must take your husband's passport and tests, as well as his clothes (shoe covers, dressing gown, personal belongings).

Clothing and personal care items

The first list in the maternity hospital consists of those things that will be needed before childbirth:

  • Slippers, rubber flip-flops (for shower).
  • Nightgown, bathrobe (warm or light - according to the season).
  • Cotton and woolen socks.
  • Lingerie - panties and bras.
  • Two towels (large and small - for the shower and for the hands).
  • Personal care products: soap, toothbrush and paste, shampoo, hairbrush.
  • A pack of disposable nappies (90x60) - they will be needed for childbirth and examinations.
  • Enema - usually the intestines are cleaned at the beginning of the contractions (it is more difficult to clean in the middle of the contractions, since the walls of the abdominal cavity are tense with frequent contractions, do not let water inside). Sometimes it becomes necessary to cleanse the intestines a second time.
  • Dry and wet wipes.
  • Dishes (cup, plate, spoon).
  • Garbage and dirty linen bags.

The following items will be needed during fights:

  • Water - up to 2 liters, or a thermos with tea. During labor, it is better to drink tea from mint and lemon balm (they stimulate the uterus to open), after childbirth - tea from nettle (increases blood clotting, stops bleeding).
  • Food - fruits and dried fruits, dry biscuits (for a snack, if you really want to).
  • Clock - measure the duration of contractions, the time between contractions.
  • Tennis ball - it can be used to massage the back and abdomen during contractions.

In addition, in some maternity hospitals during contract births, women are allowed to bring a camera or video camera. During normal childbirth, it is usually not allowed to take equipment with you.

What is needed after the delivery room

The second list is the things that will be needed after childbirth:

  • Bras are better special models for nursing women. Please note that when you start feeding, your breast size will increase by 1-3 units. Purchase in advance bras 1-2 sizes larger than yours.
  • Front zip shirt (for easy feeding).
  • Disposable panties - after childbirth, they will have to be changed often, there will be no possibility of washing.
  • Sanitary pads (special after childbirth - with maximum absorbency).

In addition, you may need:

  • Cream for cracked nipples. When the baby begins to actively suck, the unaccustomed nipples are injured (cracks are formed). You can heal them with bepanten (cream) or ice cubes. It is better to prepare them in advance from herbal decoction and keep them in the refrigerator - just in case (of course, if there is a refrigerator with a freezer in the postpartum ward).
  • Postpartum bandage (many women do without it successfully).
  • Suppositories with glycerin for easy going to the toilet after childbirth. There may be tears and stitches. You cannot push with a sewn crotch. To cleanse the intestines, you will need glycerin suppositories (and possibly an enema).
  • Breast pump - may be needed if for some reason you will not be able to feed your baby. It is difficult to open the chest with your hands. A breast pump will help preserve milk and breastfeeding.
  • Thermometer - although most postpartum departments still have thermometers.

Do you want something interesting?

You may also need means to calm down and take time:

  • Pen and paper (for notes).
  • Player and headphones.
  • A book - for example, about childbirth, about caring for a baby, about the features of his development. You can read modern pediatricians. The famous doctor Komarovsky has a series of books: "The Beginning of Your Child's Life", "A Handbook for Sane Parents", "Medicines", "ARI", in which the main mistakes of parents are easily and simply described, clear recommendations are given on how to treat a child in order to so that it grows strong, healthy, without the appearance of allergies.

What you need for discharge:

  • Baby clothes.
  • Clothes for mom (beautiful, you will be photographed).
  • Cosmetics (also for beautiful photos from the statement).

In the maternity hospital, the mother spends 4-5 days with the child (if the birth proceeded normally without complications). Therefore, the number of things for a newborn should be counted on for several days.

Toddler clothing sets can be divided into three packages:

  • Clothes for the delivery room (this is a vest, a diaper, a cap - they will be put on the baby immediately after birth). You will stay in the delivery room for up to 2 hours. After that, you will be placed in the postpartum ward.
  • Clothes for staying in a maternity hospital. In most cases, a joint arrangement of mother and child is practiced. Therefore, 2 hours after giving birth, you will find yourself with your baby in the same room, where you can change him into other clothes (undershirt with scratches - closed handles, sliders or bodysuits, if necessary - overalls).
  • Discharge and street clothes. After a few days in the maternity hospital, your baby will be vaccinated with BCG and discharged home. You can prepare beautiful clothes for the discharge (a cotton undershirt, a cap, sliders are put on down, a beautiful overalls and a hat are put on the outside). To go outside, a newborn is put in an envelope (if it's summer) or a warm overalls (if it's winter outside). Winter overalls can be purchased for a year and the first months of walks can be tucked in the sleeves and legs.

What you need in a maternity hospital for a child:

  • Diapers (the smallest New Born series) - pack. The number of diapers can be roughly defined as 10 pieces per day. You may need fewer of them, then you will take the extra ones home.
  • Diapers for baby: thin chintz (6-7 pieces) and flip-flops (6-7 pieces).
  • Undershirts - 4-5 pieces.
  • Sliders or bodysuits 4-5 pieces (for newborns weighing 3 kg, they buy a body size 52).
  • Thin calico caps (with ties) - 2 pieces and flip-flops - 1-2 pieces.
  • Warm socks - 2 pairs.
  • Warm bodysuit - 2 pieces.
  • Bib and wool jumpsuit, where the legs are joined together.
  • Mittens for handles (scratches are calico mittens, they cover the handles and prevent the baby from scratching himself with marigolds).
  • Powder.
  • Blanket or warm envelope.
  • Nail scissors - full-term babies are born with long nails. They must be carefully cut so that the baby does not scratch himself.
  • Cotton swabs (for cleaning the nose and ears, as well as treating the umbilical wound).
  • Feeding bottle - you may need it if your baby has colic and needs to dilute him with dill or chamomile water.

Necessary things in the hospital are packed in separate clean bags. In the waiting room of the maternity hospital, it is not allowed to bring things in travel bags. Each package must be marked - "for mom", "after childbirth" or "for baby").

How to choose things for a newborn

Not so long ago, the choice of things for a newborn consisted of undershirts, diapers and bonnets. The babies were swaddled and taken out for a walk in a blanket up to 6 months. Fortunately for the children and their parents, these canons were found to be wrong.

For the last ten years, babies have been dressed in rompers and bodysuits from the first days of life. This gives them freedom of movement, stimulates muscle tension and earlier physical development.

How to choose clothes for a newborn:

  1. Clothes for newborns and babies should only be made from natural fabrics. The skin of a newborn is thin, vulnerable, so they choose soft chintz or thin jersey. The threads with which the clothes are sewn must also be cotton.
  2. At first, the baby will get used to the clothes. Any seals, fasteners, seams will interfere with it. Therefore, undershirts are made without buttons or buttons. They are wrapped and fixed with drawstrings. For the same reason, the seams are placed on the outside (the clothes are put on "inside out").
  3. Of the sliders, the most convenient are those with fasteners located on the shoulders. However, they are more difficult to put on, it is necessary to turn the child from the back to the stomach several times. Sliders to the waist should have a wide cuff (so as not to put pressure on the umbilical wound).
  4. The new fabric is washed before the diaper is sewn. This makes it softer.

If the baby was born in the summer, you will need a minimum of clothes - bodysuits, undershirts, thin caps, light sweaters, overalls. If the birth took place in winter, clothes for the street are needed. The very next day after discharge, they plan to take the child out on the street.

What you need for winter festivities:

  • Warm overalls - depending on the temperature, it can be downy, syntapon. For lower temperatures (-10ºC and below), choose fluff. For walks around 0ºC, you can wear a synthetic winterizer. The overalls must have their arms and legs covered. The newborn often pulls them out of the sleeves and legs, turning the overalls into a warm envelope.
  • Warm hat - worn over a thin and flanneled cap. It should also be tied.
  • Warm woolen socks - put on sliders under the overalls and additionally warm the baby's legs. Young children often fall asleep while walking. Therefore, street festivities turn into street sleep.

Maternity hospital bag: when to cook

In theory, labor pains occur at 38-42 weeks. However, their earlier manifestation is possible. Therefore, in the antenatal clinic, it is recommended to fold the handbag for the maternity hospital in advance - at least at 36 weeks. By this time, your belly will start dropping, so the birthing bag should be ready.

A list of what you need in the maternity hospital can be obtained from the admission department of the maternity hospital. According to the accepted rules, the territory of the maternity ward must be sterile, which means that all things must undergo heat treatment. Therefore, in the admissions office of the maternity hospital, you are allowed to take a limited set of things with you.

But every maternity hospital has its own rules. Therefore, agree in advance on the proposed list with the requirements of your maternity ward.

The list of maternity hospitals for mothers and babies in different departments may vary. In some maternity hospitals they get by with a minimum of supplies, in others they go to meet the young mother, try to make it easier for her during childbirth, postpartum recovery.

What if you forgot something?

If you forgot something, it doesn't matter. Each maternity hospital has a pharmacy where you can buy diapers, disposable nappies, a baby bottle, powder or an enema. There are also shops for children's clothing (daily and for discharge).

However, it is impossible to put on newly purchased undershirts or bodysuits on the baby. All new things must be washed, ironed, and only after that - put to the child's clothes.

Waiting for the baby is always accompanied by pleasant chores and preparations for meeting him. Since the fall, pregnant girls who are going to give birth in the winter months, ponder what to buy for a newborn, make a list of things in the maternity hospital for a baby in winter. In order not to forget anything, "Popularly About Health" will help new mothers prepare for this important event.

Hygiene items

Hygiene items are in the first place from what you need to take to the hospital in winter. The kid needs the following things on the list:

1. Diapers.
2. Wet wipes.
3. Nipple.
4. Bottle.
5. Soap (preferably liquid).
6. Sterile cotton or cotton pads.

Baby care begins from birth. Already in the hospital you will need to wash the child, wipe his body with napkins, wash and change diapers. He may need a pacifier and a bottle (in case the milk doesn't arrive).

Clothes, linen

What to take from things for the baby in winter? What to wear for the baby? Usually maternity hospitals provide a list of permitted items. It includes:

1. Two underpads.
2. Two chintz diapers.
3. Waterproof diaper.
4. A pair of undershirts.
5. Scratches.
6. Sliders - a pair.
7. Beanie.
8. Cotton body.
9. Thin blanket or blanket.
10. Socks - two pairs.

Please note that all things for the child need natural - from cotton, chintz, including a hat. Choose clothes that are easy to take off and put on, especially if you are a first-time mom and have no experience with a newborn. Doctors recommend taking undershirts to the maternity hospital just in order to make it easier for mothers to work. They are much easier to put on a crumb than a blouse without fasteners. A baby blanket or blanket may be needed if the hospital is not warm enough. Everyone knows what kind of windows in hospitals are - most often these are old wooden structures with many cracks. So that the crumb does not freeze, it is better to have something warm with you.

What to take for discharge in the maternity hospital in winter?

Discharge is a happy event for all parents, but you also need to prepare for it in advance. What do babies usually wear when they leave the hospital? The above list will have to be supplemented in winter with the following things:

1. A diaper.
2. Cotton cap.
3. Cotton body.
4. Socks.
5. Plush or fleece overalls.
6. Scratches.
7. An elegant diaper with embroidery.
8. Winter hat.
9. Overalls for winter thermo or fur.
10. Envelope (used in severe frost and wind).
11. Ribbon of the corresponding color.

Sometimes it happens that in winter the weather suddenly changes and the thermometer rises above zero degrees. In this case, you need to dress the child for the weather. You can remove the fleece jumpsuit, leaving only the underwear cotton, put on a winter jumpsuit with fur on it, leave a warm hat. You should not use the envelope in this weather, otherwise the baby will overheat.

How to prepare things for a child in a maternity hospital?

If you have already made a list for the baby in the hospital, take care of their cleanliness. All clothes and diapers must be washed, even if they are new and wrapped in cellophane. For washing, you will need a powder designed specifically for children, it is less allergenic. On sale you can find household chemicals for newborns, it is marked "0-3". These powders and detergents are considered safer.

Wash absolutely all the things prepared according to the list at the hospital, and after drying, be sure to iron them with an iron. Then fold the clothes and diapers neatly. All this should be done shortly before the expected date of birth. It is unacceptable to cook things in 2-3 months, as they will be covered with a layer of dust and will no longer be clean.

What else to take to the hospital?

The expectant mother should carefully consider what she will need in the maternity ward. When packing up, refer to the list given to you at the hospital, but it does not include most of the items you need. For example, it lacks such important things as a charger for your phone, chapstick, toothbrush and toothpaste. It is important for you not to forget to take all this and much more with you.

Think - what will you do when the baby is asleep. Perhaps during this time you could read or do embroidery if you like doing it. Such activities are useful and can brighten up everyday life in the hospital. It would be helpful to bring a couple of bottles of purified drinking water and some biscuit biscuits with you for a snack. Don't forget your hygiene items - soap, washcloth, shower cap and rubber slippers. Ask your friends what else can be useful in the maternity hospital. Staying there, although not for a long time, is nevertheless associated with discomfort, since at a certain moment there will not be such a necessary item.

So, what should you take with you to the maternity hospital for your baby in winter? These are personal hygiene items, underwear, clothes, a warm blanket, as well as smart things for discharge. Be careful when making the list, try not to forget anything. If something is out of stock, there is still time to buy it. Prepare all things closer to winter - wash and iron them with an iron.

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