Ways to use glycerin at home. Glycerin - what is it, composition, beneficial properties in cosmetology and medicine

Antipyretics for children are prescribed by a pediatrician. But there are emergency situations with fever when the child needs to be given medicine immediately. Then the parents take responsibility and use antipyretic drugs. What is allowed to be given to infants? How can you lower the temperature in older children? What medications are the safest?

Glycerin is an alcohol and is a viscous, colorless, sweetish liquid with no odor. The average person is most accustomed to seeing it in medicines or among the ingredients in cosmetics. But, in fact, this substance has an incredibly wide range of uses.

The most common use of glycerin is in cosmetology. It can often be found in many cosmetic products, such as creams, masks, lotions, soaps, etc. Given the emollient properties of glycerin, these are mainly cosmetics aimed at combating dry skin. Practical women quickly understood the principle of glycerin and use it at home, bypassing industrial cosmetics. Glycerin is added to homemade face masks, creams, tonics, hair sprays, and lip balms. It is also indispensable in the treatment of cracked and rough skin on the heels. It is used with pleasure in home and technical soap making. Another area where glycerin has proven itself is medicine and pharmacology. When used externally, it is used to heal and moisturize affected areas of the skin, being an excellent antiseptic. It is part of many healing ointments, gels and creams, syrups, and also increases the viscosity of some medications.

For internal use, glycerin is given for coughs, intracranial and intraocular pressure, glaucoma, and constipation. For the latter ailment, there are special suppositories that can be used from the first months of life. Glycerin has contraindications: diabetes, liver or kidney disease.

In the food industry, glycerin is known as a food additive - stabilizer E422. With its help, the required consistency of raw materials is achieved in the manufacture of flour and confectionery products. Glycerin is used in the production of alcoholic products, in particular liqueurs. E422 extends the shelf life of finished products. In the tobacco industry, glycerin is added to tobacco. Thanks to its hygroscopic properties, it regulates humidity and removes the characteristic unpleasant smell of cigarettes. For this purpose, glycerin is also included in electronic cigarette cartridges. Nitroglycerin is used in the military industry. It is used for diluting gunpowder and making explosives. Nitroglycerin is part of the fuel used to fuel large military equipment. It also helps cool gun barrels after long firefights. And of course, one cannot ignore the benefits of glycerin in home life. Stains that are difficult to remove, from berries or coffee, for example, can be washed off well with a mixture of salt and glycerin in equal proportions. Add a little pharmaceutical glycerin to the water for washing floors or furniture - this will give them a fresh look and shine. Genuine leather items such as bags, jackets and shoes will last longer and look newer if they are rubbed with glycerin.

Due to its unique properties, the component described above is successfully used in the textile, leather, paper and paint industries. Glycerin is also involved in the production of plastics, resins, cellophane, detergents, and silicone candles. It is difficult to find such a universal and multifunctional substance.

First of all, I would like to answer a frequently asked question on our topic: what is glycerin, what is it for, and what are the features of its use in different areas of our lives? We'll talk about this in more detail. So.

Glycerin, a transparent, odorless liquid with a sweetish taste, is available in any pharmacy and costs “kopecks” - 10-15 rubles per bottle. There are few people who have not heard of at least one way to use glycerin, but in fact this substance is universal: it is used in medicine and cosmetology; industries - food (as a stabilizer and emulsifier, E 422), chemical, textile, tobacco, military, etc.; in electrical and radio engineering, etc.

At home, glycerin can be used in different ways - it is safe, and many housewives appreciate its beneficial properties. Glycerin is an organic substance; belongs to the class of polyhydric alcohols and mixes well with ethanol and water. In nature, it is found in vegetable oils and animal fats, and our body also produces it.

Glycerin was isolated a long time ago, in the 18th century, by the Swedish chemist Karl Scheele, who noticed that the process of making soap produced a liquid that was easily soluble in water, transparent and viscous. Now this method is also used, but glycerin began to be obtained not only from fatty acids, but also from sugar, wood flour, and also (synthetic) from oil refining.

It is difficult to tell here how and in what areas glycerin is used. Women are more often interested in areas such as cooking and home treatment, cosmetology and household uses.

Use in food

In the food industry, glycerin is often used: in the production of candies, marshmallows, chocolate, pasta - for stickiness, bakery products - for fluffiness and softness; chewing gum, soft drinks.

To increase shelf life, dried fruits are treated with liquid glycerin, and tea and coffee are treated with liquid glycerin to impart a special taste.

But it is more difficult to buy food grade glycerin for home use, although it costs only 40-50 rubles; It is usually offered by small and large wholesale online stores.

You can also take medical glycerin for internal use (glycerol), with a high degree of purification - 99.8%. Some housewives prepare mastic with liquid glycerin for decorating cakes - it’s not difficult. Dissolve, stirring, in 2 tbsp. heated water (about 70°C) gelatin (½ tsp), add glucose (½ tbsp) and glycerin (2 tsp), stir until smooth. Gradually add powdered sugar (450 g) and knead (you can use your hands) until you get a smooth and non-sticky dough. This mastic, wrapped in film, is stored for about 2 weeks; You can add food coloring during the cooking process.

How it is used in medicine

In medicine, liquid glycerin is used externally and internally. It is prescribed externally more often for skin diseases. You shouldn’t take it orally without a doctor either, although some recipes are very popular. For example, for constipation, it is taken by diluting it with water 1:1, at the rate of 2-3 ml for each kg of the patient’s weight (interestingly, it is taken in approximately the same way for increased intracranial pressure), or microenemas are made with it.

Pharmacy suppositories with glycerin are well known: they are considered a mild remedy, but they also have contraindications.

In general, glycerin is widely used in pharmacology: in tablets, ointments, creams, pastes, solutions, etc.

Cough recipes with liquid glycerin are also popular. Pharmaceutical highly purified glycerin is mixed equally with freshly squeezed filtered lemon juice and honey (60 ml each), stored in the refrigerator in a tightly closed glass container. Drink 1 tsp. after 2-3 hours, for coughs and sore throats: glycerin softens the mucous membrane, reduces inflammation and prevents the spread of bacteria.

Syrup with ginger is considered effective: add 1 tsp to the indicated ingredients. fresh grated root. But first, the ginger is simmered for 10 minutes over low heat along with the juice, and then mixed with honey and liquid glycerin. They accept it the same way.

Everyone has their own experience of treatment, but you still shouldn’t take prescriptions on faith - you need to consult a specialist. Thus, some people also relieve renal colic with glycerin (250 ml) and lemon juice (800 ml): the mixture is thoroughly shaken. Take 1 tbsp every 2 hours.

Cholecystitis is treated with a warm (40°C) mixture of glycerin with olive oil (1 tablespoon each) and the same lemon juice (from the whole fruit). They drink immediately after waking up in the morning, turn on their right side and lie for half an hour, then another half hour on their back.

Why do you need liquid glycerin in everyday life?

Good question, why do you need liquid glycerin in everyday life? Here it serves different purposes: for example, it helps remove stains of various origins. If you spilled coffee or cocoa on your clothes or stained them with chocolate, apply glycerin-salt slurry to the fresh stain and after a while wash it in the usual way. An old “coffee” stain can also be washed off more easily in soapy water if you soak this area on the fabric with a mixture of glycerin, water and ammonia (everything in equal parts), and leave it for a day.

A champagne or white wine stain is treated with warm (40-50°C) glycerin and the item is rinsed in warm water.

Worn areas on leather products will be “renewed” if you rub them with a cloth soaked in glycerin.

Woolen items and knitwear will remain soft for a long time if after each wash you rinse them with liquid glycerin (1 tsp per 2 liters of warm water), and then in cool water with ammonia in the same proportion.

If you want your tiles, parquet or linoleum to “shine,” wipe with a 1:1 mixture of water and glycerin after washing.

Polished furniture and mirrors will shine and dust less if you wipe them with a mixture of liquid glycerin and water, and then dry with a soft cloth. Glycerin also perfectly cleans glasses lenses and protects them from fogging - different options are used.

Other uses

What other beneficial uses of liquid glycerin? In agriculture: seeds are treated to facilitate germination, and trees and shrubs are treated to protect the bark from external influences.

In industry: in the production of fabrics, solvents, varnishes and paints, dyes, plastics, glue, polyethylene, etc. – imparts softness, plasticity, fire resistance; in paper making; in radio engineering - for insulating materials, resins, etc.

Liquid glycerin has also been used in military affairs: it is used to treat weapons and equipment, and everyone has heard about nitroglycerin, which was discovered back in the 19th century and became the basis for dynamite.

In the production of cigarettes, glycerin is added to tobacco; it is also used in electronic cigarettes.

Perhaps the widest area of ​​application of liquid glycerin can be considered cosmetology: it is an ingredient in creams, lotions, shampoos, masks and a huge number of other products, so it is better to learn about this separately. It is worth noting here: glycerin is not recommended for use in a dry atmosphere - in order to form a film, it begins to take moisture from the deep layers of the dermis.

Greetings, dear blog readers! Do you think glycerin in cosmetology is beneficial or harmful? I often hear that he is actually the insidious villain in cosmetic products. They say it draws water from the deep layers of the skin, which leads to dehydration. Is this really so and why is this component needed? Let's figure it out together.

This component has earned its popularity due to its ability to effectively care for the skin. I won’t bore you with unnecessary terminology, I’ll just say that it is a viscous transparent liquid that can be mixed with water or alcohol. Due to its wide spectrum of action, it is used in everyday life, medicine, the food industry and cosmetology.

The main beneficial properties of glycerin that are successfully used in the beauty industry are:

  1. Hydration. Absorbs moisture from the environment and ensures its penetration deep into the skin.
  2. Protection. It is able to create a protective layer, protecting the epidermis from the negative effects of external factors. Glycerin takes part in exfoliating dead skin particles, making the skin smoother. Helps get rid of acne and make blemishes less noticeable.
  3. Hypoallergenic. It does not provoke allergic reactions, peeling or irritation. Perfect for sensitive and thin skin.
  4. Lifting effect. Smoothes out minor irregularities and helps get rid of wrinkles.
  5. Good interaction with cosmetics. Due to its composition it acts as a stabilizer. It is able to increase the cleansing abilities of other ingredients in cosmetics.

The uniqueness and versatility of this component is obvious. However, there are situations when products with glycerin receive negative reviews. Depending on the dryness of the air in the room, this component can be both harmful and beneficial.

Glycerin in cosmetics

This component can easily be found on the label under the name Glycerin (Glycerol, Glycyl Alcohol). In terms of moisturizing properties, this component is second only to hyaluronic acid. No more than 5% of it is added to cosmetics. High concentration leads to the opposite effect.

For the active manifestation of moisturizing properties, a certain air humidity in the room is needed. Otherwise, it will draw moisture from the skin, drying out the epidermis.

Imagine a sponge that absorbs water. This is roughly how the glycerin molecule works, attracting moisture. But there is liquid inside and outside. And the molecule pulls water from where there is a lot of it.

At a temperature of 20-250C and air humidity of 45-65%, glycerin takes moisture from the air. In this case, cosmetics are good for the skin

Conversely, if these parameters are not respected indoors, this component can take moisture from our skin. And in this case, it does not moisturize the skin, but vice versa. Especially do not use a cream with glycerin in a dry room if it is in the 2nd or 3rd place on the list of active ingredients.

Glycerin is especially common in the following cosmetic products:

  • face and body creams;
  • serums that increase elasticity and tone;
  • cosmetic milk for body care;
  • antibacterial soap;
  • shower gels;
  • massage oil;
  • tonics;
  • face masks with a lifting effect;
  • moisturizing facial lotions;
  • strengthening anti-dandruff shampoos;
  • balms to soften dry skin on elbows and heels;
  • nourishing shaving creams;
  • hair conditioners;
  • toothpastes, etc.

Let's not forget that this is alcohol. Its action can be harsh and aggressive if used incorrectly. In summer, apply the cream to slightly damp skin. In winter - no earlier than an hour before going outside.

Homemade masks with glycerin

Many women successfully use glycerin to make their own cosmetics. Recently, I myself have become interested in the topic of home care using this component. In liquid form, it is added to creams, masks, lotions, etc. It goes well with various oils: coconut, olive. Based on my preferences and reviews from cosmetologists, I selected several effective recipes. I hope you enjoy them.

One important point: if you decide to create a miracle of cosmetology at home, try not to “cheat it up.” Use a few tips to avoid harm to your health:

  1. Remember that using liquid in its pure form can lead to dehydration and dry skin. Monitor the air humidity in the room and do not be in direct sunlight after such cosmetic procedures.
  2. Do not mix the component with silicone. Their combination creates a dangerous chemical compound. If you want to add glycerin to the cream, make sure that it does not contain this element.
  3. Glycerin helps flush out melanin from the skin. This means that with regular use, it can become lighter. Take this fact into account when visiting a solarium and actively tanning. For the same reason, the component affects the skin in soap.

Hair mask “Glycerin + apple cider vinegar”

If you have dry, damaged and dull hair, this is the product for you. Take glycerin and vinegar in a 1:1 ratio (I take 1 teaspoon each), add a raw egg. Mix with 2 tablespoons of burdock oil. Apply the product along the length of your hair, wrap it in plastic wrap and a towel. You need to keep the mask for 40-60 minutes, then rinse with warm water.

Mask for oily and normal hair

Valuable properties make it possible to successfully use glycerin for hair as part of home cosmetics. For those who want to nourish their curls and give them shine, the following recipe is suitable. A teaspoon of glycerin is mixed with two egg yolks. Then add 3 drops of lemon essential oil. Distribute the resulting mixture over your hair and leave for 30 minutes. Afterwards, rinse your hair well with plenty of water.

Face mask “Glycerin + vitamin E”

The interaction of these two elements gives simply amazing results. If you want to make your skin smooth and elastic, get rid of rashes and peeling, use this miracle product. Mix the main ingredients: 30 ml. glycerin and 10 ampoules. Add 100 ml. chamomile decoction, 1 teaspoon of castor oil (can be replaced with camphor), mix thoroughly. Apply the mask to your face in an even layer and leave for 40-60 minutes.

Anti-wrinkle mask

To prepare this product you will need:

  • 1 tsp main ingredient;
  • 1 tsp honey;
  • 1 egg yolk;
  • 1 tbsp. l. chamomile decoction.

Connect all components. Apply the mixture to your face, rinse with cool water after 10 minutes. After such a procedure, you will be 100% convinced that glycerin for the face is an indispensable product.

Mask "Refreshing"

A very simple recipe made from available ingredients will help you take care of sensitive skin around the eyes. Cook regular oatmeal with milk. Mix 1 tsp. this paste with the same amount of glycerin and add the egg yolk. Apply a thin layer around the eyes for 10-15 minutes. Remove residues with a damp cloth. This mask acts comprehensively and will help get rid of bags under the eyes, smooth out facial wrinkles, etc.

Choosing cosmetics with glycerin

You will find many branded cosmetics containing glycerin. I really like products from Vichy and La Roche Posay. Therefore, my recommendations will concern these brands.

Mineral mask And Aqualia Thermal cream - gentle care for dehydrated facial skin. These products will help you get rid of the feeling of tightness, eliminate peeling and irritation. They have a calming, smoothing and restorative effect.

Sunscreens with glycerin from Vichy - will protect the skin after sunbathing, get rid of age spots, and prevent burns. This series is presented in the form of fluids, oils and creams with varying degrees of protection. It is possible to choose a suitable product for children's, young and mature skin.

Cicaplast baume B5 - an excellent moisturizing balm for hand and body care. This is a unique remedy for damaged and irritated skin. It does not cause allergies, relieves itching and flaking, and has an antibacterial effect. This balm is ideal for everyone: newborns, small children and adults. It is able to heal scratches and abrasions, remove irritation, and prevent dry skin.

Buy a good humidifier and ventilate the rooms more often. While working, periodically spray water from a spray bottle. Then everything will be fine!

Glycerin is widely used in medicine, food, and cosmetic industries. It serves as the basis for masks and creams made by hand. That is why the methods of use, properties, benefits and harms of glycerin should be known to everyone who is interested.

What is glycerin and where is it used?

Glycerin is a trihydric alcohol, or glycerol. In appearance, it is a clear, odorless syrup-like liquid with a sweetish taste. There are several types of the drug: food, pharmacy, technical, special. It is obtained from animal and plant raw materials, the purest is used in the food industry. Approved for use in products, it is called additive E422. It is used in the production of confectionery, bakery, pasta, and soft drinks. The health benefits and harms of glycerin are known, but it is recommended to limit its consumption in case of heart and kidney disease. It is also used in the production of medicines and detergents, which increases their beneficial antiseptic properties.

The benefits of glycerin for the skin of the face and body

Glycerol and its derivatives can be used to effectively care for your skin. The benefits of glycerin in cosmetology include the following properties:

  1. Moisturize and attract moisture.
  2. By creating a protective layer, protect the skin from ultraviolet radiation and environmental harm.
  3. Cleanse the skin of dirt, toxins, speed up metabolism, and help remove dead particles.
  4. Remove pigment spots, make scars on the skin more invisible.
  5. Fight cracked elbows and heels.
  6. Be hypoallergenic.
  7. Exhibit a rejuvenating, firming effect, eliminate wrinkles.
  8. Combine with other useful ingredients.

How to properly use glycerin for the face

The benefits of glycerin in cosmetics are its effectiveness and safety. Thanks to the correct selection of the main and auxiliary parts of facial care products, the beneficial properties are not limited only to the fight against wrinkles. Things to remember:

  • the substance can only be used in diluted form (no more than 10%);
  • You cannot use large quantities of essential oils, since the drug does not dissolve in them;
  • Compliance with the recipe is mandatory;
  • the drug mixes easily with purified water;
  • the use of vitamin E will enhance the beneficial healing properties of the masks;
  • The best time to use a mask is evening;
  • masks and creams created at home are less effective than those purchased at the pharmacy;
  • Preparations with glycerin must be used in courses to prevent addiction.

Recipes for masks and facial products with glycerin

The beneficial properties of glycerin are manifested in the action of homemade masks, for which other ingredients are also used:

  • tocopherol;
  • chicken egg;
  • lemon (juice);
  • aevit;
  • oat flakes;
  • potato;
  • cosmetic clay;
  • olive oil;
  • milk;
  • cream.

Using the properties of glycerin, you can make healthy lotions, masks, and scrubs at home for any type of facial skin. When manufacturing, you must follow the following rules:

  1. Do not store the remainder of the prepared composition.
  2. Use masks immediately after preparation.
  3. Apply only to clean skin.
  4. When glycerin and vitamin E are used together, the benefits of the former are enhanced.
  5. It is better to use masks in winter.
  6. The drug must be natural.
  7. Homemade ingredients are added last.

Important! In case of allergic reactions, you should stop using the drug.

You can cook with your own hands:

  • moisturizing and refreshing masks;
  • lotions with whitening and firming effects;
  • masks with glycerin for hands, the benefits of which are nutrition and hydration.

Moisturizing anti-wrinkle mask

In order to smooth out wrinkles and give elasticity to the skin, you can prepare a mask:

  1. Combine 1 part aloe juice with 2 parts glycerin.
  2. To stir thoroughly.
  3. Apply a thick layer to the face.
  4. Wash after 15 minutes.

The benefits of the procedure will appear after its systematic implementation.

Refreshing mask with glycerin and vitamin E

It is a powerful antioxidant that protects against ultraviolet radiation and nourishes the skin. The use of the beneficial properties of glycerin in cosmetology together with vitamin E gives the effect of moisturizing, nourishing, and elasticity of the skin.

For the mask you will need:

  • glycerol;
  • cream;
  • mineral water;
  • vitamin E.

Mix all the ingredients in equal proportions, beat the mixture, apply to the face for 25 minutes. Next, rinse with boiled water.

A useful mask will help combat age-related changes. It includes:

  • glycerol – 10 ml;
  • vitamin A – 10 ml;
  • egg – 1 pc.;
  • vitamin E – 10 ml;
  • pharmaceutical chamomile (infusion) – 40 ml.

Cooking method:

  1. Prepare a chamomile infusion from a bag of dry herbs and boiling water.
  2. Add glycerol, vitamins A and E to 40 ml of infusion.
  3. Add the yolk to the mixture.
  4. Stir.

Apply to face for 20 minutes. Wash your face thoroughly. The mask should be applied daily for 10 days.

Rejuvenating mask with glycerin and gelatin

Intense nutrition and hydration can be provided by a mask of the following composition:

  • glycerol – 1 tbsp. l.;
  • gelatin - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • water – 100 g;
  • honey - 3 tbsp. l.;
  • salicylic acid – 1 g.

To prepare, you need to mix all the ingredients and heat in a water bath. After cooling, apply to face for 20 minutes, rinse. The beneficial properties of the mask are moisturizing, nourishing, and rejuvenating. Can be used on any skin for two weeks 3 hours before bedtime.

Scrub with glycerin for blackheads

In addition to the undeniable benefits of glycerin in creams, its properties are used in body scrubs. The product can be prepared at home; it consists of natural ingredients. Its useful features include a gentle effect on the skin compared to commercial peelings. The scrub consists of two components:

  • almonds – 4 parts;
  • glycerol – 2 parts.

Grind the nuts, add the second component to them, mix thoroughly. After rubbing, the scrub should dry, after which it should be washed off with warm water.

Lotion with glycerin

To obtain a healthy lotion with refreshing properties you need:

  1. Pour two tablespoons of dry chamomile into a glass of boiling water.
  2. Boil for 20 minutes.
  3. Remove from heat and cover with a lid to cool.
  4. Strain, add 1 tbsp. l. cologne, 1 tsp. glycerol.
  5. Mix.

To prepare hand lotion you will need:

  • 40 g glycerol;
  • 1 tsp. ammonia alcohol;
  • 50 g water;
  • 2 - 3 drops of perfume.

By mixing all the ingredients, we get a useful hand product. It is applied morning and evening to protect the skin from harmful environmental influences.

Benefits of glycerin for hair

Since the benefits and harms of glycerin for hair have been known for a long time, this substance is present in almost all compositions of shampoos, conditioners, and hair masks. After the mask, the hair becomes well-groomed and shiny. The benefits of the drug are:

  • in activating hair follicles and smoothing keratin scales;
  • thickening hair, increasing volume;
  • combating electrification;
  • hair growth;
  • soft lightening of curls;
  • fight against dandruff, brittleness.

You should not abuse such products, as addiction can occur and it is quite possible to cause damage to your hair.

Recipes for homemade hair masks with glycerin

To bring maximum benefit to your hair, it is important to follow a number of rules:

  • strict adherence to proportions;
  • if the drug is used for lightening, yellowness may appear;
  • masks should not be applied if there are lesions or ulcers on the scalp;
  • It is necessary to use only diluted glycerol;
  • duration of use of the mask – no more than 40 minutes;
  • wash off the mask thoroughly;
  • frequency of mask use – 1 time per week;
  • Before adding glycerol to the mask, it must be heated in a water bath.

Hair mask with glycerin and apple cider vinegar

For dry, damaged and dull hair, you can prepare a mask:

  • mix glycerol and apple cider vinegar in equal proportions;
  • add 2 tbsp. l. burdock oil.

Apply to hair for 1 hour, rinse.

Hair mask with glycerin and egg

The purpose of this mask is to close the scales and saturate the hair with moisture. To prepare it, you need:

  • egg;
  • 10 ml glycerol;
  • 30 ml castor oil;
  • ½ tsp. apple cider vinegar.

Beat the egg. Mix the composition, apply to hair and leave for 30 minutes. Rinse thoroughly.

Glycerin in cosmetics

The most useful cosmetic property of glycerin is moisturizing. The maximum dose of this substance in products is 5%. The feature only appears at a certain humidity, otherwise the glycerol will draw water from the skin. It is most often used in cosmetic products:

  • creams;
  • serums;
  • balms;
  • toothpastes;
  • tonics;
  • lotions;
  • shampoos;
  • gels;
  • soap;
  • shaving cream.

It should be remembered that glycerin is an alcohol that can be harmful if used incorrectly. In summer, products with it should be applied to damp skin, and in winter - in advance, before going outside.

Use of glycerin in medicine

Glycerin for medical purposes is a thick, colorless, odorless liquid. Mixes well with water, dissolves in alcohol, and also dissolves alkalis and salts. It is these beneficial properties of glycerin that have found wide application in medicine:

  • for the production of pharmaceuticals;
  • dissolving drugs;
  • protecting creams and ointments from drying out;
  • increasing the viscosity of drugs.

The benefit of glycerin in medicines lies in its antiseptic properties.

This is a colorless liquid that can be used internally without harm. It is absorbed into the stomach, but not into the blood. The benefits of taking glycerin orally affect coughs, glaucoma, and stroke. Doctor's advice upon admission is required. Contraindications for internal use are:

  • diabetes;
  • liver diseases;
  • malfunction of the kidneys.

In such diseases, the use of the drug can cause dehydration and cause irreparable harm to the body.

Harm of glycerin and contraindications for use

Only with moderate, correct use does glycerin benefit the body, and in order to avoid harm you need to know some features:

  • in its pure form dries the skin;
  • There is great harm from the combination of glycerol with silicone, skin inflammation may occur;
  • when using the drug on the skin, melanin is washed out of it and it becomes lighter;
  • The product is not suitable for oily skin.

Experts are still arguing about the benefits and harms of glycerin for facial skin. But everyone agrees that it is necessary to use proven drugs, taking into account the recommendations prescribed in the instructions.


When using the drug, the benefits and harms of glycerin that can be obtained from it should be taken into account. Advice from cosmetologists, doctors, and stylists will help you decide on the selection of products and avoid making mistakes.

Glycerin is a viscous, colorless liquid with a slightly sweet taste. Glycerin is safe for human consumption. It is found in many products, from candy to toothpaste. The widespread use of glycerin in the pharmaceutical, confectionery, cosmetics and other industries is due to its properties.

Properties of glycerin

Glycerin is an organic compound. Glycerin is obtained from vegetable and animal oils. Glycerin is highly soluble in water and alcohol. On the other hand, many substances that are poorly soluble in alcohol and water can dissolve in glycerin. From this we can conclude that glycerin is a good solvent.

Glycerin is 1500 times more viscous than water. This viscous transparent liquid has a high boiling point and practically does not freeze.

Since glycerin does not react with oils and is therefore more resistant to oxidation than minerals, glycerin can be used as a lubricant. It can be used to lubricate parts and mechanical parts that are exposed to benzene or gasoline, since they are not soluble in glycerin.

The transparent color allows it to be used in many industries, as it does not affect the color of the final product.

Glycerin is a hygroscopic liquid. If you drop pure glycerin on your tongue, you can get a burn. But when diluted with water, glycerin moisturizes the skin well.

How is glycerin obtained?

Glycerin is a by-product of soap making. Until 1889, they did not know how to restore it during the soap making process.

In 1889, a way was found to separate glycerin from soap. Its main use at that time was the production of nitroglycerin, from which dynamite was made.

The process of removing glycerin from soap is quite complex. Soap is made from vegetable or animal fats, which already contain glycerin in their composition from 7 to 13 percent. When fats react with alkali, soap is produced. But glycerin is found in the soap itself.

When salt is added, the soap separates and the remaining liquid residue contains glycerin and other impurities. Then glycerin is separated by hydrolysis and then purified by filtration through carbon filters or other methods.

Glycerin composition

Glycerol has the molecular formula C3H5(OH)3. It consists of a chain of three carbon atoms, such that each carbon atom is bonded to a hydrogen atom (H+) and a hydroxyl group (OH-). Each of the two terminal carbon atoms has an additional hydrogen atom, so that all three carbon atoms have a total of four bonds. Carbon has a valence of four, which means it tends to form four bonds.

Fatty acids are a class of compounds that are essentially a long chain of carbon atoms attached to various combinations of oxygen and hydrogen atoms. Each fatty acid molecule ends with a carbon atom, which forms a double bond with an oxygen atom and a single bond with a hydroxyl group. This group has the formula COOH- and is called a carboxyl group.

Triglycerides are esters of glycerol with long-chain carboxylic acids.

Application of glycerin

Glycerin is used in many areas, including medicine.

Food industry

In foods and beverages, glycerin serves as a humectant, solvent, and sweetener. It is used for the production of low-calorie products as a fat substitute and as a thickener in liqueurs.

Glycerin is also used as a sugar substitute. Unlike sugar, it prevents the growth of bacteria. In addition, glycerin has a lower glycemic index. In food products, glycerin is designated as E 422.

Glycerin in medicine

In medicine, glycerin is used in cough syrups, elixirs, and expectorants. It is used in the manufacture of toothpastes and mouthwashes.

In solid medicines such as tablets, glycerin is used as a humectant.

Glycerin has laxative properties and is used as a laxative in suppositories or as microenemas.

Glycerin, often mixed with fruit juice to reduce the sweet taste, can be taken as a first aid treatment for high eye pressure. It quickly reduces intraocular pressure.

Glycerin has a diuretic effect, which means it can contribute to dehydration and should not be used regularly.

Glycerin in cosmetics

In cosmetics, glycerin is used as a moisturizing component in skin care products, shaving creams and other personal care products.

Glycerin is the main component in glycerin soap. This type of soap is used by people with sensitive skin, prone to irritation and dry skin.

Products with glycerin are used for dry skin prone to flaking, itchy skin and skin irritations.

The use of glycerin internally

Glycerin is safe for humans and is used as a medicine. Glycerin is used internally:

For weight loss;

Improves endurance during physical activity by helping the body prevent moisture loss;

During diarrhea and vomiting, to replace the loss of water;

For glaucoma to reduce eye pressure;

Glycerin is administered intravenously to reduce intracranial pressure in cases of stroke, meningitis, encephalitis, Reine's syndrome, injuries and tumors of the central nervous system;

To reduce cerebral edema during neurosurgical operations;

For fainting due to impaired blood flow to the brain.

Athletes use glycerin to prevent dehydration.

Glycerin is used rectally as a laxative. The action of glycerin is based on its ability to attract water into the intestines, thereby softening the stool and facilitating its passage along the intestines and preventing constipation.

For adults, the norm is 2-3 grams in the form of a suppository or 5-15 ml in the form of a microenema.

For children under six years of age - 1-1.7 grams in the form of suppositories or 2-5 ml in the form of microenemas.

Harm of glycerin

Glycerin is safe for most adults. Glycerin is not a substance that causes fermentation in the body and the proliferation of bacteria. It is well absorbed in the small intestine and does not enter the large intestine.

Glycerin does not have harmful carcinogenic properties that damage DNA and cause birth effects. The main harm of glycerin to the body is side effects or dehydration of the body when used uncontrolled or without a doctor’s prescription.

When taken orally, glycerin may cause side effects that may include headaches, dizziness, bloating, nausea, vomiting, thirst, or diarrhea.

Glycerin should be used with caution when used intravenously.

There is no data on the use of glycerin orally by pregnant and lactating women. Therefore, it is better to avoid internal use of glycerin at this time.

Using glycerin as a laxative can also cause a number of side effects, such as dry mouth, nausea, headache, diarrhea, excessive urination, which can ultimately lead to dehydration.

Since vegetable glycerin is primarily derived from palm or coconut oil, it may cause an allergic reaction in people sensitive to these products.

How to use glycerin

Glycerin should be used according to the instructions on the package. If you are unsure of the accuracy of any information, consult your doctor.

Some products that contain glycerin need to be shaken before use.

To moisturize and soften the skin of your hands, you will most likely need to use glycerin every time after washing your hands.

When treating diaper rash, you need to dry the skin where you will apply glycerin.

When using glycerin or a product containing glycerin to treat skin burns following radiation after radiation therapy, you need to ensure that it can be used after such a procedure.

When applied to the skin, avoid contact with the eyes, mouth, and nose.

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