Understand what is missing. How can a nursing mother understand that there is not enough milk? What's missing from a good life?

Antipyretics for children are prescribed by a pediatrician. But there are emergency situations with fever when the child needs to be given medicine immediately. Then the parents take responsibility and use antipyretic drugs. What is allowed to be given to infants? How can you lower the temperature in older children? What medications are the safest?

Anemia is a decrease in the concentration and number of red blood cells in the blood. The most common form is iron deficiency. Signs of anemia can be vague and difficult to recognize.

Iron is an important mineral in the body; if it is lacking, your body will not be able to produce enough red blood cells. These red blood cells carry an iron-rich protein called hemoglobin, which carries oxygen to the body's tissues.

How our body reacts to iron deficiency

You can determine whether your hemoglobin level is normal on your own. There are several main signs to look out for. Remember that only a doctor can make the final diagnosis.

Several signs that may indicate anemia:

    Fatigue. All people experience a feeling of fatigue from lack of sleep, intense physical or mental work. With anemia, lethargy is a chronic condition that constantly accompanies a person.

    Pale vascular line of the inner eyelids. One of the best ways to tell if you have anemia is to look at the lining of your eyelids. If the line is pale, then the body does not have enough red blood cells. The face, palms of the hands and the subungual part of the fingers may also be bloodless.

    Brittle nails. Even an expensive manicure cannot hide peeling, thin, suddenly breaking nails due to anemia. They lose their shine, become flat or concave, and spoon-shaped grooves appear.

    Dyspnea. If you experience shortness of breath after exercise or while climbing stairs, this is a clear sign of oxygen deficiency in the lungs caused by anemia.

    Cardiopalmus. If you experience heart palpitations when lying down or irregular rhythms, your heart is in overdrive. This means that it is working at its limit to get more oxygen.

    Anxiety. Increased heart activity can cause anxiety. If anxiety is a new sensation for you and is not caused by other reasons, then it may be a sign of anemia.

    Numbness of the limbs. With iron deficiency, the body regulates the distribution of blood to oxygenate vital organs. Typically, compensation occurs due to the outflow of blood in the extremities. Anemic people feel tingling in their arms and legs. Palms and feet are cool even in extreme heat.

    "Perverted" taste. If you have an uncontrollable desire to eat chalk, paper, a handful of earth, or chew ice, you should immediately pay attention to it. An unnatural desire to chew something inedible is a clear symptom of iron deficiency. But pathological taste is a common occurrence during pregnancy.

    Changing the language. It becomes swollen, the papillae smooth out and atrophy. The taste is impaired, dry mouth and tingling in the tongue appear.

    Headache. Tension headaches and migraines are common. If you notice that they occur very often, but go away when you do nothing to relieve them, this is a reason to consult a doctor to find out your hemoglobin level.

    Hair loss. If you notice more hair in your brush when brushing, or your hair is thinning, you may be anemic. It could also be a vitamin deficiency or hypothyroidism, so see your doctor for an accurate diagnosis.

In other words, moisture. It may not be as noticeable as hair loss or split ends. Dry hair, no matter how you style it, still looks dull, dull and stiff, like stale straw.

The cause of dryness can be hereditary - the skin does not produce enough oil to moisturize the hair, or acquired - the hair is damaged and cannot retain moisture in the internal structures. In any case, it will not be possible to restore moisture once and for all, so shampoos for dry hair should be the basis of your care. They tend to have a creamy texture rather than clear.

2. Oils

Remember that moisturizing does not replace nutrition, because when the hair is destroyed, the moisture evaporates from it instantly. Vegetable oils and other products containing them help restore hair structure.

When applied to hair, the oil creates a protective film that helps retain moisture in the hair shaft and prevents proteins from being destroyed by heat. It is unlikely that you will be able to completely abandon hair dryers and other thermal influences, so at least do not neglect protection.

If you know that you will dry your hair with a hairdryer, use a special thermal mask. This is an innovative product that changes the usual idea of ​​hair care. Apply it to clean hair, leaving a couple of centimeters from the roots. After 5-10 minutes, rinse off, starting from the back of the head. Try not to wash off the mask completely, leave a little on the main length and ends. Dry with a towel and then dry with a hairdryer.

A thermal mask with shea butter, D-panthenol, collagen, amino acids and other beneficial components will smooth out the hair cuticle scales, strengthen the structure, and create a protective layer. It eliminates static tension so your hair is manageable and smooth. After using the mask, even with the simplest styling, your hair will look like it did after a visit to the salon. Blondes should choose the Blonde thermal mask with a toning effect.

3. Keratin

More than 80% of the hair is made up of keratin protein, the rest is moisture, lipids and nutrients, as well as pigment. We cannot completely eliminate hair damage, so we can only work on restoration and bring in keratin from the outside.

If your hair is splitting and breaking along its entire length, or has been dyed, you should try something more than home care. A quick and effective result is obtained by the deep hair reconstruction procedure from the L’ANZA brand, which can be done in the Empathy Studio salon, as well as in other L’ANZA concept salons. It is aimed at deep healing of the hair through a cocktail of powerful active ingredients.

It contains keratin amino acids necessary for hair and a unique mixture of mineral-enriched acids, kukui, lavender, tamanu oils, macadamia nuts, aloe leaf juice and fume and lemon seed extracts. The procedure will take no more than 30 minutes and with one application will return your hair to its natural state, strength, shine and elasticity. It is enough to repeat this treatment a couple of times a month, as the procedure has a cumulative effect.

4. Vitamins B 12 and iron

One of the first and most obvious signs of a lack of vitamin B 12 and iron is hair loss. The lack of these substances has a bad effect on the condition of red blood cells, which carry oxygen to tissues.

If your hair is rapidly leaving your head, the main thing is not to panic. Watch your diet: your diet should contain a lot of protein. Take multivitamins and dietary supplements with B12, vitamin C, copper, selenium, zinc, and amino acids.

Provide your hair with special care. Try a Chinese mask to treat hair loss. It consists of 70% ginger root - a source of B vitamins, retinol, calcium, zinc, beneficial acids and amino acids.
The active component of ginger - gingerol - provokes heat and burning on the scalp, thereby increasing blood circulation and eliminating the main cause of hair loss - lack of nutrition.
This mask will significantly accelerate hair growth, normalize the functioning of the sebaceous glands and stop hair loss.

A normally functioning body regulates fluid intake in a simple way - by feeling thirst. Why such close attention to water? Why not leave everything as it is, listening to your body's reaction?

In reality, everything is not so simple. Often problems arise because many people actually forget to drink plain water. People drink coffee, tea, juices, smoothies, carbonated drinks, compotes, kvass, wine, beer... anything, but not water.

Due to a lack of water in the body, metabolic processes are disrupted, toxins are not eliminated, and dehydration occurs. Severe dehydration occurs due to overheating and increased sweating, due to heat combined with windy weather, due to diseases that are accompanied by diarrhea and vomiting, increased body temperature and sweating.

The constant lack of water in the body is not so noticeable. The human body gets used to this state. But if at the same time there are prerequisites for a large loss of fluid (hot summer days, for example), then fainting, confusion and other serious conditions requiring treatment are possible.

Want to know if you're drinking enough water? Then check yourself for 10 signs that indicate you're not drinking enough water.

Signs that there is not enough water in the body

Dry mouth. Dry mouth is the very first and most obvious symptom that your body needs water. At this point, the body is already beginning to experience dehydration. Naturally, you should not fight dry mouth with tea, soda or sweet juices from packages. The body asks for water!
Dry skin. Our skin, like a mirror, reflects everything that happens to the body inside. If you suffer from excessive dry skin, then most likely this is due to a lack of water in the body.
Sometimes intense thirst. Has it ever happened to you that you drink and drink and still can’t get drunk. Congratulations, your body has been dehydrated. This is no longer just dry mouth, this is already quite serious dehydration of the body, during which the brain begins to send active SOS signals and simply demand water. Alcohol dehydrates the body very much, which is why you still want to drink after a hangover.
Dry eyes. If you experience dryness in your eyes, even slight itching, the whites seem to be bloodshot, then urgently go and drink water. When there is not enough water in the body, our tear ducts dry out. This can cause a lot of damage to the eyes. People who wear contact lenses should be especially careful about this symptom.
A decrease in the volume of urine and a change in its color (it becomes dark). Each person’s body is individual and it is sometimes difficult to determine the norm. But pay attention to the amount of water you drink if you notice changes in your urination patterns.
Increased heart rate, palpitations. When blood in the circulatory system loses water, it becomes viscous, its volume decreases, and it circulates more slowly. As a result, the load on the heart increases, blood circulation is disrupted, and human organs do not receive enough oxygen.
Feeling pain in the joints. Many people, even those who are not very old, experience joint pain. For some, it appears after running or jumping. Our body is thought out to the smallest detail. Our cartilage discs are 80% water to prevent joints from rubbing or grinding against each other, especially during intense use. Therefore, chronic lack of water begins to cause pain!
Decreased muscle mass. Like cartilage and joints, muscles are half water. It is natural to assume that when there is a lack of water in the body, when it is dehydrated, moisture is lost - the volume of muscle mass decreases. All trainers and doctors came to the conclusion that even during training it is necessary to periodically drink water.
Chronic fatigue and drowsiness. If the body does not have enough water, it begins to look for it, without receiving it from the outside, it borrows it from within. Including blood. Which leads to a lack of oxygen transported to all organs. One hundred, in turn, causes a feeling of drowsiness and fatigue. And so, day after day, you feel more and more tired, you don’t get enough sleep even after 8 hours of sound sleep, and coffee no longer invigorates you, you still sleep on the go.
There are problems with digestion. It's important to keep your mouth hydrated, but this also applies to your entire digestive system. Without adequate hydration, the amount and density of mucus in your stomach decreases, allowing stomach acid to harm your internal organs. This usually leads to what we call heartburn and indigestion.
The amount of water our body can hold decreases as we age. As we get older, we need to consciously increase our water intake. Although the signs of premature aging are more obvious on the outside, the damage that dehydration causes to your internal organs will ultimately be felt for a long time. To reduce the risks associated with this, you need to adhere to the drinking regime throughout your life.

The constant anxiety of a nursing mother, worrying whether the child is starving, often leads to the fact that she begins to feed him and give him extra food. As a result of the fact that the baby begins to be applied to the breast less often, the stimulation of the nerve endings in the nipples and the release of hormones that regulate the production and separation of breast milk decrease. As a result, lactation actually begins to decline.

In this article you can find qualified answers to the question - “how to understand that the baby does not have enough milk?”

Famous pediatrician E.O. Komarovsky says that mothers’ false alarm that their baby is malnourished often becomes the reason for the unjustified introduction of supplementary feeding. When asked how to understand that there is not enough breast milk, Komarovsky answers that signs of insufficient lactation are probable (that is, their appearance may be associated with other reasons) and reliable.

The Union of Pediatricians of Russia in a manual on natural feeding of children, explaining to nursing women how to understand that there is little milk in the breast, also talks about probable and reliable signs of insufficient lactation.

Possible signs of insufficient lactation:

The appearance of one or more of the above symptoms may be a consequence of insufficient milk production and/or secretion. However, they can also occur in other situations: the need for frequent breastfeeding and the duration of sucking may be associated with the individual characteristics of the baby. So, a weak, premature baby needs more time and effort to get the required amount of milk when sucking. The cause of anxiety in babies between feedings may be increased gas formation in the intestines and other disorders. And changes in the nature of stool may indicate problems with digestion, etc. How do you understand that a baby does not have enough breast milk? To do this, you need to know about the reliable signs of insufficient lactation.

Reliable signs of insufficient lactation

So, how can you tell if your baby is not getting enough breast milk? It is necessary to assess the situation comprehensively. Most likely, with a really existing lack of lactation, both probable and reliable signs will be observed. In order to decide on the tactics for further feeding the baby, it is important to consult a pediatrician. You can also contact competent breastfeeding specialists.

Is control feeding effective?

For a long time, to answer the question “how can you tell if your baby is getting enough breast milk?” A method such as control feeding was used. Its essence lies in the fact that the baby is weighed before and after feeding (if the baby has urinated, it is weighed along with the diaper and diaper to take into account fluid loss). The difference in the baby's weight before and after feeding is considered equal to the weight of the milk he consumed. However, today the reliability of control feeding, as a method for accurately identifying lactation deficiency, is increasingly being questioned.

Why is this technique no longer considered reliable? Because based on the results of one feeding it is impossible to judge the volume of milk produced and secreted, since The amount of milk your baby takes can vary significantly from feeding to feeding.. According to WHO experts “The baby consumes different amounts of milk at each feeding. The composition of milk varies, and by the weight of the milk you will not be able to determine whether the milk is rich in fat or whether it contains a lot of water. In addition, the weighing procedure may cause the mother to worry, which will lead to delayed or suppressed lactation, resulting in the baby receiving less milk than usual.".

It is also worth considering that control feeding is most often carried out in a clinic, in an environment that is unusual for both mother and child, which increases stress for both and affects the results.

Russian pediatricians and nutritionists suggest carrying out control weighing of the child during the day. The National Program for Optimizing Child Feeding of the Russian Federation reports that “The final conclusion about insufficient lactation can be made based on the results of weighing the child at home after each feeding during the day (“control” weighing)”. It is believed that this approach allows one to avoid the stress associated with being in unusual conditions, and measuring the baby’s weight during the day will allow a more objective assessment of the state of lactation.

However, most doctors and breastfeeding specialists around the world agree that when looking for an answer to the question “how can you tell if your baby has enough milk?” The most objective is the analysis of the baby's weight gain (in the first six months of life by at least 500 g per month.) It is this sign that is considered the most reliable for assessing the level of lactation in the mother.

WHO experts believe that to assess the level of lactation it is possible to carry out weekly baby weighings(more frequent weighings are considered uninformative).

List of used literature:

  1. Komarovsky E.O. “The health of the child and the common sense of his relatives” / M.: Eksmo, 2016.
  2. Feeding and nutrition of infants and young children / WHO Guidelines for the European Region with special emphasis on the republics of the former Soviet Union. 2003
  3. Manual on natural feeding of children / St. Petersburg branch of the Interregional public association “Union of Pediatricians of Russia”. 2011

You can ask questions (below) on the topic of the article and we will try to answer them competently!

Very often we are extremely dissatisfied with ourselves: but it is very difficult to understand what exactly needs to be changed and, most importantly, where to start. Should you try to change your personality or should you focus your efforts on accepting yourself?

Very often we are extremely dissatisfied with ourselves: but it is very difficult to understand what exactly needs to be changed and, most importantly, where to start. Should you try to change your personality or should you focus your efforts on accepting yourself? What is the basis of self-esteem? We are publishing a translation of an article by writer John Kane, published on his blog Raptitude.

Question: “What am I doing when I like who I am?” - the easiest way to understand what you are missing

One day, my favorite CBC radio host, Sheila Rogers, announced on air that she was closing her morning show to take a break. I was impressed by the way she explained the reasons for this decision.

Sheila said that for many years her colleague regularly went to a godforsaken house somewhere in the north: he chopped wood, read, and walked the dogs. When she asked why this place meant so much to him, the colleague replied: "Well... I think I like who I am when I'm there.".

According to Sheila, the morning show made her feel exactly the opposite: she had to get up at 3:30 a.m., go to the studio and force herself into work mode long before the sun rose.

When I heard this, I was sitting in my office at my workplace. I realized that I definitely didn't like who I was at that moment. I didn't like myself when I was on the phone with clients, talking to contractors, sitting in meetings. Having not come up with anything better, I immediately decided to build a house in the north and run there every couple of months to chop wood and leaf through books, sitting by the stove.

This thought is “Do I like who I am?” - visited me more than once throughout the next year,and in the end I realized how much this question meant. You probably need to ask yourself this every time you do something familiar. And if the answer is no, you need to ask yourself how it happened that this became a permanent part of life, and whether it is really necessary.

“A mass of unfulfilled promises can only further lower our self-esteem: it squeezes the juice out of it until we achieve what we want or understand that we don’t need it.”

Sometimes we seem to naturally gravitate towards activities that feed our self-confidence. But in fact, for the most part, we are driven by vague expectations, inertia and the desire for reward.

Between watching a lousy movie for the third time and calling a friend, we often choose the former - not because this choice promises a more enjoyable pastime, but because, as a rule, we vote for immediate rewards: predictability, simplicity and freedom from risks.

Being able to do something just because it will make you better doesn't fit into this picture.

Question: “Do I like myself when I do this?” is different from asking, “Do I enjoy doing this?”

You can feel some satisfaction after an argument on the Internet, overeating, or a decision to stay home on Saturday night - but this does not mean that you will be pleased to be alone with yourself at this moment.

Any of these activities can become a habit, and it may take many years before you notice something is wrong.

Each of us sometimes has the feeling that we have strayed too far from the best in ourselves. Sometimes it is impossible to understand what is wrong - then you need to step back and reconsider your priorities.

Having seen our own mistakes, we often rush to make lists of important things to do - like those written on January 1: run more, sit at home less, finish a book, behave responsibly.

But this mass of unfulfilled promises can only further lower our self-esteem: she squeezes the juices out of it until we achieve what we want or understand that we don’t need it. Self-esteem seems to be inextricably linked to self-identity, which can only be felt when we are engaged in activities that make our lives meaningful.

“Between watching a lousy movie for the third time and calling a friend, we often choose the former - not because this choice promises a more enjoyable pastime, but because, as a rule, we vote for immediate reward: predictability, simplicity and freedom from risks.”

An opportunity to ask yourself the question: “What am I doing, when do I like, who am I?” - the easiest way to understand what you are missing (and what there is too much of in life).

After all, activities that are often beneficial for mental and physical health, from which we are distracted by inertia, do not seem necessary to us until we return to them and again feel proud of ourselves.

I like myself when I run and ride a bike, but I don’t like myself when I argue about politics on the Internet.

Of course, there are activities that require significant effort, but the reward in this case can also be great.

And, of course, we may wonder whether we like ourselves in everything we do or stop doing. It seems that this is the litmus test that allows you to find out what is important and what is not.

And, for example, it gives an answer to the question of which sport to choose to get back in shape if you feel that you have missed this moment. Instead of beating yourself up by insisting that you need to “get smarter” or “work harder,” you can use this question as a compass or map of the area.

It allows you to move intelligently - instead of just randomly going where the landscape looks most hospitable. There is no need to make any demands on yourself and your lifestyle and there is no need to evaluate them.

Just ask yourself this question as life goes on and the most important elements will reveal themselves. published If you have any questions about this topic, ask them to the experts and readers of our project

Translation: Natalia Kienya

P.S. And remember, just by changing your consciousness, we are changing the world together! © econet

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