Happy traffic police holiday greetings are funny. Funny and comic congratulations on traffic police day

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What do we know about you, guardians of the roads!
Defenders of order and people!
Your law is incorruptible! Your look is strict!
You are committed to your work!

Fewer interceptions, reckless people!
Let there be only order and peace!
How our heart beats hot,
The system will be more united and stronger!

You are not afraid of either cold or heat!
Both day and night at the traffic police post!
Health and happiness to you, inspector!
Good luck and good luck in your work!

Traffic police - congratulations on the holiday

Road Keepers Day
Stepped onto our threshold again!
We congratulate the fighters,
Traffic police glorious daredevils!
With your destiny let
Sadness will be unknown.
May the celebration succeed
I drink to your skill!

Including flashing light,
The Knights of the Law are rushing to the rescue,
They hurry to where it's hot,
Where the atmosphere is tense.
Strong character, but stronger spirit.
Your work is not for fear - for conscience.
And therefore those in trouble
They are calling out loudly to the traffic police.
Let the ringing shine of swords
Accompanies valor and courage.
Protect Russia's property and honor -
A sacred right given by oath.
Happy traffic police day!

Congratulations on traffic cop day

May you not care about obstacles
And during the day, and at night, and on rainy mornings,
You keep order day after day,
Let the road spread like mother of pearl!

I congratulate you on Traffic Police Day now,
Keepers of order on the roads!
You protect us from accidents,
We say thank you in these lines!

Tell me, it’s not for nothing
My police brother
You are equipped with radar
And striped with a stick?
Cars are flying
But there are bushes ahead.
And here it’s either-or:
The driver or you.
But now everything is different:
Not Merc, but happiness!
May life be a success
And a solid double!

Short congratulations on traffic cop day

We will always remember
Traffic rules.
And we will never
Make violations!
Happy traffic police day!

The traffic police and the traffic police are not all the same?
The name will not change the essence of the matter.
If it weren't for her, they would suffer innocently
Drivers, conquering their way.
You stand on the road day and night.
Always at work, even on your holiday.
You are servants of security and Gods.
Rus' has given you the staff and its peace.
Not behind the wheel, but at a table on a chair,
Today the whole driver's army.
Whether in Moscow, Biysk, Tula, Barnaul
I will dedicate a wonderful toast to you.

Inspection day today
Road service guard.
Congratulations to them in July
And we wish you strong friendship!
Let the driver understand
Security value
And disrupts less
Remembering all restrictions!

Happy birthday traffic police

How many roads and paths
You're like lost children
Saved from trespassers,
Following your orders!
Always, everywhere traffic police,
Live, serve, and don’t worry!
Learn, driver, traffic rules
Today is traffic police day!

Happy traffic police officer day

On traffic police day I wish you
Honest service without worries.
I congratulate you from the bottom of my heart,
May luck prevail

Only friendship will be true,
And harmony in the family.
The service will only be a joy,
Be doubly happy!

Happy Traffic Police Day!

Cool congratulations on traffic police day

Traffic police means safety!
And our faithful road guard,
Today is a holiday - a beautiful day,
We sincerely congratulate you!
Health, happiness, strong friendship
We wish all inspectors!
Who knows all the laws of service,
Good luck and new titles to you!


Funny and comic congratulations on Traffic Police Day in verse

"Cool congratulations on traffic police day"

Happy traffic police day!
He came - look out the window!
Everyone wears a formal uniform,
Strict, new and elegant!
Don't miss your holiday!
Put on your uniform too!

"Cool congratulations on the day of the traffic police officer"

Buying a Mercedes without unnecessary formalities
Some guy sold it out of need -
I was rushing, but the traffic cop whistled for me,
Lieutenant from the traffic police.
And even though I didn't speed,
The guard stopped for nothing, -
But I didn’t regret it at all -
The inspector was so good looking!
I looked with a stupid smile,
While he was crawling under the hood,
On his bright red lips
And heavenly colored eyes.
And then this wonderful man,
What appeared as if from heaven,
He kicked me out of my car -
It turned out that he was wanted "to the extent".
She walked and glowed with happiness:
"Mercedes" is under arrest,
But the lieutenant, having said goodbye,
He asked me for my phone number.

"Cool SMS congratulations on Traffic Police Day"

Guardian of the roads, guarantor of order,
Happy Traffic Police Day to you today!
Let everything in life be smooth,
Simply super, clear, fashionable!

Let the driver, pedestrian
They will be polite to you
May you be lucky in everything!
Happiness, joy, peace!

"SMS congratulations on Traffic Police Day"

Who is on the road for us?
Supported to the extent necessary,
Who controls the traffic?
A stream of cars stood in front of the rod!

Total traffic police today is a holiday,
We hasten to congratulate you,
So that there is happiness and health,
Goodness and joy in stock!

"Cheerful congratulations on the traffic police day in verse"

Happy name day, traffic police!
We would like to wish you a little:
Fewer drunks on the roads

Youngsters, hillbillies,
Angry men and nervous women,
Let's wish honest states,
If there are chases - without machine guns,

To prevent theft,
Accidents, deaths and break-ins,
So that you sometimes sleep,
The family celebrated the New Year!

"Funny congratulations on the traffic police day in verse"

You are our guardian - traffic police!
Congratulations to you!
On this holiday, on this day
Put on a new uniform!

So that your employees
Honor and conscience were taken care of,
Everyday, everywhere
Helping honest people!

Let the offender get tired
Let him stop violating!
And we also wish you awards,
Congratulations! Congratulations!

"Cool congratulations on traffic police day"

Happy traffic police day!
Do you hear the holiday steps?
He is the one who walks strictly
On the highway and on the roads,

Punishment for violators,
Helping honest people!
Alcoholics are fined
Examining the rest!

Hello to all traffic cops!
Wishes for many years to come
Easy, interesting service
And a fast, honest career!

"Original congratulations on the traffic police day"

We, road keepers, have something to remember!
Defenders of order and people!
Our law is incorruptible! Our look is strict!
We are committed to our work!
Less “Interceptions”, reckless people!
Let there be only order and peace!
How our heart beats hot,
The system will be more united and stronger!
We are not afraid of either cold or heat!
And day and night at the traffic police post!
Health and happiness to you, inspector!
Good luck and good luck in your work!

There are a lot of jokes and stories associated with traffic police officers today, both good and bad. This is due to the fact that people working in the state traffic police behave completely differently. There are good people, and there are not so good people. One way or another, they bring benefits and perform very important functions in society. Therefore, if among your acquaintances, relatives or friends there are those who are involved in road regulation, then this is an excellent reason to think about preparing appropriate congratulations.

At the same time, cool congratulations on the Day of the State Traffic Safety Inspectorate (GAI) will probably be the best option that you can count on. Jokes are always relevant, original and fun. Naturally, if these are the right jokes. Coming up with them is often not so easy. However, we offer you exactly the kind of jokes and jokes that you need. Take a closer look at this section and you will see that we are telling the absolute truth.

On Vlio we have tried to collect the best thematic works from all over the Internet, so all you have to do is choose the most suitable ones. Arm your congratulatory arsenal with them, and not a single person you know will be left without warm and cheerful words spoken to them.

On traffic police day I wish you
Honest service without worries.
I congratulate you from the bottom of my heart,
May luck prevail

Only friendship will be true,
And harmony in the family.
The service will only be a joy,
Be doubly happy!

Congratulations on mobile

A traffic policeman celebrates his holiday
Today he is cheerful, he sings songs.
He doesn’t notice overtaking or undercutting,
And he doesn’t take fines today.

Congratulations to the traffic police workers,
For a kind heart, for a gentle look.
For their edifying lectures,
Because they always want to help us so much.

Happy Traffic Police Day!
May the days be wonderful
Work will become easy
And small worries!

May your family love you,
Respected by all friends
There will be no violators
And fate will love you!

Happy Traffic Police Day, inspector!
You stand at your post like a lecturer,
You wave your staff like a pointer,
You are a tip for drivers.
Be on the lookout, on the alert,
May good luck be at your post
Like an angel, he protects
And he will send drivers
Cute and skillful
To know their business
And they smiled along the way,
And they obeyed the laws!

We wish you from a pure heart
Success and victories everywhere.
We sincerely congratulate you
Today, on the day of traffic police!

May your service always make you happy,
In your career - only grace!
And let your male friendship
Life will prosper!

Happy traffic police day!
Do you hear the holiday steps?
He is the one who walks strictly
On the highway and on the roads,

Punishment for violators,
Helping honest people!
Alcoholics are fined
Examining the rest!

Hello to all traffic cops!
Wishes for many years to come
Easy, interesting service
And a fast, honest career!

Happy traffic police day!
From the bottom of my heart I want to say,
Let the paths lead you
To those places where everything is A+.

Where are the drivers decent
They drive sober with a belt,
They know the rules very well
They don't chat while driving.

Where traffic cops are held in high esteem
Where are they as an example for everyone?
All in all, fabulous work!
May success find you!

Who is on the road for us?
Supported to the extent necessary,
Who controls the traffic?
A stream of cars stood in front of the rod!

Total traffic police today is a holiday,
We hasten to congratulate you,
So that there is happiness and health,
Goodness and joy in stock!

Let traffic cops often suffer,
And the driver often scolds,
Without reproaches and unnecessary words,
Get the fools off the roads.

Be always happy in abundance,
And there is less chaos in the family,
On traffic police day I wish you health,
I congratulate all traffic cops.

It's Traffic Police Day and that means wages are being raised.
Maybe they’ll give you a bonus, or they’ll update the “basin”!
They wish you faithful service, again the authorities congratulate you.
They read their lecture and want a promotion.

But don’t be discouraged, my friend, stop the violations,
Slow down the hooligans and take your license by force.
Clean out all your pockets and take the registration certificate.
It is a paradise! – Not just a service, we congratulate you together.

Who is on the road for us?
Supported to the extent necessary,
Who controls the traffic?
A stream of cars stood in front of the rod!
Total traffic police today is a holiday,
We hasten to congratulate you,
So that there is happiness and health,
Goodness and joy in stock!

Fighting and serious-faced,
You are good at dangerous work,
Happy Day - Traffic Cop Day
We congratulate you from the bottom of our hearts.
May God give you good luck, health, perseverance,
Understanding and love in the family,
So that there is as little sorrow as possible,
Evil and crimes on earth.

We wish you from a pure heart
Success and victories everywhere.
We sincerely congratulate you
Today, on the day of traffic police!
May your service always make you happy,
In your career - only grace!
And let your male friendship
Life will prosper!

The road is your patrimony,
Today I sincerely wish
So that only true friends
They helped you throughout your life.
Tell the traffic police officers
I want you not to forget -
We need to respect each other
And fewer transport battles.

We, road keepers, have something to remember!
Defenders of order and people!
Our law is incorruptible! Our look is strict!
We are committed to our work!
Less “Interceptions”, reckless people!
Let there be only order and peace!
How our heart beats hot,
The system will be more united and stronger!
We are not afraid of either cold or heat!
And day and night at the traffic police post!
Health and happiness to you, inspector!
Good luck and good luck in your work!

You can be serious and painfully stern,
But nothing can be done here.
And all because the law is like this,
To be careful while driving, friends.
You raise the rod - I lose speed,
I present you with my documents,
But on the road it’s calmer with you,
Happy traffic police day!

The road order is constantly monitored,
And they will arrive in a controversial situation.
Then they fly in pursuit of a drunk driver,
They stand in the rain with a gloomy face.
Today we have to thank them,
After all, without them there would be chaos on the road.
Happy Traffic Police Day we will congratulate them together,
Meet with bread and salt at the doorstep of houses.

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Traffic Police Day is a holiday for all professionals in their field, namely those who keep order on our roads, those who sometimes slow us down to check documents, those whom we honor and respect, and we send cool congratulations on Traffic Police Day directly from our website.

I'm driving quietly, I'm driving smoothly and the green light is on,
There is a traffic police car standing on the side of the road in uniform.
What's happened? What's happened?
- slows down... Stopped.
Well, of course - I forgot, my dears -
Congratulations from the bottom of my heart! After all, today is traffic police day!

Stands with a smile, stands aside,
And slowly looks at the radar,
Well, where are the boys, where are the girls,
What do they “want” to break the speed?...
Comrade Inspector, let’s not today...
Go celebrate traffic police day.
Feel freedom at least once for a minute,
And come here tomorrow!

On Traffic Police Day, I want to congratulate you -
Don't judge your words too harshly.
I wish you a calm service,
May the road always be easy.
We are used to scolding you out of silence,
For checking documents, stopping...
You stopped the reckless driver at the cost of your life...
And for this we sometimes feel embarrassed.

Severe faces soften smiles -
They are supposed to perform service on the holiday,
The road does not tolerate ignorance or mistakes.
There is a sign - please slow down.
Congratulations to you, traffic police inspector,
We wish you health and personal well-being,
May your relatives be happy,
May your honor and courage please us.

The wheel spun, unknown road,
I'm far from home. I need help...
- "Good evening. Can't help? - The region is not ours...”
What luck, lucky! The whole crew...
Help, I skidded and punctured the tire.
What a miracle - instead of words, they push me a car,
Oh, thanks! That's it...
Happy traffic police holiday, inspectors!

Our beautiful city, wonderful houses -
Inspectors stand on their “horse”,
Everything is quiet on the street, everyone is going on business,
And uncle in his “Fort”, and Madame in “Matis”...
On your holiday - traffic police, we always wish this -
May your service, like your life, be beautiful and easy.

Life happens - series: violators, chases.
When the whistle blows, you get up and, like in the movies: “On your horses!”
It became a matter of honor to figure out who sat down drunk,
And therefore I can tell you without flattery:
Congratulations on Traffic Police Day, work hard, dear ones,
After all, drivers are, let’s say... difficult people.
Someone immediately understands - it’s necessary, it means it’s necessary,
Well, someone will intimidate with the pope and the mandate...

I myself was once wrong.
I drove under the sign "40"
And he was angry that he was deprived of his rights,
He was very tough.
I remember my mistake,
that fixed everything in me...
I congratulate you on Traffic Police Day,
And I only drive by the rules...

Striped baton and blue shirt,
I'm used to seeing a traffic police inspector,
Stars on shoulder straps, a work cap,
- Hey, driver, be quiet, don’t drive too hard!
- Happy traffic police holiday! how can I not say...
Every driver should know it!

I want to say a few words
To brighten up the days of fasting,
I wish you good luck in your service,
Congratulations on Traffic Police Day!

I'm rushing along the highway to a meeting,
The sun is blinding me in the eyes,
Pretend I don't notice?
What if I meet you?
Well, at least smile on holiday,
You are also a person,
just kind of - turn away,
never forget you...
Congratulations - happy traffic police day!
- happiness, joy, love.

Summer sunny day
A boy is coming to visit
Then the inspector runs out,
With a stick - “Stop!” throws.
- “It’s okay, go ahead”
no need to say -
just don’t break it yourself,
to love inspectors...
Traffic Police Day, congratulations together -
We need to live in peace with them!

This is the job - to stand and watch,
Help on the road, what can I say...
After all, it is more useful than negative -
The Russian inspector is always objective.
And the car driver is afraid to argue,
When the speedometer shows more than “one hundred”.
Today, congratulate them and don’t hold a grudge -
Comrade inspector - happy traffic police day, from the bottom of my heart!

The driver has a gift to rush along the road,
The employee sees them through the radar lens.
It's useless to argue - don't give bribes,
You can get caught by the Criminal Code for this...
But today it’s strange - they’re going “excellent” -
Traffic police day is greeted somehow decently.

Traffic police inspectors are not hiding behind a bush,
The promotion will pass - look at the crusts,
Our Russian law is written for order,
It’s not worth going around the “jambs” furtively.
We would like to congratulate everyone who deserves it,
Happy Traffic Police Day, inspector - serve your homeland!

July is “diluted” with a holiday -
Today is traffic police day.
Congratulate all employees
They've arrived so far...
But it’s a working day, according to the regulations,
They are on duty as always,
For those who love risk and fun
It will be enough...

There is only a little time left until the end of the work shift,
He will never quit his post if there is no replacement yet.
Traffic Police Day is no exception,
Everyone is in uniform and keeps their eyes peeled,
Suddenly someone has adventures,
I wanted from the people...
Our inspector is strict and right -
This is what the law says, the charter.

Wheel, road, steering wheel,
Our traffic police patrol is coming,
Looking for those who violate
Those who don't know the rules
The holiday won’t save you either,
If you're a prankster.
Happy Traffic Police Day, guys!
More salary for you!

Strict in form and face -
Our inspector is a bookworm.
He is impudent, a scoundrel,
Knows how to answer “No.”
No - he doesn't take bribes,
And he knows the laws
Fine and gesture “under the visor” -
This is how it happens...
Happy traffic police day -
Take him as an example!!

We are more accustomed to understanding that the inspector is an “enemy of the people”
- “If only I could write a protocol, this is such a breed...”
And in your heart you understand that the law enforcement officer is right,
If you grossly violate, wait for the “guys” from the traffic police.
Happy holiday to you, inspector, always serve conscientiously,
We know that in Russia there are such people too.

I would like to look into your souls,
what's going on inside there?
On a summer day, in a cold winter,
Just keep an eye on the order.
On holiday you may not see
Delicious dishes, native smiles,
But you can help me avoid
Many fatal mistakes.

It's difficult for an orchestra conductor,
You deftly move everyone in a row,
Yes, your name is not maestro,
But everyone is listening, looking...
In the form issued by the traffic police,
You wave the stick “Do” and “RE”..
Everyone stood up for “one, two, three.”
Happy traffic police holiday!

We are used to inspectors -
We're going, looking along the way,
To know what to break,
We need to calculate the traffic police.
"Stop!" - gotcha, damn it,
- Sorry, I didn’t notice...
Very opportunely - Happy Traffic Police Day!

Amazing service -
In the cold, in the wind and in the heat,
How can you endure everything?
I don't understand you at all.
Congratulations as always:
Happy Inspector's Day!

I want to wish you all -
You are track nurses.
Like no one else, you are familiar
Road decorations.
I wish you less reckless people
Calm drivers
So that our lives are protected,
And they were all worthy!

Excellent inspector
Stands and looks
Like someone on the highway
It flies under "200".
Razor tape - stop the reckless driver,
For this I wish you what I want:
To be with a smile, always “well done!”
So that the children are proud of their father's work.

For a festive dinner

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