Draw feelings. Sand ceremony and sand show at a wedding

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All newlyweds try to make their wedding original and beautiful. They include in the celebration scenario not only old, proven customs, but also new ones, which are also filled with meaning and symbolism. One of these rituals is the sand ceremony at a wedding; this article will explain what it is and how to carry it out.

Origins of the tradition

The sand ceremony originated in the West and has long been practiced not only as a wedding ceremony, but also in many other cases. Hawaii is the birthplace of this beautiful tradition. Weddings were held directly on the beach, where you could see sand of an unusual color. The sand ceremony gained its greatest popularity in America in the 90s. It was then that she could be found at every second wedding. In our country, such a custom is considered new, but no less interesting. What kind of ritual is this, what is its description and how to organize the action correctly?

Newlyweds must prepare in advance the wedding accessories required for the sand ceremony:

  1. You will need two glass, transparent vessels for the bride and groom. They should be long and narrow. Sand of different colors is poured into them.
  2. You need one large vase or any transparent container for mixing multi-colored sand. It can be of any shape: round, heart-shaped or rectangular. It is better that the neck be narrow, because after the sand ceremony the container is closed with a cork and after the wedding it is sent to a permanent storage place in the house of the young couple.
  3. Sand of different colors is needed. You can use only two shades, one for the bride, the other for the groom. In the store you can buy a ready-made set of bulk material. If you have no idea where to get sand for the ritual, then you can create it yourself. To do this, ordinary sand is mixed with crushed colored chalk of the desired shade.
  4. A funnel for pouring sand may be useful if the neck of the vessel is very narrow and it is not possible to move the material carefully.

Process Basics

The task of the newlyweds and the host at the wedding is to think through the scenario of the evening. You need to agree on how to perform the ritual and when. The sand ceremony will fit perfectly into the concept of the entire celebration and become its highlight. The words of the presenter should explain to the guests the essence of the tradition and why it is needed. He will tell you the designation of such an action. After all, not everyone knows why a sand ceremony is held and what it symbolizes.

From guests, in turn, maximum attention and contemplation of what is happening is required. You should not postpone the ceremony until the end of the wedding, but, on the contrary, organize it at the very beginning. During the ritual, pleasant music can be played, which will only add romance to the action. A special impression will be made by a live orchestra that will accompany the process of pouring sand.

Newlyweds at a wedding can pour sand at the same time or one at a time. In the first case, you get a chaotic pattern that can look interesting. And in the second, more ordered longitudinal lines emerge. Some couples have a wedding sand ceremony with their parents. So, 6 people participate in the process, each of whom pours sand of a certain color into the main vessel.

The sand ceremony is not only a spectacular and impressive ritual, but also symbolic. It is aimed at connecting two people in love and creating a single whole.

Selecting sand color

If you use a large number of shades, you need to know the meaning of the colors:

  • green – responsible for harmony in the family;
  • red - will fill hearts with love;
  • purple – promises romance;
  • blue - relieves anxiety and uncertainty;
  • yellow - will create home comfort and warmth;
  • orange - will bring joy to everyday life;
  • blue - allows you to dream;
  • emerald - will add wealth;
  • white – symbolizes the beginning and purity of relationships.

Patterns made from light pink and blue shades of sand look especially romantic. They act as a symbol of masculine and feminine principles. The combination of purple with gold and deep blue with emerald looks great. You may not even know the color of the sand, what it means, but the main thing is to combine the shades correctly so that together they create a beautiful pattern.

Little tricks

  1. Before the wedding, newlyweds often wonder where to buy colored sand. You can find it in art or florist stores, or order it online. Here you can also purchase special dishes for the ceremony, and colored sand will be given as a gift.
  2. If you can’t find ready-made colored powder, then you should think about what you can replace sand with. Some people use regular salt, which is pre-ground and colored themselves.
  3. Individual vessels can be interestingly labeled with a makeshift wedding veil on one and a butterfly on the other.
  4. The main vase should also have a distinctive sign. This could be an engraving of the capital letters of the young or the family coat of arms, if there is one. You can decorate accessories with rhinestones, ribbons and bows.
  5. Photos from a wedding against the backdrop of a vessel with multi-colored sand turn out to be incredibly beautiful. Therefore, it is important not to forget about the services of a photographer and videographer, and to capture the mesmerizing action on film.

The romantic wedding ritual “Sand Ceremony” has gained great popularity at wedding celebrations in Western countries. At the sand ceremony, sand of two colors is symbolically poured into one common beautiful glass vessel.

The meaning of the ritual is the unity of two kindred souls who have found each other in our vast world. Just as two handfuls of sand are united into a single whole, so newlyweds unite their destinies into a single indivisible marriage union.

It is impossible to imagine any wedding celebration without many congratulations, gifts, sincere wishes and traditional rituals.

Recently, celebrations have been supplemented with another romantic ritual - an original and beautiful sand ceremony. At the wedding, the text of the host accompanies this unusually touching spectacle with beautiful and heartfelt words.

An elegant sand ceremony as a symbol of the union of two different destinies into a single whole is perfect for a wedding celebration, regardless of the style and form of the celebration.

Externally, the ritual of the sand ceremony consists of pouring two multi-colored streams of sand from different small containers into a large single container.

The result of this action is a multi-colored design with a beautiful pattern of multi-colored grains of sand.

Not only the bride and groom, but also close relatives of the newlyweds can be involved in conducting a beautiful ritual of unity, which contributes to the harmonious unification of all new family members. The venue for the sand ceremony is both an indoor wedding hall and an open area.

Unlike wedding ceremonies with lit candles, this beautiful wedding ritual does not depend on climatic conditions and can be performed in any weather. For greater solemnity and entertainment, the sand ceremony is best held at the beginning of the wedding before the start of fun competitions and wedding games.

In a common transparent container, a multi-colored pattern of uniform stripes is obtained, which is considered a symbol of the indivisible unity and strength of the newlyweds’ family union.

List of items

Carrying out a wedding sand ceremony will require the following details:

  1. A transparent tall vessel with a square or round shape, or a beautiful bottle with a screw cap will do. The transparent container in the shape of a heart has an original look.
  2. Glasses or jugs with a spout for the bride and groom. Any container of elongated and narrow shape can be used.
  3. Sand of two colors, separately for each newlywed. The shade of sand is chosen depending on the overall color scheme of the wedding.
  4. The table at which the wedding ceremony will take place.
  5. Funnel or watering can. You can take an ordinary funnel, made of plastic, and cover it with golden paint from a small aerosol spray can.

For the sand ceremony, all objects must be beautiful and elegant, especially vessels with sand. A beautiful vessel is placed on the table into which the newlyweds will pour colorful sand. You can lay a lace napkin or a snow-white tablecloth under it.

Musical accompaniment and poetic solemn text by the presenter will serve as a magical backdrop for a wonderful sand ceremony.


The ritual is carried out in the following order:

  1. The wedding host, according to a pre-prepared script, begins the ceremony with a story about the history and meaning of the wedding ceremony, its traditions and demonstrates a transparent glass vessel for pouring sand from two vessels of the newlyweds.
  2. The bride and groom receive personal transparent glass containers in the form of glasses, jugs and other similar containers filled with colored sand.
  3. The presenter invites the groom to pour the first portion of colored single-color sand into a common vessel.
  4. After the groom, it is the bride’s turn to pour sand of a different shade into a common vessel.
  5. When performing a ritual in an open area, you can recommend that the bride and groom pour sand directly from their palms. In this case, the sand ceremony will look most natural and beautiful.

By filling the glass vessel one by one, the newlyweds create a uniform, beautiful pattern of stripes of multi-colored sand.

The proposed alternate order of pouring sand can be replaced with a simultaneous action. In this case, you will get an even more interesting sand pattern.

Text for the presenter

At the beginning of the sand ceremony, the host addresses the newlyweds with the following words;

“Dear newlyweds! Before you met, each of you lived your own separate life, and you didn’t even know about each other’s existence. But then a miracle happened - you met, and strong true love changed and made you one indivisible whole.

Your decision to be together proves the power of true Love. Treat each other with kindness, respect the strengths of your partner, and surround your loved ones with tender care.

Be able to understand the weaknesses of each of you, now you will laugh together and console each other at the time of life's difficulties. With this beautiful and touching ceremony, you bring together your desires, thoughts and your lives. After all, family is the place where you are always welcome and loved sincerely and truly.

To consolidate your decision as a symbol of strong love when connecting two different lives into a single whole, I invite the bride and groom to hold a sand ceremony.

In front of you are placed on the table three beautiful crystal vessels with multi-colored sand:

  • white sand symbolizes the beginning of your relationship;
  • pink sand - as a symbol of the bride’s feminine tenderness;
  • The blue tint is considered a symbol of the groom’s reliable male support.

Our sand ceremony begins at the beginning of your relationship - with white sand, a symbol of purity and innocence. I appeal to you, newlyweds, with a request to take a vessel with white sand and pour part of its contents into a common transparent vase.”

The ceremony continues with the words of the host: “Now the bride and groom add a little sand of their individual color. And as a symbol of the union of two individuals and great love, I invite you, dear newlyweds, to pour multi-colored sand one by one from your vessels. Finally, I add a final layer of white sand, which now represents you as an indivisible and unified whole.”

After these words, the host raises a transparent vase for all the wedding guests to see.

The sand ceremony ends with the words: “As we see, even when moved, colored sand can move and mix, but nothing can force the grains of sand to separate.

They are now united into a single harmonious indivisible whole. Dear newlyweds! May your love be so strong and eternal, and may your destinies be linked together and never separate, like this sand in your common vessel!”

After these words, the presenter offers the newlyweds: “Your first common vessel will serve as a talisman of family happiness. I propose to seal this symbol of strong love with a cork forever.”

The host closes the vessel and ends the ceremony with the words: “I invite the newlyweds to seal the completed sacrament with a tender and strong kiss. Bitterly!"

A very touching sand ceremony:

The touching and romantic sand ceremony, so common in foreign countries of Europe and America, is gaining increasing popularity in our country. Would you like to have such an unusually beautiful ceremony at your wedding?

This ceremony came to our country not so long ago, but quickly became popular among newlyweds. This is explained by the fact that the sand ceremony symbolizes the union of loving hearts forever.

Sand ceremony at a wedding video.

It is known that initially the ceremony was carried out not with sand, but with candles. After consolidation of the marriage, the newlyweds, holding hands, lit a small candle. She was a symbol of the fact that from that moment two loving hearts became one. But since the candle burned out quickly, it was replaced by sand. The ceremony with him is much more spectacular and longer in time.

Words, text for the sand ceremony. We are writing a script for the show.

Up until this point, you were different people. Once upon a time you didn’t even know each other, you were on your own, like two different vessels, each of which is full on its own. But on the day you met, everything changed. Together you spent many happy moments, you learned to love each other, respect, accept each other as you are, and sometimes forgive.

Sometimes it seemed that there was too much haste and fuss in your life. But it turns out that completeness may not be complete. And now, it's time to change everything. By creating your family, you have united your lives into one, and for this union to be complete, you must pass on a piece of yourself to each other.

There are two vessels in front of you (the newlyweds pick up vessels with sand). One represents you (the groom), everything you were before you met your lover, who you are now, and who you will become in the future. The second vessel represents you (the bride), everything you were before you met your chosen one, who you are now, and who you will become in the future.

Sand is a symbol of time, its fragility and inevitability of flow. It is believed that sand is able to retain and transmit positive energy. Therefore, I ask you, while this sand is pouring in, creating a “picture of your love,” tell him about all the brightest and most intimate feelings that united your hearts today (the bride and groom begin to pour sand into the vessel). Look, these grains of sand are poured into the vessel chaotically, but they create an original pattern. And this drawing cannot be repeated, just as it is impossible to copy the happiness of our young married couple. Having mixed, the two colors of sand formed a single and harmonious whole!

Just as these individual grains of sand cannot separate and return to their vessels again, so may the love and connection between you be unbreakable. Keep this vessel as evidence of the wonderful feeling that united you today. And let the energy of the “picture of love” always charge you with positivity. We wish you long and happy years of marriage!” source.

How is everything going?

Young people take part in the ceremony. Each of them should have a vessel with sand of a different color. It is better if the container is oblong and narrow. The lovers' task is to pour sand from their vase into a common vessel. They do it in different ways. Some people like to sprinkle in small portions, one at a time. Sand poured in this way into a common vase will not look very impressive. But if you pour it in large portions, alternating each other, then a beautiful striped outline will form in your common vase. Believe me, it's very spectacular.

The entire ritual should be carried out slowly, with comments from the toastmaster regarding your actions. So that everyone around you understands that this ceremony symbolizes your past, your present and your common happy future.

And let's discuss a little about the vessels and sand for the ceremony.

What will you need and where to buy?

You will need three vessels. For the bride and groom - the same size, and the common vessel should be large and especially beautiful. It should have a narrow neck that closes. This is necessary so that the sand does not shake and spoil the unique pattern you have made.

You can find such a vessel on the Internet. Or, as an option, you can use a bottle of expensive alcoholic beverage. When choosing sand, pay attention to the fact that it should be of a fine fraction. Try to find one in florist shops or, again, on the Internet.

Valeria Zhilyaeva

Every newlyweds plan their wedding so that it remains in the memory of friends and family for a long time. Nowadays it is difficult to surprise those present at a wedding with anything, so new traditions and rituals that are unusual for our country are coming into fashion. One of these rituals is the sand ceremony at a wedding.

In the West, the ritual with colored sand has already become traditional. From a practical point of view, it consists of pouring sand of two or more shades into a beautiful container. What is the meaning of this action? Let's try to figure it out.

The symbolism of the sand ceremony

To put it in one word, the meaning of a wedding sand ceremony is unification. The point here is that two lifes men and women merge into one. It is almost impossible to separate the mixed sand, which also brings a certain symbolism to the ritual.

The meaning of the ceremony is the inseparability of the two halves after marriage

Another meaning of the ritual is time connection, prepared by fate for two, into one. The sand here is identified with years of life, and the lovers seem to promise to love and remain faithful to each other forever.

Photo of a sand ceremony at a wedding

The ritual with sand was borrowed recently, but it is already very popular in Russia. The ceremony can be held anywhere, including outdoors, which cannot be said about the usual ritual at home.

A tradition was born with sand poured into one container in Hawaii. Residents of this sunny country perform a sand ceremony standing on the ocean shore to the sound of the surf. Over time, the idea was picked up by American couples, and then Europe and other countries.

How is a sand wedding ceremony performed?

The ritual is performed using three vessels and sand of two colors. Two small vessels are filled with sand of different shades for the bride and groom. One large vessel remains empty - the newlyweds will pour the colored contents of the other two containers into it.

For a common vessel, choose a transparent vase, a special photo frame or an hourglass

It is desirable that the selected total capacity has wide neck for ease of falling asleep. It looks more interesting if, instead of a regular vessel, you use a hollow photo frame, an hourglass, or an unusually shaped vase.

Sand is poured by husband and wife into a common vessel at the same time or one by one. It's better to use the second option. Then, as a result, a unique pattern is formed in the vessel. After the ceremony, you should handle the filled container more carefully. It is important not to mix the grains of sand with each other during transportation, so as not to disturb the unusual pattern.

Hourglass for wedding ceremony

Parents and other close relatives of the bride and groom can take part in the sand ceremony. In this case, the solemn ceremony takes on a different meaning - two families unite in one.

The main attribute of the ceremony is colored sand for the wedding ceremony. Be sure to choose two different shades, each of them symbolizes the bride and groom.

After the ceremony, the couple receives a unique piece of furniture that can be kept throughout their lives. It is worth noting that this new sand ceremony is suitable not only for a wedding, but also for an anniversary or a child's birthday.

Watch the video of the sand ceremony at the wedding.

How to make a sand ceremony unique?

Adding personality to the sand ceremony will help engraving on vessels. This is by no means the only way.

Use sand from a memorial site to make the ritual more meaningful for the two of you.

If you use grains of sand from your couple's memorable place, you will need do the coloring yourself. To do this you will need:

  • sand;
  • water;
  • gouache, food or fabric dyes.

It's easy to color:

  1. To do this, the sand is pre-washed and dried.
  2. After this, it must be poured into a deep container or plastic bag.
  3. The selected dye is slightly diluted with water (to the consistency of a thick sauce).
  4. Then, the prepared sand must be thoroughly mixed with the dye until the desired shade is achieved.
  5. To complete the staining procedure, the sand is laid out on paper.
  6. To speed up the process, you can dry the finished material in the oven or microwave.

Attributes for holding a sand ceremony

Sand can be replaced for coarse salt or grains of glass. The main thing is to decide on the color. Someone chooses a shade in accordance with the design colors of the entire event. However each color has yours meaning, so there may also be symbolism hidden in this.

To select a shade, use the following information about the meaning of shades:

  • red is the passionate color of fire and energy, symbolizing beauty;
  • yellow – the optimistic color of sunlight and warmth, characterized by joy and positive emotions;
  • purple is the color of harmony and wisdom of life;
  • orange is a warm and cozy color of creation;
  • blue – symbolizes fidelity;
  • green is a fresh and harmonious color of renewal;
  • blue is a calm shade of peace and relaxation.

As a result of the ceremony, the young family will receive an original souvenir to decorate the interior and at the same time a symbol of strength and unity.

It is important to choose a beautiful vessel that the newlyweds will fill with colorful contents. As a rule, a heart-shaped container with a wide neck is selected for this purpose. Hourglasses and frames are also popular.

Vessel after the sand ceremony

The price of a wedding sand ceremony will not exceed 3000-3500 rubles. The cost of the vessels is on average 2000-2500 rubles, and colored sand will cost 350-400 rubles per bag. You can save money by painting it yourself.

Some couples surprise guests not with a ceremony, but with sand animation for their wedding. What is meant by this, look at the video.

Holding a sand ceremony is a great way to surprise your guests and make your wedding memorable. As a result, the young family will receive a beautiful piece of furniture that will remind the spouses of a happy wedding day.

31 May 2018, 19:57

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