As in the maternity hospital they prepare for childbirth. Preparing for the hospital

Antipyretics for children are prescribed by a pediatrician. But there are emergency situations for fever in which the child needs to be given medicine immediately. Then the parents take responsibility and use antipyretic drugs. What is allowed to be given to infants? How can you bring down the temperature in older children? What are the safest medicines?

In order to feel confident, not panic, behave correctly in the hospital and be able to help herself in case of unpleasant sensations, a woman in labor must have a good idea of ​​what awaits her. during childbirth... A mother-to-be needs to know how not to miss the beginning of labor, when to go to the hospital, what documents and things will be required for hospitalization, how to behave correctly during contractions and attempts, what and why specialists do during obstetrics.

To meet this process "fully armed", modern women, long before the end of pregnancy, begin to seriously prepare for childbirth... Some study special medical literature, others subscribe to magazines for pregnant women, and still others look for information on the vast expanses of the Internet. During pregnancy, many attend courses for expectant parents, master the techniques of self-anesthesia and active behavior in childbirth, write detailed notes that display the main stages of each stage of childbirth.

However, the majority of women who crossed the threshold of motherhood complain that at the most crucial moment all the accumulated knowledge disappeared at once and, despite the large-scale theoretical training, the first contractions still caught them by surprise. There is a common saying: “It's useless to prepare - during childbirth you will forget everything anyway. " Of course, this statement is not true; this is how those who are lazy or are simply afraid to learn something about childbirth in advance justify themselves. And yet there is some truth in this statement: how not get ready for childbirth, the beginning of this process will still be associated with natural excitement, in which all the acquired knowledge can get confused in the head.

Suppose the expectant mother had the first "suspicious" sensations: her back aches, her stomach strains, and liquid discharge from the genital tract appears. At this moment, many thoughts appear in her head at the same time, based on the information received about childbirth; however, these thoughts are sometimes very contradictory - after all, in the courses and in special literature, different options for the onset of childbirth were analyzed. So where to start: call your doctor, husband or ambulance? What if this is a false alarm? What is the best way to behave now during "sensations": try to relax or immediately apply pain relief techniques? Count the contractions or go straight away? Which is better now - lie down, sit down or walk? Where are the documents? Have you collected the necessary things and do you need to take them all with you at once? - It is extremely inconvenient to look for answers to these questions during fights, rummaging in a pile of magazines or thick notes from courses.

Meanwhile, there is a wonderful way to help during onset of labor avoid fuss and excitement, do not make mistakes and do not forget anything. This method is absolutely accessible and surprisingly simple: you need to compile a "cheat sheet" on the behavior in advance during childbirth... It should be clear and concise, without abstruse medical terms and lengthy explanations. In a cheat sheet, as in a memo for a young fighter, you need to summarize, point by point, the necessary actions for each stage of childbirth, from the very first sensations to the moment of transfer to the postpartum ward.

For example, how to behave at the beginning, depending on how you feel, when to call the doctor, when to go to the hospital, what documents to take with you and where they are, what to wear and what to take with you, etc.

Any expectant mother can easily make such a note; class notes and articles for future parents are perfect for this. In order for the instruction to be practical, you need to try to imagine that the described situation is unfolding at the very moment, and write down the questions that may arise in this regard. Having identified the main questions, you need to find clear and comprehensive answers to them in authoritative sources (popular literature for future parents or lectures from courses) and write them down on paper. Then you need to edit the resulting notes so that they are concise enough, while remaining comprehensive and understandable. You need to write a "cheat sheet" in advance (no later than the 36th week); having written a draft, it is good to show it to the doctor in the antenatal clinic or the lecturer from the courses in order to eliminate the possibility of errors and, possibly, add something. After the memo is drawn up, it should be placed in a prominent place in the house, for example, attached with magnets to the refrigerator or a button to the wall in the room. The best solution is to make several copies of the cheat sheet; keep one at home in a conspicuous place, put the other in your purse along with the necessary documents (in case the onset of labor catches you outside the home), and give the third to your husband (so that he, too, has a guide to action and can tell you how to behave).

Getting ready for childbirth: an action plan

You can draw up a plan of action during fights as follows:

Contractions appeared- compare three adjacent contractions and two intervals between them. Real contractions should be at regular intervals no more than 10 minutes. If the intervals are not the same or more than 10 minutes, the contractions are not painful and nothing bothers you, you can stay at home and watch if they become more frequent. You can behave freely (eat, walk, sleep, take a bath, pack things). Breathe calmly during contractions.

Check documents- passport, photocopy of passport, compulsory medical insurance policy, photocopy of the policy, exchange card, generic certificate (if any), voluntary medical insurance policy (with a contract for childbirth).

Check things to take with you:

  • bag "for childbirth": still water, wet wipes, lip balm, thermal spray, shirt, bathrobe, washable slippers (you can add the list in accordance with the requirements of the selected maternity hospital);
  • things for the husband (when choosing a partner delivery): washable slippers, clean socks, a medical suit.

Regular contractions every 10 minutes or more -

  • call an ambulance;
  • call your husband or mother (for convenience, at this point, you can write down the phone numbers of the doctor, "ambulance for childbirth", the husband's mobile number).

You can go to the hospital by ambulance or by your own car. From now on, try not to sit on a hard surface, eat or drink. Breathe calmly during a contraction, and behave freely between contractions. You can walk, lie down, sit on the ball. In a passenger car - sit in the back seat in a position lying on your side or reclining on your back.

Leaking water

  • call the doctor (with individual management of childbirth);
  • call an ambulance;
  • call your husband or mom.

Go to the hospital regardless of whether there are contractions; you can go by ambulance or by your own car. Use a sterile sanitary napkin for postpartum discharge. Before the arrival of the ambulance team, lie down, do not eat or drink; in your car, sit in the back seat on your side or reclining on your back.

Severe abdominal pain, headache, vomiting, bloody discharge from the genital tract, general deterioration of health - urgently to the hospital; only on the ambulance!

In the admission department - call the doctor (with individual management of childbirth), change shoes, take off outerwear, take all documents (passport + copy, compulsory medical insurance policy + copy, exchange card, birth certificate or contract policy - if any) and go inside without queuing. Staff actions: the midwife fills out the card, measures blood pressure, pulse, temperature, height and weight, gives consent to hospitalization, calls a doctor. The doctor looks at the couch or chair, listens to the fetal heartbeat, does an ultrasound scan (if necessary). After examination, the midwife takes blood from a finger, shaves the perineum, makes an enema, takes it to the toilet, then to the shower and to the maternity ward.

In the ward - CTG recording (you can lie or sit on the ball - ask the doctor) and re-examination. If you are allowed to get up, you can walk around the ward, look for comfortable positions, sit on the ball. If you can't get up, lie on your side.

Painful contractions- during the fight, choose a comfortable position, relax as much as possible, do a massage, use anesthetic breathing. The options are worth describing separately. Rest between contractions, breathe calmly. Talk to your doctor about the need for medication pain relief.

I want to push- call a doctor; during a contraction, breathe frequently through the mouth ("doggy") so as not to start pushing ahead of time. If they are allowed to get up, choose a vertical or semi-vertical pose; if you can't get up, lie on your side, lifting yourself up on your elbow and bending your knees. Relax all muscles as much as possible, monitor your breathing. Between contractions, lie down, breathe calmly; rinse your mouth, freshen up with a thermal spray.

Attempts- push only when allowed. For the fight, push three times; before trying to take a deep breath with your mouth, hold your breath, press your chin to your chest and strain your abs as much as possible. After trying, on command, exhale smoothly with a half-open mouth. Relax between contractions, breathe calmly.

Breathing during childbirth

Contractions Breath Poses Movement Massage
Short, not painful, more than 10 minutes apart "Belly": slowly inhale through the nose and exhale through the mouth Any Rotating or wiggling the pelvis Not needed
Uncomfortable, interval 5-10 minutes Inhale through the nose for 3 counts, exhale through the mouth for 7 counts Everything, except for sitting on a firm, can be kneeled, squatted, on a ball - without pressure on the crotch Walking, bending, turning Small of the back
Painful, interval 3-5 minutes "Candle": frequent, superficial, inhalation through the nose, exhale through the mouth Standing on hands, on all fours, squatting, on a fitball Swaying, arching? /? Arching the back, shifting from one foot to the other Loins, lower abdomen, inner thighs
Painful, every 2 minutes "Engine": inhale through the nose, exhale through the mouth, at the beginning of the contraction, breathing is calm, as the pain intensifies, it becomes more frequent and forced, and as the pain subsides, it gradually evens out Sitting on a ball, lying on its side in bed, standing on all fours Wiggle Loins, lower abdomen, inner thighs, groin fold
There was a desire to push "Doggy": frequent superficial, inhalation and exhalation through the mouth Ask a doctor (lying on your side, standing with support on your hands or on a ball) Wiggle Small of the back

Postpartum examination- the doctor looks at the chair of the birth canal for ruptures; try to relax the pelvic muscles as much as possible, breathe calmly.

After childbirth- we stay for two hours in the delivery unit under the supervision of the medical staff. Do not get up or sit down, keep ice on your stomach, try not to fall asleep; rest.

On the reverse side of the "cheat sheet" it is advisable to draw up a short plate on the methods of self-anesthesia, in which you can schematically reflect the postures, movement and massage options for the main stages of childbirth, as well as describe the types of breathing during contractions.

Of course, this is just a rough outline of the "childbirth cheat sheet". The plan can be changed and supplemented at your own discretion - the main thing is that it takes into account all the essentials for you and at the right time it is at your fingertips!

Childbirth ... most expectant mothers panic at this one word. And all thanks to the numerous "girlfriends" and completely unnecessary creepy movie frames. But the devil is not so terrible as he is painted. You just need to know what to prepare for and how to behave in a given situation, keeping your head cold. So, what is the preparation for childbirth?

Forewarned is forearmed. First, put everything you think you know about childbirth out of your head. What is shown in the films is wrong. What your acquaintances tell you is either exaggerated or happened due to the fact that they were not prepared. But you will prepare yourself, which means that this will not happen to you!

It is not at all necessary that you will give birth for 15 hours and endure hellish pains, which then turn into ruptures. Did you know that a small percentage of women are able to have an orgasm during childbirth? If you set yourself up for the best, then 50% of the job is already done. Remember, our thoughts are material.

Let's start with the fact that childbirth, like pregnancy, is an absolutely natural process. In the wild, it is carried out without external control, and humans are also originally part of the wild. 365 thousand babies are born in the world every day. You are not the first, you are not the last!

Preparing for childbirth: signing up for a fitness club

This step should be done as early as possible, but only after your doctor has given the go-ahead for it. Of course, we are not talking about a gym (although someone does), but just about special gymnastics for pregnant women and swimming in the pool. During labor, certain muscles are strained, and if they are not trained, then pains, breaks, and long subsequent recovery are possible.

In gymnastics, you will be taught to do special Kegel exercises to strengthen your pelvic floor muscles. With them, they will gain elasticity, thanks to which they will calmly stretch during childbirth, and then quickly recover. The exercises are quite simple, you can safely do them at home every day before bed, for example. By the way, if you train these muscles regularly, your husband will definitely appreciate it!

Swimming in the pool is an excellent breathing exercise for both mother and her baby. Therefore, it is so important to swim correctly, diving and holding your breath. This is direct preparation for childbirth! The baby gets used to the temporary lack of oxygen supply, therefore, during labor, this fact will not scare him. Of course, such training should be carried out under the guidance of an experienced instructor, at least at the beginning.

Preparing for childbirth: choosing a maternity hospital

The second step can be done as soon as you go on maternity leave - you need to choose a place where you and your baby will see each other for the first time! Will it be a maternity hospital at the place of residence, or some other. Whether you're having a contract birth or a casual birth. Or maybe there is some kind of golden doctor you would like to see? Start collecting information from your pregnancy doctor. Go to the forum, ask your friends for advice. The determining factors in the choice will be your personal wishes and material capabilities.

Not all cities of Russia have such a service as contract delivery. Not all cities of Russia have civilian maternity hospitals with polite and courteous staff. Be prepared for this initially! And try to understand them: it is enough just to compare what flow of women in labor passes through them every day and how much they receive for it. And every mommy asks the same questions. And if different people come up to you every day and ask the same thing, what would you like to answer after a month of such a routine? We smile, do not be rude, we accept everything as it is. After all, you will not stay in the hospital, and you have something more important than all negative emotions put together - a little bundle of happiness!

Preparing for childbirth: choosing a ward

Find out in advance if there are joint wards in the maternity hospital of your choice. In an ordinary state maternity hospital there are general wards in which there are N number of newly-made mothers. With a large admission, women even lie in the corridor. Their newborn babies lie with them on the floor in the pediatrics department, where they are looked after: swaddled, changed diapers, fed with formula. By the hour they bring mothers to breastfeed them. But it's free! However, there are disadvantages of such a stay: these are conditions, and the absence of a baby nearby, and breastfeeding only by the hour, and this does not contribute to milk production.

What is a joint chamber and why is it good? Good wards are paid, the cost per day is about 1000-1500 rubles. (depends on the region). Double or quadruple, with their own shower and toilet and a good renovation. In such a ward, you stay together with the child from the first day of his life. Yes, sleepless nights! But in any case, they will be the first time, is there any point in a three-day delay? This is where the cons end. If this is your first baby, then where else can you learn to work with him in a joint ward? Under the supervision of the whole department of pediatrics! They will bring you a baby, show you how to swaddle, tell you everything, everything, just prepare a list of questions for them. Where, if not in the hospital, you can ask the question "Why is he crying?" go to qualified doctors, and not rush around the apartment in a hustle and bustle? In addition, when the baby is around, you can apply it to your breast as much as you like. And this, by the way, also needs to be learned! Of course, which stay in the hospital to choose is up to you and only you! If you want to finally have a rest, sleep enough, why not?

Preparation for childbirth: sign up for childbirth preparation courses

This is a very desirable step, especially for those who are expecting their first baby. There you are in the company of like-minded people with a period approximately the same as yours, you will learn what is the essence of the process of generic activity. They will tell you about the harbingers of childbirth, about the process of childbirth itself, about how to prepare the uterus and intimate area, how to overcome contractions and not be afraid to give birth.

Harbingers of childbirth

The first thing you will learn in these courses is what are the harbingers of childbirth. In other words, by what signs can one determine that childbirth will begin soon.

  1. Periodic pain occurs about a month before the birth of a baby.
  2. Lowering the abdomen. There is no exact timeframe for how much before childbirth the belly should go down. In about 2 weeks, but for everyone, this process is purely individual. The belly sinks as the baby descends into the pelvic area, preparing to be born soon. In order to detect a lowering of the abdomen with an accuracy of the day, try the following simple trick. Go to the mirror, straighten up. Pay attention to where the navel touches the mirror. Stick a piece of scotch tape in this place, and every day, going to the mirror, note whether the sticker remains at the same level relative to the navel. In addition to lowering the abdomen, a tingling sensation in the pubic area is possible, associated with a constant increase in the pressure of the presenting part of the fetus.
  3. False contractions. They all start at different times, or they may not start at all. Many grab things and fly to the hospital with a bullet, confusing false contractions with true ones. And at the same time, it is very simple to distinguish one from the other: note the time of the duration of the contractions and the break between them. When true, the duration of the contraction increases, the interval between contractions is reduced. When false, these two indicators are absolutely chaotic. If this is the case, try taking a warm, relaxing shower or bath.
  4. A slight decrease in weight is possible in the last month of pregnancy by 1-2 kg. due to loss of appetite and possible gastrointestinal disturbance: the body seeks to get rid of everything unnecessary before childbirth.
  5. Discharge of the mucous plug, which reliably protected the baby from the moment of conception and until about 38 weeks of gestation. It can come out in parts over several days, or it can come out at once. It can be compared to a jellyfish in consistency, it is transparent, sometimes with red and brown streaks. Do not mix it up!
  6. Nesting Syndrome. Quite a subjective trait rooted in wildlife and animal instincts. On the eve of childbirth, a woman is attacked by the desire to check everything and recheck, whether everything has been bought, whether everything has been prepared. In a word, she builds a nest for herself!

Three stages of labor

The first is the disclosure period

The first period is divided into three stages: latent, active and deceleration phase.

  • The latent phase lasts 5-7 hours, the opening of the uterus at the end is 4 cm. Do not rush, at the first contractions calmly gather, you can go to the shower to wash, even sleep a little to gain strength. It is advisable to have a snack with some light food - it is not known when you will have to next time. When the interval between contractions is 10 minutes, it's time to go to the hospital (unless the doctor prescribes otherwise).
  • The active phase lasts up to 3 hours, the opening of the uterus at the end is 8 cm. The contractions are getting stronger, the interval between them is reduced to 4 minutes. If in the latent phase the amniotic bladder has not burst and the water has not left, then this can happen now.
  • In the deceleration phase, which lasts up to 1.5 hours, the uterus opens by 10 cm. The intensity of contractions is weakening, you cannot push now!

This scenario is very, very exemplary, all childbirth can proceed in their own way. It is also possible that the water began to leak before the contractions, or there was a premature rupture of the bubble. Change your clothes quietly, call an ambulance and wait calmly for her in a horizontal position.

Contractions will increase both in frequency and in intensity, the courses will definitely tell you how to overcome them, what to do at this moment. There are different breathing techniques ("dog", "horse" ...) designed to help. It used to be that women were forced to experience lying contractions, but in the modern world you can do anything - crawl, dance, swing on a fitball (they are in many maternity hospitals) - if only it helps you. Any of these actions with the use of breathing tactics will surely help you calmly survive the fight.

The second is the period of exile

Directly childbirth. It does not last as long as the first period - only 1-2 hours. Contractions come every 2-3 minutes, and with them the attempts - reflex contractions of the abdominal press, pelvic floor muscles, diaphragm. Now you need to clearly listen to the instructions of the midwives and only push when they tell you! No matter how much one would like, this cannot be done without a command in order to avoid gaps. But as soon as the command has sounded ... Push! Push for strength! Even if it will be very difficult, remember that it is much harder for the baby inside of you ... And worse! He simply cannot cope without you. Moreover, endure for a very short time, a little more and you will see it! When he is born, ask him to immediately attach him to the chest. And he is so calmer after the stress experienced, and a signal will sound in your body about the earliest possible milk production,

Third period - postpartum

The separation of the umbilical cord and the birth of the placenta, the period does not last long, a maximum of 30 minutes. After the baby is born, it will go away quickly and easily. It happens that doctors are forced to cut the perineum a little when the child is very large, for example. If this took place, then all the incisions are sutured, the newly-made mother is put ice on the lower abdomen.

Childbirth by caesarean section

Sometimes it happens that independent childbirth is impossible for some reason. It can be an abnormal presentation of the fetus, scars on the uterus left by old operations, multiple pregnancies ... Caesarean can be chosen without indications, but does it make sense? Only after passing through the birth canal, the baby will receive mother's antibodies and will be better protected from external influences in the first days.

But if you can't do without surgery, then don't worry. One light prick in the lumbar region, and you will no longer feel anything below the chest. And it's not scary, it's ... Exciting! There will be a screen between you and the doctors, therefore, of course, you will not see all the horrors. But when the shadow of your newborn baby falls on the screen, and you hear his cry ... You will be full of energy to experience these emotions to the fullest! The operation takes about half an hour, the scar will not be visible, and it will heal pretty soon. The postoperative period is already quite difficult. The anesthesia will gradually cease to work, and you will feel everything that has been done to you in these 30 minutes. And the scar, of course, can ache, but the hardest thing is to withstand the drip, which is given to everyone to contract the uterus. This is approximately akin to labor pains, except that the woman is bedridden and can only endure. However, it is not so long to endure: if you were cared for in the morning, then by the evening of the same day a formidable nurse will come to you and your neighbors and literally put you on your feet. The main thing is to take a prenatal (aka postnatal) bandage with you, then you will start walking confidently almost immediately. And the next day you can already be poisoned in the common ward, or even the ward of joint stay.

Preparing the uterus for childbirth

Pregnancy is an event carefully planned by Mother Nature. And the uterus itself perfectly prepares for childbirth throughout pregnancy. In the third trimester, her muscle tissue is replaced by collagen fibers, thanks to which she gains elasticity and the ability to stretch. According to these parameters, doctors determine the "maturity of the uterus and its cervix" optimal at 39 weeks of gestation. But it is not always mature and ready for labor, sometimes help is needed to avoid ruptures and a long subsequent recovery period.

Then doctors are forced to prescribe drugs and procedures that stimulate the maturation of the uterus. Antispasmodics are prescribed when immaturity is due to strong muscle tension - for example, No-shpu or Papaverine. In some cases, they even resort to cervical massage or nipple stimulation under the strict guidance of the medical staff.

Preparation of the cervix for childbirth is possible without medical intervention. For example, sex is usually prohibited in the last weeks of pregnancy. But the doctor can advise it in case of immaturity of the uterus due to the high content of prostaglandins in the semen. But be careful, because although all the necessary muscles of the perineum are trained thanks to orgasm, it is also capable of provoking labor.

If we talk about folk methods, then wild rose infusions, a decoction of strawberries or dried raspberry leaves are widespread. But you should also be careful with these drinks: not everyone needs to stimulate the ripening of the cervix, therefore even such seemingly safe drinks should be drunk only as directed by a doctor.

Occasionally, your doctor may advise you to take evening primrose oil. Due to the high content of fatty acids, the same prostaglandins are produced in the woman's body. And this, as we already know, has a beneficial effect on the maturation of the uterus and cervix.

The Kegel exercises we talked about earlier are great for preparing your pelvic floor muscles. The main thing is to do them regularly, and the result will not be long in coming.

Preparing the intimate area for childbirth

Birth preparation oil helps prevent unwanted tears, increases the elasticity of the vaginal tissues, its supporting muscles and the skin of the perineum. One of the most popular products known on the Russian market is Weleda oil for childbirth preparation. On its official website, the massage technique is described in detail, both independently and with the involvement of a partner.

Preparation for childbirth: psychological preparation

Even if the child is very desirable and planned, childbirth is frightening for expectant mothers. Not only the process itself is terrible, but also what will happen after them - this is a new life, in which it is no longer possible to take a step back. These changes are forever!

Try to think less about the upcoming changes anyway, at least in a negative way. The kid feels everything, remember this. Think about your new life in a joyful light or do not think at all, go about your current affairs - good, you have enough of them now. Make the most of your rest and sleep, indulge your whims in moderation. Take a walk, take care of yourself, your hobbies ... Yes, whatever, enjoy life while you have so much free time! Yes, very soon you will have a little crumb, and there won't be much time. But remember, it will not always be small, usually only the first year is difficult, and if you can organize your daily routine correctly, then it will be 1-3 months altogether. After all, this is quite a bit. And a child is for life, very soon he will pull his little hands to you, hug you tightly and say: "Mom, I love you!" If this is not the meaning of life, then what is it?

Preparing for childbirth: collecting things at the hospital

You have already decided on childbirth, you know everything or almost everything about childbirth, you are not at all afraid to give birth. There is very little left before the birth of the long-awaited baby, it's time to collect things in the hospital. Usually, the list hangs directly at the institution, in each they may differ slightly.

  • Most importantly, do not forget the paperwork such as passport, SNILS, exchange card, policy, generic certificate and exchange card.
  • For yourself, you will need to take a change of shoes, a pair of nightgowns (it is better to take them for breastfeeding right away), slippers and slates, hygiene items ... A book, a bottle of water, a light snack. If you take a joint room, then there is usually a separate refrigerator, your own toilet and shower, but you will not get there right away. First, the birth department, and with a cesarean section, an operating room, then a day in the intensive care unit. Therefore, you do not need to take things with you right away, ask your loved ones to bring them when you are transferred. You will also need postoperative pads, disposable panties (for convenience), disposable diapers - they are needed for doctor's examinations. Nowadays, ready-made kits for women in childbirth are sold, which have all the necessary components, but they come out more expensive than you will type separately.
  • Disposable diapers are also useful for a child (do not take a lot, in fact they are used repeatedly, and 1-2 will be enough for you), a small package of diapers (count about 7-8 pieces per day), and someone from let your loved ones bring you closer to business along with your clothes. If you plan on taking a shared room, you may also need a dummy and baby clothes if desired. In the maternity hospital, children are swaddled so that they lie like soldiers. Now there are active debates about whether it is harmful or not. Many mothers are against swaddling in general, if you are against it, take the clothes that you bought for the baby. If for - do not take anything, there are plenty of diapers.

The above is the main component of the list of any maternity hospital, they usually ask to bring it in the most ordinary packages, that is, they do not accept any bags at all! You can study in more detail on the website or within the walls of your chosen maternity hospital. Also, study the list of prohibited items, so that later you do not ask loved ones to bring something that the formidable nurse will immediately wrap up.

Now a few words about what is not in the lists of maternity hospitals, but will definitely come in handy for you.

  1. Breast pump. Better to take it right away, especially if you have opted for a split stay. It may not be useful. Or it may be such that milk will come unexpectedly, in large quantities and at night, when the nearest feeding is still far away. In this case, it is imperative to express it in order to avoid breast inflammation. It is very difficult and time-consuming to do it with your hands, because a breast pump is indispensable in this matter!
  2. Nipple cream to heal cracks. Breastfeeding is not an easy process, it needs to be learned, both for you and your baby. Breast cracks will be common at first, but breastfeeding can be torture if left untreated.
  3. Breast pads - as protection against milk leakage or from the same layer of cream for healing cracks.
  4. Bandage. There are prenatal bandages on sale that can be easily used after childbirth. Especially useful after a cesarean section, you can easily move around the next day after the operation. By the way, if you wear it constantly, at least for the first month, then the tummy will be drawn in faster.
  5. Powder, diaper cream - in case of a joint stay. It may not be useful, but it is better that it was.
  6. A book, a tablet and other entertainment, if you are not taking a joint room, where there will not be a minute of free time.

Preparation for childbirth: reviews

Definitely, it is necessary to prepare for childbirth. Do not neglect courses for pregnant women, even if you have had a planned cesarean section. There you will gather a lot of useful information not only about childbirth, but also about life after birth. You will do useful breathing exercises, gymnastics, you will meditate to calm music, feeling an ever-growing connection with your baby. Nobody regretted that they went to these courses and went to the hospital armed to the teeth! The main thing is to choose them correctly - the Internet and word of mouth will help you.

But who came to childbirth unprepared ... In a word, this is how rumors and fears are born! So you need to prepare for childbirth, not only by reading articles on the Internet, but also by going to gymnastics and courses! Be sure, if you tune in correctly, then you will remember the moment of meeting your baby with a smile.

Preparing for childbirth: video

Girls, I came across a very interesting article. If you master it completely, you can learn a lot! :) We all have lungs!

The body's readiness for childbirth

In the last 1.5-2 weeks of pregnancy, the preparation of the woman's body for the upcoming childbirth ends. This training covers all organs and systems, starting with the centers of higher nervous activity and ending with the executive organ - the uterus. The dominant of pregnancy is replaced by the dominant of childbirth, and the uterus is transformed from a fetus into an expelling organ.

The readiness of a woman's body for childbirth is characterized by a number of signs, the appearance of which indicates the possibility of the beginning of childbirth in the near future. The most pronounced changes occur in the genitals. In contrast to assessing the state of the central nervous system or hormonal status, which requires the use of special, as a rule, complex research methods, the diagnosis of the condition of the genital apparatus is carried out using conventional clinical methods of examining a pregnant woman and simple tests. These include: determination of the "maturity" of the cervix, oxytocin test, mammary test, cytological examination of vaginal smears.

Preparing for childbirth

You have passed everything and all you have to do is meet your child and bring him home, where you have prepared a cozy corner for him and where everyone has been waiting for him for so long. You have read many books, attended courses, consulted with friends and doctors, surfed the Internet, you know the whole theoretical part about childbirth. You are a little afraid to forget and confuse all this at the most important moment. Therefore, take the text below just as a cheat sheet, because the complete information is in books, courses, and other places. And this is a last-minute cheat sheet, so as not to rummage through a heap of texts. As a basis for this cheat sheet, I took the synopsis of an "experienced puerpera" given on one of the "popular" sites, so if you see familiar words - do not be surprised. And once again - you all know this very well. But if you still have fear and uncertainty, then the article can help you.

What can you do at home to prepare for childbirth and maternity hospital if you are going to it

Preparing the cervix for childbirth, softening the cervix

From 36 weeks - regular sex life without a condom. Sperm softens the neck, prepares it for childbirth. That is why a condom is essential during pregnancy itself.
- From 34 weeks, evening primrose oil in capsules - 1 per day, from 36 weeks - 2, from 39 - 3 capsules per day. Drink.

Preparing the skin of the perineum for stretching during labor and preventing tears and incisions of the perineum (episiotomy)

Massage the skin of the perineum using vegetable oil (regular, olive, wheat germ). Before the massage itself, warm up the skin (with a warm heating pad or warm bath). Dry and massage dry skin between the anus and the vagina from the outside with your hands, rubbing oil into it, pull the lower vaginal fornix down and to the sides. From 34 weeks - 2 times a week, from 38 - every day

Exercises for stretching the muscles and ligaments of the perineum:

Standing sideways to the back of the chair, put your hands on it and take your leg to the side as high as it is comfortable - 6-10 times for each leg.
- With the same emphasis, raise the leg bent at the knee to the tummy.
- Having spread your legs wide, slowly sit down and hold in this position for a few seconds, you can spring back. Get up slowly and relax. Can be repeated 3-5 times.
- Squat down, straighten one leg and set aside. Transfer weight from one leg to the other several times in a row. Stretching your arms forward will help maintain balance.

Everyday poses.

- "Pose of the tailor" - in a sitting position, cross your legs in front of you.
- "Butterfly" - while sitting, connect the heels and pull them to the crotch. You don't have to move your legs, just staying in this position, but most likely the "wings" will start dancing by themselves. It's great and won't stop us from watching TV, reading or peeling potatoes.
- “On your heels” - kneel, firmly connecting them, and smoothly sit back on your heels.
- "Frog" - being in the "on the heels" position, spread your legs and sit on the floor between the heels.
- in the "squatting" position: you can just squat, going about your business, or you can (you need to!) wash the floor squatting!
- You can go "single file" - from the kitchen to the room

Choose a position that is comfortable for yourself and change position as soon as it becomes tiring.

Preparing nipples for feeding

Prevention of cracked nipples and mastitis

Contrast shower that massages the nipples.
- Terry towel (rub gently).
- Air baths (walking more with open breasts).
- Gently pulling the nipples, forming an elongated shape - with your hands (your own) and with the help of your husband.
- Ice cubes from a decoction of oak bark.

It is not necessary to try hard in advance, because stimulation of the nipples causes uterine contractions.

Preparing for the hospital

What to agree with a doctor in advance:

How to give birth (how much you insist on natural childbirth, if there are relative indications for cesarean). Discuss the conditions under which the doctor considers the operation necessary, come to an agreement.

When to give birth (if caesarean is being discussed) - planned or start naturally.

When to go to the hospital (when the contractions begin, the waters will recede, the contractions will go on at certain intervals - which ones).

What anesthesia to use and in which case (for cesarean - general or epidural, for natural childbirth - standard medication sleep, pain relief, at your request, for the reasons of a doctor, no pain relief without serious indications - as you want)

The presence of relatives during childbirth. Husband, mother, friend, assistant, what should they take with them (change, change of clothes, food, drink), what will they be allowed to, can they massage you, hold your hand at any time, i.e. interfere with the staff, pick up the child first, cut the umbilical cord.

Stimulation of contractions - the introduction of oxytocin - and puncture of the fetal bladder. Under what conditions the doctor insists on carrying out, discuss not to be done prophylactically, if you do not want to.

Episiotomy (do you insist that it should not be done without emergency indications, or are you yourself interested in making everything faster and easier, because it is done just for this, like the previous point).

Sewing up with anesthesia - be sure to insist, this is the most painful procedure in childbirth.
- Attaching the baby to the breast and the first actions with him. When to cut the umbilical cord - immediately or after the cessation of pulsation (with Rh incompatibility is prohibited) and to whom. First, wash and weigh the baby or put it on your breast first. For how long to put, how much they will take away for washing, weighing and burying the eyes, where, when they will return - as you want!

There are no perfect standards for everyone, maybe you will be the first to want to sleep peacefully alone. If they take it to the nursery, whether to feed it there, add it, with the mixture that you bring or with the one that is there, whether it is possible with donor milk - all this can be discussed. If you are set up to feed on demand with separate placement, discuss so that they immediately carry to you, and not supplement the feeding. Is it possible to dress the child in home clothes.

Vaccinations. Hepatitis - whether to do in the hospital. If yes - only with imported vaccine - buy and bring.
- If you have a negative Rh factor - buy and bring anti-Rhesus D-immunoglobulin, discuss its introduction within 72 hours after delivery, the sooner the better.

What to take to the hospital?

  • passport;
  • exchange card;
  • delivery contract;
  • mobile phone and charging;
  • watch;
  • robe;
  • nightdress with ties in the front (it is convenient to use a regular men's shirt.) 2-3 pieces;
  • slippers (according to the requirements of some maternity hospitals, they must be washable. If not, then a second pair for the shower);
  • underpants;
  • Super gaskets;
  • anti-varicose knee socks / stockings / elastic bandages;
  • socks;
  • toothpaste and brush, comb, cream, toilet. paper, napkins, a sponge, baby soap, odorless antiperspirant (children are often allergic to their mother's deodorant and cream, and not at all to what she ate);
  • two towels;
  • plate, cup, spoon;
  • hygienic lipstick! (lips dry during childbirth);
  • hair clips, non-tight elastic bands;
  • bras (special model, or soft knitted, in which you can easily release the chest);
  • cream for cracked nipples - bepanten or lanolin;
  • disposable pads in a bra;
  • a breast pump, if the hospital does not rent it or you don’t want to:
  • bottled water, tea leaves, sugar, chewing gum;
  • thermos with a drink (rosehip infusion);
  • second thermos with shrinking and hemostatic herbs;
  • food: dried fruits, fruits, cookies;
  • small electric kettle;
  • paper, pen, book, player (or tape recorder to listen to with your child), cassettes with your favorite music;
  • camera;
  • blanket if winter;
  • night light - if only overhead lighting is provided in the wards;
  • Disposable diapers. You should not buy more than two packs in advance (in the first days in the hospital, about 10 diapers a day can be spent), since there may be a negative skin reaction to one or another model, and you can also choose the size only for the child. Even if the hospital offers their own diapers, it is better to immediately use the brand that you plan to use so that you do not have to change later;
  • Wet non-alcohol cleaning wipes;
  • Sliders are light - if the rules of the maternity hospital allow, then it is convenient to immediately dress the baby in your own clothes;
  • replacement shoes for your husband, if he will be with you;
  • food for her husband (bananas, sandwiches, water);
  • contact numbers of those you may need - a breastfeeding specialist, a doctor who supervised your pregnancy, a pediatrician. It is better to agree with him and the breastfeeding specialist in advance so that you know who to call in case of problems at the hospital.

How to prepare for childbirth

How to prepare for childbirth? This issue is of particular concern to expectant mothers who are about to have their first birth. Getting ready for childbirth in advance is very important. In order not to forget something in the rush and hectic departure to the hospital. Getting ready for childbirth is more than just packing a suitcase. Preparing for childbirth means choosing a maternity hospital, and meeting with a doctor who will take delivery, and taking courses. Both the mother-to-be and the father-to-be need to prepare for childbirth. So that at the right moment he knows what to do when, what to get where and what when and where to carry (carry).

About two or three weeks before giving birth, check if you have everything prepared for the birth for yourself and for the birth, for the baby. If you have already chosen a maternity hospital or agreed with a personal doctor, find out in more detail the list of things recommended in this maternity hospital for mom and baby. Some maternity hospitals indicate what you need to take with you, others issue all sick leave. Put the necessary things in bags in advance: a bag for a mother for childbirth, a bag for a mother for discharge, a bag for a baby in a maternity hospital and for discharge. Be sure to introduce your dad to these little bags. Often, when we meet with mothers after giving birth, they tell how my husband, for joy and excitement, confused everything, and instead of the third dress from the right, he brought the fifth dress from the top, and it no longer fits - and the mood from the meeting was greatly ruined.

Ladies, don't overload dads, take care of them too. What might you need in a maternity hospital?

  • the documents;
  • things that come in handy during childbirth;
  • things that you may need after childbirth;
  • a dowry for a baby in a maternity hospital;
  • things you need when you go home.

Harbingers of childbirth

In most pregnant women, the so-called precursors precede childbirth, which usually appear 2 weeks before them: the stomach sinks, and the woman becomes easier to breathe; body weight is somewhat reduced due to increased excretion of fluid from the body; the uterus quickly tenses - it hardens due to the increased excitability of its muscles. The head of the fetus before childbirth in primiparous women is more tightly pressed against the bones of the pelvis.

In the very last days before childbirth, thick, viscous mucus is secreted from the vagina, often mixed with blood (a mucous plug filling the cervical canal is pushed out), diffuse pains appear in the sacrum, hips, and lower abdomen. With the appearance of these signs, you cannot leave home for a long time, because at any moment, regular contractions of the uterus - contractions - may begin, which will require the woman to be immediately sent to the maternity hospital.

In some women, with the onset of contractions (or before they appear), amniotic fluid may begin to leak - they are found on underwear in the form of colorless spots. When this symptom appears, the pregnant woman must be hospitalized in the maternity hospital, because together with the waters in the vagina, the umbilical cord loop or the handle of the fetus may fall out. In addition, prenatal effusion of water promotes the penetration of infection into the uterus.

The onset of labor is the appearance of regular contractions. At first, they are weak and do not cause any particular concern to the pregnant woman, but gradually they become more intense, prolonged (30-40 seconds) and frequent - after 5-6 minutes.

In primiparous, the duration of labor is on average 15 to 20 hours, in multiparous, the duration of labor is from 10 to 12 hours. The duration of labor is influenced by the woman's age, the size of the fetus, the size of the pelvis, the activity of uterine contractions, etc. In primiparas older than 28-30 years, the duration of labor is longer.

There are three periods in childbirth. The duration of the first, longest period of labor in primiparous is on average 13-18 hours, and in multiparous the duration of the first stage of labor is 10-11 hours. In the first period, the lower pole of the fetal bladder wedges into the cervical canal, it opens, the fetal bladder bursts and amniotic fluid is poured out.

In the second stage of labor, the fetus moves through the birth canal. In this period, attempts arise. At this time, the midwife leading the birth begins to receive the newborn. In cephalic presentation, the head is born first. Following the head, the torso is born. This ends the second stage of labor. In primiparas, the duration of the second stage of labor is on average 1 to 2 hours, and in multiparous women, the duration of this period of labor is from 30 minutes. up to 1 hour. Immediately after birth, the baby begins to breathe and scream. The umbilical cord connecting the newborn to the placenta is cut and tied.


The first rule is to sleep whenever possible. If it doesn't work out, just relax. You can sacrifice all of the following and go unprepared, but not tired of the first hours of waiting, when you can and should have saved your strength and rest. Now nothing is needed from you, except how to relax. But then serious work will be needed, and you should not be exhausted by this time. This "later" can happen in a day! Sleep and rest while there is time. It is not for nothing that the strength of the contractions grows gradually. Everything is thought out.

It is advisable to write down the duration and intervals between them, but not immediately, when they are rare and weak, and then when they no longer allow you to sleep.

If sleep and rest are in either eye, then it is better not to lie down, move and look for a position in which it is easier. Use postures and techniques taken in courses or read. To alert the husband, check the techniques of massage, breathing, etc. with him. Do not strain the muscles of the body, especially the face, do not clench the teeth - this strains the muscles of the pelvic floor and cervix and lengthens and makes the period of contractions heavier. Tell your husband to remind you when you forget and not let you shrink. With contractions, one should not fight and not experience them, but surrender to them, relaxing and drowning in them. This is not a senseless pain, not a spasm, not a constriction, not a contraction, although you feel that way. This is the OPENING of the cervix, this is their ultimate goal, and it is this that must be promoted. You open up, whether you like it or not, you fight and hurt both of you, or you don't fight and relax - in any case, you open up. And since this is inevitable, if you do not fight the inevitable, but understand its meaning, it will be easier for you to understand the meaning of "relaxation in contractions." Because it means "unfold upon disclosure."

Water discharge.

Fix this moment


The bath relieves pain very well, helps to relax. Allows you to determine whether labor has really begun. If these are preliminary contractions, then under the influence of the bath they will subside, but if labor has begun, then the bath, on the contrary, will somewhat stimulate the process. You can take a bath for no more than half an hour and only at the early stage of childbirth, when the contractions are no more than 20 minutes, if, of course, you are going to go to the hospital. For those giving birth at home, you can take a bath in the later stage of labor.

The shower is very helpful in relieving pain during labor. It can be directed to the sacrum or lower back.

Even if the water has already departed, you can take a bath, but it must be well cleaned and a filler must be added: pure sea salt or Rotokan.


Prepare 3 liters of water. 2 for an enema, 1 just in case. No need to boil. Water temperature 30-32 gr. You need to do an enema at long intervals, when the contractions are at intervals of 18-20 minutes. Water m. salted (a little sea salt) or acidified (1 tablespoon lemon juice per 3 liters). An enema should be done in the knee-elbow position.


Regular men's shaving foam helps reduce cuts and discomfort

Drink, food

Stimulating and supportive drinking. During childbirth and immediately after. Rosehip + 1 tsp honey. Fruits, dried fruits and crackers. Be sure to take it with you to the hospital.

Duration of labor

In primiparas, the duration of labor is on average from 15 to 20 hours, in multiparous, the duration of labor is from 10 to 12 hours. The duration of labor is influenced by the woman's age, the size of the fetus, the size of the pelvis, the activity of uterine contractions, etc. In primiparas older than 28-30 years, the duration of labor is longer.

There are three periods in childbirth. The duration of the first, longest period of labor in primiparous is on average 13-18 hours, and in multiparous the duration of the first stage of labor is 10-11 hours. In the first period, the lower pole of the fetal bladder wedges into the cervical canal, it opens, the fetal bladder bursts and amniotic fluid is poured out.

In the second stage of labor, the fetus moves through the birth canal. In this period, attempts arise. At this time, the midwife leading the birth begins to receive the newborn. In cephalic presentation, the head is born first. Following the head, the torso is born. This ends the second stage of labor. In primiparas, the duration of the second stage of labor is on average from 1 to 2 hours, and in multiparous women, the duration of this period of labor is from 30 minutes. up to 1 hour. Immediately after birth, the baby begins to breathe and scream. The umbilical cord connecting the newborn to the placenta is cut and tied.

After the baby is born, the third stage of labor begins, called postpartum. The duration of this period of labor is on average 30 minutes. During this period, the placenta is separated from the walls of the uterus and the placenta is born. The afterbirth consists of the placenta, umbilical cord and membranes.

The beginning of labor


The first rule is to sleep whenever possible. If not, just relax. You can sacrifice all of the following and go unprepared, but not tired of the first hours of waiting, when you can and should have saved your strength and rest. Now nothing is needed from you, except how to relax. But then serious work will be needed, and you should not be exhausted by this time. This "later" can happen in a day! Sleep and rest while there is time. It is not for nothing that the strength of the contractions grows gradually. Everything is thought out. It is advisable to write down the duration and intervals between them, but not immediately, when they are rare and weak, and then when they no longer allow you to sleep.

If sleep and rest are in either eye, then it is better not to lie down, move and look for a position in which it is easier. Use postures and techniques taken in courses or read. To alert the husband, check the techniques of massage, breathing, etc. with him. Do not strain the muscles of the body, especially the face, do not clench the teeth - this strains the muscles of the pelvic floor and cervix and lengthens and makes the period of contractions heavier. Tell your husband to remind you when you forget and not let you shrink. With contractions, one must not fight and not experience them, but surrender to them, relaxing and drowning in them. This is not a senseless pain, not a spasm, not a constriction, not a contraction, although you feel that way. This is the OPENING of the cervix, this is their ultimate goal, and it is this that must be promoted. You open up, whether you like it or not, you fight and hurt both of you, or you don't fight and relax - in any case, you open up. And since this is inevitable, if you do not fight the inevitable, but understand its meaning, the meaning of "relaxation in contractions" will be easier for you. Because it means "unfold upon disclosure."

Water discharge

Water can drain at any time: at the beginning of labor, in the middle or just before pushing. All this is within the normal range.

Transparent or whitish is the norm

Green - the child is experiencing hypoxia, medical attention is required.

With small streaks of blood - part of the mucous plug, does not pose a danger

With bright blood - placental abruption, urgent hospitalization required

Fix this moment

The course of labor

Childbirth is an unconditioned reflex act aimed at expelling the ovum from the uterine cavity when the latter reaches a certain degree of maturity. The gestational age must be at least 28 weeks, the fetal body weight must be at least 1000 g, and the height must be at least 35 cm.

During the generic act, there are 3 periods: I - the period of disclosure; II - the period of exile; III - successive period. A woman with the onset of labor is called a parturient woman, after the end of childbirth, a parturient woman.

In the first stage of labor, due to contractions, the cervix opens. Contractions are involuntary periodic contractions of the uterus. During contractions in the muscular wall of the uterus, the processes of contraction (contraction of each muscle fiber and each muscle layer) and retraction (displacement of muscle layers in relation to each other) occur. In the pauses between contractions, contraction is completely eliminated, and retraction is only partially.

The myometrium consists of two layers, which are different from a functional point of view. The outer layer is mainly represented by longitudinally located muscle fibers. This layer, powerful and active in the fundus and in the body of the uterus, comes to naught in the distal cervix. The inner layer contains mainly circular muscle fibers. It is best expressed in the cervix and lower segment of the uterus. There are few circular muscle fibers in the fundus and body of the uterus. With the development of regular labor, coordinated contractions of the outer and inner layers of the myometrium are observed.

The primary source of excitement of labor (pacemaker, pacemaker) is a more or less localized group of cells of the uterine wall. Most researchers believe that pacemakers are located in both tubal corners of the uterus. From here, electrical activity (wave of contractions) spreads during a contraction to the lower parts of the uterus - to the body and the lower segment. N. Alvarez and R. Caldeyro-Barcia (1952) called this propagation of a wave of contraction from top to bottom a triple downward gradient. The strongest and most prolonged contractions of the uterus are observed in the area of ​​the bottom (bottom dominant). Further, the contraction wave spreads down to the body and cervix (first gradient). In the body, and especially in the lower segment of the uterus, there is a decrease in the strength and duration of contraction (second and third gradients).

For the physiologically developing labor activity, reciprocity (interconnection) of the contractile activity of the uterine body, the lower segment and the cervix is ​​characteristic. Each contraction of the longitudinal muscles of the uterus is accompanied by active stretching (distraction) of the lower segment and cervix, which leads to the opening of the uterine os. The normal course of the labor act is characterized by the coordination (consistency) of uterine contractions. In addition to the coordination of vertical contractions (triple descending gradient, bottom dominance and reciprocity), there is horizontal coordination in the form of coordinated contractions of the right and left halves of the uterus. With coordinated contractions, there is a synchronization of the onset of the phase of maximum contraction of the uterus in its various departments. The propagation time of the contraction wave that engulfs the entire organ is 15 s.

With a well-pronounced labor activity, the intensity of uterine contractions is usually 30 mm Hg. Art., and the frequency of contractions is not less than two in 10 minutes. As the birth act develops, the intensity and duration of contractions gradually increase, and the duration of the intervals between contractions decreases.

During each contraction, an increase in intrauterine pressure occurs, which is transmitted to the ovum, which takes the form of the uterine cavity. Amniotic fluid rushes to the lower part of the fetal bladder, where one of the large parts of the fetus is located (head, pelvic end). Until the membranes are broken, the uterus is a closed, fluid-filled ball.

During childbirth, due to the contraction of the longitudinally located muscles of the uterus and the reciprocally relaxing circular muscles, the lower segment of the uterus and the region of the internal os of the cervix are stretched. The upper part of the cervical canal gradually expands in a funnel, and during contractions the fetal bladder rushes there (the lower pole of the membranes with the part of the amniotic fluid contained in them). By irritating the nerve endings in the area of ​​the internal pharynx, it intensifies the contractions. Contractions of the muscle fibers of the body of the uterus, due to its ovoid shape, are directed upwards not vertically, but tangentially to the Circular muscles of the lower segment of the uterus and cervical canal. This relationship and the action of the muscles of the fundus and the body of the uterus on the opening of the cervical canal are so pronounced that the opening of the cervix occurs even with premature outpouring of water (when the role of the fetal bladder in the opening of the cervix is ​​completely excluded) and even with the transverse position of the fetus (when the presenting part is absent) ...

During contractions, as a result of retraction, the higher and lower muscle layers seem to intersect with each other and gradually move upward. During the pauses between contractions, they do not fully return to their place. Therefore, the upper part of the body of the uterus gradually thickens, and the area of ​​the lower segment becomes thinner. The border between the upper part of the uterus (fundus, body) contracting during labor and the actively relaxing lower segment is called the contraction ring (border groove, border roller), tiro can be determined after the amniotic fluid has flowed out during a contraction. The lower segment of the uterus covers the presenting part of the fetus with a tightly fitting ring - the inner belt of contact.

In this case, an external contact zone is formed between the lower segment of the uterus and the bone ring (the head is fixed by a small segment at the entrance to the pelvis). Due to the presence of the contact belts, the waters are divided into two unequal parts: the larger part, which is located above the contact belt, is the “back waters”, and the smaller part, which is below the contact belt and fills the fetal bladder, is the “front waters”.

The mechanism of cervical dilatation in the first and multiparous is not the same. In primiparous women, cervical dilatation begins from the side of the internal pharynx. With the full opening of the internal os, the cervix is ​​smoothed, the cervical canal is absent and the external pharynx begins to open. The dilation of the cervix is ​​considered complete, in which the uterine cavity and the vagina are a single birth tube. In multiparous women, the opening of the internal and external pharynx occurs simultaneously and in parallel with the shortening of the cervix.

With the full or almost complete opening of the uterine pharynx, the fetal bladder bursts. This is facilitated by a complex of reasons: 1) increasing intrauterine pressure due to increased frequency and intensity of contractions; 2) an increase in the overstretching of the membranes of the fetal bladder due to an increase in intrauterine pressure and a decrease in their resistance to rupture; 3) lack of support for the lower pole of the fetal bladder from the side of the cervix with full or almost full disclosure. If the fetal bladder opens with incomplete dilatation of the cervix, then the role of an irritant to the receptors of the internal pharynx is performed by the presenting part of the fetus. In some cases, with an excessive density of the membranes, the fetal bladder does not open even with full disclosure. In these cases, it must be opened so as not to disrupt the physiological course of labor.

Full dilation of the cervix indicates the end of stage I of labor. The second stage of labor begins - the period of exile, during which the birth of the fetus occurs.

After the discharge of amniotic fluid, the contractions briefly stop or weaken. The volume of the uterine cavity is significantly reduced, the walls of the uterus come into closer contact with the fetus. The contractions intensify again and promote the movement of the fetus through the birth canal, which began during the opening period. The presenting part of the fetus approaches the pelvic floor and exerts increasing pressure on it, in response to which attempts appear. An attempt differs from a contraction in that a reflex contraction of the striated skeletal muscles of the abdominal press, diaphragm, and pelvic floor joins the reflex involuntary contraction of the smooth muscles of the uterus. The force of pushing can be arbitrarily regulated by the woman in labor. The presenting part of the fetus stretches the genital gap and is born. Behind it, the entire body of the fetus is born and the posterior amniotic fluid is poured out.

After the birth of the fetus, the third stage of labor begins - the succession. At this time, the placenta and membranes are separated from the walls of the uterus and the placenta is born.

A few minutes after the birth of the fetus, contractions resume. With the very first sequential contraction, the separation of the child's place begins, which occurs in the spongy layer of the falling off shell at the site of its attachment to the uterine wall (placental site). With subsequent contractions, the entire musculature of the uterus is reduced, including the area of ​​the placental site. The placenta does not have the ability to contract, and therefore it rises above the decreasing placental area in the form of a fold or tubercle. The connection between the placenta and the placental area is broken, blood vessels rupture, which leads to the formation of a retroplacental hematoma, which is an accumulation of blood between the placenta and the wall of the uterus. Retroplacental hematoma, together with uterine contractions, contributes to an increasing and, finally, final placental abruption. The separated placenta by force of attempts is born from the uterine cavity and carries along the membranes. The placenta leaves the genital tract with the water (amniotic) membrane outward. The maternal surface of the placenta is turned into the born placenta. This most common central pathway for placental abruption and placental birth was described by Schultz.

Another variant of placental abruption may be observed, when the separation begins not from the center, but from the periphery. In this case, the poured blood does not form a retroplacental hematoma, but, flowing down, exfoliates the membranes. With each successive contraction, all new areas of the placenta are exfoliated until it is completely separated from the uterine wall. In addition, its own mass contributes to the separation of the placenta. The afterbirth is born from the birth canal forward with the lower edge of the placenta (its maternal surface), and the amniotic membrane is inside - the separation of the placenta according to Duncan.

The birth of the placenta, separated from the walls of the uterus, is facilitated by the attempts that occur when the placenta moves into the vagina and irritation of the pelvic floor muscles.

Labor pain. How to reduce labor pain

Pain and childbirth are next to each other in the human mind. Many women are terrified of the pain that inevitably (from their point of view) accompanies childbirth. Smarter ladies are preparing for childbirth in advance. The correct attitude to pain in general, and to pain in childbirth in particular, the ability to significantly regulate pain during childbirth, the absence of fear of pain during childbirth is the result of proper preparation for childbirth and competent training of a pregnant couple.

Psychologists - practitioners of body-oriented therapy believe that pain is a powerful signal of our body, a means of its "communication" with our consciousness.

Sometimes, we work so hard, eat poorly, do not rest at all, smoke, - in general, we are exhausted, and the body is forced to resort to a powerful weapon - pain. This is the positive function of pain: it is the only way to "reach out" to us. When we are in pain, we finally stop and take a breath. Pain knocks out of the daily hustle and bustle, makes you turn to yourself.

It just so happened that pain is an indispensable companion to the birth of a person. Now, with the help of modern medical science, it has been proven that childbirth is a test not only for the mother, but also for the baby. The baby sometimes experiences pain many times stronger than the pain of the mother. Therefore, during pregnancy, it is necessary to thoroughly prepare for an encounter with pain. So that she becomes your ally, not your enemy.

But first you need to stop being afraid of labor pain, since fear often stops the contractions that have begun. We are talking, of course, about physiological pain, not pathological pain, in which anesthesia and surgical intervention are necessary. Preparing for childbirth is primarily about relaxation. A relaxed woman is exclusively engaged in childbirth, her body is on the "beaten track", following instincts. During pregnancy, you need to learn to listen to the processes taking place inside your body, learn to respond correctly to changes, "catch" the flow. In any manual, you will find advice not to be nervous and to rest more often during pregnancy. But in addition to rest, both professional massage for pregnant women and a relaxing massage of a loved one will help you. What is it for?

While waiting for the baby, it is important to remove the so-called clamps in the muscles, so as not to interfere with the woman's body to perform its main "job" - childbirth. Often the massage also brings therapeutic benefits - the baby rolls over and takes the correct position upside down. Massage will be your best helper, both during contractions and at the beginning of attempts. But this is not just a massage, but a massage of the sacrum, an area in the lower spine. If your husband is present during childbirth, it is he who will help you to relieve tension. You yourself are in labor, until you go to the hospital, while taking a shower, you can direct the stream to the sacrum area. You will learn the massage technique at any parental school.

In childbirth, it is better to actively move, change position, pick up the one that is least uncomfortable, my childbirth, for example, went "standing". In the last period of childbirth, a woman withdraws into herself, tuning in to signals coming from within. Meditation will help you acquire this skill.

It is known that the throat area during labor is associated with the cervix. A woman's desire to scream is not just a spontaneous reaction to pain, but a strong instinct. The fact is that screaming relaxes the throat and cervix, thus helping the baby to pass the birth canal. But screaming can be destructive not only for others, but also for mom and baby. Therefore, it is better not to shout, but to SING. Singing in childbirth is a tradition of our great-great-grandmothers. The so-called support voice, which we, the townspeople, have lost, has been successfully used as a powerful pain reliever.

Its effect increases if your husband or midwife sings with you, in case of home birth.

It is difficult to relax when the bright white light dazzles the eyes, and 5 more women in labor are moaning nearby. Therefore, if it is within your capabilities, bring the baby's birth environment closer to home. After all, at home you feel protected, so dim light, favorite things, a dressing gown will help you.

In attempts, the nature of pain is somewhat different, not comparable to grasping pain. At the last stage, the pain should not be reduced or avoided, but "go to it", pushing where it hurts. Correct breathing will help here. By following at least some of these simple recommendations, you will find a common language with your body. And it will answer you in childbirth - a hundredfold.

Self-relieving childbirth

Let's start with the fact that painless and less painful childbirth is not so rare. Many women in labor cross the threshold of the maternity hospital in the active phase of labor, when the opening of the cervix is ​​already more than 2-3 cm, sometimes with almost complete opening of the cervix, that is, at the end of the 1st stage of labor, without experiencing strong pain sensations. And some women, already during attempts, in perplexity ask: "Doctor, when will it hurt me?" What is it: individual sensitivity? Or are the exceptions just to prove the rules? Let's try to understand the reasons for this individual sensitivity, or rather, insensitivity.

The suffering of women during normal, uncomplicated childbirth is contrary to the laws of nature. The fact is that pain is given to us as a defensive reaction in order to recognize the disease in time and save our life and health. Therefore, during childbirth, a sharp pain syndrome is a companion of certain complications that require qualified medical care. With a favorable course of childbirth, when nothing threatens either the mother or the child, the appearance of pain is not justified by anything.

The nature of labor pain

During contractions in the first stage of labor, irritation of the nerve endings of the body and cervix, blood vessels and ligamentous apparatus occurs. In the second stage of labor - the period of fetal expulsion - the nerve endings of the perineum and external genital organs are mainly irritated. Both those and other impulses, getting into the central nervous system, are normally blocked and not perceived as pain signals, that is, they remain under the threshold of pain sensations. In addition, there are additional protective "pain relief" factors. Firstly, before childbirth, partial destruction of the nerve endings of the uterus occurs, and therefore its sensitivity decreases in comparison with the 1st and 2nd trimesters of pregnancy. And secondly, during childbirth in the body there is a powerful release of endorphins and enkephalins - "hormones of pleasure", natural painkillers, structurally related to narcotic analgesics.

But the fear of birth pangs, recorded in the pages of the Old Testament, is passed on to women from generation to generation. This fear has a real historical background. Indeed, hundreds of years ago, in the absence of adequate obstetric care, many childbirth was indeed very difficult, with dangerous complications and often ended in the death of the woman in labor. The fear of inevitable pain disrupts the harmony of relationships in the structures of the brain, sharply lowering the pain threshold, in connection with which those painful stimuli that normally should not penetrate our consciousness begin to be perceived. This is the so-called psychogenic component of labor pain. As a result of the passage of pain impulses through the central nervous system, reflected pain occurs on the surface of the body: in the lower abdomen, in the lumbosacral region, in the upper third of the thighs and in the groin.

Down with the psychogenic factor!

What is the opposite of fear? Waiting for the holiday. Remember how in childhood you were waiting for your next birthday or New Year, how your heart sank in anticipation of fun and gifts? And how joyful it should be to expect a miracle, great happiness - meeting with the most beloved and most wonderful person, whom YOU will give to the world! A dream come true, new facets of love, a new phase of merging with a loved one. I would like to bring the sweet moment closer and, having plunged, drink it entirely, to the bottom. Dream of contractions, remember that pain is sometimes very sweet.

What about female curiosity? Of course, you have read and heard a lot about this, but it is insanely interesting to experience everything yourself, I wonder how this will happen to you. Moreover, even repeated births are not similar to the previous ones.

In addition, childbirth is perhaps the only work and pleasure that a man cannot afford. And although many future dads now strive to be present at the birth of their child, they still cannot feel it the way a woman does, because seeing and feeling are not the same thing.

Sometimes women want to go to the hospital a few days before giving birth. This is not always justified. No maternity hospital, even the best one, can replace the warmth and comfort of your home. If the pregnancy proceeds without complications, and there are no indications for prenatal hospitalization, it is better to spend the last days before childbirth surrounded by loved ones, and not in the department of pathology of pregnant women, where, inevitably, you will be haunted by the burden of other people's problems. It happens that a woman herself, going to the hospital, cannot determine for sure whether she has begun childbirth. If, in this case, the doctor who examined you in the admission department states that these are only harbingers of childbirth, and invites you to return home, follow his advice. The maternity ward is the place where you need to give birth, and not languish, empathizing with others.

And in conclusion

Childbirth is something that every pregnant woman is waiting for and at the same time afraid of. Especially if she is in labor for the first time. Numerous stories of friends about how painful and terrible it is, do not add self-confidence. The opinion of a mother or grandmother that childbirth is a simple matter is also not taken seriously. The closer the cherished day, the more doubts and nerves. There is only one way out: learn as much as possible about childbirth from specialists in advance.

Childbirth is a serious and crucial moment in a woman's life, requiring her to exert all her moral and physical strength. Of course, for thousands of years, nature has developed an optimal mechanism for restructuring the body for childbirth. First of all, this concerns changes in the amount and composition of hormones. But we must remember that modern man lives not according to the laws of nature, but according to the laws of civilization. Therefore, in practice, a woman is far from always ready for childbirth - from the moral, physical or material side.

This situation can be corrected by correcting the lack of readiness for childbirth with preliminary measures. Preparing for childbirth will be helpful whether you are going to give birth naturally or if you are going to have a caesarean section.

Physical exercises

Physical preparation for childbirth should be carried out during the entire period of pregnancy. It consists of exercises that strengthen the body as a whole, and especially those of its systems that are directly responsible for the process of childbirth. Exercise stimulates proper blood circulation and prevents weight gain.

The optimal set of gymnastic exercises should be suggested by a doctor or trainer in preparation for childbirth. By purpose, exercises are divided into:

  • Fortifying
  • Exercises for the muscles of the abdomen and perineum
  • Exercises for the chest

However, it should be remembered that in late pregnancy it is better to avoid strenuous physical activity, as it can lead to premature birth.

Proper nutrition

The child's body is formed from those substances that come to him from the mother. Therefore, what you eat will serve as material for your baby's body. Therefore, it is extremely important during pregnancy to monitor your diet, its composition and balance. Here are some simple rules that are recommended for pregnant women:

  • Eliminate fried, fatty and too high-calorie foods, offal, smoked meats from the diet
  • Eat more vegetable oil, preferably olive oil, fiber, and sea fish containing omega-3 acids
  • Eat at least 4 times a day, but little by little
  • A month before giving birth, you should include in the diet more fresh fruits and vegetables, greens, kefir, dried fruits

Psychological preparation

Childbirth is a serious test, not only physically, but also morally. And therefore, all efforts to physically prepare for them will be useless if the woman does not tune in psychologically. This is especially true for women giving birth for the first time.

You should study all the information about childbirth, especially about its medical and physiological aspects. If you know well all the nuances of the childbirth process, then in this case it will be easier for you to prepare for various circumstances, including unforeseen ones. Therefore, awareness is also an important preparation for childbirth. And the main thing that you need to know well is that contractions, attempts and pains during childbirth are the natural physiological behavior of the body. As practice shows, painful sensations are much better tolerated if a woman is mentally prepared for them.

Preparing for childbirth also involves creating a positive emotional mood. Yes, childbirth can be dangerous, but in the vast majority of cases, it goes without complications. It is better not to listen to prejudices or the opinions of friends who had problems during childbirth, but to read stories of childbirth with a happy ending or listen to the advice of doctors.

Preparing for a trip to the hospital

Any, even insignificant detail can affect the outcome of childbirth. Therefore, it is better to take measures to help avoid surprises in advance. It is of great importance how a woman is psychologically ready for the very process of childbirth and how much she is aware of it. A less important role is played by the material aspect - are things ready for the hospital and can they be taken with you to the hospital during labor. Although this seems to be very important for a woman, whose psycho-emotional state is very aggravated due to hormonal levels.

In order for a woman to go into childbirth with confidence, she must necessarily find out in advance about the following:

  • How to recognize that labor itself has begun
  • At what point can you go to the hospital
  • What list of documents may be needed in a maternity hospital
  • What things to collect in advance so that, when determining regular contractions, do not look for anything, rushing around the house
  • What behavior should be during contractions and attempts
  • What manipulations can health workers carry out during childbirth?
  • How you can help yourself to reduce pain during labor

There is one great way to prepare for childbirth, but you will have to work hard on it if you don't want to forget something or do it wrong because of your own shortcomings. The way to do it is to create a short and meaningful cheat sheet for yourself.

It is better to make such a cheat sheet in several copies and place it in different places, for example: one in your purse, another on the refrigerator, and the third at your husband. In it, you need to describe all situations in the generic process and indicate the actions that need to be taken in this or that case. Information for the plan can be obtained from notes from maternity courses or from books sold in bookstores and on the Internet. In order for the information in the cheat sheet to be comprehensive, preparing an answer to a particular question, you need to imagine that the situation is unfolding at the moment, and write down all the questions that have arisen. For them, it is necessary to find complete information and write it down in a cheat sheet.

Action plan (example)

The cheat sheet should be clear and contain only important information. Having written a cheat sheet, you need to re-read it and throw away the excess.

The stomach hurts badly, the head hurts, there is red discharge, feeling unwell

  • Call an ambulance urgently.
  • Take things with you to the hospital.

Leaking water

  • Get dressed, use a sterile pad, call an ambulance and lie down before she arrives.
  • Call mom or husband.

The appearance of contractions

  • Compare contraction intervals: Real contractions are regular and felt at least every 10 minutes.
  • If contractions are not regular and they come less often than real ones, the general state of health is normal, then you can stay at home and observe the sensations, while doing your usual things.
  • Check the bag in the maternity hospital - things for childbirth (your own, husband's - in the case of partner childbirth), documents for hospitalization.

The appearance of regular contractions with an interval of 10 minutes or less

  • Get dressed and call an ambulance.
  • Call mom or husband.
  • Do not forget to take your belongings and documents.
  • Breathe calmly during contractions.
  • You can lie down and walk. You can only sit on a ball, not on a hard surface.
  • Don't eat or drink a lot.

Severe pain during labor

  • During the fight itself: relax, take a comfortable posture, massage, apply pain relief methods.
  • Try to rest as much as possible between contractions. You can consult with your doctor and midwife about the correct behavior and the possibility of drug pain relief.


  • Call a doctor and not push without permission, breathe out the fight with a "dog".
  • Listen to the doctor's instructions and do what he says, and not what you want!
  • With the command “push”: while the fight lasts, push 3 times, before trying to take a deep breath and hold your breath, push “down” and not “in the head”.
  • Rest and breathe between contractions.

It can also be helpful to sketch out a list of natural pain relieving techniques, possible relaxation massage, and which breathing method to use at what point in advance.

To say that pregnancy is the most wonderful time in the life of every woman is trite and in some way incorrect. After all, this period is associated with difficulties both physically and psychologically. The expectant mother is constantly worried about something. For example, about how the birth will go, whether she will have time to prepare for them, whether she will not forget to take some important things. What should the preparation for childbirth look like? What should you pay attention to first of all?

Important points

Proper preparation for childbirth consists of several interrelated points:

  • psychological preparation,
  • physical,
  • preparation of the necessary documentation,
  • choice of a maternity hospital,
  • collection of necessary things.

Psychological attitude

It doesn't matter what the pregnancy is. All of them are associated with excitement and understandable anxiety. The woman is often afraid of childbirth.

How to deal with it:

  • First you need to learn how to distract yourself from sad thoughts with the help of books, magazines, leisurely walks, watching good films, perhaps even about motherhood. All this will help to calm down and bring positive and peacefulness into life.
  • Interesting activity. During pregnancy, the expectant mother may develop new hobbies. There is no need to bypass them. New activities can be a source of positive emotions.
  • Whims. The vagaries of pregnant women are legendary. Experts recommend performing them, of course, to a reasonable extent.
  • Relaxation. Music will help you to relax, in particular, works of classics, aromatic oils, massage, walks in nature and communication with loved ones. Taking time off to rest is very important.

Superstitions can also spoil the impression of pregnancy. Many mothers-to-be try to do exactly what their grandmothers, mothers, etc. tell them. Believe them or not - everyone's personal business.

It is interesting that many of the signs have a completely logical explanation. Take, for example, the belief that a pregnant woman cannot sit on the doorstep. This is a correct statement - there are always drafts, and the expectant mother needs to protect herself from colds.

Or the words that a pregnant woman cannot sit with her legs crossed, otherwise the baby will be entwined with the umbilical cord. The umbilical cord will be fine. But blood circulation in this position will definitely deteriorate.

Here the statement that thoughts are material will be appropriate. If you set yourself up for good things from the beginning, the birth will surely be successful.

Support from your spouse, relatives and close friends is also of great importance. It is very important that next to the pregnant woman there is a person whom she trusts.

Doctors and psychologists in Moscow will morally help prepare for childbirth Very often they recommend attending special courses for preparing future parents for the birth of a baby. There mom and dad will be able to learn what the process of childbirth is like, how to make it easier, how to handle the baby after birth.


Physical preparation for childbirth is no less important than psychological preparation. Having a baby is a complex process. Therefore, you need to prepare for it in advance.

How to prepare for childbirth by getting your body in good physical shape:

  1. Standing on all fours, you need to bend, and then bend your back. Do it 10 times. Helps relieve tension from tired lower back.
  2. Sit on the floor in a frog pose. Connect the feet. Hands should support the shins. Press your elbows on your knees. Movements should be smooth, springy. In this exercise, the groin and womb muscles are perfectly stretched.
  3. Exercise called "lift". You need to spread your legs wide and squat down. The abdomen is located between the legs. With the help of hands and elbows clasped into the lock, it is possible to spread the knees as far as possible. Tighten the muscles of the vagina and anus from top to bottom. Then relax. Do it at least 10 times. This exercise will prepare the muscles that are directly involved in the process of childbirth for the load.

These simple exercises will help your body prepare for the coming birth. They will strengthen the muscles and make the process of having a baby easier.

Physical fitness can also include the preparation of the cervix.

This process consists of two stages:

You should always stick to proper nutrition. Around a month before giving birth, it is worth reducing the amount of meat consumed. It lowers the level of tissue elasticity, which can eventually lead to tears. It is better to replace white bread with bran.

The documents

All necessary documents must be collected in advance. What will definitely come in handy:

  • passport;
  • health insurance policy (if any);
  • exchange card of a pregnant woman with all the necessary analyzes and additional data.

An exchange card is a very important document. It displays all the information about the expectant mother, about the state of her body and about the baby (ultrasound data). She will help the obstetrician develop a labor management plan.

In some hospitals, a pregnant woman can obtain a birth certificate. It must be presented at the hospital.

Copies of your passport and insurance may be useful as additional documents.

If childbirth will be joint, for example, with a husband, you may need:

  • his passport,
  • certificate with the results of fluorography and tests for infections,
  • delivery contract.

The documents must be collected in advance. It is better if they are folded into one file and are in a conspicuous place. After 36 weeks, you can carry them with you.

In which maternity hospital to give birth?

This question worries the expectant mother from the moment she found out about pregnancy. This is a very serious question.

First of all, you need to pay attention to the following points:

  1. Maternity hospital specialization. Will doctors be able to help with pathological childbirth? Does the maternity hospital have a neonatal intensive care unit?
  2. What are the conditions in the prenatal and postnatal wards?
  3. Can a woman give birth with her husband? Will relatives be able to visit her after giving birth?
  4. Will the baby and mother be in the same room?
  5. Will a woman be able to choose a doctor and conclude a contract with him?
  6. What things and documents will be needed for admission to this particular hospital?
  7. When will the facility close for preventive treatment?

As soon as the maternity hospital is chosen, you need to visit it and, if possible, go on an excursion. You can talk with doctors or even patients in advance.

Emergency briefcase

What do you need to know about the essentials? They must be collected in advance.

The necessary things should be divided into two halves. The first is for the maternity ward, and the second is for the postnatal ward. It is advisable to make detailed lists of both.

To the delivery room you need to take:

  • slippers;
  • wet wipes or toilet paper;
  • bathrobe or nightgown;
  • telephone;
  • if allowed - a camera;
  • a disposable suit for a birthing partner;
  • clothes for the baby (they will be put on immediately after birth).

In the postpartum ward, the following will come in handy:

All things must be clean and ironed.

Preparation for childbirth includes collecting things that you may need when you leave the hospital. A beautiful outfit and cosmetics can be useful for a mother, and special clothes for a baby. This can be a jumpsuit in which it will turn out to fix the baby in the car seat. Alternatively, an envelope or blanket. Under the jumpsuit, you can put on a jersey bodysuit, a hat, socks and mittens.

Have a few nappies, diapers and wet wipes on hand.

A young mother needs to prepare clothes taking into account the fact that her figure has changed a little. Items of clothing that will successfully hide the tummy are suitable. If the drive home is long, it may be feeding time. Therefore, it will be better if the clothes are easy to open.

All these things should be collected in a separate package. You can put a list there too.

So, preparation for childbirth should begin in advance. The expectant mother should know that everything will be at the highest level. Psychological and moral preparation is in the first place. On the second - material. It is necessary to collect all the necessary documents and things about a month before the expected date of birth. It is also worth choosing a maternity hospital, a doctor and concluding a contract. It is advisable that all prepared things are always at hand.

If a woman is ready for childbirth, if she knows that everything she needs has been collected, she will be able to focus on her feelings and the process itself.

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