Anti-aging makeup. Hide your age: anti-aging eye makeup How to do anti-aging makeup

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Every woman wants to look beautiful and attractive, regardless of age category. And when a woman is over 30 years old, she needs to devote much more time to her appearance. But, even if a woman has middle-aged skin, with the help of high-quality anti-aging makeup, you can hide her imperfections, and give her a more attractive and fresh look.

Influence of color

In order to paint correctly, you need to take into account and avoid common mistakes in the future. For example, some women believe that the older they are, the brighter they should paint. Professional make-up artists do not recommend using bright, defiant decorative cosmetics over the age of 30, as it draws attention not only to a woman, but also to her wrinkles and skin imperfections.

And for lovers of gray, black and dark brown shades, it is better to immediately throw them aside. Makeup using dark and gray shades at an older age is not good for a woman. They do not create a vivid image, but emphasize the puffiness of the eyelids, and also create a dejected and tired look. But peach shades, when applied correctly, produce an incredible effect. They create a fresh, radiant look, reflecting the beauty of a woman like a sunrise, not a sunset.

No less attention should be paid to the selection of lipstick. You should forget about flashy and incredibly saturated colors. These tones are best left for young people. It is better to choose gentle warm shades of lipstick or gloss that will favorably emphasize the lips of a woman, becoming the completion of the image of a wise and purposeful woman.

In most cases, it is best to forget about the lip contour. Many women strive to emphasize the contour of the lips, making it precise and even. Using a pencil allows the lipstick to spread evenly over the entire lip area without spreading or rubbing off. But, with age, the use of lip contour does not give the desired effect. On the contrary, he creates a theatrical, tortured smile, and instead of a positive image, an expression of discontent appears.

The importance of proper care

Skin that is susceptible to the first signs of aging requires regular care. Applying a tonic, day and night creams for a specific age will help the body produce new cells for daily skin renewal. The elements contained in the creams do their job efficiently, helping the skin stay supple and fresh. With proper care, aging will bypass a woman for a very long time.

Do not use complex care that is not age appropriate. If a woman at the age of 30 begins to use cosmetics intended for 35 years in order to get rid of wrinkles that are unpleasant to her, this can lead to very sad consequences. The cells of our body up to 25 years old reproduce and divide very actively. Over time, the aging process occurs, and they begin to divide more slowly. The skin needs external support in the form of creams and serums. Creams for ages 25-30 differ in composition from creams for ages 35-45, and so on.

The older the woman's age, the slower the cells multiply, and accordingly their faithful helpers - cosmetic care products are enriched with the composition of substances that are able to stir up these cells. And if you accustom the cells of young skin to the fact that they do not need to produce certain substances, since they come from the outside, the skin will relax. And without regular support from the outside, it will begin to age even faster.

Preparatory stages

Before applying decorative cosmetics to your face, you must perform a comprehensive skin care procedure. Washing with milk makes the skin work. The toner removes milk residues, moisturizes and tightens the skin. The cream moisturizes it and starts the process of cell reproduction. Washing and using tonic should be consistent, but after applying the cream, you should wait 40 minutes. During this time, the cream is well absorbed into the skin and creates a protective film on it. If you apply the cream and immediately start correcting with the foundation, it will be absorbed into the skin along with the main cream, damaging it.

After waiting the required time, you can apply the foundation. It evens out the complexion and serves as a protective barrier against harmful substances in the form of dust, exhaust gases and other substances that have a negative effect on the condition of the skin.

Secrets of hiding wrinkles

To apply the foundation after the age of 30, you need to use a sponge with point movements. Thus, the tone is evenly distributed over the skin, and it will not stretch. In order to give the skin a fresh look, you need to use a pale pink range. This tone brightens and refreshes the face. And if a woman feels makeup on her skin, then he will apply it incorrectly: either too much has been applied, or it has not been absorbed properly.

A little secret in anti-aging makeup is to apply a lighter tone to certain areas of the face in order to hide the signs of skin aging. The tone is applied using a small brush in dotted movements. The lacrimal canals, lip folds and the forehead area, in places where wrinkles have formed, should be worked with pinpoint precision.
After applying the tone, the T-shaped area is powdered with a large brush. After that, the light powder is applied in a smooth movement from the cheekbone to the nose. Such techniques will hide fine wrinkles and create the image of a young and strong woman, over whom time has no power.


The years pass quickly. It seems like yesterday you were a pretty young girl. We are not getting younger, but at heart we remain cheerful and carefree. I would like to remain beautiful and attractive outwardly, to catch the admiring glances of men.

Wrinkles appear on the face, leading to hysterics. The eyes grow dull, the lips are no longer so bright and juicy. You can't argue with time. It is impossible to stop the aging process, but it is quite possible to slow it down.

We smear it on our face every day, spend hours in beauty parlors, just to see positive changes in our appearance. Not all treatments are effective. And I want to see the result immediately!

Rejuvenation methods

There is such a type of makeup as anti-aging. If you want to get a quick visible result with your appearance, then this is just for you. But before starting this technique, you need to take care of your health and beauty. Prepare the body and skin. After all, if the appearance is very bad, the wrinkles are deep, the complexion is earthy, then no even professional make-up will help. And in some cases, it can even aggravate the situation.

A rejuvenating facial massage gives excellent results. It is offered in beauty and massage parlors. But it will not be difficult to do it yourself at home. However, when the process is carried out by another person, and even more so by a professional, it is much more pleasant and effective. So sign up for a rejuvenating massage and enjoy. After 8-12 sessions, you will see the results. The skin will tighten, the oval of the face will be evened out, deep wrinkles will become less noticeable, the complexion will acquire freshness and radiance. For home procedures, you will need: a little free time, a cream that does not absorb for a long time, delicate hands and a problem face. Daily procedures for 20-30 minutes will cleanse the skin, bring the metabolism of the facial skin in order, and improve blood flow. The technique of this massage is described in detail on the Internet. For a more descriptive video, choose a video with a detailed description.
Together with massage, you can prepare natural scrubs, masks and peels at home. All of them are made from improvised means. It takes a little time and has more benefits than commercially available cosmetics. Popular products for making natural home cosmetics:

Vegetable oils:, etc.
Chicken eggs. Both yolk and white are used. Yolk to moisturize, protein to tighten pores and dry acne.
Avocado pulp to moisturize and nourish the skin.
Kefir, milk, yogurt. These products should be high in fat content for better hydration of dry and dehydrated skin.
Coffee. Usually they take a sleeping one to make a scrub. The coarser the grind, the more aggressive the scrub is. Therefore, do not overdo it with pressure, otherwise it is easy to damage the epithelium.
Honey. Its use is not recommended for allergy sufferers. But even if you did not suffer from such a disease, it is better to check for presence. Spread some honey on the crook of your elbow or wrist and wait 30 minutes. If a reaction occurs, do not use this ingredient in natural cosmetics.

Drink plenty of water. Experts recommend drinking pure non-carbonated water in a volume of 30 ml per 1 kg of body weight. That is, for a girl weighing 50 kg, the norm is 1.5 liters. The higher the weight, the more you need to drink. It cleanses, fills the skin cells with moisture. Such problems go away: dry skin, pale color, fine wrinkles, irritation, acne gradually disappears.
Review your diet. To look young and healthy, it is imperative that you have complete nutrition. No mono-diets "a la" buckwheat and water will do. It is important to consume enough of all macronutrients: proteins, fats and carbohydrates. It is good to have your own vegetable garden in order to receive only fresh and unprocessed vegetables and fruits. But if this is not possible, try to choose the freshest, ripe foods. Without a healthy diet, no person will become younger and more attractive.
If you have the means and time, then visit. It can be both hardware and manual techniques. It is important to do them regularly.
As an option for cardinal rejuvenation for several decades, modern medicine suggests using a scalpel and the skillful hands of a surgeon. But this is not available to everyone, and not everyone will decide to go to the operating table.
Well, after all of the above, proceed to rejuvenating makeup. This procedure is elite in the makeup artist's office. Not common. But it is quite possible to repeat the technique at home without additional material and time costs.

The main meaning of this makeup is rejuvenation. Naturally, it is only visual, there will be no actual changes on the face. This is done with the help of color correction and changing and improving the oval of the face, contours. Sharp lines will appear. Thanks to this, the face will look 10-15 years younger.

Preparation. If you are planning on going to an event where you need to look stunning, then anti-aging makeup will help you. But you need to prepare for it. The day before it, do a face peeling or use gamma. These products exfoliate dead skin cells, smooth the surface, make it smooth and velvety. After that, wipe your face with lotion or tonic, and then apply the cream. Immediately before applying makeup, such a harsh procedure should not be done, since the skin will take time to recover. If the particles of dyes get into the micro wounds, there is a possibility of inflammation. Immediately before make-up, wash with foam, massage gently with your fingertips, wipe with toner and spread with cream. Wait for it to be absorbed and start your makeup.
Lightweight foundation. Choose a foundation with a light texture. It shouldn't lie like a mask. Its task is to align color and structure. Choose a shade slightly lighter than your natural one. The next item is a point corrector pencil. It will help to cope with minor imperfections on the face: spots, acne, redness.
Powder. After foundation and concealer, powder must be applied. It should be light and airy. You do not need to plaster your face, lightly walk the sponge over the surface of the skin. Especially carefully touch the T-zone, where the skin is the most oily. Don't forget about the eyes. On top of the powder, the shadows will lay down smoother and last longer.

We remove the flaws. It is better not to touch the moving parts of the face and deep wrinkles with foundation. There it will roll and it will look unaesthetic, and you will not achieve a rejuvenating effect in this way. Either discard the foundation in these areas, or apply the product in a minimal amount. It is advisable to use only dry correction products here: powder, shadows. The main rule: lighten the pits, depressions, and darken the bulges. Thus, the relief of the facial skin is leveled. Do not forget about the neck, on it the wrinkles are visible even better than on the face. This kind of work will take a lot of time. But if the event is important, there will be many people, photographers, then you better try. Or ask a professional for help.
Brows. Throughout life, we constantly correct our eyebrows, some even like to pluck them as much as possible, and then paint on with a pencil. By the age of 30-35, the number of eyebrow hairs decreases, they become thin. For rejuvenating makeup, eyebrows are practically the main ingredient. Their correct shape and positioning in relation to the eyes will emphasize beauty and youth. Feel free to experiment with them. If you do not know how, then do not take it. Go to the salon for correction, as an option - a tattoo. For eyebrows, use eyeshadow, pencil and brush. If they are too thin, then paint the villi on the bottom and top. In rejuvenating makeup, do not be afraid of multiple accents. If in the usual technique you focus only on the eyes or lips, then this rule does not apply here.

Bright shadows. In such makeup, bright shadows will be inappropriate. On the contrary, they focus on imperfections, small wrinkles. Therefore, if the upper eyelids are not ideal, then apply dark shadows on them: black, gray, brown. The lower ones should not be touched. Even the lower lashes do not need to be dyed. This will make the look heavier, visually lower the outer corners, which will make the appearance look old.
Choose mascara not for volume, but for lengthening. With age, the length and volume of your own eyelashes decreases markedly. For the best effect, they will need lengthening and curling. Use a tweezer to curl your eyelashes.
The anti-aging blush is not applied in a stripe. Highlighting the upper part of the cheekbone, but in an even circle. Blush color - pale pink, peach. The effect of frosty liquid cheeks is created.
Use a pencil to shape your lips. Choose its shade that emphasizes the natural color of the lips. The pencil will help keep the lipstick from flowing. If the lips look dry, add some gloss. For a fuller appearance, apply a lighter shade and shine to the center of the upper and lower lips.
The lines on the face should go up. With age, everything goes down: the corners of the lips, the edges of the eyes, eyebrows. Therefore, to make the face look younger, it must be lifted. Draw lines from bottom to top.

What you need for anti-aging makeup

Do you want to look great at an upcoming event? Then put on anti-aging makeup and you won't be recognized. What you need for this:

lengthening mascara,
lipstick, lip gloss, lip pencil,
foundation with a light texture,
corrective pencil,
brushes and sponges: for eyelids, blush, powder, eyebrows,
shadows of dark shades,
brightening eyeshadow for wrinkles, pits and depressions in the skin.

January 18, 2014 2:59 pm

Some lucky women do not need anti-aging makeup, even when they are approaching their fifths. But most girls at the age of 30 notice the first wrinkles, signs of fatigue on the skin and other imperfections. Of course, the situation cannot be corrected with cosmetics alone, it is necessary to take better care of the skin, visit a beautician, and make nourishing masks. But makeup for rejuvenation is included in the arsenal of a fashionista, because in one day it will not be possible to return freshness and a radiant look to the skin, but you want to look perfect right now.

Swelling, wrinkling, dark circles, visible wreaths and spider veins do not add to anyone's appeal. Before doing anti-aging makeup, all these minor troubles need to be hidden so that not a single interlocutor would guess about a sleepless night spent in thought. First of all, the face must be cleansed using a tonic. Then apply a cream with a firming and refreshing effect.

The most difficult thing is to mask imperfections with a corrector. If you have never used concealer, we recommend that you contact a beautician. A professional will show you how to achieve the effect of minus 5 years with the help of anti-aging makeup, using the play of light on properly prepared skin.

When choosing a foundation, keep in mind that dark shades age the skin, and light shades refresh. Ideal tone matches the face tone or one tone lighter. The texture of the foundation for anti-aging makeup should be as light as possible so that the product fills in the smallest wrinkles and does not collect in folds. To give the puffy face a clearer shape, highlight the cheekbones and jawline with a foundation one shade darker than the base, gently blending the borders of the two shades.


The color of your lipstick depends on what you want to accentuate. If your eye makeup is catchy and bright, avoid oversaturation and keep the lipstick in a warm pastel shade. If the eyeshadow is transparent and dull, use a rich, luscious lipstick of any suitable color. There is only one nuance - the older the lips look, the less desirable a clear contour. Many women think that using a contour pencil you can draw lines blurred by age, but more often it turns out the other way around - the pencil crumples, emphasizing imperfections. For a rejuvenating make-up for those over 30, the matte light texture of the lipstick is ideal, since the shine enhances all minor imperfections.


When choosing a blush, remember that their color should not be visible on the face. The correct blush gives a light shade, lays down in an even thin layer without the effect of “just got out of the sauna”. Apply the blush in a light upward motion to visually lift aging skin. Do not overdo it, let the blush be natural - the sharp almost vertical lines on the face make women look like young old women, even when traces of fatigue and minor imperfections are barely noticeable.

Today, anti-aging makeup is becoming more and more in demand and popular. The past years invariably leave marks on the face. Yesterday, a young girl was smiling in the mirror, but today the first wrinkles are visible, the skin is dull, the corners of the lips are lowered. But in order to regain its former blooming appearance, it is not necessary to run to a plastic surgeon.

Figure 1. Performing anti-aging makeup yourself.

To perform anti-aging makeup, you need regular cosmetics. It is quite easy to do it yourself, you just need to know some of the secrets of makeup and be able to apply them. If rejuvenating makeup is performed for the first time, you can turn to professionals and carefully observe the process, and then successfully do everything yourself (Fig. 1).

Makeup rules

Before you apply makeup that makes your face ten years younger, you need to take care of nourishing and moisturizing your skin. Over the years, the skin loses its natural elasticity, there is a lack of moisture, a large number of dead cells accumulate. To begin with, you should use a scrub to remove dead skin cells and open all the pores.

Figure 2. Stages of applying evening eye makeup.

After that, you can apply a nourishing or moisturizing mask, and only then perform anti-aging makeup. Before the procedure, you need to wipe your face with lotion and use a cream that matches your skin type.

The first and foremost rule is naturalness. Anti-aging makeup should be done in such a way as to give the impression that there is a minimum of cosmetics. In no case should you use bright colors, especially unnatural ones: green, blue, purple shades of shadows.

When doing makeup to look younger, do not draw thick lines on the eyelids, as they will inevitably add a few extra years. The lines should be thin and even, strictly along the upper border of eyelash growth. Foundation and powder are applied in a thin even layer and carefully shaded, especially along the contour of the face, so that the boundaries of the transition of tones are not visible.

When performing anti-aging makeup, you should not choose oil-based foundation, you should give preference to light, melting textures.

A good option would be tonal foams with a mother-of-pearl effect. Rejuvenating makeup is very picky about the presence of imperfections on the skin. To mask them, you can use special corrective agents, but it is important to ensure that their tone matches the tone of the foundation. The latter should be as close as possible to the natural skin color. A lighter tone can be applied to the chin and forehead for an additional rejuvenating effect. But to apply light shades under the eyes is permissible only when performing evening make-up (Fig. 2).

Eye makeup secrets

Pastel shades work well for this make-up. This makes the look younger, distracts the eye from the "crow's feet". The best option is to color the shadows a tone and a half darker than the skin tone. You need to apply shadows only on the upper eyelid, and the lower one can be emphasized with a thin line of a white or beige pencil. This will make the eyes look larger. Pearlescent shadows are also acceptable, but should not go beyond the eyes. But arrows are strictly prohibited. It is enough to apply a thin eyeliner, preferably brown or beige.

When choosing mascara, black should be preferred. For owners of light hair, gray and brown mascara is suitable, but it is unacceptable to use blue, purple and pink colors. To eliminate dark circles under the eyes, you can use a peach tone corrector. But it can be applied strictly in the center, without affecting the corners of the eyes and the lower eyelid horizontally. Otherwise, the effect will be completely opposite.

Lip makeup secrets

The years take their toll, and the natural contour, swelling, attractive lip tint disappear over time. The correct use of lipstick will help to restore the former attractiveness of the lips. If wrinkles appear in the corners of the lips, they can be perfectly masked with a corrector. When choosing lipstick and lip gloss, you should opt for natural and soothing colors (from brown to pink).

A lip liner should also be chosen to match the lipstick: it should be only one shade darker. There is no need to draw an additional contour of the lips, raise the corners and create extra volumes, it is enough to carefully trace the natural contour of the mouth. And to achieve visual swelling, you can use a little trick: after applying lipstick to the entire area of ​​the lips, add a little pearlescent gloss to the middle of the lower sponge. This secret makes the lips more plump and voluminous.

Applying blush correctly

Makeup that rejuvenates the face necessarily takes into account the application of blush. It is they who give the face freshness and youth, and are the final touch in all makeup.

Blush well emphasize the oval of the face, for this it is better to use natural colors that are close to the shade of the foundation. Under the cheekbones, darker tones are chosen, on the cheekbones - a tone lighter than the main complexion. The palette of blush should be chosen in cream tones, but the texture of the cosmetic product itself should be crumbly. This provides additional benefits for feathering and easily avoids color blending.

When performing makeup, you need to remember that, as always, the main rule of makeup must be observed, namely, an emphasis on the eyes or lips must be observed. For a rejuvenating make-up, this rule is also relevant.

The make-up, which will be discussed, will allow mature women to look ten to fifteen years younger. Plastic medicine has come up with many ways to rejuvenate, but it is expensive. But makeup, which visually raises the contours of the face, is available to every woman taking care of herself. Its main principles: all lines of the face should strive upward; a little color correction is needed.

Colors of cosmetics

In this case, you will need cosmetics in neutral, natural tones. It should also be remembered that matte shadows age, while mother-of-pearl accentuates wrinkles and skin imperfections. The best option is satin products with a touch of shine, with a glow effect.

Tonal basis

Choose a base with a neutral tone, but not pink. A beige palette is appropriate, which is in perfect harmony with skin color. If the skin is very pale, choose an ivory base and lighter in tone. It is good to choose foundation with a lifting effect.
Better to choose beige-orange or yellowish correctors. Also use concealers with a brush and dispenser.


Light beige or transparent will do.


Use only pastel, fresh colors - pink, peach, beige-pink, pink-orange. Overly light and brown shades will not work.


Take on a neutral, soft and natural shade palette. Avoid mother of pearl.

Eyebrow tones

If your hair is gray or cold tones, give preference to ash beige or gray-brown tones, if your hair is warm tones - brownish, without reddishness.

Lip tints

Revitalizing, refreshing, natural tones are preferred - pink, pink-beige, apricot, light berry. Try not to use shades that are too pale or too bright.


Choose lipsticks that are nourishing or moisturizing. Persistent - not for you, they dry the lips, highlight wrinkles in the corners of the mouth.

Makeup brushes

In addition to decorative cosmetics, you will need high-quality makeup brushes:
  • Powder brush
  • For blush
  • For eyebrows
  • Brow brush
  • Eye brushes
  • Lip brush.

Preparing your face for makeup with a rejuvenating effect

The skin should be rubbed with a toner and a lifting serum should be applied to it. Apply a lifting cream to the skin, wait for it to be absorbed. A light gel can be applied to the eyes. Moisten your lips with balm. After ten to fifteen minutes, start your makeup.
Concealer mask imperfections on the face - irritation, age spots, vascular network.

Apply the tone with a sponge or with your fingers all over the face, around the lips too. Apply a lighter tone to the nasolabial folds, wrinkles near the corners of the mouth, under the eyes, vertical wrinkles between the eyebrows.


Before applying the powder, sprinkle thermal water on your face or wipe it with a piece of ice, quickly distribute the water over your face - this is how a foundation, and all makeup will last for a long time and look fresh. Then apply the powder.

Do not forget: in this makeup, all the movements of your hand are directed from the bottom up all the time. For example, when you bring your eyes, draw a line, lifting it to the outer contour of the eye.


With age, eyebrows become less frequent, discolored, so they need to be made thicker and brighter. It is important to raise the line of the eyebrows - this will make the eyes more open, visually raise the face.

It is better to tint rare eyebrows not with a pencil, but with eyebrow shadows. Brush them up. Shade them with a brush. Fix with gel or special wax.


Perhaps one of the main age-related problems is drooping eyelids - because of this, the eyes become smaller. Therefore, apply neutral tones to the entire movable eyelid, then slightly darken the overhanging part of the eyelid with a shade of the main color and, finally, draw a line along the edge of cilia growth with a dark pencil. The arrow should be slightly raised. When you open your eyes, the eyeliner should be visible. Apply light shadows under the eyebrows, which visually opens the eyes and lifts the eyelids.

If your eyelids are too wrinkled, use a light matte eyeshadow all over your upper eyelid. For faded eyes, avoid using dark tones.

Thinning eyelashes will be saved by a dark, well-blended eyeliner at the very base of the eyelashes. Tint thin and faded eyelashes with gray or brown mascara.


With the help of blush, you can refresh the skin of the face, visually lift it up. They should not be applied too low.


Over the years, the contour of the lips becomes indistinct, so it must be outlined with a pencil - this will prevent the lipstick from blurring in the wrinkles around the mouth.

The outline should not be done with sharp lines - they should be smooth. The shade of the pencil should be close to the natural color of the lips. If the lips are too drooping, do not draw artificial contours - just do not paint over their outer corners with lipstick.

Apply lipstick with a brush.

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