Hygiene rules in kindergarten. Hygiene rules in kindergarten Memo for kindergarten parents: the benefits of hygiene

Antipyretics for children are prescribed by a pediatrician. But there are emergency situations with fever when the child needs to be given medicine immediately. Then the parents take responsibility and use antipyretic drugs. What is allowed to be given to infants? How can you lower the temperature in older children? What medications are the safest?

Of great importance in protecting and strengthening the health of the child is his hygienic training and education.

Hygienic education is part of general education, and hygienic skills are an integral part of cultural behavior.



Hygiene of preschool children

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Great importance in protecting and strengthening the health of a child belongs to his hygienic training and education.

Hygienic education is part of general education, and hygienic skills are an integral part of cultural behavior. Those who believe that imparting hygienic knowledge to children and instilling hygienic skills in them is the job of medical workers are deeply wrong. This is a vital matter for parents, especially since the line separating the skills of hygienic behavior from the basic rules of community life is so vague that it can be considered non-existent.

Coming to kindergarten or school with clean hands is hygienic or a general cultural rule? Cover your mouth with a handkerchief when you cough? Don't come to kindergarten or school when you're sick? All these rules and the knowledge that substantiates them must enter into consciousnesschildren by suggestion, systematic education and this should be done first of all by parents. Great importance in prevention various diseases belongs personal hygiene. Personal hygiene - taking care of your body and keeping it clean.

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Personal hygiene is a set of hygienic rules, the implementation of which contributes to the preservation and strengthening of health. Teaching preschoolers hygiene is the task of parents and educators, so it is advisable to ensure full coordination of the requirements of the preschool educational institution and the child’s family. It is important to develop general criteria for evaluating individual actions, both in the garden and at home, to clearly determine the location of things, toys, and the order of their cleaning and storage. For children, constancy of conditions, knowledge of the purpose and place of every thing he needs during the day is of particular importance. Preschoolers need to be given basic knowledge about the rational rules of personal hygiene for children, reveal their meaning for everyone and for those around them, and cultivate an appropriate attitude towards hygiene procedures. The main scientific and methodological teaching methods include visual, verbal, game and practical. When mastering a skill, a child usually strives to perform a certain movement repeatedly. Gradually, he learns to cope more and more independently and quickly with the task at hand. The adult only reminds or asks if the child has forgotten to do this or that task, and then provides him with greater independence. But it is necessary to check whether the child has done everything correctly and whether he takes care of personal hygiene throughout the entire preschool age.

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Children's hygiene: daily routine

The daily routine ensures daily repetition of hygiene procedures at the same time, which contributes to the gradual formation of skills and habits of a culture of behavior and personal hygiene. Slide No. 5

The daily routine accustoms the child’s body to a certain rhythm, provides a change in activity, protecting the children’s nervous system from overwork.

Washing is the first stage of hygiene for preschoolers

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Every morning all children should wash your face : wash your face, hands, neck, ears. You also need to wash your face after walking and in the evening. If the towel remains clean after drying with it, it means the child washed himself well.

Body care in childhood depends on the child’s upbringing. He should have already developed it on his own. If at two years old the baby is still learning to wash his hands, then at six years old the child can wash them himself, roll up his sleeves, soap his wet hands, and carefully remove the soap suds and dirt, then wipe them dry with a towel. Wash your nails with a brush every day and trim them once a week. Hygiene for preschool children should be almost in the first place, since during this period of development he walks a lot and plays on playgrounds, and there accordingly

By the age of six, a child raised according to a regime already takes care of himself independently, and he has a developed instinct for personal hygiene. He will wash his hands without any problems after going to the toilet, after walking outside, after playing with animals, before eating and whenever he gets dirty.

Oral hygiene in preschool children

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To prevent disease and tooth decay, children should be taught to rinse their mouths with warm water after lunch. For young children this is difficult at first, but by repeating the necessary movements after adults, they gradually get used to rinsing their mouths correctly. At the age of 2, we introduce the child to a toothbrush and teach him how to brush his teeth in a playful way. At first, the baby perceives this as a game, entertainment, but if this is done systematically, the child gets used to it and feels the need for it. From the age of 3-4, children should be taught to brush their teeth correctly, performing the necessary oral hygiene for preschoolers: upper teeth - from top to bottom, lower teeth - from bottom to top from the outside and inside. Children should brush their teeth before bed and in the morning after sleep. Children should be shown to the dentist at least twice a year.

Using a handkerchief is the basis of children's hygiene

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A preschooler should always have a clean handkerchief in his pocket. From the very beginning of the second year of life, you can accustom your child to wearing a headscarf. If you regularly wipe your baby's dirty nose, then after two years he will ask for it himself. If you have a runny nose, you should not force your child to blow his nose frequently: the inflamed mucous membrane from frequent nose blowing becomes even more irritated. It is important to teach children to blow their nose correctly by pinching one nostril, otherwise mucus along with microbes can penetrate into the tympanic cavity and cause inflammation of the middle ear. This should be taught carefully, without pinching the child’s nose too tightly. Unpleasant sudden movements of adults during teaching hygiene skills, which cause pain in the child, are the main reason for the reluctance and even resistance of children to become familiar with hygiene.

Bathing as an element of hygiene for preschool children

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The skin protects the human body from disease. When a child runs, jumps and gets hot, beads of sweat appear on his skin. In addition, the skin has a thin layer of fat, sebum. If the skin is not washed for a long time, then oil and sweat accumulate on it, on which dust particles are retained. This makes the skin dirty, rough and no longer protects the body. Dirty skin can be harmful to health and, in addition, dirty, sloppy people are always unpleasant to everyone around them. Therefore, the skin needs to be washed and cared for.

Bathing and washing should be enjoyable for the child. If soap gets into the eyes, and water is poured in such a strong stream that he chokes, if the water is too cold or too hot, then it is not surprising that the child will resist bathing. When adults act carefully, bathing can cause nothing but pleasant sensations. Every evening it is customary to thoroughly wash the child: face, hands, feet, and rinse thoroughly. If your child does not shower or bathe daily, he should be bathed twice a week. Feet should be washed before sleep at night, and in summer before sleep during the day.

Hair and nail hygiene in children

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Dust accumulates in the hair, mixing with sebum, it settles on the skin, which creates favorable conditions for the development of pathogenic microbes. Therefore, preschool children need to cut their hair, wash it more often, comb it at least twice a day, performing the necessary hygiene for children. Girls who have long hair can tie it in small ponytails or braid it. UEach child should have their own comb. Combs should be washed weekly with a brush and soap and stored in a certain place.

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At this age, preschool children are not able to take care of their nails themselves. Adults trim them, but the child can clean the dirt from under the nails with a brush.

Children's hygiene: teaching neatness

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It is necessary to monitor the cleanliness and tidiness of children's clothes and shoes. Already in the third year of life, this should become a matter of concern for the child himself. Even if he is not yet able to notice the mess in his clothes or shoes, he should get used to eliminating it - on his own or with the help of adults. If your shirt or dress gets dirty, you need to bring clean ones and help you change; if your shoes get wet, you need to change your shoes. If a button comes undone or a lace comes undone, you should ask the child to fasten or lace it up. If you draw a child's attention to untidiness from an early age, after a while he will begin to feel the need for cleanliness and will experience a kind of inconvenience until he puts himself in order - on his own or with the help of an adult.

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It is not difficult to instill in a child the habit of being clean and tidy. The main thing is to do it consistently. You also need to remember that in preschool age children are especially prone to imitation, so the personal example of adults plays a large role in the formation of skills.

MBDOU Combat Kindergarten

Speech at a parent meeting

Good afternoon, girls and boys, as well as their parents and my respected colleagues! I am always happy to rush to a virtual meeting with you, Tatyana Sukhikh. Finally, I fully felt the feedback from readers, as I was asked questions regarding teaching. Today we will figure out who should wash the child in kindergarten? This is exactly the question asked by my reader, whose baby is 4 years old.

I'll tell you that the problem of wet pants and dirty bottoms of preschool children arose gradually, with the collapse of the USSR, where sanitary and hygienic standards were put at the forefront in kindergartens. In a city Soviet garden, you would never see not only the one described, but generally an unkempt and sloppy child. In the villages these issues were treated more simply, of course.

And in the cities, nannies and teachers could not tolerate the slightest manifestation of unsanitary conditions. This was strictly controlled and enforced. Then, in difficult post-Soviet times, there was no time for sanitary standards, just to survive. And little by little the issue became acute, since no one wants to wipe their butts and erase traces of, excuse me, excrement.

Today there are whole battles on the topic of who should wash a child in kindergarten. The fact is that the functional responsibilities do not directly state that neither the teacher, nor the assistant and junior teacher have to wash the children. If the teachers and support staff of the kindergarten do not do this, even the court will not help the matter, because there is no such “law” for washing butts.

Moreover, teachers of younger groups began to be paid extra for younger children, this caused dissatisfaction among some representatives of the support staff. In our group we have no problems with this issue; our nanny is a real professional. But I know that other assistants and junior teachers have complaints...

But besides instructions, there are laws of morality, conscience, so to speak. And according to these laws, the people who are entrusted with our children’s supervision and education must create favorable conditions for each child’s life. What are the favorable conditions for an unwashed butt? This is my position and I stand firmly on it as an educator. But who exactly is obliged to do this?

I have already written articles about and, but, you see, everything there is so vague as regards the personal hygiene of children and their appearance. I also covered it, if you remember...

To wash or not to wash – that is the question...

You know, although there is a sample job description for all employees of a preschool institution, it somehow turns out that sometimes adjustments are made at the discretion of the kindergarten management. I found on the Internet a sample instruction from a teacher in a preschool educational institution, from which it clearly follows that the teacher of the younger group must wash the children.

I quote: “the teacher is obliged to provide hygienic care for young children.” I think that this was downloaded from Soviet instructions, when there were nurseries with children from 9 months. Again, this is the most extensive job description I've seen.

According to the requirements of the instructions on hygiene in preschool institutions, which were compiled back in the USSR, the teacher teaches children the rules and skills of personal hygiene, and the nanny does the same or under the guidance of the teacher.

How this happens in practice: according to tradition, in the younger group, the teacher teaches and monitors children’s compliance with personal hygiene rules. Together with the nanny (junior teacher), he places the children in the potties, teaches them to wipe their butts and wash their hands after using the toilet. But the pots are washed by the junior teacher or assistant teacher, as well as the floors, washbasins, dishes, etc. It is logical who washes the children - a nanny or an assistant or a junior teacher.

The teacher can, at his own discretion, help the nanny or a younger colleague if she is unable to keep up or is not feeling well. I'll tell you that there are nannies who completely sit on the heads of their teachers and they constantly wash the dishes and help carry lunches from the kitchen, thereby violating the instructions.

By the middle group, I have to teach the children of the younger group to wash their hands independently, wipe their perineum after using the toilet, teach them to eat and dress independently. The nanny helps me with this according to instructions.

In any preschool educational institution there are unspoken internal rules that develop from year to year. If the staff is not controlled, they can get lazy and start bargaining: I will - I won’t, I’m obliged - I’m not obliged. I think that before hiring a person for the position of assistant teacher, the manager must clearly inform him of the requirements for all duties.

Some comments on the issue of child hygiene in kindergarten

So, we found out that the nanny or junior teacher should wash the children, but how should she do it? How to hold a baby and what to wash it with? In general, if the child is embarrassed, the assistant teacher takes him to the toilet and washes him under running water in the shower. Ideally, each baby should have a personal washcloth for this occasion. Again, if the nanny is busy, for example, distributing lunch to the children, then it is clear that the teacher will wash the baby and will not fall apart.

It happens that teachers offer parents to stock up on wet baby wipes and instead of washing them, they wipe the butt. This is as is customary in a particular kindergarten. Upon admission to the group, the parents of the children will be told everything.

The hygiene of preschool children is a science that studies external factors affecting the child’s body. Personal hygiene of preschool children requires compliance with basic and primary measures to create the necessary conditions for preserving the child’s health. The main task of creating the right regime for a child is healthy sleep, timely meals and necessary rest during lunch and night time. If the necessary regime is not followed, you may notice the child’s poor health, lethargy, fatigue, and subsequently psychological illnesses.

Hygiene of preschool children - Rules of personal hygiene for children

You should also wash your hands after leaving the toilet. This is a mandatory condition for personal hygiene not only for children. If you have pets in your home, make sure your child also washes their hands after touching them. It is also very important to know how to wash your hands properly. Teach your child not to just rinse them without using soap, explain that you need to take soap, wash your hands, and then wipe them dry with a paper towel. Your baby most likely attends kindergarten. These same rules need to be explained to the child so that in public places the child does not forget to follow the rules of hygiene.
Personal hygiene rules for children must be observed at a certain age of the baby. In the first years of your baby's life you should ensure that your child falls asleep every two hours. A child should be awake on average from five to seven hours a day. At a later age, spend less time on your baby's sleep. As your child gets a little older, make sure your child washes their hands every hour. Otherwise, there is a chance of contracting a very serious disease.
Explain to your child that it is extremely undesirable to frequently touch your nose with your hands and that you should not scratch your eyes with dirty hands. Thus, bacteria enter the mucous membrane of the nose and eyes and cause further development of the disease. Make sure you always have a handkerchief in your child's jacket pocket. This way, when the baby sneezes or coughs, he will cover his mouth and the infection will not spread further through the air. Naturally, Doctors say that the best way of personal hygiene for a child is frequent hand washing. This is the best way to prevent infection from entering.

Personal hygiene rules for preschool children in pictures:

The key to a child’s health is considered timely trimming of nails. You must provide your child with individual personal care items. The baby must have his own towel, toothbrush, soap, comb. Teach your child to take a shower on his own; at first, of course, it will be a very small stream of water, but this is only in the first attempts. teach your baby to take care of himself, without outside help. Keep the water pressure low, as your child may get scared and this will become the biggest fear for the child in future years. Choose a shampoo for your baby that doesn’t cause tears.. Buy your child a robe. Individual slippers and washcloths are required. Give your baby a brightly colored towel. This will make it more enjoyable for your child to use and he will get used to it faster.
Keep an eye on your child’s health, because hygiene rules must be followed by everyone, from small to large.
To kid you don’t just need to soap your hands and rinse, you need to wash your hands for a minute, then rinse, only in this case it will be beneficial. Teach your child to brush their teeth correctly. This should be taught to a child at the age of two. Explain to your child that the brush must be washed before and after brushing their teeth. Explain to your child that his teeth need to be brushed twice a day, after he has eaten, because the remaining food eats away his milk teeth, which leads to the formation of caries. If your child decides to have a snack somewhere, tell him to at least rinse his mouth. Teach your baby to comb his hair, because this is also a hygienic norm for every person.

Playing, studying, learning about the world around us are the most important tasks of children. They often forget about these concerns - and we have to remind them of the rules of personal hygiene for children. Kids need to learn these rules in order to grow up confident, healthy and easier to find a common language with others. But observing the rules of personal hygiene should not be a burden to either you or your children. A child should be proud of his cleanliness and neatness. This will make him feel independent and increase self-esteem.

Why is it so important to maintain good personal hygiene?

“You must, you must wash your face in the mornings and evenings!” - Probably everyone remembers these lines from Chukovsky’s children’s poem “Moidodyr”. And many people know that it can be difficult to teach children to observe basic rules of personal hygiene. Your child will learn the rules of personal hygiene most quickly if you present them as a game and show them by example. In order for your child to enjoy following these rules, you must first tell him why, in fact, it is so important to follow them.

Sit down with your child and tell him why good personal hygiene is important for children. Key points in your explanation could be phrases like the following:

  • Maintaining good personal hygiene will prevent harmful germs from infecting you with disease.
  • You will be strong, healthy and confident.
  • Other children and adults will be more willing to play and communicate with you.

Keep a list of personal hygiene requirements for your family. You can hang it in the nursery and ask the little ones to color it with markers.

So what should be on such a list? Let's look at 6 basic rules of personal hygiene for children.

Your child will learn the rules of personal hygiene most quickly if you yourself set a good example for him. For example, why don't you brush your teeth with your children?

1. Brush your teeth twice a day

To get started, let your children love brushing their teeth by turning this boring procedure into a fun game for them. “Squeak like a mouse when you brush your front teeth,” or “roar like a lion when you brush your back teeth.” Explain to your child that teeth need to be brushed to keep them healthy, for example, in this manner: “How will you bite your favorite nuts and cookies?”

2. Personal hygiene rules for children: wash your hands before eating

Children may find washing their hands a boring chore until they understand the importance of this personal hygiene practice.

Teach children that germs are small, invisible bugs that can make you sick. Top it off with a game of glitter. Rub glitter on your child's hands and show how germs are transmitted: glitter will stick to everything he touches. Then ask your child to wash their hands so that the “invisible shine” no longer spreads to surrounding objects and people. Remember to say that it is especially important to wash your hands before eating and after using the toilet.

3. Use napkins

While children have not yet learned the rules of personal hygiene, they wipe their dirty hands on everything and wipe their snotty noses with their sleeves. The habit of always having on hand a package of soft and durable paper tissues - such as Zewa Deluxe - will help you cope with this. Explain to your child that it is much more pleasant to wipe his nose with soft handkerchiefs. It will be very useful for schoolchildren to learn this rule of personal hygiene. Make it a habit for your child to always carry a pack of Zewa Deluxe tissues in his school bag.

Zewa Deluxe paper handkerchiefs are soft and so delicate, as if they were specially created for small noses. Explain to your child that wiping his nose and sneezing into a disposable paper tissue will help him avoid infecting his friends, beloved parents, and brothers and sisters.

4. Change your underwear every day

It’s so natural for any adult to change their underwear every day. Our parents taught us this. Explain to your children how important it is to observe this rule of personal hygiene. Show your child the difference between the pleasant aroma of just washed clothes and the smell of already worn clothes. Explain that he, too, will smell fresh and clean if he changes his underwear every day.

 Let your child choose his own underwear. It's easier to take care of things you like. Teach your child to place his worn T-shirts and panties in the dirty laundry basket. It is important if your child helps you with the laundry - this will allow him to better understand the rules of personal hygiene.

5. Take baths and showers regularly

Show your child that taking a bath and washing in the shower is not only an important rule of personal hygiene, it is also pleasant and fun! Turn bath time into a fun game by letting your child take a bath with his favorite water toys. Add bubble bath with his favorite scent to the water and show him how much fun he can play by foaming soapy water and blowing soap bubbles. Let swimming turn into a holiday every evening!

6. Trim your nails regularly

Young children often put their fingers in their mouths and bite their nails. But many harmful bacteria accumulate under the nails. This is why it is so important to trim your nails regularly. If your child doesn't like cutting his nails and is fussy, try distracting him. Sing a song, turn on a cartoon, or turn this unpleasant procedure into a game while bathing. This will help him relax and enjoy cutting his nails.

Let observing the rules of personal hygiene become a ritual for the whole family. The example of adults will inspire children, help them quickly learn the rules of personal hygiene, and over time they will become a habit for the child.

*According to the results of a study by Eurofins Evic (Eurofins Evic), France, April 2018.


Hygiene of preschool children

Teaching preschoolers hygiene is a task not only for educators, but also for parents, so it is advisable to ensure full coordination of the requirements of the preschool educational institution and the child’s family. It is important to develop general criteria for evaluating individual actions, both in the garden and at home, to clearly determine the location of things, toys, and the order of their cleaning and storage.

For children, constancy of conditions, knowledge of the purpose and place of every thing he needs during the day are of particular importance. Preschoolers need to be given basic knowledge about the rational rules of personal hygiene for children, reveal their meaning for everyone and for those around them, and cultivate an appropriate attitude towards hygiene procedures.

When mastering a skill, a child usually strives to perform a certain movement repeatedly. Gradually, he learns to cope more and more independently and quickly with the task at hand. The adult only reminds or asks if the child has forgotten to do this or that task, and then provides him with greater independence. But it is necessary to check whether the child has completed everything correctly throughout preschool age.

Daily regime ensures daily repetition of hygiene procedures at the same time, which contributes to the gradual formation of skills and habits of a culture of behavior and personal hygiene. The daily routine accustoms the child’s body to a certain rhythm, provides a change in activity, protecting the children’s nervous system from overwork.

Washing – the first stage of hygiene for preschoolers. Children should be comfortable and pleasant to wash themselves. If children have to raise their hands high when washing, water may flow into the sleeves. The size of the bar of soap should be such that the child can easily grasp it with his hand. The water should be at room temperature. The child needs to be explained that according to the rules of hygiene for children, sleeves should be rolled up before washing hands. It is also necessary to show how to properly soap and wash your hands and face, and how to dry yourself after washing. You should not rush your baby if he is concentrating on repeating the same action (for example, washing his hands). Moreover, you should not perform this action for him. Make sure that children wash themselves thoroughly and dry themselves with their own towel. The length of children's towels should not exceed 100 cm.

Oral hygiene in preschool children.
To prevent disease and tooth decay, children should be taught to rinse their mouths with warm water after lunch. For young children, this is difficult at first, but by repeating the necessary movements, they gradually get used to rinsing their mouths correctly. From the age of 3-4, children should be taught to brush their teeth correctly, performing the necessary oral hygiene for preschoolers: upper teeth - from top to bottom, lower teeth - from bottom to top from the outside and inside. It is recommended to gradually accustom children to solid food; chewing it increases the work of the jaw muscles. But children should not chew nuts - they can damage their teeth. Children should be shown to the dentist at least twice a year.

Using a handkerchief is the basis of children's hygiene .
The child should always have a clean handkerchief in his pocket. From the very beginning of the second year of life, you can accustom your child to wearing a headscarf. If you regularly wipe your baby's dirty nose, then after two years he will ask for it himself. If you have a runny nose, you should not force your child to blow his nose frequently: the inflamed mucous membrane from frequent nose blowing becomes even more irritated.

Unpleasant sudden movements of adults during teaching hygiene skills, which cause pain in the child, are the main reason for the reluctance and even resistance of children to become familiar with hygiene.

Hair and nail hygiene in children.
Dust accumulates in the hair, mixing with sebum, it settles on the skin, which creates favorable conditions for the development of pathogenic microbes. Therefore, preschool children need to cut their hair, wash it more often, comb it at least twice a day, performing the necessary hygiene for children. Girls who have long hair can tie it in small bows or braid it. At home, the baby should have his own comb. Combs are washed weekly with a brush and soap.

Young children are not able to take care of their nails themselves. They are cut by adults.

It is necessary to monitor the cleanliness and tidiness of the baby’s clothes and shoes. Already in the third year of life, this should become a matter of concern for the baby himself. Even if he is not yet able to notice the mess in his clothes or shoes, he should get used to eliminating it - on his own or with the help of adults. If your shirt or dress gets dirty, you need to bring clean ones and help you change; if your shoes get wet, you need to change your shoes. If a button comes undone, you should ask the child to button it.

If you draw your child's attention to untidiness from an early age, after a while he will begin to feel the need for cleanliness and will experience a kind of inconvenience until he puts himself in order - on his own or with the help of an adult. It is not difficult to instill in your child the habit of being clean and tidy. The main thing is to do it consistently. You also need to remember that in preschool age children are especially prone to imitation, so the personal example of adults plays a large role in the formation of skills.

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