Abstract of an integrated drawing lesson in the senior group using an unconventional drawing technique such different butterflies. Synopsis of an integrated lesson in non-traditional drawing in the senior group "Traveling in a colorful country" pl

Antipyretics for children are prescribed by a pediatrician. But there are emergency situations for fever in which the child needs to be given medicine immediately. Then the parents take responsibility and use antipyretic drugs. What is allowed to be given to infants? How can you bring down the temperature in older children? What are the safest medicines?

Synopsis of an integrated lesson in
drawing in the senior group on the topic
Popova L.N.
Synopsis of an integrated drawing lesson in the senior group of
the topic "Pets"
Synopsis of an integrated lesson in art -
aesthetic development (drawing) in the older group
Topic: "Pets"
Educational tasks:
1. Strengthen drawing skills with non-traditional poke techniques
hard brush, allowing you to most vividly convey the depicted
an object, the characteristic texture of its appearance (volume, fluffiness);
2. Teach correctly (just above the iron tip, three
fingers) hold the brush while drawing.
3. Learn to draw paint on the tip of the brush, then remove the excess about
paper and poke with a hard brush on the drawn with a pencil
line or shape.
4. Continue to learn to draw large, place the image in
according to the size of the sheet.
Developmental tasks:
1. Expand knowledge about pets, instill love for them.
2. Develop children's creative imagination, logical thinking,
attention, memory, create conditions for the development of creative
3. To develop fine skills and abilities, hand motor skills.
Educational tasks:
1. To bring up accuracy in working with gouache, careful good
attitude towards animals.
Vocabulary work: Enrich the active vocabulary of children with the words: barn,
stable, kennel, sad, cheerful, fluffy, kind,
bold, poke drawing.
Materials for the lesson: Gouache, stiff brush, stand for
brushes, album sheet, pencils, notebook, interactive
Preliminary work: watching cartoons, viewing
illustrations depicting pets and their babies,
reading fiction about animals.

Methods and techniques:
Questions, children's stories, game - travel, didactic games,
solving riddles.
Course of the lesson:
1. Introductory part
Educator: Do you guys want to go on an interesting journey? I AM
I propose to go to a magical land.
Educated .: What do you think you can travel on?
Children: by car, bus, bike, hot air balloon, etc.
Educated .: and on what we will go on a trip, try
guess yourself?
I rushed fast on the rails,
I counted the sleepers.
I brought you to the station
Do you know who I am ?. (locomotive)
Educated .: Right. This is a steam locomotive. He has been waiting for you for a long time, but in the car
only the one who names the pet will sit.
(Children name animals and sit down)
Quest "Guess!"
Educated .: I will ask you riddles, and you will guess them.
1. I have a patch,
Instead of a ponytail - a hook
I love to lie in a puddle
And grunt: "Oink, oink!"
Nastya, go find the answer in the picture. Show the guys.
2. I'm sitting on a chain,
Master's house for the watchman

3. Hungry - hums,
Sated - chews
To all the guys
It gives milk.
4. I jump faster than the wind,
I have the tail and mane.
Guess who am I?
5. Me - me I sing loudly
And I stab with my horns. (goat)
Educated .: How can you call these animals, in one word?
Children: "Pets"
Educated .: Guys, look at our pets walking around
clearing and lost, let's put each animal in its house.
Children: go out and settle animals
Where does the horse live? in the stable
Dog in kennel
Pig - in the pigsty
Cow - in the barn, in the barn on the farm
Goat - in the barn
Educated.: We named pets, found out where they are
live, and now you need to name who has which cub.
The task "Who has a baby" (Go to the interactive board and
connect the animal with their cub)
The cow has a calf
The pig has a piglet
The dog has a puppy
The horse has a foal.

The goat has a kid
Educated .: Look what we have here?
Children: Geometric shapes: circle, oval, triangle
Educated .: Let's count how many of them?
Children: 7
Educated .: These are not simple figures, but magic ones, with the help of them we can
with you to draw one very beloved pet, and
what will you learn by guessing the riddle?
Riddle for children:
The tail is fluffy and mustache ...
There is no more pleasant beauty!
The paws are soft pillows,
Ears raised up.
Well, think a little.
Have you guessed? It's a cat)
Children go to the inter. blackboard and geometric shapes make up
cat. Look what kind of kitty we got ...
Now I suggest you rest a little.
Physical minutes:
"Visiting the cat"
Cat invited us to visit (palms on cheeks, shake our head)
And we went along the path (we walk in place)
We see - the tree is tall (we put the cam on the cam)
We see a deep lake ("wave" by hand)
The birds are singing songs (fingers crossed)
Grains peck everywhere
(peck on one palm, then on the other)
Here they peck and there they peck
They do not give them to anyone ("shake" your finger)
This is a house ("roof" from the hands)
And there is a window in it (pointing with fingers)
We are met by a cat and a cat (clap our hands)
We will have a little visit ("shake hands")

And let's run back (running in place)
Look what kind of cat Murka came to visit us.
Beautiful, smart. She asks you to help her find friends.
The children sit down in their seats.
Educate.: So, let's help our kitty and draw cats and
Educated .: We will draw in two steps: first, we will draw a silhouette
kittens with a simple pencil, then fill them with color. Draw an outline
a kitten with a simple pencil, starting from the body (if lying) large,
correlating with the size of the sheet.
Educator at inter. chalkboard shows algorithmic
drawing scheme for a pet cat using
geometric shapes.
Educated .: We draw an oval - this is the body, the circle is the head; two outstretched
oval - paws; one extended and downward oval - tail; on the head with
use small triangles to draw the ears. Paint
we will have a muzzle when we paint a kitten with paint - two parallel
points - eyes, one bold point below - nose. By using
horizontal lines draw a mustache. Draw the mouth with an arched line.
Remember ways to draw non-traditional techniques with a poke
hard brush.
Educated .: guys, if you look at your kittens, you will notice that
the contour of the kittens is drawn with even, smooth lines, and our kitten on
really fluffy. To make the kitten look like a real one
we will paint with a hard brush. If the brush is dipped in paint
the desired color, then remove the excess on the paper and poke
along the line drawn with a pencil and immediately tear it off the surface,
You will get a print that will give the line volume and fluffiness.
The next print should be applied side by side without leaving
free space between the previous and the next. When
the outline will be ready, fill the space inside with prints.
Educated.: We hold the brush like this (hand on the elbow, hold the brush
three fingers above its metal part)
It's difficult? No, a trifle (movement of the hand over the text)
Right - left, up and down
Our brush ran.
And then, and then (the brush is held vertically)

The brush runs in a circle (perform poking without paint on the sheet)
Spun like a top.
For a jab comes a jab!
Educated .: children, so that the drawings turn out beautiful, let's knead
Finger gymnastics "Kittens"
Animals have 4 legs
(raise and lower 4 fingers on the hands)
Claws can scratch
(depict claws)
Not their face, but their muzzle
(put your fingers together in a ball, bring them closer to the face)
Tail, mustache, and wet nose
("Wave", show the mustache, circle the nose)
And, of course, the ears! (three ears)
Only on the top of the head (show with hands)
Additional questions
Who are we going to draw? (kitten)
What parts does the object consist of and how will it be located?
What materials will we use?
What technique will we use?
What do you need to keep in mind when working with gouache using the poke technique?
2. Independent activities of children
In the process of work, the teacher monitors how children draw: reminds
about not picking up a lot of paint on the brush, but only lightly touching
paint surface so that the print has an air-colored
surface; first execute one element to the end, only then
proceed with the next one.
3. Lesson summary

Educated .: Guys, look what beautiful cats, and cats we have
turned out!
They have different personalities, colors and different moods. And now they are all
together they will be friends with our kitty. Children show their kittens
and hang portraits at the exhibition, and the teacher suggests that they come up with
nicknames and find, in their opinion, kittens with different characters (the most nimble,
cunning, small, kind, brave, modest, fearful, and so on)
The kitty thanks us, but we are returning to our kindergarten,
we occupy our wagons
Educated .: There are two suns in front of you, one cheerful, the other sad.
If you liked the lesson today, then draw your ray
cheerful sun, and if not, then sad
Children: draw the rays and explain their choice.

Synopsis of an integrated lesson in the 2nd junior group on familiarization with others and drawing on the topic: "Let's help the kitten."

Description: this material is intended for educators of younger groups.
goal: reinforce children's knowledge of cats as pets
Continue to learn to draw using the method of jabbing with a hard brush along the contour and inside it.
Exercise in the use of speech and. noun in the form of units. and many others. numbers denoting pets and their cubs.
Strengthen understanding of generalizing words: pets.
Clarify children's ideas about the appearance of the cat, its habits.
Strengthen children's ideas about color, size.
Develop attention, memory, hand movement.
Instill a sense of kindness, a desire to help.
To cultivate accuracy in working with paints.
Integration of educational areas:
Cognitive development Speech development Artistic - aesthetic development
Vocabulary work: pets, cat, kitten, lapping, claws.
Preliminary work: didactic game "Whose kids?", word game "Name the baby", examining illustrations on the theme "Cat with kittens" p / game "Vaska cat", reading Suteeva's story "Three kittens", nursery rhymes "Like our cat ...", observation for a cat while walking.
Materials: toys: a cat with a kitten; glomeruli of different colors and sizes; 1/2 album sheet, hard stand, sippy bottles, gouache: gray, brown, orange.

Organization and methodology for conducting GCD:

educator: Guys, guests came to us today, let's say hello
(children say hello)
educator: we have one more guest, and you will guess who it is when you guess the riddle.
Shaggy, mustached, drinking milk, singing songs. Who is this?
children:(pussy, cat)
educator:(Shows the toy) Guys, this is a cat. Repeat.
(children repeat)
educator: Look at which cat? What kind of wool? What colour? What does a cat have? What tail? Long or short?
(children's answers)
educator: The cat is fluffy, shaggy, the coat is gray, long, thick, soft (touch), the tail is fluffy, long; there are ears, mustaches. (petting the cat)
What does a cat like? The cat licks milk. Repeat. How does it lap? (Repeat and answer like lapping)
How does the cat sing a song?
children: meow
educator: And when the cat is satisfied with the milk, will it squint its eyes, how does it purr?
children: purr purr
educator: When a cat walks, you can't hear it, it hides its claws and walks very carefully. Show how the cat walks (perform)
Where do you think the cat lives (children's answers)
She lives at home, so what kind of animal is this?
children: Homemade
educator: What is the name of the baby cat? And if there are a lot of them? Repeat (Children answer)
Guys, it seems to me that our cat is sad, does not purr, does not play. What happened? (cat whispers in your ear)
educator: This is a cat - mom. She lost her kitten and will forgive her to help find him. Will we help? (Children agree)
(children together with the teacher are looking for a kitten)
educator: Let's look, let's see here, is not hiding under the table, under the doll's bed. Nowhere. (do not find)
And here look what a mess, someone scattered balls. Has the kitten played here? Kittens love to play with balls.
See which balls are different, what color? The quantities?
(children's answers)
Let's collect balls and tell about them.
(Collect. Take one ball at a time)
educator: I took the red ball, it is small. Sasha, what is yours? (interviewing all children)
Well, the balls have been collected, but the kitten has not been found yet.
(the kitten meows - the children find the kitten)
educator: Who is this? (Kitty)
Ay-ay-ay, why did you run away from the cat's mom? (the kitten "whispers" in the ear of the teacher)
Guys, the kitten says that he is very sad. I ran to look for friends and got lost.
Do you want to help the kitten? (Yes)
How can we help him? (answers)
educator: Let's now draw his friends - kittens. Come to the tables, we have just everything ready for drawing.
We will paint the kitten's fur with a hard brush.
Look at the paint. What colour? (answers)
Our kittens will be different, someone has a gray, someone has a redhead. What paint should I paint a ginger kitten with? (orange)
Let's trace the contour of the kitten with our fingers (trace the contour, clarify where the eyes, nose, whiskers are)
I propose to take a brush (I remind you how) and do jabs along the contour without paint (do)
Now we collect paint and draw along the contour, then inside. (perform)
Put down the tassels. Let's rest a little and stretch our fingers.
Finger gymnastics
For a long, long time drawing
Our fingers are tired
Let them rest a little
And they will start drawing again.
(repeat 2 times. Hands clasp in the lock, rotate and shake hands, stroke each finger)
educator: look at your kittens, what's missing? Where are we going to draw eyes, mustaches, nose?
Take a soft brush and paint. (I remind you how to take a brush)
(lay out the drawings)
educator: Take a look at the pictures. Who did we draw? Karina, who did you draw? What colour is he? What a fluffy kitten turned out. (asks several children)
How many kittens we have drawn. Repeat, a lot of people? (kittens)
What is the name of the kittens' mother? (Cat)
Where do they live? (at home)
What kind of animals are they? (homemade)
Guys, the kitten says that he liked your kittens very much, he is very glad that now he also has friends. THEM will have fun playing with each other.
Remember who we helped? How did you help? What else did you do?
Guys, the cat with the kitten thank you for your help. They want to stay in your group for a visit and play with you.

Practical part to the abstract:

contour image of a kitten.

Children first make jabs with a hard brush around the entire contour.

Then inside the outline throughout the drawing.

These kittens are still without eyes. While the paint dries, finger gymnastics.

Draw with the end of a soft brush: eyes, nose, mustache.

Synopsis of the integrated lesson

drawing in the senior group

using unconventional painting techniques

"Such different butterflies"

Software content:

    systematize children's ideas about the diversity of insects, highlighting their distinctive common features

    to acquaint children with technology - monotype;

    develop an understanding of what the image can be obtained using various drawing techniques

    develop color perception, the ability to harmoniously select colors to obtain an expressive image;

    form compositional skills.

Materials and equipment:
Insect models, pictures of butterflies, painting paper, foam sponges, saucers with water, watercolors, brushes.

Preliminary work.

  • viewing the encyclopedia "Insects" and talking about insects

    reading stories and poems

    insect watching on the kindergarten site

Musical accompaniment: Audio recording of calm music

Integration of areas.
"Artistic and aesthetic development", "Cognition", "Communication", "Health"

Course of the lesson

1. Children stand in a semicircle. Guys look at the sun shining brightly today

Why do you think? (spring has come) With the onset of spring, all nature comes to life and the smallest inhabitants of our planet wake up, you guessed who? (insects) the teacher reads a poem "Butterfly" in Lunin

Seeing in the flowerbed

Beautiful flower

I wanted to rip it off.

But it was worth touching the stalk with your hand,

And immediately the flower ... flew away.

2. Conversation.
- Who does the poem say about? (About a butterfly) Guys, look how many pictures with images of butterflies are here. They are all very beautiful and different.

How do they move?(They can fly.)

- What do they eat?(flower nectar, green leaves, etc.) Let's look at the structure of a butterfly. The body consists of three parts: a round head, a middle part and an abdomen. Antennae on the head. The upper wings are larger than the lower ones.

- How do butterflies escape from enemies?. (masked on plants with brightly colored wings) Today I suggest you learn how to draw beautiful butterflies using an interesting technique, it is called monotype. But before I tell you about this method, I suggest you play in our forest clearing.


We step one after another

Forest and green meadow

Motley wings flicker,

Butterflies fly in the field.

One two three four,

We flew, whirled.

Have landed on a flower

Q: Guys, I suggest you go to our art workshop. (Children take their places at the tables). And now I will tell you about the technique with which we will draw. It is called monotype. Listen to what it is. We already know that the butterfly has a symmetrical structure, the left and right parts are the same, and we will use this. To do this, fold the sheet in half and start drawing from the fold line (children fold the leaves in half). You can draw any butterfly, but you also chose it.You can choose a butterfly on a flower meadow, and a magic butterfly will show us the way, look here it flies from flower to flower and hovers across the sky (children follow the flight of the butterfly with their eyes).

Visual gymnastics

"Fly of butterfly"

calm music sounds, the teacher reads a poem.

I am a Butterfly -gorgeous,
In a bright, colored dress,
Spun, flew,
I sat on a flower, tired ...
- I sat down not to rest,
I ate flower nectar.

After visual gymnastics, the butterfly flies to the flower meadow, the children follow it, examine the butterflies and choose the one they like, and return to their places.

Q: What beautiful butterflies everyone has, I think they will be just as beautiful in your drawings. Where do we start drawing? (from the torso). Remember how many parts does it have? (Three: head, middle part and abdomen) there must be antennae on the head.

Educator. With monotyping, we get an imprint (imprint) of the drawing; in our lesson, paper moistened with water will help us to achieve the imprinting of the image. when painting, paint on thicker paint Try to paint quickly so that the paint does not have time to dry out.

The teacher shows in stages how the drawing is performed. (the sheet is folded in half, the body of a butterfly is drawn on the fold line, then bright wings on one side, the other half of the sheet is moistened with a sponge with water, and the drawing is folded; at the end, the outline of the wings is drawn). Now I carefully open the sheet. What happened? A half of a butterfly is imprinted on another part of the sheet, it turns out a whole butterfly.This is the technique of monotype (after finger gymnastics, children begin to draw to quiet music).

Finger gymnastics. Pencil

I roll a pencil in my hands,

I twirl between my fingers

Certainly every finger

I will teach you to be obedient.

Lesson summary.
- Guys, you did a very good job. Let's remember the name of the technique in which we worked (monotype).
The exhibition "Butterflies on Flowers" is being organized. I ask the children to tell about the resulting butterflies, to come up with a fairy tale about their own butterfly.

Svetlana Tetyaykina
Abstract of an integrated drawing lesson

Abstract of an integrated drawing lesson.

Target: To systematize knowledge about the season - spring.


Improve the skill of an unconventional technique drawing.

Exercise in drawing all over the sheet of paper.

To educate children to be accurate, active, and independent.

Methodical techniques: games, physical education.

Practical tricks: Painting.

Verbal techniques: questions, conversation, listing the signs of spring.

Visual techniques: subject and subject pictures.

Vocabulary work: Activate the words: Spring, dandelion, yellow, tampon.

Materials (edit): tampons, yellow gouache, yellow paint dilution plate, napkins.

Preliminary work:

Watching dandelions for a walk.

Reading various verses about dandelions.

Examination of pictures with flowers.

Drawing with sticks, tampons.

Course of the lesson:

Guys, a doll, Vesnyanka, has come to visit us.

She was born in the spring and she is the mistress of this time of the year.

What time of year is it? (Spring)

Guys, I really love spring! - And you?

And how does the sun shine in the spring? (brightly)

That blooms in the trees in spring (leaves)

What color are the leaves (green)

What color is the grass? (green)

And what kind of flowers did we see on the walk? (dandelions)

What color are the dandelions?

Educator: - dandelions are my favorite flowers.

Doll: -Guys, I also really love spring, when the sun is shining brightly, leaves are blooming, in spring there is always a good mood.

Educator: Vesnyanka, and our guys know the poem about dandelion

please listen.

Dropped the sun

Golden ray.

Dandelion has grown

First young!

He has a wonderful

Golden color,

He's a big sun

Little rub!

Doll: Well done, I really liked it!

Educator: - Guys, let's draw Vesnyanka, dandelions for our doll?

Children: Yes.

Educator: But first, let's knead our hands.

Children sit at the table, elbows on the table, forearms up, fingers together (buds).

Our yellow flowers bloom petals (fingers open, hands are turned left - right).

The breeze breathes a little, the petals sway (slightly wiggle your fingers).

Our yellow flowers cover the petals (Put your fingers together in "bud").

They fall asleep quietly (lower the brushes down,

Head shake (circular movements with the hands).

Here is a picture on the table, on which painted lawn What color is it? (green)

Educator: Now dandelions will grow on our lawn.

What color are the dandelions guys? (Yellow)

Educator: - Guys, who is in my hands? (tampon)

Educator: Right. And his friends on the tables - tampons.

I'll take a tampon, gently release it into the yellow paint, pick up some paint and apply it to the green lawn, like this.

Everyone, take the tampons in your right hand and draw carefully.

(Children work)

Educator: Right away we have grown flowers, yellow dandelions, and I will draw the sun.

Educator: -And now we will present them to our doll, Vesnyanka.

Doll: Thank you very much, guys are very nice. Well, it's time for me to leave, Goodbye, my friends. I will come to you again!

Outcome classes.

Guys, who came to us? That we are with you painted? Did you like it?

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Educator of the I qualification category: Kokunina Tamara Aleksandrovna.


Strengthen the ability to draw with wax candles.


Develop multidirectional, continuous, smooth hand movements.

Help to feel the beauty of winter nature through music, painting, photography, poetry.


Create an emotional mood, give an opportunity to reflect your impressions in pictures.

Material for the lesson: reproductions of paintings and photographs with winter landscapes; album sheet; watercolor paints; brushes; a glass of water; napkin; salt in a salt shaker; audio recording of PI Tchaikovsky's music "The Four Seasons"; Vivaldi "Winter" audio recording of calm music to create the background.

Preliminary work: observation of winter nature; examining reproductions of paintings; listening to musical pieces about winter; conversations with children on the topic "What color is winter?"

Course of the lesson.

1. Introductory part.

The season, which we all love very much, will end very soon. Winter is leaving. Winter is a very beautiful time of the year. Guys, what is the beauty of winter? (Children's answers: the winter is snowy, beautiful, sparkling white snow lies everywhere, the trees are wrapped in warm snow coats, the winter can be blizzard and cold, the bright winter sun is shining).

Winter is a wonderful time of the year. Children do not want to leave the walk home, because the street is interesting.

The teacher reads F. Tyutchev's poem "The Enchantress Winter".

Sorceress Winter

Bewitched, the forest stands

And under the snow fringe,

Motionless, dumb,

He shines with a wonderful life.

And it stands, he is bewitched,

Not dead and not alive -

Enchanted by magic sleep,

All entangled, all shackled

With a light down chain ...

Does the winter sun fly

His ray is oblique to him -

Nothing will tremble in him,

It will all flare up and shine

Dazzling beauty.

Educator. Guys, did you like the poem? What is it about? Would you like to get into such a beautiful, magical forest?

What colors does winter use? (Blue, blue, white).

Right. And at sunset, mauve colors also join them.

Examination of illustrations and reproductions.

What do you see? What colors does the artist use? And why? What colors would you use?

Show the execution method.

Guys, what is the best way to travel in the forest in winter?

Children. By ski.

Educator. That's right, get on your skis and go.

Physical education

We are skiing into the forest, Children are waving their hands as if

We are climbing the hill. They work with ski poles.

The sticks will help us go,

The road will be easy for us.

Suddenly a strong wind rose, body rotation

He twists trees, twirls right and left.

And it rustles among the branches.

Snow flies, flies, flies.

A bunny jumps along the edge, Jumping.

Like a white soft ball.

One jump and two jump -

So our friend disappeared!

Although it's nice to ride here,

We must study again.

Educator. Here we are in the forest.

Guys, I suggest you now be artists. Sit down please.

Musical accompaniment.

First, we will draw a winter landscape with you, what do we need for this? That's right, wax candles.

Now take big brushes, let's start toning.

Make sure not to put too much paint on the brush, distribute it all over the sheet, do not forget to use all paints: blue, blue, purple, pink, you need to add quite a bit.

Individual show.

- Guys, now I'm going to read you a few excerpts of poems, and you tell me what they are about.

1. Trees in the snow, and in the snow at home.

Weeks go by weeks.

I'm sad to say goodbye to you, winter:

with frosts and blizzards.

2. In winter we say thank you

For beauty, for the cold.

For being arrogant sometimes

Blizzard, it was snowstorms.

Consideration of works.

3. The final part.

What did you draw and what happened? What caused the difficulty?

What would you like to change? Guys, you were all great today.

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