Newspaper drawing on the nails. Manicure with a newspaper

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Many nail design ideas can only be realized by experienced masters with experience. However, you can do without the participation of specialists if you adopt a newfangled method using newspapers, which does not require special skills and expensive manicure products. Using the print of the printed matter, you can achieve an extremely attractive result.

In this case, there is no need for stencils and varnish paints. The necessary funds are at hand:

  • liquid containing alcohol;
  • transparent fixing varnish;
  • newspaper;
  • light monochromatic varnish as a base.

When choosing a color scheme of the latter, there are no restrictions. A common option is white. Peach or beige will also work. Yellow is for those who like bright solutions. The main thing is that dark characters do not get lost in the background.

A substitute for colorless varnish will be a fixing liquid that will protect the drawing from damage.

The first element of the list is equally important. Someone uses a nail polish remover. In this case, keep in mind: the presence of acetone leads to the fact that the paper fragments stick to the nails and leave irregularities. However, the alcohol makes the rendering of the translated letters slightly faint.

Newspaper manicure: step by step instructions

1. Pre-cut from the waste paper a small piece for each finger. Calculate the size so that the pieces of paper hide the nail, but are not too sweeping: this will interfere with working on adjacent fingers. Pick up thick paper, otherwise the material will lose its integrity and stick to the varnish.

Keep in mind! With sheets from glossy magazines, you will waste your efforts: the print simply will not transfer.

To find the appropriate newspaper, rub the page on clean paper. If a dark trail remains, then stop at this material.

2. Prepare your nails. And it doesn't matter what shape they are. "Newspaper" decoration looks good in any case. Forget about building up and other manipulations. The only condition is to get rid of the cuticles and small burrs. If this is not done, after applying the main varnish, the nails will take on an unsightly look. To ensure a flawless finish, it is polished or sanded.

3. We give the nail color. After completing the first layer and waiting for it to dry, proceed to the second. This achieves uniformity of color.

Keep in mind! Make sure that the varnish is completely set and only then continue, otherwise deformation or partial slipping cannot be avoided.

4. Fill the makeshift bath with an alcohol-based liquid and lower your nail in there for a few seconds (up to 10).

Keep in mind! Delay will cause the varnish to peel off completely.
Place the piece of newspaper upside down. If it seems to you that the paper is not wet enough, then add a drop of alcohol. The time to dry depends on the density of the material and varies from 30 seconds to 2 minutes. Press down gently on the newspaper. If it moves, it will blur the texture. The pieces should overlap so that the text is in the same direction.

5. Remove the original tracing paper. It is better to do this with a swift movement from the nail.

6. Fix the result with a clear varnish. For greater reliability, it is not forbidden to apply several layers.

Express method

If you are pressed for time or unwilling to wait, you can trust the simple instructions:

  1. Treat your nails and grind the newspaper as in the previous method.
  2. After covering the nail with the main varnish, wait until it dries slightly.
  3. Soak some of the newspaper in rubbing alcohol and press down on the nail plate. It's okay if the fragment is crumpled. Line it up with your finger or cotton swab with quick but neat strokes.
  4. While controlling the force, gently pull back on the paper. This is a crucial stage, so you need to try.
  5. Finish with a couple of coats of fixative or varnish.

Video - Newspaper print on nails

Different approaches to design

It is not at all necessary to dwell on what was described earlier. "Newspaper" manicure is a whole direction that goes well with other design ideas.

  1. A combination of French and newspaper methods will help to emphasize the femininity of your image. To do this, pieces of paper with an even edge are applied to the upper edge, without going over the pink part of the nail.

  2. If you want to follow the latest fashion trends, then you will surely be interested in the “breakaway” print. For production, the newspaper is torn into small and careless pieces, which are printed in a random manner. It would seem that a chaotic approach cannot give a decent result. However, this technique forms an extremely original pattern, and scuffs and fragments that are not fully developed give the composition a certain charm of antiquity.
    From the point of view of execution, this is no more difficult than the usual way. So it would be foolish not to try.

  3. The "money" manicure does not lag behind in originality. Capturing a portrait of Franklin, another historical figure or a landmark on your nails is not a cheap pleasure. After all, the bill after such processing will lose its value.
    Material losses can be avoided by sacrificing a geographical map to beauty or trying to repeat the relief of snakeskin by choosing a suitable paper image.

  4. Feel free to get creative: try using a variety of symbols, such as musical notation.
  5. Font stamping is not the only way to go. Among other things, you can apply pieces of newspaper soaked in water to varnished nails, wait until they dry, and secure them with clear varnish.

A great way to realize your creative "I"

Performing such a manicure does not imply outstanding skill. However, some skill is still required if you want to implement the idea on the first try. It is easy to make a mistake in the selection of material or to allow the inscriptions to be smeared. But this disadvantage is compensated by the simplicity and efficiency of the work.

Despite the fact that the workspace is limited to a small area of ​​nails, there are more options for metamorphosis and opportunities for self-expression than it might seem at first glance. Since the carriers of the creation will not be canvas or paper, you will be able to contemplate a unique manicure wherever you are.

A few ideas for newspaper manicure

Manicure using newspaper- this is a rather peculiar way to decorate your nails. This idea appeared quite recently, but managed to attract the attention of many women. It is very unique and never repeats. Such a manicure can be done easily and fairly quickly. at home without much effort.

What do you need for a newspaper manicure?

  • 1 Base coat (it is advisable to take a light-colored varnish so that the text is clearly visible) and a transparent varnish;
  • 2 Pieces of newspaper or printed text;
  • 3 Tweezers (for conveniently applying pieces of newspaper to the nail and removing them);
  • 4 Nail polish remover or replace with alcohol;
  • 5 A container for liquid to hold the pieces of newspaper.
  • Newspaper manicure step by step instructions

    Step 1. To begin with, you should bring your nails into a well-groomed look, give them the desired shape, then wipe with acetone to degrease the nail.

    Step 2. Squares should be cut out of the newspaper, slightly larger than the nail, in length and width.

    Step 3. Apply a light shade of varnish to the nail and let it dry a little.

    Step 4. We take a piece of newspaper with tweezers and put it in a nail polish remover (you can replace it with alcohol or cologne), wait 10 seconds, then gently place it on the nail and press firmly (make sure that the newspaper does not "run" on the nail, the clarity depends on it text). We are waiting for 30-40 seconds and carefully remove the newspaper using tweezers.

    Step 5. The last step is to apply transparent varnish to fix the result.

    Such a manicure can also be done with bright varnishes (red, yellow, orange, and others). To do this, you can simply replace the base varnish, in this case transparent, with any other. And make the text more bold and black.

    The previously singed pieces of newspaper will look original. You can also add various glitters, rhinestones or stickers to such nails. They use the idea of ​​torn pieces superimposed on each other, which looks very unusual. Newspaper manicure makes it possible to experiment, to select a design specifically for yourself. You can print the text in any language, with your favorite font and letter size, it can be some phrases or dates. You can paint the symbols yourself using a thin brush and varnish.

    You can replace the newspaper with pieces of a card or banknotes. But in this case, it is better to cut the bills into very small pieces and glue them.

    By following all the instructions, you can get a beautiful manicure that people will pay attention to. This is a pretty simple way to decorate your nails that anyone can do!

The newspaper manicure saw the light of day thanks to the ingenuity of a French woman beautician.

An article was written in a local newspaper about her and her work in particular. In order for everyone to know about her skills, the beautician came up with such an original way of distributing printed materials.

Newspaper manicure is not very difficult to perform and does not require large investments and time-consuming.

Materials and accessories

Basic coverage... The base coat is needed in order to smooth out the unevenness of the nails and prepare them for manicure. The base coat can be either medicated varnish or any colorless.

Main tone varnish. The color of the base lacquer can be, in principle, any. The only condition is that the color of the varnish is not very dark. The black letters should be clearly visible on the varnish. The best, most effective combination will be a sharp contrast of white and black. White base lacquer and black newspaper letters.

Newspaper or magazine... The letters on the printed edition should be exactly black, not gray or colored, otherwise the manicure will lose its attractiveness and "zest". The newspaper can be borrowed in any language.

Fixing varnish. The fixing varnish should be transparent so that the contrast effect “base varnish - black letters” is not lost.

Preparing nails for manicure

For a thorough preparation of nails, you must first steam your hands in hot water. For this procedure, you need to take a not very deep bowl, pour hot water into it and add, if desired, either sea salt, or chamomile infusion, or calendula.

Chamomile and calendula infusions have a beneficial effect on the skin of the hands and cuticles, accelerate the healing of small wounds and cracks, and relieve inflammation.

Hands should be kept in hot water until the cuticle skin becomes completely soft. After that, the hands are removed from the water and the burrs, if any, are cut off.

Now you need to move the cuticle to its base with a special stick. Do not try to cut the cuticle, because if you accidentally cut it, you can get an infection and your finger will start to tear.

The final "chord" of the main manicure will be giving the nails the desired shape. Now in fashion either short nails with a rounded edge, or nails of medium length, oval.

Now let's look at how to do a manicure using a newspaper.

How to do newspaper manicure at home

First, you need to decide how the letters will be placed on the nails, which fragments should be cut out of the newspaper to make it look beautiful and original.

After that, you need to prepare pieces of newspaper, cutting them out according to the shape and length of the nails.

The next step is to apply a base coat of varnish. After applying the base, the varnish must be allowed to dry well. This is a very important condition.

The varnish will dry much faster if you place your hands under a hot hairdryer or running cold water. You can just blow hard on your nails or wave your hands in the air.

Take the prepared stencil from the newspaper and moisten it with water or any alcohol-containing composition from the side of the text. Degrease your nail and apply wet newspaper to it, typeface to your nail.

After 10-30 minutes, the letters should be imprinted on the nail in a mirror image. While printing letters on the nail plate, the newspaper should not be moved as long as it is pressed against the nail. If the newspaper moves, the paint can smudge and the manicure will lose its attractiveness. In other words, the manicure may simply not work out and everything will have to start over.

When the letters are printed, you will need to carefully separate the newspaper from the nail. Wait for the letters to dry well.

The clear fixing varnish can now be applied. This varnish will protect the printing ink from smudging on the nail and will preserve the entire manicure for a long time.

Dry the last coat of nail polish well.

Repeat all these operations with the rest of the nails.

Another version of manicure using a newspaper

Before you start, use a piece of paper or plastic as a palette.

1. Apply white nail polish. Make sure it is completely dry before the next step.
2. Spray a spray containing alcohol on the prepared nail. If there is no spray, soak your nail for 5 seconds in rubbing alcohol.
3. Take a small piece of fresh newspaper and press it against your nail for about 15 seconds, applying constant pressure. Remove the newspaper and you will see a printed drawing imprinted on the nail.
4. Repeat step 3 until you achieve the desired effect. Clean excess paint from the skin with a cotton swab dipped in rubbing alcohol.
5. Apply red nail polish to the free edge of the nail and let dry.
6. At the border of flowers, glue black and white beads, alternating them. Let dry.
7. Apply top coat of fixer.

And finally - creative ideas: o)

Based on materials from,

The manicure with the newspaper was invented by a woman cosmetologist from France. One of the newspapers published an article about the achievements of the specialist, and in order for the advertising campaign to work, the beautician took a bold step - spread the printed materials on the nails. She invited her clients to do a newspaper manicure by stamping letters on their nails. The result was impressive, since then women from all over the world have been trying to repeat newspaper manicure at home. This will require Russian-language or foreign printed publications, materials and tools for manicure.

How to make nail art from newspaper step by step

How to get a newspaper manicure? Pieces of paper can be used in three ways - like a solid print with letters, like multiple printed clippings, like a gradient style from a newspaper. Consider how nail art is performed in these ways.

Method number 1

  1. Prepare your nails - do a classic trim manicure by filing, shaping, and removing cuticles.
  2. Paint your nails with a layer of white or clear nail polish.
  3. Try on the cut pieces of newsprint on your nails. If the pieces are the same size as the nail plates, they can be soaked in water for a few minutes. Then attach paper to the nails, cutting off its free edges. Cover it with 1-2 coats of clear coat.
  4. If you want to give nail art a spectacular look, choose a print with images of multi-colored letters, banknotes, or burn the edges of the paper. You can fix the result with glitter varnish, glitter or rhinestones.

Check out how to do a newspaper manicure with a burnt paper effect.

Method number 2

  1. Newspaper manicure with a generous coating of varnish. As in the first method, the nails must be pre-processed, given their length and shape.
  2. The second step is to cover your nails with a generous layer of varnish of any color. The layer should be thick and well dried.
  3. Pour some boric alcohol into a small container, and dip the already painted nails into it one by one. After 2-3 seconds, remove your fingers from the liquid so that the coating does not completely dissolve.
  4. Attach the pre-cut pieces of paper from their newspaper or magazines in a chaotic manner to each marigold. Use an orange stick to press down firmly on the drawing so that it doesn't get smudged. Fresh prints are best applied to varnish.
  5. When all the pieces of paper are attached to the nails, they can be covered with a layer of clear polish.
  6. A newspaper manicure is suitable for casual or evening wear. To give the nail art contrast, it can be done not on transparent varnish, but on colored enamel. On a dark color, multicolored letters look great, printed in the form of patterns, shapes.

Method number 3

Newspaper manicure in home prints is a kind of canvas on which an artistic picture is made. There are many more ways to do newspaper manicure. In this case, you can use standard techniques, or your own imagination.

Manicure with the help of the obmre newspaper is a beautiful design in which varnishes of several colors are used. Can be applied to nails of different shapes and lengths. Instructions for performing newspaper "obmra":

  1. For nail art, you can use two contrasting shades: blue and pink, white and black, yellow and green, depending on the mood and the season.
  2. Prepare the nails for the procedure - treat the surface of the nails with alcohol or degreaser, shape them.
  3. Take a sponge or sponge, apply varnishes of two colors on it perpendicular to each other, immediately apply the sponge to the marigold. Repeat the procedure on all fingers.
  4. Apply the prepared pieces from the newspaper on the dried coating, paint your nails with a colorless fixative. It is important that the paper shines through the varnish colors well. Remove any irregularities. When the clear varnish dries, the manicure can be considered ready!

Check out how to get a manicure with a newspaper.

Newspaper nail art using shellac

Manicure with the help of a newspaper can also be done with gel polish (shellac). Before the procedure, you need to treat your hands with an antiseptic, then you can start working:

  1. Paint the nails with a light gel coat, let it dry under a UV lamp for 2 minutes. Then you can start decorating.
  2. Cut out 10 paper squares.
  3. Pour alcohol into a small container and soak a piece of newspaper in it. Apply it to the nail for 20-30 seconds until the alcohol is completely dry.
  4. Take off the newspaper. Cover the nail art with the final fixer and cure the layer under a UV lamp for 2 minutes to permanently set the result on the nails. Newspaper manicure with shellac is done quickly and easily, it is important not to overexpose the paper on the nails so that the alcohol does not dissolve the shellac.

There is no limit to human imagination, especially when it comes to our appearance and attractiveness. For a long time, women stopped covering their nails with a layer of the first varnish that came across, giving preference to original and unusual patterns, for the application of which a wide variety of tools and accessories are used. One of these nail art was a manicure with the help of a newspaper, which can be done at home, spending quite a bit of your precious time on it.

Newspaper nail art basics

The idea of ​​such nail art appeared to mankind relatively recently. And she came to the bright head of a young French woman, about whom they wrote in a local publication. But only a few read it, but, after all, they wanted fame. Then she decided to put this small article on the nails of her clients, that is, to do the same manicure with the help of a newspaper.

  • The main advantage of the design is the ability to make a different pattern on each nail while maintaining the semantic load of the entire composition.
  • In addition, you are armed with one of the cheapest materials presented in a huge assortment.
  • Here you can experiment on your own with letter sizes and fonts used in printed publications.
  • The time spent on creating the design will be minimal, and the finished manicure will surpass all expectations.

You just need to know in advance how to do a newspaper manicure, and decide which of the techniques you will use.

Design techniques

A home manicure using a magazine or newspaper can be done in two different ways. In both cases, the result is practically the same, and the choice of the appropriate technique depends on your wishes and the availability of alcohol on hand.

So, to do newspaper manicure at home without alcohol, you will need:

  • clear nail polish
  • printed edition with selected text
  • nail polish remover with acetone

Before proceeding directly to work on the drawing, put your nails in order: do a hygienic manicure at home, trim them with scissors and a file. Note that a newspaper manicure is versatile and can be applied to nails of any length. As soon as the preparatory work is completed, you can start making your unusual design at home - a newspaper manicure:

To make a manicure with a newspaper using the second method, prepare:

  • white varnish (can be replaced with any other light shade)
  • newspapers with the desired text or any other printed edition
  • fixer (transparent coating), with which the pattern will be held on the nail
  • alcohol or any other alcohol-containing liquid

As in the previous case, a manicure with a newspaper must be done on a prepared nail. So the first thing we do is a hygienic manicure.

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