Ekibana or panel on the theme of autumn. DIY ikebana from dry leaves

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To decorate any place, be it an apartment, a house or an office, you can create many beautiful elements yourself. For example, you can do Ekibana. You can use various artificial materials or natural elements for it.

Very often, ekibana is made for some serious events, to decorate a table or room for celebration, but on ordinary days, ekibana can be made to maintain the mood and comfort in the room. You can use flowers, paper products, fruits and many other elements that seem suitable for this. It must be remembered that live ekibana requires special care and can quickly lose its appearance, while artificial ones delight everyone with their brightness for a long time.

DIY autumn ekibana

Ekibana can be made in different shapes and sizes. For example, autumn-style ekibana is made using living elements, and its size and shape are chosen individually by each person. Autumn ekibana can be distinguished by its brightness, since to make it you can collect leaves of all colors, sizes and shapes; you can also add some flowers to this set, after drying them.

The most important thing in making ekibana is to properly prepare all decorative elements. So, having collected all the leaves and flowers, they need to be dried by hanging them upside down in a dark and dry place. After the leaves are dry, they need to be soaked in a solution of glycerin and water and dried again. Glycerin will help maintain the shape and color of all elements of the ekibana.

If elements such as bark or tree branches are used, then you can apply hairspray on them using glitter, so the dead wood takes on a festive look.

You can select a vase or container for autumn ekibana according to different criteria; it could be a vase, plate or other stand. The main thing is that the vase is not too bright, then all attention will be directed to it. After all the steps taken, the ekibana of leaves will be ready, you just need to decide on the method of attaching all the components of this autumn bouquet. For example, wet sand or polystyrene foam will work well as a fixative for the composition.

DIY Ekibana for the New Year

In order to get into the New Year's mood, you can make a festive ekibana. This time you can use different decorations, ranging from artificial ones to living objects. For New Year's ekibana, you can take live tulips and coniferous branches; the number of such elements depends entirely on the container in which the ekibana will be placed. For example, if a vase has a small neck, then there cannot be many decorative elements, but if the container allows you to place many flowers and branches, you can get creative.

Also, for winter ekibana you will need a special floral sponge that will not allow the flowers to fade. So, you can start preparing the container for the ekibana: to do this, you need to cut out a shape suitable for the size of the vase from a sponge and glue it to the bottom of the vase. The sponge can be higher than the vase to give the ekibana a denser appearance.

Next, you need to fill the vase with a special liquid, which the sponge will soak in. The flowers need to be trimmed so that they can be easily inserted into the sponge and no extra leaves will interfere. Then the sponge needs to be filled with flowers, but do not forget about the free space for coniferous branches. After all the flowers are inserted into the sponge, you need to prepare the coniferous branches by first trimming them and clearing them of excess elements.

Branches need to be inserted into empty spaces so that the ekibana has a beautiful appearance without bald spots. This is how ekibana is made from fresh flowers on the eve of the New Year holiday. You can also make an ekibana from cones, complementing the finished composition of flowers and pine needles with cones; they can either be glued or simply placed on coniferous branches.

Fruit ekibana

Fruit ekibans are usually made as a gift, because such a composition cannot stand for a long time and will not serve as an interior decoration. Therefore, such a gift must be made quickly and eaten on the same day.

To prepare fruit ekibana, you need to decide on the fruits that will fill the container and their type: they can be chopped or served whole. Usually, if you make ekibana from whole fruits, you can use a basket, and no auxiliary materials are needed. But if you want to make an original gift, you can choose a vase of any size, buy a special sponge into which you can insert fruit, and skewers.

Fruits need to be beautifully cut; they can look like hearts, flowers and other beautiful elements. You need to put several fruits on a skewer and insert it into a floral sponge. And so you need to do until the entire vase is filled with fruit. There is an option to use hard dough instead of a sponge, but this is at the request of the creator. The main thing is to quickly deliver the gift so that the fruit does not have time to lose its appearance and taste.

Ekibana made from paper elements

Decorative ekibana can be made from paper, that is, from various elements that are made from paper. For example, it can be used to make beautiful flowers, fruits and other shapes. In order to make flowers, you need to buy special paper that holds the shape, wire and a vase. Such flowers can be used either independently or in combination with other elements of ekibana. For a more detailed study of the manufacturing scheme for paper elements, you can watch photo and video master classes.

Video on the topic of the article

Ekibana is the traditional Japanese art of making flower bouquets. Translated into Russian, this word, incomprehensible to us, means flowers that live. As a rule, the Japanese use exclusively live and, if possible, freshly cut flowers to create their floral sculptures.

But since we live in a country where it is not possible to grow fresh flowers all year round, our ekibana has been slightly transformed. In the autumn-winter period, florists and simply lovers of beautiful floral objects make it from all kinds of available materials. In addition to dried flowers and herbs, our people use chestnuts, autumn fruits and even rowan.

Ekibana made from leaves.

So, first, prepare a vase, approximately 40 pieces of maple leaves, threads. Then we take the still wet leaves and begin to form a rose out of them. We make the required number of buds, and then begin to attach them to the stem. It can be made from any flexible twig of brown or green color. After your autumn roses are ready, let's start collecting ekibana. To do this, pour sand into the bottom of the vase and start sticking the stems of our roses into it. Having arranged all the roses, be sure to make them a so-called wrapper of beautiful maple leaves.

Autumn ekibana made from leaves.

Flat ekibana is an ideal option for schools and kindergartens. Some florists also call it foliage paintings and panels. Since in this case the leaves are attached to a dense base, all that will be required of you is to give them the correct shape and form certain shapes. If you wish, you can very quickly make a beautiful and airy butterfly, a small mouse, flowers from autumn leaves, or lay out a beautiful clearing.

But in order for you to get all these pictures, first you will need to prepare the decorative material. And if for a volumetric composition the leaves must be flexible, then for flat ones they must be as dry and even as possible. In view of this, all collected material will need to be properly dried.

Ekibana is an autumn fantasy in a basket.

If you don’t want to make a basket yourself, you can take a ready-made one and turn it into an original autumn decoration. Both fresh and dried flowers can be used as filling. If you use live plants, for example, asters or chrysanthemums, then you need to ensure that they need to create favorable conditions that will help them stay fresh for as long as possible.

In view of this, you will have to insert a plastic or glass container inside the basket into which you can place a floral sponge soaked in a nutrient solution. If you use dried flowers for filling, you will need to stick them into the sand or simply attach them to the walls of the basket with thin wire.

Ekibana from dried flowers.

Dried flowers are good because you can use them to create quite a lot of different objects. These can be bouquets, wreaths, paintings and original panels. The simplest ekibana, of course, is a bouquet. It can be done in two ways. If you prepare flowers yourself, then simply collect the plants that you like, make a bouquet of them, tie the stems well and hang them to dry in a dark, well-ventilated place (buds down).

If you do everything correctly, then in the fall your home will be decorated not only with a beautiful and pleasant-smelling composition. If you buy dried flowers and then make compositions from them, you will first need to adjust their stems to the same length, put all the flowers together, and then carefully look at whether all the elements of your ekibana are in harmony with each other.

Ekibana of autumn fruits: a basket of pine cones.

In autumn, there is literally a lot of decorative material lying under your feet, which can be used to create an original autumn ekibana. For example, you can collect acorns or cones and make an original basket out of them, which can later be filled with dried flowers, fruits, autumn leaves or homemade flowers. The easiest way to make such a basket is to take an ordinary small cardboard box and carefully cover it with pine cones of the same size.

Ekibana - autumn bouquet.

Or you can simply collect autumn leaves and make a bouquet from them. Let the leaves lose their shape after some time, but it’s beautiful.

The work was carried out jointly with parents.

Ekibana is the ancient Japanese art of intelligently arranging natural materials. Although initially it was used exclusively for sacred purposes, over time the religious aspect ceased to be of great importance. Today, ekibana is a great way to decorate a home and add some new touch to it. And it doesn’t have to be exactly oriental motifs, because this art has gained popularity all over the world and there is an incredible number of schools and methods that will help you with your choice. This is especially true for autumn Ekibana. Why? The answer is simple. After all, it is in the fall that there are fewer and fewer fresh flowers and making bouquets to decorate the house becomes more problematic. At the same time, an incredible amount of other natural material appears (dry leaves of amazing colors, acorns, chestnuts, pine cones, tree fruits, dry grass, etc.) which can be perfectly used for making natural autumn compositions. In addition, such material is much more practical because it does not succumb so quickly to the destructive influence of time and will be able to please you for many months. It is better to start preparing for the production of autumn ekibana in advance at the beginning of autumn. After all, autumn weather is so fickle and unexpected rains or frosts in the middle of October can ruin all your plans. Therefore, it’s better to take a short walk in the nearby forest on a beautiful September day and collect everything that may be useful in making your masterpiece. These can be dry leaves, the last autumn flowers, tree bark, fruits, dry grass and in general anything that seems original to you. When you have already collected a sufficient amount of material, it is important to prepare it correctly. Leaves and flowers need to be dried. You can do this by hanging them upside down in a dry, dark place. If you want the color to be brighter, you need to leave your material in glycerin diluted with water 2 to 1. You can also spray twigs, dry grass and other materials with hairspray (possibly with glitter). After this they will look even brighter. For the shape of the autumn ekibana, you can use a tall narrow or wide vase. Or, more original, artificial coasters. A tree cut or pumpkin is perfect for this purpose. To attach the parts of the autumn ekibana to each other, use wet sand, ceramic drainage, and polystyrene foam. Heavy branches are best secured using a gypsum solution. You can also make holes in a piece of wood using a thin drill and fill them with putty, but be sure to match the main color. In general, the process of making autumn ekibana completely depends on your imagination and capabilities. The only requirement before starting work is the formation of the main “backbone” of the composition. Think it over from the very beginning in order to approximately understand what result in form you are striving for. Next, you can completely leave your creation to creative flight. Add small leaves and roots, already prepared dried flowers or twigs coated with varnish - do whatever you want. The main thing is that the end result looks harmonious and that the colors you use combine perfectly. If you want the autumn ekibana to look even more original and go beyond the generally accepted canons, do the following. Stick dried flowers and leaves into orange or grapefruit peels. This will give your composition some tropical shades against the backdrop of the delightful Russian nature. Also, actively use soft and flexible branches for connection; willow ones are perfect; they will help you combine all the elements of the autumn ekibana so that they look more organic. Thus, autumn ekibana is a great way to decorate your home and workplace for a long time. This is also a wonderful way to express your creativity, because the manufacturing process requires a fair share of extraordinary solutions. Imagine, create, create something out of the ordinary and let your loved ones be proud and enjoy your masterpieces!


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Flowers are an integral and beautiful part of our planet. They make this world more perfect and fulfilling, bringing extraordinary harmony and aesthetic pleasure. There is more than one direction in this area where flowers are part of wonderful compositions that delight the human eye. This is a unique art of its kind, where a person is given the opportunity to create real masterpieces using the available gifts of nature. One of these areas is ekibana - the art of composing and arranging flower arrangements in the most unusual variations.

Ekibana is the ability to create unusual and expressive compositions through a harmonious and expressive combination of flowers and bizarrely shaped branches. Art originates from ancient India, gradually penetrating the culture of Japan and China. At the dawn of this trend, ekibans were more of a religious nature, being one of the gifts offered to the altar in Buddhist temples. But gradually, exquisite bouquets became in demand in almost many areas of human activity, with some differences in the approach to creating floral masterpieces.

For example, in Europe they prefer more curvaceous forms, but Asian masters adhere to simplicity and expressiveness in creating compositions. Given these differences, there are a number of features that distinguish ekibana from an ordinary bouquet of flowers. Among the most basic:

  1. Expressiveness a work that conveys the mood of the arranger, his restraint of ideas and the artistic relationship between elements.
  2. Volume, allowing you to admire the composition from all sides, regardless of the layout of the room.
  3. Balance plays an important role both in the color scheme and the arrangement of flowers - it is preferable to place dark and large flowers in the lower part, and small and light ones away from the central part of the composition.
  4. Accent should be focused on one of the unusual elements - an exotic flower or a curved tree trunk, but the other components should complement and enhance the impression of the work.
  5. Harmony Ekibana depends not only on the shape and size of the plants, but also on a suitable vessel (stand), background and lighting, which must form a single whole.

Ekibana for interior, photo

When decorating a room with decor made from natural materials, it is worth considering the background and lighting. Otherwise, the composition will lose its attractiveness and brightness. For example, against the background of an interior in dark colors, it is better to place an ekibana consisting of light elements.

But a bright room will be harmoniously complemented by contrasting flowers in bright or dark shades.

DIY Ekibana photo

To create a unique flower arrangement yourself, you do not need to receive special education. All you need is an extraordinary approach to work, hard work and a little patience, and the result will not take long to arrive. The main thing you should pay attention to is a color scheme suitable for the interior, in harmony with all the elements of the work.

Living ekibana, ekibana from fresh flowers, step-by-step guide with photos

Before starting work, you should pay attention to the future location of your masterpiece. It is very important that the ekibana complements the interior or fills a certain space in the room. The composition must be voluminous and expressive, otherwise it risks getting lost among other design items.

So, what is needed to create ekibana from fresh flowers?!

  • Select the required container, which will become the basis of the work. In our case, the role of the vessel will be played by a watermelon, which must be thoroughly washed and one of the halves thoroughly cleared of pulp.

  • Using a sharp knife, we cut out various shapes in the peel, leaving a kind of grid.
  • To fix the flowers, we use a floral sponge, onto which we carefully attach bright inflorescences of yellow roses and gerberas.

  • We place the flower ball on a tray and cover it with an exquisite decoration of a watermelon half.

  • To add grace and completeness, we complement the composition of yellow roses with dry branches and plants with small inflorescences, which can easily be found in flower shops.

As you can see, there is nothing difficult in creating a living ekibana. It is enough to show only a little effort and imagination, as a result of which exclusive floral masterpieces are born.

Ekibana made of artificial flowers, master class

Very often, lovers of floral decor give preference to artificial compositions, which are no less sophisticated decoration of the room. The big advantage of such ekibans is their ease of care and long lifespan of the composition, compared to fresh flowers.

Ekibana of roses, step by step with photos

Roses are exquisite and unsurpassed favorites of many women. They are created to give pleasure and delight with their fragrance over a long period. And even a completely unpretentious bouquet can significantly improve your mood, let alone extraordinary floral creations, which, by the way, you can create yourself.

What is needed for this?!

  1. Decorative plate for fixing the composition.
  2. Flowers, decorative elements.
  3. Floral sponge.
  4. Scissors or pruning shears.

Operating procedure:

  • At the bottom of a capacious basket we place a moistened floral sponge, on which we place a small plant (in our case, a Kalanchoe).

  • Using pruning shears, we shorten the flower stems and place them in a basket, carefully fixing them on a sponge.

  • We add decorative elements and twigs that will give the composition elegance and completeness.

  • We supplement the work with small balls, fixing them well on the branches.

Spring Ekibana, detailed instructions with photos

Hyacinths, tulips, freesias... The splendor of spring flowers amazes with their grace and variety. Why not create a spectacular and attractive composition with the addition of these wonderful plants, complementing it with a flowering branch of a fruit tree?!

When choosing flowers, pay attention to the role of each flower in the composition - the brightest and largest ones should be the main ones, and plants with inflorescences play the role of additional or secondary ones.

So let's get started.

  • We will prepare all the necessary components for creating a flower arrangement - a vessel, pruning shears, floral material for fixing plants, flowers.

  • Cut the floral material to the size of the container and place it in a container of water until completely moistened.
  • Place in a vase and add water to cover the sponge.

  • We prepare the flowers by cutting off excess foliage and shortening the stem.

  • We place roses in the central part of the composition, complemented by peonies and dusty miller leaves.

  • In random order we fix flowering branches, tulips and other plants that complement the ekibana.

  • To complete the piece, it is better to place small flowers on the sides, emphasizing the contrast of the primary colors.

  • Upon completion of the work, it is necessary to straighten the plants, giving them a natural and free form.

Ekibana in a vase, photo

Creating ekibana is a creative process that depends on the imagination and inspiration of the master. The correct selection of components, including decor and natural materials, should be in harmony with the vessel, which is the basis of the floral work. We present to your attention several options for compositions in vases of various shapes and shades.

Autumn Ekibana, step-by-step instructions with photos

Autumn is a special time for creative people. After all, such a riot of colors among flowers and trees occurs only once a year. Even an ordinary branch of a fruit tree with yellow or reddish leaves in combination with a chrysanthemum and a rose of the same shade will create a real work of art. You just need to choose the appropriate vase and follow a certain sequence of work.

Composition 1

  • At the bottom of the container we place a floral oasis with thorns, which can be purchased at any flower shop.

  • We thin out the leaves of a fruit tree branch and give it a curved shape, carefully bending the edges.
  • We place the branch in the vase, firmly fixing it on the oasis.

  • We shorten the stem of the rose by cutting the lower part diagonally with a sharp pruner and place it in a vase.

  • We clear the chrysanthemum of foliage, cut off half the stem and place it so that it is lower than the main flower.

  • We add another rose - smaller than the previous one, and complement the composition with another branch of an autumn tree.

Composition 2

An equally exquisite version of autumn ekibana is presented in the photo below - a harmonious combination of dahlias and branches of a decorative tree with small fruits. In some cases, exotic plants can be replaced with a sprig of hawthorn or cotoneaster, which can be found on any gardener’s plot.

  • At the initial stage, we stir the branches in the vessel, carefully cutting off the excess parts to balance the composition.

  • We decorate the central part of the ekibana with several varieties of greenery.

  • We fill the vase with water so that the flowers retain their existence longer.

  • We finish the composition by adding large and delicate dahlias of different lengths, and carefully adjust all the elements of the ekibana.

Composition 3

Using several types of chrysanthemums of different shades, you can become the author of a magnificent floral work that will decorate the interior and add color to gloomy autumn days. To do this, 3-4 types of flowers are enough, which should be placed in an elegant vase, after cleaning the leaves. This way the flowers will be able to delight you with their blooms longer.

Compositions made from branches, especially those of unusual and whimsical shapes, will be an excellent solution for decorating your home and office. The main thing to consider is the harmony of additional elements, which in this case are flowers.

A branch of an unusual shape itself draws attention to itself, so you should not oversaturate the composition with bright containers and large flowers.

If you want to use roses, it is better to choose small buds, which should be placed in the central part, complementing the unusual bouquet with branches of viburnum or red rowan.

Branches of unusual colors can become decor without floral accompaniment; only the original shape is enough to fix them and pre-treat them with a special wood product.

Ekibana on March 8, master class

Floor Ekibana, photo

Depending on the room and purpose, ekibana can serve not only as a decorative item, but also to fill empty space in rooms with a large area. Floor racks are perfect for this. For their construction, both high stands and low volumetric containers with bright accents are used. A beautiful addition to the decor will be a combination of flowers and unusually shaped driftwood, which will give the room some extravagance.

Here are some examples of how you can transform a room using floor compositions.

Ekibana tree, step-by-step instructions with photos

In the Japanese tradition, there is a custom of composing authentic ekiban, among which one of the first places is occupied by a coniferous composition.

To create such splendor you will need:

  • tools;
  • branches;
  • stable container and flowers.

Operating procedure:

  • To prepare the branches for work, it is necessary to cut their lower part in such a way as to fix it in a special hole in the dish.

  • Then we place the branch firmly in the container.

  • The coniferous branch will be beautifully complemented by the curved part of a flowering tree, which we cut in a similar way and fix in a container.

  • A few leaves and inflorescences of daffodils will become a colorful element in the ekiban.

Ekibana on the table, beautiful composition with photo

It so happened that a beautifully composed composition always testifies to the manifestation of the refined taste and aesthetic preferences of the owners.

When forming a flower ekibana for further placement on the table, you should not make it too bulky and voluminous, as this may cause some inconvenience.

We present to your attention several examples of beautiful ekibans that will decorate any room and give it a touch of perfection.

Ekibana of fruits, summer composition photo

Particularly popular among lovers of unusual gifts are not only flower ekibans, but also those with elements such as fruits and vegetables. Such compositions have double benefits - aesthetic beauty and the benefits of fruit elements, which, after the flowers have withered, can serve as a source of vitamins. Here are a few examples of fruit ekiban:

Ekibana for Easter, composition for Easter with your own hands step by step with photos

Easter is an incredibly bright holiday, with a number of traditions and customs, including decorating your own home. A flower ekibana will perfectly complement the celebration and fill the holiday with special meaning, especially if you build it yourself. This will require quite a bit of time, patience, and, of course, material to create the composition.

  • We place it on a tray with a floral sponge at the bottom and decorate it with moss.

  • We lay leaves of evergreen ornamental plants, such as ivy and hosta, on top of the moss, and complement the composition with willow branches.

An equally festive composition can be created using small decorative elements, in this case chickens, and yellow flowers. In addition, we will need a round glass vase, pruning shears, glue and some greenery.

  • glue the chickens along the entire perimeter of the container, holding them for some time for good fixation;

  • place in a vase and enjoy the festive composition!

Option 3

Winter ekibana, Christmas and New Year's ekibana, photo with explanations

The pre-New Year bustle is something fabulous. People decorate their homes, creating miracles with their own hands in the form of coniferous works that give an extraordinary atmosphere of comfort. You can create a New Year's Ekibana from the most affordable ingredients. A few spruce branches and New Year's decor are enough for magic to reign in the house.

Made from natural material, autumn ekibana can perfectly fit into the design of absolutely any home. By creating such a craft with your own hands, you will fill every room with the atmosphere of autumn and add zest to the interior of your home.

The creation of ekibana becomes relevant in the autumn period. Due to the fact that in autumn there are fewer and fewer fresh flowers, and the desire to decorate your home with floral motifs does not weaken, despite the gloomy rain outside the window.

And this does not mean that there is no opportunity to find different natural materials for making compositions on the theme of autumn. A huge variety of all kinds of unique and colorful elements can be found during this period - all kinds of cones, tree fruits, autumn leaves, acorns, rowan berries and other autumn gifts.

Compositions created on the basis of natural materials will be endowed with special energy and will bring peace and tranquility to your home.

In the case where you need to create an ekibana for the autumn ball yourself, you need to think about preparing the necessary materials in advance. You need to start collecting the necessary material for the composition from the very beginning of the autumn period, because most of the vegetation quickly withers and disappears.

You can choose a favorable sunny day and take a walk through the forest or park, where you can find a wide variety of leaves, see a riot of colors and choose the necessary material for making ekibana. You should choose only the material you like. Or you can collect everything unusual and beautiful, since all this can be useful in the future.

Collecting materials for ekibana "Autumn" with your own hands

Before you start creating an ekibana, you need to prepare the required material. To create a beautiful composition of autumn leaves, you should select only undamaged and healthy leaves.

The material should be dried in the middle of the pages of a book or album, placing them under a load. This manipulation is required in order to eliminate the possibility of leaves curling in the future. Having prepared autumn material using this method, it can be used for children's applications, collages and herbariums.

Do-it-yourself volumetric ekibana "Autumn"

If you need to create a three-dimensional structure, autumn leaves should be soaked for three to four days in a solution of glycerin (200 ml) and cold water (400 ml). Having processed them in the described way, the leaves become flexible, pliable and retain their original beautiful appearance.

Flat crafts

There are four methods to prepare leaves for flat buildings:

  1. The natural way. Having collected natural material, it must be tied into bundles and hung on a thread in a dry, well-ventilated room.
  2. Drying using a hot iron. Place the leaves on thick cardboard, place thin paper on top and gently iron with a hot iron. This procedure should be carried out until the moisture from the leaves completely disappears.
  3. Volumetric drying. Using this method, flowers best maintain their shape and volume. The flower must be cut and placed in dried and calcined sand for one month.
  4. Oven drying method. To do this, you need to set the oven to a low temperature, no higher than 60 degrees Celsius. Place the prepared natural materials on a baking sheet and dry slowly. During this procedure, it is necessary to constantly monitor the condition of the leaves and flowers; they should not darken or lose shape.

Autumn themed ekibana can be placed in a decorative vase, basket or on an artificial stand. If you show more creativity and creativity in this matter, then, for example, the vase can be replaced with a pumpkin or a small hollowed out log.

The procedure for making a composition on the theme of autumn depends entirely on personal imagination and preferences. It can be varied with various details. But do not forget that the initial task when composing a composition is to make a base or “backbone”. You need to think it through in advance.

If you want to create a composition with your own hands, you can find a variety of photo ideas on how to make it on the Internet.

To fix the craft, it is better to use plasticine or foam rubber, which must be placed in the selected container.

An autumn composition made with your own hands will help complement the design of your home. You can do this process with your children. For children, schoolchildren and even adults, this activity will be educational and exciting.

Video on the topic of the article

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