Anti-aging makeup: photos, professional advice. Anti-aging makeup, secrets of anti-age make up How to apply anti-aging makeup correctly

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It is not known why, but the fair sex always strives to hide their age: in childhood they want to seem older, and after a certain moment they strive to look younger. Makeup is not magic, but a nuance that can radically change the image and even the energy of a person.

The two main tasks of everyday make-up are to refresh and highlight natural beauty. If on young skin oversaturation can look forgivable, then an extra gram of cosmetics for the age may worsen the appearance.

Let's see how to make a rejuvenating face makeup and what secrets and tricks it is based on.

Face preparation

Whatever masterly techniques you use, you will still fail if you apply makeup to unprepared skin. Do a light exfoliation every other day and a deep exfoliation once a week. Massage your face in the morning and evening.

Over the years, the skin loses its elasticity and hydration, so do not shy away from face masks and oily nourishing creams at night. Use argan or coconut oil before bed to help smooth out wrinkles. Drink plenty of water to moisturize your skin from the inside out.

Makeup base

The most important thing in anti-aging makeup is the condition of the skin. Before applying all the products, wipe your face with a damp cloth. Next is the application of the base.

In case, it is best to use a serum that will help smooth, refresh and even slightly tighten the skin. This product creates the first floor of the base on which the rest of the funds fall. It is important to make this layer as thin as possible so that the tone is transparent and imperceptible.

The next stage is the application of the cream, it makes the skin structure more smooth and reduces pores. This product should be applied gradually until it is absorbed. Otherwise, the face can be blotted with a napkin, and dry areas can be additionally moistened. Care must be taken to ensure that no excess cream remains on the skin, otherwise the makeup may leak.

Facial skin tone

If you survey 100 women, at least 50 of them will be convinced that makes the image look younger. Yes, if it concerns the body, the face of the same shade, on the contrary, ages. Therefore, you need to protect it from the scorching sun, and also use creams that will best suit your skin tone.

The best tonal products for rejuvenating makeup - who are over 40 or more - are chameleons, that is, they are able to adapt to any skin color. Fortunately, they are represented by many cosmetic companies. It is better to choose a water-based cream than an oil-based one.

Very dark tones add years, but too light ones also age, so the choice of shade must be approached as scrupulously as possible.

As for the texture, it must be as light as possible. This applies not only to age-related makeup. After all, a dense foundation creates wrinkles even when you don't have them.

The older the skin, the lighter the base needs to be and a more targeted application is required. Do not make it your goal to hide all age-related changes, this is impossible.

Eye area

Rejuvenating makeup at 30 years old with good heredity can be minimal if elastic skin around the eyes is preserved.

With age, this delicate area becomes thinner and more vulnerable, and bruises appear under the eyes and near the inner corners. Before you start applying tonal means, you need to paint over this area first.

If the area around the eyes has a bluish tint, it must be neutralized with red. Even red lipstick is good for this. It should be applied in a very thin layer. This trick will help you avoid layering the concealer in this area. "Red circles" must be covered with a light concealer or foundation.

Important! The amount of tonal means should be minimal. If they are thick, dilute them with moisturizer.

Highlighter play

This product is designed to brighten, accentuate, add volume and radiance to specific areas of the skin.

With only a highlighter and foundation, you can make your face look more textured. To do this, you need to highlight:

  • triangles under the eyes and inner corners;
  • the area under the eyebrows;
  • the back of the nose;
  • "birdie" above the lip;
  • the center of the chin.

You can highlight the cheekbones with a highlighter without using a bronzer. To do this, select the line that you would darken with a light color at the top and bottom.

It is undesirable to use this product containing reflective particles in the area under the eyebrows, because the shimmer adds volume, which will make the eyelid appear heavier and puffy.

In the photo, rejuvenating makeup looks most beneficial if you use a highlighter.

The secret of the eyebrows

The eyebrows are the face of the face. They are able to open their eyes, making it more expressive, so they need to be raised as much as possible.

Long thin eyebrows visually make a woman look older, it is worth trying on wide natural eyebrows.

As for color, after 30 years it is better to give preference to a natural palette. If you are a hot brunette, choose dark brown shades, if blonde - light brown. Very dark eyebrows make any face heavy and heavy, and even more so if there are even minimal age-related changes.

In anti-aging makeup, it is better to give preference to the shadows, because it is easy to draw a strict line with a pencil, which you do not need.

Fluffy eyebrows give youth to the face. When laying them, lift the hairs up.

When styling your eyebrows, try not to point the outer ponytail too far down.

Eye makeup

When the skin around the eyes is loose enough, you should avoid applying shadows, otherwise they will roll, gather in folds and become spots. Both everyday and festive makeup should be as natural as possible.

It is preferable to use bold eyeshadow. It is better to choose soft shades, not black or even dark brown, but golden, peach, gray or muted lavender. If your eyelids are very dry, this textured shadow can exacerbate the problem.

It is best to apply the product on the movable eyelid with your fingers, so it lays down in an optimal layer and evenly.

As for the mascara, it is better to choose not black, but dark brown, gray or dark blue. It should add volume and curl to the eyelashes. If this fails with a brassmat, then use an eyelash curler.

For eyeliner, it is best to use the inter-eyelash technique and not extend the arrow too far.

The thickness of the lower eyelid can be painted over with a light beige highlighter to make the eyes look larger and fresher.

In festive makeup, it makes sense to stick beam, not very long eyelashes closer to the outer corner of the upper eyelashes. You need to fix them before applying mascara, so they will last as long as possible.


In rejuvenating makeup, the emphasis is more on the eyes. Matte lipsticks or pencils look beautiful only in the photo. In life, this technique often matures. Young girls can afford this cosmetic product, but even for them this nuance can add 10 years.

If you are not a lover of gloss, then opt for a moisturizing lipstick of not very bright colors, but at the same time fresh. Don't use beige or nude tones if you want to look younger.

If the corners of the lips are down, they can be corrected with concealer or a matte beige highlighter. You need to paint over the center of the lips, so they will seem as voluminous as possible.

If you want to draw a contour, then use a pencil that matches natural lips in color. It must be well sharpened. Do not aim for excessive definition of the lips and do not go to the very corner.


What else can give a fresh and healthy look but blush? Applied to the apples of the cheeks, they truly make the image youthful and carefree. To find the very desired point, just smile and paint over the protruding area.

For texture, go for a creamy blush. They will add shine and shine. Dry ones can create a mask effect and look unnatural. Better to apply peach or natural pink blush, you should avoid saturated colors: brown, brick, bright coral.

It is better to highlight the cheekbones with a highlighter than with a bronzer. The saturation of the blush should be matched with the brightness of the lipstick.

Little secrets

1. No makeup can look better than a healthy, slept look, a vigorous look and no swelling.

2. Before going to bed, do not drink liquids, it is better to do a facial massage. The latter can be practiced in the morning just before applying the make-up.

3. Light peeling every other day. The skin must be cleansed. To do this, use a sugar scrub or shaving foam once a week. This budget trick perfectly cleanses the skin without traumatizing it.

4. Argan oil. Many admirers of beautiful hair have heard about Moroccan gold, but not everyone knows that it perfectly nourishes and moisturizes the skin. Apply a few drops of this oil before bed. It absorbs quickly. If you have dry skin, then this product can be used in place of a serum or makeup base.

5. For those women who are over 50, rejuvenating can be supplemented with a little trick: you need to take the hair near the temporal zone, braid a small tourniquet and stab it with invisible ones towards the back of the head. This will make the skin around the eyes look firmer. Don't overdo it!

6. Although this does not apply to makeup, but the key accent of the image is the hairstyle and hair color. The tarry black color always adds age, as well as the unnatural red or orange. Choose natural colors.

Let's summarize

1. The main thing in anti-aging make-up is to work out the lightening zones with a highlighter or concealer a few tones lighter. We use it to refresh the area under the eyes, the bird above the lip, the line under the eyebrow and the center of the forehead.

2. We give up saturated colors. This includes eyebrow dye, mascara, lipstick and blush.

3. Choose one accent: either lips, or eyes, or blush.

4. We use mother-of-pearl only on perfectly flat areas of the skin. If you have wrinkles, pimples or enlarged pores, the shiny particles will only accentuate them.

5. Tips of professionals in anti-aging makeup come down to one thing: you need to avoid overly clear lines.

6. It is necessary to paint over the lower eyelid at least, because the gaze will become lowered. You need to strive to open and raise your eyes.

7. If you have dark circles around the eyes, then avoid gray and blue colors, if redness is observed - pink shades.

8. After 30 years, you can not save on mascara. She is obliged to curl, fix, add volume, but not look like a load in front of our eyes. There should be as little of this product on the face as possible, because its abundance ages.

9. The shade of the foundation must necessarily coincide with your natural one or be a little lighter.

10. It is necessary to avoid liquid eyeliners and too long arrows on the eyes.

11. Matte lipsticks remove volume and emphasize wrinkles on the lips.

12. thicken, low - raise. You do not need to draw them under the ruler, but you also don’t need to leave them unpicked, uncombed and unpainted.

13. Excessive bouffant and volume on the face add about 10 years.

14. Both in life and in the photo, anti-aging makeup looks great.

Today, anti-aging makeup is becoming more and more in demand and popular. The past years invariably leave marks on the face. Yesterday, a young girl was smiling in the mirror, but today the first wrinkles are visible, the skin is dull, the corners of the lips are lowered. But in order to regain its former blooming appearance, it is not necessary to run to a plastic surgeon.

Figure 1. Performing anti-aging makeup yourself.

To perform anti-aging makeup, you need regular cosmetics. It is quite easy to do it yourself, you just need to know some of the secrets of makeup and be able to apply them. If rejuvenating makeup is performed for the first time, you can turn to professionals and carefully observe the process, and then successfully do everything yourself (Fig. 1).

Makeup rules

Before you apply makeup that makes your face ten years younger, you need to take care of nourishing and moisturizing your skin. Over the years, the skin loses its natural elasticity, there is a lack of moisture, a large number of dead cells accumulate. To begin with, you should use a scrub to remove dead skin cells and open all the pores.

Figure 2. Stages of applying evening eye makeup.

After that, you can apply a nourishing or moisturizing mask, and only then perform anti-aging makeup. Before the procedure, you need to wipe your face with lotion and use a cream that matches your skin type.

The first and foremost rule is naturalness. Anti-aging makeup should be done in such a way as to give the impression that there is a minimum of cosmetics. In no case should you use bright colors, especially unnatural ones: green, blue, purple shades of shadows.

When doing makeup to look younger, do not draw thick lines on the eyelids, as they will inevitably add a few extra years. The lines should be thin and even, strictly along the upper border of eyelash growth. Foundation and powder are applied in a thin even layer and carefully shaded, especially along the contour of the face, so that the boundaries of the transition of tones are not visible.

When performing anti-aging makeup, you should not choose oil-based foundation, you should give preference to light, melting textures.

A good option would be tonal foams with a mother-of-pearl effect. Rejuvenating makeup is very picky about the presence of imperfections on the skin. To mask them, you can use special corrective agents, but it is important to ensure that their tone matches the tone of the foundation. The latter should be as close as possible to the natural skin color. A lighter tone can be applied to the chin and forehead for an additional rejuvenating effect. But to apply light shades under the eyes is permissible only when performing evening make-up (Fig. 2).

Eye makeup secrets

Pastel shades work well for this make-up. This makes the look younger, distracts the eye from the "crow's feet". The best option is to color the shadows a tone and a half darker than the skin tone. You need to apply shadows only on the upper eyelid, and the lower one can be emphasized with a thin line of a white or beige pencil. This will make the eyes look larger. Pearlescent shadows are also acceptable, but should not go beyond the eyes. But arrows are strictly prohibited. It is enough to apply a thin eyeliner, preferably brown or beige.

When choosing mascara, black should be preferred. For owners of light hair, gray and brown mascara is suitable, but it is unacceptable to use blue, purple and pink colors. To eliminate dark circles under the eyes, you can use a peach tone corrector. But it can be applied strictly in the center, without affecting the corners of the eyes and the lower eyelid horizontally. Otherwise, the effect will be completely opposite.

Lip makeup secrets

The years take their toll, and the natural contour, swelling, attractive lip tint disappear over time. The correct use of lipstick will help to restore the former attractiveness of the lips. If wrinkles appear in the corners of the lips, they can be perfectly masked with a corrector. When choosing lipstick and lip gloss, you should opt for natural and soothing colors (from brown to pink).

A lip liner should also be chosen to match the lipstick: it should be only one shade darker. There is no need to draw an additional contour of the lips, raise the corners and create extra volumes, it is enough to carefully trace the natural contour of the mouth. And to achieve visual swelling, you can use a little trick: after applying lipstick to the entire area of ​​the lips, add a little pearlescent gloss to the middle of the lower sponge. This secret makes the lips more plump and voluminous.

Applying blush correctly

Makeup that rejuvenates the face necessarily takes into account the application of blush. It is they who give the face freshness and youth, and are the final touch in all makeup.

Blush well emphasize the oval of the face, for this it is better to use natural colors that are close to the shade of the foundation. Under the cheekbones, darker tones are chosen, on the cheekbones - a tone lighter than the main complexion. The palette of blush should be chosen in cream tones, but the texture of the cosmetic product itself should be crumbly. This provides additional benefits for feathering and easily avoids color blending.

When performing makeup, you need to remember that, as always, the main rule of makeup must be observed, namely, an emphasis on the eyes or lips must be observed. For a rejuvenating make-up, this rule is also relevant.

The easiest way to hide age-related skin changes is to use proper makeup. By using the right cosmetics and applying the appropriate techniques, you can independently perform anti-aging makeup that visually rejuvenates your face.

Base and tone

Many women mistakenly believe that thicker foundation will help hide wrinkles. In fact, this practice only aggravates the problem: after the “mask” of the tone, the flaws on the skin become more noticeable, the pores become clogged, the flow of air to them is disrupted, the mimic wrinkles become much more noticeable than they were, within an hour after applying makeup.

The photo clearly shows how young skin can be ruined by excessive enthusiasm for tonal and corrective agents!

An appropriate shade of fluid or a liquid foundation with reflective particles is ideal for mature skin. It is necessary to apply these products in a very thin layer, trying not to rub them on the skin, but to gently “drive” them with your fingertips over a moisturizer suitable for the type and purpose.

If it is necessary to use correctors (in the presence of age spots, rashes), they are applied pointwise, avoiding an overly thick layer of makeup. In a photo or in a mirror image, the tone of a woman's face should not differ from the shade of her neck.


When it comes to blush, makeup artists also have a number of tips. There is no need to try to “rejuvenate” mature skin with an abundance of pink blush on the cheeks. In many cases, they should be abandoned altogether in favor of sculptural foundations.

For mature skin, dark shades of blush are suitable, applied in small quantities with a wide brush to the cheekbones.

Eye makeup

Anti-aging makeup does not exclude an emphasis on the eyes, but it has a number of specific nuances:

  1. it is not recommended to use glossy shades (they visually emphasize wrinkles);
  2. eyeliner is not the best for the contour, because on the eyelid with age wrinkles can lie unevenly;
  3. any contour in eye makeup should be shaded with high quality (for this reason, it is recommended to use soft pencils and appropriate techniques for their application);
  4. instead of black for the outline, it is preferable to use less dramatic colors: dark brown, gray, dark green;
  5. creamy eyeshadows are not suitable for anti-aging make-up. they tend to roll down and visualize eyelid imperfections;
  6. only ascending lines should be present in eye makeup: otherwise, the impression of a tired look will be created;
  7. if cream or pink shades of eyeshadow are used, they should be combined with darker textures so that the effect of eyelid swelling and soreness does not occur.

For mature skin of the eyelids, a particularly intensive basic preparation is necessary. You can use an eyelid product that will moisturize the area, smooth its texture, and prepare it for makeup.

In the photo of professional models, you can see that the skin around the eyes is, as it were, lighter than the main tone. This is actually the case. The application of light shadows under the eyebrow visually enlarges the eyes and gives the skin in this area a more youthful appearance.


For women of mature age, lipsticks in neutral matte shades are suitable. It is recommended to refuse strongly dark tones, preferring the most natural and expensive ones (peach, scarlet, ripe cherry).

A pencil that differs in color from the tone of the lipstick can only be used if deep wrinkles have not yet formed in the lip area. For an anti-aging make-up, it is convenient to use a colorless lip liner, thanks to which the lipstick will not spread, but it will not put unnecessary emphasis on areas where wrinkles are already noticeable enough.

It is worth remembering that long-lasting lipstick dehydrates the lips, and this is unacceptable for mature skin. In this case, it is better to give preference to moisturizing lipsticks.


Eyebrows perfectly accentuate any makeup and give the face the necessary color. Today, wide enough eyebrows are in vogue, but with age, their density deteriorates significantly. In this situation, the best solution would be to permanently dye the eyebrows with their competent design, taking into account the shape of the woman's face and the color shades that suit her. Women after 40 should give up black and thick eyebrows.

Anti-aging makeup step-by-step

The technique of applying daytime makeup does not differ much from the traditional one, but it has a number of features:

Photos before and after makeup in the classic execution scheme are presented below.

This is a universal scheme that allows you to mask the existing age-related imperfections of the skin, and make it more attractive and fresh. If there are areas with pronounced changes (drooping eyelids, pigmented manifestations, excessively dry skin of the lips), everything must be done to shift the emphasis from this zone to another.

What cosmetics to choose?

In decorative lines of cosmetics, as well as in care products, there are options for the skin, not only of different types, but also of age. For mature skin, these can be preparations containing an increased dose of moisturizing components, since with age, the nutrition of the skin deteriorates, and a lack of moisture entails a loss of elasticity.

The following cosmetics are suitable for anti-aging makeup:

  1. Blush with a cream base: with them, the blush is more natural, the texture is smoother.
  2. Concealers are excellent at masking wrinkles, but using them regularly is not recommended.
  3. Liquid-type foundations with a complex of reflective particles.
  4. Eyeliner - soft, with a blending applicator, better than a brown or gray shade. Gel-like eyeliners are not suitable for such a make-up: the eyes in the photo and in real life may look overly highlighted, and the eyeliner will emphasize the presence of wrinkles in this area. It is necessary to refuse pencils of plum and all shades of red, since such colors will give the eyes a painful look, and in the photo they will significantly age their owner.
  5. Shadows should have a velvet crumbly base, shimmering elements in them are strictly prohibited. The creamy texture is also not suitable for aging makeup.
  6. It is better to replace the eyebrow pencil with shadows of the same shade: with their help, you can achieve a softer eyebrow contour.
  7. The older the woman, the more carefully she should draw the contour of the lips: for this, a colorless or contour pencil or an option to match the lipstick (not darker than it) is ideal.
  8. Lip gloss can be present in age-related makeup only as a small addition: it is applied to the middle of the upper lip to add volume to the lips.
  9. Do not try to apply mascara to the entire length of the eyelashes on the lower eyelid: this will draw attention to the wrinkles in the eye area and the image will turn out to be "older" than we would like.

So, in order for the anti-aging makeup in the photo and in life to look spectacular and visually rejuvenate its owner, it must be done with decorative means of natural shades.

Do not mask the natural pallor of the skin behind a layer of tone or bronzer, trying to give the skin a tan. The technology for applying the recommended products is described step by step above. It can be changed in accordance with the characteristics of the woman's skin and the purpose of the makeup.

The make-up, which will be discussed, will allow mature women to look ten to fifteen years younger. Plastic medicine has come up with many ways to rejuvenate, but it is expensive. But makeup, which visually raises the contours of the face, is available to every woman taking care of herself. Its main principles: all lines of the face should strive upward; a little color correction is needed.

Colors of cosmetics

In this case, you will need cosmetics in neutral, natural tones. It should also be remembered that matte shadows age, while mother-of-pearl accentuates wrinkles and skin imperfections. The best option is satin products with a touch of shine, with a glow effect.

Tonal basis

Choose a base with a neutral tone, but not pink. A beige palette is appropriate, which is in perfect harmony with skin color. If the skin is very pale, choose an ivory base and lighter in tone. It is good to choose foundation with a lifting effect.
Better to choose beige-orange or yellowish correctors. Also use concealers with a brush and dispenser.


Light beige or transparent will do.


Use only pastel, fresh colors - pink, peach, beige-pink, pink-orange. Overly light and brown shades will not work.


Take on a neutral, soft and natural shade palette. Avoid mother of pearl.

Eyebrow tones

If your hair is gray or cold tones, give preference to ash beige or gray-brown tones, if your hair is warm tones - brownish, without reddishness.

Lip tints

Revitalizing, refreshing, natural tones are preferred - pink, pink-beige, apricot, light berry. Try not to use shades that are too pale or too bright.


Choose lipsticks that are nourishing or moisturizing. Persistent - not for you, they dry the lips, highlight wrinkles in the corners of the mouth.

Makeup brushes

In addition to decorative cosmetics, you will need high-quality makeup brushes:
  • Powder brush
  • For blush
  • For eyebrows
  • Brow brush
  • Eye brushes
  • Lip brush.

Preparing your face for makeup with a rejuvenating effect

The skin should be rubbed with a toner and a lifting serum should be applied to it. Apply a lifting cream to the skin, wait for it to be absorbed. A light gel can be applied to the eyes. Moisten your lips with balm. After ten to fifteen minutes, start your makeup.
Concealer mask imperfections on the face - irritation, age spots, vascular network.

Apply the tone with a sponge or with your fingers all over the face, around the lips too. Apply a lighter tone to the nasolabial folds, wrinkles near the corners of the mouth, under the eyes, vertical wrinkles between the eyebrows.


Before applying the powder, sprinkle thermal water on your face or wipe it with a piece of ice, quickly distribute the water over your face - this is how a foundation, and all makeup will last for a long time and look fresh. Then apply the powder.

Do not forget: in this makeup, all the movements of your hand are directed from the bottom up all the time. For example, when you bring your eyes, draw a line, lifting it to the outer contour of the eye.


With age, eyebrows become less frequent, discolored, so they need to be made thicker and brighter. It is important to raise the line of the eyebrows - this will make the eyes more open, visually raise the face.

It is better to tint rare eyebrows not with a pencil, but with eyebrow shadows. Brush them up. Shade them with a brush. Fix with gel or special wax.


Perhaps one of the main age-related problems is drooping eyelids - because of this, the eyes become smaller. Therefore, apply neutral tones to the entire movable eyelid, then slightly darken the overhanging part of the eyelid with a shade of the main color and, finally, draw a line along the edge of cilia growth with a dark pencil. The arrow should be slightly raised. When you open your eyes, the eyeliner should be visible. Apply light shadows under the eyebrows, which visually opens the eyes and lifts the eyelids.

If your eyelids are too wrinkled, use a light matte eyeshadow all over your upper eyelid. For faded eyes, avoid using dark tones.

Thinning eyelashes will be saved by a dark, well-blended eyeliner at the very base of the eyelashes. Tint thin and faded eyelashes with gray or brown mascara.


With the help of blush, you can refresh the skin of the face, visually lift it up. They should not be applied too low.


Over the years, the contour of the lips becomes indistinct, so it must be outlined with a pencil - this will prevent the lipstick from blurring in the wrinkles around the mouth.

The outline should not be done with sharp lines - they should be smooth. The shade of the pencil should be close to the natural color of the lips. If the lips are too drooping, do not draw artificial contours - just do not paint over their outer corners with lipstick.

Apply lipstick with a brush.

How to Lose 10 Years with Hair and Makeup? Makeup artist Alena Moiseeva and hairdresser Alex Kontier reveal the secrets of makeup and anti-age styling.
The idea for this post started with Yulia's selfie. Julia posted a morning photo in our beauty-insider chat - her hair stood upright, and because of this she looked 10 years older. "And this is a topic!" - we realized.

And they called a pro - make-up artist Alena Moiseeva and hairdresser Alex Contier to show you how you can add and subtract age with hair and makeup.

The models were Olya Tretyakova (40 years old) and Yulia Grebenkina (33 years old).

Plus 10 years

The main thing

Alena Moiseeva: "Age is added by strict forms and any unnaturalness: too dark tones, too sharp contours."

Alex Contier: “Avoid unnatural hair volume. Fleece is instantly +10 years old. "

Olya Tretyakova


The first thing that immediately adds age - wrong tone.

Alena Moiseeva: “Many people think that tanning shade makes you look younger. In fact, the opposite is true. The skin immediately looks older and looks unkempt, because the dark tone gets into the wrinkles and emphasizes them. "

Alena: “You don’t need to draw too hard on the eyebrows and make a clear angle at the bridge of the nose - these techniques make the face coarse, frowned.”

Any clear or, as make-up artists say, "hard" form adds years. Graphic eye makeup looks old-fashioned and, moreover, does not adorn anyone, not even runway models.

Alena: “Shade the shadows, make smooth transitions. The more natural your makeup, the younger you look. "

Another so-so technique is an arrow, which is drawn on a closed eyelid.

Alena: "In this case, there is a danger of bringing her down, which visually" lowers "the outer corner of the eye and gives the face a tired and sad expression." To avoid this, draw arrows in front of your open eyes. "

Well defined lips- another mistake. Sharp, noticeable contour makes them smaller, accentuates wrinkles. The same applies to matte lipsticks - they age, dry lips and conceal volume.

Alena: “Many still think that nude matte shades give naturalness. It's a delusion. These lipsticks look good on Instagram and add age to life. "


Of course, you want your hair to look voluminous, but with this it is important not to overdo it.

Alex: “Never comb your hair. They, firstly, immediately look less shiny, and secondly, such splendor makes even very young girls old. So I advise you to leave such styling for the podium. "

Thoughts on

Olya: “Those“ some ”who think that tanning is young - just me. After this shoot, I sharply revised my attitude towards bronzers in favor of a more natural tone. The fact that I immediately freshened up was noted by everyone. And I also decided that I would use matte lipstick exclusively on the set.

And when Alex was combing my hair, he repeated: "Oooo, with such a haircut only for deputies!" And I sat and thought: I will never again try to fluff up my hair on the back of my head, never again! "



Too dark is bad, but too light is not better. It does not refresh, but makes the face pale and exhausted. With dry skin (and with age, many skin becomes drier), it is worth giving up and thick layer of powder- it accentuates wrinkles, and a matte face looks flat and lifeless.

Also, dark blush will not brighten your face - even if you have beautiful cheekbones that you want to emphasize.

Alena: “Such blush - especially cold, unnatural shades - will add unnecessary acuity to facial features. Because of this, it will look painful, haggard. "

Sharply defined eyebrows add age, but untouched eyebrows are also not youthful: in contrast with painted eyes / lips / cheeks, they look pale, unkempt and sparse. A fuzzy shape adds age.

Another tip about the eyes: “If you like classic makeup, that is, with an emphasis on the outer corner, do not make it too harsh and avoid contrasts. The photo shows how old it is. "

Dark lipstick + contour = extra age. Lips become less plump with age, and this is especially noticeable with this makeup.

Alena: “Leave the dark lipstick for Instagram and fashion shoots. In life, especially with not very voluminous lips, it will make you older and stricter. "


The excess volume achieved with the fleece does not color. Another mistake is an extra commit. The sharpened "helmet" adds rigidity and severity. And age.

Thoughts on

Yulia: “While Alena was painting me, her hand was practically trembling and she kept repeating“ My God, my God, I can't believe I'm doing this! ”. But as a result, I realized my mistake with blush, with the choice of too light tonal (I used to think that I need the lightest tone in the line - and this is not always the case), too matte tonal (you are afraid of oily sheen - and as a result, you kill any glow of the skin ). However, you still can't keep me from playing with dark and matte lipsticks -).

But the main thing is hair: as soon as I cut my hair short, I immediately realized that my main enemy now is volume. Anyone, even the smallest one, turns me into a middle-aged literature teacher in high school (sorry, all the fashionable and advanced literature teachers, I had different ones! -)). In the end, I just did the keratin again. "

Are we not like the heroines of the TV series "Dynasty" ?! -) Shikaaaaar!

Minus 10 years

The main thing

Alena: “The best“ rejuvenating ”makeup is invisible. All that is needed is to hide skin imperfections, emphasize facial features and emphasize the dignity of youth - freshness and naturalness. "

Alex: “Youth = naturalness. Light waves, light volume, smoothness and shine of hair - that's what rejuvenates. "



Alena: “The right primer is half the battle. It should have a "wet" effect, this will give the face a radiance. If you're not using a primer, just moisturize your skin well before makeup. "

The thickness of the eyebrows is very important. Wide ones make the face younger, too thin - on the contrary. Alena: "Comb the hairs up - this will make your eyebrows visually wider."

Whatever eye makeup you do, blend the shades as much as possible so that there are no abrupt transitions.

Alena: “Here we used the most natural beige shades, just to accentuate the natural crease of the eyelid and brighten the eye. " Creamy eyeshadows are softer than dry ones - this is also important if you want to look younger.

To make your face look more youthful, it is better to use not thick lipsticks, but glitters or moisturizing balms.

Alena: “Look, what is the difference with the“ Plus 10 years ”option! Here is a nude shade, but it is light, translucent, and does not age at all. "

And if you want to add brightness, do not deny yourself anything :)

Alena: “There is a stereotype that with age it is better to avoid bright lipsticks. This is not true. In everyday make-up, it is better to refuse dense dark ones combined with a clear contour. Bright, with a wet shine, on the contrary, refresh the face. With the help, you can visually subtract several years. "

When choosing a blush, stop at creamy textures, advises Alena: "They look natural and help create a natural blush effect."


It is better to avoid a lot of volume in hairstyles. But even slicked hair dyes very few people. Our choice is the golden mean.

Alex: “Apply heat protection and dry your hair with your head down. The volume will be more natural. I advise you to fix your hairstyle with a light fixing varnish - it will look more lively and agile. "

Thoughts on

Olya: “It is very difficult for me to realize that matting my face is not necessary. Still, I have this ingrained habit: first the base / primer / foundation, and then the powder. As a compromise, I only use powder in the T-zone. I like too! The face does not lose volume, and there is no oily sheen on the forehead and chin.

And I'm also the person who never dyed my eyebrows. Well, because they are already dark-beautiful-bright, why ?! But at the same time, I somehow always missed the moment that when everything else is made up, the eyebrows fall through and do not look so thick. Realized a mistake, I will correct it. " But with the help you can make the eyebrows more natural and of the desired thickness.



Ideal foundation- not too dense, not too matte, taking into account the peculiarities of the skin.

Alena: “The main thing we are striving for is volume and radiance. Hydrated skin looks younger than dry. ”

If you need powder, use it not on the entire face, but in the T-zone.

If the skin is thin, with translucent wreaths under the eyes - the must.

Alena: “Choose not white (it will look too contrasting) and not gray (it will give a tired look), but slightly peach or pink - this will refresh the area under the eyes”.

We never tire of repeating: wide groomed eyebrows rejuvenate. And you need to paint them.

Alena: “Keep an eye on the outer corner, do not lower it with makeup. Correctly contoured eyebrows provide a lifting effect to the entire face. "

For the eyes used creamy eyeshadow with pink undertone- both shade and texture have a rejuvenating effect.

With such a "cold" appearance as Yulia's, and shades of gloss and lipsticks are good cold, without warm undertone: berry, pink. They instantly refresh the face.


Alex: “I usually advise not to hide your face behind your hair for those who are“ over… ”. An open face looks younger. But there is a catch: opening the forehead, we seem to enter the territory of hairstyles for adults. So if you are less than 50-60 years old, do not rush to give up your bangs. Asymmetry and slight carelessness in styling make the face look younger than the clearly fixed (hair-to-hair) hairstyle. "

Thoughts on

Yulia: “You’ll laugh, or maybe you won’t even believe it, because this makeup looks very ordinary in the photo. And yet. After the shooting, without washing my face, I took the subway to train. And a teenager began to flirt with me, well, probably, 16-17 years old! Honestly, I'm not lying -)))

If from a serious: changed the attitude to tonal means after this shooting. I realized that my passion for matting tonalities is not good for me - a more moisturizing tone is better (and blot your forehead with a napkin at some point). I began to comb my eyebrows up - so they look more natural and give some kind of lifting effect to the face. And I got hooked, what with me, I thought, would never happen! "

What makeup mistakes do you make?

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