Corporate Halloween - original ideas for celebrating at work. Halloween at work: holiday ideas Prepare festive dishes for Halloween

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Unlike Russian offices, Halloween celebrations are often mandatory in American offices.

All Saints Day in the USA is holiday number 2. It is second only to Christmas in popularity. But for Russian offices this tradition can become warm and unifying. The main thing is to try to make it homely and sincere.

Halloween is one of the best holidays that you can “instill” in your office, writes. After all, he awakens the child in each of us. Americans also consider Halloween to be a tolerant and non-religious holiday. “Well, yes, the tradition has pagan roots - but who remembers about it now?” - .

Don't be like people who celebrate something just to have fun and follow rituals just because they are beautiful. A little history never hurts. This one came from the Celts and was practiced even before the birth of Christ. It was believed that on the night from October 31 to November 1, the souls of the departed returned to Earth. That's why people dressed up so that their dead enemies could not recognize them.

One of the favorite heroes of the holiday was the legendary Irish blacksmith Jack, who was neither bad nor good - average. As a result, after his death he was not allowed into either hell or heaven. So Jack walks around the world, waiting for the Day of Judgment and lighting his way with a candle hidden from the wind in a pumpkin.

Halloween Office Ideas

If you decide to celebrate Halloween in your office, there are several ways to do it. From a traditional costume party to a pumpkin breakfast. Office Life offers several of the most common ones. But when cutting out the “eyes” of pumpkins and putting candles there, don’t forget to use your imagination: your personal initiative, your personal “invention” will always be better than universal advice “for everyone.”

Method number 1: Carnival

Of course, the Halloween celebration will turn into an ordinary celebration, no different from other corporate events, if you do not throw a costume party. At the same time, it is not necessary to organize an event in the evening: you can simply agree with employees so that they come dressed as vampires and witches directly to work. Of course, you can indulge in pomp and organize a real feast, which will be crowned by a parade of nominees for the “Best Costume” competition.

Method number 2: Breakfast

Stock up on pumpkins, apple pies, and donuts and start your work day with a holiday. You can gather in the corporate kitchen, put on pointy black hats, drink coffee, eat a muffin with baked apples, and only then get to work - well-fed and cheerful.

Method #3: Lunch

To prevent colleagues from stressing over the fact that a corporate party will “eat up” their free evening, which they could spend at home, the Halloween celebration can be moved to lunch. For many, this is the optimal time: night owls will not have time to arrive for breakfast, and married couples with small children do not need “dinner” at work. Lunch can be made festive and, again, themed: all kinds of pumpkin dishes, apple pies, pizza. As you know, nothing brings people together like a shared meal.

Preparing for this way of celebrating Halloween is the most difficult, but on the holiday itself you don’t need to do anything. Decorate your office: bats, bloody smudges on the windows, pumpkins again - and the mood will be appropriate all day long.

Method #5: Pumpkin Carving Competition

If traditional celebrations in the form of eating (even in costumes of nurses and ghouls) are boring for you, you can buy pumpkins, knives and paints and organize a competition for the most beautiful “face” for Halloween.

Method #6: Bring children to the office

Allow all employees to bring their children to the office. They will gladly dress up in costumes of Snow White and Batman, gobble up donuts, washing them down with Pinocchio soda, paint your windows and pester you with the traditional Halloween whine: “Trick or Treat.”

Halloween is approaching - a holiday that allows you to have fun from the heart and laugh in the face of your own fears. Have you ever thought about throwing an unforgettable, slightly creepy corporate party? Here are some ideas for organizing a bright, interesting party. Remember that employees just need to rest from time to time.

Why do you need a corporate party for Halloween?

Halloween is a holiday that is becoming more and more popular every year. Yes, New Year's corporate parties will probably never go out of fashion, but a party can also be held in honor of All Saints' Day. Yes, it's a spooky, but incredibly fun holiday that opens up a ton of opportunities for office workers. Why?

It's simple. Bright costumes, competitions, scary stories and humorous competitions are just what is needed to strengthen team spirit, give employees the opportunity to take a breath and take a break from important tasks, and feel like a united family. Here are a few ideas that will help you organize an unforgettable holiday.

Idea 1. Charity

Yes, you are no longer teenagers, so it is quite possible that loud, noisy parties are not your thing. Maybe you should invite your employees to participate in a charity event? Of course, first you should consult with some charitable foundations - they will probably have interesting and, of course, “scary” work for you. Perhaps your team members will have fun trick-or-treating and scaring people on the street, or feel like they're part of something bigger by throwing a party for the children in the hospital.

Idea 2: Pumpkin Carving Day

What would Halloween be without a pumpkin? It's hard to even imagine. Have all your office workers mastered the secret skill of pumpkin carving? No? So maybe it’s worth organizing a master class?

Deliver a couple dozen (should be enough) pumpkins to the office and have a real competition. And remember that there are no standards here. Who said that a Halloween pumpkin must have two eyes, a mouth and a candle inside? Let your team members get creative and do whatever they want with the pumpkins. You can be sure that your office will soon be decorated with an impressive collection of pumpkins. And, of course, don't forget light snacks and drinks.

Idea 3. Visiting ghosts

Every city or its surroundings has its own ghosts - you just need to look. Perhaps otherworldly guests were spotted in some abandoned house, old library or museum? Go there with the whole cheerful company, solving riddles along the way. Well, if you’re unlucky with a real ghost, you can always hire an actor who wouldn’t mind showing off in a white sheet and scaring away your employees. It will be terribly interesting!

Idea 4. Play detectives

Do you want to throw an unforgettable party? Why not turn your company into Sherlock Holmes' agency for a while? Challenge your team, organize an interesting quest - let your employees solve the murder and find the criminal. And at the end, of course, a reward awaits them.

Idea 5. An evening of scary stories

We were all children once, and this is worth remembering. Can't organize a full-scale party with costumes and music? But this is not necessary. Just invite everyone to return to childhood. Decorate your office with creepy decorations, bring snacks and drinks, dim the lights and start telling those scary stories that terrified you as a child. The evening promises to be interesting.

Idea 6. Cannibal party

Do you want to turn your employees into feral zombies? Invite them to a cannibal party. The menu will include eyeballs, body parts and, of course, blood on ice. By the way, your employees themselves can bring their favorite snacks and drinks for the buffet table, but remember that the food must be not only tasty, but also terrible.

Idea 7. Mastering new knowledge

If your team members don’t like banal parties, then you should add a little creativity. Perhaps you should invite a dance teacher to the party and let the employees learn a couple of new steps. You can also invite them to organize a theatrical performance like “The Walking Dead” or a master class on creating creepy costumes.

Idea 8. Competition of works

Don't have time to come up with something and organize something? But you are a team - let everyone join in organizing the holiday. Invite employees to come up with some kind of quest or horror story, and then organize an idea contest with a reward. By the way, team members will probably not only come up with an idea, but will also be happy to help bring it to life.

Idea 9. Gothic party

This party will appeal to all employees, because it’s a classic. Let employees dress up as their favorite gothic movie characters. Perhaps someone has long wanted to acquire a couple of fangs and play Dracula? Let your office turn into a movie set. And the photos will turn out simply incredible.

Idea 10. Visit everyone

Not all employees will come to the office - at least some of them will decide to stay with their families that day. There is no need to worry about this. How about visiting each absent team member with a treat or treat? Of course, it’s worth taking a couple of pumpkins with you, as well as sweets (the workers’ families probably have children).

Do you want the party to be a success? Here are some rules

Regardless of which scenario you choose to celebrate Halloween, you need to follow some rules so that a fun party does not turn into a useless duty.

  • Be sure to ask your employees what type of holiday they need. Listen to the wishes of the team - then everyone will have fun.
  • Yes, Halloween is primarily about scary costumes and the opportunity to transform. But you shouldn't set a strict dress code. There are always a few employees who don't like dressing up - let them just come and have fun in whatever clothes they feel comfortable in.
  • Be sure to take care to create the right atmosphere. Remember snacks, drinks, appropriate music.
  • After completion, be sure to find out if your team enjoyed the holiday. Perhaps employees have some comments or ideas that can be used for next year.

Have fun from the heart - it raises team spirit and certainly improves performance.

The editors of the site found out how Russian companies celebrated Halloween in their offices. The selection included Yandex, the social network Odnoklassniki, the gaming studio Pixonic, Yota and other representatives of the Russian industry.

Halloween was not celebrated centrally at Yandex, but some departments celebrated it independently. In the Moscow office of the company, administration desks on some floors were decorated and “sinister” music was played, and in the St. Petersburg division, employees could treat themselves to themed sweets.

At the office of the mobile operator Yota, the holiday is celebrated every year. In 2016, company representatives say, the office was decorated with artificial spider webs, bats and real pumpkins, and employees could try their hand at pumpkin carving during their lunch break.

Halloween celebrations took place in the St. Petersburg and Riga offices of the Odnoklassniki social network. The premises were decorated with holiday symbols: cobwebs, images of witches and bats.

Halloween was also celebrated at the office of the Moscow dress rental service Dress Up. The project’s employees went to work in themed images, decorated the room with dark cobwebs and baked sweets for the holiday.

A Halloween party was held at the Pixonic gaming studio office. Employees could try “scary” treats, take pictures in costumes, and have their looks created by professional make-up artists: “The atmosphere of Halloween was felt already in the morning - bats, pumpkins, darkness. They started having fun straight from the monthly presentation, and then there was a slightly trashy dinner - with severed heads, brains and other paraphernalia.”

We also celebrated Halloween at the recruiting agency Spice Recruitment:

In the Novosibirsk office of 2GIS, a “ghost experimental development department” worked on one of the floors.

“His employees worked on a vaccine against a virus that could destroy humanity. Soon after the experiment began, workers stopped communicating. And all that remains of the secret department is a laboratory with mysterious locations. Only once every few years, a couple of days before Halloween, on October 28, you can find yourself inside the Laboratory, from where exhausted scientists mysteriously disappeared, and experience mystical anomalies,” said company representatives.

Employees were able to try holiday treats, participate in competitions, and decorate their own workplaces and offices in the spirit of Halloween.

Employees of the Qlean cleaning service came to the office wearing festive masks.

“We tried to stylize our office: employees were surrounded by pumpkins, cobwebs were scattered everywhere, bats and ghosts hovered near the ceiling, and tombstones and bloody interior details added horror. On Friday evening, all the evil spirits gathered at the party, employees were treated to a quest and treats in the form of severed fingers, eyeballs of the dead and bloody alcoholic jelly,” said representatives of the service for travelers OneTwoTrip.

The team of the service for searching and purchasing bus tickets Busfor launched a “secret flight” in Moscow - a stylized Busfor Ghost bus with a bar from the Coctail LAB cocktail laboratory, music and actors dressed as vampires.

In the office of the gaming service Playkey, the holiday was celebrated with competitions: “Get out of a dark room, create the coolest Halloween make-up, walk along a virtual “cliff”, and as a finale - play checkers from glasses with margarita and tequila.”

To have fun with your colleagues, you should let the holiday spirit into your workplace. Keep in mind that if everything is conservative at your work, before organizing any activity, introduce your HR manager to your ideas and make sure that they are approved. And only after that proceed to the following points:

Decorate your desktop

You and those around you will definitely be in a festive mood if you decorate your workplace with decorative cobwebs, rubber or plastic spiders, pumpkins and other themed decor.

Prepare a holiday treat

Bright and delicious cupcakes or other Halloween baked goods will please your eyes and will definitely please your colleagues. You can buy it yourself, order from a group, or organize a competition among your colleagues for the best dish prepared for Halloween.

Have a costume contest

Another way to have fun at work on Halloween is to host a costume contest. Even if it's not recommended during work hours, you can bring your own suits and change into them after the work day is over. We are sure that you will be curious to see your colleagues, whom you are used to seeing in formal suits, in new images: bright, bold and slightly crazy outfits. To ensure the competition is fair, the winner can be chosen by secret ballot.

Organize entertainment

Halloween is a holiday whose history began in the territory of modern Great Britain.

On this night, according to the ancient belief of the Celts, the worlds of the living opened their doors, and the inhabitants of the otherworldly dead world made their way to earth. Despite the ancient serious meaning, Halloween has now turned into an interesting, fun holiday with a bright thematic design.

Do you want to decorate your office by October 31, but don’t know where to start? We offer you several simple but original ideas:

1. Silhouette outside the window.

Window decoration is one of the most difficult tasks when designing decorative designs. On New Year's Day we decorate windows with paper snowflakes or rain, on March 8 and February 23 with garlands or drawings.

But how can you decorate a window in an unusual way for an unusual holiday for Russia - Halloween?

An excellent solution would be a silhouette of a man with empty eyes made from dark paper. The first to be frightened are the employees who pull back the curtains in the morning. But even after that, the gloomy silhouette will be indispensable for maintaining the spirit of the holiday.

2. Balls instead of pumpkins.

No holiday is complete without balloons! Choose plain orange balls and draw faces with a black marker, like on traditional pumpkins.

For added deterrence, place a bright green lamp behind the balls.

3. Body contours on the floor.

Another unusual decoration will be the outlines of a dead person on the floor.

Imagine yourself as a criminal investigator! Get one employee to pose as a corpse, give it an unnatural pose, and outline it with chalk or white sticky paper.

Don't you think this is scary enough? Draw the outline of a leg or arm at a significant distance from the outline of the body.

4. Garland of paper ghosts

The simplest, but at the same time the best decor element will be a garland of paper ghosts.

Take a square-shaped sheet, put a crumpled piece of paper in the middle and tie it with a rope. You will get a little ghost, all you have to do is draw his eyes and hang him on a bundle with the others.

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