The social situation of the development of a preschooler. Social and personal development of preschoolers according to the Federal State Educational Standard Three groups of conditions for the social situation of a child's development

Antipyretics for children are prescribed by a pediatrician. But there are emergency situations for fever when the child needs to be given medicine immediately. Then the parents take responsibility and use antipyretic drugs. What is allowed to give to infants? How can you bring down the temperature in older children? What medicines are the safest?

The problem of the social and personal development of a preschool child in the process of his interaction with the outside world is becoming especially relevant at the present stage, since the main structures of the personality are laid down in the preschool period of childhood, which, in turn, places on the family and the preschool institution a special responsibility for educating the necessary personal qualities in children.

One of the 5 priority activities of a preschool institution (in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard of Education) is the social and communicative development of preschool children, the organization and methodological support of socially oriented educational activities, as a condition for the implementation of the social order of society and the family.

1. Create conditions for the assimilation by preschool children of the norms and values ​​accepted in society, including moral and ethical values.

2. To develop the social and emotional intelligence of children, their emotional responsiveness, empathy, skills of friendly communication and interaction with adults and peers.

3. Contribute to the formation of independence, purposefulness and self-regulation of children's own actions.

4. To form a respectful attitude and a sense of belonging to one's family and to the community of children and adults in the team, positive attitudes towards various types of work and creativity.

5. To form in children the basics of safe behavior in everyday life, society, nature; Willingness to collaborate with peers.

To solve the tasks, it is necessary to observe a number of conditions^

The use of health-saving educational technologies in the practice of the work of the preschool educational institution;

Implementation of the general educational program;

Enrichment of the subject-spatial environment.

When creating a developing space in the group premises of a preschool educational institution, it is necessary to be guided by the principles, in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard, presupposing the unity of social and subject means of ensuring the diverse activities of the child:

Saturation of the environment (compliance with the age capabilities of children and the content of the Program);

Transformability (the possibility of changes in teaching staff depending on the educational situation);

Polyfunctionality (the possibility of a variety of uses);

Variability (variety, periodic change of game material);

Availability (free access to game aids);

Safety (compliance with the requirements for ensuring the reliability and safety of their use).

When organizing the subject-spatial environment in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard in various age groups of preschool educational institutions, it must be remembered that its content in the direction of "Social and communicative development" of preschool children should be determined by the content of directly educational activities in this direction and the age category of children.

So, for example, in our group in this direction of development of preschool children, the following Activity Centers are represented:

Security Center.

Center for role-playing games.

Center for social and communicative development (labor education of boys and girls).

The requirements for their content and occupancy in accordance with the age group are reflected in the passports of the centers in the group developed by us. Let's consider each of them.

1. The analysis of the goals and objectives of the formation of the basics of life safety in children in the older group in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard (they are in front of you on the screen, the main areas of work and principles made it possible to draw up a passport of the Security Center, in accordance with which it was filled with didactic games and manuals in according to the age of the children.

So, for example, according to traffic rules in the senior group, in accordance with the requirements, there are:

The owner is a traffic light.

An intersection layout that kids can use to solve complex traffic safety logic puzzles.

Set of road signs.

Didactic games.

Traffic controller gestures, didactic game “What does the rod say? ”, attributes of the traffic police inspector: rod, cap.

The formation of life safety skills in children and the prerequisites for environmental consciousness (safety of the surrounding world) occurs not only in the course of spontaneous interaction with social reality and the outside world, but also in the process of purposefully introducing the child to social reality in the preschool educational institution group, therefore there are didactic games in the Security Center , thematic albums in three directions:

Prevention of traffic accidents and the study of traffic rules;

Formation of the ability to protect one's health;

Fire safety prevention.

The Center has didactic manuals “Islands of Zdorovyachka and Squishy”, “In the country of Zdravolandii”, “Pros and cons of natural phenomena”, “Healthy-ka”, the purpose of which is to increase children's cognitive competence about the possibilities of a healthy lifestyle, healing with medicinal herbs, the use of additional means of preventing colds; the formation in children of the ability to take care of their health. In the future, the creation in the group of didactic manuals for the formation of children's knowledge about safety on the water, in nature and at home.

2. Taking into account the types of labor and forms of organization of labor activity at senior preschool age (they are in front of you on the screen, the conditions for the labor education of children (boys and girls) have been created at the Center for Social and Communication Development:

Organization of collective labor for cleaning a group room or site.

Labor organizations with small groups of children.

Organization of labor assignments and work with attendants.

Organizations of manual labor.

Didactic aids have been created (“Choice Cube”, “Islands of Duty”) for organizing the work of children (determining the number of participants, type of labor activity, joining groups, distributing types of work, determining the type of duty and assignments, which predetermines the nature of the relationship of children in the process of joint labor Thanks to the use of these benefits, the basic basis of the labor skills of children is laid, which is formed precisely in the older group (in the future, these formed skills and abilities are only improved, the main one in which are the skills:

Accept the purpose of work;

Select the object of labor;

Anticipate the result of labor;

Plan the work process;

Select the necessary equipment;

Bring the job you started to the end.

Thematic albums, a selection of presentations for children, and didactic games have been developed to form an idea of ​​the work of adults, the diversity of professions, modern technology, machines and mechanisms involved in human labor and their role.

In the future, the creation in the group of conditions for the work of boys with wood: knocking together, sawing, coloring in the manufacture of toys, etc.

3. The social development of the individual is carried out in activity. Children's activities are carried out in various age-appropriate forms of work with children, a special place among which is occupied by the game as an activity in itself.

After analyzing the classification of games, the characteristics and prerequisites of role-playing games, we organized the Role-playing Games Center, which concentrates sets of items and accessories for role-playing games recommended specifically for senior preschool age. In the Center, children of senior preschool age have the opportunity to organize role-playing games in the following areas:

Senior preschoolers gain experience of cooperation with school students: “We have a sports holiday”, “Joint literary quiz in the library”, “We are waiting for our teachers”.

Participation in such situations deepens interest in school and relieves anxiety associated with upcoming schooling. At the same time, a valuable experience of inter-age communication is formed, which is important not only for preschoolers, but also for students.


Children are very fascinated by situations like "Teach your friend what you can do yourself."

We encourage children to show attention to each other, mutual assistance and cooperation. Children share their experience, we help them to enter the role of a "teacher", that is, to be patient, attentive and condescending to the mistakes and difficulties of their peers.


Also, children participate in imitation games: changes in emotional and physical states, imitations of the states of nature, etc.

Now, dear teachers, I suggest you look at educational activities with children of senior preschool age. Which is aimed at developing in children a respectful attitude towards each other, readiness for joint activities.

Consultation for teachers "Social and communicative development of preschool children in the context of the Federal State Educational Standard"

The problem of the social and personal development of a preschool child in the process of his interaction with the outside world is becoming especially relevant at the present stage, since the main structures of the personality are laid down in the preschool period of childhood, which, in turn, places on the family and the preschool institution a special responsibility for educating the necessary personal qualities in children.

The relevance of the social and communicative development of preschoolers is increasing in modern conditions due to the peculiarities of the social environment of the child, in which there is often a lack of upbringing, kindness, goodwill, and speech culture in human relationships.

As part of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard, in the content of the educational activities of preschool institutions, closer attention should be paid to achieving the goals and solving the problems of social and communicative development.

The main goal of this direction is the positive socialization of preschool children, familiarizing them with socio-cultural norms, traditions of the family, society and the state.

The tasks of social and communicative development in accordance with GEF DO are the following:

Appropriation of norms and values ​​accepted in society, including moral and ethical values;

Development of social and emotional intelligence, emotional responsiveness, empathy,

Formation of readiness for joint activities with peers,

Formation of social and communicative speech skills (development of the ability to enter into communication and maintain it).

To solve the tasks, it is necessary to comply with a number of conditions

The use of health-saving educational technologies in the practice of the work of the preschool educational institution;

Implementation of the general educational program;

Enrichment of the subject-spatial environment.

The introduction of the GEF of preschool education defines the nature of the interaction between adults and children as personality-developing and humanistic. involving respect for the child, the creation of a benevolent atmosphere of cooperation between children in a group, the orientation of children to universal human values.

The development of a child's own active position is ensured by giving him the initiative in a variety of activities, and, above all, in the game.

The main principles of preschool education are highlighted,

aimed at the formation of personal qualities of a preschooler and his adaptation to society:

Assistance and cooperation of children and adults, recognition of the child as a full-fledged participant (subject) of educational relations;

Introducing children to socio-cultural norms, traditions of the family, society and the state;

Formation of cognitive interests and cognitive actions of the child in various activities;

Accounting for the ethno-cultural situation in the development of children;

The Federal State Educational Standard of preschool education changes the ideas about the content and conditions for the implementation of the educational area "Social and communicative development":

To appropriation of norms and values ​​accepted in society, including moral and moral values;

Development of communication and interaction of the child with adults and peers;

The formation of independence, purposefulness and self-regulation of one's own actions;

Development of social and emotional intelligence, emotional responsiveness, empathy;

Formation of readiness for joint activities with peers;

Formation of a respectful attitude and a sense of belonging to one's family, small homeland and Fatherland, ideas about the socio-cultural values ​​of our people, about domestic traditions and holidays;

Formation of the foundations of security in everyday life, society, nature.

There are a number of requirements for the conditions for the implementation of the educational field

"Social and communicative development":

1. The requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard for the basic competencies of a teacher:

Ensuring the emotional well-being of the child;

Support for the individuality and initiative of children;

Establishing rules of behavior and interaction with children in different situations;

Building a developing education focused on the zone of proximal development of each pupil;

Organization of cooperation with parents of pupils.

with children on "Social and communicative development"

Junior preschool age

Variable organization of games-experiments and games-travels of an objective nature with children as the main methods of education;

Organization of story games;

Organization of moments of joy associated with cultural and hygienic skills and healthy lifestyle skills;

The simplest search and problem situations;

Simulation games;

Literature and play (reading);

Middle preschool age

Organization of role-playing games;

Variable organization of game problem situations, game search situations, more complicated games-experiments and games-travels, games-etudes.

Introduction to the process of education of the simplest situational tasks.

Conversations and joint cognitive activity of the educator and children with elements of the game

senior preschool age

Situational tasks, their wide variability.

Using the project method.

using the collection method.

The use of theatrical activities.

The use of literary and game forms (composing riddles with children, poetic games, composing limericks with children (a form of short poems)

Independent activity of children.

3. Innovative forms of work with parents:

Joint educational projects, as well as family and interfamily ones;

Evenings of questions and answers;

Parental living rooms;

Trainings at the request of parents;

Interest clubs;

parent conferences;

Joint creativity of parents, children and teachers;

Creative exhibitions and photo exhibitions;

Theme evenings and quizzes;

Joint leisure;

Video interviews and multimedia presentations;

Issue of family newspapers and baby books;

Joint creation of mini-museums.

4. The formation of social and communicative competence of preschoolers will be successful, subject to the following organizational and pedagogical conditions:

Creating an atmosphere of goodwill, mutual understanding and love;

Learning to listen and hear others;

Development of the ability to use facial expressions, pantomime and voice in communication;

Development of communication skills in children in various life situations;

Learning to use the formulas of speech etiquette is addressed and motivated;

Cultivating a friendly attitude towards peers;

Formation of a feeling of sympathy between the participants of communication;

Explaining to children that a carelessly spoken word hurts is no less painful than an action;

Teaching children self-control;

Development of the ability to analyze the situation;

Purposeful formation of communication skills in children.

The Federal State Educational Standards are aimed at improving the quality and status of preschool education, which, accordingly, provides for the professional development of teachers, improving their professional and personal competencies. The world is changing, children are changing, which, in turn, puts forward new requirements for the qualifications of a teacher. The teacher must constantly improve himself and meet the requirements of modernity.

Features of the introduction of FGT within the framework

social and personal development of preschoolers

Important tasks of the state and society in relation to children are to provide optimal conditions for the development of their individual abilities, self-regulation, the formation of the foundations of a respectful attitude towards others, familiarization with universal human values.

The task of a modern preschool educational institution is to ensure that pupils come out of its walls not only with a certain amount of knowledge, skills and abilities, but also independent people with a certain set of moral qualities necessary for later life. It is important to form in preschoolers the ability to build relationships with others on the basis of cooperation and mutual understanding, the willingness to accept their habits, customs, and views.

Modern society requires enterprising young people who are able to find "themselves" and their place in life, restore Russian spiritual culture, morally stable, socially adapted, capable of self-development and continuous self-improvement. The basic structures of the personality are laid in the first years of life, which means that the family and preschool institutions have a special responsibility for educating such qualities in the younger generation.

The Ministry of Education and Science of Russia approved and put into effect the federal state requirements for the structure of the main general educational program of preschool education.

"Federal state educational requirements" - the norms and regulations that are mandatory for the implementation of the main general educational program of preschool education by educational institutions.

This document defines

The main 4 directions of child development are integral components of the content of preschool education: social and personal, cognitive and speech, physical, artistic and aesthetic development.

Each of the directions includes educational areas.

The educational area is a structural and semantic unit of the content of preschool education, which determines the spheres of educational activity of children adequate to the preschool age.

Directions FGT through a set of educational areas provide a versatile development of children, taking into account their age and individual characteristics.

FGT establish a fundamentally different way of interaction and interconnection of the components of the main general educational programs of preschool education - based on the principle of integration of educational areas.

The introduction of FGT in the educational process of the preschool educational institution involves a change in approaches to the organization of the educational process: in this case, not through the system of classes, but through other, adequate forms of educational work with preschool children.

Playing activity, as a form of organizing children's activities, is given a special role.

The game acts as the most important activity through which teachers solve all educational tasks, including learning.

The emphasis on the joint activities of the educator and children, on playful forms of education for preschoolers, on the absence of strict regulation of children's activities, taking into account the gender-role characteristics of children when organizing the pedagogical process in kindergarten and making the necessary changes to the content of programs.

Educational tasks should also be solved during regime moments, in joint activities of children with a teacher (including in the classroom), in independent activities of children and in joint activities with their families.

All educational activities are based on integration and thematic planning.

The FGT provides an indication of what activities can be considered acceptable forms of practice for a preschool child.

The text of the FGT does not use the word occupation. This term is absent so as not to provoke an understanding of the term educational activity in the process of organizing children's activities as an educational activity, the main form of which in the previous didactics was the lesson.

Of course, the lesson in kindergarten is not canceled, but a different meaning should be invested in it: the lesson as an entertaining activity.

Thus, FGT in preschool education is aimed at creating optimal conditions for the development of preschool children in modern conditions, the realization of the child's right to an affordable, high-quality education.

The draft state standard for preschool education, differentiating the content of programs implemented in preschool educational institutions, highlights several areas, among which an important place is given to social and personal, which includes the tasks of developing a positive attitude of the child towards himself, other people, the world around him, communicative and social competence of children.

The priority area of ​​activity of our preschool educational institution is the social and personal development of children.

Social development (socialization) is the process of assimilation and further development by an individual of the socio-cultural experience necessary for its inclusion in the system of social relations, which consists of:

Labor skills;

Norms, values, traditions, rules;

The social qualities of a person that allow a person to comfortably and effectively exist in a society of other people, the development of tolerance in the consciousness of parents, teachers and children (tolerance for someone else's lifestyle, opinion, behavior, values, the ability to accept the point of view of the interlocutor, different from one's own).

The development of social competence is an important and necessary stage in the socialization of a child in the general process of assimilation of the experience of social life and social relations.

In the field of social and personal development, the main educational areas are:

  • Socialization:

Mastering the initial ideas of a social nature;

Inclusion of children in the system of social relations.

  • Safety:

Formation of the foundations of the safety of one's own life;

Formation of the preconditions for ecological consciousness (safety of the surrounding world);

  • Work:

Formation of a positive attitude towards work.

The problem of familiarization with the social world has always been and still remains one of the leading ones in the process of shaping the personality of a child. Historical analysis convinces of the need to provide the child with qualified assistance in the complex process of entering the world of people. The socialization of a preschooler involves the development of the ability to adequately navigate in the social environment available to him, to realize the inherent value of his own personality and other people, to express feelings and attitudes towards the world in accordance with the cultural traditions of society.

The draft standard for preschool education, defining the mandatory minimum content of the program implemented in the preschool educational institution, puts forward a number of requirements for the social and personal development of its pupils. These requirements include those presented to you on the screen.

The social and personal development of preschoolers is multifaceted, labor-intensive, and often delayed in time. The main goal of kindergarten teachers is to help children enter the modern world, which is so complex, dynamic, and characterized by many negative phenomena.

The most important basis for the full-fledged social and personal development of the child is his positive sense of self: confidence in his abilities, that he is good, he is loved.

A large role in the successful social and personal development of preschoolers is played by a team of like-minded people, which is formed from the administration of the kindergarten, educators, a teacher-psychologist, a music director and, of course, parents.

Thus, adults should take care of the emotional well-being of the child, respect and appreciate regardless of his achievements, advantages and disadvantages, establish trusting relationships with children; to promote the development of a child's self-esteem, awareness of their rights and freedoms; to promote the development of a positive attitude of the child towards other people, etc.

There are several basic principles for organizing the process of social education:

Thus, the main goal of our preschool educational institution for the social and personal development of preschoolers is: to promote timely social development, the formation of social competence of preschoolers in a preschool educational institution.

Tasks for the social and personal development of preschoolers for each age:

The pedagogical technology of the social and personal development of children is carried out in stages:

Collection of information about the individual personal characteristics of pupils;

Long-term planning of work with children on social and personal development;

Systematic work with children on social and personal development;

Correction of existing social and emotional problems.

Wider opportunities for the social and personal development of children are the inclusion of such partial programs as “We” by N. N. Kondratieva; "I - you - we" by O. L. Knyazeva, R. B. Sterkina; "Open yourself" by E. V. Ryleeva; “I am a Man” by S. A. Kozlova; "Fundamentals of safety for preschool children" R. B. Sterkina, O. L. Knyazeva, N. N. Avdeeva; “Introducing children to the origins of Russian folk culture” by O. L. Knyazeva, M. D. Makhaneva; "Rostok" A. M. Strauning, to the Basic General Education Program of a preschool educational institution.

Interaction with the family in matters of social and personal development of preschoolers

The main goal of pedagogical activity for the social and personal development of children is the education of a humane, socially active, independent, intellectually and emotionally developed creative personality.

Only the joint comprehensive work of all preschool teachers makes it possible to ensure the development of children in all three areas of the social and personal direction.

Productive work in all three areas of social and personal development (socialization, labor and safety) is not possible only within the framework of a kindergarten, without the help and cooperation with the parents of the pupils.

The fundamental idea that requires its development in the field of preschool education is the idea of ​​building interaction with the family based on a humane-personal approach.

In connection with these main tasks of interaction between the kindergarten and the family in the framework of the social and personal development of children are:

In order for parents to give their children the opportunity to feel accepted in this world, self-confident, they themselves need to understand the characteristics of their children, know their age characteristics, be able to successfully interact with society and broadcast their experience to children; understand the latest theories of education, etc.

Based on this, the main forms of interaction with the family in matters of social and personal development of preschoolers are:

5. Characteristics of the pupil before entering school

All of the above activities, of course, are mainly aimed at the formation and development of the child. Working with preschoolers in the priority area - social and personal development, we strive to ensure that the future graduate of our institution has the following personal qualities, knowledge, skills and abilities:

Thus, in their work, the teachers of our preschool educational institution strive to ensure that the pupils form a high level of social and personal development.

Forms of work with children on the development of educational areas

Forms of work with children on mastering

educational area "Safety"


Socio-communicative development

Educational area "Social and communicative development"

The social and communicative development of children is one of the most important problems of pedagogy. Its relevance is increasing in modern conditions due to the peculiarities of the social environment of the child, in which there is often a lack of good breeding, kindness, goodwill, and speech culture in human relationships. In front of you on the slides are the contradictions of the modern socio-cultural environment. Therefore, within the framework of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard, in the content of the educational activities of preschool institutions, more attention should be paid to achieving the goals and solving the problems of social and communicative development.

Goal: positive socialization of preschool children, introducing children to sociocultural norms, traditions of the family, society and the state

Social and communicative development is aimed at:

appropriation of norms and values ​​accepted in society, including moral and moral values;

development of communication and interaction of the child with adults and peers;

the formation of independence, purposefulness and self-regulation of one's own actions;

development of social and emotional intelligence, emotional responsiveness, empathy,

formation of readiness for joint activities with peers,

· the formation of a respectful attitude and a sense of belonging to one's family, small homeland and Fatherland, ideas about the socio-cultural values ​​of our people, about domestic traditions and holidays;

Formation of the foundations of security in everyday life, society, nature.

  • Formation of social and communicative speech skills (development of the ability to enter into communication and maintain it).

Social and communicative development

Assimilation of norms and values ​​accepted in society, including moral and moral values; - development of communication and interaction of the child with adults and peers; - formation of independence, purposefulness and self-regulation of one's own actions; - development of social and emotional intelligence, emotional responsiveness, empathy; - formation readiness for joint activities with peers, - the formation of a respectful attitude and a sense of belonging to one's family and to the community of children and adults in the Organization; - the formation of positive attitudes towards various types of work and creativity; - the formation of the foundations of safety in everyday life, society, nature.

Educational area "Social and communicative development"

Socialization, development of communication, moral education. - Child in the family and community. - Self-service, independence, labor education.

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Socio-communicative development. What is the socialization of preschool children

Socialization is a complex of social and mental processes, due to which a person acquires knowledge, norms and values ​​that define him as a full member of society. This is a continuous process and a necessary condition for the optimal life of the individual.

Socialization of preschool children in the GEF DO system

According to the Federal State Educational Standard for Preschool Education (FGOS), socialization and communicative development of the personality of a preschooler are considered as a single educational area - social and communicative development. The social environment acts as the dominant factor in the child's social development.

The main aspects of socialization

The process of socialization begins with the birth of a person and continues until the end of his life.

Includes two main aspects:

  • assimilation of social experience by an individual due to its entry into the social system of social relations;
  • active reproduction of the system of social relations of the individual in the process of his inclusion in the social environment.

Structure of socialization

Speaking of socialization, we are dealing with a certain transition of social experience into the values ​​and attitudes of a particular subject. Moreover, the individual himself acts as an active subject of perception and application of this experience.

The main components of socialization include the transfer of cultural norms through social institutions (family, school, etc.), as well as the process of mutual influence of individuals within the framework of joint activities. Thus, among the areas to which the process of socialization is directed, activity, communication and self-consciousness are distinguished. In all these areas, there is an expansion of human ties with the outside world.

Activity aspect

In the concept of A. N. Leontiev, activity in psychology is an active interaction of an individual with the surrounding reality, during which the subject purposefully influences the object, thereby satisfying his needs. It is customary to distinguish types of activity according to several criteria: methods of implementation, form, emotional tension, physiological mechanisms, etc.

The main difference between different types of activity is the specificity of the subject to which this or that type of activity is directed. The subject of activity can act both in material and in ideal form.

At the same time, behind each given item there is a certain need. It should also be noted that no activity can exist without a motive. Unmotivated activity, from the point of view of A. N. Leontiev, is a conditional concept.

In reality, the motive still takes place, but it can be latent.

The basis of any activity is individual actions (processes determined by a conscious goal).

Sphere of communication

The sphere of communication and the sphere of activity are closely related. In some psychological concepts, communication is considered as a side of activity.

At the same time, activity can act as a condition under which the process of communication can be carried out. The process of expanding the communication of the individual occurs in the course of increasing his contacts with others. These contacts, in turn, can be established in the process of performing certain joint actions - that is, in the process of activity.

The level of contacts in the process of socialization of an individual is determined by his individual psychological characteristics. The age specificity of the subject of communication also plays a significant role here. The deepening of communication is carried out in the process of its decentration (transition from a monologic form to a dialogic one). The individual learns to focus on his partner, to more accurately perceive and evaluate him.

Sphere of Self-Consciousness

The third sphere of socialization, self-consciousness of the individual, is formed through the formation of his I-images. It was experimentally established that I-images do not arise in an individual immediately, but are formed in the course of his life under the influence of various social factors. The structure of the I-individual includes three main components: self-knowledge (cognitive component), self-assessment (emotional), self-attitude (behavioral).

Self-consciousness determines the individual's understanding of himself as a certain integrity, awareness of his own identity. The development of self-awareness in the course of socialization is a controlled process carried out in the process of acquiring social experience in the context of expanding the range of activities and communication. Thus, the development of self-consciousness cannot take place outside the activity in which the transformation of the individual's ideas about himself is constantly carried out in accordance with the idea that is emerging in the eyes of others.

The process of socialization, therefore, should be considered from the point of view of the unity of all three spheres - both activity and communication and self-consciousness.

Features of social and communicative development in preschool age

The social and communicative development of preschool children is one of the basic elements in the system of the formation of a child's personality. The process of interaction with adults and peers has an impact not only directly on the social side of the development of a preschooler, but also on the formation of his mental processes (memory, thinking, speech, etc.). The level of this development at preschool age is directly proportional to the level of effectiveness of its subsequent adaptation in society.

Social and communicative development according to the Federal State Educational Standard for preschool children includes the following parameters:

  • the level of formation of a sense of belonging to one's family, respect for others;
  • the level of development of the child's communication with adults and peers;
  • the level of readiness of the child for joint activities with peers;
  • the level of assimilation of social norms and rules, the moral development of the child;
  • the level of development of purposefulness and independence;
  • the level of formation of positive attitudes towards work and creativity;
  • the level of formation of knowledge in the field of life safety (in various social, domestic and natural conditions);
  • the level of intellectual development (in the social and emotional sphere) and the development of the empathic sphere (responsiveness, compassion).

Quantitative levels of social and communicative development of preschoolers

Depending on the degree of formation of skills that determine social and communicative development according to the Federal State Educational Standard, one can distinguish low, medium and high levels.

A high level, respectively, takes place at a high degree of development of the parameters discussed above. At the same time, one of the favorable factors in this case is the absence of problems in the sphere of communication between the child and adults and peers.

The dominant role is played by the nature of relations in the family of a preschooler. Also, classes on the social and communicative development of the child have a positive effect.

The average level, which determines social and communicative development, is characterized by insufficiently developed skills in some of the selected indicators, which, in turn, gives rise to difficulties in the sphere of communication between the child and others. However, the child can compensate for this lack of development on his own, with little help from an adult. In general, the process of socialization is relatively harmonious.

In turn, the social and communicative development of preschoolers with a low level of severity in some of the selected parameters can give rise to significant contradictions in the sphere of communication between the child and the family and others. In this case, the preschooler is not able to cope with the problem on his own - assistance is required from adults, including psychologists and social educators.

In any case, the socialization of preschool children requires constant support and periodic monitoring by both the child's parents and the educational institution.

Social and communicative competence of the child

Social and communicative development in the preschool educational institution is aimed at developing social and communicative competence in children. In total, there are three main competencies that a child needs to master within the framework of this institution: technological, informational and socio-communicative.

In turn, social and communicative competence includes two aspects:

  1. Social- the ratio of their own aspirations with the aspirations of others; productive interaction with group members united by a common task.
  2. Communicative- the ability to obtain the necessary information in the process of dialogue; willingness to present and defend one's own point of view with direct respect for the position of other people; the ability to use this resource in the process of communication to solve certain problems.

Modular system in the formation of social and communicative competence

It seems appropriate to accompany social and communicative development within the framework of an educational institution in accordance with the following modules: medical, module PMPK (psychological-medical-pedagogical council) and diagnostics, psychological, pedagogical and socio-pedagogical. First, the medical module is included in the work, then, in case of successful adaptation of children, the PMPk module. The remaining modules are launched simultaneously and continue to function in parallel with the medical and PMPK modules, until the release of children from preschool.

Each of the modules implies the presence of specific specialists acting clearly in accordance with the tasks of the module. The process of interaction between them is carried out at the expense of the management module, which coordinates the activities of all departments. Thus, the social and communicative development of children has support at all necessary levels - physical, mental and social.

Differentiation of children in preschool educational institutions within the framework of the PMPk module

As part of the work of the psychological, medical and pedagogical council, which usually includes all subjects of the educational process of the preschool educational institution (educators, psychologists, head nurses, heads, etc.), it is advisable to differentiate children into the following categories:

  • children with poor somatic health;
  • children belonging to the risk group (hyperactive, aggressive, withdrawn, etc.);
  • children with learning difficulties;
  • children with pronounced abilities in a particular area;
  • children with developmental disabilities.

One of the tasks of working with each of the identified typological groups is the formation of social and communicative competence as one of the significant categories on which the educational field is based.

Socio-communicative development is a dynamic characteristic. The task of the council is to monitor this dynamics from the point of view of harmonious development. The corresponding consultation should be held in all groups in the preschool educational institution, including social and communicative development in its content. The middle group, for example, in the process of the program is included in the system of social relations by solving the following tasks:

  • instilling elementary norms and rules for the relationship of the child with adults and peers;
  • the formation of patriotic feelings of the child, as well as family and citizenship.

To implement these tasks in the preschool educational institution, there should be special classes on social and communicative development. In the process of these classes, the child's attitude to others is transformed, as well as the abilities for self-development.

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Purpose: presentation of experience in creating conditions conducive to the social situation of the development of preschool children.

Social situation of development

The social situation of development is an essential characteristic of the age period of development introduced by L. S. Vygotsky. The social situation of development, as the only and unique, age-specific relationship between the child and the environment, determines: 1) the objective place of the child in the system of social relations and the corresponding expectations and requirements imposed on him by society (A. N. Leontiev); 2) features of the child's understanding of the social position he occupies and his relationships with other people; the child's attitude to his position in terms of acceptance - non-acceptance. The social situation of development poses specific tasks for the subject at each age stage, the solution of which constitutes the content of mental development at a given age. Achievements of mental development (see. Development of the psyche) of the child gradually come into conflict with the old social situation of development, which leads to the breakdown of the old and the construction of new relationships with the social environment, and consequently, to a new social situation of development. The newly arisen contradiction between new, higher social expectations and requirements for the child and his capabilities is resolved through the advanced development of the corresponding psychological abilities. Thus, an abrupt change in the social situation of development is one of the essential components of age-related developmental crises.

How many changes and new formations have been happening lately and we, adults, can hardly keep up with the pace of life, realizing that we need to change ourselves: change our lifestyle, our values, our style of activity, and we must help our pupils enter the modern world so complex and dynamic.

In connection with the release of the Federal State Educational Standard, we decided to analyze the conditions that are currently in our preschool educational institution in order to further improve them. Pay attention to point 3.2.5. GEF. I will acquaint you with the experience of work in this direction, and you, please, mark in the leaflets those points that, in your opinion, can be traced in our work experience. So, what is the social situation of development. You see the scientific definition on the slide. (Slide)

An indicator of the effective work of a kindergarten is to ensure, first of all, emotional well-being of the pupil, which is the basis of his psychological health.

In the preschool educational institution, much attention is paid to the development of the emotional and personal sphere, so that the child is comfortable at the beginning of the child's entry into a new environment - the kindergarten environment. In this regard, we pay great attention to the adaptation period, considering it very important for further social development, since the separation of a child from an adult, in particular from parents, leads to new relationships in a new situation. Whether it will be developing or not depends on the adults around the child. Therefore, work on organizing the adaptation of children to a preschool institution begins long before the child enters a preschool educational institution.

The study of the child before entering the preschool educational institution begins with an acquaintance with the lifestyle of his family. To do this, a survey of parents is conducted when they come with vouchers to the preschool educational institution, from which conclusions are drawn about the readiness of the child to enter the preschool educational institution. Children and parents continue to get acquainted with the kindergarten in absentia using photo albums: “Our favorite kindergarten.” In order to ensure the successful adaptation of children to a preschool institution, teachers organized the “Hello, baby!” Club, since neither a parent nor a teacher can facilitate the process adaptation alone. Teachers of the preschool educational institution acquaint parents with age characteristics, features of gaming activities, and the preschool regimen. Parents get acquainted with teachers, carried out educational and educational process in kindergarten. During the period of adaptation in work with parents, we use both traditional and non-traditional forms of work “Family gatherings”, “Theater of an adult actor” Meeting on the topic “Adaptation of children to kindergarten conditions ” was held in the form of a television program “Experts in Pedagogical Affairs”. The educator presented a video in which regime moments were demonstrated throughout the day, parents of older children were invited as experts, who shared their experience in adapting children to preschool. As experience shows, the parents of pupils also undergo a kind of adaptation: separation from the child, as a result of increased anxiety, insecurity, concern for psychological comfort, so the teachers of our preschool educational institution recommend performing joint creative tasks with the children at home, these are usually aids for didactic games: lacing, fasteners. Joint activity has a beneficial effect on both adults and children, and instills confidence in them. Such works are of particular value for the baby, because the toy is made by beloved adults. Crafts are bright, unique, help to keep the attention of the child for a long time, and their versatility allows you to use the manual in various activities

At the beginning of the adaptation period, children are very receptive to a new environment and react painfully to an unstable environment, therefore, during the adaptation period, teachers do not change the interior of the group so that it is easier for the child to get used to it. In order to freely navigate in the new space, teachers fill it with bright visual landmarks, such as those that attract attention with color, shape, sound (hanging toys, balloons, bright modules, paintings.)

The first acquaintance with educators and children took place in a favorable environment, saturated with positive emotions. At the same time, both educators of the group and the parents of the children are present. Educators introduce children and parents to the group, and the “Magic Train” helps them in this, which introduces the kids to sensory, motor, figurative, constructive toys. At this age stage, the child considers an adult to be a playmate, so educators involve the child in joint play activities.

The child is very attracted to the corners of artistic creativity, in which such bright and diverse artistic means, non-traditional unusual materials are collected. Fine art is the first type of productive activity that a child masters, therefore our teachers of early age groups pay special attention to arranging this corner, in which children not only draw, sculpt, etc., but also experiment with artistic materials (sand, clay, salt dough , crayons, pencils, etc.). Playing in the corners, the teacher pays attention to each child, learns his interests and abilities.

Toddlers love to retire. For this, we use small screens: behind which a child can play with his favorite toy brought from home, or look at a family photo album. The environment thus contributes to the organization of independent activities.

Teachers try to interact with each child during the adaptation period: the teacher takes the child in his arms, gently persuades, talks, introduces new musical, moving toys that usually interest kids. Care and attention, the joy of trusting communication, co-creation with an adult help the child to feel self-confidence. Indispensable helpers at this stage are finger games, works of small folklore forms that the baby has heard since birth: pestles, nursery rhymes, lullabies that the teacher sings when he puts the children to bed.

The rest of the pupils are not left without attention either: after the introduction of a new member of the children's team, a series of games is held that fixes in the memory of the children information about the newly arrived friend. (Slide: At the same time, acquaintance games with children and a teacher are used: “Let's get to know each other!”, “I'm coming to visit you with gifts”, “Come to visit me, I will treat you”, “Look into my window”, “ Whose voice?”.) It is difficult for a newcomer to get used not only to the environment, but also to the children around him. Therefore, our teachers organize children for play, communication or artistic creation in pairs or in small groups. our educators consider experimenting with visual means together with children (using non-traditional materials such as sponges, cotton buds, etc.) to be effective for uniting children.

Toddlers are very receptive to fairy tales, and therefore teachers of our preschool educational institution often use their favorite fairy-tale character in order to attract children to the game or switch their attention to another type of activity. (Children play with interest with a hare and build a new hut for him, and then they all go for a walk together or sit down to eat in the company of three bears).

Successful adaptation is a guarantee of the physical and psychological well-being of the child, which is the basis of social and personal development and the further comfortable stay of children in preschool. Our kids move to another group, to another teacher, and this is also a kind of adaptation. To ease the transition, educators and older children interact with our toddlers while they are still in early childhood. Kids enjoy watching performances and concerts presented by the "Theater of the Little Actor" in which older pupils and teachers participate. Our "chefs" are happy to help the kids in making gifts for the children of the group, for relatives, participate in the design and equipment of the group: they bring their own toys, crafts.

Traditionally, in order to maintain a favorable emotional state during the transition of children to a preschool group, its teacher and the teacher of the early age group jointly organize a "Birthday of the group" with funny games, songs, dances, with fairy-tale characters.

Kids, at will, bring their favorite toy from the previous group to the new group and independently choose a place for it in the interior.

It is very difficult during this period, not only for children, but also for the teacher. Since all future living with children depends on the first meeting. This period is also complicated by the crisis of 3 years, when the child tries to do everything on his own, even if “I myself” does not always work out. And when each of the group says “I myself”, and you need to get ready for a walk, older pupils come to the rescue and help tie a hat and shoes. Toddlers accept their help better than from an adult, because they consider themselves equal with big children. It is very important when moving from one age group to another to get acquainted with the subject environment and our teachers show new materials, equipment, tools and methods of their application.

As a result of joint activities, a specific product appears: a drawing, an application, a plasticine or paper figure, which will invariably be taken home and will be a link between the teacher and the child.

During this period, the teacher to whom the children from the early age group came needs to advertise themselves to the parents. To this end, he presents children's work, diplomas, photographs from competitions, general events of former graduates.

(extra-situational - cognitive communication.)

the next age period is 4-5 years. it's middle age

The next age period on which I would like to dwell is the average age of 4-5 years. These children are interested in everything - they are "why". They are distinguished by great physical activity. In this regard, our preschool educational institution has collected a file of mobile, folk outdoor games, attributes for them. The teachers of the preschool educational institution have developed activities on tongue twisters, nursery rhymes that can be used during regime moments.

in each group there are children of different characters, someone is active and quick-tempered, someone is calm and balanced, and someone is closed and not decisive (Character traits are especially pronounced at this age) and for each teacher creates emotionally favorable conditions. In the middle-aged group, a punching bag hangs: if a child reacts emotionally to a peer's refusal to give him a toy and wants to hit him at all costs, then the teacher brings him to her to relieve tension. The teacher develops the communication skills of children in the game, shows by example how to negotiate, ask, using polite words. To create a benevolent relationship between children and prevent conflicts in the group, we discuss and establish certain rules of interaction with the children: together with the children in the group, a catalog “What is good and what is bad” is created (For example: bad - laugh at the failures of others; at external and internal features, it’s good to help kids and the elderly), during the day, minutes of silence are introduced during routine moments - sleep: when children try to talk in a whisper, or after a noisy game, lie quietly on the rugs, imagining and imagining something unusual, and then they tell about the presented or sketch. Thus, the educator learns the interests and wishes of the children and creates certain conditions for the support and initiative of the children (for example, the child is interested in dinosaurs, the educator, in order to interest other children and support the initiative of this child, brings a beautifully illustrated book about dinosaurs to the group, invites the children to ask their parents about what they know about dinosaurs, prepares a presentation about the life of dinosaurs.As a result, a dinosaur museum was set up in the middle group.) In the middle groups, a minute of screaming is held to relieve emotional stress, which is usually spent on a walk. It has become a rule in the group to organize Yeralash time, when children can do whatever they want. The educator, at this time, observes the playing children in order to determine for himself certain areas of work, to draw up a kind of individual trajectory for the development of each child. It is no secret that the number of children with various developmental disabilities has recently increased, but it is also necessary for them to create optimal conditions for development and help them find themselves in the children's team. The teacher carefully observes such children, talks with parents about what the child likes to do at home, what are his preferences. For example, one has a delay in speech development, but he perfectly collects puzzles. The teacher brings new puzzles to the group, together with the children they cut postcards, pictures to create their own, original puzzles. The teacher encourages, supports the child in his hobby, draws the attention of other children to his success. After that, the status of this child increased among the children: the children began to turn to him for help in folding puzzles, as well as invite him to joint building games. Thus, by supporting the initiative of the child, emotionally favorable conditions are created for his development, as well as developing friendly relationships between children and communication skills. Such children are usually slow, it is difficult to switch from one type of activity to another, so teachers organize a flexible stay in the preschool educational institution (they send them to get dressed earlier, sit down to eat, get up earlier, etc.)

The role-playing game is developing intensively. (This is the social situation of development) Children of this age (4-5 years old) strive to communicate with their peers, but they cannot always agree. The teacher supports the desire of the children. uniting them into subgroups from 2 to 3-5 people. Introduces new equipment or introduces a new character or introduces a problematic situation to organize cooperative play and expand the plot. It is known that the game occurs when children have bright concrete ideas, therefore our teachers about any phenomenon or event that is interesting to him, therefore our teachers introduce children to the work of adults, to the events of social life, tell works of art and fairy tales, look through presentation films with children so that children can independently organize the game. Middle-aged children are very jealous of their play areas, they can show open negativism towards their peers. To avoid conflicts in the group, the teacher offers the pupils screens, play mats. If, nevertheless, a conflict arises, then the teacher of the preschool educational institution shows by his example that it is impossible to enter the playing space without the permission of the playing children: he can “knock” on them, “call on the phone” or simply ask for permission. Children are thus taught to respect the play space of their peers. The teacher encourages manifestations of benevolence, the ability to agree, to yield in something. You can learn more specifically about creating conditions for the development of children of middle preschool age from the experience of a teacher of the highest qualification category Chernova I.N.

Methods and techniques for ensuring emotional well-being, supporting the individuality and initiative of children, establishing rules for interaction in different situations (this is a paragraph from the Federal State Educational Standard) continue to improve in older age groups, based on the age and individual characteristics of children.

Our pupils remain in the same group throughout the entire preschool age, but this does not mean that their environment does not change. If in early preschool age educators support the environment so that it is easier for the baby to get used to the new environment, then by the end of preschool age the teacher changes and transforms it in order to promote the development of the child. Therefore, the acquisition of play corners becomes more complicated, more space is given to the training zone in which pupils not only engage in, but also play educational and subject-didactic games, in which they learn the properties and signs of objects in the process of real practical activity. At older preschool age, children tend to communicate more and more with their peers, so our educators develop positive, friendly relationships between children in joint and independent creative activities, which creates a favorable atmosphere. At the beginning of the day, the teacher, organizing the children, informs or reminds them of the topic of the week, asks the children what they would like to know about this topic (for example, the topic “Theater”), what they already know, set them up for independent and joint activities. Then they jointly plan what they will do today during the day, discuss who will do what to achieve a specific goal, thus, in the process of joint planning, communication skills develop to prevent conflict situations between groups of children. Pupils independently discuss, agree, unite according to interests to obtain a specific, common result. (One group of children is engaged in the construction of the theater, the other is preparing the scenery, the third is thinking through and preparing a fairy tale for staging.) During the theater week, the children learned what types of theater exist (Musical, puppet, drama, animal theater), got acquainted with theatrical professions, various types of theatre, staged according to fairy tales, using various types of theatre. At the end of the week, when the familiar types of the theater were tested, the teacher invited the children to think about what kind of theater they could open. The children were interested in what else theatrical attributes can be made of? As a result, the project “On the Fairy Paths of Summer” was developed, which began in one group, and was implemented by the entire kindergarten. Both kids and adults participated in the project. The following were developed at the entrance of the project: a cardboard theater, a theater from spoons, a theater from a kinder surprise, etc.

Our Educators support the initiative of children in creating attributes from unusual waste materials, pay attention to the unconventional use of material in the manufacture of attributes, decorations, layouts and the ability of children to work in a group, in pairs. This project was implemented in the summer, but children play in the theater made by their own hands to this day. And the made scenery and models, the educator uses to enrich the game, to provide playing time and space. Using layouts helps kids organize their play space on their own. The children were interested in the use of models in the game and they asked the teacher to help them make other models: this is how the "Dollhouse", "Zoo", "Village Yard", "City" appeared. A layout is a reduced sample of space and objects of an imaginary world (realistic or fantastic), made jointly with parents and teachers. The uniqueness of this equipment is that the layouts are constantly updated, transformed, transformed depending on the desires, interests, imagination and fantasies of children. Children make inhabitants and characters in the process of independent productive activities (manual labor, design, drawing), which contributes to the development of creativity. Children bring some inhabitants of the layout from home, made together with their parents. At this age, children are interested in fairy tales with sleeping beauties languishing in castles, dragons guarding the castle, with knights rescuing beautiful princesses. Encouraging the imagination of children, the children and I decided to make a layout of the “Magic Castle” on the territory of the preschool educational institution, for a start, the pupils and I examined various types of castles, chose the one we liked the most, watched a presentation on fairy tales that talk about ancient castles, someone brought coloring books about knights in ancient armor and princesses in ball gowns. The teacher organized a master class for children on making knightly weapons and paper flowers to decorate the castle. Everyone built the magic castle together: the teachers prepared the frame, laid the turrets, walls, the children picked up the appropriate pebbles, decorated the castle at their discretion: they made molded pictures from plasticine, planted flowers around the layout, the boys drew, carved, sculpted knightly weapons. As a result, by joint efforts, a magnificent castle was obtained in which, on walks, magical stories unfold, which children invent on their own.

The development of artistic creativity in senior preschool age is given special attention, as the attitude towards the work performed is changing. Children's works are used for playing, designing a group, for participating in competitions, exhibitions, since it is at this age that a child feels like a member of society and his recognition is significant to him.

Recently, in our preschool educational institution, there has been a tradition of organizing solo exhibitions of one child. You can visit one of them. Supporting the individuality and initiative of children, we actively participate in various competitions, olympiads, reviews, festivals of children's creativity.

By the end of preschool age, a new form of communication (extra-situational-personal) is developing. Children with a teacher talk about the rules of behavior, about themselves, about their parents. Therefore, every morning, meeting the children, the teacher is interested in how the child spent the evening at home, what he did, listens to both children and parents. Resolves some problems, difficulties in determining the actions of adults and children. Communication between the teacher and pupils is given the greatest amount of time than at a younger age. In everyday conversations, the teacher tells the children about himself: where he lives, what interests him, funny situations from his life, shows albums. Children, in turn, talk about their parents, friends, joys, grievances, bring family albums, family relics. Based on this interest, the preschool teacher, together with the children and parents, draw up family wall newspapers, family portfolios, albums of children's interests, which consist of pictures cut out from newspapers, postcard magazines that reflect what the child likes, what they don’t like, what he dreams about, with whom he is friends. Thus, our teachers organize training based on the interests of the child and knowing his certain level of development.

In the older preschool years, children begin to communicate more and more with each other. It was during this period that the first friendship arises. Our Educators encourage the first manifestations of friendship, draw the attention of children to relationships, mutual assistance, mutual support between friends and girlfriends. Kindergarten teachers motivate children to develop friendly relationships, organize a developing environment in such a way that pupils can independently choose their own activities according to their interests, organizing themselves into groups, subgroups (chess, checkers, table hockey, dominoes, board games, board games with rules). ). In the preparatory group, we organize a subject-developing environment for girls and boys (gender principle), since boys like more mobile and active games, they need more space. Girls, on the other hand, are united by an interest in dolls, coloring books, and artistic creativity, and they do not need much space, but they need a place for solitude, where they can “keep secrets”.

The next item from the Federal State Educational Standard is the development of cultural means of activity, which include: the living word, print, radio, television, visual and technical means, art and sports, literature and artistic and creative activities. . Introducing children to sports in our preschool educational institution, the winter Olympic sports games are traditionally held, in which not only older children participate, but also for kids. But the greatest importance of the robot in this direction is acquired precisely at the senior preschool age, since it is during this period that moral norms are assimilated, an active attitude to the events of social life is formed. Maintaining the interest and activity of children in anticipation of the games, the teachers introduced the pupils to the Olympic movement, the history of its origin, and various sports. Children together with their parents made non-traditional sports equipment in each group.

Our educators are distinguished by the fact that together with children they play, communicate, engage in productive activities that contribute to the development of thinking, speech, imagination, children's creativity, physical and aesthetic development of children, taking into account the age and individual groups of children in their group in the form of cooperation, co-creation, partnership and mutual respect. Each child needs support, approval, attentive and respectful attitude from an adult, thanks to this, our teachers create a situation of success.

(Success, according to A. Belkin, is the experience of a state of joy, satisfaction because the result that a person aspired to in his activity either coincided with her expectations, hopes, or exceeded them.)

To cheer up the child, encourage him, evoke desire and joy from joint activities, teachers use verbal (speech) and non-verbal means of communication ((facial expressions - plastic means)

For example, when a child experiences a state of fear or apprehension of an upcoming activity - “It's okay. Sometimes people are afraid…”

If in doubt or forgot - reception - hidden instruction - "You remember that ...".

Reception - advance payment - "You will succeed ..".

Personal exclusivity - "Only you can succeed ..".

Reception - strengthening motivation - "We need it so much .."

Reception - high appreciation of the detail - "That part of you is wonderful .."

Education and upbringing will contribute to the development of the child if he has

there is an interest in the activity. We have joint research and educational projects: group (“My home”, “Dolls”, “Well done father” and others) and general kindergarten in which both babies and older preschoolers take part: “Along the fabulous paths of summer”, “Summer Kaleidoscope”, “Our home is the earth”, “Ice Zoo”, “In a snowy clearing”. Preschool teachers in working with children use museum pedagogy, which encourages children to be creative and expands children's knowledge about the surrounding area. Moreover, in organizing a museum in each group, the teachers were based on the interests and initiative of the children of the group: "Dolls", "Pets", "Dinosaurs", "Cats", "Housing yesterday today, tomorrow", "My pets are dogs".

The mini museum of the Russian hut is decorated in the foyer of the preschool educational institution. Pupils from young to old get acquainted with the arrangement of the hut: furnishings, utensils, clothes of peasants. Children learn about the rules of a hostel in a peasant family, about how they kept the house, worked in the field, in the meadow, looked after domestic animals. On a field trip to the museum of local lore, we summarize the information obtained in our gorenka, a selection of riddles and proverbs dedicated to the everyday life of the house and the work of peasants is a good help for fixing. But the knowledge of children would not be complete if the children were not familiar with the traditions of their people. Our kindergarten is multinational, so we try to preserve the traditions of not only the Russian people, but also the Tatar, Mari. Both toddlers and older preschoolers take part in our holidays. (Cultural and leisure activities are also one of the means of cultural activities). So, pupils and parents of all nationalities are present and participate in the traditional Tatar, national holiday "Sabantuy", held annually in the preschool educational institution, and truly consider this holiday their own. We are very fond of the Tatar holiday "Grachinaya porridge" - "Umyrzaya", which praises the arrival of spring and is held in early spring in our clearing of games and entertainment. Holidays such as "Carols", "Christmas", "Easter", "Trinity" have become a tradition of our kindergarten, and teachers, children and parents, regardless of religion, feel comfortable on them. Children at such holidays learn to honor the traditions of their people, respect and tolerance for people of different nationalities are brought up. A special type of activity carried out at the holiday is communication, which is used both in the process of preparing and directly holding the holiday. It takes place between children and teachers, teachers and parents, between children themselves, between younger and older children. Teachers, together with pupils, with the feasible participation of parents, decorate halls and halls, both for holidays and on the eve of special significant events. In the halls, thematic exhibitions of children's works, joint works with parents and teachers are organized (“Magic transformations or a miracle from the garden”, “Frost and sun is a wonderful day”, “Easter fun”, “Space Odyssey” and others). Any creative, joint activity contributes to the social and personal development of each child. Children become more liberated and independent, self-confident, sociable, more attentive, caring towards their peers. Children develop the ability to jointly make decisions and follow their implementation. Finishing the work experience, I would like to once again draw your attention to the standard of preschool education, which stipulates the conditions necessary to create a social situation for the development of children, corresponding to the specifics of preschool age. I introduced you to the conditions that we organize in our kindergarten, in each age group, and if we missed something, then your reflective sheets will help us determine the prospect of further transformation of the educational space in which our children live and develop.

Art. educator: Shorokhova N.L.

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution Kindergarten "Alenka"

Master class "Creating conditions for the social situation of the development of children, corresponding to the specifics of preschool age"


Makarova Yulia Anatolievna

Tulgan 2014

Topic: "Creating conditions for the social situation of the development of children, corresponding to the specifics of preschool age."

Purpose: to form a deeper understanding of the creation of conditions for the social situation of children's development among the participants.


  1. Familiarization of participants with the main aspects of the concept of "social situation of development".
  2. Teaching practical techniques and exercises to develop the components of the social situation of development.
  3. Acquaintance with game situations for the social situation of the development of preschoolers.
  4. Providing practical experience of playing partnership with children.

Master class progress.

  1. Introduction

Play exercise « Take as many napkins as...»

Target : acquaintance; creating a fun and positive atmosphere in the group.

Instruction . Participants sit in a common circle. The teacher passes a pack of paper napkins in a circle with the words: “In case you need it, please take some napkins for yourself.” After all participants have taken napkins, the teacher asks everyone to report as many facts about themselves as they took napkins.

  1. Mini-lecture of a teacher-psychologist.

The standard of preschool education, defining the mandatory minimum content of the program implemented in the preschool educational institution, puts forward a number of requirements for its structure. These requirements include the creation of conditions for the social situation of the development of preschoolers, which opens up opportunities for the positive socialization of the child, his comprehensive personal moral, moral and cognitive development, the development of initiative and creative abilities on the basis of activities corresponding to preschool age (games, visual activity, design, perception of a fairy tale and etc.)

What is " The social situation of child development"- this is" a completely original, specific for a given age, an exclusive, one and only relationship between a child and the reality surrounding him, primarily social".

The social situation of development determines the way of life of the child, his "social being", in the process of which new personality traits appear to him and mental neoplasms develop.

social skills- any skills or behaviors that affect or affect other people.

As elementary social skills of preschool children, we considered:

The ability to establish contacts with peers and the ability to maintain them;

Ability to take part in collective affairs, accept and provide assistance;

The ability to coordinate and coordinate their actions and opinions with the actions and opinions of their peers.

Ability to negotiate with peers in a conflict situation.

At the senior preschool age, the social situation of development reaches the following level:

  1. Relationships with adults are changing (from an extra-situational-cognitive form of communication to an extra-situational-personal form of communication);
  2. Sufficiently systematic learning becomes possible;
  3. Changing relationships with peers
  4. There is an awareness of one's own "I";
  5. There is a formation of the child's personality;
  6. The main means of communication is language.

The contradiction in the social situation of the development of a preschool child lies precisely in the gap between his desire to be like an adult and the inability to realize this desire directly. The only activity that allows you to resolve this contradiction is a role-playing game. In such a game, the child assumes the role of an adult as a bearer of social functions and enters into a certain relationship with other "ideal adults".

Role play gives the child the opportunity to interact with aspects of life that are inaccessible to him in real practice, and it is the leading activity of the preschooler.

Thus, the social situation of development is a system of relations of the subject in social reality, realized by him in joint activities with other people.

The game - this is such a form of activity in which the child reproduces the basic meanings of human activity and learns those forms of relations that will be realized and carried out subsequently.

All researchers of the game note the fact that in the game interaction the child somehow spontaneously gropes for a way to resolve the contradiction that has overtaken him, namely, the ability to resolve the conflict through the game makes him turn to it again and again.

Games develop in children an understanding of the essence of some problems, and their joint solution during the game helps to better assimilate social norms and roles that correspond to their gender and social status.

During the games, children have the opportunity to gain new experiences, acquire social experience and communicate with each other in a completely different way than in the course of ordinary kindergarten life. After the games, the children are invited to analyze and discuss their experience.

The games I use are typical difficult situations that every child who comes to kindergarten has to face.

Games are universal, variable and can be used in different activities.

  1. The practical part.

I, in my classes,with the help of toys or characters of a table or finger theater, I play out a situation that reflects those aspects of life in which the child needs to understand and get an idea of ​​​​correct behavior.

For instance:

  1. Game situations of an illustrative type

"Staging with toys - a ready-made solution"

- "How Yura Helped Grandmother"

- "Don't forget the magic words"

- "How Alena and Misha shared toys"

How Kostya and Gordey reconciled»

I demonstrate to children concrete ways to correctly solve everyday situations of communication. Acting as interested spectators, children receive a model of socially approved behavior.

  1. Game situations of active participation type

"Staging with toys - tell me the solution"

I involve children in finding the right solution. To this end, game characters turn to children with questions, enter into an argument, express doubts about the correctness of their advice, offer to choose the best solution from several, ask them to show what actions need to be taken, what words to say in order to solve the problem (for example, how to thank how to politely make a request, how to share sweets equally, how to calm the offended).

Performances with “Suggest a Solution” toys are best done after showing performances with a ready-made solution. The previously obtained ideas will help the children to correctly solve the new problem. How children perceive the situation, what solution they offer, shows me how children's moral ideas and corresponding experience develop.

  1. Practical gaming and real situations aimed at mastering cultural forms of behavior and communication (etiquette)

These situations can be organized both as dramatizations and as practical situations of game and real content.

For instance:

- "Let's teach our dolls to say hello and goodbye",

- "We'll show Mishutka how to receive guests",

- "Let's congratulate Ksyusha on her birthday."

Cultural habits are formed gradually, so the regular organization of such situations helps children gain the necessary experience of cultural behavior. Of greatest importance for social and emotional development are situations in which children resolve specific everyday problems.

In my work itsituations of practical assistance, active manifestation of attention, care for children and adults:

- “We will help you find the lost thing” (mittens, scarf, shoes);

- “Do not be sad” (calm down, treat, play);

- "We meet a friend after an illness";

- "Change toys";

- "We make gifts for kids (moms, dads)."

I emotionally imagine the problem that has arisen (“Nastya returns to kindergarten after an illness. How can we please her?”) And I involve the children in finding a solution. If they find it difficult, I suggest or show the correct way to solve the problem and offer to implement it on their own.

I teach children to notice other people's difficulties and try to help. For this purpose, I create difficulties. For example, in the situation “Toys crumbled”, I deliberately drop small objects on the floor (small toys, cubes, pencils, rings from the pyramid), which I carry on a tray: “Oh, I stumbled, I scattered all the toys! Who will help me? And our nanny Ira is gone!” The kids are starting to help. I encourage them: “Toys wanted to run away from me, but you didn’t let me. Katya brought two cubes, Yanochka brought pencils, Sasha found a Christmas tree, she hid like that, and he found her and brought her. You are so keen, your hands are skillful. All the toys have been put away. Thanks! You are good helpers."

Not all kids are immediately included in this situation. Those who only observe, I do not rush. Children get new impressions, see how interesting it is to act together with the teacher, and next time they will try to help. I organize similar situations more than once. Each time, the children understand my difficulties faster and more confidently join in helping, gaining valuable practical experience.

  1. Game situations for the development of communication skills The game "Ask for a toy"

A group of children is divided into pairs, one of the participants in the pair picks up an object, for example, a toy, notebook, pencil, etc. The other must ask for this object. Instruction to participant No. 1: “You are holding a toy in your hands that you really need, but your friend needs it too. He will ask you for it. Try to keep the toy with you and give it away only if you really want to do it. Instruction to participant No. 2: “Choosing the right words, try to ask for a toy so that they give it to you.” Then the participants switch roles.

  1. Games that help children

Interview game.

The host announces that all contestants are journalists who get jobs in a popular magazine. We must take as many interviews from the guys as possible in a short time (five to ten minutes). Future reporters should find out the name, hobby, who the interviewee wants to become. The one with the most interviews wins.

Rules of the game:

The host announces that all contestants are journalists who get jobs in a popular magazine.

In a short time (five to ten minutes), take as many interviews from the guys as possible.

Future reporters should find out the name, hobby, who the interviewee wants to become.

The one with the most interviews wins.

  1. Games that teach children how to solve small problems through negotiation

Game "Sweet Problem"

In this game, each player will need one cookie and each pair of players will need one napkin.

Children, sit in a circle. The game we have to play is related to sweets. To get cookies, you first need to choose a partner and solve one problem with him. Sit opposite each other and look into each other's eyes. There will be a cookie between you on a napkin, please do not touch it yet. This game has one problem. A cookie can only be received by a partner whose partner voluntarily refuses the cookie and gives it to you. This is a rule that must not be broken. Now you can start talking, but without the consent of your partner, you have no right to take cookies. If consent is obtained, then cookies can be taken.

Then the teacher waits for all the couples to make a decision and observes how they act. Some can immediately eat a cookie, having received it from a partner, while others break the cookie in half and give one half to their partner.

Now I will give each pair one more cookie. Discuss what you will do with the cookies this time.

He observes that in this case, too, children act differently. Those children who split the first cookie in half usually repeat this "justice strategy". Most of the children who gave a cookie to a partner in the first part of the game and did not receive a piece now expect the partner to give the cookie to them. There are children who are ready to give their partner a second cookie.

Issues for discussion:

Children, who gave the cookies to their friend? Tell me, how did you feel about it?

Who wanted to keep the cookies? What did you do for this?

What do you expect when you are polite to someone?

Was everyone treated fairly in this game?

Who took the least time to reach an agreement?

How did you feel about it?

How else can you come to a consensus with your partner?

What reasons did you give for the partner to agree to give the cookies?

We need to create problem situations more often, so that children learn to find solutions from existing situations, so that in later life it is easy to navigate.

  1. Final part.

Exercise "Three Moods"(Summary).

Three glasses of clean water are placed on the table. Then he shows the glasses in turn, accompanying the display with his story:

When a person feels good, everything works out for him, he is happy with everything and loves everyone. At this time, his mood is like pure water, and his thoughts are "Clear" and "Pure" (shows a glass of clean water).

When great ideas come into his head, the mood is wonderful, joyful. Thoughts become like fireworks: they shine and shimmer like water in this glass. (Throws glitter into the second glass, and stirs them with a stick).

But it happens that his thoughts are sad and unpleasant, he is either ill or offended. Then his thoughts are like dark, muddy water. (Drips some paint into glass.)

I wish you that your life is filled to a greater extent only with pure thoughts. From them the mood becomes wonderful. And when you are in a good mood, you want to love and create beauty.

In accordance with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard for preschool education to the structure of the educational program of preschool education (hereinafter referred to as the Program), it should be aimed at creating:

Conditions for the development of the child, opening up opportunities for his positive socialization, his personal development, development of initiative and creative abilities based on cooperation with adults and peers and age-appropriate activities;

Developing educational environment, which is a system of conditions for the socialization and individualization of children.

Socialization is a consistent, comprehensive inclusion of the child in society, an emotional positive assimilation of social norms and values ​​by him, the formation of his own active position of the individual. First of all, socialization is associated with the entry of the child into the world of adults, both in the objective world of relationships, interaction, activity, and in the subjective world of meanings, rules, norms and values.

Intermediaries and conductors of socialization for the child are first parents, and then other significant adults, primarily educators and teachers. Adults not only open the picture of the world to the child, but also modify it depending on his age and individual characteristics, as well as socio-cultural developmental tasks. Gradually, the child abstracts from specific patterns of behavior, focusing on certain people and is identified with society as a whole, realizing social patterns of behavior from within. If primary socialization is specific roles, attitudes, a rigid perception of norms and rules, then secondary socialization is a reflexive position of the individual, an active search for one's place in society and readiness for transformations. The final level of socialization is the realization in society of the unique individuality of the individual.

The preschool period of development is the age sensitive to the assimilation of social and moral norms, the age of active socialization and the readiness of the psyche to internalize the norms, rules and values ​​of social interaction. And although parents and society make social demands on the child already at school, it is unacceptable to neglect his age-related sensitivity to social patterns of behavior. Unlike adaptation, socialization is not just a process of adaptation, but also an active assimilation of social norms and values ​​of society, their natural use as behavior regulators. The main mechanisms of socialization:

Identification - the desire of the child to be like relatives and other significant people, to adopt their personal qualities and ideas about the world. The child is guided by the roles and attitudes of adults and perceives them emotionally positively;

Internalization is the appropriation of behavior patterns, copying patterns of actions and including them in the picture of one's own behavior patterns. Thanks to this mechanism of socialization, external observable models of behavior become internal models of the child, are included in his personality structure;

Role experimentation is aimed at testing various personality traits through social roles in society. Feedback from the social environment and one's own experiences reinforce some behaviors, tested in role-playing experimentation, and reject others;

Social rituals and social patterns - as stable models of behavior in certain social situations of interaction are an effective mechanism for building interaction and interpersonal relationships. As a result of socialization, the child forms a basic picture of the world, moreover, an individualized, personally significant and emotionally colored one.

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