Where does the baby come from at birth? Where to give birth to a child

Antipyretics for children are prescribed by a pediatrician. But there are emergency situations for fever in which the child needs to be given medicine immediately. Then the parents take responsibility and use antipyretic drugs. What is allowed to be given to infants? How can you bring down the temperature in older children? What are the safest medicines?

The question of how childbirth takes place worries absolutely everyone: pregnant women, women who plan to become mothers and even those women who do not want children yet, as well as men. And all because childbirth is not only a miracle of birth, but also a huge work. We will try to explain to you in as much detail as possible about how childbirth takes place, what needs to be done during labor and what it is worth or not to be afraid of. After all, knowing what will happen to a woman during time can greatly facilitate her work, there will be no surprises or incomprehensible situations.

What is childbirth

It is worth starting with the fact that the process of childbirth is the process of the baby leaving the uterus through the mother's genital tract. Contractions play one of the most important roles in this process. They are the main driving force that first opens the cervix, and then helps the child overcome its difficult path formed by the ring of the pelvic bones, soft tissues, perineum and external genitals.

What is a uterus? The uterus, in fact, is an ordinary muscle, only it has one distinctive feature - it is hollow. This is a kind of case, inside which the child is placed. Like any other muscle, the uterus has the ability to contract. But unlike other muscles, contractions of the uterus occur independently of the will of the woman in labor, she can neither weaken nor strengthen them. How, then, does this process take place in general?

Well, firstly, with the course of pregnancy, or, to be more precise, towards its end, the uterus begins to open itself, due to the tension that appears due to the already large size of the fetus. There is an effect on the cervix, therefore, by the end of pregnancy, it is, as a rule, already opened by 1-3 cm.

Secondly, it is worth remembering hormones. Towards the end of pregnancy, the pituitary gland begins to secrete the hormone oxytocin, which actually causes and maintains uterine contractions. Its synthetic analogue is used in maternity hospitals and during childbirth, injecting it into women with weak or insufficient labor in order to induce more intense contractions of the uterus.

These two factors are not self-sufficient, that is, the presence of one of them cannot by itself cause the onset of labor. But when there is their one-time "assistance", then the process of childbirth begins. For the normal course of labor, regular and strong contractions of the uterus are necessary, otherwise the doctors will definitely correct this process.

Periods of childbirth

Childbirth consists of three mandatory consecutive periods, which are completely different for each woman.

  1. Dilation of the cervix under the influence of contractions... This period is the longest and often the most painful.
  2. Expulsion of the fetus... This is the very miracle of birth, the birth of a baby.
  3. Placenta delivery, children's place.

Their normal duration is on average 8-18 hours. With repeated births, their length is usually much shorter - 5-6 hours on average. This can be explained by the fact that the cervix and genital slit have already opened, so they have acquired the necessary elasticity, so this process is faster than the first time.

But we hasten to clarify that the duration of labor is influenced by many different factors that can contribute to both speeding up the process and slowing it down.

Factors that affect the duration of labor:

  • Child's body weight. According to statistics, the greater the weight of the baby, the longer the delivery lasts. It is more difficult for a large kid to overcome his path;
  • Fetal presentation. With breech presentation, labor lasts longer than with normal head presentation;
  • Contractions. Different intensity and frequency of contractions directly affect both the course of labor in general and its length.

As soon as any symptoms occur, by which it is possible to judge the onset of the labor process (this may be an outpouring of amniotic fluid or regular contractions), the woman is transferred to the birth ward. There, the midwife measures the blood pressure and body temperature of the woman in labor, the size of the small pelvis, some hygiene procedures are performed - shaving off excess pubic hair, a cleansing enema. In some maternity hospitals, an enema is not done, but the general practice has the following opinion: cleansing the intestines helps to increase the space for the birth of a child, so it is easier for him to be born. After all this, the woman is sent to the birth block, from that moment until the moment the child is born she is called a woman in labor.

How labor takes place - First stage of labor: dilatation of the cervix

This period has three phases:

  1. Latent phase... This phase begins from the moment the regular contractions begin to open the cervix by about 3-4 cm. The duration of this phase in the first birth is 6.4 hours, in the following - 4.8 hours. The rate of dilatation of the cervix is ​​approximately 0.35 cm per hour.
  2. Active phase... This phase is characterized by a much more active dilatation of the cervix from 3-4 cm to 8 cm, now the cervix opens at a speed of about 1.5 - 2 cm per hour in the first birth, 2-2.5 cm per hour in repeated ones.
  3. Deceleration phase... In the last phase, the opening is slightly slower, from 8 to 10 cm, at a speed of about 1-1.5 cm per hour.

This period of labor begins with the appearance of violent contractions, which give you a signal that it is time to go to the hospital.

Many women face such a problem as the so-called "false labor". So how do you define "false" or "practice" contractions from real ones?

False training fights are characterized by the following parameters:

  • Irregularity;
  • The contraction "disappears" when the position of the body changes, taking a warm shower, taking an antispasmodic;
  • The frequency of contractions is not reduced;
  • The interval between contractions is not reduced.

Contractions of the uterus are directed from top to bottom, that is, from the bottom of the uterus to its cervix. With each contraction of the uterine wall, it is as if the cervix is ​​pulled up. As a result of these contractions, the neck opens up. It is also facilitated by the fact that the cervix becomes softer during pregnancy. The opening of the cervix is ​​necessary so that the baby can exit the uterus. A fully open neck corresponds to a diameter of 10-12 cm.

By contractions, the uterus acts not only on the cervix, but also on the fetus, pushing it forward a little. These actions take place simultaneously. After full dilation of the cervix, the fetal bladder usually ruptures. And after that, the fetus will be able to leave the uterus. But if the bubble does not burst, a doctor or midwife can artificially violate its integrity.

During each contraction, the volume of the uterus decreases, intrauterine pressure increases, the force of which is transmitted to the amniotic fluid. As a result, the fetal bladder wedges into the cervical canal and thereby contributes to the smoothing and dilation of the cervix. With its full disclosure at the height of the contraction at maximum tension, the fetal bladder ruptures, and amniotic fluid is poured out - such an outpouring of amniotic fluid is called timely. If the waters are poured out with incomplete opening of the cervix, then the outpouring is called early. If the water is poured out before the onset of labor, then such an outpouring is called premature (prenatal). Sometimes a baby is born “wearing a shirt”. This means that the fetal bladder has not ruptured. Such children are called lucky, because in such a situation there is a danger of acute oxygen starvation (asphyxia), which poses a danger to the life of the baby.

An overflowing bladder has a weakening effect on the labor activity of the uterus, interferes with the normal course of labor, therefore every 2-3 hours it is necessary to go to the toilet.

It is impossible to say with certainty how long this period will last, but it is the longest in the process of childbirth, it takes 90% of the time. So, during the first pregnancy, the dilatation of the cervix lasts about 7-8 hours, and in subsequent births - 4-5 hours.

During the period of cervical dilatation, the midwife or doctor will observe the intensity of uterine contractions, the nature of the cervical dilatation, the degree of advancement of the baby's head in the pelvic tunnel, and the condition of the baby. When the uterus is fully open, you will be transferred to the delivery room, where a new phase of labor begins, during which your baby will be born. By this time, that is, at the height of labor, contractions are repeated every 5-7 minutes and last 40-60 seconds.

Although contractions occur involuntarily, they cannot be weakened, their rhythm changed, but this does not mean that you have to remain passive. At this point, you can walk around the room, sit or stand. When you are standing or walking, the contractions are less painful, the pain in the lower back is reduced, and the baby adjusts to the size of the pelvis.

The calmer and more relaxed you are, the faster the labor will go. Therefore, during the first phase of labor, you have two tasks: to breathe correctly and to relax as much as possible.

Why breathe correctly during a contraction

The uterus does hard, strenuous work, during contractions, the muscles absorb oxygen. Our body is so designed that a lack of oxygen causes pain. Therefore, the uterus must be constantly oxygenated as well as oxygenated to the baby. And this is only possible with deep and full breathing.

Correct breathing during the second phase of labor provides pressure from the diaphragm against the uterus, which makes pushing effective and helps the baby to be born gently without traumatizing the mother's birth canal.

Relaxation leads to the release of tension in the muscles, and less oxygen is consumed in weakened muscles, that is, both the uterus and the baby will use the saved oxygen.

In addition, your general tension leads to more tension on the cervix during dilatation, resulting in severe pain. Therefore, at the first stage of childbirth, you need to strive to completely relax and not make any attempts: now you will not be able to intensify labor activity, but will only make it painful. Do not try to overcome or somehow distance yourself from what is happening during the fight, but completely accept, open up and surrender yourself to what is happening. Relax when pain occurs, both physically and psychologically, and treat pain as a natural sensation.

How to breathe during a contraction

  1. The fight is approaching. The woman at this moment begins to feel the growing tension of the uterus.
    You need to breathe deeply, taking full breaths in and out.
  2. The fight has begun. At this moment, the woman feels increasing pain.
    Begin to take quick and rhythmic breaths in and out. Inhale through your nose, exhale through your mouth.
  3. The fight ends. The woman felt the peak of the contraction and its decline.
    Begin to breathe more deeply, gradually calming down. We recommend that you rest with your eyes closed between contractions, you may even be able to fall asleep. You need to save energy for the most important event, the next period of childbirth.

During labor, labor pains always build up slowly, so there is time to get used to and adjust to them, and between labor pains there is time to rest. In addition, childbirth does not last forever, which means that this pain will not last forever either. This banal thought in the delivery room can give you very real support. Do not forget that each contraction helps the baby to move forward and ultimately leads to his birth.

What is the best position to choose during cervical dilation? The one that is most convenient and comfortable for you. Some women prefer to walk and massage their backs during a contraction, while others prefer to lie down; in some maternity hospitals, women are allowed to use a fitball. Try it and you will definitely find "your" position.

It was noticed that a woman during childbirth, as it were, plunges into herself. She forgets her social position, loses control over herself. But in this state, a woman is far from helpless and lost, but on the contrary, she acts unhurriedly, spontaneously finding a position that suits her best, which determines the physiology of childbirth.

Most women in the early stages of labor will instinctively bend over to hold onto something, or sit on their knees or squat. These positions are very effective in reducing pain, especially in the lower back, and also allow you to ignore external stimuli. Outwardly, they resemble the posture of a praying person and, probably, in some way help to pass into other states of consciousness.

During the opening of the cervix, as the baby's head moves through the birth canal, you may want to somehow help the baby and push him, as well as a desire to push. But this should not be done without the advice of a midwife, since pushing until the cervix is ​​fully dilated will only interfere with the process and thereby increase the duration of labor. In addition, you better not waste energy on unnecessary early attempts, but save them until the second stage of labor, when all your muscle efforts will be required from you. So try to relax by getting your body in a comfortable position.

The decisive factors for the normal course of childbirth in the first stage are warmth, peace, free choice of postures, freedom and the help of a midwife.

How labor takes place - First period: dilatation of the cervix in pictures

In this picture, we see the cervix before opening:

And on this, the cervix is ​​almost completely open:

How labor takes place - Second stage of labor: childbirth

During this period, the moment occurs that you and your family have been waiting with trepidation and impatience for 9 months. In the second stage of labor, a child is born. This period lasts on average 20-30 minutes. in the first birth and even less in the following.

After the cervix is ​​fully opened, the woman, who until now has been a rather passive participant in childbirth, as they say, "comes into play." It will take a lot of strength from her to help the fetus pass through the birth canal and be born.

Most of all, this stage is distinguished from others by a strong urge to empty the intestines, someone may feel insanely tired, while other women in labor suddenly have a "second wind". The second stage of labor can last up to 50 minutes for those who do not become a mother for the first time, and up to 2.5 hours for “newbies”. Its duration depends on many factors: the intensity of labor, the strength of the mother's efforts, the size of the fetus and the mother's pelvis, the location of the head in relation to the mother's pelvis.

Contractions at this stage are very different from the previous ones, since at this stage there is an active contraction of the muscles of the chest, abdomen and uterus. The urge to stool is felt several times during the contraction, and it is thanks to them that the child moves "towards the exit." Now, as, indeed, at all stages of childbirth, it is very important to follow the instructions of the midwife and doctor.

The expulsion ends with the appearance of the baby's head from the birth canal. At this moment, there may be painful sensations in the perineum, "burning". Then the whole body is born rather quickly. So be patient and trust your doctor.

By the end of pregnancy, the fetus takes the position of "coming out" - vertical cephalic presentation

Types of fetal presentation:
The presenting part is the part of the child that enters the pelvic area first.

  • Occipital.
    The most common, about 95% of cases. At the same time, the head enters the pelvic area somewhat bent, the chin is pressed to the chest, the back of the head is turned forward;
  • Facial
    The head is thrown back. Childbirth in this case can be difficult, caesarean section is indicated;
  • Frontal presentation.
    An intermediate position between the facial and occipital presentation. The head is turned so that it does not pass into the pelvis, its diameter is too large, therefore natural childbirth is impossible and the use of a cesarean section is necessary;
  • Transverse presentation(or humeral presentation).
    The fruit is placed horizontally up or down with its back. A caesarean section is also necessary.
  • Buttock(breech) presentation.
    The fetus is located with the buttocks down, and the head is in the depths of the uterus. With breech presentation, the doctor will take maximum precautions, carefully determine the size of the pelvis. You need to find out in advance whether the maternity hospital where you will give birth has the equipment necessary for such cases.

Presentation of the fetus in pictures



Breech presentation options:


How does the second stage of labor begin for a woman? She has a great desire to push. This is called pushing. Also, a woman has an irresistible desire to sit down, she has a need to grab onto someone or something. The pose when a woman gives birth with the support of her partner under the armpits is very effective: the force of gravity is used as much as possible with minimal muscular effort - the muscles in this position relax as much as possible.

But no matter what position a woman chooses, understanding from others is no less important for her at this moment. Experienced and sympathetic assistants are able to make a woman feel warm and joyful. The midwife uses only simple words during childbirth, but this does not exclude her firmness in certain situations, when it is necessary to support the activity of the giving birth woman.

During this period, attempts are added to the contractions - contractions of the muscles of the abdominal wall and diaphragm. The main difference between attempts and contractions is that these are arbitrary contractions, that is, they depend on your will: you can delay or strengthen them.

In order to be born, a child needs to go through the birth canal, overcoming various obstacles. During labor, the baby must enter, cross, and exit the pelvis. And in order to overcome all the obstacles encountered, he needs to adapt to the shapes and sizes of the tunnel. The entry of the baby's head into the pelvic cavity (especially when the first child is born) can occur at the end of pregnancy, while the expectant mother may experience pain and the feeling that the fetus is sinking. When entering the upper hole, the child turns his head to the right or left - this way it is easier for him to overcome the first obstacle. Then the child descends into the pelvic area, turning at the same time in a different way. Having overcome the exit, the child meets a new obstacle - the muscles of the perineum, into which he will rest his head for some time. Under pressure from the head, the perineum and vagina gradually expand, and the birth of the baby begins directly.

During childbirth, it is most important to pass the baby's head, since this is the largest part of the fetus. If the head has overcome the obstacle, then the body will pass without difficulty.

Some circumstances may make it easier for the baby to pass through the birth canal:

  • the pelvic bones are interconnected by joints, which relax slightly by the end of pregnancy, which causes the pelvis to expand by several millimeters;
  • the bones of the child's skull will finally grow together only a few months after birth. Therefore, the skull is malleable and can change shape in a narrow passage;
  • the elasticity of the soft tissues of the perineum and vagina facilitates the passage of the fetus through the birth canal.

In the second stage of labor, contractions become more frequent and prolonged. The pressure of the baby's head on the perineum causes the urge to push. Listen to the advice of an experienced midwife as you push. You must actively participate in the birth process by helping the uterus push the baby forward.

What to do during a contraction in the second stage of labor

  1. The fight is approaching.
    Take the position in which you will give birth, relax the perineum and breathe deeply.
  2. The beginning of the fight.
    Inhale deeply through the nose, this will lower the diaphragm as much as possible, as a result of which the pressure of the uterus on the fetus will increase. When you finish inhaling, hold your breath, and then tense your abdominal muscles, starting in the stomach area, to press as hard as possible on the fetus and push it forward. If you cannot hold your breath for the entire duration of the contraction, exhale through your mouth (but not abruptly), inhale again and hold your breath. Continue pushing until the end of the contraction, while leaving the perineum relaxed. In one push, you need to push three times.
  3. The fight is over.
    Breathe in deeply, breathing in and out deeply.

Do not push between contractions, restore strength and breathing. Your doctor or midwife can help you determine when to push. With each contraction, the child's head appears more and more, and at a certain moment you will be asked not to push, but to breathe quickly and shallowly, since one extra push can now abruptly push the child's head and cause a rupture of the perineum. After the head comes out of the genital slit, the midwife releases the baby's shoulders one by one, and the rest of the body comes out without difficulty.

The child who has just been born gives out a cry, possibly from pain, as air rushes into his lungs for the first time and sharply expands them. Your baby is breathing for the first time. His nostrils widen, his face shrinks, his chest rises, and his mouth opens slightly. Not so long ago, the absence of a baby's cry at birth was a cause for concern: it was believed that the cry indicates the child's vitality, and the medical staff did everything to cause this cry. But in fact, the first cry has absolutely nothing to do with the health of the child. In this case, it is important that after the first breaths, the color of the child's skin turns pink. So don't worry or worry if your baby doesn't cry at birth.

How labor takes place - Second stage of labor: childbirth in pictures

The cervix is ​​completely open, under the influence of contractions and efforts of the woman in labor, the head appeared on the light:

The head is almost completely out:

After its release, the rest of the body comes out without problems and efforts:

What does a baby feel right after birth?

According to many psychologists, the first cry of a child is a cry of horror that he experiences when he is born.

For the child, life in the mother's stomach was paradise: he did not experience any discomfort - it was always warm, calm, comfortable, satisfying, all needs were satisfied by themselves, no effort was needed. But suddenly everything changes: it becomes somewhat cramped, stuffy and hungry. To cope with the situation, the child goes on a journey, not knowing how it will end. After all the hardships of this dangerous path, a child from a comfortable, perfect world finds himself in a cold and indifferent world, where he has to do everything himself. Such impressions can easily be compared to a real life disaster. Therefore, psychologists call birth a "birth trauma." The horror that a child experiences during birth does not persist in his mind, since it has not yet formed. But everything that happens around him, he experiences with his whole being - body and soul.

Birth is a natural process, and a person is quite capable of withstanding it. Just as a physiologically healthy baby can be born without harm to bodily health, he is able to survive the psychological trauma associated with birth without any harm to his mental health.

Compared to the tremendous upheaval of childbirth, some of the medical difficulties are easy enough for the baby. Therefore, the physiological consequences of a difficult birth are compensated by proper care. It is almost impossible to describe the feeling that a mother experiences when her baby appears. Probably, this is the simultaneous experience of several feelings and sensations at once: satisfaction of pride and suddenly fatigue. It's great if in the maternity hospital where you give birth, the baby is immediately placed on your breast. Then you will feel a connection with the child, realize the reality of his existence.

The first hour after childbirth is one of the most important moments in the life of a mother and a newborn. This moment can become decisive in how the child will relate to the mother and through her to other people.

For some time after the birth of the baby, you can take a break from the hard work done and prepare for the final stage of childbirth - the birth of the placenta.

The mother and the child are still connected by the umbilical cord, and the correct behavior of the mother makes this connection rich and perfect, from that moment a dialogue begins between them. This is the first meeting of mother and child, getting to know each other, so try not to miss it.

Continuous skin-to-skin contact (with the baby lying on the mother's stomach) between the mother and the baby stimulates the female hormonal secretion, which is necessary to induce contractions for the spontaneous expulsion of the placenta. The less rush at this point, the less risk for subsequent bleeding. Use this moment to bring your baby to the breast for the first time and squeeze colostrum into his mouth, which is an excellent immune defense agent.

At this time, the doctor will bandage the umbilical cord and cut it off. This procedure is completely painless as there are no nerves in the umbilical cord. In a healthy child, at the moment of birth, the width of the umbilical cord is 1.5 - 2 cm, and the length is about 55 cm.From this moment, a new independent life of your baby begins: the baby establishes independent blood circulation, and with the first independent inhalation, oxygen begins to flow into the body. Therefore, we can assume that the umbilical cord, which becomes flat and pale after childbirth, has fulfilled its function. The remaining root will fall off after a week, and a wound will form in its place, healing within a few days. After one to two weeks, it will tighten, forming a fold, which we all call the "navel".

After birth, a midwife or doctor will check your baby for the first time. His respiratory tract is cleared, since during childbirth he could swallow mucus, and the skin with which he is covered is also cleared of mucus. Then it is washed, weighed, measured. A bracelet with a surname is put on the child's hand so as not to be confused. The doctor also pays attention to the color of the child's skin, heart rate, breathing, patency of the nose, esophagus, anus, general mobility of the child.

In the following days, a more thorough and detailed examination is carried out, including a neurological examination of the unconditioned reflexes of the newborn: the reflex of automatic walking, grasping and sucking reflexes. The presence of these reflexes indicates a good condition of the newborn's nervous system.

How labor takes place - Third stage of labor: expulsion of the placenta

With the birth of a baby, labor is not over for you yet. After a few minutes, you will feel the contractions of the uterus again, but less violently than before. As a result of these contractions, the placenta will separate from the uterus and exit. This process is called separation of the placenta. Sometimes after labor is over, an injection is given to help the uterus contract better. The contraction of the muscles of the uterus compresses the vessels that connected the uterus to the placenta and remained open after the placenta had left, thereby preventing bleeding. When the placenta begins to separate, you should lie on your left side so as not to squeeze the vein.

Contractions intensify with a slight pinching on the nipples of the mammary glands or when a baby is applied to the breast, which promotes the release of oxytocin, a hormone responsible for uterine contractions. Successive contractions cause the separation of the placenta from the walls of the uterus, the connection of the placenta with the wall of the uterus is broken, and under the influence of attempts the afterbirth is born.

After the birth of the placenta, the uterus is greatly reduced, as a result of which the bleeding stops.

After the birth of the placenta, the woman is already called the puerpera.

After the birth of the placenta, it is carefully examined by a doctor, then the birth canal is examined in a small operating room, and if ruptures are found, they are sutured.

The first two hours after giving birth, the woman remains in the maternity ward under the close supervision of the doctor on duty, then, in the absence of fears and pathologies on both sides, she and the newborn are transferred to the postnatal ward.

Childbirth is not only a physical challenge, but also a powerful emotional shock. That is why it is impossible to convey in words “what is what”. Literally everything affects the course of childbirth. And how they pass depends on a host of factors: the degree of pain threshold, physical and psychological fitness, and even your desire to have this child.

Childbirth is one of the most important moments in a woman's life. But more often than not, except for the elusive memories of this period, nothing remains in memory. Photographer Monet Nicole considers this unfair and tries to rectify the situation by taking amazing photos before childbirth, after childbirth, etc.

“I witnessed and caught moments of incredible power, incredible doubt, and incredible joy. It's simple: nothing evokes more emotions than memories of childbirth,” Monet told POPSUGAR.

We offer you 24 pictures from a series of works by Monet Nicole, which will show you (photo) and (photo).

“It always amazes me when first-time parenting couples choose for their baby. It can be so difficult to relax and trust your body when you haven't gone through childbirth before, and yet many of my clients do. "

Photos of newborns, photos after childbirth

"Words cannot convey the strength of this woman, who gave birth to her ideal baby girl naturally just minutes before the emergency was to begin."

Photos of newborns, photos after childbirth

"This mom was transferred from our local maternity hospital to the hospital when her blood pressure got too high. It must be so difficult when your birthing plan changes dramatically. But when I walked in, this amazing woman was laughing and smiling."

Photos of newborns, photos after childbirth

"They called me and said that. I found them in the bathroom. Mom was in the bathtub with a clear intention to give birth. I asked dad," Would you like to catch your baby? "The midwife ran through the door a few minutes before the baby was born.

Photos of newborns, photos before childbirth

"This mom is currently in the process of preparing for a home birth with a midwife. Seeing her pushing and pulling up her own baby was one of the most touching moments that I have been trusted to film."

Photos of newborns, photos after childbirth

"This family gave birth to their sixth child at home - in the presence of older girls who watched and offered support to their mother. The sun was shining, the children were thrilled to meet their younger brother, and there simply could not be a more wonderful birth."

Photos of newborns, photos after childbirth

“Her birth was beautiful from start to finish. After Maeve was born, Erin lay back in the bathtub and I captured this moment, which certainly became one of my favorite moments in history. Umbilical cord on my stomach, baby on my chest, and the relief on her face still excites me. "

Photo before childbirth

"I love seeing siblings during labor. They often carry on surprisingly well! Much better than some adults. This older brother put on his Batman cape as soon as his mom started laboring. He stayed with her throughout the period. offering your support and love. "

Photos of newborns, photos after childbirth

“Despite the fact that I shoot a lot of home births, I love working with families who want to have their babies in the hospital. They are just as beautiful and just as powerful. One of my favorite moments that I love to catch during birth (regardless from where it happens) - this is the moment when the child falls into the arms of the mother. "

Photos of newborns, photos after childbirth

"Logan gave birth to Jack knowing that she could not spend much time with him. She wanted to document his birth and his life because she knew that these moments, despite the darkness, can be filled with light. There is longing and love on Logan's face. It is the longing and love that every parent feels for their child. The longing and love that grows sharper when we understand that, despite our great love, we cannot protect them from evil. "

Photo before childbirth

"She remained so peaceful and calm during her labor. She swam in the bathtub, sometimes completely submerged in water during or after a contraction. So often people think that without medication, childbirth means screaming or severe pain, but it often looks like this way. "

Photo before childbirth

“Childbirth can be one of the most loving experiences of your life. Many of my clients say they value photos taken during this period even more than wedding photos, because I was able to capture natural, non-staged, moments like this ".

"Caesarean birth is incredible, wonderful experience to see and film. As more providers work to make this birth more family-friendly, I was allowed to come back and film those moments."

Photos of newborns, photos after childbirth

"Her baby was born in a chemise. They took it off carefully after it was born, and then her mother hugged the baby to her breast. Much love, so much relief."

Photo before childbirth

"The love between Jennifer and Josh was so strong. In a few months, Jennifer will be filming my own story of having a baby. I'm lucky to be working with her and raising our children together!"

Photo before childbirth

"This moment: such strength and beauty! Do you see the man in the corner? This is her father, he is an obstetrician-gynecologist. He so calmly watched this birth with a midwife, and even prompted her a couple of times."

Photos of newborns, photos after childbirth

"I have no words for this photo! This is the birth of a child for me - just so many emotions."

Photos of newborns, photos after childbirth, photos after cesarean

"So often women say that there is no opportunity in the operating room. I saw it as many times as I heard it was impossible. Women deserve this chance. Caesarean section is also a birth, and it remains one of the most profound and important days in a woman's life. If a woman wants her baby to be placed on her breast immediately after birth, then let's do everything we can to make this happen. "

Photos of newborns, photos after childbirth, photos after cesarean

"Home birth after a cesarean is often an incredibly powerful experience. Dr. Mike is actually a chiropractor and he guided his wife through labor. They worked great together - he held her while she pushed, and when they took out their daughter and hugged her , there was such joy and love. "

"Surprisingly, women don't cry after giving birth as much as I thought when I started my career. I think many of us are in shock, so these tearful emotions come a little later. So whenever Mom cries, this something special for me. I love the way tears roll down this mom's face. "

Photos after childbirth, photos of newborns

"I love shooting crowning attempts. Some ancestral photographers don't show them to anyone, but I think they are so strong and really show how incredibly feminine the body is."

Photos after childbirth, photos of newborns

"I was fortunate enough to photograph a few babies born in a chemise. You can see a bag of water that remains intact around this baby's head. The midwife quietly removes the membranes in just a few seconds after this incredible moment."

Photos after childbirth, photos of newborns

“This birth went so quickly that I barely had time to catch it somewhere in the middle! As soon as the client called me, I immediately ran and, of course, my mother was already grieving. I had just enough time to take the camera and capture this moment."

There are already a couple of weeks left before the long-awaited day when the baby is born. The mom-to-be is worried, how not to miss the beginning of childbirth and arrive at the hospital on time, how to be prepared for something that you have never experienced before? In order to calm your anxiety, you need to learn as much as possible about what is ahead of you, and how the process of having a baby is going on.

Time to pack: harbingers of childbirth

The first thing to remember is labor does not start suddenly or instantaneously. This process can take from 8-9 hours to 18-20 hours, so do not worry about the first one that appears and immediately throw a bag of things into the car and go to.

Next, the head is fixed. She is lowered so low that the baby can no longer change his position. After the head is fixed, it is lowered. This is due to the fact that the volume of amniotic fluid presses on the baby, and the contractions of the walls of the uterus during contractions press the baby down and promote his movement along the birth canal.

Flexion of the head

When an infant meets resistance on its way in the form of a narrow passageway of the cervix and pelvic floor, under the influence of pressure, its head bends, pressing its chin against the chest. Thus, the head enters the birth canal with the smallest diameter, oblique, which is approximately 9.5 cm, and not 12 cm of the straight diameter.

Inner turn

This is such a turn of the baby's head, during which its back of the head, from an anterior position, turns more often to the mother's pubis, a little less often to the side of the sacrum. This is an important birthing process that ensures a successful baby. The rotation lasts until the head reaches the level of the ischial bones.

Extension of the head

After the head is in the most flexed state and has gone through a full internal rotation, it reaches the vulva and begins to unbend. At the same time, the back of the head is directed towards the pubic zone of the mother. In this case, the parts of the baby's head appear in this order: first the back of the head, then the crown, forehead, nose, mouth and finally the chin. After the appearance of the head, her chin "looks" just in the direction of the anal area of ​​the woman in labor.

Outward turn

The head that was born again changes its location in an effort to return to its original position. The back of the head turns again in the direction in which it was turned, until an internal turn occurs. Next, the baby's shoulders turn, in which one, the front, fits under the mother's pubic region, and the second, back, goes from the front side of the sacral zone.

Did you know? During labor, a woman loses a significant amount of blood, and it can reach half a liter. But most often this volume is 250 ml.

After the outer turn of the head of the crumbs has occurred, its front shoulder appears outward. After him very soon the second is shown. After the shoulders of the baby have passed through the birth canal and are born, the birth of the rest of the body occurs almost instantly and very easily - the baby literally jumps out like a cork.

Possible complications and surgery

Sometimes the process of childbirth, for one reason or another, may be accompanied by some complications and, as a result, medical or surgical intervention.

The childbirth process is too long. In the event that the fetus is too large in relation to the size of the mother's birth canal, then childbirth can take place using obstetric forceps, or through.
If everything is normal in the ratio of the birth canal and the size of the fetus, but the baby is still moving too slowly, they can carry out with the help of an oxytocin dropper. If the drug does not give a result, it is carried out.

The presentation of the fetus also affects the passage of labor. The most successful is the head down and the face is directed to the sacrum. In this case, the volume that the baby takes is minimal. If, however, if there is a chin or forehead, or buttocks, or the baby is located across the birth canal, and this condition does not change, childbirth is possible only through.

The penetration of amniotic fluid into the mother's bloodstream, uterine bleeding due to retained placenta remnants, rupture of the vagina or uterus requires urgent surgical intervention. However, such complications are rare.

Now you already know how to give birth to children, and are preparing for the birth of your baby. Preparing things for a trip to the hospital and following the advice of obstetricians and gynecologists is not all that needs to be done before such an important day.

The psychological state of the mother is one of the main things in this complex process. It is good if you will attend courses for pregnant women or courses for pregnant women during pregnancy. There you will be taught how to breathe correctly during contractions and relaxation techniques (for example, swinging on a fitball).

Important! The psychological attitude of the woman plays an important role. It is directly related to the sensation of pain during labor. If a woman enters the labor process in a state of stress, because she is afraid of labor pain or complications, her pain can be quite severe.

This happens for the reason that in a state of stress, the body reacts in a certain way - it mobilizes the defense mechanisms in the body and contributes to the tension of all muscles. However, the uterus is a muscle. The process of childbirth is aimed at opening the cervix, at its relaxation. But stress provokes tension. And thus, two mutually exclusive forces collide. In their opposition, labor pain only intensifies. Therefore, the expectant mother should enter childbirth in a benevolent mood and in a good mood. You need to relax, rejoice at the birth of your son or daughter. Try meditation practices, deep breathing. It will be easier to relax if you sing songs or read rhymes to your baby, ready to be born.

At birth, a child can only be used for medical reasons, and it is also believed that it does not have a very good effect on the baby.

With artificial anesthesia, the mother does not feel the processes taking place in the body, does not control what is happening to her, moreover, this is a serious medical intervention. Therefore, it is better to prepare for childbirth from the beginning of pregnancy and enter them in a calm and joyful mood. There are times when women even experience pleasure and orgasm during childbirth.

Did you know? By the time of birth, the placenta weighs about half a kilo, and its weight is directly related to the size of the baby. However, expulsion of the placenta is the easiest stage in the labor process, it is quick and painless.

A very important and responsible process that a woman and a child go through. If you are ready for this action, if you are familiar with the mechanism of labor, you will be aware of how to give birth to a baby and will happily expect the appearance of a baby, then the birth will be easy and painless.

The female reproductive system.

In order to understand where and how children are born, let's look at the structure of the female and male reproductive systems and their functions. In the process of conceiving and bearing a child, it is the reproductive system that plays a dominant role.

So, the female genital organs are divided into external and internal. The external ones are the pubis, clitoris, labia majora and labia minora. Internal - the vagina, cervix, uterus, ovaries and fallopian tubes. We will very briefly consider the functions of the internal reproductive system of a woman.

Internal genital organs: 1 - vagina; 2 - internal pharynx; 3 - cervical canal; 4 - the cervix; 5 - the body of the uterus; 6 - ovary; 7 - the bottom of the uterus; 8 - fallopian tube; 9 - fringes

The vagina is a hollow muscular organ. It is through him that sperm cells enter the woman's body and through him children are born.

The vagina ends from the inside with the cervix. It separates the vagina from the uterus. During pregnancy, a mucous plug forms in the cervix, which prevents infection from entering the uterine cavity and "keeps" the baby inside the uterus.

The uterus is an organ without which it is impossible to bear a child. It is in the uterus that the intrauterine development of the fetus takes place.

The ovaries are a paired organ in which the development of eggs takes place, which, when combined with sperm, form a fetal egg, a human embryo.

The fallopian tubes are a paired organ in which the fertilization of the egg with the sperm takes place and through the fallopian tube the fertilized egg enters the uterus, within 9 months the child will develop there.

Male reproductive system.

Now let's talk a little about the male reproductive system. Male genital organs - penis, testes, prostate gland.

Testicles. It is in them that sperm cells begin to develop. Prostate. With the help of it, sperm are released into the urethra. Penis. It is with its help that sperm cells enter the woman's vagina during intercourse.


The ability to bear children appears from the moment of the onset of menarche (first menstruation), this is the age of 12-14 years. Guys start producing "mature" sperm by the age of 15.

Puberty for girls begins at about 10 years old. The nipples begin to "bulge", and then the entire breast takes on a rounded shape. Hair appears on the pubis, legs, and armpits. Menarche usually occurs after 12 years, provided that the girl's weight is more than 35 kg. From this time on, hormonal changes in the body begin. Eggs ripen in the ovaries and ovulation appears (the release of the egg into the fallopian tube). After the onset of menstruation, if a girl decides to start having sex, it is necessary to think about reliable contraception. The best option is a condom, which will not only protect against unwanted pregnancies, but also against sexually transmitted infections. It is not recommended to drink oral contraceptives at this age. Various suppositories (like "Patentex Oval") often cause allergic reactions and discomfort in the vagina and they are not 100% effective in preventing pregnancy.

But remember, 12-14 years old is in any case too early age for sexual debut. The female genitals are not yet quite ready for sexual intercourse. Moreover, the girl is not yet psychologically ready for sexual relations. It is better to wait until the age of 17-18 with sex.

Pregnancy and childbirth.

Now let's talk about pregnancy. Pregnancy is a period during which a new person, a child, develops in the female body. On average, pregnancy lasts 280 days (about 9 months), 40 weeks.

How does pregnancy occur? At the end of intercourse, a man ejects semen into the woman's vagina. This semen contains many sperm cells. Immediately I would like to remind you that interrupted intercourse is not a means of contraception, tk. in the process of intercourse, even before ejaculation, a man releases a lubricant containing a small amount of sperm.

From the woman's vagina, sperm penetrate through the cervix into the uterus and from there into the fallopian tube, where it is possible for one of these sperm to fertilize an egg. The egg is in the fallopian tube during ovulation (with a regular 28-day menstrual cycle, this is approximately 12-14 days of the menstrual cycle, counting from the first day of menstruation). After the fusion of the sperm (only one) with the egg, a fertilized egg (embryo) is formed, which begins to move through the fallopian tube into the uterine cavity and is fixed there on one of the walls.

Pregnancy is characterized by a delay in menstruation. This is the first and surest sign. A change in taste, nausea, weakness, a slight increase in temperature is possible. The pharmacy sells special tests to determine pregnancy from the first day of the delay. A gynecologist on examination can determine pregnancy no earlier than two weeks. The most accurate diagnostic method is a blood test for hCG and ultrasound of the uterus.

The fetus develops very quickly in the uterus. At 4.5 weeks, an ultrasound scan is already possible to determine the heartbeat. The brain and nervous system are actively developing.

Pregnancy is divided into trimesters. There are three of them. So in the first trimester, any negative factor, such as bad habits, can lead to miscarriage (spontaneous abortion) or fetal malformations. Therefore, a pregnant woman needs to be especially careful to monitor her health, nutrition and lifestyle. Registration for pregnancy in a antenatal clinic is mandatory. After registration, it will be necessary to regularly visit the gynecologist and some other specialist doctors, as well as the delivery of many tests.

This is how the baby looks at 9 weeks.

And this is how a full-term baby looks like.

Starting at 38 weeks of pregnancy, the woman's body begins to prepare for the upcoming birth. The abdomen sinks, it is possible that the uterus tone (a feeling of tension) and the release of colostrum droplets from the nipples. These are normal occurrences.

Normally, labor begins on its own at 40 weeks. A prerequisite for this is a prepared cervix (softened and slightly open). The first birth lasts an average of 10-12 hours. All this time, the woman will feel painful sensations in the lower abdomen and lower back. During contractions, the cervix dilates. The amniotic fluid that surrounded the child for almost the entire period of pregnancy leaves. When the cervix of the uterus is dilated by 10 cm, the woman has the urge to push, similar to the desire to go to the toilet in a big way. This is called pushing. The woman begins to push hard to "push" the child out. The child exits through the cervix into the vagina and from there into the caring hands of the obstetrician-gynecologist. Immediately after the baby is born, the height is weighed and measured.

I described the ideal birth. But there are all sorts of complications. Childbirth does not always take place naturally. Sometimes it is necessary to administer medications to speed up the delivery process. There are also situations when a woman cannot give birth naturally and she has to do a cesarean section. The baby is born through an incision made in the mother's abdominal wall.

That's basically it. In conclusion, I would like to say. Pregnancy is one of the most beautiful and fleeting periods in a woman's life. But the main thing is that it should be planned. At this time, there are many means of protection against unwanted pregnancy, even for the youngest girls.

In countries where effective and varied obstetric care is established, a lot of opportunities open up for a woman: you can give birth in a clinic (inpatiently) or on an outpatient basis, at home, in a maternity hospital or in a perinatal center. In some European countries, there is a law according to which obstetricians are obliged to help a healthy woman where she wants to give birth, even if this place seems strange to them.

It cannot be said that the percentage of giving birth on the ocean shore or in a tent in the mountains was extremely high, nevertheless, original women may well feel quite protected.

In Russia, a woman is not legally limited in choosing a place of birth, but in our country there is no system for training and licensing home midwives. Those specialists who position themselves as such, in fact, often act at their own discretion, at their own peril and risk. In addition, in Russia, among those who undertake to deliver at home, there are a lot of people who do not have a medical education at all.

It turns out that, theoretically, a woman can make a choice in favor of home birth, but she cannot receive qualified assistance.

The choice of a maternity hospital in small towns is often lacking: a woman has to give birth where there is an obstetric department. In larger cities (from the regional center and above), there is no choice, but there is.

If you are going to give birth in Moscow or St. Petersburg, then there really is something to look at. There are many options, and it is worth collecting detailed information about the various obstetric institutions in advance. In the end, in the place where you choose, you should have a feeling of absolute safety, confidence in your abilities and complete trust in doctors and midwives. Listen to your intuition. If, for example, a clinic with all its medical equipment instills fear in you, it is better to look around for a suitable alternative. Find out, as much as possible, about all the advantages and disadvantages of those medical institutions that come into your field of vision. The more you know and the more confident you make your choice, the calmer and safer you will feel as you set off towards a great and exciting event.

It seems that childbirth is not soon. But this is just the time to find a suitable place for the birth. It is necessary to book in advance as the number of places is limited. Discuss this issue with your spouse, your friends and, of course, with the doctor who is watching you. Your sense of security and trust during childbirth is the main criterion.

When to register?

Registering is one of the main tasks. In France, expectant mothers are registered in maternity hospitals in advance due to the limited number of places in the latter. In Russia, prior registration at the maternity hospital is not required. But it is necessary to register as early as possible at the antenatal clinic, where they will set up an exchange card and conduct the necessary research.

Only 20% of babies arrive right on time!

Once you find out about pregnancy, you will immediately want to plan everything.

Indeed, your life and the choices offered to you would be much easier if you could know the exact date of your due date, but it’s not that simple! Childbirth is possible between 35 and 40 weeks, and most babies do not arrive on time!

Criteria for selecting a place for childbirth


In France, there is no territorial restriction when registering at a maternity hospital: you can give birth in any clinic of your choice, even if it is not in your city. In reality, distance is one of the first criteria to consider. It is advisable to avoid a situation when you have another hour to go, and you have contractions - shaking in the car will only aggravate the situation! Even without considering that the stress of a long trip itself can trigger Day X, the proximity of the hospital has other benefits as well.

Before childbirth - this will allow you to attend mandatory consultations without spending a lot of time on the road. After giving birth, this will allow the dad, especially if there are older children, not to waste time running back and forth. He will be able to spend the saved time with you and your baby!

Personnel qualifications

The choice is made on the basis of various criteria and your own preferences: someone feels more comfortable surrounded by numerous Medical personnel, someone would rather prefer a small institution, and someone chooses according to the degree of comfort. Indeed, a clinic where a large number of childbirths are carried out gives a feeling of reliability, but at the same time, the medical staff is not able to pay much attention to each YOUNG mother and answer many questions that arise after childbirth. A breastfeeding consultation (if you choose to breastfeed) and primary newborn care will give you the confidence to go home in peace. In small medical institutions, the attendants are, as a rule, more free.

Regarding the medical staff in general and the duty team in particular: if the clinic conducts less than 1,500 births per year, then the obstetrician-gynecologist is not on duty all the time. Otherwise, the team is present 24 hours a day. The most optimal thing is to first ask the questions you are interested in about the night duty team (obstetrician, anesthesiologist, pediatrician).

In a private clinic, an obstetrician-gynecologist is invited quite often. In state maternity hospitals, it is called only if surgery is necessary (for example, the imposition of forceps or a cesarean section). In all other cases, midwives are on duty all the time, day and night, in all maternity hospitals, public or private, that will help you deliver your baby. If you want to use epidural anesthesia, it is advisable to first make sure that it is used in this medical institution and that either the anesthesiologist is constantly present or there is a possibility of calling it.

Length of stay at the clinic

It is also helpful to know the average length of your stay at the clinic. With the increased occupancy of places, which happens in hospitals, the length of stay is usually short (three days). In France, in small institutions, the mother is observed for four days after giving birth. In Russia, depending on the region, the length of stay in the hospital after physiological childbirth is from 3 to 5 days.

Preparing for childbirth

Courses are held in both public and private institutions. However, they can take different forms, depending, again, on your choice. There are different types: the so-called painless childbirth, or psychoprophylaxis, the basis of which lies in the elimination of fear and tension during childbirth, relaxation, breathing. Others are based on sophrology, during which expectant mothers learn to relax with breathing and "visualize" parts of their body. Some maternity hospitals practice prenatal singing, which also relies on breathing techniques and singing vocalizations using low sounds to reduce pain levels. And finally, haptonomy, which consists in establishing an emotional bond between you, your husband and your baby being born through special contact.

It is important to know if there are preparatory courses you are interested in in the maternity hospital where you want to give birth.


If you want to have a toilet and shower in your ward, it is advisable to give birth in a private clinic. The same about the possibility of sharing a room with someone - this is the cry of another child and your neighbor's visitors. In private institutions there are more individual wards. There are fewer of them in hospitals, and they are logically intended for women with difficult childbirth.

Your questions

Can the father attend the birth in the event of a caesarean section? Are there any restrictions on visiting hours? Is it possible to take care of a child in my ward if I have a changing table or do I need to go to a common room with him? Ask, ask questions. If you are interested in a special type of childbirth - in the water or on your knees - check if this is practiced in this institution.

Finally, check if there is an opportunity to visit the maternity hospital before delivery: sometimes it helps - to get to know the place in advance. Rare establishments do not practice this. In such cases, expectant mothers and fathers are handed a handbook containing additional information.

If possible, visit the maternity hospital where you plan to give birth - this will help you make the final choice.

European Pregnancy Surveillance System

In France, Switzerland and Belgium, maternity hospital systems are basically the same, everywhere there is a difference between public and private - a matter of preferences and availability of money. Everywhere there is a classification of maternity hospitals from I to III, depending on the presence of neonatal teams.

Level I, II or III?

French maternity hospitals are classified in three levels. Level I assumes the management of simple labor without complications. For example, they are not designed to accommodate preterm labor. Maternity hospitals of the II level have a neonatal department, where mainly patients with a threat of pregnancy are admitted. Level III maternity hospitals are equipped with a neonatal intensive care unit, they are connected in case of serious fetal disorders. As a rule, this is associated with ultra-premature birth, from 6 months of pregnancy.

The choice is dictated by medical considerations

Medical observation of your pregnancy can also serve as a criterion when choosing a maternity hospital. If the pregnancy is proceeding normally, if you are not expecting twins or triplets, you can enroll in a public (or private) maternity hospital of I or II level. Otherwise, your obstetrician-gynecologist will be able to guide you, or provide you with the best possible level of care, based on the results of primary perinatal examinations or drawing conclusions during pregnancy, and ensure that your newborn receives the necessary care, even if problems arise. A maternity hospital of level III should be guided right away if one of your previous pregnancies was abnormal.

In Russia, there are specialized maternity hospitals, maternity hospitals at large multidisciplinary hospitals; maternity hospitals specializing in delivering women with a stand or other pathology (infections, chronic diseases, etc.). Each maternity hospital has an admission ward, antenatal wards, physiological maternity wards, postnatal wards and wards for children. Also, all Russian maternity hospitals have an operating and observational department - for infected or unexamined women in labor.

Who can help you choose?

  • First of all, you should listen to the opinion of your gynecologist, especially if he is also your obstetrician: he may offer you to give birth in the hospital in which he works. Otherwise, he can recommend you those maternity hospitals where his colleagues work, with whom he has already worked.
  • Do not be afraid to ask questions about the maternity hospital you are interested in - your gynecologist, in the maternity hospital itself, or your friends who have already had experience of giving birth in this institution.

Home birth

Cases of home births both in France and in Russia are very rare (less than 1% of women choose this option). Home births have their fans and their opponents. For the former, a familiar environment, the presence of loved ones, plays an important role; Home comfort and intimacy give the woman in labor a sense of security and peace - provided she is willing to do without epidural anesthesia. The midwife also has a positive effect - the same person who observes you during pregnancy and in the postpartum period.

The negative factor, outweighing all the positive, here is a serious risk of complications. There is always a risk, even minimal, during childbirth. Neither caesarean section nor resuscitation at home is possible.

Russian doctors, as a rule, strongly discourage home birth. Most doctors, among other reasons, call it a fact that in the conditions of our country you can simply not have time to get to the obstetric institution in case of complications. Remember that giving birth at home puts your life and your baby's life at great risk.

From a practical point of view ...

If you do choose to give birth at home, you should find a midwife who either lives or works close to you, has experience in giving birth at home and can either call your obstetrician-gynecologist or transport you to the maternity hospital if complications are found. It is necessary to regularly attend obligatory consultations and sessions of preparation for childbirth.

Netherlands, unique model

Unlike other European countries, home birth in the Netherlands is the rule rather than the exception. But there are strict rules: sanitary and geographic. Only women with a normal pregnancy can give birth at home. The maternity hospital must be close to the house - less than 30 minutes' journey in order to quickly deliver the mother and child in case of complications.

Less favorable conditions

In France, this combination of circumstances is rare: a small number of midwives practice at home, in the absence of appropriate qualifications. In addition, maternity hospitals do not operate in emergency mode. There are strict restrictions for home births: you cannot give birth at home if you have a history of caesarean section or if the baby's presentation is incorrect.

Department "Home childbirth"

This service is provided to women who prefer to give birth at home. Similar branches exist in many European countries, but in France they take root with difficulty. The first branch appeared in the United States 30 years ago. Canada, Germany, Switzerland took up the initiative. Today these special maternity hospitals exist in Austria, Great Britain, Italy, Spain, Belgium. Centers have also appeared in Russia that offer a similar service. But the majority of Russian obstetricians and gynecologists express concern that, given our realities, it is very difficult to hope for adequate support for home births.

What it is

The idea is to use the capabilities of physiology in conditions as close to home as possible, with all their advantages and disadvantages. You can give birth in the most comfortable position for you - on your knees or while sitting in a bath of warm water.

How it works

For the most part, such childbirth is individually supported, taking into account all the characteristics of pregnancy. The birth is carried out by a midwife who observes the patient until the end of the postpartum period. Technical support in such facilities is limited: for example, there is no epidural and general anesthesia. The midwife has a minimum of: a control monitor, equipment for blood transfusion, material for suturing in case of episiotomy. After giving birth, the mother and baby stay in the clinic for 24 hours. For further monitoring, the midwife makes home visits. All of these options vary depending on the type of hospital.

Safety during childbirth

All women, undoubtedly, cannot give birth in such, even pseudo-domestic, conditions. With any suspicion of pathology, both in the mother and in the fetus, a doctor takes the place of a midwife, and childbirth is taken in an ordinary maternity hospital. If the problem arises during childbirth, the woman in labor is transported to a medical facility, where everything is available to provide appropriate assistance. That is why Home Childbirth departments always exist at well-equipped maternity hospitals and work closely with other medical institutions and practitioners. In other countries, such units are a chance for women who would like to give birth at home but live too far from maternity hospitals in the region.

Several attempts in France

In France, this home birth format is in the project stage. Attempts to create such institutions, funded by private foundations, have been, but unsuccessful. However, midwives, midwives and maternity hospitals are ready to work in this mode. All the complexity lies in the legal aspect: the need to obtain a special status and insurance for midwives. In addition, the creation of such a medical structure requires substantial investments and a real desire on the part of the state.

Childbirth abroad

The development of so-called medical tourism in recent years has led to the fact that more and more women, including from Russia, are sent to give birth abroad.

The advantages of this approach include the developed infrastructure of gynecological and obstetric clinics in the USA, Israel, Germany, France and other European countries; often better quality of medical care and friendly attitude of the medical staff.

The disadvantages, of course, include the high cost. In order not to miss the due date, you will have to go to the clinic in advance, and this will require a lot of money. It is good if there is an opportunity to get around visa difficulties, for example, if there are close relatives abroad. But what if you have to receive it in the general order? In some countries (USA, Canada) there is a rule according to which citizenship is assigned to a child at birth. Even if you and your partner only have a Russian passport, a baby born in a clinic in Boston or Montreal will receive a different status from yours. Accordingly, the requirements for obtaining a visa for the mother of a child in this case will be the most severe. And again you will have to pay a lot of money.

Of course, you can choose a visa-free destination for childbirth (for example, Israel), but this significantly narrows the possibilities for getting exactly what you want during childbirth ...

Some women, especially those who advocate the natural approach, believe that abroad they can find a home midwife who will take care of the birth in a sparing manner. However, they will be disappointed: in order to make sure that the woman is healthy and can give birth at home, midwives have a lot of conversations with her. There is a specificity in the informational preparation for home birth.

German women in labor are given the following advice: if the birth is really planned at home, you need to find yourself a midwife as early as possible - between the 12th and 20th weeks of pregnancy. For the remaining time, the mother and her future helper in childbirth will have time to get to know each other closely and imbued with mutual trust, which is important for the intimate atmosphere of home childbirth. The midwife will be able to study the individual characteristics of the pregnant woman, she will know what to look for in the first place, what she likes and what she doesn't. In order to give you good advice on organizing childbirth, taking into account all your wishes, she should imagine in every detail the situation at home, get to know the partner of the pregnant woman. Then the birth will acquire the unique character of a family event, and the expectant mother will be able to immerse herself in an atmosphere full of love and understanding.

Thus, you need to visit a home midwife throughout pregnancy, and routine supervision in an antenatal clinic or even a paid center will not replace this. So just take, make a decision on the last date and give birth at home is unlikely to work.

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