Report on work with parents. Working with parents-report Annual report on working with parents

Antipyretics for children are prescribed by a pediatrician. But there are emergency situations for fever when the child needs to be given medicine immediately. Then the parents take responsibility and use antipyretic drugs. What is allowed to give to infants? How can you bring down the temperature in older children? What medicines are the safest?

report on work with parents in the middle group

for 2013-2014 academic year.

educator: Bocharova V.A.MBDOU "D / S No. 7" Fun "

The system of interaction with the families of pupils is based on the idea that parents are responsible for the upbringing of children, and all others are called upon to support and supplement their educational activities (Law "On Education", Article 18) and the principle of cooperation and interaction is important here.

In doing so, I perform the following tasks:

  • improving the pedagogical culture of parents;
  • involvement of parents in the life of the kindergarten through the search and implementation of the most effective forms of work;
  • studying the family and establishing contacts with its members to coordinate the educational impact on the child;

I use a differentiated approach when organizing work with parents. This includes mutual trust in the relationship between the teacher and parents and the observance of tact, sensitivity, responsiveness towards parents, and taking into account the uniqueness of the living conditions of each family, the age of the parents, the level of preparedness in matters of education; a combination of an individual approach to each family with the organization of work with all the parents of the group.

The group created a parent club chaired by Kuznetsova O.V.,Meeting of the parent club - 1 time in 3 months. These are round table discussions and small groups, where parents exchange experiences in education, etc. . Communicate through the Internet, mobile communications. In the parental corner, monthly information is issued to help parents., On the development of speech, safety, health, traffic rules .... Questioning was regularly conducted on various exciting topics (nutrition, health improvement, speech development, theatrical activities .... etc.) .). 96% of parents are completely satisfied with the work of educators with pupils. A social survey conducted on the subject of interaction between kindergarten teachers and parents showed that: 85% of the parents surveyed believe that teachers can help with advice, and they themselves should act; 10% of the surveyed parents are responsible for education children are equally entrusted to themselves and the teachers of the preschool educational institution; 5% of the parents surveyed entrust the care of raising a child to teachers. On the basis of the museum Chivilikhin, the holidays "Maslenitsa", "Easter" were held. (An article about the event was published in the local newspaper "Forward" and on the website of the House-Museum and the kindergarten. The play area was replenished (toys, NPI, puzzles, constructors). balls, hoops, skipping ropes, non-traditional equipment). Ilya 1st place in the competition "Fire Engines". Participated in the competition of crafts for Easter (in the local history museum of our city) Alexei Tkachenko, Liza Maksimova, Polina Verbenko became winners .. They took prizes in All-Russian competitions of quizzes. Meshcheryakova Arina 1st place."Cartoon cats.")

In September . Consultation "Crisis 4-5 years", group meeting "Development of children's speech" where the features of the development of pupils were revealed. "" Theatrical activities "Great help (chairman of the parent committee Klimova E.A. providing sponsorship in the purchase of sand sets. , toys, theater puppets. album with photos of parents and children "Healthy" (Mustafakulova N.K., Popova N.B.) Creation of the album "Temper to start", creation of the corner "My toys".

In October I had an individual consultation based on the diagnostic results. A workshop on traffic rules was conducted by traffic police officer O.G. Pivovarova, “On the way to kindergarten and back”, where various situations were revealed. .Consultation "How to properly organize the communication of children with parents and other family members." Creation of the album "My family" (Nosatova Z.V.), "Professions of our mothers" (Petrova I.V., Tkacheva O.V.). Creation of a corner of solitude “Waiting for my mother”, assistance in creating a card file “Nursery rhymes, songs and lullabies of my family” (Tkachenko G.S., Myachina E.E.) Card file of games on theatrical activities. ", and here, together with parents, a tea party "Over the samovar". Exhibition of parent-child drawing "Golden Autumn" (1st place was taken by the work of Lavrichenko Leni, 2nd place was shared by Tsubeks Rinata and Frolov Egor, 3rd place was Pafanova Elvira and Okhotin Kirill) Joint activities of parents and children on the excursion "To the garden!" (mother and grandmother of Salimov Sultana) Participation of parents in the design of the "Knowledge" zone on the theme "Autumn" Exhibition of handicrafts "Autumn Vernissage.!".

In November : individual consultations "Features of the development of a child 4-5 years old", "How to organize a theater at home." Together with the parents, the holiday "Mother's Day" was held with the release of the wall newspaper "Love for the Motherland begins with love for your mother." (parents of Mustafakulov, Klimov, Stupin) Exhibition of children's art "Do-it-yourself toys" Enrichment of play areas with modern toys and games, educational discs (Klimova, Kuznetsova, Okhotina helped to purchase toys).

In December the following events were held: an exhibition of information for parents of the Home Alone group. Consultations "Cultivating habits in a child", "Formation of a game library "little geniuses at home"". Participation of parents in preparation for the contest "The Best Winter Town" (each at his own house). A competition "New Year's toy" was held (1st place Nosatova Katya, 2nd place Maksimova Lisa, 3rd place Petrov Vova), an exhibition of children's drawings "Santa Claus and Children". Competition of poems "Visiting Grandfather Frost". Participation of parents in the preparation of the New Year's theatrical performance "Fabulous Adventures for the New Year." (Stupina N.V., Shadrin A.A., Lavrichenko N.V.) Participation in the competition of drawings of city, regional, regional and federal levels, where they took pride of place with the presentation of diplomas. (Nosatova Katya, Bazhenova Ulya, Myachin Nikita)

In January , uniting in small groups, parents with children and educators went skiing into the forest, Alena Korosteleva's father organized skiing on a snowstorm, thereby continuing to heal our children. A parent-teacher meeting was held on the topic “Education of independence in children” (Lenya Lavrichenko's mother). And how can we forget "Carols", the parents of our children working at the distillery, greeted and generously thanked the carolers. Individually held consultations on intermediate diagnostics with each parent. Winter competitions have been held. Participation in the competition "Winter Patterns", "Animals in Winter", the environmental poster competition "Take care of birds and animals in winter" (Bondareva O.G., Tkacheva E.K., Frolova N.S., Popova N.M.). The participation of children in the city competition "We made a feeder, we opened a canteen" brought us good prizes (1st place for Leni Lavrichenko.) Parents made and hung feeders in the park (Nosatov, Kuznetsov, Salimov). The competition "Zimushka" was held, a competition of songs and poems about winter. (1st place Katya Nosatova, 2nd Sasha Rodin, 3rd place shared by Ilya Dektyarev and Dasha Terletskaya) Parents Shadrina D.E., Rodina L.A., Stupina N.V.

In February with dads, a game production was held “Aty-bats, we are soldiers!” (dads Lenya L., Vova P., Sasha T.). Sports competitions with dads were a success.) After the holiday, traditional snowmobiling (Korostelev S.A.). A workshop "Games that heal" was held. Information about the role of the father in the life of the child appeared in the parent's corner. The album “We are friends with dad!” . The collection of vehicles "Military equipment" has been assembled and is being replenished. By the day of the defenders of the fatherland, an exhibition of children's and parental creativity was held (Shadrin. A.Yu., Nosatov A.A.) A garden grew on the windowsill. The observation of seedlings was interesting. All spring, the children ate green onions, which they themselves grew!

In March. With the advent of spring, three big events were held together with the parents. In early March, traditionally "Shrovetide." I managed to attract parents, developed a script together with the Chivilikhin House-Museum. For the holiday "March 8", parents together with their children taught songs and danced round dances, after the holiday there was a traditional tea party "At the samovar". Parents' Committee Kuznetsova O.V., Klimova K.T. released the album "All kinds of mothers are important" (by profession). Stan. newspaper "Mommy Beloved" with photographs. Exhibition of works "Skillful hands", crafts "Grandmother's hands do not know boredom", a personal exhibition of Bazhenova's mother Ulyana "Knitted dolls.". An exhibition of folk art was organized. Every week we invited the grandmothers of our children. Myachina told how beautiful mittens are spun and knitted, Makhmadzhanova brought embroidery, Verbenko told about birch bark craftsmen, Terletskaya brought her collection of whistles. Drawing competition "Here she is painted!". (Prize gifts were received by Nosatova K., Terletskaya D, and Rodin S

In April parents rendered all possible assistance in holding the Vesnyanka holiday. Arina's grandmother came with a huge basket. Children guessed riddles, danced round dances, played folk games. An exhibition of children's art "Birds are our friends", "We are astronauts" was held. We took part in the city competition "We are astronauts". and Tamerlan A. took 3rd place. Competition of drawings and crafts "Spring is coming." Ilya D., Karina S., Lenya L., Katya N. became the winners.

May- these are May holidays, and chores in the garden. They designed a gallery of paintings on the military theme "Victory Day", decorated the windows with doves, flowers and ribbons, salutes, flags. And they also did not forget about the Easter exhibition of crafts (Tkachenko). The summer theme also appeared on the walls of the newspaper “Ah, this is summer!” with photos. In the parent corner, information about the summer "How to protect yourself from insect bites", "Poisonous plants", "Sunburn", "Heat stroke" "Games and entertainment in the sandbox" "Outdoor games in the country" Organized exhibition "Flowers in the Meadow". Sowing of flower seeds was carried out together with the parents (mother of Lisa M, Leni M, Arina M.). How to take an ecological walk with a baby. A survey "Kindergarten through the eyes of parents" was conducted. Photo session "Children's Games in the Summer" photos are posted in the walls of the newspaper (mother of Arina M, Yulia M. Diana Sh). Together we conduct excursions, trips to the meadow, the river. Conducted admiring nature in different meteorological conditions "Nature has no bad weather." We listen to the sounds of nature on DVD (the sound of rain, the voices of birds, etc.). Excursion to the garden, where grandmothers and mothers will always come to the rescue, tell about gardening (grandmother and mother of Salimov Sultana). And traditionally a large game program "Holiday of Childhood", with a close relationship between the city KDO "Holiday" and the House-Museum named after Chivilikhin

Only by joint efforts can certain results be achieved.


Parents : My most important achievement in my work is that a trusting atmosphere reigns in our group, educators and parents together solve the main single task: educating a free, developed, responsible person, ready for life in society and in society. Be part of the life of the group and kindergarten.

Teachers: N direct involvement of parents in the activities of the kindergarten. The desire to stimulate in children and parents a true interest in useful activities, various games, joint physical and mental labor.

Children: Bringing children and parents closer, developing self-confidence, broadening their horizons, enjoying working together, feeling comfortable,to form cognitive activity in children, the desire to learn as much as possible, to apply their knowledge in practice. In the future, this will allow children to know an active life position.

Report "Working with parents on the formation of moral and patriotic education in children of the middle group."

2013-14 academic year year.

Educator: Bocharova V.A. MBDOU "D / S No. 7" Fun "

The education of the foundations of morality in preschool children is a complex and lengthy process. Love for close people, for kindergarten, for his native city and native country play a huge role in the development of a child's personality. The moral and patriotic education of the younger generation is one of the most urgent tasks of our time, which requires implementation through a new approach to the education and upbringing of children, the organization of the entire educational process. Education should be direct, developing, enrich the child with knowledge, form cognitive interests and abilities. It is necessary to understand how we want to educate patriotism in children: a sense of love for the Motherland, a small motherland, one's relatives, respect for adults, to introduce children to nature, life, history, and culture of their native land.

aim my work is the improvement of moral education, the development of the child's personal culture, as the basis of his love for the motherland. But do not forget that the development of moral qualities in children depends, first of all, on the parents, on how they raise him, what impressions they enrich. The family plays a decisive role in the preschool period, when the personality of the child is laid down and later it has a decisive role in raising social and political consciousness, hard work. Unfortunately, many parents do not consider it necessary to educate a patriot, they believe that these feelings appear on their own at an older age hope for kindergarten. But do not forget that the work on the formation of the foundations of patriotism in children is more effective if a close relationship is established with the parents of the children. Parents are great and active helpers of the kindergarten. Therefore, we work in cooperation: parents-children-kindergarten, because education should go together for a greater impact on the child. It is important to teach children how to behave nobly from childhood. The feeling of the Motherland begins with the attitude to the family, to the closest people - father, mother, grandmother, grandfather. Each family has its own characteristics, traditions, such as celebrating the New Year together, birthdays, preparing gifts for each other, all this thoroughly and gradually enters the social experience of the child, as the most precious memories that you want to relive again. Holidays and traditions are important a feature of the moral and patriotic education of children. Parents together with their children participate in entertainment, leisure activities, holidays that have become traditions of the preschool educational institution: "Defender of the Fatherland Day", "Children's Day" and others, in the design of photo exhibitions and exhibitions of children's art "Gifts of Autumn", "New Year" , "Russian fairy tales and poems." A lot of work is being done for Victory Day. We conduct classes: “Their names will not be silenced by glory”, “Cities are heroes”, “Children and war”. In a group, together with children and parents, we draw up a corner “We remember ...”. Love for the Motherland begins small - with love for the mother, with respect for people, from the home, the street. We are doing a lot of work with children and parents on the International Day of March 8, Mother's Day. We make gifts, postcards, invitations to holidays, organize exhibitions of drawings "My beloved Mom", we hold a holiday dedicated to Mother's Day. These activities help bring parents closer to their children, create a joyful and cheerful atmosphere, and emphasize the primacy of truth. We do not forget and participate with children and parents in the national holidays "Maslenitsa", "Easter". In the process of working on the holiday, children learn a lot about Russian customs and traditions. Great opportunities for patriotic influence also lie in music, folk musical works in the classroom, at leisure, music classes and holidays introduce children to the customs and life of the Russian people, work, respect for nature, love of life, sense of humor. We pay a lot of attention to working on the concept of “family”, we hold ethical conversations about the family, about close relatives, children make up stories about their parents, about how they relax together. For parents, consultations have been prepared “A holiday has come to the house”, “Moral and patriotic education of preschoolers”, “The role of family traditions and customs in raising children”, “A fairy tale as a means of patriotic education”, etc. A corner “My Motherland” has been created in the group, where photo albums “You are my beloved land - my native Mariinsk”, the flag of Russia, the portrait of the president, didactic games of a patriotic orientation “Folk crafts”, “Traveling around the city”, “Make a pattern”, “Find and name” are presented. We also invite parents to participate in the collection and replenishment of the expositions of this corner in the group. An important role in the organization of work on this topic belongs to the game, the main activity of the preschooler. Children in the role-playing games "Family", "Library", "Tour of the city", "Building a city" beat household, labor, social plots. Dramatization games based on the fairy tales “The Wolf and the Seven Kids”, “Gingerbread Man”, “Turnip”, “Frost”, “Three Little Pigs”, “Sister Alyonushka and Brother Ivanushka”, the use of puppet, table theater types. Through all the games, the moral, patriotic, physical education of children runs like a red line. Theatrical activities and games help children express their emotions vividly, express their benevolent attitude towards the natural world, the world around them. They made excursions around their native city, to the museum of local lore, the house-museum of them. Chivilikhin, to the monuments of military glory, where we introduce children to the monuments, sights of the city, its history of the name of the city, we bring up interest in the past and present events of the city. Acquaintance with their native city evokes positive feelings and emotions in children, the desire and desire of the child to portray what he heard and saw. Children are explorers by nature. Thirst for new experiences, curiosity, a constant desire to experiment, independently seek the truth extends to all areas of children's activities. Therefore, classes were held where children could independently explore some problem: “Where did the bread come from on the table? ”, “Grandmother Arina’s chest”, “Our strength is in unity”. Working with children and their parents, I try to form cognitive activity in children, the desire to learn as much as possible, to apply their knowledge in practice. In the future, this will allow children to know an active life position. For more targeted and effective work with parents and children, we study and use methodological literature, and developed a plan for the patriotic education of children. The upbringing of patriotic feelings is a set of universal values: the concepts of love, friendship, kindness, truth merge with cognitive activity, ideas about modern reality, and an active and practical attitude to the world. Each person needs to know the native nature, history and culture of the people to which he belongs, his place in the world around him. The education of moral and patriotic feelings is and will be one of the main components of the education of a small citizen. In the future, we plan to continue working on this topic, since morality and patriotism are the main feature of the people, it helps to cultivate feelings of love for the native land and the world around. And it depends on us, adults, what our children will be like, what they will carry away from childhood.


Parents: . For more targeted and effective work with parents and children, we study and use methodological literature, developed a plan for the moral and patriotic education of children. We give parents recommendations on what games to play at home, how to spend the holidays with the benefit of children.

Children : Work on moral and patriotic education is also carried out through familiarization with fiction. We collected poems, fairy tales, stories about the Motherland, history, life, culture of our native land, we read to children during classes on this topic, in our free time, we look at pictures, we have conversations.

Teacher: In my work on the education of morality and patriotism in children, I use the works of oral folk art, as it is the richest source of cognitive and moral development. In proverbs, sayings, fairy tales, epics, various life positions are aptly assessed, shortcomings are ridiculed, and the positive qualities of people are praised.

Educational work in this direction contributes to the socialization of children, their awareness of themselves as future parents, strengthens relationships in the family, and forms a position towards family values.

In the 2015-2016 academic year, parental lectures are held for parents, the topics of which are diverse. School-wide thematic meetings:

  • "The school is mine, yours, ours"
  • "Joint work of the family and the school to form the safe life of students"
  • "Suicide Prevention Among Adolescents"
  • "Responsibility of minors and parents for committing offenses"
  • "The role of parents in the process of choosing a profession and self-determination of children"
  • How to motivate your child for successful learning activities »
  • "Children's health is in our hands"
  • "Legal and economic protection of the personality of the child"
  • "Family - the basis of the spiritual and moral education of children"
  • "Prevention of drug addiction among adolescents"
  • "Family Day" (summer vacation for children, traffic rules, director's report on the work of the school for the year, organizational issues)

The School-wide Parents' Committee (composed of the chairmen of the Parents' Committees of the classes) held its meetings once a month. At the meetings, issues of education and upbringing, the safety of schoolchildren, assistance to families in a socially dangerous situation, the preparation and holding of school-wide holidays, the provision of students with educational and fiction literature, school repairs, and plans for the next academic year are considered. Parent-teacher conferences are held regularly. From the side of the school, parents of students are constantly provided with possible assistance. These are, first of all, pedagogical consultations, parent meetings, individual conversations about the characteristics of age and methods of approach to raising a child, on the prevention of suicide, the use of psychoactive substances, neglect and delinquency, the preservation and promotion of health, i.e. pedagogical education of parents.

  • Participation in the City Guardian's Day.
  • Exhibition of drawings dedicated to Mother's Day.
  • Participation in the regional competition of postcards and photographs "Oh, how wonderful - this is the word mom!".
  • Joint trips of students and parents to theaters, on excursions to Moscow, Kostroma, Yaroslavl, Pereslavl-Zalessky.
  • Assistance of parents in landscaping the school territory and other sponsorship.
  • Holiday "Success of the student."
  • Regional campaign "White Flower" to assist the Trinity Church in the city of Yakhroma.
  • Participation in family competitions of various kinds (sports, art)
  • Active participation of parents in the educational process of the school (visiting district events, open lessons, holidays, class hours at school).

Individual work is carried out with the parents of students who need constant monitoring.

Natalya Strokun
Working with parents-report

Trying to raise children without help and support from the family is like picking leaves with a rake in a strong wind .... "

A. V. Sukhomlinsky.

Preschool childhood is a unique period in a person's life. When the child's personality is formed, at the same time, this is the period during which the child is completely dependent on the surrounding adults - parents and teachers. In accordance with the law of the Russian Federation "On education" and model provision "About preschool educational institution", one of the tasks facing the preschool educational institution is interaction with the family to ensure the full development of the child. The current pedagogical practice convincingly shows that the inclusion parents in the process of raising a child together with teachers is the most effective means of proper development of the baby. The interaction between the kindergarten and the family should be considered as a two-way process: "Kindergarten-family" a process aimed at optimizing the influence of the family and the child through improving the pedagogical culture parents helping them; "Family for Kindergarten"- a process characterized by the inclusion parents in educational kindergarten work. Any pedagogical system without a family is a pure abstraction. The family determines the level and content of the emotional and social development of the child, here the moral experience of the little person is formed. The humanistic orientation of modern preschool education involves cooperation with the families of pupils, attracting parents to participate in the life of the kindergarten allows you to combine efforts for the development and upbringing of children and provides mutual assistance in solving emerging problems. Parents at the same time, the life of the child in kindergarten opens up more fully, and the employees of the preschool educational institution strive to involve them in the pedagogical process and make them participants

all ongoing activities. Our preschool institution has professional knowledge to help the family raise and develop a child, maintain and strengthen family ties, and introduce them to universal values. The traditional form of interaction between the teaching staff of a preschool institution and the family is combined today in new social conditions with variable innovative technologies for organizing the interaction of preschool teachers with parents of pupils. Whole system work in the preschool educational institution is aimed at accepting the family as the first and most important actor in the upbringing and education of preschoolers.

Features of the interaction of the teaching staff with the families of pupils (legal representatives)

Target: creating the necessary conditions for the formation of responsible relationships with the families of pupils and the development of competence parents(the ability to resolve different types of socio-pedagogical situations related to the upbringing of the child); enforcement of the right parents for respect and understanding, for participation in the life of the kindergarten; teaching specific techniques and methods of healing, hardening, development of the child in various activities.


Formation of psychological and pedagogical knowledge parents;

Communion parents to participate in the life of the preschool educational institution;

Assistance to families of preschool children in the development, upbringing and education of children;

Studying and promoting the best family experience;

Increasing family support;

Strengthening the responsibility of the family for the upbringing of the younger generation;


A unified approach to the process of raising a child;

Openness of the preschool institution;

Mutual trust in the relationship between teachers and parents;

Respect and goodwill towards each other;

Differentiated approach to each family;

Equal Responsibility parents and teachers;

mutual assistance;

Trust relationship;



System of interaction with parents is:

Familiarization parents with the results of the work of the preschool educational institution at general parent meetings, participation analysis parental the public in the life of the preschool educational institution;

Familiarization parents with the content of the work of the preschool educational institution aimed at the physical, mental and social development of the child;

Participation in the compilation plans: sports and cultural events, work of the parent committee;

Purposeful Work which promotes public preschool education in its various forms;

Teaching specific techniques and methods of raising and developing a child in various types of children's activities at seminars - workshops, consultations and open classes, for this there are different directions: visual-informational, leisure, organization of an open day.

The visual-information direction includes the organization in groups parental corners, folders-movers, photo exhibitions. The visual-information direction is designed to convey in an accessible form to parents all the information about the life of children in the garden, tactfully remind about parental duties and responsibilities.

One of the most important tasks of its work I think involvement parents in the life of the kindergarten. To solve this problem, it is necessary to study the interests and needs of the family, to inform parents about what happens in the group and in kindergarten, engage in psychological and pedagogical education, involve the family in joint activities. To do this, I conduct a survey parents, in order to clarify the requests for education, identify the interest and individual characteristics of children. Therefore, the main role in any form of organization of interaction with parents I devote to sociological surveys, questionnaires, testing. This Work was passed through the following topics:

-"Healthy lifestyle in the family"

- "The well-being of your child in the group"

-"What is patriotic education"

Need to introduce parents to each other rally them into a team with common goals. To do this, I organized and conducted "Round Table Meetings", "Oral Journal", "Family Club".

I exercise work on interaction with families of preschoolers through a variety of forms. From practice work DOE identified two types of joint work: joint activities of teachers and parents: parent meetings, conferences, consultations, talks, evenings for parents, thematic exhibitions, meetings with the administration, home visits, parental committee; collaborative activities for teachers parents and children: open days, quizzes, holidays, family competitions, newspapers, concerts, decoration of the group and summer veranda, competitions, improvement of the preschool educational institution and the territory.

I use in my work traditional and non-traditional forms of communication with parents, the essence of which is to enrich their pedagogical knowledge. Traditional forms are divided into collective, individual and visual information. Collective forms are parent meetings, conferences, round tables.

In his work adhere to the principle that parental meeting - this way of interaction between the educator and parent on any current issue. I also believe that any meeting should be unusual, non-traditional, it should be held like a holiday, like a game. Need to form a team parents because with the group work easier and more efficiently. As a teacher, I seriously prepare for each meeting. I try to arrange the meeting in such a way that I can become a partner from a lecturer parents. I try to diversify the agenda of the meeting, taking into account the wishes parents. I form the topic in a problematic way; For example:

Is your child ready for school;

Features of the development of the child;

Healthy lifestyle in the family;

How to play with a child;

What is punishment;

How to encourage preschooler success.

Having built an asset and a friendly relationship between parents, I strive to strengthen the educational process, find support for my pedagogical endeavors and creativity, which ultimately has a positive effect on the development of children. One way to create a good microclimate is to plant parents in a circle; Thus, everyone takes an equal position, and it is precisely the dialogue between the educator and parent so I practice in my work such forms as: round table, parent conferences, pedagogical lounge, mini-interview. Many parents they are embarrassed to ask questions that interest them, and then worry that they do not receive complete information about the educational process and everyday moments. For this I use "basket of questions". In this case, the situation of understatement and uncertainty disappears.

One of my main focuses work is a systematic advisory and educational work among parents to transfer knowledge, the formation of relevant ideas and practical skills in parents in the field of child development. In order to parents heard the teacher I have learned to connect with them. At the same time, it should be understood that not all of them have a high level of psychological and pedagogical culture, take their role responsibly and are ready to cooperate with a preschool teacher. Therefore, I focus on interests and requests parents.

My Work for interaction with parents is built in a certain sequence, which consists of three stages: information-analytical, practical and evaluative. Thematic consultations are offered to answer all questions of interest parents. The main purpose of consultations is parents make sure that in kindergarten they can get support and advice. I offer consultations on a variety of topical topics related to the education and training of my pupils:

- "How to Lead a Healthy Lifestyle"

- Is your child able to overcome difficulties?

- "How to use hardening paths in the family"

- "What kind of library does a first grader need"

- "Summer children's clothing and headwear"

- "The role of family traditions in shaping the personality of the child"

- "Consultations on life safety"

One form of involvement parents in the educational process are "Open Days". Parents once a month have the opportunity to participate in the educational process. There is an acquaintance parents with kindergarten life, "turning on" parents in the general activities of children and teachers, participation in games, organized educational activities, acquaintance with the traditions of preschool educational institutions. This form work promotes unity, partnership of children, parents and educator.

Every year, the kindergarten hosts thematic exhibitions of crafts and drawings of children, parents and teachers at the preschool level and district:

- "Gifts of Autumn"

- "Easter in the Kuban family"

- "Hands of our mothers and grandmothers"

"The most original hat"

- "Guest-Herringbone"

-"Spring motives"

"Technology of the future" (to the day of cosmonautics)

-"Exhibition of newspapers and drawings"

- "My dad is a soldier"

-"We are together"

-"We remember the Victory"

-"Golden Autumn"

-"Hot summer of Kuban".

I propose visual aids for parents, memos, booklets: "Kaleidoscope of Movements", "Practical moment. Slow child". Reminders for parents: "All small children are touchy", "How to answer children's surveys", "Health Games", "Game Tips", “We play in the game, we develop memory”. Folders- shifting: “The child is alone at home. Behavior rules", "How to develop a child's oral language", "How much does health weigh". I designed an information corner for parents which information is constantly updated.

Visual agitation has great potential for highlighting the pedagogical process. My task is to attract parents to cooperate to lead to an understanding of pedagogical principles. To solve this problem, I use new approaches to the design of visual information, the relevance and originality of the presentation of the material attract parents and allow to improve their pedagogical culture. I actively use Internet resources to communicate with parents. After carrying out activities in the garden and outside it, I post photos on the kindergarten website so that they parents, who were not with us, saw their children learning something new. I organized my group on a social network, where I exchange with parents information, suggestions, I give recommendations on various aspects. A site for a kindergarten htt:// has been created, which I recommend visiting parents. The main motive for visiting the site should be to obtain information about the life of the kindergarten. Same way parents accessed information on the website Network City. Education". My task is to stimulate interest parents to gain knowledge in preschool pedagogy and psychology not only in personal communication, but also through the Internet connection, to transmit parents information about the educational process during the absence of children due to illness or other reasons.


The organization of interaction between the kindergarten and the family, based on cooperation, allows each child to feel like a participant in the educational process, which is especially important for the personal development of children, maintaining their cognitive activity, and parents feel like full participants in the educational process. Becoming active participants in family-group projects, parents have the opportunity to acquire new experience of joint parental behavior. As long-term practice has shown, all parents necessary pedagogical knowledge related to the development of the child. Modern parents are smart enough, and the thesis of pedagogical failure seven has lost its relevance. However, it is important to activate and enrich educational skills parents to maintain their confidence in their own pedagogical abilities. I want to note that the provision of real assistance becomes possible subject to an integrated approach to conducting work for pedagogical education parents, the effectiveness of pedagogical work.

Summing up all the above, I would like to emphasize that parents, are active participants in the educational process, all projects implemented in the kindergarten and the group. And this is very important not only for establishing trust and partnerships, but also for the successful development and upbringing of our children.

“A modern approach to working with parents preschool institution in accordance with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard.

MBDOU kindergarten "Birch"

teacher Bekreneva Valentina Ivanovna

mixed age group (5-7 years old)

Relevance In accordance with the new requirements, the role of parents in the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard for Preschool Education is increasing both at the level of each preschool educational institution and at the level of the municipal system of preschool education as a whole. The tasks facing the education system today increase the responsibility of parents for the effectiveness of the educational process in each preschool educational institution, since it is the parent community that is directly interested in improving the quality of education and the development of their children. [FSES BEFORE part I, clause 1.6, clause 9]

An important role in the process of establishing openness is played by parents, who are the main social customers of preschool educational institutions. And the interaction of teachers with them is simply impossible without taking into account the interests and needs of the family.

Establishing cooperation and partnerships between the kindergarten and the family is of great importance. Only by joining their efforts, parents and educators can provide the child with double protection, emotional comfort, an interesting, meaningful life at home and in kindergarten, help develop his basic abilities, the ability to communicate with peers and ensure preparation for school.

Having extensive experience in working with children (29 years), I am more and more convinced that only through the joint efforts of the family and the kindergarten can a child be helped. Therefore, I build my relationship with my parents on the basis of cooperation and mutual respect. I always remember that a child is a unique person. He cannot be compared to other children.

For effective interaction with the family, one desire to cooperate is not enough.

It is important to involve parents in the process of upbringing and development of children so that they become active participants in it, and not passive listeners.

I work to involve parents in the joint activities of the preschool educational institution in four areas:

Information - analytical,


Visually - informational,

Leisure direction.

To this end, I use a variety of innovative forms of work.

In order to study the family, to find out the educational needs of parents, to establish contact with its members, to harmonize educational influences on the child, I began work with the questionnaire "Cooperation between the kindergarten and the family",“Do you know your child?”, “What kind of parents are you?”, made it possible to obtain information about the problems that parents face in everyday life, to identify their desires and hopes for the unborn child.

Having received a real picture, based on the collected data, I analyzed the features of the structure of family ties of each child, the specifics of the family and family upbringing of a preschooler, and developed tactics for my communication with each parent. This helped me better navigate the pedagogical needs of each family, take into account its individual characteristics.

In addition to questionnaires, the Trust Mail helps me in my work with parents - this is a mailbox I made, where parents put notes with their problems, ideas, suggestions, questions on any topic of upbringing, education of the child. These issues are discussed at parent meetings, parent club meetings, or in the form of consultations. In this regard, I made a selection of consultations for parents (individual and group, such as “Do we understand each other?”, “What TV shows does my child watch”, “Do I know how to communicate with my child, if not, then what is it necessary for this?” Then we had a round table “Know, understand and respect the individual”.

I choose the form of the parent meeting after processing the questionnaires, that is, it depends on the requests, interests of the parents, it can be a business game or an evening of questions and answers, or a meeting in the form of an "auction", that is, it takes place in the form of a "sale" useful advice on a chosen topic in a playful way, or a round table session.

At the end of such meetings, I hold discussions with parents - what I liked, what my advice is applicable in practice, what questions I would like to discuss further.

I did a lot of work with parents in preparing children for school.

Consultation topics were developed: "Introducing the child to school life", "Is your family ready for school?"

Conducted workshops, trainings "Factors of successful preparation and adaptation of children to school", "Are you ready to send your child to school?". As a result, the educational experience of parents was enriched and the effect of family preparation for school increased.

The theme of the workshop "Family on the Threshold of a Child's School Life" was prompted by conversations with parents and an analysis of the children's answers in the speech development classes. Questioning of parents "Soon to school", interviews with children, tests "Do I want to go to school?", analysis of children's drawings "How do I imagine myself at school?" were conducted.

Specialists were invited: school teachers, speech therapist. If at the beginning of the meeting it was felt

some tension, a feeling of insecurity, anxiety, then by the end of the meeting there was gaiety, mutual sympathy, emotional openness and interest in each other.

The work carried out contributed to increasing the attention of parents to the experiences of the child in the pre-school period of life. Parents got acquainted with the requirements that the school imposes on students, received recommendations for the development of speech, they were offered games and game exercises to develop the mental abilities of children, games with letters and numbers.

Joint training brought me and my parents, parents and children closer together, made families friends. The atmosphere of benevolence became characteristic of other common activities in the group. Many parents have discovered hidden talents that they did not suspect.

After some time, we arranged an "Open Day" and invited the parents. I carefully thought through the security moments, directly educational activities, together with the children prepared invitation cards.

When parents visit a kindergarten, I try to involve them in the life of the group, I propose to take part in educational activities with the children, try to conduct a master class on our own, talk about our profession, and show our skills in making crafts.

One of the new forms of involving parents in the educational process is project activity. The development and implementation of joint projects with parents makes it possible to interest parents in the prospects for a new direction in the development of children and involve them in the life of our preschool educational institution. Parentshelped in the preparation and implementation of joint projects "Beware of the street", "Help the birds", "Our favorites", "My dad is the best", "Winter fun".The result of the joint creativity of children and parents contributed to the development of the child's emotions, aroused a sense of pride in their parents.

We gladly and gratefully accept any help from parents, because in modern conditions it is very difficult to do without it. So, the hands of moms and dads restored upholstered modular furniture, made furniture for the experimental center and the corner of disguise and theatrical production, made costumes, attributes for role-playing games, orthopedic tracks, replenished supplies for experimental activities. Parents willingly respond to joint subbotniks for the improvement of the site, the group, the beautification and landscaping of the territory of the group site and the kindergarten (planting seedlings of flowers).At such events as “Days of Good Deeds”, an atmosphere of peace and warm relations between me and my parents was established. Together we tried to make the children in the group feel good and comfortable.

Together with the parents, they organized a mini-museum "My Family". This form of work contributes to the formation of a culture of behavior, the systematization of previously acquired knowledge in children.The museum contains joint crafts of children and parents, drawings, family "Genealogical Trees of the Family" designed by parents, albums "My Family", various newspapers designed for the holidays.

One of the effective forms are - Exhibitions of joint creativity.

Parents show interest, get carried away, create a lot of various handicrafts, drawings, photo newspapers with children, actively participated in exhibitions of family art:

"Visiting the sun", "New Year's toy from our family", "Spring bouquet." (crafts made from waste material), in exhibitions of drawings: "Favorite sport", "Postcard to a Veteran", "Victory Day".

And also participate in district, regional, all-Russian competitions.Not the first year parents take part in the district sports competition "The Healthiest Family".

The activity of parents in creating exhibitions suggests that these forms of work are in demand.Practice rewarding exhibitors.

The main goal of such events is to strengthen parent-child relationships. As a result, diligence, accuracy, attention to relatives, respect for work are brought up in children. This is the beginning of patriotic education, love for the Motherland is born from a feeling of love for one's family.

Parents receive the necessary information on the upbringing and education of children through visual and informational material: screens, stands. "Soon to school", "Implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard in the preschool educational institution", "All about children's health", "Seasons".

From the folder - the “Growing up by playing” movement, the parents learned: how to properly organize children's games, what toys are needed for older children. And the section "Home Game Library" introduced me to simple, but very interesting, and most importantly, useful games for children, which parents can play with their child at any time convenient for them. So there were: “Games in the kitchen”, “In a free moment”, “On the way to kindergarten”.

Library for parents: “Getting ready for school”, “Children's health”.

Regular organization of photo exhibitions:.“Health is in order - thanks to the exercise”, “It’s good in our garden”Introduced parents to the life of the preschool educational institution, the activities of their children.

Visually - the informational direction makes it possible to convey any information to parents in an accessible form, to remind tactfully about parental duties and responsibilities.

I organize actions: “Just like that”, “Give a book to children”. Many people have books and toys at home that children have “grown out of”. How many educational moments are concealed in this small action! This is a careful attitude to old things; at the same time, children learn not only to accept gifts, but also to make them - this is a lot of work, education of the soul.

It turned out to be difficult for parents right away, but sincere and genuine joy in the eyes of our children made them be kinder, more attentive, more honest to others. And after one, all the others followed. After all, my task was to organize it in such a way that adults themselves would want to help, bring games and books. It may not be a new game, but now, by playing it with friends, the child can introduce them to the variants of this game in the family. And your favorite book has become even more interesting and sounds new in a circle of friends. Now we have a whole library in the group, created thanks to the parents.

When parents visit a kindergarten, I try to involve them in the life of the group, I suggest taking part in educational activities with the children. Try to hold the events “All professions are needed, all professions are important” by yourself.

Parents organized interesting excursions to their workplaces to get acquainted with their professions. Conducted a tour of the store, introduced the children to the profession of the seller. In the House of Culture, they got acquainted with the interesting work of actors.

Meetings with interesting people are very exciting - “Master of his craft”.

The guys learned a lot of interesting things about the work of a policeman (Kuimov A.E. - district police officer) from the story of dad Vanya Kuimov.

Tanya Andreeva's mother (O.V. Andreeva - RCB nurse) taught the children how to treat the sick, how to lead a healthy lifestyle.

Veteran of labor Domracheva VV - interestingly told about her childhood, about school life, about her profession - cook.

Traditionally, our group holds "Days of Communication", birthdays of children with a round dance, a loaf, I attract parents to this holiday, because this is the main holiday in the families of pupils. On a holiday, mommy comes, sometimes with dad or grandmother, and together with the children we listen to stories, family cases about our child. Together we sit down at the table, where the treat is ready. Communication on such holidays between me and my parents turns out to be relaxed and trusting.

We came to the conclusion that the most effective form would be a family club, which was called "Friendly Family".

Therefore, we also opened a family communication club in our kindergarten. Its mission is to provide comprehensive assistance and support to the family, and the main principle of work is to create a microclimate based on respect for the individual, care for everyone, trusting relationships between adults and children, parents and teachers.

As a result, the interconnection of all components of health is ensured: physical, mental and social.

The leisure direction in work with parents turned out to be the most attractive, in demand, useful, but also the most difficult to organize. This is explained by the fact that any joint event allows parents to: see from the inside the problems of their child, difficulties in relationships; test different approaches; to see how others do it, that is, to gain experience of interaction not only with your child, but also with the parent community as a whole.

I develop scenarios for holidays and entertainment together with parents. In order for these events to become educational for children and parents, we have developed a certain algorithm for preparing for family holidays: highlighting the goals and objectives of events for children, parents and teachers; drawing up a plan for the event and the participation of parents in it; distribution of roles of adults, production of invitation cards; preparation of individual numbers (learning poems, dances, songs); production of attributes, manuals.

We spent holidays in the group: “Autumn invites you to visit”, “Mommy Beloved”, “March 8 - Mother's Day”, “Visiting the Christmas Tree”, “My dad is the best”, “Visiting in the village of Khokhotushkino”, - entertainment, "Victory Day", "Goodbye kindergarten."

I would like to say about one important point in the system of work with parents. Each person, having done some work, needs to evaluate his work. Our parents need it too. “Praise is useful, if only because it strengthens us in benevolent dimensions,” wrote F. La Rochefoucauld. I think this is true always and everywhere. Don't forget to praise your parents. I always do it whenever possible, and my parents pay me the same.

Interaction with the families of pupils in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standards allowed us to provide optimal conditions for the implementation of educational activities in the conditions of a preschool educational institution, where parents, becoming active participants in public life and the learning process of their children, feel like good moms and dads, because they contribute to learning and acquire all new skills.

In the course of my work with parents, I once again became convinced that the main thing is that the approach to work should not be formal, but that it is necessary to apply as many new modern techniques and methods as possible. I do not stop there, I continue to look for new ways of cooperation with parents. After all, we have one goal - to educate future creators of life. What a person is - such is the world that he creates around himself. I would like to believe that our children, when they grow up, will love and protect their loved ones.

Analysis of work with parents in 5 "B" class

KSU ssh. them. Whirlwind with dmc

for the 2014-2015 academic year.

Class teacher: Gaivoronskaya O.E.

One of the main directions in the work of the class teacher is work with parents. It is on the relationship between the class teacher and the parents of students that the successful education and upbringing of the child depends. Establishing contact with parents of students is the beginning of everything.

Whether you want it or not.

But the point, comrades, is

First of all, we are parents

And then everything else.R. Rozhdestvensky

An old school aphorism says: “The most difficult thing in working with children is working with their parents,” therefore, work with parents and society was put in the foreground to implement the task of creating conditions for the “openness” of the school, expanding and strengthening pedagogical interaction. composition and parents.

The work was carried out in the following areas.

1. Meetings of the parent committee.

2. All-school parent meetings.

3. Cool parent meetings.

4.Organization of the work of parent education

5.Organization of a hotline "Helpline"

Parents, as participants in the educational process, are actively involved in the management of school life through parent committees of classes and schools, parent meetings.

List of parent committee 5 "B" class.

1.Chairman: Abdukerimova Munira.

2. Ashirova Munira

3. Eminova Lutvie


Cool parent meetings

class parent committee

Carrying out preventive work with students who are on intra-class control

Participation in the preparation and conduct of meetings

Preparation and holding of holidays, sports events

Hiking and excursions

Monitoring of parental satisfaction of parents of 5 "B" class.




4, 9





The upbringing of the child.


The health of the child.


The educational success of the child.


A verage b a l l


The table shows that the vast majority of parents are satisfied with the activities of the school, but there are problems that the teaching staff of the school, working in the 5th "B" grade, directs its efforts to solve. The results of the monitoring are stimulating and encourage activity and further development.

Over the past period, 6 parent meetings were held .. They considered organizational issues, discussed the results of the quarters, etc. The parent committee worked closely with the class teacher. Together with them, events were held - schoolwide - "Cinderella's ball", "Kindness will save the world". Also, parents helped in the design of the self-knowledge room No. 13, the adjacent school territory, providing material - the purchase of roses and flower seeds - and physical assistance. Members of the parent committee visited socially disadvantaged familiesyi (Balabanova Anastas ii, Bashkatov Viktor, Piperopulo Georgy).

It is gratifying to note that when holding collective events at the school, some parents did not take the position of an outside observer, but were active participants in the events - they helped in sewing costumes, rehearsing Indian dance

(Abdukerimova Munira, Abdukerimova Guzelya), in the general cleaning of the office before the start of the school year (Darvankulova Sandugash, Eminova Lutviye, Abdukerimova Munira.) They took an active part in the school-wide event of the fair - sales, prepared dishes of Russian cuisine.

Success in the upbringing of schoolchildren is associated with the interest of parents in organizing the life of children at school, so close teacher-parent-student relationships should be strengthened.

Suggestions for working with parents for the next year:

    Conduct open class activities.

    Involve parents in parent-teacher conferences and events.

    More events that bring students and parents together.

    Organize interactive lectures for parents.

    To inform parents more about the achievements of our school during the school year, using various internal and external sources of information (school newspaper). Apply new forms in working with parents (parental gatherings, a conference of family projects).

    Joint subbotniks for cleaning the territory of the school and the village.

Name of parent and student




Relationships between parents and teachers.

Attitude towards the child of school teachers.

Attitude towards the child of the students of the class.

The relationship between parents and children at home.

The attitude of the child and educational work.

The upbringing of the child.

The health of the child.

The educational success of the child.

A verage b a l l

Parental Satisfaction Monitoring

Name of parent and student:




Relationships between parents and teachers.

Attitude towards the child of school teachers.

Attitude towards the child of the students of the class.

The relationship between parents and children at home.

The attitude of the child and educational work.

The upbringing of the child.

The health of the child.

The educational success of the child.

A verage b a l l

KGUssh. Them. Vikhreva with dmts s. Shelek, Enbekshikazakh district, Almaty region.

Report on work with parents in the 5 "B" class for the 2014-2015 academic year.

Class. hand: Gaivoronskaya O.E.

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