Paper origami planes fighter schemes. Paper origami planes: a few step-by-step master classes with photos

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A variety of toys and crafts can be created with your own hands. Many of them will take 3-5 minutes to create a beautiful thing or a cute trinket that kids can play with. A paper plane is one of the options for such items. In this case, you can use your imagination to create not just a semblance of an aircraft, but a full-fledged three-dimensional layout. This will require paints, felt-tip pens or pencils, and even drawings.

A variety of toys and crafts you can create with your own hands

Origami is not just a way to create cute crafts and funny paper toys, but a full-fledged art direction. The classic version of the creation assumes that the airplane will be folded from a single sheet of special paper (you don’t have to glue or cut anything). The creation scheme is simple: you need a rectangular sheet that will be transformed into a nose (the front of the future airplane), its body, wings and a tail will also be present. So, detailed instructions and folding scheme step by step:

Stages of work:

  1. Put a sheet of origami - paper on the table, fold it vertically in half;
  2. Then the sheet will need to be expanded;
  3. After that, you need to fold the two upper edges to the center of the sheet (do not expand);
  4. Fold the same corners again so that they connect, but do not intersect on the center line (do not unfold);
  5. Bend the upper sides down to the right and left;
  6. Raise the left and right sides to form the wings.

The plane is ready to fly.

Gallery: pictures of a paper plane (25 photos)

Paper plane (video)

Big paper plane

You can create a large fighter plane from A4 paper. For children, it will become an interesting toy, for adults - a way to relax, show imagination. You will need to start work by preparing the place and paper (it can be plain white or color, light office or cardboard).

Stages of creation:

  1. Bend the sheet in half lengthwise;
  2. Then bend in half horizontally again;
  3. Fold the corners so that they meet in the center;
  4. Bend them up;
  5. Starting from the middle of the fold, fold the side corners;
  6. Unfold the folded paper at the top;
  7. Then expand all corners;
  8. After that, fold the upper part of the triangles in half, starting work from the lower corners;
  9. The sides of the paper should be folded slightly towards the center;
  10. After that, fold the sides to the middle of the sheet;
  11. The side parts of the resulting rhombuses must be tucked so that a triangle is obtained;
  12. Then it should be folded in half vertically;
  13. Tilt the craft to the left, bend a parallel line, stepping back 1-2 cm;
  14. The resulting wing is bent down (right and left);
  15. Then the moving part of the wing will need to be folded in the middle on each side.

You can create a large fighter plane from A4 paper

Such a toy will fly quickly and smoothly. An unusual option will allow you to come up with various situations and game moments for tricks.

How to fold a flying plane: a simple diagram for children

It will be very interesting to fold your own paper toy for a child. That is why it is important to choose an assembly scheme that he can easily reproduce. Flying models of a paper airplane will help him not only develop his creative abilities, but also develop fine and gross motor skills.

It will be very interesting to fold your own paper toy for a child.

In order to assemble your first aircraft, you will need to perform a few simple steps:

  1. Take plain paper (you can use a notebook sheet);
  2. Make a square out of it (fold the lower part and tear off along the line);
  3. Fold the resulting sheet in half;
  4. Bend the upper edges to the center of the sheet;
  5. Bend the resulting paper triangle;
  6. The edges of the workpiece are again bent towards the middle;
  7. Then the sheet is bent in half and the corners are bent, forming wings.

Such a sharp-nosed aircraft will fly very fast.

How to make a paper swallow

If the creation of a paper plane does not interest the child, then you can offer him to fold the birds. Swallow is an easy version of such a craft.

To create it, do the following:

  1. Take a regular sheet from a notebook;
  2. Bend the upper left corner to the right to the middle;
  3. The rectangular part of the sheet formed below must be carefully torn off, but not thrown away, since this part will still be needed in the work;
  4. Fold a square sheet diagonally (you should get 2 lines intersecting in the center;
  5. The resulting paper pyramid should be folded in half so that a triangle is obtained;
  6. Its left corner must be bent up;
  7. Do the same with the right corner;
  8. The left side then needs to be bent down;
  9. Repeat the operation with the right side;
  10. The rectangular part should be folded vertically in half (this is the tail);
  11. Bend the upper left corner to the center;
  12. Repeat the action with the right corner;
  13. Insert the part in the middle of the main part of the craft.

If the creation of a paper plane does not interest the child, then you can offer him to fold the birds

Bend the nose of the swallow.

Cool do-it-yourself paper plane

Cool military models of flying vehicles can be created in stages not only from plastic or wood, but also from accessible materials such as plasticine or paper.

You can easily make any kind of aircraft:

  • Bomber;
  • Fighter;
  • Space;
  • Supersonic.

Cool military models of flying vehicles can be created not only from plastic or wood

In order to make the figurines as realistic as possible, you will need to use several colors of paper or felt-tip pens to color them.

For the bomber you will need:

  1. Rectangular sheet of paper (A 4);
  2. Its upper corners must be bent to the center;
  3. Then unbend them, mark a line next to them to bend the corners to them;
  4. After that, bend and unbend the corners on both sides;
  5. Fold the resulting figure in half;
  6. Draw a line from the side in the center, bend the edge to it (on each side);
  7. Bend part of the corner on each side;
  8. Bend up also on each side;
  9. Turn the workpiece over, then bend the edges to the center on each side.

Bend the corners and fold in half. Bend the wings of the aircraft in front and behind.

How to make an airplane out of paper

What paper is an airplane made of? To create a paper airplane, you will need colored or white paper. It is important to choose one that is not too heavy for work, since in this case the craft will be able to fly quite smoothly and quickly. For even greater realism, you can draw certain details of the airplane.

For work you will need:

  1. Take a sheet of paper, medium in density;
  2. Fold it in half, then unfold;
  3. Bend the corner towards the center to form a square;
  4. Tear off (carefully) the bottom of the sheet - do not throw away;
  5. Bend the top corner in half (you get a triangle);
  6. Expand the resulting figure and bend the bottom corner up (one);
  7. Bend the upper corner to the center of the craft so that it goes beyond it .;
  8. Then fold part of the corner (side) in half;
  9. After that, bend the corner up and to the side;
  10. Also do with the second corner of the future airplane;
  11. Expand the figure, bend the upper corner inward (nose);
  12. After that, bend outward its uppermost part;
  13. Expand wings.

The airplane is ready to fly. You can supplement the model by gluing to it in the middle the torn part of the sheet folded in three in half.

Aircraft with a catapult (video)

Thus, paper planes are not limited to simple models. Existing schemes, supplemented by imagination, will allow you to create a real paper fleet: passenger and military, fighter and glider. Bright and varied models are obtained from colored paper, crafts designed to decorate the interior, for example, in a nursery - from cardboard.

Many in childhood did and with pleasure they launched them at home or on the street. If the model is folded correctly, it is able to fly several meters and smoothly descend to the ground.

There is nothing tricky and complicated in the manufacture of paper planes. The main thing is accuracy, attentiveness and the desire to master the art of origami. There are many options for children and adults to perform. Let's stop at three today. This is enough to learn how to make airplanes and send them flying.

Origami paper airplanes - three models

Let's remember how a classic paper airplane is made, or learn for the first time. To do this, take a rectangular or square sheet of paper. Bend it in half along a vertical line and straighten it again.

Bend the upper side corners towards the center so that they meet and form a triangle. Point it upside down. Fold the sides back towards the center. They must be placed symmetrically. Bend the tip up to secure them.

Fold the craft in half along the longitudinal line. Fold back the wings. A simple origami airplane is ready.

Wide nose model

Let's try to slightly change the assembly method and get a new kind of airplane. Let's start in the same way as the previous time, outlining the central vertical line and bending the upper corners to it.

Turn the workpiece over and make folds to the center again. Bend the parts of the parts to the outer surface to make a rhombus at the top.

Fold the shape in half from top to bottom. Fold the plane in half along the center longitudinal line and form the wings on the sides. He is ready to fly.

Complicated model

The latter option is also simple to perform and differs from the first two in more complex wings and tail. Start as before by folding the top corners of the rectangle towards the center. Repeat the action again, directing the same sides to the middle of the sheet.

Fold the workpiece along the longitudinal line inward. Mark the right angle of the resulting triangle in different directions along the oblique. According to the intended fold, bend the section inward to get a tail protruding from above.

On both sides, bend the wings and bend up their edges. Remove the sharp end of the bow inward. That's all.

You can also try to assemble origami or any model from the three proposed. It definitely won't be boring!

In today's article, we propose to create the most popular toy among boys - a paper plane, origami - a technique that will help improve the fine motor skills of the baby's hands, as well as take this fidget for a few minutes. You can create with your child and help him in complex processes, spending more free time with the dearest little man on this planet.

Easy option

There are a huge number of options for the process of creating an airplane out of paper with your own hands, and one of them is origami. This technique came to us from Japan and helps to create very beautiful and cute paper crafts. For the classic technique, you need to prepare a single sheet of paper or corrugated board. Another characteristic of origami is that you do not need to use scissors and glue, so we advise you to start creating an air vehicle with your baby in order to develop fine motor skills of his hands. The manufacturing process can be followed by the example of step-by-step instructions.

As materials, use thin paper, just one sheet, as well as felt-tip pens or colored pencils.

Now let's start creating. First of all, fold a sheet of paper vertically, then unfold it. We fold the two upper corners to each other along the fold line. We do not expand. We fold these corners one more time. You should get the following result: the edges do not connect with each other and do not intersect at the central fold. Then we bend the upper sides down from the right and left sides. In the last step, lift each part of the figurine and shape the wings of the plane. We got such a toy in just five minutes.

In the previous photo, you can see a diagram of creating an airplane made using the origami technique in this master class.

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We conquer the sky

We all know that preschool children are very fond of crafting something from cardboard, paper, and even a matchbox. So let's make a flying machine out of plain paper. In the next step of the article, we will describe in detail how to make an airplane that can take off with our own hands.

Take a thin sheet of cardboard and make a square out of it. Fold the sheet diagonally, and then cut or tear off the excess, bottom. After that, unfold the workpiece and fold it in half. We bend all the upper edges to the center of the workpiece. We have a triangle that we bend. Again, bend the edges to the middle, and then bend the entire sheet of paper in half. Bend the corners, so you have the wings of the plane.

If you use corrugated cardboard in your work, then you can get a very spectacular tail or voluminous wings. Thanks to this, small aircraft will be able to stay in the air longer. If you want your airplane to last longer, then throw it up with all your might. In the photo you can see what beauty we got.

If your kid is so passionate and makes a huge number of planes, then offer to make him a whole fleet of aircraft. And where will he be? Exactly, we need to make an airport. This can be done from a box and a huge sheet of paper. We model real aircraft routes on paper, draw landing lines, lay out the points at which the aircraft lands and departs. In fact, you or even your little one will be able to easily play a huge number of aircraft games, the most important thing is to make them, and as you have already seen above. Using fantasy, you can improve the aircraft or decorate it with additional materials.

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Well, who, tell me, did not make paper airplanes in childhood? Everyone did. True, at that time we did not yet know that this activity even had a specific name - aerogami. Some managed to launch them in the most unexpected places. And the coolest thing was if the plane could fly far. How to make an airplane out of paper so that it flies further, and even longer - read and watch in our article various master classes with a step-by-step description that will be understandable even to beginners. Video tutorials are attached at the end of the article.

Making an airplane is not difficult. You should start with the usual option, just to get your hand in and learn, although it is also considered the same “origami”. Fold your first figure according to the scheme:

Step by step:

Even easier is this:

However, this will not fly well, but it is suitable for beginners.

"Origami" planes

Origami plane, which is easy to do by yourself according to the instructions. More:

  • 1 and 2 - The sheet is bent 4 times.
  • 3 and 4 - Wrap the corners, as in the previous method, in paragraph 2. Only here, since the leaf is folded 4 times, you need to wrap it on both sides, that is, as a result, 4 corners, but alternately. In the end, it all turns inward.
  • 5 and 6 - Fold in half again.
  • 7 and 8 - bend the wings to the sides.

1 2
5 6

Making a plane with a long flight

Indeed, as soon as you learn how to make simple paper planes, a kind of excitement will appear - how to contrive so that your craft is the best and flies farther than others. Step-by-step instructions in the origami technique in the next MK.

Place the A4 sheet in a landscape style and mark the middle with a fold. Decorate the wings, according to Figure 1 and 4.

Bend your nose down above the middle. And now - up, along the center line. 6. - 8. In half. On the dotted line - a fold, these will be the wings. 9. and 10. Similar to paragraphs 3. - 5. form the flaps. A real military, albeit made of paper, do-it-yourself aircraft is ready!

Making a plane with a long flight

The following paper airplane design will allow you to fly it for a longer time. A short master class in the photo:

paper fighter plane

Schemes for assembling various models of paper aerogami fighter aircraft.

If you have already got the hang of assembling simple airplanes, then no further explanation is needed:

You can make an airplane in a different way:

And a few more ways in the style of "origami", if anything - "Model No. 1" illustrates the very first method in the article.

Making a glider

A glider is a model for tricks and so that a paper airplane can do interesting tricks and coups, here is a way:

Fast flying origami plane

A fast plane will turn out like this: according to the points already known to you, we make a blank. Unbend the sides, then remove the lapels from the outside and back inside. After the wings are made.

Wings: first down, then perpendicular. Bend anti wings.

See what the final result should be, such a model will fly much faster than others:

Airplane with paper propeller

Idea: to make your origami plane even more reactive, attach a propeller to it. Don't worry, it won't be heavy because it's made from the same material. The photo will make it clear.

Turn left corner to the right. Bend in half again and return back. Do the same with the right corner.

And grab the left edge again. Look how it bends - its corner is bent back:

Bring the triangle back. Return the right side to the position from paragraph 3:

Bend to the left, and the corner - inward:

On the other side, the same. And all together - turn right:

Bend outward, and then back, but a little not along the same lines - you should get wings:

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