Surnames that originated from the profession of a distant ancestor. Headgear guide Handicraft headwear guide

Antipyretics for children are prescribed by a pediatrician. But there are emergency situations for fever when the child needs to be given medicine immediately. Then the parents take responsibility and use antipyretic drugs. What is allowed to give to infants? How can you bring down the temperature in older children? What medicines are the safest?

The Central Executive Committee and the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR decide:

  1. Maintain the standard procedure for determining income when taxing non-cooperative handicraftsmen and craftsmen with income tax only for those handicraftsmen and handicraftsmen without hired workers who:

a) are engaged in sewing dresses, underwear, shoes, hats, etc. to order from the materials of customers;

c) serve the personal and household needs of workers, such as: carpenters, joiners, painters, stove-makers, roofers, plumbers, locksmiths, electricians, glaziers, chimney sweeps, polishers, upholsterers, water carriers, laundresses, porters, bookbinders, hairdressers, photographers , optics.

  1. Establish that non-cooperative handicraftsmen and artisans without hired workers (except those subject to agricultural tax), who manufacture products from their materials for sale on the market, are subject to income tax not according to the rate of return, but according to actual income, moreover, salaries calculated according to schedule No. 2 of rates income tax increase for these handicraftsmen and craftsmen by one and a half times.
  2. Stop issuing registration certificates to non-cooperative handicraftsmen and artisans for crafts to produce ready-made dresses, linen, knitwear, hats, leather shoes, haberdashery (including leather goods), saddlery goods made of leather and products made of non-ferrous metals from their materials for sale on the market.
  3. Establish that registration certificates for engaging in handicraft and handicraft trades can be issued only to persons who have the appropriate qualifications for this trade.
  4. Establish that workers and employees may be issued registration certificates for engaging in handicrafts and handicrafts outside working hours only for work for customers.
  5. For violation by non-cooperative handicraftsmen and artisans of the rules for registering crafts with financial authorities, a fine of up to 500 rubles imposed by financial authorities shall be established.
  6. This resolution shall enter into force on January 1, 1936.
  7. To instruct the People's Commissariat of Finance of the USSR, in agreement with the All-Coprom Council and the People's Commissariat of Internal Trade of the USSR, to revise the existing rules for the registration of private crafts and private petty trade and submit them for approval by the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR.
  1. In accordance with Article.Article. 1 and 2 of this resolution, to introduce the following changes into the “Regulations on Income Tax from Individuals”, approved by the Central Executive Committee and the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR on May 17, 1934 (C 3. USSR 1934 No. 27, Art. 211b), the following changes:

a) Supplement Art. 21 paragraph 2 of the following content: “When calculating the tax on the income of handicraftsmen and artisans classified in category II, with the exception of those taxed on the basis of fixed earnings standards (Article 24), the amount of tax calculated according to schedule No. 2 increases one and a half times.”

b) State Art. 23 as follows:

“23. The taxable income of payers specified in art. 19, with the exception of handicraftsmen and artisans, taxed on the basis of fixed wage rates (Article 24), and legal entities, is determined by the financial authorities on the basis of:

a) declarations submitted by payers;

b) other information available to the financial authorities on the income of individual payers”.

c) State Art. 24 as follows:

“24. The taxable income of cooperative handicraftsmen and artisans classified in category II, as well as the non-cooperative handicraftsmen and handicraftsmen indicated below without hired workers, is determined on the basis of fixed wage rates by type of trade. The norms are established by the people's commissariats of finance of the union and autonomous republics that do not have regional divisions, and by the financial authorities of the territories and regions in agreement with the relevant councils and unions of trade cooperation, as well as with the relevant bodies of the People's Commissariat of Internal Trade and are published before the start of the salary year.

This procedure for determining taxable income applies to non-cooperative handicraftsmen and artisans without hired workers who:

a) are engaged in sewing dresses, underwear, shoes, hats, etc. to order from the materials of customers;

b) are engaged in the repair and repair of things belonging to customers;

c) serve the personal and household needs of citizens, such as: carpenters, joiners, painters, stove-makers, roofers, plumbers, locksmiths, electricians, glaziers, chimney sweeps, polishers, upholsterers, water carriers, laundresses, porters, bookbinders, hairdressers, photographers and optics.

d) State the first paragraph of Art. 27 as follows:

“27. Handicraftsmen and artisans, classified in category II and taxed on the basis of fixed wage rates (Article 24), pay tax in the following order.

e) State the first paragraph of Art. 28 as follows:

“28. Persons engaged in petty trade, non-cooperative handicraftsmen and artisans classified in category III, and those non-cooperative handicraftsmen and artisans classified in category II, who are taxed in the general manner according to their actual income, pay tax in the following order.

Chairman of the Central Executive Committee of the USSR M. Kalinin.
Deputy Chairman of the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR V. Chubar.
Secretary of the Central Executive Committee of the USSR I. Akulov.

A word of 7 letters, the first letter is “Sh”, the second letter is “L”, the third letter is “I”, the fourth letter is “P”, the fifth letter is “H”, the sixth letter is “I”, the seventh letter is "K", the word for the letter "Sh", the last "K". If you do not know a word from a crossword puzzle or a crossword puzzle, then our site will help you find the most difficult and unfamiliar words.

Guess the riddle:

I am shaggy, I am shaggy, In winter I am over every hut, Over a fire and a factory, Over a fire and a steamer. But nowhere, nowhere does it happen to me without fire. Show answer>>

I'm running, holding on to the wires! I will never get lost. Show answer>>

I'm in a hurry for the holiday, I hold them by a thread: Red, yellow, blue - They float overhead, It's better not for the kids, Than air... Show the answer>>

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Did you know?

Lemmings, belonging to the family of shrew mice, are known for the fact that with a sharp increase in their population, masses rush into the sea and die in the waves. Only this happens not because they intend to end their existence (say, so that those who remain have more territory or food), but, so to speak, as a result of a navigational error. The fact is that lemmings, moving to new territories, often cross water barriers - rivers and lakes. Having met the sea on the way, they perceive it as a habitual water barrier and, without fear, go on the assault, belatedly realizing their mistake. It happens that lemmings in search of new territories crawl up almost impregnable mountain slopes.

There are a huge variety of types of headwear: hats, caps, berets, hats, etc. Hats are in demand at any time of the year, in any climate, in a variety of cases.

Previously, headdresses served as symbolic elements of clothing (remember crowns, tiaras, diadems), which emphasized the rank of the wearer and belonging to a particular group (for example, clergymen).

This is due to the fact that the headdress visually stretches the height of a person (and, therefore, elevates him above other people), and is also at the level of the gaze of the beholder. It turns out that the headdress is what attracts attention in the first place. In Russia, the boyars often wore high caps, and women wore kokoshniks. The higher the rank, the higher the headdress turned out to be. This is where the expression "According to Senka and a hat" came from.

Nowadays, a headdress is an accessory that performs the function of protecting the head from weather conditions, and also emphasizes the individual style of the individual. Sometimes just one original headdress is enough, and your image will sparkle with bright colors, attracting the attention of others. The main rule when choosing a headdress is to choose one in which you will look organic.

Among the many hats, the hat remains the leader. Hats are very diverse: knitted, cashmere, woolen, coarse and fine knit, etc. Now two styles are especially popular - a hat with a pompom and a beanie hat.

A knitted hat with a pom-pom is an indispensable attribute of a stylish winter wardrobe. It looks perky, stylish, youthful.

Another trendy hat is the beanie. This is a knitted hat without ties, patterns and pompoms, slightly elongated. Its name comes from the English word "beanie". Initially, beanies were worn by representatives of the working class - mechanics, carpenters, welders. The beanie is now a stylish accessory for any fashionista.


Separately, it should be said about fur hats. Fur is not only a warm material, but also luxurious, which serves as an indicator of status. Fur hats come in a variety of shapes and styles, but earflaps, malachai and busby hats are especially popular.

Hats with earflaps were worn mainly by men in the recent Soviet past. Now, without this comfortable and warm hat, it is hard to imagine harsh frosty days. Earflaps are worn by both women and men, regardless of age and social status. The democratic appearance of this hat suggests wearing it with any outerwear, up to a down jacket.

A malachai hat is a fur hat with a ponytail. Malachai used to be worn by northern peoples. Gradually, Malachai migrated to Asian culture, and from there he moved into European fashion. Looks good in combination with a sheepskin coat.

Busby is a fur hat that used to be part of the hussar military uniform. Initially, the busby was very tall, but gradually its size became medium, at this time it can resemble a fur strip around the head. Such a hat looks very elegant, it will perfectly complement the look with an expensive coat of a classic cut or with a fur coat.


If you have not replenished your wardrobe with a beautiful hat, this is a big omission. The hat not only performs the function of protecting the head from rain and wind, it makes the overall image more interesting and original. The most popular hat styles are the wide-brimmed hat and the fedora hat. These styles have not gone out of fashion for a long time.

A wide-brimmed hat evokes mystery and mystery. Combined with oversized sunglasses, you get a retro look, like from the 70s. In the autumn-winter period, such a hat is successfully combined with a fitted coat.

A short-brimmed fedora hat certainly has more uses than a wide-brimmed hat. It can be worn with both a jacket and a jacket.


Another category of hats that should be discussed separately is summer straw hats. These hats are usually worn on vacation. They imply a free, relaxed style. A summer straw hat will become an indispensable assistant on the beach, protecting your head from the scorching sun.


For those who have not yet decided on a headdress, a cap is a great option. This headpiece is made for experimentation.

Kepi, or the colloquial name of this headdress - a cap, exists in various styles and styles: cap, coppola, baseball cap.

The cap originally appeared in France and was worn by the military and high school students in the 19th century. The cap is made of a dense material that allows you to keep its shape well.

Coppola is exactly that head boron, which we simply call a cap. Coppola was popular with Sicilian taxi drivers, you could say it was part of their uniform. Coppola is now worn all over the world by both women and men.

Baseball cap is a sports cap. Since now the sports theme is on the crest of the wave, and things from the sports wardrobe have migrated to everyday, the baseball cap is worn not only with jeans and sweatpants, but also with a skirt and high-heeled shoes. Do not be afraid of bold combinations - in our time it is only welcome.


Now it is very fashionable to wear a scarf on your head, or snood - a hybrid of a scarf and a hat. Such a headdress is universal, as it suits any clothes: from a down jacket to a fur coat. A long scarf can be wrapped around the head and neck. It will protect from the wind and warm on a frosty day. The main task is to choose the right color, texture, material, size. A thin scarf can be tied on the head in the form of a turban, getting an exotic original look.

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