“I fell in love with a Russian guy”: the impressions of a black American woman about life in Russia. “I fell in love with a Russian guy”: the impressions of a black American about life in Russia What traditions would you like to transfer to Russia

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The view from the outside is always very interesting. Especially if it is the look of an attractive African-American woman. Victoria lived in Russia for only four months, but managed to feel the full breadth of the Russian soul. What are the similarities between Russians and African Americans, what frightened and annoyed in Russia, what makes Russian men so good, and what American traditions she would like to transfer to Russia.

Victoria Rowland was born in America. And the girl would have lived quietly in her Beverly Hills, if she had not managed to fall in love with a Russian guy:

“I came to Russia to get to know his family and learn at least the basics of Russian in order to understand him better. I lived here for 4 months studying the language at the university. And with the onset of autumn, I unfortunately had to leave to finish college. So, in general, I lived in Russia for 4 months.

First impression

I began to form an impression of Russia back in America. My teachers dissuaded me from the trip, they said that it was dangerous in Russia. But when I met the love of my life, I realized that it was all nonsense. When I first came to your country, I first of all noticed how kind and honest people are. It was as if I felt a connection with Russian culture, because it reminded me of my family. I noticed that Russians and African Americans are very similar. I was also very surprised that Russians can be funny and kind people, but at the same time terrible conservatives at the same time.

But for 4 months I could not get used to the fact that there are very few black people in Russia. I was the only black person in my group, and people were constantly staring at me, and it was terribly scary. True, then I found out that they stare not because they are racists, but because they are just very interested. Then I felt better.

About the differences

There are many differences, but since I am both American and black, I will compare both options.

Black vs Russian

African Americans are very noisy and love to joke, Russians are also, but their humor is more subtle. Blacks put other people's needs before their own because they care a lot about their friends, Russians do the same.

Americans vs Russians

Americans say "thank you" too much, Russians don't, they give direct and clear answers.

In general, Russian people are so different. In America, they are considered spies and potential adversaries. But I do not believe that this is about all Russians. Most of them are friendly and kind, it is pleasant to be in company with them. And the most important feature of a Russian person is honesty and the fact that he puts the needs of others above his own. Compared to Americans, Russian people are less selfish.

About a Russian man

A Russian man is very strong, but for some reason this is not appreciated. Due to the war and other events that the Russians have experienced, the Russian man continues to develop as a strong, kind and hardy person who just does his job and does not complain about fate. I just admire Russian men: they work hard at their jobs to feed their families. No wonder I fell in love with a Russian guy.

Furious in the USA

I hate that people don't want to associate with African Americans. But because the Russians have treated me so well, I would like all Americans (especially blacks) to come here and experience it for themselves.

And, of course, it pissed me off that I was the only black person in my social circle, and it attracted too much attention.

Longing for America

I missed swimming pools and surfing. Surfing in Russia is almost impossible because the waves are too small. I also miss tacos, because in California we only eat them. But in Russia there are dishes that I just fell in love with and that I cook now in America: pancakes, porridge, dumplings.

What traditions would you like to transfer to Russia?

My family and I always pray before eating. I would like to transfer it to Russia. Also, my family and I went to a new restaurant every weekend to have fun and chat with each other. Americans, as you know, don't eat at home at all. Russia is not the case.

funny situations

When members of my boyfriend's family spoke Russian to each other, it always seemed to me that they were swearing at each other. When they translated the essence of the conversation to me, I realized that these were just language features. And also, when I finally learned to joke in Russian, I periodically used the wrong endings, which made my boyfriend's parents very amused.

Incredible Facts

A Russian woman is a terrible nightmare or the ultimate dream of any foreigner.

Let's immediately note that in the West, every resident of the post-Soviet countries falls under the term "Russian".

And, of course, this article should not be taken literally. This is just a side view of our women, who are certainly the most beautiful, smart and attractive.

However, despite a number of obvious advantages that our girl has, not every foreigner will dare to invite her on a date.

And that's why:

The best women in the world

1. They are too pretty

The way Russian women relate to their appearance sometimes looks like real mania. For most of them, being perfectly beautiful becomes the real meaning of life.

Life for them is one endless runway, and therefore they must look perfect even when walking the dog, going to the store for bread or just throwing out the trash.

Here is what one foreigner says: My friend Alexandra wears high heels every day and does not worry about the fact that, by and large, it is completely uncomfortable. Most importantly, she looks great.

In addition, the girl tries not to appear in the same outfit twice. When I asked her why she cares so much about her appearance, she replied in surprise: “Why should I NOT want to be beautiful? Beauty is power and respect. look like?"

But the worst thing is that if you go out with such a girl, you need to try to look like her. The companion of such a beauty will have to make a lot of efforts to look worthy against her background.

Otherwise, everyone will look at you and wonder how such a plain, uninteresting man is with such a beautiful lady as her?

2. If you are not attracted to devotion

A Russian woman will become your most devoted friend, your best adviser, critic and even a caring doctor if you suddenly get sick. These ladies are caring and gentle, and no matter what happens, they will always be there. They will support you if you suddenly run into any problems.

The best example of the fidelity of Russian women: in the 19th century there was a revolt against the tsar, the aristocrats who participated in this disorder were sentenced to life exile and hard labor in Siberia. Their wives voluntarily followed them to cold, deserted and remote places, and shared the punishment with their husbands. They were called Decembrists. The term "Decembrist" has become a household word, it means the courage and devotion of a Russian woman.

She sincerely believes that her partner is the best man on the planet, the most talented, the strongest, the smartest - and she is absolutely convinced of this, because she also highly appreciates herself. And if such a woman considers herself a queen, accordingly, she chooses only the king and treats him like a king - with respect, care, love and support.

If you think that devotion and fidelity are unnecessary and boring things, you should not associate yourself with a Russian lady.

Mother-in-law and father-in-law

3. You will get mother-in-law and father-in-law

And it can be dangerous!

A visit to the house of your Russian girlfriend will be accompanied by constant holidays, which means regular feasts (soups, meat, soups with meat, salads with mayonnaise, potatoes, various pastries, sweet pancakes, salty pancakes, then also a pie for dessert).

And since it is not polite to refuse food, you will have to try each of the two hundred dishes. Get ready to deal with all that fatty and rich food.

Are you waiting for your beloved to intercede for you and allow you not to eat? Here you are wrong. When it comes to hospitality, would-be Russian mothers-in-law simply overfeed their guests.

They make you eat until it becomes difficult for the guest to move and even breathe. Are you ready for such abundance and intemperance in food?

For every inhabitant of the post-Soviet countries, feasts are an integral part of their lives. As a rule, a hospitable hostess literally overfeeds her guests.

As for the potential father-in-law, at some point he will also want to check on you to see if you are suitable for his beautiful daughter. In this test, you must prove that the family can rely on you and trust you with their precious child.

Each family has its own ways of testing strength. For example, one Dane said that he had to drink a bottle of vodka with his future father-in-law. Otherwise, he risked appearing as a weak man who is unable to protect their daughter from potential danger. Fortunately for everyone, the Dane successfully passed the test, and the future father-in-law appreciated his strength and character.

independent women

4. They are too independent

The great Russian poet of the 19th century Nekrasov said: "A Russian woman will stop a galloping horse and enter a burning hut." Such is the image of a strong and independent woman who does not need any help or protection from a man.

Russian girls do not believe in ideal relationships and believe that even if they meet a prince, they should always be independent and independent.

Building a career and getting a second education often sounds more attractive to them than trying to find a person who will appreciate their personality and freedom.

A Russian woman is very independent in relationships and very stubborn. But, on the other hand, expect courage and courage from her in situations where it will be difficult for you (read point number 2). She will always find the strength within herself to get you through the toughest times.

5. She has high expectations.

Russian woman is very demanding. She doesn't need a guy who will just love her. She wants the one who is with her to be the best man on Earth, the one who will love her madly.

Good manners are also very important: you should open doors, give her a seat, give her a coat, give flowers when you go on a date. If you are not a gentleman, you should not even try to start a relationship with her.

But Russian women pay attention not only to what you do for them. Do not forget about other people, be a valiant knight in relation to others! Give up your seat on the bus to an elderly person or save a kitten from stray dogs. This will elevate you in the eyes of your girlfriend.

One foreigner says: "Once I saw a man jump into the sewer to save tiny ducklings that fell into the manhole - in the eyes of his companion, he was just a real hero."

6. Coldness and inaccessibility

Russians are very reserved and always try to keep their distance before they allow someone to approach them.

At first, a Russian girl can give the impression of the Snow Queen. Even if she likes you (especially if she really likes you!), she turns on the impregnable mode.

From the stories of a foreigner who came to Moscow and met a Russian girl there: "When we started dating, there was a real ice wall between us, as if she did not want to open and did not allow me to get closer. Slowly, step by step, I discovered that under a layer of this ice lies the most tender, loving and caring person in the world."

7. All Russian food

The way to a man's heart is through his stomach. This saying becomes especially relevant when it comes to Russian women.

For many of them, cooking is a way to show their love, so be prepared to experiment in the kitchen. At first, the food may seem completely normal and even a little boring.

But as you begin to eat more and more Russian food, more and more questions will arise: What is this strange purple salad? Herring under a Fur Coat? Pancakes with caviar? Why does she put cabbage in pies (and other dishes)?

How many varieties of brine are there on this Earth? A fermented rye bread drink? Borsch?

You can either fall in love with Russian cuisine with all your heart, or simply not understand it. There is no third. However, many foreigners admit that Russian cuisine has become one of the most beloved, even if this love did not come immediately.

Little known in Russia prisoner Maxim Kiselev, who is serving a life sentence for the murder of six people, suddenly gained fame in Italy, and along with it he found his love. It all started with the film by Italian director Mark Franchetti “The Sentenced. Colony No. 56”, who visited the Black Berkut colony in 2012 and told the stories of life-sentenced prisoners. After that, Italians began to write to Maxim. One of them was 23-year-old Serena Nolano from a suburb of Milan. Correspondence with her was not like correspondence with other girls, and soon some feelings flared up between them.

Serena is not at all afraid that her 36-year-old lover will never be released again. For the first time he went to prison at the age of 15, when theft, robbery and rape were on his conscience. In 2008, in the village of Orton, Kemerovo Region, at the age of 27, Kiselev, who was intoxicated, stabbed six people to death.

Last year, the prisoner was transferred to the Snezhinka colony in the village of Elban in the Khabarovsk Territory, but the correspondence with Serena did not end there. The convict says that he already has about 70 letters from the girl, with whom they exchange photos and discuss the details of their first meeting.

Kiselev even applied for parole, hoping that love would help him get out of prison. However, such an outcome is unlikely, because life-sentenced prisoners must spend at least 25 years behind bars before they are eligible for early release. In addition, this is possible only if all the rules of the colony are observed and the relatives of the victims agree.

But even this does not frighten the young Italian. For the sake of a Russian prisoner, the girl learned Russian and says that she is ready to marry him and give birth to a child from him. Serena dropped out of university and works in a travel company, she dreams of becoming a famous writer and has already published several books, the chapter of one of which is dedicated to Kiselev. Serena is even ready to abandon her family, which is categorically against her communication with the prisoner, and says that she loves Maxim, not his crimes. It doesn’t stop her that after the wedding, which will be played in the colony, she will be allowed three days with her husband, and then only 4-hour dates twice a year.

Fedya and Vika - no, this is not the classic Russian couple you might think of, after all, Victoria is an American from Los Angeles who once met the Siberian Fedor. Since then, they have been together, living in two countries, and today they flew to St. Petersburg for the first time.

Victoria: We met at a university in the US and started dating when we were actually kids, 18 years old. It was on our first day of classes, but Fedya does not remember this moment of our first meeting at all. But a few months later, thanks to mutual friends, we met again. He received a sports scholarship, and I studied at the theater department. We met and at first we were friends, but at some point he left the friend zone and asked me on a date. I initially thought that he was German, and did not intend to start a relationship at all. But then I found out that he was Russian, in addition, he turned out to be such an interesting young man.

Fedor really wants to move to live in the USA. He has now completed his master's degree in the States, and plans to move with Victoria to California, where he wants to live and work. Victoria, on the contrary, is not averse to settling with a gentleman in Russia. But only one thing stops her.
It's just that people here aren't used to seeing me. Even when I just go out to the store, everyone is like, “Oh, hello, can I take a picture with you?” People were constantly asking me to take pictures with me in Novosibirsk and, you know, it's annoying. Maybe when it becomes normal to see black people on the street, then yes. Because right now I can't go anywhere without being bombarded with questions. If it wasn't for that, yes, I would live here. It's very beautiful here, just amazing. Especially in St. Petersburg: Moscow is not very good, it is too busy.

This is now Victoria speaking so enthusiastically. After all, BEFORE coming here, she was seriously afraid of Russia.
When I arrived in Russia, I expected to see solid gray buildings. I didn’t think that it would be beautiful here, because in all American films they show only bad things, supposedly everything is bad here, that people here are gloomy - one continuous negative, so I was very scared to go here. Fedya tried to convince me that all this was not true. “But black people are being persecuted here! I can't go," I said. I couldn't stop believing all this, because even my teacher said... America scared me a lot. In the end, I said to myself: “So, forget it! I will go there and meet Fedya's parents." In the end it exceeded my expectations. When I arrived, I realized that all these were just stereotypes. It turned out to be much more beautiful here, more beautiful than I could have expected. And people, to be honest, turned out to be better than the Americans. They were more "real", more sincere - good people.

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