Poems about the end of kindergarten. Poems for graduation in kindergarten Goodbye kindergarten wishes

Antipyretics for children are prescribed by a pediatrician. But there are emergency situations for fever when the child needs to be given medicine immediately. Then the parents take responsibility and use antipyretic drugs. What is allowed to give to infants? How can you bring down the temperature in older children? What medicines are the safest?

To bring joy to others from your performance.

Unleash the creativity of children.

Raise a sense of gratitude to the kindergarten staff for their care.

To form in children the relationship of cooperation and mutual assistance.

Develop an understanding of the moral qualities of a person.

Develop a desire to speak to parents, employees.

Create a joyful, festive mood



Municipal state educational institution

Krasnologskaya secondary school

Structural unit "Kindergarten"

"Farewell to Kindergarten"

Prepared by: Muravleva I.A.

S. Krasny Log 2017

Scenario graduation party in kindergarten

Material Description. This script is designed for a prom in kindergarten. The first important event that brings changes in a child's life

Target: Continue to create an emotionally positive atmosphere of cooperation between the kindergarten and the family

Tasks: To bring joy to others from your performance.

Unleash the creativity of children.

Raise a sense of gratitude to the kindergarten staff for their care.

To form in children the relationship of cooperation and mutual assistance.

Develop an understanding of the moral qualities of a person.

Develop a desire to speak to parents, employees.

Create a joyful, festive mood.

Festival participants:




Leading educators

Preparation for the holiday:

Decorations from balloons, Flowers from balloons, from paper Helium balloons.

Technical means:sound reproducing equipment, disks, microphones.

Musical arrangement:songs dedicated to school, kindergarten, musical accompaniment

The hall is beautifully decorated with balloons and flowers.

Film about children (5 minutes)

Sounds like a holiday tune

Presenter: Bright and elegant now in our hall!

Everyone has a lively, excited look!

Today we celebrate a big holiday:

We accompany our children to school!

Presenter: In the eyes of delight and sadness a little.

Let the hall now remember them:

Flirtatious and mischievous,

A little daring and stubborn

The most childishly playful,

Unique, expensive,

And all in their own way beloved, and equally relatives.

Presenter: Graduates of 2017! Meet them!

(Leaders take turns calling the children)

Energetic and smart

Charming and mysterious

Strong and friendly

Attractive and passionate -

Cheerful and thoughtful

Sincere and charming

Demanding and persistent

Purposeful and brilliant -

Athletic and diligent

Children, to the applause of the audience, enter the hall with a balloon in their hand and stand in a semicircle in the center of the hall. become a semicircle and read poetry :

1Child graduate

There are different holidays throughout the year.
And today we have a holiday
Soon we will be first graders
We say goodbye to the garden now.

2 child graduate

The sun is a cheerful ray
Knocking happily on the windows
And we are proud today
In an important word: "Graduate"

3 child graduate

Parents came to our party
And they look at us with excitement.
It's like everyone saw it for the first time
Grown up children now.

4 child graduate

Soon we will leave the kindergarten,
It's time for us to go to school
We know that we need to study a lot,
To become real people.

5 child graduate

Our garden is sad today
And we are sad quite a bit,
The day of farewell has come
And we have a long road ahead.

6 child graduate

Leaving a piece of childhood here
We leave for the first class.
But with you we will be in the neighborhood,
And we will remember you again and again.

7 child graduate

More than once we remember how we played
And how many things were here
How to draw in the evenings
And the forest, and mother, and the stream.

8 child graduate

We will remember the group and toys,
And the bedrooms are gentle comfort,
And how to forget friends - girlfriends,
With whom we lived here for so many years!

9 child graduate

Yes, we are sad quite a bit,
And time can't be turned back
And it's time for us, it's time to go,


Farewell, beloved kindergarten!

Presenter: - Today, the excitement is unstoppable.

Your last holiday in kindergarten,

Our hearts are both warm and anxious,

After all, the children have grown up and go to school.

Presenter: - And how difficult it is for us to part with you,

And let you out from under the wing into the light!

You became relatives, you became friends,

And better than you, it seems, can not be found!

Children sing a songKindergarten meets us)

Kindergarten welcomes us
Here we play, we sing
Time flies by quickly
We are growing even faster.
Here we are loved and caressed,
Here we are comfortable, warm,
Many fairy tales are read to us,
There are a lot of friends here.

educators, relatives,
We love you from the bottom of our hearts
Naughty and funny
Playful kids.
We thank you
From parents, from us.
We didn't want to leave
But the school class is calling us

Kindergarten, goodbye,
Dear kindergarten, remember us!
Here comes the parting
We're going to first grade.
The teacher will meet us at school
He will say: - This is your home!
Here we will remember involuntarily
Kindergarten is expensive.

Chorus 2 times.

child graduate

How fun, together we lived in the garden,

Played all day long

We laughed and sang and were close friends,

And now the school is waiting for us.

child graduate

We are not simple kids
We are now graduates!
Fidgets, rascals,
They grew up very quickly!

child graduate

Back to school for the first time!

Back to school soon - first grade!

All will be named soon

schoolchildren us!

Children release balloons (balloons rise to the ceiling)

Dance of the Graduates "Parting"

Children graduates sit on chairs

Presenter: In the kindergarten turmoil and noise,
Everyone prepares their best suit.
We all gathered for your holiday,
The kids came to the holiday today, They brought their wishes to you!

Middle group performance(………)

Presenter: That's how you once were our dear graduates. But there is another surprise for you.. Meet! Senior group group congratulations!

Performance of the senior group (………..)

Presenter: Oh funny, funny! You were, after all. They will grow up a little, they will also come to school to you.

Presenter: The guys not only the children of our kindergarten want to congratulate you, but also your favorite teachers (congratulations from the teachers to the children and their parents)

Congratulations from educators to graduates

My dear preschoolers!

Oh, how big you have become!

You go to first class

And I remember crumbs of you.

How did you come to the group timidly,

He did not sleep, but this one did not eat,

Almost everyone asked for hands,

And now… how have you changed!

How many books have we read

You probably don't remember!

And according to fairy tales, we understood life,

Where is good and where evil is distinguished.

Blots with a brush put clearly

But they learned to draw well,

And everyone admired the work,

We also placed them in competitions!

We fought with mathematics for a long time,

We took knowledge for a walk,

Cones, trees, steps were counted.

How much did you love music?

They clapped loudly and marched.

And now in the music room

You sang and danced!

It's easy to be friends with physical education,

If you can run and jump,

Jump with a skipping rope

And, of course, play ball.

We became a sports group

And more than once others won!

Every day started with a charge,

So that health is in order!

My dear guys!

Before you were a preschooler,

But go to first class

I'm sorry to let you go!

You try to study at school,

And I'll be proud of you

Don't forget kindergarten

Report your successes!

All that we learned, keep,

Cherish your friendship,

Be patient, pay attention

Good luck, friends, goodbye

Children read poems of gratitude to kindergarten teachers and staff

Child Graduate

We are sad, very sorry to leave,
We promise to visit our garden!
But it's time to say goodbye.
We want to say "thank you" to everyone!

Our Head

Adults and children know
That is not easy to lead.
Flawless First Lady
Our sweet but serious
For taking care of the kids
For the warmth of your smile
We say in chorus: "Thank you,

To Our Educators

It's not easy being a teacher
Toddlers to learn.
It is necessary here not so strict,
How smart to be.
Gently, affectionately direct,
Smile, cheer,
Something to help fix
Or explain again.
Repeat not once, not twice
Fasten five more times...
In short, not everyone
You can become a teacher!

Our Teacher Assistants

A good word is a helper
Toys will help to collect,
Help the kids undress
Quietly put into bed.

We are grateful to you
for kindness and kindness
For clean dishes, care and comfort


The potions of secrets are open to them,
Decoctions the most difficult secret,
From the flu, the art of protection,
There is no more reliable one.
Any bruise or injury
Will they be able to heal
The vaccine will be given
For children to be healthy!
Our magic chef

Thanks to all those who worked in the kitchen,
We cooked porridge and prepared compotes!
Thank you for delicious sweets
Thanks for the skillful hands
Without you, we would be like this
don't grow big!

To our supply manager

A very difficult task to get something
Talent is needed and good luck to find a thing for a kindergarten.
Even the gods are not able to manage the economy nowadays.
For that, in our kindergarten there is a good supply manager.

Our Laundress

White napkin, clean sheet,
The apron and kerchief shine with whiteness.
To be clean
just top class
Zinaida Nikolaevna
took care of us.

child graduate

You let us go today

Like a flock of white birds.

And involuntarily at the same time you drop

Tears from your long eyelashes!

Do not be sad! We are sure

We will visit you again!

Our nannies and caregivers

We thank you from the bottom of our hearts!

Thanks from parents to teachers

You have become second mothers to our children.

And to be honest, without prejudice:

There is no better teacher in the world

Than the ones standing here in front of me.

Bow to you low, our teachers,

For all the love, patience, warmth,

For the fact that the children were both soft and strict,

For giving them kindness.

Because they are all ready for school,

For learning to be friends here,

For the fact that you were with us both in joy and in sorrow,

We are ready to thank you a hundred times.

So let your strength grow

And also the work will be fruitful.

'Cause the new kids are growing up

And looking forward to meeting you!

child graduate

It's time to part

Farewell, our kindergarten.

I would like to stay

child graduate

But the school is waiting for the guys.

You raised us carefully

He gave us fairy tales every day.

From all the guys, from all the guys

(Together :) - Thank you Kindergarten!

Children graduates sing a song (In September, the call is cheerful)

In September, the call is cheerful

Will call us for the first time, -

We will enter the big school

And a spacious bright classroom


Goodbye, goodbye

Our favorite kindergarten

You are escorting today

In the first class of their children.

You taught us how to work

Songs, love music,

Be proud of our motherland

Treasure true friendship.


Goodbye, goodbye

Our favorite kindergarten

You are escorting today

In the first class of their children.

We will study at school

We read a lot of books

And we will always remember

Their educators.


Goodbye, goodbye

Our favorite kindergarten

You are escorting today

In the first class of their children.

Presenter: Dear children, today is your big day!

You say goodbye to kindergarten!

Did you feel good and interesting here?(Yes)

And in order for you to feel good, cozy and interesting here, all the kindergarten employees tried and your parents helped a lot.

Dear our parents, the staff of the kindergarten thanks you for taking an active part in the life of the kindergarten during these years.

Presenter: You helped us a lot in designing the subject-developing environment of the group.

In the repair work of the kindergarten and the group.

In holding children's holidays.

You are wonderful parents because your child is the center of your life!

And in this solemn atmosphere, we want to mark each family with a letter of thanks.

(Presenting letters of thanks to parents)

Words of gratitude to parents from the deputy for preschool education.

A word from the director of the school

Presenter: Here comes the hour of goodbye

how many guests we invited,
Graduates for the last time

collected our garden in a beautiful hall.

Presenter: We lived here as a family

In a cozy house, bright, clean...
Today is graduation day

how fast the guys grew up!
Presenter: We remember your every success, because we surrounded everyone with love,
Our reward is childish laughter, their friendship, joy and health!
Presenter: Let our chicks fly forward through life in a close flock,
Kindergarten lets them go to the school world, kind, interesting!

Children dance: "Farewell Waltz"

After the dance, the children line up in a semicircle and the leaders come out to them.

presenter : Our dear children, your last holiday in kindergarten has ended. May you have many, many more different holidays in your life, may life give you only goodness and joy. And may your future be the most beautiful!

Presenter: Soon our group will be empty,
All farewell words will subside.
Golden rustling carousel
Leaves swirl in autumn.
On a long journey for knowledge, science
You will go to the autumn hour.
But we want you guys to know:
Here in the garden, we are glad to see you!

Presenter: What to say goodbye to you at this touching hour?
May your wishes and dreams come true.
To go through life boldly, for any business they took,
So that you do not go astray, so that everyone is proud of you.
Build, sing and dare, but don't forget about us!

Presenter: And now, our dear graduates and dear parents, let's all go out into the yard of our beautiful garden, under the bright sun and blue sky, to say goodbye to our beloved kindergarten, say goodbye to childhood and take the first step into a great and joyful life.

The farewell melody(“It’s getting quieter in the kindergarten” To the motive of the song, goodbye to our affectionate bear)

Educators, parents, children take the balls and go out into the yard.

Line up in a circle

Presenter: And when I say: One-two-three!

We'll let our balloons fly

And then our wishes will come true!

The children release the balloons and wave them back. Children and parents return to kindergarten

Farewell to Kindergarten

Dear garden, it's time to go ...
Your "chicks" have grown up.
Tomorrow from this threshold
The thugs will scatter.

Be patient, my friend, a little.
In a year, mind you
Brother younger Timoshka
I'll take you by the hand.

I'll show him my legacy
And I'll say: "This is it, brother,
Our happiness, our childhood,
Our kindergarten with you.

Here goodness and joy multiply,
That's what my dad told me.
He's in this kindergarten too
I used to go small.

We are a family path
We've been going for many years.
So we are here with you
Bring your kids!"
(M. Kladnichkina )

Goodbye Kindergarten

Remember how we used to be - crumbs and babies -
They didn't know how to put on their pants,
In the mornings without dads and moms wept, sobbed,
And you wiped wet noses for us.

Day after day passed.
It was hard and easy...
You taught us everything
And now we are O-GO-GO!

Our good garden! Soon we know
We will step over your threshold.
We wish you happiness, joy
To everyone who helped us grow!

Goodbye Kindergarten!
And thanks guys!

(E. Grudanov )

I say goodbye to kindergarten

I'm graduating today
I say goodbye to kindergarten.
Looks sad at me
Dolls friendly family,
The bear turned away in a corner,
And the giraffe bent slightly:
So sad, lonely
The puppy pouted.
I went to the toys
She hugged them all tenderly.
- I love you all, friends,
I don't say goodbye to you
I will come to visit
Come on, come on, don't be sad!

(L. Schmidt )

First graduation

Shoes for Natasha - Oh-yo-yo!
Holiday in "Cheburashka" -
High school graduation!

To and clasps
And style!
Yes, and with a dress too -
In unison!
To be bright
And easy
To knock loudly
- To friend Arkashka
Danced with me! -

Natasha's holiday

(N. Kapustyuk )

Graduation in the garden

In a decorated room
The mazurka is playing
And we get a standing ovation.
In the graduation garden
This is us being "released" -
The event is very big!

We were preparing for it
Dances taught:
Bow, circled, sat down ...
We, kindergarten, are with you
Strongly bonded!
And ... rushed, weeks flew ...

Here the dolls look
Get a little excited:
"The girls are wearing dresses,
Like ours!” -
And the raindrops are rolling outside the window ...
And we have fun and dance!

We can do a lot
We know a lot
Farewell, dear garden, soon to school!
The call is pouring
It just shines! -
Happy, perky, cheerful!

(N. Kapustyuk )

Grow up in my garden

Neither violet nor chamomile -
A real first grader!
I'm in my own garden
Grow up and go to class!

(N. Kapustyuk )

goodbye day

Sad maples at the fences -
Goodbye Kindergarten
We sit at our desks
This autumn!
Even a teddy bear
Doesn't want to sleep...
Sitting on the floor in the corner
They said goodbye to him.
Here are the raindrops on the glass
It's a sad day for us guys
And cheerful.
Goodbye kindergarten.
Hello school!

(I. Demyanov)

Goodbye Kindergarten

Why are there so many smiles

illuminate the kindergarten
Because here goes

first graders parade.
Even if they don't go to school

and do not sit at the desk
Kids in kindergarten

look at them with envy.

This is the first step

the path through life is not easy,
May happiness accompany you

graduation this holiday.
“Hello,” you say to the school.

Goodbye, Kindergarten.
Educators and nannies

we will not go back.

We will never forget you!

Don't get bored here without us!"
And everyone has tears without permission,

now rolling out of the eyes.

(G. Rukosueva )

Favorite kindergarten

Our good garden, our nest,
All in captivity and worries, and hassle.
Made the kids older and more beautiful
And now you see off in flight.

They will fly away to new distances,
But in the hearts, keeping gratitude,
On weekdays, in celebrations and in sorrow
Will never forget you.

You won't wake up yet
Years pass quickly, like a dream,
Your "chicks" will return again,
And they will bring their children.

In the meantime, good garden, goodbye,
Remember us, always remember.
Wave goodbye to us
And raise others to the wing.

(E. Grudanov )

High school graduation

I woke up early today
I iron my shirt, I clean my shoes...
I'm much older today
And I don't play cars anymore.

I distribute balloons and bouquets
Educators, best friends.
For the girls, I saved sweets,
And I will give a poem to all the guests.

I wish the kids good luck
And carry fives in a diary,
To all sorts of tasks
Instantly decided and light!

Let the sun shine bright!
To remember our graduation!
And then it will be the best gift ...
Our meeting ... in the new spring!
(O. Gelskaya)

Childhood is rainbow colors

We'll be big soon
We can read, count, write!
Our school will open the doors for us,
And we will miss our childhood.

Holidays, surprises, miracles!

Bright as sails in the sea!

Patiently at home waiting for toys
to play with them a little.
And animal friends,
We will all be welcomed.

Everything is ready for a new life
We will all go to first grade tomorrow,
We will only remember again
Everything that warmed us in childhood.

Childhood is grandmother's tales,
Holidays, surprises, miracles!
Childhood is rainbow colors
Bright as sails in the sea!

(N. Anishina )

Kindergarten teachers

You are not just educators for children,
You completely replace their mother.
They don't need sweets
If you are happy, feel comfortable!

For children, after all, the main thing is care,
And care, attention day by day.
Educator is hard work
If the house is full of wards!

We are grateful to you for your efforts
For children's smiles and laughter!
Let problems and worries
Everyone will be left behind!

We wish you good health
A lot of strength, perseverance and kindness.
Let the children meet you with love
And never forget!

(E. Sokolovskaya )

Goodbye Kindergarten!

Goodbye Kindergarten! -
Everyone today says:
Both parents and children.
It is difficult for everyone in these moments.

Because they've grown up
Because they got old
They made a noise, they got smarter.
We ate a lot of porridge together.

Here met the children comfort.
They were good here.
All our bow to the ground.
You have done hard work.

You took care of them.
They accepted like family.
What did the chefs cook?
The children ate with a bang.

The Methodists did.
All employees tried their best.
And the head of our
Let's wave our hands together.
Say goodbye with words
And hug like a mother.

(L. Nevskaya)

Goodbye Kindergarten!

Our favorite kindergarten
You are our second home.
Break up at this hour
We are sad for you.

Kind kindergarten, thank you,
You have done a lot for us.
I'm sorry to say goodbye to you
But it's time for us to go to first grade.

Here is the first step
What leads us to knowledge
And we walk along it for a long time
Day after day, year after year.

Goodbye, our dolls,
Dasha, Sonya and Natasha.
Meet the new girls
Play along with them!

Take you to school with me
Yes, sit at a desk
But the teacher for the lessons
You may not be allowed.

All machines are neat
We'll put it in the garage.
We are not up to toys now,
We're already adults.

Goodbye toys
Goodbye Kindergarten!
Don't be sad, tomorrow morning
Bring other guys.

(N. Migunova )



I don't want to go to kindergarten! -
Vova is crying loudly.
I don't want to go to kindergarten! -
Cries loudly again.

I don't want to go to kindergarten! -
He sobs loudly.
It's here anyway
Mom leaves.

Here's a week gone by
And then another.
And again, and again
The boy is crying.

- I don't want to go home! -
How to understand this?
Loved Kindergarten
Very boy Vova.

Oh, he's used to drama.
- Nothing! All will pass! -
He tells his mothers.

Yes, the kids are leaving.
Kindergarten pours tears -
What to keep secret.

You don't forget!
And go away, baby
Then remember!

To a kindergarten,
To a kindergarten,
Children, come!
And then here their
Bring the kids!

- What to keep a secret?
How good life is
When there are kids around!

You don't forget!
And go away, baby
Then remember!

(T. Shapiro)

We go to school

And today we have a holiday
Joyful, cheerful.
Goodbye Kindergarten!
Hello school!
So that we grow up brave
kind, skillful,
We know that you all loved us
And they taught well.
Get dressed very quickly
Wash very clean
Read books by syllables,
Everything we see, count
Carefully, quickly eat,
Don't even count everything.
We drew, we sculpted
From colored plasticine,
We went on excursions
And they played with Pinocchio,
They also played hide-and-seek
In daughters-mothers, horses
And they led a round dance
Near the Christmas tree in the New Year!
We love music and fairy tales
Our songs and dances
We love birthday games
We love holidays and fun!
Today we are escorted
To the land of wonders and knowledge,
And we're off to first grade
Thank you, good bye!
(I. Mikhailova)

Thanksgiving words


We lived together in this house,
There were games, tears, laughter...
Good friend, warm light
The educator has become for everyone.
We'll raise our hands together
Words are not needed now
Let's hug the teachers!
There are two of them, our favorite ones!

With a kind look, the door will open,
Will meet in the morning, wipe his nose.
He will comb and wash everyone,
Bring a tray of food...
It was unbearable
We behaved more than once.
We will tell the nanny everything - thank you!
We couldn't have done it without you!


So that we do not live sadly,
We did not count the crows, -
There was a lot of entertainment.
Our bow to the Methodist!

To healthy and ruddy
The child remained
Us not only porridge manna
Served the chef...
Healthy, appetizing dishes
The scent spread
Various biscuit buns
And for the holidays - chocolate!


Music lessons
We visited not in vain -
We act, in the end,
Despite embarrassment!
You were not strict with us,
If we make a mistake,
In gratitude to the teacher
Let's smile from the bottom of our hearts!

See how strong we are
How healthy and cheerful!
In games we are invincible
Both active and fast!
We did not sit in sports -
Worked in the morning, afternoon...
Fizruk for these goals
We shake hands tightly!


To cope with emotions
And don't quarrel in the garden
establish relationships,
And don't get into trouble
So that there is too much activity
Don't scare the people around
Always watched the kids
Our psychologist is a good friend!


Everything in our garden is excellent -
Beauty is visible in everything
Because on my own
She does miracles!
And our manager
For her efforts
We'll say thank you now
Sincerely yours!


For the health of the little ones
Permanent patronage
They did it without burden
Our nurse and doctor.
Here, now we will tell you honestly:
Living healthy is so wonderful!


There is a wonderful doctor in the garden -
We are not afraid to meet him.
He heals, which is interesting
Just wrong speech.
Sounds difficult to mint
The child has learned
Let's shout loudly, without a flaw,
We are a speech therapist - Hurray!

FOR TEACHERS (mathematics, grammar, drawing)

To teachers for learning
We are grateful of course!
At school on the board of honor
Let's get there successfully!
For grammar and sculpting,
Mathematics, drawings -
The kids will thank you
That touched all the strings!



We learned grammar
To speak correctly
To be surprised at school
And they were able to appreciate us.
To the right signs
Were in the right places
Us teacher on paper
Everything was shown in colors.


Our group does not have
Who doesn't like to draw
After all, they taught us sensibly
On paper, conjure!
We will draw a landscape for you
Both portrait and still life.
He will be indescribable
And the teacher is proud of us!


We'll tell you a secret:
In our big garden
There are no empty shots
All work is important and weighty!
Helped us learn
Watchman, laundress, storekeeper,
And an accountant ... Hardly all of them
Let's list this moment...
All Kindergarten staff
Thanks must be given!

(T. Dashkova)

September first

I felt myself
school star.
I looked back, kindergarten,
waving at me:
- Look, don't let me down
speaks after.
After all, it was not in vain that we raised
redhead girl.
On the golden day of September
I went to study.
I promise you friends
- Do not be lazy at school.

(G. Rukosueva )

Goodbye Kindergarten!


D childhood is a wonderful time:
E there are toys, the game is waiting,
T their hour and birthday,
AND menin cake with jam.

H good age for preschoolers
At we poured a merry garden,
D childhood was a songbird...
ABOUT burned like a match.

… Goodbye, kindergarten!
(N. Samoniy )

Hello school!

Kindergarten cozy house -
Games and fun
But it's time to move out
A housewarming awaits us:

In the house is a cozy, kind house,
Only wider, higher ...
The call was given for the move -
The bell is heard.

We were in a hurry to grow up.
The path of knowledge awaits us.
Hello, school, new home!
Sadik - goodbye!
(N. Samoniy )

The Promise of the Future of the First Grader

Growing up in kindergarten
It seemed to bloom
Now it's fruit time
I became a schoolgirl.
I am my parents
I boldly promise
Be diligent in everything
To, every now and then,
Just a ripe harvest
sweet fives,
Bring them joy
In a bucket diary.
(N. Samoniy )

farewell ball

Many years ago
We came to kindergarten
Small, stupid, funny.
The days flew by
We grew up
And now all adults are like that.


farewell ball
called to myself
And together with us in the dance the whole earth is spinning.
farewell party,
The hall sparkles
And we will dream of this waltz for a long time.

Bright scarlet roses
I brought a bouquet
Educators and our nanny.
I love you all
And thank you
For your care and attention.


Here it is for us
parting hour,
The music hall is full of flowers.
It's all serious
But there is no need for tears.
Goodbye kindergarten, hello school!


(N. Agoshkova )


After summer, winter - years have flown by,
Ever since we got here.
And although the kindergarten is still waiting for us,
It's time for us to say goodbye. The school is calling us.


It's very sad to leave
Leave your beloved home.
A house where it's fun to meet
In our hometown.

Together with dad, together with mom
Let's sing this song:
"Kindergarten is the best
In our hometown."


A happy time has not passed in vain, -
And your love and native warmth
We will forever carry in our hearts.
Thanks a lot! Thanks for all!

Chorus. (2 times)

(V. Borisov, music. A. Ermolov )

Graduation in kindergarten


A little sad in the soul of the guys,
After all, it's time for us to part.
No more rushing to kindergarten.
All this was yesterday.
We leave our games

New kids will come to the garden,
But there won't be us.


You can't go back to your old childhood
Just don't feel sorry for him!
And before we could look back
Schoolchildren have become now.
How the years have flown by!
With sadness native kindergarten
Escorts to school now
Their preschoolers.

Grievances will perish, quarrels will melt,
All this is in the past.
Only a good memory about the garden
We leave in the soul.
We are grateful to everyone who was next to us,
Protected us along the way
Who helped with their deeds
We have the whole world to gain.



We leave our games
You can't take them to first grade.
New kids will come to the garden,
But there won't be us.

(I. Kutepova , music I. Ortner,mp3 )

Parent performance at kindergarten graduation
(To the motive of the song "Hope")

An unknown star shines
Beyond our kindergarten.
Leave here forever
To be honest, we are not happy at all.
Here for five years they taught us good
And forgive ridiculous insults.
And during this time all around
We became close and family.


Thanks! Our garden is precious!
Our song is about you.

In the garden that (name d / s) called.

Not the salary attracted you here
Not a career ghostly glare.
Women's warmth and kindness
And great love for our children.
You gave to the children in full
All your talents and patience
And your reward will always be
The generation you raised.

Thanks! Our garden is precious!
Our song is about you.
Thanks! To everyone who works here
In the garden that (name d / s) called.

The time of parting does not matter -
Tomorrow another shift will come to you
You have such a fate -
Seeing off some, meeting others.
We will always remember these days.
In memory a bright ray will break through
This island of childhood and dreams -
Kindergarten that (name d / s) called.

Thanks! Our garden is precious!
Our song is about you.
Thanks! To everyone who works here
In the garden that (name d / s) called.

Big selection poems for graduation in kindergarten. Poems for children about farewell to kindergarten, poems for kindergarten graduates, poems for future schoolchildren.

To school

Yellow leaves are flying
The day is merry.
Leading a kindergarten
Kids to school.
Our flowers have bloomed
The birds are flying.
-You are going for the first time
to study in the first grade.

sad dolls sit
On an empty terrace.
Our fun kindergarten
Remember in class.
Remember the garden
A river in the far field...
We are also in a year
We will be with you at school.
The suburban train has departed,
Rushing past the windows ...
- They promised well
the best way to learn!

(Z. Aleksandrova)

goodbye day

Maples are sad at the fences
Farewell day...
Goodbye Kindergarten
We sit at our desks
This autumn!
Even a teddy bear
Doesn't want to sleep...
Sitting on the floor in the corner
They said goodbye to him.
Here are the raindrops on the glass
It's a sad day for us guys
And cheerful.
Goodbye kindergarten.
Hello school!

(I. Demyanov)

Odezhkin's house

I take galoshes home
Lots of things to do today...
clothing house,
my locker,
You are completely empty!
And how filled it was in winter - sleeves stuck out ...
It happened, the door, my locker,
I barely closed
Another baby will take you
I'm going to study!
Clothes house, my locker,
Forever we say goodbye to you, like old friends!

(I. Demyanov)

Why are the toys sad?

Why are the toys sad
Leaning against a sofa cushion?
They look at each other sadly -
Their owner forgot about them.

A doll in a satin dress has fallen.
How, how can she walk now?
Who will ride in a baby carriage
And tell funny stories?

What happened to the girl Mila,
Cute, funny, cute?
Mom and dad are talking
That kindergarten is over.

Bought a new leather briefcase,
Books, pens, pencils
And nice shoes too.
Mila rejoices from the heart!

Soon, soon the people are cheerful
Hurry on the way to school.
The girl becomes a student
Mom and dad will be proud.

Hugs Mila toys:
“And I haven’t forgotten about you at all.
My sister is growing up
I won't stand by
I will help a little.
Let's play toys together!

Farewell to Kindergarten

Goodbye, our beloved, kind kindergarten!
We were with you together for many years in a row!
And now we are parting - we have to go to school,
But we will not forget you in life!

Educators have become family to us now,
They opened the door to our kindergarten for the first time!
Together with us they had fun and taught us,
And now they are being escorted to school, to first grade!

We wish them health, happiness and kindness,
We will always remember them with love and joy!
And when we grow up, we will come to you again
And we will bring our beloved children to kindergarten!


We invite everyone to the ball

In an elegant music hall,

Where there will be music and laughter

And setting for success

Smiles, games, songs, speeches,

Hope to meet in the future

The fragrance of flowers

Gifts, cakes, sweets,

Chastushek voiced couplets,

In love, an awkward confession

Honor and glory for calling

Great - to love children,

Give the warmth of your hearts,

Where in the waltz memory will swirl:

“Do you remember?..” “It can’t be…”

“How matured… matured…”

“We didn’t have time to look back…”

And eyes wet with tears

Everything has its time, its time!

Go ahead baby! Go!

You are full of strength, hope, love.

We believe that your destiny is

Always be happy!

At the last and farewell ball
We are waiting for you tomorrow at the pier
After all, in our lovely town
We were quite happy
But they grew up. The city became small
And the world around is so interesting
We are in the sea of ​​"knowledge" are on our way
Come shake hands with us.


I love my kindergarten
It's full of guys.
One, two, three, four, five…
Too bad we can't count them all.
Maybe a hundred of them, maybe two hundred.
It's good when we are together!

Farewell, country of Courland,
Funny Fudge!
Let's swim, friends, be bold!
Sailing to the land of fantasy
Far First Class.
On our ship.
Farewell, our fabulous pier,
Kind and mysterious
Farewell, our kindergarten!

(V. Moruga)


You are a graduate today
You graduated from kindergarten.
Pen, eraser and diary
They are in a brand new satchel.

We wish to receive
Only one rating "five",
A lot to know
Remember Kindergarten!


The last time you came to the kindergarten,
Today you are with all the parade,
In one hand a balloon
In the other - a brand new "Bukvarik".

The sunny summer will pass
And you will come to school with a bouquet
We want to study well
And make friends with the whole class

Future first grader
My dear baby, my dear son,
Today you will return home as a grown-up.
You dreamed a lot that you would become big,
And dad and I will be proud of you.

And now it has come, this joyful moment,
Before blinking, he overtook us.
Do you hear the birds singing outside the windows,
The surf rustles and the trees bloom?

All this is for you, my dear, everything around,
The whole world and smiles of friends and girlfriends!
Let's not be sad, though a little sorry,
That in "Ladushki" is no longer our way,

That this house will no longer wait for us,
Others will play in the sandbox.
Keep love in your heart
And come and visit with your friends.

Remember all those who loved you here
You in "Ladushki" understood what "friends" means,
You met care, warmth and comfort,
Good people and fairy tales live here!

Go ahead, tomorrow is a new life!
Take my hand and hold on tight!

We go to school

And today we have a holiday
Joyful, cheerful.
Goodbye Kindergarten!
Hello school!
So that we grow up brave
kind, skillful,
We know that you all loved us
And they taught well.
Get dressed very quickly
Wash very clean
Read books by syllables,
Everything we see, count
Carefully, quickly eat,
Don't even count everything.
We drew, we sculpted
From colored plasticine,
We went on excursions
And they played with Pinocchio,
They also played hide-and-seek
In daughters-mothers, horses
And they led a round dance
Near the Christmas tree in the New Year!
People music and fairy tales,
Our songs and dances
We love birthday games
We love holidays and fun!
Today we are escorted
To the land of wonders and knowledge,
And we're off to first grade
Thank you, good bye!

(I. Mikhailova)


You walk into life
straight road.
Your success will be happy
Raised carefully and strictly
You, your kind kindergarten.


We were swinging
We were called babies
And now we've grown up
Let's go to first grade!

We will sit in the classroom at our desks,
Write on the blackboard with chalk
We will study numbers, maps,
All in all, we'll get to work!

Kindergarten, bye!
We need school now!
hello school,
knowledge castle,
You are a magical land!

(I. Gurina)

Goodbye Kindergarten!

Goodbye Kindergarten! -
Everyone today says:
Both parents and children.
It is difficult for everyone in these moments.

Because they've grown up
Because they got old
They made a noise, they got smarter.
We ate a lot of porridge together.

Here met the children comfort.
They were good here.
All our bow to the ground.
You have done hard work.

You took care of them.
They accepted like family.
What did the chefs cook?
The children ate with a bang.

The Methodists did.
All employees tried their best.
And the head of our
Let's wave our hands together.
Say goodbye with words
And hug like a mother.

(L. Nevskaya)


Goodbye, happy garden!
I will go to school in September.
In the meantime, I'll hide the notebooks
And I'll go to the country!

I'll sit on the shore
Run for mushrooms
Shake the dew off the grass
I'll bring strawberries

With a long stick
I'll go fishing.
I lie on the sand
I swim in a fast river.
I have been a student since September!

Mom will buy me a diary
And also a briefcase and books,
We're not babies anymore!
We are students now
Have matured: believe - do not believe!

(I. Gurina)

Birch trees are sad in the yard at this farewell hour,
You will all go to first grade in September.
Take satchels, primers, notebooks, diaries,
And the school bells will sing the song loudly to you!

We are no longer toddlers and preschool children.
Change bright pencils to notebooks,
Pens, bags, primers ... we have become big -
We know one, and two, and three, and four more!
We know how to learn poetry, and read a little ...
And when they came to kindergarten, we were babies.
You raised us, we love you...
But let's go to first class.
Happy Kindergarten!!!

Farewell, beloved kindergarten,
They ate a pound of salt with you! ..
Lots of girls and boys
Already ready for school!
And educators work,
Both cooks and nannies
Of us, believe me, they will not leave -
Their love will be with us!
We love you very much too
We will always love you!
... Going to the eleventh grade,
We will never forget you!!!

In kindergarten with everyone
We've been friends for many days
And now another thing -
There are more important concerns.
You have books in your portfolio
I have a bouquet in my hand
All the familiar boys
They stare in surprise.
Why is it a happy day?
Why is everyone happy?
We go to school.
Goodbye Kindergarten!

Today we say goodbye
With beloved kindergarten,
We have grown, we have grown
We need to go to school.
Thank you educators
Thanks to our nannies
Both the doctor and the cook
We will say "thank you" to everyone.
Today is a special day
Both sad and funny.
We have grown, we have grown!
Let's go to school!

Dolls, bears and parsley
They look sad at the guys.
Goodbye toys
Goodbye kindergarten.
New notebooks in the bag
Pens and pencils.
Goodbye, horses.
We are no longer babies.

The holiday is not easy for us,
It only happens once
And today in kindergarten
Our guests are in a hurry to visit us.
This holiday is our fun,
Because school is coming soon.
It's just a pity, you have to say goodbye
To us with our beloved kindergarten.
Here we were friends, played,
Letters first learned
Imperceptibly grew up
And they got really big.
This holiday is the day of farewell,
Sad and funny.
Our kindergarten, goodbye!
Hello, hello school!

Farewell to Kindergarten

Our favorite kindergarten
Kingdom fairy tale golden!
Please don't forget
We say goodbye to you.
Kindergarten has become our home,
Let's say in this sad hour,
To their educators:
We love you with all our hearts!
Even the sun is shining
It became brighter over the earth,
What to give to children
This graduation party!

(A. Metzger)

Hello school!

Kindergarten cozy house -
Games and fun
But it's time to move out
A housewarming awaits us:

In the house is a cozy, kind house,
Only wider, higher ...
The call was given for the move -
The bell is heard.

We were in a hurry to grow up.
The path of knowledge awaits us.
Hello, school, new home!
Sadik - goodbye!
(N. Samoniy)


Our favorite kindergarten
You are our second home.
Break up at this hour
We are sad for you.

Kind kindergarten, thank you,
You have done a lot for us.
I'm sorry to say goodbye to you
But it's time for us to go to first grade.

Here is the first step
What leads us to knowledge
And we walk along it for a long time
Day after day, year after year.

Goodbye, our dolls,
Dasha, Sonya and Natasha.
Meet the new girls
Play along with them!

Take you to school with me
Yes, sit at a desk
But the teacher for the lessons
You may not be allowed.

All machines are neat
We'll put it in the garage.
We are not up to toys now,
We're already adults.

Goodbye toys
Goodbye Kindergarten!
Don't be sad, tomorrow morning
Bring other guys.

(N. Migunova)


Dear, kind kindergarten,
Glorious and good.
you introduced me
With Vanya and Serezha.

Strong male friendship
We were very proud
Even mothers because of us
They also became friends.

Now we are always three.
Weekdays, weekends.
It's like my friends have become
Family brothers.

(N. Migunova)

Farewell to Kindergarten

Dear garden, it's time to go ...
Your "chicks" have grown up.
Tomorrow from this threshold
The thugs will scatter.

Be patient, my friend, a little.
In a year, mind you
Brother younger Timoshka
I'll take you by the hand.

I'll show him my legacy
And I'll say: "This is it, brother,
Our happiness, our childhood,
Our kindergarten with you.

Here goodness and joy multiply,
That's what my dad told me.
He's in this kindergarten too
I used to go small.

We are a family path
We've been going for many years.
So we are here with you
Bring your kids!"
(M. Kladnichkina)

Goodbye Kindergarten

Remember how we used to be - crumbs and babies -
They didn't know how to put on their pants,
In the mornings without dads and moms wept, sobbed,
And you wiped wet noses for us.

Day after day passed.
It was hard and easy...
You taught us everything
And now we are O-GO-GO!

Our good garden! Soon we know
We will step over your threshold.
We wish you happiness, joy
To everyone who helped us grow!

Goodbye Kindergarten!
And thanks guys!

(E. Grudanov)

I say goodbye to kindergarten

I'm graduating today
I say goodbye to kindergarten.
Looks sad at me
Dolls friendly family,
The bear turned away in a corner,
And the giraffe bent slightly:
So sad, lonely
The puppy pouted.
I went to the toys
She hugged them all tenderly.
- I love you all, friends,
I don't say goodbye to you
I will come to visit
Come on, come on, don't be sad!

(L. Schmidt)

Graduation in the garden

In a decorated room
The mazurka is playing
And we get a standing ovation.
In the graduation garden
This is us being "released" -
The event is very big!

We were preparing for it
Dances taught:
Bow, circled, sat down ...
We, kindergarten, are with you
Strongly bonded!
And ... rushed, weeks flew ...

Here the dolls look
Get a little excited:
"The girls are wearing dresses,
Like ours!” -
And raindrops are rolling outside the window ...
And we have fun and dance!

We can do a lot
We know a lot
Farewell, dear garden, soon to school!
The call is pouring
It just shines! -
Happy, perky, cheerful!

(N. Kapustyuk)

Grow up in my garden

Neither violet nor chamomile -
A real first grader!
I'm in my own garden
Grow up and go to class!

(N. Kapustyuk)

Goodbye Kindergarten

Why are there so many smiles

illuminate the kindergarten
Because here goes

first graders parade.
Even if they don't go to school

and do not sit at the desk
Kids in kindergarten

look at them with envy.

This is the first step

the path through life is not easy,
May happiness accompany you

graduation this holiday.
“Hello,” you say to the school.

Goodbye, Kindergarten.
Educators and nannies

we will not go back.

We will never forget you!

Don't get bored here without us!"
And everyone has tears without permission,

now rolling out of the eyes.

(G. Rukosueva)

Favorite kindergarten

Our good garden, our nest,
All in captivity and worries, and hassle.
Made the kids older and more beautiful
And now you see off in flight.

They will fly away to new distances,
But in the hearts, keeping gratitude,
On weekdays, in celebrations and in sorrow
Will never forget you.

You won't wake up yet
Years pass quickly, like a dream,
Your "chicks" will return again,
And they will bring their children.

In the meantime, good garden, goodbye,
Remember us, always remember.
Wave goodbye to us
And raise others to the wing.

(E. Grudanov)

High school graduation

I woke up early today
I iron my shirt, I clean my shoes...
I'm much older today
And I don't play cars anymore.

I distribute balloons and bouquets
Educators, best friends.
For the girls, I saved sweets,
And I will give a poem to all the guests.

I wish the kids good luck
And carry fives in a diary,
To all sorts of tasks
Instantly decided and light!

Let the sun shine bright!
To remember our graduation!
And then it will be the best gift ...
Our meeting ... in the new spring!
(O. Gelskaya)

Childhood is rainbow colors

We'll be big soon
We can read, count, write!
Our school will open the doors for us,
And we will miss our childhood.

Holidays, surprises, miracles!

Bright as sails in the sea!

Patiently at home waiting for toys
to play with them a little.
And animal friends,
We will all be welcomed.

Everything is ready for a new life
We will all go to first grade tomorrow,
We will only remember again
Everything that warmed us in childhood.

Childhood is grandmother's tales,
Holidays, surprises, miracles!
Childhood is rainbow colors
Bright as sails in the sea!

(N. Anishina)

Kindergarten becomes a second home for many children, and teachers become mothers. And that's why it's so hard to part, and so the cats scratch their souls. What will happen next, in this uncertainty, which is called a school? What will happen to the children, how will everything turn out for them after kindergarten? And the warmest words are always spoken at parting. If you can’t find words, but you are bursting with feelings, peep our soulful farewell poems.

Beautiful graduation poems

1st child: Clouds are floating in the blue sky,
They carry our preschool childhood in the distance.
We are still seven years old, it seems, the children are still,
We went to kindergarten, like chicks, grew up ...

2nd child: But it's time for us to get on the wing ...
Let the sun shine on the path.
Preschool childhood, what a pity, has passed,
Today, the chicks are escorted on a long journey.

Teacher: Fly, fly towards the winds,
Let the mountains and the sea and storms and calms,
From heavenly heights you will wave to us!
... And most importantly ... so that kindergarten is not forgotten ...

You can prepare in advance a large clean background in blue or purple, and each child will put a white print of his hand on it, and turn it into a swan. With this result of joint creativity, we will decorate the hall for graduation.

Farewell teacher with preschool children

Years run, and their rapid pace
Made us sigh today
Didn't think it would be so hard
Let your chicks go free.

Tell me, who will knit a scarf for you?
Who will blow on your sore now?
Who will tell an interesting story?
And who will hold the door for you in the passage?

Who will pour additives into a cup of jelly?
Who will wipe your children's tears?
Farewell, our adult little ones,
The school is calling you to the first grade!

Although you have grown up, for us you are babies,
We worry, we think about you,
Don't forget your garden, guys!
Happy travels, folks! Good time!

Farewell to the doll

Tanya! Baby doll!
How can I leave you?
Another girl will come
To this group without me.

You, Tanya, be obedient!
Help the new mom!
Hands, face and ears
Wash your face every night!

Pick up your bed
Drive carefully!
In a quiet hour, calmly, sweetly,
Sleep without whims!

I hope you are little things
Learned not to quit?
Ask for pigtails
Braid daily!

Be healthy, have fun!
Don't be sad, don't be discouraged!
I'll run after school!
You, Tanya, do not be bored!

Farewell to Mishka

I'll take the teddy bear Mikha
And I will press him to my chest,
He will cry softly
Well, I'll tell him:

Do not be sad, my faithful bear,
Don't be sad, Michael!
You are like a friend to me and a brother,
I loved you very much!

I go to school to study
I grew up, and you are a baby!
It's time for us to say goodbye
Don't be sad, don't, Mish!

No, I won't forget you!
... What is so drawn to tears?
I will visit you
And I'll bring candy!


We rested on the sea
And then thrown into the wave
Before leaving home
On a coin for the whole family.

My mother explained to me:
“There is one sign, dear!
To come back one more time
Let's treat the sea now!

I remember that sign!
And I'll tell you a secret:
Put the candy in the locker
To return to this group!

What kind of kindergarten to treat me,
To stay in it?
"Oh, son," said the mother,
Well, how stubborn are you!

At least put a kilo of sweets,
But you are already 7 years old.
Gotta go to school
Say goodbye to kindergarten."

Okay, okay, I understand
I'm slowly getting used to it.
There is candy in the cupboard...
...Suddenly, an omen will work!?

S. Pitirimov

I love my kindergarten
It's full of guys.
One, two, three, four, five…
Too bad we can't count them all.

Maybe a hundred of them, maybe two hundred.
It's good when we are together!

Farewell, country of Courland,

Funny Fudge!

Let's swim, friends, be bold!
Sailing to the land of fantasy
Far First Class.
On our ship.

Farewell, our fabulous pier,
Kind and mysterious
Farewell, our kindergarten!

Birch trees are sad in the yard at this farewell hour,
You will all go to first grade in September.
Take satchels, primers, notebooks, diaries,
And the school bells will sing the song loudly to you!

We are no longer toddlers and preschool children.
Change bright pencils to notebooks,
Pens, bags, primers ... we have become big -
We know one, and two, and three, and four more!

We are no longer babies
and not preschoolers.

Bright pencils
change to notebooks

Pens, bags, primers...
we became big

We know one, and two, and three,
and four more!
We know how to learn poetry
and read a little...

And when they came to kindergarten -
we were babies.

You raised us
we love you...

But let's go to first class.
Happy Kindergarten!!!

Farewell, beloved kindergarten,
They ate a pound of salt with you! ..
Lots of girls and boys
Already ready for school!

And educators work,
Both cooks and nannies
Of us, believe me, they will not leave -
Their love will be with us!

We love you very much too
We will always love you!
... Going to the eleventh grade,
We will never forget you!!!

In kindergarten with everyone
We've been friends for many days
And now another thing -
There are more important concerns.

You have books in your portfolio,
I have a bouquet in my hand
All the familiar boys
They stare in surprise.

Why is it a happy day?
Why is everyone happy?
We go to school.
Goodbye Kindergarten!

He escorts the guys.
dolls, balls,
In our corner they are sad.
We're leaving,
We're leaving.
But let's come back.
For the rest of our lives we will remember everyone,
Who loved us, shore.
Who was very kind to us,
If necessary, he was strict.
We're leaving, we're leaving.
But let's come back.
Let's say out loud:
- Hello, school!
- Goodbye,
goodbye day
Sad maples at the fences -
Farewell day...
Goodbye Kindergarten
We sit at our desks
This autumn!
Even a teddy bear
Doesn't want to sleep...
Sitting on the floor in the corner
They said goodbye to him.
Here are the raindrops on the glass
It's a sad day for us guys
And cheerful.
Goodbye kindergarten.
Hello school!
(Ivan Demyanov)
Goodbye toys
Dolls, bears and parsley
They look sad at the guys.
Goodbye toys
Goodbye kindergarten.
New notebooks in the bag
Pens and pencils.
Goodbye, horses.
We are no longer babies.

Goodbye Kindergarten
Breaks up with kindergarten
This morning kids
Sadness in the heart will respond
This bright time.
Bored in toy lockers
Children are no longer up to the game,
No time to chat with girlfriends
Everything is quiet here for the time being.
Children, you have become big,
Soon to school, first grade,
And today in this room
We hasten to congratulate you.
Don't be sad guys
Leaving the kindergarten
The school is rich in novelty,
Wait for new awards.
Goodbye Kindergarten
Our priceless miracle treasure!
(Olga Abikh)
Goodbye Kindergarten!
Goodbye, happy garden!
I will go to school in September.
In the meantime, I'll hide the notebooks
And I'll go to the country!

I'll sit on the shore
Run for mushrooms
Shake the dew off the grass
I'll bring strawberries

With a long stick
I'll go fishing.
I lie on the sand
I swim in a fast river.

I have been a student since September!
Mom will buy me a diary
And also a briefcase and books,
We're not babies anymore!

We are students now
Have matured: believe - do not believe!
(Irina Gurina)
Goodbye Kindergarten
Every day we went to the garden.
Here we were met and fed.
We were taught to play here
Songs to sing and dance.

We are very sorry to part
But we cannot stay.
Although the kindergarten is our second home,
We will go to school soon.

Goodbye Kindergarten!
We won't go back.
To their educators
We say "thank you".
(Lydia Klimanskaya)
Hello school!
Kindergarten - a cozy home:
Games and fun.
But it's time to move out
A housewarming awaits us:

In the house is a cozy, kind house,
Only wider, higher ...
A call was given for the move -
The bell is heard.

We were in a hurry to grow up.
The path of knowledge awaits us.
- Hello, school, new home!
Sadik, goodbye!
(Natalya Samoniy)
We are no longer babies
We are no longer babies
And not preschoolers.
Bright pencils
change to notebooks
Pens, bags, primers...
we became big
We know one, and two, and three,
And four more!
We know how to learn poetry
And read a little...
And when they came to kindergarten -
we were babies.
You raised us
We love you...
But let's go to first class.
Kindergarten Happy!
We go to school
And today we have a holiday
Joyful, cheerful.
Goodbye Kindergarten!
Hello school!
So that we grow up brave
kind, skillful,
We know that you all loved us
And they taught well.
Get dressed very quickly
Wash very clean
Read books by syllables,
Everything we see, count
Carefully, quickly eat,
Don't even count everything.
We drew, we sculpted
From colored plasticine,
We went on excursions
And they played with Pinocchio.
They also played hide-and-seek
In daughters-mothers, horses
And they led a round dance
Near the Christmas tree in the New Year!
We love music and fairy tales
Our songs and dances
We love birthday games
We love holidays and fun!
Today we are escorted
To the land of wonders and knowledge,
And we're off to first grade
Thank you, good bye!
(I. Mikhailova)
Dressed up kindergarten ...
Dressed up kindergarten -
You don't know directly.
Your best outfit
Mom puts on.
And ironed trousers
Cleanly washed hands
And excitement - just us
Escorted to first class!

To be honest,
How can we not worry!
How many years have we lived here
They played and made friends!

Ate delicious meals
Slept in the bedroom during quiet hours.
And frosty winter
We fed the birds many times.

Answered in class
The story was listened to in silence
They were noisy, funny,
Naughty kids!

We fly away today
Like birds from a nest.
sorry, have to say goodbye
Kindergarten forever!

And today, on the day of farewell,
We won't get discouraged
We will be kindergarten for a long time
Remember with a kind word.
Where do bears live in winter?
Who ate a piece of the moon?
Why is the car moving?
Why do elephants trumpet?

What are injections for?
And where does summer go?
I will go to school one day
And I know all the answers!
(Irina Gurina)
Kindergarten graduation invitation
We invite everyone to the ball
In an elegant music hall,
Where there will be music and laughter
And setting for success
Smiles, games, songs, speeches,
Hope to meet in the future
The fragrance of flowers
And the chirping of children's voices,
Gifts, cakes, sweets,
Chastushek voiced couplets,
In love, an awkward confession
Honor and glory for calling
Great - to love children,
Give the warmth of your hearts,
Where in the waltz memory will swirl:
“Do you remember?..” “It can’t be…”
“How matured… matured…”
“We didn’t have time to look back…”
And eyes wet with tears
Everything has its time, its time!
Go ahead baby! Go!
You are full of strength, hope, love.
We believe that your destiny is
Always be happy!
Is always!
Holidays are not easy...
The holiday is not easy for us,
It only happens once
And today in kindergarten
Our guests are in a hurry to visit us.
This holiday is our fun,
Because school is coming soon.
It's just a pity, you have to say goodbye
To us with our beloved kindergarten.
Here we were friends, played,
Letters first learned
Imperceptibly grew up
And they got really big.
This holiday is the day of farewell,
Sad and funny.
Our kindergarten, goodbye!

Seeing off to school
Escorts to school today
Kindergarten of their children.
And tremble in the hands of bouquets
Our glorious preschool children.
yellowmouth chicks
You came to the group with your mother.
Grow wiser, grow up
They've grown up quite a bit.
The shell became tight,
It's time for you to take off into the world.
Good luck, to the land of knowledge
Step firmly!
Soon you will sit down at your desks,
Bells will ring for you.
You are no longer a preschooler,
You are now students.
Your joys and troubles
Everything was divided in half.
Everything you've been taught
Useful for school.
The sun is a cheerful ray
Knocks happily on the windows.
And we are proud today
An important word: "Graduate!"
Because to part
It's time for us today with the garden,
We are sad and at the same time
We are all happy to go to school!
On the verandas, on the facade
colorful flags,
For the guys today is a holiday,
We are students now!
Let's say to the garden: "Goodbye!"
The school country is waiting for us,
And homework
And fun things.
Hello school!
Hello school!
Open wide the doors!
And flowers and calls
Meet the first graders!
(L. Chadova)
Farewell to Kindergarten
Our favorite kindergarten
Kingdom fairy tale golden!
Please don't forget
We say goodbye to you.
Kindergarten has become our home,
Let's say in this sad hour,
To their educators:
- We love you with all our hearts!
Even the sun is shining
It became brighter over the earth,
What to give to children
This graduation party!
(Alexander Metzger)
Farewell to Kindergarten
Goodbye, our beloved, kind kindergarten!
We were with you together for many years in a row!
And now we are parting - we have to go to school,
But we will not forget you in life!
Educators have become family to us now,
They opened the door to our kindergarten for the first time!
Together with us they had fun and taught us,
And now they are being escorted to school, to first grade!
We wish them health, happiness and kindness,
We will always remember them with love and joy!
And when we grow up, we will come to you again
And we will bring our beloved children to kindergarten!
Farewell to Kindergarten
Today we say goodbye
With beloved kindergarten,
We have grown, we have grown
We need to go to school.
Thank you educators
Thanks to our nannies
Both the doctor and the cook
We will say "thank you" to everyone.
Today is a special day -
Both sad and funny.
We have grown, we have grown!
Let's go to school!
You took us kids ...
You took us kids
Kindergarten, our home,
We are now big
And we say goodbye to you.

Here the walls became native,
And beds, and toys,
Educators and nannies
And my girlfriends.

But it's time to learn
The bell will ring soon
And spring, sonorous song
Call us to class.

Hello school! First grade!
Look at us soon!
Tanya, Sasha and Natashka -
Here are the first graders!
This holiday is different
This holiday is unusual.
It only happens once.
Everything is so new, unusual,
We're off to first grade!
School subjects are waiting for us,
Waiting for the pages of the Primer,
We learn about the planets
About deserts and seas.

We will learn beautifully
Write in clear handwriting:
"Our Motherland is Russia",
"Elders must be respected."
We part with kindergarten,
Everyone is very happy with the school!
Let's smile goodbye
Do not be sad, our kindergarten!
What about toys for school?
No, of course not!
We'll leave the toys here
Goodbye friends!

Today we say goodbye
With beloved kindergarten,
We have grown, we have grown
We need to go to school.

Thank you educators
Thanks to our nannies
Both the doctor and the cook
We will say "thank you" to everyone.

Today is a special day -
Both sad and funny.
We have grown, we have grown!
Let's go to school!

Dolls, bears and parsley
They look sad at the guys.
Goodbye toys
Goodbye kindergarten.

New notebooks in the bag
Pens and pencils.
Goodbye, horses.
We are no longer babies.

Today, the excitement is impossible to contain -
Your last holiday in kindergarten.
Our hearts are both warm and anxious,
After all, the children have grown up and go to school.

And how hard it is to part with you,
And let you out from under the wing into the light!
You became relatives, you became friends,
And better than you, it seems, can not be found.

Today, guys, we congratulate you!
You go to school to learn, to make friends.
Good luck and good health to all of you
And never forget your kindergarten.

The holiday is not easy for us,
It only happens once
And today in kindergarten
Our guests are in a hurry to visit us.

This holiday is our fun,
Because school is coming soon.
It's just a pity, you have to say goodbye
To us with our beloved kindergarten.

Here we were friends, played,
Letters first learned
Imperceptibly grew up
And they got really big.

This holiday is the day of farewell,
Sad and funny.
Our kindergarten, goodbye!
Hello, hello school!


Our favorite kindergarten
You are our second home.
Break up at this hour
We are sad for you.

Kind kindergarten, thank you,
You have done a lot for us.
I'm sorry to say goodbye to you
But it's time for us to go to first grade.

Here is the first step
What leads us to knowledge
And we walk along it for a long time
Day after day, year after year.

Goodbye, our dolls,
Dasha, Sonya and Natasha.
Meet the new girls
Play along with them!

Take you to school with me
Yes, sit at a desk
But the teacher for the lessons
You may not be allowed.

All machines are neat
We'll put it in the garage.
We are not up to toys now,
We're already adults.

Goodbye toys
Goodbye Kindergarten!
Don't be sad, tomorrow morning
Bring other guys.

Dear, kind kindergarten,
Glorious and good.
you introduced me
With Vanya and Serezha.

Strong male friendship
We were very proud
Even mothers because of us
They also became friends.

Now we are always three.
Weekdays, weekends.
It's like my friends have become
Family brothers.

goodbye day
I. Demyanov

Maples are sad at the fences
Farewell day...
Goodbye Kindergarten

We sit at our desks
This autumn!
Even a teddy bear
Doesn't want to sleep...

Sitting on the floor in the corner
They said goodbye to him.
Here are the raindrops on the glass

It's a sad day for us guys
And cheerful.
Goodbye kindergarten.
Hello school!

We go to school
I. Mikhailova

And today we have a holiday
Joyful, cheerful.
Goodbye Kindergarten!
Hello school!

So that we grow up brave
kind, skillful,
We know that you all loved us
And they taught well.

Get dressed very quickly
Wash very clean
Read books by syllables,
Everything we see, count

Carefully, quickly eat,
Don't even count everything.

We drew, we sculpted
From colored plasticine,

We went on excursions
And they played with Pinocchio,
They also played hide-and-seek
In daughters-mothers, horses

And they led a round dance
Near the Christmas tree in the New Year!

People music and fairy tales,
Our songs and dances

We love birthday games
We love holidays and fun!

Today we are escorted
To the land of wonders and knowledge,

And we're off to first grade
Thank you, good bye!

To school
Z. Alexandrova

Yellow leaves are flying
The day is merry.
Leading a kindergarten
Kids to school.

Our flowers have bloomed
The birds are flying.
-You are going for the first time
to study in the first grade.

sad dolls sit
On an empty terrace.
Our fun kindergarten
Remember in class.

Remember the garden
A river in the far field...
We are also in a year
We will be with you at school.

The suburban train has departed,
Rushing past the windows ...
- They promised well
the best way to learn!

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