Composition on the topic: Zhilin and Dina in the story Prisoner of the Caucasus, Tolstoy. Zhilin and Dina composition What can the history of Dina and Zhilin teach

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When two officers of the Russian army were captured by the bandits, they did not expect anything good. However, even in captivity, the Tatars can find bright sides. The owner of Zhilin turned out to be the stern highlander Abdul-Murat. He had a young and beautiful daughter named Dina.

Zhilin met the highlander's daughter when her father ordered her to give the prisoner a drink. When she came to the call of her father, she had a jug in her hands, and she was dressed in mountain fashion, in a long blue dress, her hair was loose over her shoulders. She was only thirteen years old and it was clear that she was afraid of her strict father. When the officer handed the empty jug back to her, she jumped away from him like a frightened doe.

After some time, Zhilin begins to settle in captivity. He begins to understand the Tatars, their actions and thoughts become more clear to him. From idleness, he begins to make various things. Once he made a funny doll, a slender figure with a jug on his shoulder, and installed it on the roof. Dina saw this miracle and began to examine it with fascination, then she called her girlfriends and together with them she continued to admire her. When Zhilin again entered his dungeon, she took this doll for herself. So for the first time in her life, Dina got a real clay toy. However, not everyone liked this product. One noisy old woman throws the doll on the ground and it breaks into many pieces. The girl is very upset, and the officer, seeing her sadness, decides to make another doll. He picks up clay again and gives her the appearance of a slender girl. This doll is much better. From that moment on, friendly feelings arise between Zhilin and Dina.

Zhilin and Kostylin were starving in their barn, the greedy Tatar did not give them much food. Dina, having learned about this, begins to bring food to the officers. Probably, she imperceptibly falls in love with a handsome officer of the Russian army. Therefore, Zhilin now always has a supply of cakes and milk, and sometimes lamb.
It seems that among all the Tatars, only Dina has a kind heart and tries to make life easier for the captives.
After Zhilin and Kostylin escaped, they were brought back and put in a deep hole. It was Dina who helped the officer make the second escape.
Even when Zhilin was sitting in a hole, he understood that only a miracle would help him get out into the wild. One day, Dina came to Zhilin to take from him some wonderful clay animal figurines that the captive had made for her. After some time, the girl comes and tells the bad news, it turns out that the Tatars decided to kill the captives so that they would not cause them problems. Zhilin asks her for help, but Dina refuses and runs away.

When there is almost no hope left, a miracle happens. One night, a long pole descends into the pit, and so Zhilin gets free. Kostylin refused to take risks, and did not dare to get out of the zindan. After Dina breaks the shackles and realizes that she will never see such a kind and intelligent Russian officer who compares favorably with her fellow tribesmen, she begins to cry.
It can be concluded that the girl became a devoted friend to Zhilin, she is only thirteen years old, and she accomplished what can be called a feat. Not every adult in her place would decide to help, but she was able to do this for the sake of true friendship. Apparently this strange Russian officer sunk into her heart.

Zhilin is the main character of L.N. Tolstoy "Prisoner of the Caucasus". This is a Russian officer who was captured by the Tatars. Zhilin had nowhere to wait for help, so he tried to escape on his own.

Zhilin closely observed the life of the Tatars. He made friends with the girl Dina, the daughter of the Tatar chieftain, who brought him bread and water. It was a girl "thin, skinny, about thirteen years old."

At first, Dina was afraid of Zhilin, put food for him and immediately ran away. But Zhilin made her some funny clay dolls, and Dina stopped being afraid. She began to secretly bring him milk and roast lamb.

After Zhilin and Kostylin tried to escape and were caught again, the Tatars were going to kill their captives. Dina ran at night to the pit where they were sitting and told everything to Zhilin. She felt sorry for him, because she felt that he was a good person. She helped him escape the second time, although she could be punished very severely for this if anyone found out.

Zhilin also fell in love with Dina: saying goodbye to her, he warmly thanked her and said with tears: “Farewell, Dinushka, I will remember you forever.” He regretted that he could no longer make dolls for her.

The story of Zhilin and Dina teaches us how important it is to be kind to each other even in the most difficult situations. Zhilin made dolls for Dina simply because he was a kind person and loved children. Dina felt his kindness and saved his life. As the proverb says, as it comes around, it will respond!

The events described by L.N. Tolstoy in the story take place during the war in the Caucasus. The main characters of the work are two officers who were captured, and Dina, the daughter of the highlander Abdul-Murat. The mountaineer is the master of the captives.

The basis of the plot of the story is the friendship of the Tatar woman Dina with the Russian officer Ivan Zhilin. This friendship began to emerge not from the first day of their acquaintance. Two people of different age had different religions, belonged not only to different nations, but also to different strata of the social ladder.

Zhilin is a Russian officer who served in the Caucasus. Ivan is of average height, thin, with kind eyes. By origin he is a nobleman. Ivan constantly sent money to his mother. And since the officer was single, his mother was looking for a bride for him. Zhilin, when he was captured, was driving home to meet his future bride. Once captured, Zhilin behaves as befits a Russian officer. Ivan drives away sadness and fear, does not despair, being captured, makes escape plans, at the same time doing some business. He makes clay toys for Tatar children, repairs weapons, and even helped heal a Tatar. The young officer is kind and hardworking, helping anyone who needs help.

Dina is a thirteen-year-old girl, similar in appearance to her father, funny, but a little shy. She is always dressed in a long dress. Responsive, kind, devoted, able to sympathize. It was this girl who became Ivan's friend.

At first, Dina was afraid of the Russian, but one day she saw a clay doll dressed in Tatar clothes, left by Zhilin for her. Until Zhilin went to the barn, the girl with other Tatar children examined her, placed by Ivan on the roof of the barn, and when he left, she grabbed the doll. For the girl, this doll has become almost the only toy.

After this incident, the friendship between these people began to grow stronger. Zhilin made another doll for the girl when the old woman broke the first toy. And the girl secretly brought food to the prisoner, because she knew that the Russian prisoners were fed poorly.

And it was Dina who, having heard by chance that the officers were going to be killed, helped Zhilin. She lowered a long stick into the pit so that Ivan could get out of there, knock off the shackles and escape. The girl knew that she would be punished if her act became known, but she did it. A little Tatar woman brought cakes to her friend so that he would not starve on the road.

Thanks to Dina, Zhilin soon returned to the garrison. The Tatars, who set off in pursuit, failed. The cowardly Kostylin stayed in captivity for more than a month, until a ransom came for him. It seems that Dina's friendship with Zhilin was real, sincere. For the sake of her friend, the girl did such an act that adults cannot always do. She saved Zhilin's life.

Talking about one case that occurred during the Caucasian war, the author revealed the true patriotism and courage of a real Russian officer, characterized by the desire for freedom and victory, the ability to endure hardships, not forgetting about humanity, love for children and compassion.

The work of Leo Tolstoy "Prisoner of the Caucasus" is dedicated to real historical events of the 19th century. Zhilin and Dina became significant images of the work, which make the reader think about many things.

These are people living in different opposite worlds. Zhilin is a poor Russian officer who has incredible courage and a sense of human dignity. He became a prisoner for whom they want to either get a ransom or kill him. Zhilin was not broken, even by being captured, he did not despair, did not give up and thought out a plan to return to his homeland. Moreover, he helps ordinary Tatar people: he makes toys for children, heals local residents, and helps everyone who needs help.

Dina is a thirteen-year-old Tatar girl, mature beyond her years, the daughter of the very man who captured Zhilin. But the most important character trait of Dina is responsiveness and the ability to sympathize. Their first meeting took place at the moment when Dina brought water to Zhilin. Gradually, they became real friends who supported each other: the prisoner makes her a doll with his own hands, thereby reminding her that she is still a child and returns to childhood, Dina secretly brings him water, food and, most importantly, helps to escape from captivity when learns that her friend is about to be killed. The girl understood that helping a Russian person would enrage her father, and she would be punished, but this did not stop her. These, at first glance, different heroes, were imbued with warmth for each other and it was very difficult for them to part.

The relationship between Zhilin and Dina proves to everyone that neither age, nor nationality, nor religion, nor status, nor anything else can affect true friendship. One of the morals of this work is that friendship has no barriers, and it manifests itself through good deeds. These two heroes proved that no matter what, you need to remain human!

Option 2

The story of L.N. Tolstoy's "Prisoner of the Caucasus" is small in volume. The plot is also simple. There are few heroes. But the short period of life of these heroes, their relationships described in the story can teach a lot. Here are the fates of two different people - officers Zhilin and Kostylin. Here is the touching friendship between the Russian officer Zhilin and the Caucasian girl Dina. This story captivates with its sincerity and kindness. And all this against the backdrop of a bloody war in the Caucasus and the cruelty of the highlanders to the captives.

The first meeting between Zhilin and the young Tatar woman was not pleasant. He was only brought to the village, chained in stocks. He had a hard, sleepless night. Having asked for a drink, the hero receives water from the hands of the young master's daughter. Abdul-Murat tells Dina to bring a jug of water to the captive. Dina is a thin, fragile, thin girl. She is about thirteen years old. She has a beautiful face and is dressed beautifully. The girl is not yet wearing a headscarf. And around her neck she has a monisto of Russian coins and a ribbon in her hair with a silver ruble. The girl is active, agile and caring. She made the prisoner drink from her hands, although she was very afraid of him.

Dina had never seen people of other nationalities before. When Zhilin gave her back the jug, she jumped away from it "like a mountain goat." Ivan gradually wins the trust and friendship of the Tatar girl. Among the peoples of the Caucasus, girls have to grow up early. In a year or two, Dina will be married off. Her father will find her a groom, and she will have to part with her childhood forever. Already now it is being prepared for this. She does not sit idle, she does housework. Zhilin briefly gives the girl a real childhood by making her a clay doll. Ivan makes a doll that looks like a Tatar woman, sculpts a Tatar outfit for her. Dina is delighted, but is in no hurry to pick her up. She invites other girls to watch. And when everyone disperses timidly and abruptly takes the toy. She cleans it with bright shreds, making a beautiful outfit. But the old woman, seeing this, breaks the doll. After all, a girl needs to prepare for marriage, and motherhood is just around the corner. Not to play with dolls. Moreover, a young Tatar woman cannot take anything from the hands of a captured Russian officer. Dina is imbued with deep sympathy for Ivan.

She secretly brings him food that tastes better - milk and cheese cakes instead of raw unleavened dough. And he, in gratitude, makes various toys for her. Only after his escape, when the conditions became tougher, she no longer takes these toys. She wants to take Zhilin and feel sorry for her, but she can’t. Ivan asks her to help him escape. She does not dare for a long time, she is afraid, she is waiting for the right moment. Still, she lowers the pole for him and tries to help knock down the block.

Dina releases Zhilin, risking her own safety. After all, she could incur the severe wrath of her father and the elders. And for a young Muslim woman, this is a cruel death. But Dina is a brave girl. She is sorry to part with Zhilin, she became attached to him and even fell in love in her own way. I think Dina did a very brave thing. Not every adult decides on this. Many people prefer to give up their conscience, to leave a person in trouble, than to take risks themselves.

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