Self-education work plan: “Russian folk tales as a means of speech development in the senior group. Self-education program "A fairy tale as a means of developing speech in younger preschoolers" teaching material on the development of speech (younger group) for those

Antipyretics for children are prescribed by a pediatrician. But there are emergency situations for fever in which the child needs to be given medicine immediately. Then the parents take responsibility and use antipyretic drugs. What is allowed to be given to infants? How can you bring down the temperature in older children? What are the safest medicines?

Elena Fomenko
Work plan on the topic of self-education "Russian folk tales as a means of developing speech in the senior group"

Speech is a tool for the development of the higher departments of the human psyche. Teaching a child to speak his native language, adults contribute to the development of his intellect, higher emotions, prepare the conditions for successful schooling. A child of older preschool age (5 - 6 years old) should have a clear, intelligible speech, without disturbances in sound pronunciation, because at this age the process of mastering sounds ends. Russian folk tales reveal to children the expressiveness of language, show how rich native speech is with humor, lively and figurative expressions. The amazing power of the linguistic creativity of the Russian people has not shown itself in anything with such brightness as in folk tales. In the formation of coherent speech, the interconnection of speech and aesthetic aspects is also vividly manifested. So, teaching the retelling of folklore and literary works in order to form the ability to build a coherent monologue statement naturally involves familiarizing children with the figurative and expressive means of a literary text (comparisons, epithets, metaphors, synonyms). A coherent statement testifies to the extent to which the child owns the richness of the native language, its grammatical structure, and at the same time it reflects the level of the child's mental, aesthetic, emotional development. Russian folk tales provide high efficiency in the development of coherent speech of children, since they reveal to them the accuracy and expressiveness of the language, show how rich the native speech is with humor, lively and figurative expressions. The inherent extraordinary simplicity, brightness, imagery, the peculiarity of reproducing the same speech forms and images repeatedly force us to put forward fairy tales as a factor in the development of coherent speech of children.

Target: improving their theoretical level, professional skills and competence. Revealing the influence of Russian folk tales on the development of speech in older preschoolers.


Educational: teach children how to build complete and expressive answers based on the content of a fairy tale they have read; express your attitude to what you listened to, using comparisons, metaphors, epithets and other means of figurative expression, work on sound pronunciation,

Developing: develop the sound culture of children's speech, grammatical structure, coherent, expressive speech; enrich the vocabulary, develop thinking and imagination in children, emotional responsiveness.

Educational: foster a love of fiction.

Long-term planning of work with children 5-6 years old.

Terms of implementation and content of work for the 2016-2017 academic year

September - May Determination of the goal, objectives, selection of literature.

Saturation of PPMS by research topic

September GCD "What is a fairy tale?"

Leisure "Travel to the fairyland"

October Didactic game "Collect and Tell a Story" Exhibition

drawings "My favorite fairy tale"

November Reading and discussion of the fairy tale "By the Pike's Command"

GOD "Fear has big eyes"

December GCD "Tell a fairy tale from pictures"

Making masks for heroes of fairy tales

January Replenishment of the book corner.

Reading and discussion of the fairy tale "Sivka-burka".

Conversation "My Favorite Fairy Tale".

GCD "The world of fairy tales and adventures."

Dramatization of excerpts from the Russian folk tale "U

fear eyes are great "

February Exhibition of handicrafts from waste material "My beloved

hero from a fairy tale "

Reading and discussion of the fairy tale "The Fox and the Hare"

Conversation "Where books live". Acquaintance with the profession

librarian. Excursion to the city children's library.

Reading the Russian folk tale "Sister Alyonushka and brother

Ivanushka ".

GOD - Modeling "Sister Alyonushka".

March Reading and discussion of the fairy tale "Morozko"

Conversation "Positive and negative heroes of fairy tales, their


GCD "Reading the Russian folk tale" Tails ".

Reading the Russian folk tale "Winged, shaggy yes

buttered ".

April Designing "Baby Books"

Reading and discussion of the fairy tale "The Wolf and the Seven Kids"

Presentation of the album "Reader's Dossier"

Synopsis of an integrated lesson

Workshop "Living Book"

GCD "Russian folk tale" Khavroshechka ".

May Didactic game "Tell a fairy tale by heroes"

Reading the Russian folk tale "Geese-Swans".

Performance with dramatization and puppet theater based on a fairy tale

"Geese-Swans" in front of kindergarten pupils.

Joint entertainment of parents and pupils

senior group "Mom, Dad, I am a reading family"

Prospective planning for working with parents.

Terms of implementation and content of work for the 2016-2017 academic year

September Questionnaire for parents "Russian folk tale in

your child's life "

October Consultation for parents "Mom, read me a fairy tale"

November Acquisition to the group of coloring pages with heroes of Russian folk

December Making costumes, attributes for theatrical


January Parents' survey "Fairy Tales in Our House"

Consultation for parents "Russian folk tale as

means of speech development of preschoolers "

Individual and group consultations "On the benefits of reading"

February Table theater making workshop

fairy tales for reading "

Information stand "How to turn reading into pleasure".

March Consultation for parents "A fairy tale in the life of a child"

Literary living room "Reading family".

Preparation of attributes for theatrical performance.

April Exhibition of family drawings "My favorite fairy tale"

Creation of the album "Dossier

reader ".

May Competition "Compose a fairy tale", the action "Give the children a book"

Joint entertainment of parents and pupils of the eldest

group "Mom, Dad, I am a reading family."

Conclusion. This topic is important because a child's speech is a key moment in his development. The success of pupils in a coherent speech ensures in the future and to a greater extent determines the success in entering school, contributes to the formation of a full-fledged reading skill and an increase in spelling literacy. As a teacher, I am very impressed by this. After all, the work on the development of speech is the ability to choose the right words and use them correctly in speech, build sentences and coherent speech.

As practice has shown, children are very fond of the creative nature, as well as independence and the opportunity to compose and tell friends themselves.

I try to make the children show their attitude to what they saw, what they especially liked, interested them and why, what conclusions they made. All this prompted me to pay much more attention to the development of coherent speech in children.

Related publications:

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Fairy tales as a means of developing coherent speech in older preschoolers Educator MBDOU d / s № 7 Gushchina IN Fairy tales as a means of developing coherent speech of older preschoolers “Fairy tales can help educate the mind.

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Municipal budgetary educational institution

"Bratsk educational complex"

Municipal Formation Krasnoperekopsky District

Republic of Crimea

Self educator folder

Irina Berezyuk

Topic: "The role of a fairy tale in the moral and spiritual education of preschoolers"

The beginning of the study of the topic: 09/01/2016.

Completion of the study of the topic: 05/30/2017.

General information about the teacher

FULL NAME. teacher Irina Berezyuk

Date of Birth October 12, 1975

Work experience in the position 13 years old

Place of work Municipal budgetary educational institution "Bratsk educational complex"

Education Higher; Crimean Humanitarian University (Yalta), 2008; diploma KR # 35176300

Refresher courses "Crimean Republican Institute of Postgraduate Pedagogical Education" under the program "The content of the educational process in the context of the introduction of FSES DO" in the period from October 5, 2015 to December 02, 2015.

Topic: "The role of a fairy tale in the moral and spiritual education of preschoolers"

Explanatory note.

"A fairy tale is a grainfrom which emotional appreciation sprouts a child of life phenomena. " (V. A. Sukhomlinsky)

V.A. Sukhomlinsky wrote: “Dear friend, young educator, if you want your pupil to become smart, inquisitive, quick-witted, if you have the goal of affirming in his soul sensitivity to the subtlest nuances of thoughts and feelings of other people, educate his mind with the beauty of words, thoughts, and the beauty of a native word, its magical power is revealed, first of all, in a fairy tale. A fairy tale is the cradle of thought, manage to put the upbringing of a child so that he retains exciting memories of this cradle all his life. The beauty of the native word - its emotional colors and shades - reaches the child, touches him, awakens his self-esteem when the heart touches the heart, the mind touches the mind. The poetic sounding of a native word becomes music for a child when he picks up an instrument himself, creates music himself, sees and feels how his music affects other people. "

Storyenters a child's life withthe earliest age, accompanies him throughoutpreschoolchildhood and stays with him for life. Withfairy talesbegins his acquaintance with the world of literature, with the world of human relationships and the whole world around him.Storyis one of the most affordable means for spiritually -moral development of the child, which at all times was used by both teachers and parents. Thanks tofairy talethe child learns the world not only with his mind, but also with his heart. And not only cognizes and expresses his own attitude towards good and evil.

Targetfairy tales- not only entertainment, but also learning a lesson. So you need to understand"hint" fairy talesand correctly convey its meaning to young listeners.Storyfirmly entered the children's life. In its essence, it fully corresponds to the nature of a small child, is close to his thinking, representation.Fairy taleshelp children to understand what is good and what is bad, to distinguish between good and evil. Fromfairy taleschildren receive information about the moral principles and cultural values ​​of the society. They broaden their horizons, develop speech, fantasy, imagination.Fairy talesdevelop in children moral qualities, kindness, generosity, hard work, truthfulness. It is important to teachpreschooler to communicate, interact with others. But there are such phenomena, concepts that are very difficult for a child to comprehend.preschool age... Toddlers need vibrant, fun experiences to build quality learning andeducation... This is where it comes to the rescuestorythat helps educate andraise a child like thisso that he doesn't even know about it.

The formation of moral concepts is a very complex and lengthy process. It requires constant efforts of the teacher, systematic andsystematicwork on the formation of feelings and consciousness of children.


Currently, we are increasingly seeing examples of childish cruelty, aggressiveness towards each other, towards loved ones. Under the influence of far from moral cartoons, children have distorted ideas about moral qualities: kindness, mercy, justice. From birth, a child is aimed at the ideal of good, therefore, I believe that already from a young preschool age it is necessary to show the child the moral essence of every act.

Knowing the age characteristics of children of the 5th year of life,I noticed that not all children know how to communicate with each other, some show a tendency to hostility, unwillingness to share toys, to help a friend in a difficult situation. The skills of compassion and empathy are poorly developed in children. Namely, with the formation and development of human moral qualities.

To solve this problem, I chose the work of acquainting children with Russian folk tales, since I believe that fairy tales have firmly entered the child's life of the kid, and by its essence, a fairy tale is quite consistent with the nature of a small child; close to his thinking, representation.

With the help of a fairy tale, we bring up in children:

    Will - a complex and multifaceted personality trait.

    Faith in myself - the ability to resist failures.

    Courage - self-control, fearlessness, the ability to behave with dignity in critical situations.

    Hard work - unwillingness to sit around, striving for useful work.

    Persistence - patience and endurance in achieving the goal.

    Obligation - the ability to keep the word.

    Optimism - belief in success, dedication, elation.

    Purposefulness - the ability to define a goal and persistently seek to achieve it.

    Kindness and honesty .

The fairy tale teaches a lesson in morality, teaches good human qualities, but does it without boring instructions, just shows what can happen if a person acts badly, not according to his conscience.

With the help of a fairy tale, we develop in a child:

    the ability to listen;

    the ability to learn;

    the ability to compare, contrast;

    the ability to think in words;

    coherent speech;

    interest in learning;





    facial expressions and gestures;

    aesthetic feelings;

    sense of humor.

Based on this, I set a goal for myself:

To reveal the essence of patriotic education through fairy tales, the literary heritage of V.A. Sukhomlinsky. Create conditions conducive to the formation of moral qualities: kindness, humanity, patriotism, willingness to help loved ones and those in need of help.

To achieve the goal, she identified the following tasks:

    Encourage children to be interested in fairy tales.

    To create the necessary conditions for children to get acquainted with Russian folk tales and author's (V. Sukhomlinsky, K. Chukovsky).

    To form an idea of ​​good and evil, to show the beauty of good deeds and their necessity in people's lives.

    To develop the ability to think, compare, analyze the actions of fairy-tale heroes, teach to assess the behavior of one’s and others.

    Help parents understand the value of a fairy tale, its special role in raising a child.

Types of fairy tales:

1. Didactic ( in the form of a study assignment)

2. Meditative ( to relieve psycho-emotional stress), children draw, compose, play, lie on the rug and dream-imagine ("conjure").

3.Psychotherapeutic (for the healing of the soul, with the image of the main character "I", a kind wizard),children draw illustrations, stage performances.

4.Psychocorrectional ( for a gentle influence on the behavior of the child), we read the problematic fairy tale without discussing, we give the opportunity to be the child alone with himselfmyself and think. ("How Sergei Learned to Pity", "Gray Hair" V. Sukhomlinsky).

5.Artistic ( author's stories, wise ancient tales).

    Folk ( with ideas of good and evil, patience, striving for the best);

    Animal tales;

    Household tales;

    Fairy tales.

In order to make children interesting, I use the method of fantasizing and techniques:

    Finding affectionate, fabulous, beautiful, sad words in a fairy tale;

    Coming up with different words (long, funny);

    Pronunciation of words.

Familiarization methods preschoolers with a fairy tale

The most common method of acquaintance witha fairy tale - a teacher's reading, i.e., the literal transmission of the text.Fairy talesthat are small in volume, II tell childrenby heartbecause it provides the best possible contact with the children. Most of the works I read from the book. Careful handling of the book while reading is an example for children.

The next method is -storytelling, that is, more free transmission of text.

Atstorytellingabbreviation of the text, rearrangement of words, inclusion of explanations, and so on are allowed. The main thing in the transfernarrator tell expressivelyso that the children are heard. To consolidate knowledge, methods such as didactic games based on the material of acquaintances are useful.fairy tales, literary quiz. Examples of didactic games are the games “Guess myfairy tale ", "One starts - the other continues", "Where am I from?"(description of heroes) other.

Formation techniques perception of a fairy tale

The expressiveness of reading. The main thing is to read it expressively so that the children are heard. Expressiveness is achieved by a variety of intonations, facial expressions, sometimes a gesture, a hint of movement. All these techniques are aimed at making children imagine a living image.

The next technique is repetition of reading. A smallfairy tale, which aroused the interest of children, it is advisable to repeat. Of the bigfairy talesyou can re-read the most significant and vivid passages. Re-reading andstorytellingit is possible to combine with drawing and modeling. The art word helps the child to create visual images, which are then recreated by the children.

One of the techniques for better assimilation of the text is selective reading(excerpts, songs, endings) .A number of questions can be asked (From whichthis fairy taleexcerpt? Fromstory or fairy tale this passage? How did this endstory? If after the first readingthe fairy tale is already understood by children, educatorcan use a number of additional techniques that will enhance the emotional impact - showing toys, illustrations, pictures, elements of dramatization, movements of fingers, hands.

Dramatization is a form of activeperception of a fairy tale... In it, the child plays a rolefairytale character... Involving children in dramatization. Dramatization promoteseducationsuch character traits as courage, self-confidence,independence, artistry.

Verbal techniques can be used. Often, some words or phrases are incomprehensible to children. In such cases, it is necessary to give them the opportunity to understand a new word, build phrases by comprehending the situation. As a rule, you should not interrupt the reading by explaining individual words and expressions, as this violatesperceptionworks... This can be done before reading. A widespread technique that enhances the impact of the text and contributes to a better understanding of it is to look at the illustrations in the book. The illustrations are shown to the children in the order in which they are placed infairy talebut after reading. The next technique is a conversation onfairy tale... This is a complex technique, often involving a number of simple techniques - both verbal and visual.

\ The introductory(preliminary) conversation before reading and short(final) conversation after reading. During the final conversation, it is important to focus the children's attention on the moral qualities of the characters, on the motives of their actions. The conversations should be dominated by such questions, the answer to which would require motivation of assessments.

Stages of work with a fairy tale

Introducing children tofairy tale - reading, storytelling, conversations on the content, viewing illustrations - in order to develop an emotional attitude towards actions and heroesfairy tales.

Emotionalperception of a fairy tale by children - retelling of the content of a fairy tale by children, table theater, outdoor games with charactersfairy tales- in order to consolidate the contentfairy tales... Form data for work onwith a fairy tale let you knowhow the children understood the essencefairy tales.

Artistic activity - attitude towards the herofairy tales in modeling, drawing, applique, design - allow children to express their attitude towards the charactersfairy tales, to embody their experiences, develop the skills of empathy, sympathy, to the fate and actions of the heroesfairy tales.

Preparing forindependentactivities - playing out plots fromfairy tales, theatrical games, dramatizationfairy tales, creative play using characters, plots fromfairy tales- a method of turning children into heroesfairy talespromotes not only the development of sympathy, but also the understanding of moral lessonsfairy tales, the ability to evaluate the actions of not only heroesfairy tales, but also the people around.

The educational process can be carried out:

    Duringdirectlyeducational activities;

    In regime moments;

    In the process of joint activities of a teacher with children;

    When organizingindependentchildren's activities.

Implementation of the program self-education carried out in two directions:

1. Joint activities with children.

2. Interaction with parents.

Stages of work: Stage I - theoretical:

    definition of the topic;

    definition of goals and objectives;


Stage II - preparatory:

    selection of folk tales;

    selection of methodological literature, works of V. A. Sukhomlinsky;

    selection of material, manuals;

    drawing up a long-term action plan;

    conducting preliminary work with parents;

    summing up, analyzing the expected result.

Stage III - main:

    to acquaint children with the works of V. A. Sukhomlinsky;

    to form the ability to understand the main idea of ​​the work, to evaluate the actions of the heroes;

    enrich and activate vocabulary;

    develop coherent speech;

    develop an interest in fairy tales;

    develop the creativity of children;

    develop mental processes (attention, memory, thinking, presentation)

    to develop skills of interaction and cooperation;

    foster activity and independence;

    create a developing environment on this topic.

IV stage - final:


Forms and methods of working with parents


    Parent meetings


    Organization of photos.

Working with parents :

1. Conducting parenting meetings.

2. Individual consultations and conversations with parents.

3. Designing a corner for parents on the topic: “The role of a fairy tale in the spiritual and moral education of preschoolers ».

4. Participation of parents in entertainment and matinees.

Long-term plan on self-education for 2016-2017

Topic:" Story - as a means of spiritual moral education of preschoolers »

Compiled by:educator of the 1st category

Berezyuk I.V.


1. Selection of material required forworkwith children and parents ontheme : « Story as a means of spiritual moral education ": Setting goals and objectives for thissubject.

2. Consultation for parents: .


1. Study of the topic: « The role of the fairy tale in the development of children's speech " .

Methodical techniques:

-Reading to children andretelling of a fairy tale: "The wolf and the seven Young goats" viewing illustration.

-Consultation for parents:« The role of fairy tales in the development of children » , « Teach children love the book » .

-Reading the tale of K. Chukovsky "Telephone"

2. Replenishment of the group's library with new colorful books with Russian folkfairy tales, disks.


1. Creation of a filing cabinet fairy tales for working with children .

Methodical techniques:

-Retelling of a fairy tale by children "Bubble, Straw and Lapot"

- Reading fairy tales:"Seven Daughters", "Big and Small" V. Sukhomlinsky .

-Didactic game:"Guess fairy tale » .

Consultation:"The role of fiction in the development of speech in preschool children" .

3. Mother's day“I love my mother very much », Organizing a competition for mothers.


1. Study topic: "Usingfairy tales in working with children.

Methodical techniques:

-Reading the Russian folk tale "Little Fox-Sister and the Wolf"

-Reading the fairy tale "Who should go for firewood?" V. Sukhomlinsky.

-Reading the tale "The Tale of the Goose" by V. Sukhomlinsky

- Didactic game:“Guess which fairy tales read excerpt

-Desktop - printed games based onfairy tales (cut pictures, loto) .

-In the corner for parents, place a ruble of advice and suggestions on how to organize the child's reading at home. Themes:"Your child's personal library" , "How and whentell stories» .

2.Exhibitionworks (children and parents) "Favorite fairy tales » .

3. Final complex lesson "Visiting fairy tales"


1. Study of the topic: "Storyas a means spiritually -moraldevelopment of the child's personality ".

Methodical techniques:

-Reading Russian folk tale "Winter"

-Reading the fairy tale "Like a bunny in the winter during the month warmed itself" In Sukhomlinsky.

-Reading to childrenfairy tales: "Three Bears" .

-Consultation for parents:"Fairytale therapy as an educational system, organic to the internal environment of a person" .

-Individual conversation with the child's parents on the topic:"How to make friends with a child with a book" - about the benefits of reading at home.


1. Studying the topic "The role of a fairy tale in raising children ".

Methodical techniques:

-Reading a fairy tale in A. Sukhomlinsky "Karasik in the aquarium"

-Mini-quiz based on the tales of K. Chukovsky.

-Reading the fairy tale "Fedorin's grief" by K. Chukovsky

-Consultation for parents: "Raising hard work, obedience and responsibility throughfairy tale».

2. Telling a fairy tale with a new ending: "The wolf and the seven Young goats" .


1. Study of the topic:"Influence fairy tales on the psyche of a child » .

Methodical techniques:

-Reading the fairy tale "How a hedgehog caressed her children" VA Sukhomlinsky.

-Reading the fairy tale "Cockerel and a bean seed."

-Mini-quiz "Russian fairy tales"

-Didactic game:"From what fairy tale hero » .

-Purchase in the group coloring by folkfairy tales.

- Consultation for parents:“How to choose a useful a fairy tale for a kid » .

-In the corner for parents, place a book - layout:"About what and how to talk with children after reading" .


1.Studying the topic "Theatricalizationfairy talesas a means of spiritualmoral education children».

Methodical techniques:

-To teach children to play with friendsfairy tales.

2.Add material to the theater corner.


1. Self-study plan for self-education.

Methodical techniques.

-Continue teaching kids to play with friendsfairy tales.

- final parent meeting“What a delight - these fairy tales » .

2. Exhibitionworks of children and parents: "Our beloved fairy tales » .

When drawing upplan for self-education in their workI used the following literature:

1. In A. Sukhomlinsky "I give my heart to children"

2. Collection of scientific - methodical articles. Eagle 2015 Edited by O. V. Berezhnov

3. Ilyin I .:"Spiritual world fairy tales » .

4. Zinkevich - Evstigneeva:"Workshop on fairy tale therapy » .

5. E. And Ivanova:"Tell me fairy tale » ... Literaryfairy tales for children... Education 2001

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution

"Kindergarten number 16"

Educator self-education program

"A fairy tale as a means of developing speech in younger preschoolers"


T.B. Batareva


F. I. O. Batareva Tatiana Borisovna

Position: educator

Pedagogical experience: 2 years

Self-education plan drawn up for 2 years (2016-2018)

Children age: 3-4 years

Topic: "A fairy tale as a means of developing speech in younger preschoolers"


"Whoever does not have a fairy tale in childhood grows up as a dry, prickly person, and people hurt themselves against him like a stone lying on the road, and prick themselves like a sow thistle leaf."

Irina Tokmakova.

Mastering the native language is one of the important acquisitions of a child in preschool childhood. Precisely acquisitions, since speech is not given to a person from birth. It takes time for the child to start talking. And adults must make a lot of effort so that the child's speech develops correctly and in a timely manner. In modern preschool education, speech is considered as one of the foundations of upbringing and teaching children, since the success of teaching children at school depends on the level of mastery of oral coherent speech. It is difficult to deny the role of fairy tales in the formation of linguistic culture. Because during the reproduction (retelling, repetition, dramatization) of fairy tales, the development of monologue and dialogical speech is carried out. The tale develops creativity, imagination, imagination, the ability to create words.

Target: the development of coherent speech of younger preschoolers through the Russian folk tale.


- Improve your own level of knowledge by studying the necessary literature (educational, reference, scientific and methodological literature on the development of speech in young children).

- Learn to simulate work based on the studied types, techniques.

- Systematize work experience on a topic.

Prepare material for working with children.

To develop and arrange materials for parents in the form of information sheets, brochures, and folders.

To involve parents in organizing work on the development of speech with children.

Develop card indexes for the development of speech.

To identify the possibility of using Russian folk tales in speech development classes and in everyday communication.

To develop a system of activities for children of primary preschool age based on the use of Russian folk tales.

Self-education work plan for 2016-2017.

The timing

Form of work

Practical way out


2016 Nov.

1. "From birth to school" edited by NE Veraksa, TS Komarova, MA Vasilyeva M. 2015

2. Ilyin I .: "The spiritual world of a fairy tale."

4. E. And Ivanova: "Tell me a story." Literary tales for children. Education 2001

5. "Classes on the development of speech" VV Gerbov (younger group). "Mosaic-synthesis" Moscow 2008

6. Artemova LV Theatrical games for preschoolers. M. Enlightenment 1991

7. Borodich A.M. Methodology for the development of children's speech. - M., 2004.

Questioning, introspection


2016 Nov.

Improving pedagogical competence.

Creation of a subject-developing environment in a group

Consultation for parents "Tell me a fairy tale mom!"


2016 Nov.

Open OOD

Chatting with children on the topic, viewing the presentation

Staging of the fairy tale "Ryaba Chicken"

Viewing the presentation "What is a fairy tale?"


2016 Nov.

Study of methodological literature on the topic "A fairy tale as a means of developing the speech of children of younger preschoolers"

Approbation of forms of work with children

Zinkevich - Evstigneeva: "Workshop on Fairy Tale Therapy."

E. And Ivanova: "Tell me a story." Literary tales for children. Enlightenment 2001


Making didactic games "Guess a fairy tale", "Tell a fairy tale from a picture."

"A journey through a fairyland"


2017 Nov.

Approbation of forms of work with parents.

Approbation of forms of work with children

Increasing the pedagogical competence of parents on fairy tale issues as a means of speech development.

Creative evening

Round table for parents on the topic "Development of children's speech through a fairy tale"

Drawings and applications based on the fairy tales "Kolobok", "Chicken Ryaba"


2017 Nov.

Development of software and methodological support for ped. process.

Approbation of forms of work with parents

Selection of exercises for finger games based on fairy tales.

Increasing the pedagogical competence of parents on the topic.

Registration of the card index "Finger games - heroes of fairy tales".

Master class for parents "The influence of finger games on the development of speech in young children."


2017 year

Selection of literature for parents.

Approbation of forms of work with children

A. A. Leontiev Language, speech, speech activity. - M., 1999

Conversation on fairy tales

Fairy tale quiz.


2017 Nov.

Participation in the methodological work of the preschool educational institution

Approbation of forms of work with parents

Approbation of forms of work with children

Examining illustrations to fairy tales

Workshop for teachers on the development of speech through the tale of younger preschoolers.

Making baby books.

Exhibition of books "My favorite fairy tale"


2017 Nov.

Approbation of forms of work with children

Generalization of experience

Publishing on the site

Theatricalization of the fairy tale "Masha and the Bear"

Joint entertainment with parents "Visiting a Fairy Tale"

Self-education work plan for 2017-2018.

The timing

Form of work

Practical way out


2017 Nov.

Study of methodological literature on the topic "A fairy tale as a means of developing speech in younger preschoolers"

1. Alekseeva M.M., Yashina V.I. Methodology for the development of speech and teaching the native language of preschoolers. - M., 1997.

2.Gritsenko Z.A. You tell the children a fairy tale ... Methods of introducing children to reading. - M .: Link-Press. 2003.

3.Korzun A.V. "Merry didactics". Use of TRIZ and RTV elements in work with preschoolers. A guide for teachers in preschool institutions. - M: Link-Press, 2000

4.Sidorchuk T.A., Khomenko N.N. Technologies for the development of coherent speech of preschool children (a methodological guide for teachers of preschool institutions), 2004

5.Fesyukova L.B. Raising a fairy tale. - M: Folio, 2000, 464 p.

Questioning, introspection

Selection of the necessary literature


2017 Nov.

Studying cutting-edge research, the experience of colleagues on a chosen topic.

Watching video of classes.

Studying materials on Internet , ,

Watching the video of the training "An Ordinary Miracle of Fairy Tale Therapy"

Making a travel folder "Russian folk tale as a means of developing speech for preschoolers"


2017 Nov.

The study of regulatory, scientific and methodological literature on the creation of a developing subject-spatial environment.

Approbation of forms of work with parents

Replenishment of the subject-developing environment in the group

Increasing the pedagogical competence of parents on the topic.

Manufacturing of finger theater "Kolobok", "Turnip". Masks based on the fairy tale "Teremok".

Consultation "A fairy tale in a child's life"


2017 Nov.

Studying innovative forms of working with children

Approbation of forms of work with parents and children.

Development of abstracts, selection of game material.

Development of abstracts, selection of game material.

Reading and discussion of the fairy tale "Teremok"

Open OOD "Our Fairy Tale is Good"

Didactic game "Tell a story" based on a series of pictures

Parents' meeting "Traveling through fairy tales"


2018 Nov.

Study of methodological literature and periodicals

Approbation of forms of work with parents

Increasing the pedagogical competence of parents in terms of speech development.

Conversation on the topic with parents.

Consultation "How to choose a useful fairy tale for a kid"

Making masks, attributes for theatrical activities.


2018 Nov.

Generalization of experience at the preschool level

Learning new forms of working with parents

Internet resources.
- International educational portal MAAM. RU -
- Social network of educators "Our network" - http: // site

Gritsenko Z.A. You tell the children a fairy tale ... Methods of introducing children to reading. - M .: Link-Press. 2003.


2018 year

Approbation of forms of work with children

Approbation of forms of work with parents

E. And Ivanova: "Tell me a story." Literary tales for children. Education 2001

Lancheeva - Repyeva: "Another kingdom of Russian fairy tales."

Board-printed games based on fairy tales (cut pictures, loto)

Reading the tale "The Wolf and the Seven Kids"

GCD using TRIZ "Visiting a Fairy Tale"

Acquisition of coloring pages with the heroes of Russian folk tales for the group.


2018 Nov.

Generalization of pedagogical experience at the level of preschool educational institutions

Approbation of forms of work with parents

Approbation of forms of work with children

Professional development.

Zinkevich - Evstigneeva: "Workshop on Fairy Tale Therapy."

Preparing a file cabinet for children.

Exhibition for parents and teachers

didactic games and manuals on the topic "A fairy tale as a means of developing the speech of younger preschoolers"

Table theater making workshop


Creating a card index of fairy tales for working with children.


2018 Nov.

Approbation of forms of work with children and parents

Report on the work on the topic of self-education at the final teachers' council.

Organization of the exhibition.

Development of game summaries, selection of game material, preparation for the quiz.

Exhibition of family drawings "My favorite fairy tale".

Fairy tale quiz

Yana Bilkins
A work plan for self-education on the topic "The role of a fairy tale in the moral and spiritual education of preschoolers"

Self-education work plan for 2018–2019... in the middle group by subject« The role of a fairy tale in the moral and spiritual education of preschoolers»

Educator: Bilkins Y. Yu.

Explanatory note

Currently story, like many other values ​​of traditional

culture, has noticeably lost its purpose. But exactly story

plays an important role in spiritual enrichment preschoolers, promotes

the establishment of ethical and aesthetic feelings. In the same time fairy tale is wednesday

for the development of emotional moral experience of the child helping not

only to imagine the consequences of their actions, but also to experience their meaning

for yourself and others.

Story enters a child's life with the earliest age, accompanies on

throughout preschool childhood and stays with him for life. With

fairy tales begins his acquaintance with the world of literature, with the world

human relationships and the surrounding world as a whole.

Fairy tales not only expand the child's ideas, enrich his knowledge about

reality, the main thing is that they introduce him into a special, exceptional world

feelings, deep experiences and emotional discoveries.


Story, understandable preschooler... Her composition, bright

opposition of good and evil, fantastic and certain in their

morality images, expressive language, dynamics of events, special

cause-and-effect relationships and phenomena make it especially interesting and

exciting for children. Story is an irreplaceable tool

the formation morally healthy personality of the child, helps to understand on

the language he understands, the beauty of the world around him.

Currently, we are increasingly seeing examples of childish cruelty, aggressiveness towards each other, towards loved ones. Influenced by far from moral cartoons, children have distorted ideas about spiritual and moral qualities: about kindness, mercy, justice. From birth, the child is aimed at the ideal of good, therefore already from most young need to show moral and the spiritual essence of each deed. Such moral categories, like good and evil, good and bad, it is advisable to form both by your own example, as well as with the help of folk fairy tales, including animals. Why then the tale is so effective when working with children, especially in preschool age?

1.In preschool age perception of fairy tales becomes a specific activity of the child, which allows him to dream and fantasize freely.

2. Perceiving a fairy tale, the child on the one hand compares himself with fairytale hero, and this allows him to feel and understand that he is not the only one who has such problems and experiences. On the other hand, through fabulous images of the child are offered ways out of various difficult situations, ways of resolving conflicts that have arisen, positive support for his capabilities and faith in himself. In this case, the child identifies himself with a positive hero.


1. Creation of conditions for development and formation moral ideas and education of moral qualities of the individual(feelings of mercy, compassion, respect and obedience).

To achieve the goal, I determined the following tasks:

1. To develop the ability of children to distinguish between good and evil, good from bad in fairy tale and life, ability to do moral choice.

2. Develop the ability to think, compare, analyze actions fairytale heroes, teach to assess the behavior of their own and others.

3. Help parents understand the value fairy tales, her special role in education today and especially tomorrow's person.

Expected results:

Assimilation of norms by children moral and spiritual education, their openness to goodness, a positive attitude of children to the world around them, to other people and to myself;

Understanding of the need to develop such volitional qualities as obedience, respect for parents and adults;

Knowledge of certain fairy tales that make up the spiritual experience of mankind;

Formation of ideas about honesty, justice, kindness; negative attitude towards cruelty, cunning, cowardice;

Development of feeling self-respect, self-esteem and the desire to be responsive to adults and children; the ability to show attention to their state of mind, to enjoy the successes of their peers, to strive to come to the rescue in difficult times.

Perspective self-education plan for 2018-2019


1. Selection of material required for work with children and parents on theme: « Story as a means of spiritual moral education": Setting goals and objectives for this subject.

2. Consultation for parents: “Each age has its own fairy tale» .

1. Study the topic: « The role of a folk tale in the development of children's speech ".

Methodical techniques:

Reading fairy tales"Cockerel and a bean seed", viewing illustrations

Reading Russian folk fairy tales retold in... Dahl "Crane and Heron"

-Consultation for parents: « Story helps to speak correctly "

2. Replenishment of the group's library with new colorful books with Russian folk fairy tales, disks.

1. Creation of a filing cabinet fairy tales for working with children.

2. Apply quotes from fairy tales in regime moments.

Methodical techniques:

Reading and retelling of fairy tales to children: "Zayushkina hut".

Reading fairy tales Roots Chukovsky - Fedorino grief

-Didactic game: "Guess fairy tale» .

-Consultation: "Reading features animal tales» .

1. Study the topic: "Usage fairy tales in working with children.

Methodical techniques:

Reading Russian folk fairy tales"Snow Maiden"

Reading Russian folk fairy tales"Little fox-sister and the gray wolf",

- Didactic game: “Guess which fairy tales read excerpt

"We compose a fairy tale yourself»

3. Exhibition works(children and parents) "Winter fairy tales» .

1. Study the topic: « Story as a means spiritually - moral development of the child's personality ".

Methodical techniques:

Reading Russian folk fairy tales"The Fox and the Goat"»

Reading fairy tales"About Ivanushka - a fool"

2. Consultation for parents: “Read to me fairy tale» .

1. Study the topic « The role of a fairy tale in raising children» .

Methodical techniques:

Game - quiz « Tales of grandfather Kornei»

Collective application "Miracle tree".

Reading fairy tales"Miracle tree"... K. Chukovsky

1. Study the topic: "Influence fairy tales on the psyche of a child» .

Methodical techniques:

Reading fairy tales"War of mushrooms and berries"

Reading fairy tales"Sister Alyonushka and brother Ivanushka"

2. Finger play "Ryaba Chicken"

3. Didactic game "Tell picture fairy tale» .

4. Consultation for parents "Reality fabulous life»

1. Studying the topic "Theatricalization fairy tales as a means of spiritual moral education of children».

Methodical techniques:

Reading to children and retelling of a fairy tale: "Swan geese" viewing illustration.

Puppet theater on the table "Swan geese"

Board - printed games based on fairy tales(cut pictures, loto).

2. Consultation for parents "Kindness has a face".

1. Self-study plan for self-education.

2. Exhibition works of children and parents: "Our beloved fairy tales» .


1. In A. Sukhomlinsky "I give my heart to children"

2. Collection of scientific and methodological articles. Eagle 2015 Edited by O. V. Berezhnov

3. Ilyin I .: "Spiritual world fairy tales» .

4. Zinkevich - Evstigneeva: "Workshop on fairy tale therapy» .

5.E. And Ivanova: "Tell me fairy tale» ... Literary fairy tales for children... Education 2001

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