We are a preparatory group. Kindergarten preparatory group

Antipyretics for children are prescribed by a pediatrician. But there are emergency situations for fever when the child needs to be given medicine immediately. Then the parents take responsibility and use antipyretic drugs. What is allowed to give to infants? How can you bring down the temperature in older children? What medicines are the safest?

Elena Dedova
Summary of the lesson on the topic: “We are different” (preparatory group)

There are no uninteresting people in the world.

Their fates are like the histories of the planets.

Each has everything special, its own,

And there are no planets like it.

Target: education of humanity, the formation of positive, respectful attitudes of preschoolers to people different peoples.

Tasks: Clarify children's knowledge about Russia, its large territory. To consolidate the idea that many people live in Russia different peoples. To cultivate love and interest in their Motherland - Russia.

Course progress.

Guys, I suggest you sit in a circle, passing a ball of magic thread and tell any child that I am in a good or great mood today, because ....». Everyone who passes on and to whom the magic ball is passed winds a piece of thread around his finger. Show how to do it. Continue the game until all the children are tied with a thread.

“Look how we are all connected by one thread. I propose to tighten it slightly, in order to feel that each of us is part of one whole. We are one with you." Well done, take a seat on your chairs.

Today, we will talk about you and me, about what we are different.

How big and beautiful our country is.

We live in a country that has a very beautiful name - Russia.

And who among you knows why our country has such a name?

Reading a poem.

For clear dawns, washed with dew,

For the Russian field with tall ears,

Over the rivers spilling in blue flames.

They called you in Slavic - Russia.

Let's all repeat this word together - Russia.

There are many things in our country amazing: beautiful cities, nature and amazing people. Our country is a multinational state.

Today we will make a short journey through the peoples of Russia, get to know them. And we will travel on a magic carpet. And our first station: "Peoples of Russia".

Reviewing and talking through slides or pictures « different peoples» .

(consideration of costumes, national dishes).

How are all nations similar and how are they different?

Now we will check whether we are all the same or different.

next station "Listen carefully".

Stand in the hoop those who have dark hair;

Stomp those who have a brother;

Nod your head those who are boys;

Clap those with blue eyes;

Stand up those who are wearing shorts;

Raise your hand, those who have braided pigtails.

You see, guys, we are all very different, each of us has his own characteristics, not to mention the fact that each person has his own inner world. And therefore, we must respect the individuality of each person, because we are all people, we have differences, but each of us cannot be repeated and is needed by everyone else.

We sit down on our carpet-plane and go further.

Fizminutka "We are musicians"

next station "What am I".

“I have a magic flower, but its petals have fallen off. We need to collect it, and its petals will tell us how unusual you are. Everyone will take a petal and put it on their palm. Look how handsome he is! And let's praise ourselves, talk about our hobbies, achievements. Listen to me do it." (the child talks about himself and attaches the petal to the middle).

This concludes our journey with you.

Conversation “What have we learned new?

1. Where have we been?

2. What country do we live in?

3. About the customs and traditions, what peoples did we remember?

4. Costume, which people do you remember more?

And in conclusion, I want to say that we must respect the representatives of all peoples, be hospitable and honest in our friendship.

Related publications:

Program content: 1. Educational: Raise interest in design. 2. Developing: Develop attention. Develop fine motor skills.

Purpose: Enriching children's knowledge about the planets of the solar system, their ideas about the planets (their size, location to the Sun, some features).

Integrated lesson on the topic: “Dance of Friendship” (preparatory group) Tasks: To form the idea of ​​​​children about what is on Earth.

Synopsis of the musical lesson "These are different, different marches" for children of senior preschool age These are different, different marches. Senior group. Target. To consolidate children's knowledge of genres in music. Recognize marches of a different nature. Learn to speak up.

Course of the lesson: Vos-l: Guys, today guests have come to us. Say hello to them warmly and cordially so that they feel that we are for them.

PROGRAM OBJECTIVES: to expand children's knowledge about the agricultural work of grain growers; educate respect for work, respect for

Does anyone know what the benefit of a prep group is? Many parents of children of kindergarten age are tormented by the question: whether to send their beloved child to kindergarten or leave it under the supervision of grandparents. Of course, in each case, everything is individual and it is up to you to decide, but having become more familiar with what awaits your baby in his first educational institution, it will be easier for you to accept the right treatment.

  • First of all, kindergarten is a kind of step in the development of your baby. Growing up, our children gradually enter adulthood, the mode of which quite often differs greatly from homely cozy pastime, where all attention is given only to him and all desires are immediately satisfied. In the garden, the child learns to adapt to the established routine and a certain rhythm of life - these are the first steps of independence and self-discipline.
  • Secondly, such groups are just different in that here children are purposefully developed and prepared for the next stage.

Basically, in this age group, the use of role-playing games in the education of preschool children continues. In the preparatory group, integrated (complex) classes are used, which will be discussed a little later, and the necessary skills are directly developed in children of this age period.

Let's look at specific examples of each of these methods.

Classes in the preparatory group of kindergarten:

Role-playing games in the development of a preschooler

As for role-playing games: with the help of such games, children consolidate the ability to interact with each other, that is, the ability to cooperate, the ability of subject interaction develops (consolidation of knowledge about shapes, colors, sizes of various objects).

Imagination develops with the help of animation of toy characters, dolls.

At this age, children can already independently invent roles for themselves and play without the direct participation of the educator, but the role of an adult is to create a subject-play environment and organize an appropriate atmosphere. The child chooses a role for himself (mother, builder, doctor) and then behaves according to the chosen plot. This strengthens the ability to transfer one's action from one object to another, to compare one's actions with the actions of the people around.

The teacher must prepare the necessary sets of toys that I can captivate the children with the game, and then push the kids to play. This can be done by starting the game yourself, for example, like this: “I am a doctor. I will take care of the kids. This is where my hospital will be. Come in, who needs to be treated. Kitty, are you sick? Where does it hurt? Show me the neck, and the ear. Now we will measure the temperature, here, hold the thermometer. Does your arm hurt?" Then the teacher, along with toys, can treat the children, and then invite the children to play on their own.

Of course, in the group more attention is paid to the development of counting, reading, the first skills of mathematics, writing.

Complex classes in the preparatory group

As we said earlier, complex classes are very effective for developing children's abilities. Their distinctive feature is the combination of various activities in one lesson. The change in the types of action is perfectly combined with the active - mobile nature of the kids and helps to consider the object (or phenomenon) being studied from different points of view. The lesson also provides for the consolidation of new knowledge in practice. The advantage is that the child does not have time to get tired of the amount of new knowledge acquired, but at the right time to a new type of “absorbed” information.

Complex classes help smooth out the contradictions that arise between pedagogical training and the natural development of the personality of the future student, thus eliminating the conflict between the mobile nature of the preschooler and the process of acquiring new information.

Combining in the required proportions the fragments of improving speech abilities, art creativity, and developing physical health into one complex lesson, the teacher can keep the attention of the children at a high level for quite a long time, and this applies to children of different temperaments and abilities. In an integrated lesson, almost any kid will find interesting topics for himself.

The main areas in which children are taught in preparatory are:

  • speech development;
  • acquaintance with nature;
  • knowledge of the world around;
  • classes in fine arts, modeling, applications;
  • skills of mathematics and logical thinking;
  • memory development with memorization of small poems;
  • strengthening physical health, using exercises and some other abilities.

Let's take an example of a complex lesson from the field of acquaintance with nature, the development of speech and drawing skills. We will present it in a concise form in order to understand the essence.

Lesson in the preparatory group of the kindergarten on the topic: "Sparrow"

  • Give children knowledge about the sparrow.
  • Learn to retell the text, keeping the turns of speech used by the author, without breaking the sequence. Continue to teach the children to draw a bird, creating a composition.
  • Vocabulary: sparrow, sparrow.
  • Develop coherent speech, fine motor skills of hands.
  • Practice onomatopoeia, counting abilities and composition of numbers.
  • To instill curiosity, ecological perception of the world.


  • A picture with the image of a sparrow and an inscription.
  • Audio recording of sparrow sounds.
  • Mitten doll Sparrow or a cut-out figurine of a paper bird.
  • Album sheets with a drawn outline (pencil outline), colored pencils.

Lesson progress:

Now we will get acquainted with a small bird. This is a sparrow. (Show the picture and read the inscription).

Look at the sparrow. It is about the size of a parrot (15 cm), brown with gray accents.

The sparrow moves in small jumps, and makes sounds: “chik-chirik”. Listen to him chirp. (Include audio recording).

Try to say "chirp chirp" for yourself. (Onomatopoeia).

What are sparrow chicks called? Let's repeat the chicks of other birds.

Game "guess the chick"

Cuckoo chick - ... this is a cuckoo.

Stork chick - ... this is a stork.

A crow chick is ... this is a crow.

Starling chick - ... this is a starling.

Owl chick - ... this is an owlet.

Crane chick - ... this is a crane.

And now let's play.

Dynamic rest "Sparrows are looking for food"

Children imitate the flight of birds and run out from behind the tables onto the carpet, on which there are many medium buttons. These are grains and other bird food. The teacher offers to take two grains - the sparrow will not take away more. Children fly for food several times. Then count the number of buttons. It is said that four consists of two twos.

Now the continuation of the story about the characteristics of the behavior and life of a sparrow.

Sparrows are funny, moving birds. Once such a story happened. The teacher tells a short story with elements of showing what is happening, you can involve the guys.

Reading a story about a sparrow, famous writers. Then depict on the sheet an episode from the story on a prepared sheet of paper (sketch outlines are allowed).

Mobile game "Birds fly home"

Children fly like birds. If they hear the names of non-birds, they stand still. And when they hear the words “sparrows go home” - they run to the carpet and stand in the nests (hoops).

Crows are flying home.

Sparrows fly home.

You will take your drawings home and, looking at them, tell us about the sparrow.

Then read a poem or tongue twister about a sparrow.

Elena Yurievna Alexandrova
Preparatory group in kindergarten

Preparatory group in kindergarten

I would like to tell you my story of pedagogical activity…

It all started with the fact that even as a schoolgirl, I began to be interested in the natural sciences. And at the end of school, my fate was already predetermined ... And the choice fell on the Pedagogical University, the Institute of Ecology and Geography.

... By the will of fate, it turned out that, having worked for a relatively short time at school, I decided to change the specifics. And this time, fate connected me with preschool education.

Having started working in an area unknown to me, I had to face caution, distrust and misunderstanding of my parents.

And this was expressed in the fact that the parents did not know what actually means Kindergarten. Many thought that children's the garden will play an insignificant role in the formation of the future personality, and therefore they did not pay much attention. They didn't even mean that kindergarten is being intensive and huge work with children.

But right here, among children's team the child learns to perceive the world around him baby eyes and not through the prism of the parents. V kindergarten children take the first steps of independence and self-discipline, learn to adapt to the routine, get used to a certain rhythm of life. And this is a definite plus. After all, such a system teaches even the most eccentric kid to accuracy, accuracy and order.

And in case of a violation of the daily routine, that is, a delay in eating, sleeping, walking ... All this can adversely affect the nervous system of children. And they, in turn, become lethargic or, conversely, excited, begin to act up, lose their appetite, fall asleep poorly and sleep restlessly.

So let's take a closer look at what awaits your baby in preparatory group.

As already mentioned, children get used to a certain daily routine, which is carried out every day strictly according to graphics:

reception of children, independent activity;

morning exercises;

walk in the fresh air;

return from a walk, independent activity;

daytime sleep;

gradual rise, hardening procedures;

games, independent activity;


returning from a walk;

care home.

Let's take a closer look at the daily routine in preparatory group.

1. Reception of children, independent activity.

During the morning reception, we try to create a good mood for both the child and his parents. We pay attention to the appearance and greeting of children. The teacher is obliged to make sure that everyone finds an interesting activity for themselves and does not interfere with other children. If the child could not independently choose an activity for himself, the teacher should help him: connect to playing children, help in choosing toys or give a child a specific task.

organization of washing small groups of children. You need to make sure that children gently lather their hands without splashing water. And most importantly, it is necessary to ensure that children use only their own towel and carefully hang it in its place after the washing procedure.

3. Breakfast

What to say about nutrition ... Any nutritionist will confirm that

the correct intake of food at the same time contributes to the growth of a healthy body.

In the process of eating, the teacher must control the posture of the children, try to ensure that the children eat all the food offered. Thus, cultivating cultural and hygienic eating habits.

4. Games, preparation for class

Individual work is carried out with children, a conversation about their family.

Before class, it makes sense to play a medium game with children.

mobility - for dexterity or coordination.

5. Lesson

Classes with children of senior preschool age, first of all, are aimed at developing the abilities that they will need when they enter school. As a rule, the upbringing and education of children is carried out through games.

One of the main tasks is teaching children their native language, literacy, as well as the development of speech and verbal communication. In the classroom, preschoolers are taught to delve into and understand the teacher's speech, reflect their acquired knowledge in speech, highlight the signs of objects, and also group items in common. In addition, children learn to read, write, count, and also train memory, logic and attention.

Physical education plays an important role in the preschool development of the child. During the physical training the motor experience of children is accumulated and enriched, such physical qualities as strength, speed, flexibility, endurance, dexterity, as well as coordination of movements develop.

Special attention in senior preschool age is given to circle work. Children are engaged in artistic and productive, musical activities, work with paper, salt dough or other natural material. All this and much more contributes to the development of creative abilities.

Of course, not only classes are waiting for children, but also fun walks and entertainment.

6. Walk in the fresh air

During training for a walk, children are given a detailed installation on

forthcoming activity group must be put in order before going out; Remind the children of the rules of the dressing room. The teacher must control the sequence of dressing before going for a walk. It is also worth paying attention to children on their appearance. During training for a walk, the educator eliminates the mistakes obvious children in the process of dressing.

During the walk, the teacher observes the content of the games and the relationship of children in these games. During the walk, an outdoor game is held, and children are also involved in cleaning the site.

It is worth organizing observations of animate and inanimate nature. Before leaving the walk, the children are given an indication of the upcoming activities - from putting the site in order to entering group.

7. Return from a walk and lunch

See paragraph "Breakfast"

8. Daytime sleep

In progress training at bedtime, the teacher monitors discipline:

children should not be distracted by unnecessary games, conversations, should not make noise.

The environment in the bedroom should be calm and relaxing. They are brought up - a careful attitude to things, accuracy, a positive attitude towards daytime sleep.

9. Gradual lifting, tempering procedures

Everyone knows that hardening is good for all ages. But hardening has a special effect on preschool children. Tempered children's the body adapts more easily in adverse conditions, increases immunity, resistance to lack of oxygen, also normalizes the state of the nervous system, strengthens it.

The hardening of children consists of a system of activities that include elements of hardening in everyday life. life: air baths, sunbathing, water procedures, a properly organized walk are part of physical education.

We carry out hardening by the complex influence of natural factors (sun, air, water).

In our work after a nap, we use a combination

hardening the feet with cool water with walking along tactile paths to prevent flat feet.

After hardening, the teacher monitors the discipline and order of dressing children in the bedroom. Independence and accuracy are brought up.

10. Afternoon snack

See paragraph "Breakfast"

11. Games, independent activities

See paragraph "Games and preparation for classes»

12. Walk and return from a walk

See paragraph "Walking and returning from a walk"

See paragraph "Breakfast"

14. Going home

Parents should be informed about the child's progress in

group, it is necessary to demonstrate the work of children. The teacher also informs parents about problems and ways to solve them. It is necessary to remind the child about the rules of good manners, the child must say goodbye to the children and the teacher.

Having considered the daily routine, it is worth adding that one of the many factors in the development of children, of course, is preschool education. However, one should not forget that the process of obtaining new knowledge by a child cannot do without the active participation of parents, because the teacher will not be able to correct the child's behavior without knowing his special behavior in the family.

Therefore, working with parents at senior preschool age is an important factor in the effective upbringing of a child.

Summary of the lesson for the preparatory school group "Getting to know the school"

Efimova Alla Ivanovna, educator of GBDOU No. 43, Kolpino St. Petersburg
Description: The material will be of interest to educators, teachers of additional education. For older preschool children.

Target: development of cognitive abilities.
- expand the vocabulary of children on the topic "school";
- develop cognitive processes (elements of logical thinking, memory, auditory and visual attention), coherent speech;
- to educate preschoolers in a positive emotional attitude towards themselves, towards others and towards school;
- develop independence, ability to work in a team, ability to negotiate.
Preliminary work.
- Learning poems, proverbs, guessing riddles for school and school supplies.
- Reading fiction, conversations, viewing illustrations on the topic, learning outdoor games.
Pictures about the school, pictures with the image of schoolchildren, a disk with music about the school.
Prizes: chocolate medals.

Lesson progress:
Educator: Guys, you are already children of the preparatory group. What does this mean?
Educator: That's right, soon you will go to school and be schoolchildren.
Listen to a poem about school.
What is a school

School is a bright house
We will study in it.
There we learn to write
Add and multiply.
We learn a lot at school.
About your favorite land
About mountains and oceans
About continents and countries;
And where the rivers flow
And what were the Greeks
And what are the seas
And how the earth spins.
The school has workshops...
Interesting things to count!
And the call is fun.
That's what "school" means!
Educator: But in order to go to school, you need to learn what you know you can do. What do you think school is different from kindergarten?
Educator: What should you do when you enter the class?
Educator: That's right, and our guys have prepared poems.

Child: These wonderful words
Everyone is very happy to hear.
Adults and children are getting better,
And everyone is in a hurry to smile.
Child: Meeting, new conversation,
We'll start with Hello.
A friend came suddenly for lunch -
Let's say hello to him.
Child:"Good evening", "Good afternoon",
It's not too lazy to tell us all!
"Good morning" we say
Waking up in the morning, mom.
Educator: Do you think school rules are different from kindergarten rules?
Educator: What is your address, the address of your kindergarten?

Educator: How should you behave at school?
Educator: Tell us what you know about the school? How do you know when a lesson starts?
Educator: What do the kids do after class?
Educator: That's right, they rest at a break. So I suggest you take a break.

You can run and make noise, (children run in place)
Break, break (children stand in a circle, clap their hands)
Have a good rest (children bounce)
Dance and sing songs (children dance)
You can sit down and be silent (squat and quiet down)
Only - mind! You can't be bored! (jump up)
Educator: Who works at the school?
Educator: What does the teacher do?
Educator: Well, let's go to school, let's start studying?
Educator: Your first task, on the tables you have cubes with letters. Try to put words you know from them.
Children post.

Educator: Now tell me the letters that make up the word - SCHOOL.
Educator: Let's build this word out of cubes. Each child collects one specific letter (we distribute the letters before work).

Educator: Look, there are pictures on the board, you need to find objects that start with the same letter.
Game: "Find the words, the letter ...".

Educator: And now everyone stood up together, pricked up their ears and repeated the physical minute. (We repeat the movements in the text).
Now we all stand together
Let's all take a rest.
Turn right, turn left
Bend over, rise up
Paws up and paws sideways
And on the spot jump and jump!
And now we're running.
Well done my bunnies!
Slow down the bunnies step
And stay where you are! Like this!
And now we sit together:
We still need to work!
Educator: And now, I read riddles,
And I'll count the answers.

- colorful noses
They drive on paper.
Their drawings are good.
What's this? (Pencils)
He teaches me to read
From A to Z
He is not an atlas, not a dictionary,
What is his name? (primer)
- He became a home for pens.
It is called ... (pencil case)
- We sat down at the desks together,
Mouths were locked:
In change we clamored
And now we have ... (lesson)
- Notebooks and pens, textbook, sharpener -
You collect everything from the evening and check it.
After all, you go to school, not fishing,
Therefore, it must be collected ... (briefcase)
- We will open Wonderland,
And meet the heroes.
in the lines,
on the leaves,
Where are the stations at the points. (book)
Educator: Since you are already future schoolchildren, I want to listen to your short stories on the topic: “From the window, from the window - our school is visible.”
Children write short stories.
Educator: Houses settled on the easel, and in each house there is a window, we need to place a figure in this window. You also have houses on the tables with certain figures and windows.
Game: "Find your house."

Educator: Let's play a game "One is many."
I name one object, and you name many objects. For example: pencil - pencils.
Pen - …,
Ruler - …,
Eraser - ...,
Party -…,
Student - …,
Double - ...,
Letter - ... etc.
Educator: It seems that you know the letters, and remember school supplies, but do you know how to count? I offer you brain teasers.
1 boy sits at the desk, and 1 girl sits next to him. How many children are sitting at the desk?
Educator: There were 3 apples, they were divided in half. How many people can you feed apples?
Educator: We need a pencil in red, blue and green. How many pencils did we take?
Educator: Fizminutka "Soon to school"
Soon we will go to school (walk)
And take a briefcase with you (rhythmic claps)
At school we will read (head turns to the right, to the left)
At school we will write (fingers say hello)
And learn all the five! (show 5 fingers)
Educator: Let's consolidate the material covered. I ask questions and you answer yes or no.

- Do we go to school to play?
- Or get fives?
- Are we going to sleep in class?
Or play with dolls?
- Are we going to offend friends?
- Will we respect teachers?
- Shall we give the diary to the teacher?
- Will we read every day?
- Shall we take a break?
- And again we will begin to study?
Educator: I liked the way you worked today. Listen to the poem.
Child: Everyone will say goodbye
Leaving, everyone "Goodbye."
It's time for a friend to leave
Let's say "Bye" to him.
Educator: So we say “Goodbye” to our lesson today, I thank you for the lesson and hand over medals to everyone, however, so far only chocolate ones.
Independent activity of children on the topic "School".

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