Advice for educators on the rules of the road. Topic: "Rules of the road for preschoolers

Antipyretics for children are prescribed by a pediatrician. But there are emergency situations for fever when the child needs to be given medicine immediately. Then the parents take responsibility and use antipyretic drugs. What is allowed to give to infants? How can you bring down the temperature in older children? What medicines are the safest?

Plan of the event:

    Meeting of participants-educators MBDOU Kindergarten No. 31 "Teremok";

    Consultation for educators "Building a system of work for the study of traffic rules by preschoolers";

    Master class with teachers of the preschool educational institution "On the streets of the city"

Target: promoteexpanding the general cultural horizons of teachers.


    to consolidate the knowledge of teachers on traffic rules in a playful way;

    contribute to the expansion of horizons and the acquisition of behavior skills on the street;

    to develop creative activity, ingenuity, ingenuity of teachers;

    cultivating relationships and mutual support in the team.

    maintain interest in learning the rules of the road

Material: road signs, traffic lights, steering wheel, wand, ball, scooter, chips according to the number of teachers (red, yellow, green).

Event progress:

Dear colleagues Welcome!

In order to teach children the alphabet of safety and the rules of the road, first of all, the teacher himself must be well aware of this issue and be interested in solving such a problem as children's road traffic injuries. I think that is why work in this direction should be carried out not only with children and parents, but also with teachers. I express the hope that our communication will benefit all its participants, and together we will be able to teach children traffic rules and prevent an increase in the number of accidents involving children.

Since preschool children need to use a game form for better memorization, during the event I suggest that you get used to the role of children and play by yourself, completing the proposed tasks. But first, some theory.

Methods of teaching the rules of the road for preschool children.

The purpose of the organization of work is the formation and development in children of the skills and abilities of safe behavior in the surrounding road and transport environment. This educational process is quite complex and lengthy, requiring special exercises and the use of a number of didactic methods and techniques. This training system should solve the following tasks:

Teaching children safe behavior on the roads.

The formation in children of the skills and abilities of observing the traffic situation and foreseeing dangerous situations, the ability to bypass them.

Education of discipline and conscious implementation of the rules of the road, a culture of behavior in the road transport process.

Enrich children's understanding of health. Children need to be taught not only the rules of the road, but also safe behavior on the streets, roads, and transport.

The methodology of work within the framework of training traffic rules should be built taking into account an integrated approach. Performing tasks, preschool children conduct observations, explore, draw, design, model, listen to music, etc. They have a very well-developed creative imagination, which leaves bright moments in the minds of children, helps to consolidate the knowledge gained in practice, embodying them in their creative work. Any child will quickly understand and learn the traffic rules, presented not only in an ordinary conversation, but also in a road fairy tale close to children, a quiz, a game, but also by doing artistic work - drawing, creating compositions, applications, crafts from clay, plasticine, etc. .Only by joint efforts, using knowledge, patience and tact, it is possible:

To expand children's ideas about the rules of safe behavior on the streets and roads of the city, in public and private transport through active forms of cognition: design, construction, modeling, artistic and creative activities;

To teach children to reflect knowledge and ideas about traffic rules in the drawing and share their experience with others;

Awakening emotional interest in the knowledge of traffic rules, improve children's skills to design, model, combine, draw, sculpt, create creative compositions on a given topic;

Raising interest in the knowledge of traffic rules, develop the desire to show intellectual and constructive abilities, teach our children the skills of organizing a safe image, activate attention, observation, ingenuity, initiative

Education of the rules of the road, education of a culture of behavior on the street should be carried out in accordance with the implementation of program requirements in the complex of the entire educational process, avoiding overloading children with unnecessary information and taking into account the state of health and mood of the children. Such work requires the educator to clearly select the necessary visual and game material.

When building a system of work for the study of traffic rules by preschoolers, three aspects of interaction with the city's transport system should be borne in mind:

The child is a pedestrian;

The child is a passenger in public transport;

The child is the driver of children's vehicles (bicycle, snow scooter, sled, roller skates, etc.).

In this regard, the work on educating the skills of safe behavior of children on the streets should by no means be a one-time action. It must be carried out planned, systematically, constantly. It should cover all types of activities so that the child passes the knowledge gained through productive activities and then implements it in games and everyday life outside the kindergarten. This work should not be singled out as an independent section, but should be included in all sections and directions of the kindergarten education program.

organized forms of learning in the classroom,

showing presentations,

conducting interactive games,

joint activities of an adult and a child,

child's independent activity

education of behavioral skills,

getting to know the environment

speech development,





project activity.

A special place in the system of education of children should be given to the study of common causes of road traffic accidents involving children.

Causes of child road traffic injuries:

without looking, they run out onto the roadway because of a standing object;

look around casually;

without looking around, they start moving;

assess the situation without turning the head;

take a step back without looking;

react immediately when someone calls them or they see someone;

cross the roadway without stopping;

move along the shortest path, not the safe one;

combine movement with conversations, with looking at bright vehicles or toys from another pedestrian;

they hold the hand of an adult carelessly, and sometimes they try to break free and finish the transition at a run;

show indiscipline, push, etc.

The behavior of children on the road is influenced by a number of factors, of which it is necessary to emphasize the special significance of the age characteristics of children:

1. A child under 8 years old still poorly recognizes the source of sounds (he cannot always determine the direction from where the noise comes from), and hears only those sounds that are of interest to him.

2. The field of view of a child is much narrower than that of an adult, the field of view of a child is much smaller. At the age of 5, the child is oriented at a distance of up to 5 meters. At the age of 6, it becomes possible to evaluate events in a 10-meter zone. The rest of the cars on the left and right remain unnoticed behind him. He sees only what is opposite.

3. The reaction of a child is significantly slower compared to adults. Much more time is needed to respond to danger. The child is not able to stop immediately on the run, so he reacts to the signal of the car with a significant delay. Even to distinguish a moving car from a standing one, a seven-year-old child needs up to 4 seconds, and an adult needs only a quarter of a second.

4. Reliable left-right orientation is acquired no earlier than at the age of seven.

To develop the skills of safe behavior on the road among preschoolers, it is not necessary to lead the child to the roadway. This can be done in a group, when conducting classes on the rules of the road, having a minimum of road symbols and attributes.

The main role is played by the methodological office, which is being created to provide daily and targeted methodological assistance to educators in working with children and parents, including the prevention of child road traffic injuries. There are generalized materials, along with their own experience, the experience of other kindergartens in the city is presented. Much attention is paid to the issues of professional development of teachers, including in the field of prevention of child road traffic injuries.

Exhibitions of children's drawings, manuals, didactic games are organized; reviews for the best group in work on traffic rules; materials for working with parents (questionnaires, tests and other materials) are being developed.

The educational process is recommended to be carried out:

Through direct perception of the road environment during targeted walks, where children observe the movement of vehicles and pedestrians, road signs, traffic lights, pedestrian crossings, etc.;

In the process of special development and training sessions on road topics

It is especially important to develop such skills and habits as a conscious attitude to one's own and other people's actions, that is, the child's understanding of what is right or wrong. Also of great importance is the formation of a habit in a preschooler to restrain his impulses and desires (for example, to run when it is dangerous, etc.).

At preschool age, children are especially susceptible to suggestion. They need to be taught that it is impossible to go outside the kindergarten on their own. On the street you can only be with an adult and be sure to hold his hand. Children should be educated constantly: in the process of games, walks, special exercises that develop motor skills, when performing tasks in albums for drawing, tracing, shading, designing, making applications, etc. on road topics, in classes for developing speech using road vocabulary, when analyzing dangerous and safe traffic situations

The principle of visibility is especially important, which is traditionally used in working with preschoolers, when they themselves must see, hear, touch everything and thereby realize the desire for knowledge.

Especially effective is the use of an interactive teaching method aimed at actively including children in a dialogue. Using this method, the educator can help the children visualize the movement of vehicles and pedestrians, understand dangerous and safe actions in specific situations, develop their ability to observe, compare, analyze, generalize visual information and transfer it ultimately to real road conditions.

It is necessary to develop a positive attitude towards the law in children. It's like the smallpox vaccine, only on a mental level.

Content of traffic safety corners in groups

The content of traffic safety corners in groups should be determined by the content of classes for studying the rules of the road for a stop or other age category of children.

So, in the first junior group, children get acquainted with vehicles: trucks and cars, public transport. Determine what parts the machines are made of. Learn to distinguish between red and green. Therefore, in the play corner there should be

Vehicles set

Illustrations depicting vehicles

Red and green circles, a mock-up of a pedestrian traffic light.

Attributes for the role-playing game "Transport" (multi-colored steering wheels, caps of different types of cars, badges, vests with the image of a particular type of transport, etc.)

Didactic games "Collect a car" (from 4 parts), "Put the car in the garage", "Traffic light".

In the second younger group, children continue to work on recognizing vehicles, get acquainted with the rules of behavior in public transport, consolidate the ability to distinguish red, yellow, green colors, get acquainted with the concepts of "sidewalk" and "roadway". Therefore, to the items available in the traffic safety corner of the first junior group, you should add:

Pictures for the game on the classification of modes of transport "What passengers ride", "Find the same picture."

The simplest model of the street (preferably large), where the sidewalk and the roadway are indicated

Layout of a transport traffic light (planar).

For the children of the middle group, a new conversation will be about the pedestrian crossing and its purpose, right-hand traffic on the sidewalk and the roadway. In addition, children 4-5 years old should clearly understand that when the green traffic light for pedestrians lights up and allows them to move, for drivers at that time the red light is on - a prohibitory traffic light. When the green signal for drivers lights up and allows the movement of cars, the red signal flashes for pedestrians. In the corner of road safety must be:

Dummy traffic light with switching signals, battery operated

Didactic games "Find your color", "Collect a traffic light"

A pedestrian crossing must be drawn on the layout of the street.

In the older group, the guys learn a lot about traffic. It is at this age that one gets acquainted with such large and complex topics as "Crossroads", "Road Signs". Therefore, in the corner of road safety should appear:

The layout of the intersection, with the help of which the children will be able to solve complex logical problems on road safety, to practice the skills of safely crossing the roadway at the intersection. It is desirable that this model be with removable objects, then the children themselves will be able to model the street.

Also, a set of road signs is required, which necessarily includes such road signs as: informational signs - “Pedestrian crossing”, “Underground pedestrian crossing”, “Bus and (or) trolley bus stop”; warning signs - "Children"; prohibition signs - “Pedestrian traffic is prohibited”, “Bicycle traffic is prohibited”; prescriptive signs - "Pedestrian path", "Bicycle path"; priority signs - "Main road", "Give way"; service signs - "Hospital", "Telephone", "Food point". It's good to have small signs on stands for layout work, and larger signs on stands for creative role play.

Didactic games: “What do the signs say?”, “Guess the sign”, “Where is the sign hidden?”, “Crossroads”, “Our street”

In addition, for children of the older group, they are introduced to the work of a traffic controller. So in the corner of the road traffic police there should be diagrams of gestures of the traffic controller, the didactic game “What does the rod say?”, Attributes of the traffic police inspector: rod, cap.

In the preparatory group, the guys meet with problematic situations on the roads (the so-called road "traps"), the knowledge of children about the Rules of the Road is already systematized. The content of the corner is more complicated:

A card file of “dangerous situations” is being assembled (you can make an impromptu TV or computer to show them)

A window for issuing driver's licenses to those who have passed the exam on traffic rules is being organized.

In all groups, it is good to have a flannelograph - for modeling situations on the road, as well as a set of transparencies on various topics.

The corner can be designed like this:

1. A single stand (dimensions depend on the availability of free space and the amount of information placed, but not less than 30 * 65 cm).

2. A set of components, each of which is designed to accommodate separate information

3. Folding book

To attract the attention of parents when decorating a corner, it is recommended to use bright, eye-catching slogans, for example:

"The price of haste is the life of your child"

"Attention - we are your children!"

"The child has the right to live!"

“It’s stupid to save your time at the expense of a child’s life”

Given the important role of parents in teaching children the rules of the road, a corner for parents should contain:

1. Information about the state of road traffic injuries in the city

2. Causes of road traffic accidents involving children

4. List and description of games aimed at consolidating the existing knowledge of the Rules of the Road in children

5. Children's stories about their behavior on the road when driving back to kindergarten with their parents

Thus, teaching children the rules and safety of the road is a systematic and purposeful process, during which students acquire the knowledge, skills and abilities necessary for safe movement.

People are restless creatures, they are always going somewhere, in a hurry, running, in a hurry. And it's not safe! How can we make our lives safer? You just need to know and be sure to follow all the rules of the road.

And now I suggest you go on a journey. We get on the bus and go.Logarithmic "Bus". Here we have reachedtraffic light . I ask you to divide into three teams using the chips received at the beginning of our meeting.

The phonogram "We are starting KVN" sounds

We are starting KVN, where there will be no winners and losers.

We will simply test our knowledge and share our experience in preparing children for a lifelong "profession" of a participant in the movement.

So,1 contest called "SIGN ON THE ROAD"

Look carefully at the road signs that I will show. You need to guess them (five signs for each team).

2.Next stop « Historical Museum" . Here we play a game"Question answer".

Questions for 1 team:

What was the name of the first pedestrian on earth? (Adam)

Do you believe that in the early 20th century, drivers drove to the pharmacy to buy a bottle of gasoline to fill up their car? (Yes)

Where did the first traffic light appear? (In London)

Questions for team 2:

Do you believe that you have already invented cars that can step over ditches and cracks in the road? (No)

Which Formula 1 driver has already become a household name? (Michael Schumacher)

Do you believe that in Moscow there is a monument to a novice driver in the form of a teapot? (Yes)

Questions for the 3rd team:

Which Italian city has no cars? (In Venice. There are gondolas and boats)

What, according to "The Driver's Song", is not afraid of a real driver? (neither rain nor sleet).

What is the common name for the steering wheel of a car? (Baranka)

3.Next stop "Theatrical" Now think andact out a skit teaching the rules of the road, which can be used in working with children.

Give attributes:

1 team scooter

2 team-ball

3 rudders

Reflection: Thank you all for your participation. Let's remind each other the rules of behavior on the street.

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution

Kindergarten No. 31 "Teremok"

Consultation for educators "Building a system of work for the study of traffic rules by preschoolers"

Prepared and hosted:

Tutor Lukash Yu.P.



Consultation for teachers on traffic rules.

Consultations for educators

"Teaching children the rules of the road."

Preschool age is an important period when the human personality is formed. It is very difficult to determine whether a person behaves correctly or incorrectly in certain circumstances. Children often underestimate or overestimate their abilities. The desire to look strong and courageous in front of comrades makes the child break the rules of the road (cross the road with nearby vehicles, at a changing traffic signal, cling to a bus, etc.) That is why child injuries remain a priority problem of society. Every year traffic becomes more and more intensive. Among the problems generated by the number of cars, accidents and road traffic injuries are in the first place, so teaching children the rules of the road should be given special attention.
A child is not a small adult, his body is in a state of growth and development. And not all mental functions necessary for adaptation in the outside world are fully formed. Children are very excitable, dynamic and at the same time scattered, they do not know how to foresee danger, correctly assess the distance to an approaching car, its speed and their capabilities, therefore it is necessary to attract the attention of the media, the public, employees of motor transport enterprises, parents to this problem.
The relevance of teaching preschool children the basics of life safety in our time is beyond doubt. This problem is due to the fact that children of this age do not have that protective psychological reaction to the traffic situation, which is characteristic of adults. Their thirst for knowledge, the desire to constantly discover something new, often puts the child in front of real dangers, in particular on the streets of the city. Therefore, there was a desire and a need, while playing, to study the rules of the road with children, to form in children the skill of conscious safe behavior on the streets of a big city, thereby ensuring a healthy lifestyle.
Before starting work, she set herself the goal: to prepare preschool children for safe participation in road traffic. To achieve this goal, it was necessary to solve the following tasks:

1. Create in the group the necessary conditions for teaching children the rules of the road, through the manufacture of attributes.

2. Refine and expand children's ideas about all road users.

3. Teach children to respond in a timely and correct manner to any traffic situation, to make the necessary decisions on their own.

4. To form in children the appropriate knowledge, skills and abilities to successfully master the alphabet of traffic.

To work, you need information material on the topic: “Introduction to the rules of the road for children and adults, designed the subject-developing environment of the group with activating game and didactic material. Together with parents in a group, arrange a corner according to the rules of the road. Prepare methodological aids taking into account the age characteristics of children: games, entertainment scenarios, performances, excursions, consultations for teachers and parents. Design didactic material: board games, road signs, complexes of entertaining games and exercises, books, coloring books, encyclopedias. Organize and conduct integrated educational activities through various activities to familiarize children with the rules of the road. In gaming and productive activities, use layouts according to the rules of the road.
In the younger group, introduce children to transport and its purpose. When studying the traffic light, she explained the meaning of the red and yellow signals as prohibiting movement and the meaning of the green signal as allowing movement. On walks, observe the movement of vehicles, pedestrians, teach children to distinguish between vehicles by name and size (large and small), cars, buses, trams, etc. Explain to children how much real cars are more dangerous compared to familiar toys. For classes in the group used a visual simulation of traffic situations. To develop the correct orientation of children in space, teach them to determine the location of objects and their sizes.

With children of middle preschool age, continue learning orienteering in the area, namely on the territory of the kindergarten, to explain that it is impossible to go beyond it on your own. During walks outside the territory of the kindergarten, expand the knowledge of preschoolers about vehicles, their purpose and design features. Show children those streets where pedestrians are safe: sidewalk, pedestrian crossings, traffic lights. During the gaming activities, they made up stories about traffic situations, acted out dramatizations. To do this, use illustrated material: books, posters with images of different traffic situations. Offer children didactic material (tasks for shading, tracing, drawing objects).
With children of older preschool age, continue to acquaint children with the peculiarities of traffic and pedestrians, as well as with the basic concepts of the road "dictionary". During excursions through the streets of the city, draw the attention of preschoolers to the correct and incorrect actions of other pedestrians, while making sure that the children themselves tell what exactly some pedestrians do wrong, why their actions are dangerous and what needs to be done to be in security. During group games, use visual illustrated material, didactic games, a surprise moment. An interesting and effective form of work was the organization of competition games: “What? Where? When?”, “Journey to the country of traffic rules”,

"Connoisseurs of the road rules"; dramatizations: “We are going, we are going, we are going….”;

"In the Land of Traffic Lights", "School of Traffic Light Sciences". I used the layouts "Parking", "City streets", "gas station" in the children's play activities. Conducted role-playing games: "Auto repair shop", "Drivers and pedestrians", "gas station", "Car wash".

Throughout the time, try to turn learning into an exciting game. All work should be carried out in a planned, systematic manner, covering all types of children's activities.
Involve parents in this activity. At parent-teacher meetings, introduce the meaning, importance and necessity of teaching children the rules of the road. Regularly hold conversations, give recommendations, in addition, use such forms of work as: questionnaires, consultations, joint production of attributes. Invite parents to open classes, joint entertainment, excursions according to traffic rules.
As a result: to expand the horizons of pupils, the social competence of preschoolers has increased, to increase the culture of children's behavior on the street and in public transport, the interest of parents in cooperation with the kindergarten has strengthened, pupils acquire the skills and abilities of safe interaction with the environment, learn to evaluate, analyze the traffic situation and situation.


1. "Three traffic lights" V.A. Dobryakova, N.V. Borisova, T.A. Panina, S.A. Uklonskaya.
2. "Road signs for small pedestrians" G.P. Shalaeva
3. "Red, yellow, green" by V.A. Voronov.
4. "To preschoolers about the rules of the road" M.F. Filenko.
5. "The ABC of traffic" L.B. Boryaev
6. “Road safety. Thank you traffic light "N.I. Markin, M.N. Denisov.
7. “Road safety. Pedestrians are all-terrain vehicles. N.I. Markin, M.N. Denisov.

The material was prepared by the teacher Fedorova A.N.

Consultation for teachers of the preschool educational institution "Typical mistakes in teaching children traffic rules"

When teaching children the rules of the road, many teachers often make mistakes themselves. Let's analyze the most typical of them.

♦ The use of non-existent terms and concepts or the use of some instead of others, which leads to a distortion of terms and, in turn, causes errors in understanding traffic rules

Do not address preschoolers with the so-called "children's" language: typewriter - (car, transport), path - (roadway), etc. Communication should be partnership, involving the conversation of equal people.

♦ Using fun and funny illustrations (comics).

Funny pictures distract children from the content of the lesson, make them laugh, while achieving the exact opposite result.

Training according to the old rules, which is unacceptable for the traffic situation in modern cities and dangerous for the life and health of children. Let's consider some of them and give the most accurate and relevant interpretations.

1. Bypass the trolley bus, the tram in front, the bus in the back.

This rule has long been outdated and does not save, but, on the contrary, creates an emergency situation, since when bypassing the vehicle from behind or in front, neither the driver nor the pedestrian see each other because of the standing vehicle, and a pedestrian is hit in a closed view situation.

RULE: wait for the vehicle to leave, or walk to the nearest intersection or pedestrian crossing where the road is clearly visible in both directions.

2. When crossing the street, look to the left, and when you reach the middle, look to the right.

This rule creates a dangerous situation, since the behavior of a child in the middle of the roadway is unpredictable: frightened by the traffic flow, he may step forward or backward and be under the wheels.

RULE: before crossing the road, stop, look in both directions and, making sure that it is safe, cross the road at a fast pace strictly at a right angle, constantly controlling the situation.

3.Red traffic light - stop, yellow - "get ready", green - "go."

Children often confuse the location of traffic lights: when the green signal is turned on, they immediately begin to cross the roadway, while an unruly driver may try to slip onto his “red” one.

RULE: a red traffic light is forbidding, since on the other side the green one is on, allowing for cars. Yellow - not "get ready", but a sign of attention warning of a change in traffic lights; for a pedestrian, it is also prohibitive, since cars are allowed to pass the intersection on it. The green signal allows pedestrian traffic, but before entering the carriageway, you need to make sure that all cars have stopped. A yellow flashing traffic light indicates that the intersection is not regulated, so before crossing the road, make sure that there is no traffic nearby.

4. If you did not have time to cross the road, stop at the safety island or in the middle of the road.

This situation is extremely dangerous.

5. Do not play on the road or near the road, but play in the yard of the house.

RULE: leaving (without running out!) from the entrance, be careful

and cautious, as a car can move along the entrances, along the courtyard passage (and often at high speed). Play in designated playgrounds.

6. Use to show old road signs on a yellow background (at the same time, teachers themselves often confuse groups of signs, call them incorrectly).

ADVICE: use more modern visual material and a situational teaching method in traffic rules classes.

Thus, when teaching children traffic rules, analyze dangerous situations:

Teach you to cross the roadway only at a right angle so that you spend less time on the road, do not run across the street, but cross at a fast pace, while not being distracted, to be extremely attentive;

Explain that the driver cannot immediately stop the car and prevent the pedestrian from being hit; and among the drivers, unfortunately, there are violators who do not think about the safety of pedestrians, so it is necessary to wait for public transport only on elevated and fenced landing sites, and in their absence, on the sidewalk or roadside;

When analyzing situations in which children get into road traffic accidents (RTA), give them examples from real life.

Consultation for teachers

"Formation of the basics of traffic rules in different age groups"

What should a teacher know about the rules of the road?

Each educator should know the rules of the road well in order to competently conduct educational work with children and parents, to ensure their own safety.

1. Pedestrians are only allowed to walk on sidewalks, keeping to the right

2. Where there are no sidewalks, you need to walk along the edge of the carriageway, along the left edge of the road, towards the traffic, in order to see the moving transport and step aside in time

3. Pedestrians are required to cross the street only at a pace along pedestrian crossings, with marked lines or a “pedestrian crossing” sign, and not at intersections with non-marked crossings - along the sidewalk line

4. Before entering the carriageway in two-way traffic, you must make sure that it is completely safe.

5. It is forbidden to cross the path for moving vehicles, to get out from behind the transport onto the carriageway

6. At crossing points where traffic is regulated, pedestrians must cross the street only when the traffic light is green or the traffic controller gives permission (when he turned sideways to us)

7. In places where crossings are not marked and where traffic is not regulated, pedestrians must in all cases give way to approaching vehicles. It is forbidden to cross the street near a roundabout or a sharp turn

8. Groups of children are allowed to drive only on the sidewalk, no more than two rows (children walk holding hands). An escort with red flags must be in front and behind the column.

9. It is allowed to transport children only in buses, the doors and windows of which must be closed. On the windshield have an identification sign "Children".

Biking (scooter, rollerblading) within the city.

Ask the children which of them has a bike, scooter, roller skates, or skateboard and who has ever ridden one. Ask them to tell you where, in their opinion, you can ride, and where you can’t, what rules you need to follow.

It is also advisable to organize a discussion of possible dangerous situations, drawing on the personal experience of children, cases from life.

Need to consider three types of situations:

1. Dangerous for the children themselves if they ride a bike, rollerblade on the roadway of the street or yard

2. Dangerous for pedestrians (for example, you can run over, push, splash a pedestrian with water from a puddle)

3. And finally, situations related to falls, injuries.

As a result of the conversation, children should firmly learn the following rules:

1. Bicycles (roller skates) can only be ridden on the sidewalk; you can not go to the carriageway of the street or yard

2. When riding, children should behave correctly towards passers-by: give a sound signal in time, take precautions (slow down, going around small children, women with children, the elderly)

3. In case of a bruise or injury when falling from a bicycle, a scooter, you should immediately contact an adult for first aid.

3-4 years

1. Vehicles characteristic of our area, their name.

2. Parts of a car, truck.

3. Rules of the road:

Behavior on the street

Behavior in public transport

Traffic signals

Development environment:

1. Layout: sidewalk, roadway, traffic light.

3. Attributes to the didactic and role-playing game "We are pedestrians"

4. Didactic game "Collect a car", "Traffic light".


S. Mikhalkov "Traffic light", "Bunny-cyclist"

"Street Noise"

4-5 years

1. Knowledge of public transport, familiarity with freight transport.

2. Street knowledge: roadway, sidewalk, intersection, pedestrian crossing, safety island.

3. Road signs: no signal allowed, medical aid station, food service station, gas station, pedestrian crossing.

4. Rules of the road: pedestrian crossing the street, behavior in public transport, what the signs say.

Development environment

1. Layout: crossroads, zebra, traffic island.

2. Large and small road signs.

3. Pictures for the classification of modes of transport

4. Folding book for parents "What children should know about the rules of the road

5. Flannelgraph: cars, road signs


1. N. Nosov "Car"

2. Dorokhov "Fence along the sidewalk"

5-6 years

1. Acquaintance with prohibitory and prescriptive signs.

2. Studying the work of the traffic controller

3. Formation in children of the ability to freely navigate the road

4. Fix the rules of conduct in public transport.

Development environment:

1. Layout: different types of intersections

3. Attributes for s-r games: wand, caps, hats-cars.

4. Did. games: “Smart signs”, “What are the cars”, “What does it say ...”


N. Nosov "Kiryusha gets into a bind"

6-7 years old

1. Teach children to follow the rules of the road

2. Fix the rules of behavior on the street:

Walk only on sidewalks and footpaths, keeping to the right

Correctly cross the street at crossings, do not play on the carriageway

Development environment:

1. Layout with different types of intersections

2. Albums "Different types of transport"

3. Didactic games “Guess which sign”, “What the traffic controller shows”, “What people drive”, “Modes of transport”, “Find and name”.


1. N. Nosov "Car"

2. Yurlein "Curious Mouse"

3. Konchalovskaya N "Scooter"

Raising a culture of behavior on the street is an urgent task of today. The formation of discipline, organization of stay on the streets and roads, in public transport should begin at an early age, so this issue should become an integral part of the educational process in preschool institutions. The rules learned in childhood become the norm of behavior in the future, their observance is a necessity.

Our kindergarten "Kapitoshka" strives to give its pupils a quality, universal education, to ensure a high level of general culture, including culture on the road. Compliance with the rules of a safe life should become a recognized necessity.Careful educational work with children is required. And, of course, in this regard, kindergarten plays a paramount role.

"Where to begin? How to teach children the rules of the road? - this question is usually asked by every teacher, taking the lead in educational work with 3-year-old children. And it is difficult to work with such children: they are still too small!

First of all, the educator must create a positive emotional mood when learning the rules of the road with children.Emotional positive attitude to the study of the Rules of the road form games: didactic and constructive, works of art on the relevant topics. The teacher should select examples according to the child's abilities, in other words, such that the children really get carried away, so that during the classes their creative ingenuity, quick wit, and independence in overcoming difficulties are revealed.

All ongoing work on teaching children the rules of the road is an integral part of classes on familiarization with the environment, fine arts, walks, games. Preparing children for independent communication with the street in the near future begins with the younger group. During walks, the teacher draws the attention of the kids to the movement of pedestrians, vehicles, introduces the words "road", "sidewalk", "driver", "car".

In the middle group, the program of targeted observations is being expanded. Children are introduced to the simplest rules of the road: you need to walk on the right side of the sidewalk without interfering with each other, the concepts of “pedestrian”, “traffic light”, “roadway”, etc. are explained.

In the senior and preparatory groups, children receive more complete knowledge about the rules of behavior for pedestrians and passengers, for example, the road should be crossed only in the indicated places; when crossing the street, you must first look to the left, and when you reach its middle, to the right; transport should be expected at a special stop. In addition, children are introduced to road signs and traffic signals. The knowledge gained in classes and walks is consolidated in games.

Each age group has a safety corner with information for parents and an exhibition of children's work. Didactic, board games, attributes for role-playing games are presented, which are used by children in joint activities with the teacher and independent activities, as well as in a specially organized form of education. Under the guidance of educators, children and parents make attributes for role-playing games, make gifts from paper, natural, waste material for children of younger groups, their sisters and brothers.

Each group contains street layouts. Using the layout, educators introduce children to topics:"Our street", "Pedestrians on the street", "Transport", "Traffic light", etc.

To consolidate the program material, children are given homework assignments that they perform under the guidance of adults. For example, remember the way home from kindergarten, draw the street where you live. Parents can comment on the child's drawing, clarify which houses he drew, where the crossing is, what signs are on the street, etc.

It is necessary to explain to parents the need to educate children in independence when moving along the street. To this end, it is good for older preschoolers to give instructions in a playful way, but with a specific goal understandable to the child. For example, “Come on, you will take me to the store today, and we will buy with you,” the mother says to the child, “but first, tell me which side of the sidewalk you need to go on, where we will cross the road,” etc.

The child acts under the control and accompanied by an adult. The performance of such tasks sets a specific goal for the child, consolidates knowledge of the rules for moving along the street, develops observation, the need to think, imagine, mentally divide the path into small segments, determine the location of landmarks and designate them with a word.

In the methodical office of the Kapitoshka kindergarten, to help educators, material was collected on teaching children the rules of the road: books, paintings, posters, lectures for parents, lesson plans, attributes, etc.

On the site of the kindergarten, special parking lots and play spaces have been created, including several types of intersections, formed by adjoining or branching roads. Here, with the help of game vehicles (pedal cars, bicycles) in the classroom and in games, children get acquainted with the meanings of some road signs and traffic rules.

Work on studying the rules of the road is being carried out in close contact with parents. In the kindergarten, a stand "To parents about the rules of the road" was decorated. Corresponding articles and brochures are placed in sliding folders.

Employees of the traffic police are invited to parents' meetings. The joint work of the teaching staff of the kindergarten, the traffic police and parents, of course, gives its positive results in the prevention of child road traffic injuries.

Many parents have a driver's license, drive a car, but do not always acquaint their children with the Rules road traffic. Parents and everyone who wants to can remember these Rules, as well as get acquainted with the new Rules of 2015, try to pass online exam 2015 on the site and see your results immediately.

Statistics show that children are a very common cause of road traffic accidents. The reasons are different. And one of them falls on adults.

Let's analyze the following situation: unexpectedly, old acquaintances meet on the street. Mom has not seen her friend for a long time and is now so carried away by the conversation that she completely forgot about the child. And he? He is looking for a way to satisfy his forced inactivity, since his mother grabbed a ball for fun. One or two movements - and the restless ball is already on the roadway. And after a while - the screech of brakes, the sound of broken glass ... The boy was saved, but what an effort it cost the truck driver!

Therefore, one of the important forms to promote compliance with the rules of the road are conversations with parents. Educators should make parents their assistants in the elimination of road illiteracy of children.

From time to time, educators should hold conversations, meetings with parents, more often remind them that hundreds of children die as a result of traffic accidents. Accidents occur because adults do not teach children to be disciplined on the street and obey the rules of the road. Parents often irresponsibly leave babies unattended on the street.

Sometimes adults themselves do not at all serve as an example for children and adolescents, violating traffic rules. Very often, seeing the pranks and indiscipline of children on the street, they do not stop them to explain the danger they expose themselves to, they do not demand that children get used to the culture of behavior on the street and strict observance of traffic rules.

The task of the educator is to convince parents of the need not to miss a single case of violation of the rules of the movement by children - their own or others. You can give the following example in a conversation: One kid who lives in your yard has a bicycle, and you saw that he was riding on the roadway. If you, the parents, don't stop him, then trouble may happen.

Parents must bring their children to the group to the teacher and take them home. Preschoolers should not be allowed to go without their parents. It is very dangerous to trust an elementary school student to take a child out of the kindergarten. He himself does not yet know the rules of the road, he can play along the road or get confused in a difficult situation.

Educators should also tell parents about the procedure for transporting children in cars, buses, bicycles, sledges, strollers at different times of the year, in different weather. For example, in the rain, parents should be especially careful. Do not hurry, do not run across the street, do not cover yourself with an umbrella when crossing the street.

It is necessary to acquaint parents with the location of the kindergarten in relation to city highways, streets and alleys, point out the most dangerous places. It is important that parents, leading a child to kindergarten, teach him the alphabet of streets and roads.

Parents, we repeat, should become the first assistants of the educator in this important matter, on which the life and health of children depends. It should be emphasized that only through the joint efforts of the kindergarten and the family can children be taught to observe the rules of the road that are so necessary in their future life.

On the topic of safety, you need to talk with parents both individually and at meetings. Traffic police officers should be invited to such meetings, who will acquaint parents with the causes of child road traffic injuries in the district, city, region, region.

Joint work of children and families will help to consolidate knowledge of the rules of the road in children. Uniform requirements of educators and parents provide children with the formation of strong skills of behavior on the street.

Another effective form of work with parents is group and general meetings. At group and general meetings, educators introduce parents to the program requirements for teaching children the rules of the road, they talk about the importance of the example of adults, about the need to follow the rules of behavior on the street. Any minor violation committed by adults is a bad example for the child.

Parents should pay great attention to children's compliance with the rules of behavior on the street. When crossing the street with a child, adults must hold his hand. Otherwise, the child may be frightened by an approaching car and suddenly run across the road, endangering themselves. It is necessary to explain to children that it is impossible to go out alone, without adults, on the carriageway, but when crossing the street with a child, teach him the correct reaction to traffic lights, go calmly, without hurrying.

At the request of educators, parents can clarify with their children the names of the streets along which they go to the kindergarten, the purpose of the road signs encountered, remember the rules for driving on the sidewalk and crossing the road. Parents can tell their children about the work of a driver, a traffic policeman, and watch the traffic light work with him.

It is advisable to invite the traffic police officers, the police children's room to group and general meetings of parents, who will acquaint them with the rules of the road, talk about the causes of child injuries. The subject of discussion at the meeting may be the behavior on the street not only of children, but also of adults themselves.

Parents can be given recommendations on how to behave in this or that case, how to cross the road with children, enter and exit vehicles. Introduce the location of the kindergarten, indicate the most dangerous places where you should be especially careful when crossing the street with children. It is necessary to explain to adults that they are obliged to bring children to kindergarten and transfer them to caregivers. On the street, adults should not remain indifferent to the behavior of children who went out for a walk unaccompanied by adults.

Meetings are well combined with showing parents the activities and games of children to learn the rules of the road. It is advisable to involve parents in the manufacture of equipment for games: they can mark the site, make electric switching of traffic lights ....

Approximate topics of parent meetings:

  1. What are the rules of the road and what are they.
  2. Discipline on the street is the key to the safety of pedestrians.
  3. Statistics and typical cases of childhood traumatism, measures for its prevention.

After the meeting, parents can be shown presentations on the topic.

The issues raised at meetings can be the subject of discussion at consultations, in individual conversations, which allow the educator to establish close contact with the family, to approach each child in a differentiated way, taking into account his typological characteristics, interests, and physical condition.

There are times when children are afraid to cross the road, break out and run away from their parents, especially when they see approaching vehicles. The teacher suggests how an adult should behave in this situation, how to calm the child, how to explain the need to follow the rules. The teacher regularly talks with parents about the success of children in mastering the rules of the road.

During conversations and consultations, the educator should find out how well the parents themselves are oriented in such matters as the rights and obligations of passengers, the signals of the traffic controller and traffic lights, only the sidewalk is a road for pedestrians, crossing the road. At the same time, as a visual material, the educator can use the relevant posters published by the traffic police; for example, to illustrate the position of the traffic controller, his gestures corresponding to traffic lights.

In the promotion of traffic rules in our garden is widely used visual propaganda. A stand has been made for parents. It contains excerpts from the traffic rules that children should learn, a list of literature for adults and preschoolers on the rules of behavior on the street.

It also contains children's drawings, samples of books, pictures, texts of poems and riddles, photographs of the streets, assignments for fixing the rules of behavior for children on the street. Relevant fiction, posters.

Thus, the unity of the requirements of the family and the kindergarten will ensure the successful preparation of children for schooling, the practical application and compliance with the rules of the road.

The kindergarten team plans not only to continue, but to expand and deepen work with preschool children on the rules of road safety.

In connection with the increase in the number of cars and the increase in traffic intensity, it is necessary in each preschool institution to provide for a complex of a wide variety of activities to develop children's skills of proper behavior on the streets.

To acquaint with these rules, the observance of which is the law for everyone, must be started from an early age, since the knowledge gained in childhood is the most durable, and the rules learned during these years subsequently become the norm of behavior, and their observance is a human need.

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