Consultation for educators ecological games. "Game technologies in environmental education

Antipyretics for children are prescribed by a pediatrician. But there are emergency situations for fever when the child needs to be given medicine immediately. Then the parents take responsibility and use antipyretic drugs. What is allowed to give to infants? How can you bring down the temperature in older children? What medicines are the safest?

Natalya Dyumaeva
Consultation for educators "Games on ecology in kindergarten"

Recently, there has been a sharp increase in interest in ecology and environmental education. Man is a part nature: he cannot live outside of it, cannot violate the laws by which the world around him exists. Only by learning to live in full harmony with nature, we will be able to better understand its secrets, to preserve the most amazing creation of nature - life on earth.

ecological attitude to the natural world is formed and develops throughout a person's life. Skill "watch" and "see", "listen" and "hear" does not develop by itself, is not given ready-made from birth, but brought up. Learning to live in harmony with nature, with the environment should begin at preschool age.

Preschool age is the optimal stage in development ecological culture of personality. At this age, the child begins to distinguish himself from the environment, develops an emotional and value attitude to the environment, forms the foundations of moral ecological positions of the individual which are manifested in the child's interactions with nature, as well as in his behavior in nature. This is what makes it possible to form environmental knowledge in children, norms and rules of interaction with nature, develop empathy for her, activity in solving some environmental issues.

Studies by domestic psychologists have shown that the development and upbringing child occurs in all activities, but above all in the game. It is the game that allows you to satisfy children's curiosity, to involve the child in the active development of the world around him, helps him to master the ways of knowing the connections between objects and phenomena.

Game activity affects the formation of the arbitrariness of all mental processes - from elementary to the most complex. Thus, voluntary behavior, voluntary attention and memory begin to develop in the game. In conditions games children concentrate better and remember more than on the direct instructions of adults.

In the formation of children's emotional attitude to nature educator uses many types of games. With kids, he conducts very simple mobile activities. games, one way or another based on ideas about nature. These games consolidate the first grains of knowledge that children receive in observations.

Great opportunities in environmental education feelings in relation to the world around are laid, first of all, in didactic games.

Develop positive emotions in relation to nature help transformation games aimed at the emergence of empathy in the child for animals, plants, objects of inanimate nature.

In physical education classes, children are taught various types of movements and game exercises in the form of imitative and imitative movements and games in which the child must reproduce familiar images of animals, birds, insects, trees, etc.

Classification ecological games:





travel games.

Features of role-playing ecological games

During the role play environmental games the child has the opportunity to simulate social content environmental activities: "Animal Hospital", "Score "Fruits and vegetables"», "Forest Pharmacy" and etc.

For example, the purpose of the role games"City Building" is the formation in children of the idea that construction is carried out only subject to environmental standards and regulations.

Features of competitive ecological games

Competitive environmental games like: KVN, competitions, "Field of Dreams", environmental quizzes stimulate the activity of their participants in the acquisition and demonstration environmental knowledge, skills and abilities.

Peculiarities ecological travel games

V environmental travel games for preschoolers with the help of TCO (technical teaching aids) end up on the seabed or the North Pole, etc. for instance: "Trip to the Zoo", "Walking in the Forest", "Visiting an exhibition of paintings about nature", "A Trip to the Village to Grandma" and etc.

Peculiarities ecological didactic games

Didactic games in environmental education occupy one of the main places in the work with preschoolers: "Who's lost?", "Know by taste", "Wonderful bag", "Two Baskets", "What if?", "Birds, fish, animals", "Chain", "Air, Earth, Water", "Flies, swims, runs" and etc.

Working with preschoolers on their environmental education an integrated approach should be used, involving the relationship of research activities, music, visual activity, physical culture, games, theatrical activities, literature, modeling, watching TV shows, excursions, as well as organizing independent activities for children, i.e. greening various activities for the child.

When using games and game situations in the classroom for ecology was noted that children have become more attentive. They listen with interest to stories about animals and plants, ask many additional questions of interest to them.

Educator Esina Marina Alexandrovna

MBDOU kindergarten "Squirrel" Tambov, Tambov region

When a child communicates with nature, a contradiction often arises. On the one hand, they are very interested in plants and animals, love them, on the other hand, they show cruelty and indifference. So, children tear off the wings of insects, tear apart earthworms. Due to a momentary whim, children break branches of trees, shrubs, tear in armfuls and then, without regret, abandon flowering plants, trample lawns. At the same time, children do not regard their actions as a manifestation of evil.

Why is this happening? This is due, first of all, to the ignorance of preschoolers of the rules of interaction with objects of nature.

On their own, it is difficult for preschoolers to see, for example, the manifestation of plant life, to understand that they, like other living beings, breathe, eat, move, and multiply.

Therefore, adults come to the aid of the child, and in the kindergarten, of course, there is a teacher who will help the child understand all the diversity of the world around him.

Firstly, she tried to be the bearer of ecological culture herself and, through her behavior and actions, created an example of interaction with nature, an indifferent attitude towards it, demonstrated the necessity and significance of everything that happens in front of children.

Secondly, she taught children to empathize and instilled in them an emotionally positive attitude towards nature. After all, emotions play a big role in the perception of nature, its beauty and uniqueness, as well as in showing sympathy for those who are in trouble, and he is like a child. "charging" our emotions. Therefore, every time, at any opportunity, I admired natural objects and phenomena, found even the most unattractive, at first glance, object of nature and admired it. For example: she was surprised at the blue sky, white clouds and bright stars, a beautiful moth and a long worm, grass breaking through the asphalt, etc. She admired the good deeds of people, felt joy from the well-being of a living being, and tried to "infect" these children. Be sure to insert a poetic word if possible, and a poetic word will always leave an indelible mark in the heart of a child.

Thirdly, in no case should it be allowed that the interaction of the child with nature has a negative connotation.

And if an adult does not pay attention to this, children get used to dividing natural objects into beautiful and ugly, necessary and unnecessary, and, accordingly, build their attitude towards them. As a result, instead of accumulating positive emotions - surprise (for example, how interesting the grasshopper has adapted to the environment), empathy (for example, a bug in trouble)- the child acquires the experience of an indifferent or even heartless attitude towards objects that, in his opinion, are unpleasant.

The next moment is the introduction of children to work.

Labor activity should be regular. It is important for the educator to involve each child in it, since work in a corner of nature or in a kindergarten site contributes to the development of observation and curiosity, inquisitiveness in children, arouses their interest in natural objects, in human labor.

In the process of labor in nature, children develop knowledge about plants, about animals. (appearance, needs, modes of movement, habits, lifestyle, seasonal changes). Children learn to establish a connection between the conditions, the way of life of an animal in nature and the ways of caring for it in a corner of nature.

In the implementation of environmental education, I tried to follow an integrated approach, which involves the relationship of research activities, modeling, music, fine arts, physical culture, games, theatrical activities, etc. It is this approach, in my opinion, that carries out the greening of various activities of the child.

Working with parents.

A noticeable influence on the upbringing of a child is exerted by the way, level, quality and style of life of the family. Children are very sensitive to what they see around them. They act like the adults around them.

Parents should realize that it is impossible to demand from the child the implementation of any rule of conduct if adults themselves do not always follow it. For example, it is difficult to explain to children that nature should be protected if the parents do not do it themselves. And the different demands made in kindergarten and at home can cause them confusion, resentment or even aggression.

I work with parents in the form of meetings (general and group) with the aim of informing parents about joint work and stimulating their active participation in it. I invite them to classes, hang out a lot of visual material, publish booklets on the topic of preserving and protecting nature.

Now let's consider the question, how should this activity be organized in different age groups in order to realize its leading motive - the education of the principles of ecological culture among preschoolers - and achieve specific goals?

At a younger preschool age, children in joint activities are more observers than practical performers, and yet it is at this age that the pattern of interaction with nature is crucial: children hear and absorb the affectionate conversation of an adult with animals and plants, calm and clear explanations about , what and how to do, see the actions of the educator and willingly take part in them. For example, when inviting children to participate in watering indoor plants, the teacher says something like this: “Let's go to the window, look at our plants, talk to them and water them. (Go to the window.) Hello flowers! How are you feeling? Not frozen, not dried up? (Looks at the plants.) No, everything is in order - you are green, beautiful. Look how good our plants are, how nice it is to look at them! (Touches the earth in a pot.) Dry land, and plants need water - they are alive, they cannot live without water! Let's water them" . The teacher gives each child a watering can, in which there is some water, waters everything himself, saying: “Spark, we will pour a lot of water into your pot, drink as much as you want and grow further - we will admire you!” The participation of children in this joint activity lies in the fact that they listen to the speech of the teacher, observe his actions, hold watering cans, serve and receive them, fill them with water together and put them in their place. The educator in front of the children and together with them takes care of the plants - this is an example of interaction with nature. Education as a didactic task is not in the foreground, it turns out by itself, naturally, in the process of joint practical activity.

In the middle group, the teacher and children act together, although the priority belongs to an adult, which is expressed in the formula: “I do - you help me, you are my assistants. We take care of our pets together!”

In older preschool age, the independence of children is growing intensively, it becomes possible for them to be on duty in a corner of nature. The adult and the children change roles: the children do everything themselves, and the teacher helps them (it does not matter that the help at first can be very large). The teacher necessarily notes all the achievements of the children, praises them for their independence, confidence and initiative. Teachers who do everything themselves and do not give preschoolers the opportunity to observe and participate in the creation of normal conditions for the inhabitants of living corners, a room of nature, a site, develop in children indifference, callousness and inattention in general to life as a unique value.

Here, in my opinion, are the main conditions that are necessary for the ecological education of children.

Galieva Elena Vladimirovna, educator of MBDOU No. 3 "Sun" p.g.t. Aktobe.

The optimal stage in the development of the ecological culture of the individual is preschool age. At this age, the child begins to correlate himself in the environment, he develops an emotional and value attitude to the environment, the foundations of the moral and ecological positions of the individual are formed, which are manifested in the interactions of the child with nature, as well as in his behavior in nature. It is thanks to this that it becomes possible to form environmental knowledge in children, norms and rules for interacting with nature, fostering empathy for it, and being active in solving some environmental problems.

Studies have shown that the use of predominantly verbal methods in introducing children to nature leads to the formation of knowledge. But it is difficult for preschoolers to establish a connection between cause and effect. Children cannot apply knowledge in practical activities. This problem can be solved by involving children in activities that allow them to get acquainted with this pattern on their own experience.

One of the effective and most interesting means of environmental education for children is a didactic game of environmental content. Games bring a lot of joy to children and contribute to their comprehensive development. In the process of games, knowledge about the world around is formed, cognitive interests, love for nature, careful and caring attitude towards it, as well as environmentally sound behavior in nature are brought up. They broaden the horizons of children, create favorable conditions for solving the problems of sensory education. Playing games on ecology, children get acquainted with the properties and qualities, states of objects of nature, learn ways to establish these properties.

In pedagogy, there are several types of didactic games.

Object games on ecology are games with leaves, seeds, flowers, fruits, vegetables.

In these games, ideas about the properties and qualities of objects are clarified, concretized and enriched, the ability to examine them is formed, and children master sensory standards. Games with objects make it possible to solve various educational tasks: to expand and clarify children's knowledge, improve speech (the ability to name objects, actions with them, their qualities, purpose; describe objects, compose and guess riddles, pronounce speech sounds correctly), cultivate arbitrariness behavior, memory, attention. Object games are especially widely used in the younger and middle groups. They enable children to operate with natural objects, compare them, and note changes in individual external features.

Tops - roots.

Target: To consolidate the knowledge that vegetables have edible roots - roots and fruits - tops, for some vegetables both tops and roots are edible.

Material: two hoops, vegetables toys.

Game progress. Two hoops are taken: red, blue. Lay them so that the hoops intersect. In the red hoop, you need to put vegetables that have roots for food, and in the blue hoop, those that use tops.

The child comes to the table, chooses a vegetable, shows it to the children and puts it in the right circle, explaining why he put the vegetable there. (in the area where the hoops intersect, there should be vegetables that use both tops and roots: onions, parsley, etc.

Board games varied in environmental content, teaching tasks, design. For instance:

"Collect a bouquet."

Target: develop visual perception and attention; improve the skills of correlating and distinguishing colors; develop the ability to name colors.

Material: pictures of vases and flowers are different in color.

Game progress: There are colorful vases and flowers on the table. The child must put in each vase a bouquet of the same color as the vase.

"Whose house?"

Target: to consolidate knowledge about animals and their habitats, to develop fine motor skills.

Material: Cards depicting wild and domestic animals and cards depicting the dwellings of these animals.

Game progress: the educator has pictures depicting animals, and the children have pictures of the habitats of various animals (burrow, lair, river, hollow, nest, etc.). The teacher shows a picture of an animal. The child must determine where it lives, and if it matches his picture, “settle” at home by connecting the puzzle.

"Who is the fastest"

Target: Fix the names of plants, birds, activate speech.

Material: large and small cards with the image of plants.

Game progress: Large cards are distributed to children. Small cards are shuffled. After that, the leader takes the top card and shows it to the children. The players name the plant that is drawn on the card and look for this plant in their pictures. The one who found it says: "I need this card." The leader gives the card to the one who found the corresponding picture on his card. The player covers her picture on his card. The winner is the one who has no closed plants left on the big card.

"Collect a picture"

Target: To develop voluntary attention in children, fine motor skills, visual-figurative and logical thinking, memory, imagination, to teach to perceive and comprehend the integral image of the picture.

Material: Cut pictures of animals.

Game progress: The details of the picture are laid out in disorder in front of the child. In front of him is a frame in which you need to collect the broken picture.


Target: to consolidate children's knowledge of birds, to consolidate geometric shapes and their names, to develop memory, thinking, fine motor skills.

Material: cards with pockets, which depict birds in a geometric figure, cardboard - a circle, an oval, a square, a triangle, a rectangle.

Game progress: together with the child, consider geometric shapes, fixing their names. Give the child cards with pockets, which depict birds in a geometric shape. Ask for the names of the birds. After that, offer to arrange all the geometric shapes in the pockets, so that they coincide with the geometric shapes drawn on the card (inspired by bird houses).

word games environmental content differ in that the process of solving the learning task is carried out in a mental plan, on the basis of representations and without relying on visualization. They are held in order to consolidate knowledge about the functions and actions of certain objects, to generalize and systematize knowledge. These games develop attention, intelligence, speed of reaction, coherent speech.

Ball game "Air, earth, water"

Target: to consolidate children's knowledge about objects of nature. Develop auditory attention, thinking, ingenuity.

Materials: ball.
Game progress: The teacher throws the ball to the child and calls the object of nature, for example, "magpie". The child must answer "air" and throw the ball back. To the word "dolphin" the child answers "water", to the word "wolf" - "earth", etc.

"Find something to talk about"

Target: learn to find objects according to the listed signs.
Game action. Guessing the plant from the description of signs.
Rule. You can name recognized vegetables or fruits only at the request of the teacher.

Material: Vegetables and fruits are laid out along the edge of the table so that all the children can clearly see the distinctive features of the objects.

Game progress: The teacher describes in detail one of the objects lying on the table, that is, he names the shape of vegetables and fruits, their color and taste. Then the teacher suggests to one of the guys: “Show on the table, and then name what I told you about.” If the child coped with the task, the teacher describes another subject, and another child performs the task.

Outdoor games ecological character also have a didactic focus, they are associated with the imitation of the habits of animals, their way of life, some reflect the phenomena of inanimate nature. Children, imitating actions, imitate sounds, in these games they acquire knowledge more deeply, and an emotionally positive attitude contributes to deepening their interest in nature.

"Find a flower for a butterfly"

Target: educate children's attention; exercise children in the ability to distinguish and name primary colors; continue to form in children an interest in playing with color; develop sensory skills in children; continue to introduce children to

concepts of "one", "many".

Material: paper butterflies and flowers of different colors.

Game progress: The teacher invites the children to help the butterflies find their flowers. Children should plant one butterfly for each flower. If the butterfly, for example, is red, then it must be planted on a red flower. When all the butterflies find their places, ask the children: “What are more flowers or butterflies?”

When conducting didactic games, it is necessary to rely on the following principles: consistency, developmental learning, accessibility, the principle of relying on the leading activities of children.

The specificity of didactics implies a gradual complication of games from group to group.

At the first stage, you need to play the game with the children. In the course of the game, communicate one rule and immediately implement it.

At the second stage, switch off from active participation in the game, manage from the outside, directing the game.

In the third stage, children play on their own.

The organization of didactic games is carried out in three main directions:

  • preparation for the didactic game,
  • its implementation
  • summarizing


Children's games are a necessary condition for environmental education. The game gives children a lot of joy and contributes to their comprehensive development. In the process of the game, love for nature, careful and caring attitude towards it are brought up. Preschoolers develop an interest in play activities, a conscious, responsible attitude towards it.

Games contribute to the development of observation and curiosity in children. Arouse their interest in natural objects. Didactic games develop intellectual skills: plan actions, distribute them over time and between game participants, evaluate results, etc.

Didactic games are the most effective tool that contributes to a more complete and successful solution of the problems of environmental education of preschool children.

Thus, the role of the didactic game in the learning process of a preschool educational institution is determined by the fact that the game allows the child to gain his own experience.

In the didactic game, the child not only acquires new knowledge, but also generalizes and reinforces it. A didactic game acts simultaneously as a type of game activity and a form of organizing interaction with a child. Thus, the use of didactic games contributes to the mental development of children.

Man is a part of nature: he cannot live outside of it, he cannot violate the laws by which the world around him exists. Only by learning to live in full harmony with nature, we will be able to better understand its secrets, to preserve the most amazing creation of nature - life on earth.



Consultation for educators "Games on ecology in kindergarten"

Recently, there has been a sharp increase in interest inecology and environmental education.

Man is a part of nature: he cannot live outside of it, he cannot violate the laws by which the world around him exists. Only by learning to live in full harmony with nature, we will be able to better understand its secrets, to preserve the most amazing creation of nature - life on earth.

The ecological attitude to the natural world is formed and develops throughout a person's life.

The ability to "look" and "see", "listen" and "hear" does not develop by itself, is not given ready-made from birth, but brought up . Learning to live in harmony with nature, with the environment should begin at preschool age.

Preschool age is the optimal stage in developmentecological culture of personality. At this age, the child begins to distinguish himself from the environment, develops an emotional and value attitude to the environment, forms the foundations of moralecological positions of the individualwhich are manifested in the child's interactions with nature, as well as in his behavior in nature. This is what makes it possible to formenvironmental knowledge in children, norms and rules of interaction with nature,develop empathy for her, activity in solving someenvironmental issues.

I use games in my work. Game activity affects the formation of the arbitrariness of all mental processes - from elementary to the most complex. Thus, voluntary behavior, voluntary attention and memory begin to develop in the game. In conditions games children concentrate better and remember more than on the direct instructions of adults.

In the formation of children's emotional attitude to nature, I use many types of games. With the kids I spend very simple outdoor games, one way or another based on ideas about nature. Such games consolidate the first grains of knowledge that children receive in observations.

Great opportunities inenvironmental educationfeelings in relation to the world around are laid, first of all, in didactic games.

Develop positive emotions in relation to nature helptransformation gamesaimed at the emergence of empathy in the child for animals, plants, objects of inanimate nature.

Classification ecological games:





travel games.

Features of role-playingecological games

In the process of role-playing ecologicalgames, the child has the opportunity to simulate the social content of environmental activities: "Animal Hospital", "Score "Fruits and vegetables"”, “Forest Pharmacy”, etc.

For example, the aim of the role play"City Building"is the formation in children of the idea that construction is carried out only subject to environmental standards and rules.

Features of competitiveecological games

Competitive environmental games such as: KVN, contests,"Field of Wonders", environmental quizzes stimulate the activity of their participants in the acquisition and demonstrationenvironmental knowledge, skills and abilities.

Peculiarities ecological travel games

In ecological travel games for preschoolers with the help of TCO(technical teaching aids)end up on the seabed or the North Pole, etc.

For instance: "Trip to the Zoo", "Walking in the Forest", "Visiting an exhibition of paintings about nature", "A Trip to the Village to Grandma" and etc.

Peculiarities ecological didactic games

Didactic games in environmental education occupy one of the main places in my work with preschoolers:"Who's lost?", "Know by taste", "Wonderful bag", "Two baskets", "What if?", "Birds, fish, animals", "Chain" , "Air, Earth, Water", "Flies, swims, runs" and etc.

In my work with preschoolers on environmental education, I use an integrated approach:

Assuming the relationship of research activities,


visual activity,

physical culture,


theatrical activities,



watching TV shows,


Organization of independent activities of children, i.e. ecologization of various activities of the child.

When using games and game situations in their classes onecology was notedthat the children in my group became more attentive. They listen with interest to stories about animals and plants, ask many additional questions of interest to them.

Consultation for educators "Games on ecology in kindergarten"

Recently, there has been a sharp increase in interest in ecology and environmental education. Man is a part of nature: he cannot live outside of it, he cannot violate the laws by which the world around him exists. Only by learning to live in full harmony with nature, we will be able to better understand its secrets, to preserve the most amazing creation of nature - life on earth.

ecological attitude to the natural world is formed and develops throughout a person's life. Skill "watch" and "see", "listen" and "hear" does not develop by itself, is not given ready-made from birth, but brought up. Learning to live in harmony with nature, with the environment should begin at preschool age.

Preschool age is the optimal stage in development ecological culture of personality. At this age, the child begins to distinguish himself from the environment, develops an emotional and value attitude to the environment, forms the foundations of moral ecological positions of the individual which are manifested in the child's interactions with nature, as well as in his behavior in nature. This is what makes it possible to form environmental knowledge in children, norms and rules of interaction with nature, develop empathy for her, activity in solving some environmental issues.

Studies by domestic psychologists have shown that the development and upbringing child occurs in all activities, but above all in the game. It is the game that allows you to satisfy children's curiosity, to involve the child in the active development of the world around him, helps him to master the ways of knowing the connections between objects and phenomena.

Game activity affects the formation of the arbitrariness of all mental processes - from elementary to the most complex. Thus, voluntary behavior, voluntary attention and memory begin to develop in the game. In conditions games children concentrate better and remember more than on the direct instructions of adults.

In the formation of children's emotional attitude to nature educator uses many types of games. With kids, he conducts very simple mobile activities. games, one way or another based on ideas about nature. These games consolidate the first grains of knowledge that children receive in observations.

Great opportunities in environmental education feelings in relation to the world around are laid, first of all, in didactic games.

Develop positive emotions in relation to nature help transformation games aimed at the emergence of empathy in the child for animals, plants, objects of inanimate nature.

In physical education classes, children are taught various types of movements and game exercises in the form of imitative and imitative movements and games in which the child must reproduce familiar images of animals, birds, insects, trees, etc.

Classification ecological games:





travel games.

Features of role-playing ecological games

During the role play environmental games the child has the opportunity to simulate social content environmental activities: "Animal Hospital", "Score "Fruits and vegetables"», "Forest Pharmacy" and etc.

For example, the purpose of the role games"City Building" is the formation in children of the idea that construction is carried out only subject to environmental standards and regulations.

Features of competitive ecological games

Competitive environmental games like: KVN, competitions, "Field of Dreams", environmental quizzes stimulate the activity of their participants in the acquisition and demonstration environmental knowledge, skills and abilities.

Peculiarities ecological travel games

V environmental travel games for preschoolers with the help of TCO (technical teaching aids) end up on the seabed or the North Pole, etc. For example: "Trip to the Zoo", "Walking in the Forest", "Visiting an exhibition of paintings about nature", "A Trip to the Village to Grandma" and etc.

Peculiarities ecological didactic games

Didactic games in environmental education occupy one of the main places in the work with preschoolers: "Who's lost?", "Know by taste", "Wonderful bag", "Two Baskets", "What if?", "Birds, fish, animals", "Chain", "Air, Earth, Water", "Flies, swims, runs" and etc.

Working with preschoolers on their environmental education an integrated approach should be used, involving the relationship of research activities, music, visual activity, physical culture, games, theatrical activities, literature, modeling, watching TV shows, excursions, as well as organizing independent activities for children, i.e. greening various activities for the child.

When using games and game situations in the classroom for ecology was noted that children have become more attentive. They listen with interest to stories about animals and plants, ask many additional questions of interest to them.

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