Dog beating. Ksenia Sobchak admitted that she was beaten by her lover

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"We had an argument in the car, and he started beating me. I ran out and started knocking on the door. Some woman let me in..."

Ksenia Sobchak admitted that she is among the women who suffered from violence. She was also beaten by the closest person. Yes, so much so that the socialite had to ask for help from random passers-by and hide in a strange house. They saved Xenia from a loved one who raised a hand against her with the help of the police. And Sobchak cannot forget and forgive what happened.

It was many years ago. I was vacationing in the West with my boyfriend. We had an argument in the car and he started beating me. I ran out and started knocking on the door. Some woman let me in. After that, the police came by themselves, although I did not call. There the law is arranged in such a way that it is impossible to withdraw the case. Everything is brought to the state level. There are witnesses, and there is no going back, - said Ksenia Sobchak.

Ksenia entrusted her sensational revelations to the live broadcast “In Odnoklassniki”, which was dedicated to the problems of gender violence.

Ksenia spoke sharply on the topic of violence in Russia: “It is still wrong to talk about violence in our country. This is not something global in the minds of people, so they are less likely to go to the police. It is believed that it is better to endure beatings with dignity, cover up bruises and pretend that everything is fine. A specific thing that is not present in Russia today is the term "domestic violence". We have a different side of violence in principle. This is what needs to be changed. The moment of raising your hand should be the red line when you realize that the fight is not with your wife, but with the state.”

According to Ksenia, such situations should be punished in the most severe way. To make people aware of the consequences of their actions.

Presenter and journalist Ksenia Sobchak raised the topic of domestic violence.

For five years now, Ksenia Sobchak has been officially married to Maxim Vitorgan. In numerous interviews, the TV presenter admits that her husband changed her attitude to life and became a reliable support for her. However, not always the personal life of a star was so cloudless. The other day, the socialite took part in a live broadcast dedicated to the topic of combating violence. Ksenia did not hide the fact that she herself faced cruelty. So, a few years ago, her boyfriend unexpectedly beat her after another quarrel.

« It was many years ago. I was vacationing in the West with my boyfriend. We had an argument in the car and he started hitting me.”, Sobchak recalled.

According to the TV presenter, after the first blows, she hurried out of the car and headed for the nearest houses. Shocked by the cruelty of her lover, Sobchak began to knock on all the doors, and as a result, one of the local residents let her in. After that, law enforcement officers unexpectedly arrived, although Xenia herself did not call the police station.

« There the law is arranged in such a way that it is impossible to withdraw the case. Everything is brought to the state level. There are witnesses, and there is no turning back. We still talk about violence - wrong. This is not something global in the minds of people, so they are less likely to go to the police. It is believed that it is better to endure beatings with dignity, cover up bruises and pretend that everything is fine. A specific thing that does not exist in Russia today is the term "domestic violence". We have a different side of violence in principle. This is what needs to be changed. The moment of raising your hand should be the red line when you realize that the fight is not with your wife, but with the state.", - the TV presenter emphasized.

Fortunately, after a series of unsuccessful novels, Sobchak was still able to meet the perfect man who helped her forget about the horrors she experienced. It was Maxim Vitorgan who became the father of Xenia's first child. Now the son Plato is the main joy of his famous mother. The TV presenter only occasionally publishes photos of the boy and tries not to advertise family relationships.

In an interview, the socialite invariably notes that she is now a happy wife and mother. " Every woman thinks that her child is a genius, and I am no exception. Plato is now attending swimming classes, learning English. I really like to spoon feed him, telling some stories along the way.”, - Ksenia admitted during an interview for the Friday with Regina YouTube channel.

However, Sobchak encourages women to always talk about cases of domestic violence. In her opinion, a man who raises his hand to his beloved is simply dangerous to society. A personal example from the past now inspires the star to fight injustice.

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