Self-esteem training for older preschoolers. Art therapy as a means of developing the social skills of minors

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Self-Esteem Exercises

Purpose: to increase children's self-esteem, self-confidence.

"Affectionate name"

The presenter invites each child to name an affectionate neighbor sitting on the right, who must certainly thank the speaker by saying "Thank you."


The participants in the game pronounce their names in a circle, adding to the performance a quality that reflects its personality traits. But this quality must certainly begin with the same letter as his name. For example, Irina is sincere, Peter is punctual.

"Magic glasses"

An adult solemnly announces that he has magic glasses through which one can see only the good that is in a person, even that which a person sometimes hides from everyone. "Now I will try on these glasses ... Oh, how beautiful, funny, smart you are!" Approaching each child, an adult names some of his advantages (someone draws well, someone has a new doll, someone makes their bed well). "And now let each of you try on glasses, look at the others and try to see as much good in everyone as possible. Maybe even something that you did not notice before." Children take turns putting on their magic glasses and mentioning the virtues of their comrades. If someone is at a loss, you can help him and suggest some dignity of his comrade. Repetition is not terrible here, although it is advisable to expand the circle of good qualities if possible.

"Bouncer Contest"

An adult invites children to hold a bragging contest. "The one who boasts the best wins. We will not boast of ourselves, but of our neighbor. It’s so nice to have the best neighbor! Look carefully at the one who sits on your right. Think about what he is, what is good about him, what he knows what good deeds he has done, what he might like. Do not forget that this is a competition. The winner is the one who boasts of his neighbor better, who finds more virtues in it. "

After such an introduction, the children in a circle call out the advantages of their neighbor and brag about his merits. At the same time, the objectivity of the assessment is not at all important - these are real advantages or invented. The "scale" of these advantages is also not important - it can be a loud voice, and a neat hairstyle, and long (or short) hair. The main thing is that children notice these features of their peers and be able not only to positively evaluate them, but also to boast of them in front of their peers. The winner is chosen by the children themselves, but if necessary, an adult can express his opinion. To make the victory more meaningful and desirable, you can reward the winner with some small prize (a paper medal for "Best Bouncer" or a badge). Such a prize arouses even the most selfish child's interest in a peer and a desire to find as many advantages as possible in him.

"Bunnies and elephants"

"Guys, I want to offer you a game called" Bunnies and Elephants. " all shrinks, tries to become small and inconspicuous, his tail and legs are shaking, "and so on. Children show.

"Show what the bunnies are doing if they hear a person's footsteps?" Children scatter around the group, class, hide, etc. "And what do the bunnies do if they see a wolf? .." The teacher plays with the children for several minutes.

"And now you and I will be elephants, big, strong, courageous. Show how calmly, measuredly, stately and fearlessly elephants walk. And what do elephants do when they see a man? Are they afraid of him? No. They are friends with him and when They see him, calmly continue their way. Show how. Show what the elephants do when they see a tiger ... "For several minutes, the children portray a fearless elephant.

After the exercise, the children sit in a circle and discuss who they liked to be more and why.

"Magic chair"

This game can be played with a group of children for a long time. Previously, an adult must learn the "history" of each child's name - its origin, what it means. In addition, it is necessary to make a crown and a "Magic Chair" - it must be absolutely high. The adult conducts a short introductory conversation about the origin of the names, and then says that he will talk about the names of all the children in the group (the group should not be more than 5-6 people), and it is better to call the names of anxious children in the middle of the game. The one whose name is told becomes king. Throughout the story of his name, he sits on a throne in a crown.

At the end of the game, you can invite the children to come up with different versions of his name (gentle, affectionate). You can also take turns to tell something good about the king.

"I am a lion"

Leader's instruction: “Now let's play a game called“ I am a lion. ”Close your eyes and imagine that each of you has turned into a lion. Leo is the king of beasts, strong, mighty, confident, calm, wise. He is handsome and free.

Open your eyes and take turns introducing yourself on behalf of the lion, for example: "I am Regina the lion." Walk around the circle with a proud, confident gait. "


Each draws a palm outline on a piece of paper. In the center he writes his name, in each finger there is something that he likes about himself. Then the sheet is transferred to the neighbor on the right, he writes on the sheet (outside the palm) for 30 seconds, something that he likes in the person, the owner of the palm. So through the whole circle. The leaf is returned to the owner upside down. Positive feedback, the ability to express positive emotions.

"Warm as the sun, light as a breath"

Abstract: Exercise to work with the child's self-esteem, to develop positive thinking

You don't need to be an artist to benefit from art therapy. In fact, most of the exercises do not rely on the end result that you create, but on the therapeutic effect of the ritual of the creative process itself. If you are intrigued by the possibility of relaxation through artistic imagination, then this set of techniques is for you.

We propose to consider 10 simple ways to help you explore your inner self. Not all of them may be suitable for you specifically, but at least one of these methods, in its usefulness, will become the artistic equivalent of taking a long, warm, fragrant bath.

If you have feelings for someone that you are not ready to admit, if you are angry, but you know that it is better to restrain yourself from angry statements, try to describe it in detail. Writing the text itself has a therapeutic effect, and designing a postcard enhances and activates various parts of the brain. When you're done, seal the letter, sign and put it in the trash can (or slide it into the far desk drawer) if you find it, the message will lose some of its power.

Draw a picture on paper or cardboard, when finished, cut or tear it apart. Then use the pieces as building blocks for a new piece of art - a collage. See how your original creation turns into something new, interesting, unpredictable. This exercise points to the intimate connection between creation and destruction, encourages us to take risks, and encourages creativity in other aspects of life.

Get inspired by folk art and create an altar to celebrate the relationship between you and another person, whether they are alive or not. Decorate the shrine with photos, letters and relics that remind you of your times together, as well as new artwork you create to celebrate the relationship. Use anything that can become art material, from gifts to candy wrappers, if you know they are HIS favorite candy. Erecting such an altar to another person evokes memories and serves as a physical manifestation of the relationship, which can provide peace of mind during difficult times.

Much of the stress we suffer from when we are creative comes from criticism and judgment that seem inevitable at every turn. Try to create a work of art in total darkness to free yourself from the inner art critic that dwells in your head. (Think of this as a blind line drawing.) You are suddenly freed up to create lines, shapes, and patterns. When you turn on the light, chances are, the image will surprise you.

Lie down and close your eyes. Imagine your body as you breathe. Try to imagine the color of the air you breathe in and the color you breathe out. What do you see? Draw the outline of your body on a large piece of paper and paint over with watercolors based on your physical condition. Think about what these colors mean to you, where they are more concentrated and where they are less. This is your most relaxing self-portrait.

Zentangle (Zen Tangle, Zen Tangle, Zen Tangling, Zen Tangling) is a drawing method invented by Rick Roberts and Maria Thomas. It was designed to make drawing meditative and accessible to everyone. You can learn the technique from a knowledgeable specialist or master it yourself. To do this, you need a sheet of paper, in the original a square with a side of 9 cm, along the edges of which you draw a border by hand with a pencil, it can be uneven. Inside the resulting area, draw lines, the so-called "lines".

Now switch to the pen and start drawing a series of patterns or repeating patterns around the "string." So you drew the zentangle. The process is designed to stimulate the ritual of creation and leaves room for human error - nothing can be erased, these are the rules. Traditionally, zentangle is black and white, but experiments with chromaticity are also encouraged by many. The whole process should take no more than 15 minutes and can be repeated whenever you like. Keep 9cm squares handy so that you can fill them with abstract designs as inspiration.

Think about the social and self-imposed pressures you experience day in and day out, the personality traits you consider to be flaws, the failures you see as mistakes. Choose one of these things and allow yourself in the decorative details. Turning failure into achievement can help minimize feelings of self-dislike, which can help you achieve more important goals. Remember this is an art project, so make it beautiful.

Don't consider yourself a poet? Then let someone else do the most difficult thing, write the words, and you will pick up material for yourself from old books, magazines, newspapers or even letters. Cut out the words that pop up in front of you or inspire you. Arrange them as if you were creating a visual collage. You can have a theme or plot in mind from the start. Or just get started and see where this verbal collage takes you.

Art therapy promotes positive self-esteem in children, and if you're looking for ways, try the Sunshine exercise with it.

These judgments can be either positive: “Well done”, “Clever girl”, “You are kind, smart, neat ...”, and negative: “Slob,” “Fidget,” “Naughty, non-executive, roar ...

The exercise "The Sun" shows well how certain ideas about oneself have become entrenched in the child's mind.

So let's get to the heart of the self-esteem exercise.

To complete it, you will need a landscape sheet, felt-tip pens or pencils.

... Exercises "Sun"

Ask your child to draw a sun with rays. There are no requirements for the drawing, the child draws the sun anywhere within the sheet and what he likes.

Art therapy for children: exercise "Sun" to increase self-esteem

Let the child talk a little about the sun.

The sun - what is it like?

Bright, yellow, red, kind, warm, joyful ...

Now imagine that the sun is you. The sun has your name.

Let the child sign, if he knows how, his name in the sun. If he still does not know how to write, then sign the name yourself. The sun must have rays. If there are few of them, then paint up to 7-9 rays.

You have listed how wonderful the sun is: warm, bright, kind ... Let's sign each ray of the sun, naming some of your wonderful qualities. What are you?

The child may not respond immediately. Help him by saying, for example, “I think you are kind. And what else? "

Each quality you or your child names is labeled along the beam.

Task: try to name each ray. And let the child fantasize a little, boast. Do not mind, even if you think that this quality or habit is not developed or not at all.

This way you can hear what the child considers their achievement. "I wash the dishes ... I put away the toys ..." Write down everything that you hear, even if it is done sometimes with tears or even a scandal.

No need for replies: "Yes, this is done when you say ten times ..." and so on. In the exercise "Sunshine" we work only on the positive.

Interesting is the reaction of parents who see in the classroom how the child's mood changes (and this is confirmed by computer diagnostics), changing from gloomy black to sunny yellow. At one of the last classes, the mother of 5-year-old Andryusha asked if at home it was possible to draw this sun on a large sheet and attach it to the wall.

You can, of course you can!

And you can, even need to, ask everyone who knows the child to sign the rays of this sun. You can add rays every time you notice something in your child for which he needs to be praised. The child himself can add rays.

One very important condition: No matter how angry you are with your son or daughter, no matter what they are guilty of, punishing them, never mention your hand-made sun at this moment.

Believe me, one seemingly innocent phrase like "You are the sun, and you act this way ..." can destroy the entire effect of the exercise. A misdemeanor, no doubt, requires reasonable punishment, but in no way negating the fact that your child is your sun.

And one more option for performing the "Sun" exercise... It is performed when the child's sun is drawn. Invite him to draw a similar sun for his grandmother or dad, for a sister or a kindergarten teacher. Let it be a birthday present or just a pleasant surprise.

We all want to hear kind words, but this needs to be taught. Let this easy exercise "Sunny" help you create a warm and soulful atmosphere.


Games and exercises to improve self-esteem in preschoolers


In our time, modest children have a very difficult time, therefore, in order for them to stand up for themselves, it is necessary to increase their self-esteem and self-confidence. For this, a whole series of special games have been developed that contribute to this. Such games are based on the child's ability to try to solve some problems on his own, to find a way out of a difficult situation on his own and to be a leader.

Designed for the practical work of educators

Addressed to children under seven years of age with the aim of forming adequate



- Formation of positive self-esteem in preschool children.

- To form self-esteem, self-confidence.

- Creating a positive emotional background, increasing self-confidence.


Create a positive emotional attitude.

To involve preschoolers in play communication with peers.

Promote the rallying of the children's team.

Form a positive attitude towards a peer.

Expected Result:

Adequate self-esteem, respect for oneself and for others, a tolerant attitude towards the opinion of the interlocutor or partner in the game and classes have been formed.

1. "I'm 100% sure"

Purpose: to form self-esteem, confidence in oneself, to promote the acquisition of experience of speaking in front of an audience, which in turn effectively affects the increase in self-confidence.
Material: small mirrors

Age: high school children

Form of work: group
Lesson form: play.
Time: 30 minutes.
Course of the game: A willing participant is called, he sits on a chair opposite the other players. The essence of the game is as follows: the main participant must trust as much as he sees fit, reveal himself to the rest of the group. He needs to talk about himself. Anything he sees fit. The main participant can talk about his acquisitions during the training, about his own experiences, impressions, how he felt in this group, in the classroom, what unpleasantly touched his “I”, and what inspired, etc. About their abilities; plans for the future. At the end of the story of the main participant, the rest ask him questions of interest to them, related to the participant. After the speech of all participants, a general discussion of the game.
Bottom line: As a result of this exercise, ladies begin to love and appreciate themselves. If you regularly do this exercise at home in front of a mirror, the results are very good in a short time. Building relationships with a man, for those who are free - finds a soul mate. People start to pay attention to the woman and thus her self-esteem grows.

2. "I'm very good."

Age: children of preschool and primary school age.
Form of work: group
Lesson form: play.

The course of the game: "Guys, sit on the chairs and let everyone say about themselves:" I am very good "or" I am very good. " But before we say it, let's practice a little. First, we will pronounce the word "I" in a whisper, then in an ordinary voice, and then we will shout it out. Now let's do the same with the words “very” and “good” (or “good”). And finally, amicably: "I am very good (good)." Now everyone, starting with the one sitting to my right, will say whatever he wants - in a whisper, in an ordinary voice, or shout, for example: “I am Katya! I am very good!" or “I am Sasha! I'm very good! ”Great! Let's stand in a circle, join hands and say all together: "We are very good!" - first in a whisper, then in an ordinary voice and shout. "

3. "Glue rain"

Goal: rallying children, reducing anxiety, increasing self-esteem.

Age: children of preschool and primary school age.

Form of work: group
Lesson form: play.
Time: 10-15 minutes.
Course of the game: “Do you guys like to play in the warm summer rain? While we were talking, a gentle rain fell. But the rain turned out to be not simple, but magical - glutinous. He glued all of us into one chain (the children line up one after the other, holding the person in front by the shoulders) and now invites us to take a walk. " Children, holding on to each other, move around the room, overcoming various obstacles: go around the "wide lake", get through the "dense forest", hide from wild animals, etc. The main condition is that children should not unhook from each other. “Well, the rain is over, and we can move calmly again. A gentle sun shines high in the sky, and we wanted to lie down in the soft grass and sunbathe. "

4. "Mousetrap"

This game is designed to increase the child's self-confidence, develop imagination, and also learn to overcome obstacles presented by fate, because the goal of the game is to find a way out and a way to get out of the "mousetrap".

The child should be placed in a circle of 5-6 people who are firmly pressed against each other. This circle is a "mousetrap", and the child in the center must look for a way out of it, in all possible ways: he can persuade someone to skip it, or independently look for the presence of some loophole

5. "Shepherd"

The goal pursued by this game is to increase the child's self-esteem, who is given the opportunity to lead other children, which subsequently leads to an increase in self-esteem. Therefore, to choose for the "shepherd" you need a child who is not confident in himself. The game is played outdoors or in a large room. The "shepherd" is given a musical instrument, for example, a pipe, and all other participants are blindfolded - they play the role of "sheep". The "sheep" walk in a circle, and the "shepherd" with the help of a pipe calls them to him, if at the same time someone gets lost, the shepherd starts to play louder. When all the "sheep" are assembled, you can choose a new "shepherd" and continue the game.

6. I'm brave.

A blindfolded child stands on a pillow. Jumping off the pillow, says "I am brave." Children do the exercise in turn.

7. I am nimble.

The child runs around the pins, crawls under the chair, picks up an inflatable ball, throws it up and says: "I am dexterous."

8. I'm smart.

The child stands on one leg, the right hand is on his stomach, the left hand strokes himself on the back of the head, repeating "I am smart." Repeat the exercise 3 times.

9. I'm strong.

The child stands on one leg, holds two balls under his armpits, pressing them to him. The child repeats three times "I am strong", at the signal "Drop it!" - throws the balls.

10. I am kind.

Children stand in a circle, throw a ball to each other, throwing and catching it, say: "I am kind" The exercise lasts 3 minutes.

11. Making a magic ball.

Cut small pieces from a piece of plasticine, show the children how to use the plasticine knife. Every child rolls a ball. The first few balls are given to one child, followed by another (according to the number of children). Of the common balls, each child rolls one ball, repeating: "I mold a magic ball, I love myself very much." Show the children how to decorate the balloon with beads, beads, foil.

12. What a brave man!

The teacher reads a poem, and the children say after each line: "That's a brave man!"

Our Vanya is very brave (that's how brave)

Afraid day and night (that's how brave)

Afraid of a mouse, a cat (that's how brave)

Afraid of bread crumbs (that's how brave)

Afraid to eat, afraid to sleep (that's how brave)

Afraid to walk in the yard (that's how brave he is)

Afraid of being hurt by children (that's how brave)

He's afraid of everything (that's how brave)

Ask the children: “Why is Vanya afraid of everything?” Listen to the answers. If there is Vanya in the group of children involved, change the name.

13. King of the hill.

The child sits on two or three pillows, the rest of the children come up to him, give him a small ball and say: "You are good. You are strong. You are kind," etc. When the balls fall, another child takes place. The exercise is done by all children in turn.

14. Show the poem.

The teacher reads a poem, and the children show, standing on a fenced off place (on stage)

I'm performing on stage

I dance and sing

I admire the audience

I never get tired.

I'll sit down, spin around

I will smile at all my acquaintances.

I hear a stomp, a whistle in the hall,

I'm a real artist!

Formation of communication skills

15. Take me to the game.

Children throw the ball while sitting on pillows. One of the children in turn comes up to each sitting person and asks loudly: "Please, take me into the game." Children move, giving way, the child sits down. The exercises are done by all children in turn.

16. Your friend is crying.

One child lies on pillows and pretends to cry. The other children take turns coming up to him and saying comforting words. The exercise is done by all the children in turn, the teacher helps to find as many comforting words as possible.

17. Let's extend a hand to a friend.

Children stand in a circle. At the signal of the teacher, one child stretches out his hand to another, that to the third, etc. When all the children have joined hands, say in chorus "Let's be friends."

Exercises that develop coordination of movement.

How to teach a child to stand up for himself? Children who are confident, mobile, with good coordination of movements can defend their rights, defend themselves.

18. Learning to fall.

The purpose of the exercise is to teach children to fall. At the teacher's signal “Bang!” Children fall on mats or pillows. The teacher must show how to fall on the side. ON KNEES, put your hands in front of you.

19. Dodge the ball.

Children stand in a circle, one child in the middle. The distance between the children is 2.5 m. Children take turns throwing an inflatable ball at a child standing in the middle, he must dodge by squatting or bending over.

20. Bulk proteins.

One child has a hat in his hands, others are holding nuts or small balls. At the signal of the teacher, the children take turns throwing nuts into the hat, the child tries to catch them with his hat. They are caught in turns.

21. Jump-jump.

Children stand in a circle. At the signal of the teacher "Jump!" They jump to the left, at the signal "Jump!" They jump to the right. Repeat the exercise three times.

22. Draw with the left hand with the right foot.

Lay a few sheets of Whatman paper on the floor (half a sheet for each child) and pour finger paints into plastic plates. With the index finger of your left hand, draw a circle, with the fingers of your right foot, draw a triangle in the circle.

23. "Why Mom Loves Me"
Purpose: increasing the importance of the child in the eyes of the children around him.
All children sit in a circle. Each child in turn tells everyone why his mother loves him.
Then you can ask one of the children (who wants to) to repeat what the mother loves for each child present in the group. If it is difficult, other children can help him.
After that, discuss with the children whether it was pleasant for them to know that everything they said was remembered by the other children. Children usually conclude on their own that they need to be attentive to those around them and listen to them.

24. "I am a lion"
Goal: to increase children's self-confidence.
Presenter's instruction: “Now let's play a game called“ I am a lion ”. Close your eyes and imagine that each of you has turned into a lion. Leo is the king of beasts, strong, mighty, self-confident, calm, wise. He is handsome and free.
Open your eyes and take turns to introduce yourself on behalf of the lion, for example: "I am the lion Andrew." Walk around the circle with a proud, confident gait. "

25. "I'm very good."
Purpose: creating a positive emotional background, increasing self-confidence.
The leader's instruction: "Guys, sit on the chairs and let everyone say about themselves:" I am very good "or" I am very good. " But before we say it, let's practice a little. First, we will pronounce the word "I" in a whisper, then in an ordinary voice, and then we will shout it out. Now let's do the same with the words “very” and “good” (or “good”).
And finally, amicably: "I am very good (good)."
Now everyone, starting with the one sitting to my right, will say whatever he wants - in a whisper, in an ordinary voice, or shout, for example: “I am Katya! I am very good!" or “I am Sasha! I am very good!"
Wonderful! Let's stand in a circle, join hands and say all together: "We are very good!" - first in a whisper, then in an ordinary voice and shout. "

26. "Lados"

Purpose: improving self-esteem.
Children are offered paper and a felt-tip pen. You need to put your palm on a sheet of paper, spread your fingers and carefully trace it around the contour. Then the adult asks on each finger that he gets on paper to write or draw something good about himself. After that, the presenter collects "palms", read them or shows them to the group, and the children guess where, whose palm is.

27. "Compliments"
Purpose: to help the child see his positive sides, to make him feel understood and appreciated by other children.

Standing in a circle, everyone joins hands. Looking into the eyes of a neighbor, the child says: "I like about you ...". The recipient of the compliment nods his head and replies: "Thank you, I am very pleased!" The exercise continues in a circle.
After the exercise, discuss with the children how they felt, what they learned about themselves unexpectedly, whether they liked giving compliments.

28. "Bunnies and elephants"
Purpose: to enable children to feel strong and courageous, to promote self-esteem.
“Guys, I want to offer you a game called Bunnies and Elephants. At first we will be cowardly bunnies. Tell me, when a hare feels danger, what does he do? That's right, it is trembling. Show how he trembles. He presses his ears down, shrinks all over, tries to become small and invisible, his tail and legs are shaking, ”and so on. Children show. "Now show what the bunnies do when they hear a person's footsteps"? Children scatter in the group, hide, etc. "What do bunnies do if they see a wolf?" The psychologist plays with the children for a few minutes. “And now you and I will be elephants, big, strong, courageous. Show how calmly, measuredly, stately and fearlessly the elephants walk. What do elephants do when they see a person? Are they afraid of him? No. They are friends with him and, when they see him, calmly continue on their way. Show me how? " Children show. Show what elephants do when they see a tiger? Children play a fearless elephant for a few minutes.

29. Piggy Bank of Achievements

Take some cardboard box or a capacious jar and, together with your child, arrange it as he would like the piggy bank to look like his main values ​​- small and large personal successes in life. Perhaps, on the surface of this piggy bank, drawings will appear, reflecting objects that are somehow connected with the concept of "success", or they will just be pretty patterns. Leave the choice for the boy or girl. Prepare small pieces of paper separately. Now enter the rule: when a child returns home, he must remember and write on this piece of paper some evidence of the success he has achieved today. So, phrases will appear on the notes: "I read the poem well at the blackboard", "I drew an excellent drawing on the theme" Autumn "," I gave a gift to my grandmother, which she really liked "," Still I was able to write a math test for "five" , although he was afraid "and many others. These records are put in the piggy bank of achievements. It is important that even in the most dysfunctional day, the child can find something that he succeeded." their strengths, especially if parents and other family members treat his small victories with respect (and not from the height of their years and experience).

You can turn to this piggy bank when it seems to the child that he has met with insurmountable difficulties for him, or during periods when his critical look is directed at his abilities and he sees himself as a worthless loser. During these times, it is helpful to remember that your child has a history of overcoming adversity and achieving success. This will help him to be in a positive mood.

30. "Say kind words to Mishka"

Children throw a ball and remember what good qualities people have. Then the presenter "invites" a teddy bear to the lesson. Children come up with good words for him, ending the sentence "You are ... (kind, diligent, cheerful)". Then each one in turn "turns into a bear" (while taking him in his hands), and the rest of the children say kind words to the child in the role of a bear.

31. "Naughty Pillows"

Purpose: to provide the child with the opportunity to "legally" manifest disobedience.

An adult tells the children that they have naughty pillows in their study room. When you throw them at each other, they say “naughty” words, for example: “I don’t want to study ... I will not eat ...” etc. Then the presenter invites the children to play with such pillows. The game takes place as follows: a couple is playing - an adult and a child, the rest are watching what is happening. All children take turns playing. It is very important that the "naughty" words are pronounced not only by the child, but also by the adults.

32. "Monkeys"

Purpose: to promote the development of spontaneity in children.

The presenter invites the children to play monkeys, who love to grimace and imitate each other. Everyone "turns" into monkeys. Someone alone (at first this is the leader, and then all the children in turn) becomes the driver - begins to grimace, and everyone else repeats his movements. At first, the driver only grimaces, then the antics of body, voice, breathing are added.

33. "Colored Snow"

If classes are held in winter, you can collect snow in a bath and invite the children to mold the city (fortress, house, etc.) right in it and paint it with gouache. And then compose a story about what happened. All this can be done individually, or in a subgroup.

34. The School of Bad Habits


promote the manifestation of the child's true feelings;

provide the child with the opportunity to gain experience
living in an unfamiliar situation.

The presenter invites the children to play in the "school of bad habits." This school is special, teaching bad habits and giving good marks for bad behavior. In this school, all students and teachers are animals. Each child becomes an employee of this school - decides who he is in the school and what kind of animal he is. In this role, he appears to the group and performs some actions (says something, moves in a special way, etc.). It must be remembered that every child must demonstrate exactly bad behavior. For example, the headmaster might say, "Let's bruise someone."

35. Bouncers Competition "

The goal is to promote awareness of the child's positive qualities.

An adult invites children to compete in the ability to show off. They boast in turns, for example, one says: “I am beautiful,” the other: “But I am brave,” the next: “And I am benevolent,” and so on. An adult encourages children at the same time. You need to strive to say as much good about yourself as possible.

36. "I can!"

Children throw a ball and loudly list what they can do well. For example: “I can swim well!”, “I can draw well!”, Etc.

37. "Interview"

The goal is to improve the self-esteem of children.

The child driver becomes an Adult. He stands on a chair, the leader helps him to take an adult pose, the corresponding facial expression. Then the presenter becomes a "newspaper or magazine correspondent" and interviews the child in which he asks him about work, family, children, etc.

38. Drawing "My adult future"

The goal is to promote children's self-esteem. Children are encouraged to draw themselves in the future. After the drawings are completed, everyone discusses what allowed the children to achieve such a wonderful future. What efforts did they have to put in for this?

39. "Mainland"

Purpose to promote trust in the group

The driving child lies on his stomach. He is the mainland (or just the land, if the child is small). There are two states on it: on the head and on the legs. States begin to fight each other, and one or the other wins. The battlefield is the back of a child, on which the leader depicts battle scenes with his hands. Only the mainland (land) can stop the war. He arranges an earthquake (the child tries to throw off the leader's arms). Warrior hands of different states first go home, then meet again on the field (back), make peace and thank the mainland (land) for their help.

40. "What do I love?"

The goal is to help increase the self-esteem of children and establish an atmosphere of trust in the group.

Children throw a ball to each other and say at the same time: "I love to do ..."

41. "Wings"

The goal is to promote children's self-expression. Children cover their eyes and use their hands to draw wings. The facilitator asks the children to imagine what they have

wings, they can now fly. Where will they fly? With whom? What will they see? Children, without opening their eyes, invent, and then open their eyes and tell the group about their fantasies.

42. Different voices

The presenter prepares cards in advance with drawings of a cat, a pigeon, a pig, etc. Children take cards from a pile and voice the animal that is drawn on their card. First, you need to pronounce these sounds with a neutral intonation, and then - conveying with your voice some feeling (anger, joy, tenderness, etc.). The rest of the participants guess what feeling each child represents.

43. "I want to be happy"

The goal is to promote the development of self-esteem in children.

The presenter tells the children a fairy tale:

“Once upon a time there was a kitten who was very worried whether he would grow up happy, and therefore often asked his mother:
- Mom! Will I be happy?
- I don’t know, son. I would really like this, but I myself do not know, - my mother answered.
- Who knows? - asked the kitten.
Maybe the sky, maybe the wind. Or maybe the sun. They are far, high, they know better, - answered my mother, smiling.
And then our kitten decided to talk to the sky, wind, sun himself. He climbed the tallest birch in their yard and shouted:
- Hey, heaven! Hey wind! Hey sun! I want to be happy!
And he heard a deaf strong voice, whose he was, he did not understand, but he remembered for the rest of his life:
- You want to be happy - that means you will be happy! "

After the children listen to the story, they play it. Each one in turn stands on a chair in the center of the circle and loudly shouts the last words of the kitten, and the group loudly answers: "You want to be happy, so you will be happy."

44. "Happiness Meditation"

The goal is to promote the development of self-esteem in children.

The presenter asks the children to close their eyes and imagine themselves - completely happy. Have the children mentally look around and try to see who is next to them, where all this is happening. Then the children take albums and draw themselves - as they saw themselves.

45. "Rocket"

The goal is to promote the development of self-esteem in children.

Children are invited to "launch a rocket into space." All children stand in a circle, one child becomes a rocket - he stands in the center of the circle. All the children squat down and whisper "ooh ooh." At the same time, the child and the group around him gradually rise, increasing the volume of the voice. Then, with a loud cry of "wow!" everyone jumps up and puts their hands up. The child in the role of a rocket is invited to buzz the loudest and jump the highest.

46. ​​"Ship"

The goal is to promote the child's self-esteem and establish relationships of trust in the group.

The driver child lies on his back and turns into a ship. First, the ship gets into a strong storm: the leader “shakes” the “ship” (pushes the child), accompanying the actions with the words: “It's difficult for the ship, but it will survive. The waves want to sink him. But he will still hold out, because he is strong. " The storm ends, now the waves gently stroke the ship and tell him: "We love you, you are so big, strong" (the leader gently shakes and strokes the child)

This procedure can be done with several children.

47. "Happy Dream"

The goal is to promote self-expression and the development of optimism in children.

Children close their eyes and remember their happiest dream or come up with one if they haven’t had such a dream yet. Then they tell it to the group and draw.

"Express the feeling with your eyes"

The goal is to promote self-expression of children.

The child and the adult take turns conceiving a feeling and try to express it only with their eyes. Other children try to guess what feeling this or that child expresses. The rest of the face should be covered with something, for example, you can make a mask for this exercise with a slit for the eyes.

48. "Chamomile of Success"

Purpose: to improve the child's self-esteem.

The heart of the chamomile is a photograph of a smiling child. It is desirable that the photograph be associated with some vivid, rich in impressions moment in life (children's party, fishing with dad). Seven large petals of different colors should be placed around the core. Each petal is a day of the week and has its own color. The petals mark the progress that the child has achieved during the day. On weekends, parents can solemnly read out a list of the child's achievements for the week.


  1. Agafonova I.N. The program "Lessons of communication for children 6-10 years old" Me and We ". SPb, 2003.
  2. Alyamovskaya, V.G. Modern kindergarten. - 2007. - No. 1. - S.21-25.
  3. Botsmanova M.E. Zakharova A.V. Self-esteem as a factor of moral self-regulation in primary school age / Nov. Research in psychology. M. Pedagogy, no. 2, 1998.
  4. Doronina Emelyanova, M.N. Outdoor games as a means of forming self-esteem / M.N.
  5. Emelyanova // Child in kindergarten. - 2007. - No. 4. - pp. 29-33.

6. Chernetskaya A. V. Development of communication skills in preschoolers. - Rostov-n / D .: Phoenix, 2005

Completed by: Educator-psychologist

highest qualification, first category

East Kazakhstan region, Glubokovsky district, Progress village.

KSU Progressovskaya secondary school "

Panasyuk Tatiana Ivanovna

Master class: "Art techniques for the formation of adequate self-esteem in children and adolescents."

Target: the use of art therapy technologies for the formation of emotional stability and the restoration of psychological health in the participants of the educational process.


    to acquaint the participants of the master class with the experience of using art therapy technologies and their application in practice;

    to create a positive emotional climate among the participants, using the types of art therapy (isotherapy, music therapy) as one of the forms of organizing a master class;

    contribute to the development of professional and creative activity, the disclosure of the inner potential of each teacher, by creating conditions for individual and collective work.

Expected results:
1. Raising the level of professional competence of teachers in the field of art therapy.
2. Growth of motivation of the participants of the master class to form their own style of creative psychological activity.

3. Knowing yourself through the use of art techniques.


The emotional state of the participants in the educational process is of serious concern today. Children have high anxiety, frequent manifestations of general apathy or, on the contrary, increased irritability or aggressiveness. Teachers have increased irritability to minor, minor events; experiencing negative emotions, a feeling of unconscious anxiety, depressive states. All this leads to the fact that at the moment it is necessary to look for new means of psychological and pedagogical support for preventing negative emotions from participants in the educational process.

Art therapy can be successfully used as a tool to ensure emotional well-being and psychological and pedagogical support for participants in the educational process. It is directly related to visual activity and includes many different forms and methods, so it would be appropriate to talk about innovative techniques and techniques that can be used by participants in the educational process.

Art therapy - it is one of the methods that uses the power of art to achieve positive changes in the intellectual, social, emotional and personal development of a person. This is a method of influencing a person through drawing, modeling, dancing, fairy tales. All this is very close to children. This is one of the benefits of art therapy for children. It promotes self-expression: shy and indecisive in their actions, it helps to get rid of fear; hyperactive, aggressive - switch to a calmer activity. And, which is very important, it allows anyone to quickly and easily learn how to display an imaginary world.
Art therapy methods for working with children and adults are a safe way to release destructive emotions. It allows you to work out thoughts and emotions that a person is used to suppressing, increases a person's adaptive abilities to everyday life, reduces fatigue, negative emotional states and their manifestations associated with learning from children, working with teachers and parenting.

Modern art therapy includes many areas.

In working with children and adults, you can successfully apply such art therapy methods as music therapy, fairy tale therapy, dance therapy, phototherapy, isotherapy.

Music therapy very effective in correcting communication disorders that occur for various reasons. Contact with the help of music is safe, unobtrusive, individualized, relieves fears, tension.

Fairytale therapy - a method that uses a fairy-tale shape to integrate the personality, develop creative abilities, expand consciousness, improve interaction with the outside world. From all the variety of artistic materials for reading - stories, novellas, novels, poems, poems - we use fairy tales and parables in solving the problems of aggressive, insecure behavior, accepting our feelings. These are examples of vivid imagery of speech, contributing to the resolution of internal conflicts and the removal of emotional stress, a change in life position and behavior.

Dance therapy - expression of your feelings and emotions in free movement and improvisation to music.

Phototherapy - the creation or perception of photographic images, complemented by their discussion and various types of creative activity, including visual arts, movement, dance, writing stories, poems.

Sand therapy one of the main mechanisms of the positive impact of sand therapy is based on the fact that the child gets the experience of creating a small world, which is a symbolic expression of his ability and right to build his life, his world with his own hands.

Isotherapy it is a powerful means of self-expression that makes it easier for you to express your feelings. Art therapy allows you to maximize your creativity, helps you to understand your destiny. Thanks to drawing, a person can more easily perceive events that are painful for him.

Practical part:

    Exercise for acquaintance and team building (Practical work)

Draw your name into symbols.

Instructions: “Participants of the master class draw their names in the form of symbols and images. Then the psychologist explains the meaning of this exercise. "


1. Appeal to your inner world.

    Disclosure of the potential of the individual.

    Creating a positive group environment.

Time: 5-10 minutes

Working with parents: "My child is a flower"

Target: research of parent-child relationships.

Instructions: imagine and draw your child as a flower.


    What kind of flower is it?

    How did it appear, what were the difficulties?

    What climate does it grow in?

    If he has unfavorable conditions for development, how will he cope with them?


The stalk is the physical condition of the child.

The size of the picture indicates anxiety, the larger the flower, the higher the level of anxiety for the child.

If the size of the flower is very small, then this is a rejection of the child or a devaluation of his personality traits.

Shading - the more shading, the higher the anxiety for your child, to a neurotic state.

Top view is dominance over the child.

If all the lines are like a ruler, this is excessive rationalism.

Leaves - no veins are drawn - there is no concern for the child.

Thorns are protection (for a cactus, this is the norm).

If there are no pins, there is no perception of an aggressive state.

Soil is food. It is the ability of parents to provide emotional and material support.

2. Exercise "Blind your mood"

The goal is to determine your mood.

Progress: the participants of the master class mold their mood.

Time: 10-15 minutes.

3. Projective drawing "I am in the past, I am in the present, I am in the future"

Target: identification of internal well-being, ideas about oneself in a time perspective, self-attitude, self-worth, the presence of difficulties in contact with others, internal balance, comfort or the presence of anxiety, discomfort, adequacy of age and gender identification.
Instructions: “On a piece of paper, divided into 3 parts, first draw yourself when you were little, then how you are now, then how you will be in the future when you grow up. Next to the picture, sign what you will be like "(Drawing is done with colored pencils, felt-tip pens.)
Processing of results: 5 psychological characteristics are entered in the table:
-A sense of self-worth, the height of self-worth ("Self-worth"). The drawing "I now" is analyzed.

    Ease of establishing contacts, communicating ("Contacts"). The drawing "I now" is analyzed.

    The presence of emotional, mental comfort, the absence of anxiety, anxiety ("Comfort." The drawing "I am now" is analyzed.

    Adequacy of gender identification ("Gender"). All drawings are analyzed.

    Adequacy of age identification ("Age"). All drawings are analyzed.

Scheme for determining signs of mental distress

Small narrow shoulders

The whole figure is small

Short legs, no arms, hands behind the back

Drawing at the bottom edge of the sheet, at the bottom

Cartoon style, image of a clown

2. Communication difficulties

    The face highlighted in comparison with the figure.

    Lack of basic details of the face, mouth.

    The person is drawn schematically from sticks.

    Person or head in profile.

    Hands, figure in a defensive posture.

3. Anxiety, restlessness, feeling of inner discomfort.

    Selection, emphasizing drawing of individual details with pressure.

    Erasing any part.

    Hatching any part of a shape.

    The base line is drawn: floor, ground ..

    Short strokes, double or broken lines.

    Dark, gray-brown colors in the picture.

    Clothing, attributes of the opposite sex.

    The figure, the hair does not match the gender.

    In the drawing "I am in the present" the person is clearly younger than his age, similar to the drawing "I am in the past".

    In the drawing "I am in the present" a person is clearly older than his age, similar to the drawing "I am in the future."

Exercise: Circles

Materials: Whatman paper, paints, pencils, crayons, etc.

Instructions: “On a drawing paper, draw 3 circles, any and anywhere. Then decorate your circles as you see fit, then draw a line from your circle to the circle that you like. Then, in someone else's circle, write a good word about the owner of the circle, starting

Demonstration of work.

4. The "four characters" technique

Target - to explore self-presentation and self-knowledge of a person.

Instructions: "Depict yourself in the images of four characters - a plant, an animal, an inanimate object and a person. We do not evaluate artistic abilities and portrait similarities, but we want to better understand you and your experiences. A drawing of a person does not have to be your self-portrait - you can portray a person of any gender and age, in any historical time. The main thing is that it expresses the features that are important to you in the best way. "

Questions: When discussing the assignment it is necessary to ask the questions "What is it?" and "What do you and these characters have in common?"

6. Reflection: "Three balls"

What did you feel when you worked, what do you want to take into your arsenal, what was the obstacle? Your wishes to the organizers.

Materials: gel balloons of different colors (blue, green, red).

Red color - I didn't take anything new for myself from the master class, it only causes only negative emotions and aggression;

Green color - an interesting master class, but a little lack of various techniques;

Blue color - I liked everything, I learned a lot.

Time: 10 min.

Conclusion: By combining various art therapy techniques in your work, you can quickly achieve positive results, since such an activity is very unusual, interesting and exciting, and this, in turn, helps the participants in the pedagogical process to establish interaction and achieve the desired effect.

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