Sivka burka audiokazka.

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The duration of the "Sivka-Burka" audio tale is about 17 minutes. The announcer's words sound clear, understandable, interesting, and all events are accompanied by appropriate sounds. For children of younger preschool age, the tale can be divided into two auditions to make the plot easier to remember. For older preschoolers, you can listen to the whole piece. It is better to listen to an audio story before going to bed.

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The plot of the tale

Somehow an unknown beast got into the habit of crushing the peasant's wheat. So the old man sent his sons to catch this pest. The brothers took turns to guard the wheat. But only the youngest managed to catch the thief, who turned out to be a horse of unprecedented beauty. The horse began to ask Ivanushka to let him go in exchange for good service. Ivanushka let go of the horse, at the same time he took from him a promise that he would not pound the wheat anymore. What if some kind of trouble happens to the guy, it will be enough for him to shout: "Sivka-burka, prophetic cow, stand in front of me like a leaf in front of the grass!" and wish what he wants, everything will come true.

Meanwhile, in the royal court, the king announced his daughter's bride. And Ivanushka wanted to look at her. Sivka-burka helped him to become a handsome man, took him to the square to the royal palace. Ivanushka saw Elena the Beautiful and decided to remove the ring from her finger. But the first time he failed. And on the second day, the guy was in for a failure. But the third time Sivka-burka jumped to the window of the princess, Ivanushka kissed her on the lips and took the ring off his finger, and galloped away in an unknown direction. And when the tsar threw a feast for the whole world, Ivanushka also came to the palace, and took the ring with him. It was then that Elena the Beautiful saw her betrothed. And the wedding was noisy, and the young people were happy.

What does the fairy tale teach?

The main moral of the tale is that you should not judge people by their clothes and appearance: sometimes even the most beautiful outfit and face hides a rotten essence. Also, the fairy tale shows the importance of a good attitude towards others, love for family and friends. You need to be able to help others, understand them, be faithful and responsive. Fortune smiles only on kind and hardworking people.

"Once upon a time there was an old man, and he had three sons."
This is how the fairy tale begins, and you already know in advance that it will talk about three sons, three brothers, about their adventures in search of happiness, success and failure, and that the whole thing will be in the third son, who was the youngest in the family.
You know all this very well, have a presentiment, predict, but listening to a fairy tale is all the same, oh, how interesting!
There is some kind of fabulous secret that I - a person who has read many fairy tales in his life - is a little known, and I will now share it with you.
Remember how the tale says about the elder brothers. They are smart, and handsome and handsome, and they know how, and this ... And about the little one? He is unprepossessing, and he has little intelligence, and he almost does not know how to do anything ... Maybe there is some grain of truth in that, because the youngest still only enters life and has not shown himself. And that he is ugly so far is, firstly, a fixable matter, and secondly - how to look at less. He has not grown up yet - maybe he will outdid his older brothers.
In the meantime, he is unlucky in all respects.
No luck - that's all.
They still mock him. Known case: the youngest and most offended.
So you sympathize with him the most.
And here, too, there is a secret - maybe the lady is not so fabulous.
Even if the younger one doesn’t come out with his mind, he has a kind heart. And those who have a kind heart, who are in trouble, are an assistant, who will not offend the insect and the bird, who will save the beast from captivity, luck awaits him in a fairy tale.
Luck is not easy, fabulous.
Who will help the little brother to take possession of that luck? Storyteller? No. Kind people? Also no. But whether a beast, a bird, whom he rescued out of trouble, will always help.
prophetic kaurka.
Stand in front of me
Like a leaf in front of the grass! - Ivanushka will shout. And instantly Sivka-Burka, a fabulous horse, will appear in front of him.
Oh, and he is handsome, this heroic horse is a feast for the eyes! "It runs - the earth trembles, flame blazes out of the nostrils, smoke puffs out of the ears in a column." "One of his hair is gold, the other is silver." Ivanushka cannot take his eyes off Sivka-Burka, that's who Ivanushka will be a good helper in luck!
Ivanushka. This is the affectionately called in a Russian fairy tale the youngest of the brothers, who has had no luck for a long time. And then they will also call Ivanushka the Fool. Never mind, do not be too offended for him, he will still prove to everyone what a fool he is! Other clever and wise cannot keep up with him!
In the fairy tale about Sivka-Burka, a prophetic cow, that is, about a horse that can speak with a human voice, broadcast - if you say in the old-fashioned way, happiness lies in that. to marry a royal daughter, Incomparable Beauty
I'm going to get married
On a nipple, on a burka,
On things kaurke.
take me on a stick
And myself on foot,
A shape-shifter.
- Ivanushka sings merrily.
And Sivka-Burka, of course, will take Ivanushka to the royal court. It will help to take possession of the Incomparable Beauty.
This is not a simple horse, but a fabulous one. Well, you, of course, will have to worry until Ivanushka wins. Victory is a victory, so that it is not immediately, not instantly in the hands was given, especially a fabulous victory.
More than once it will take your breath away when Ivanushka of "two crowns" does not reach the window of the princess, and then - only one ...
But, as it happens in a fairy tale, everything will end, I give you my word, happily. "And I was there, honey, drinking beer, flowing down my mustache, but it didn't get into my mouth."
Here. maybe everyone will finally see how beautiful Ivanushka is. And you yourself wonder who transformed him like that: Sivka-Burka or love for Incomparable Beauty ...
Fantastic magic will come true. because this fairy tale is magical. "Enter my right ear - wash yourself, enter my left ear - dress yourself up, you will become such a fine fellow - neither think, nor guess, nor describe with a pen," Sivka-Burka tells us
Artists Vyacheslav Innocent - he is in the role of Ivanushka, Nina Gulyaeva - she plays the Incomparable Beauty, Nikolai Litvinov - he is here the old Tsar Father, Sivka-Burka - whose role is played by Vyacheslav Dugnn, and others - with pleasure they played this performance for you, to which composer Yuriy Butsko wrote the music generously. And I hope that more than once or twice you will want to hear the tale about the glorious Ivanushka and his faithful friend, the heroic horse Sivka-Burka. Listen to this fairy tale for joy and health.

Once upon a time there was an old man with three sons. The elders were busy with the housekeeping, they were dandy and dapper, and the youngest, Ivan the Fool, was so-so - he liked to go mushrooming in the forest, and at home he sat on the stove more and more.

It's time for the old man to die, so he punishes his sons:

When I die, you go to my grave for three nights in a row, bring me bread.

The old man was buried. Night comes, the big brother needs to go to the grave, but he is either lazy or afraid, - he says to his younger brother:

Vanya, replace me this night, go to your father's grave. I'll buy you a gingerbread.

Ivan agreed, took bread, went to his father's grave. He sat down and waited. At midnight the earth parted, the father rises from the grave and says:

Who is there? Are you, my bigger son? Tell me what is going on in Russia: do dogs bark, do wolves howl, or is my child crying?

Ivan replies:

This is me, your son. And in Russia everything is calm. The father ate bread and went to the grave. And Ivan went home, picked up some mushrooms on the way. The elder brother comes and asks him:

Have you seen your father?

Did he eat bread?

Ate. He ate his fill. The second night has come. The middle brother must go, but he is either lazy or afraid, and he says:

Vanya, go to my father for me. I'll weave some sandals for you.

Ivan took some bread, went to his father's grave, sat down, and waited.

At midnight the ground parted, the father got up and asked:

Who is there? Are you my middle son? Tell me what is going on in Russia: do dogs bark, do wolves howl, or is my child crying?

Ivan replies:

This is me, your son. And in Russia everything is calm. The father ate bread and went to the grave. And Ivan went home, the road again picked up mushrooms. The middle brother asks him:

Did your father eat bread?

Ate. He ate his fill.

On the third night it was Ivan's turn to go. He says to the brothers:

I went two nights. Go now to his grave, and I will rest.

The brothers answer him:

What are you, Vanya, did you become familiar there, you better go.

OK. Ivan took the bread and went.

At midnight, the earth parted, the father rose from the grave:

Who is there? Are you, my youngest son Vanya? Tell me what is going on in Russia: do dogs bark, do wolves howl, or is my child crying?

Ivan replies:

Your son Vanya is here. And in Russia everything is calm. The father ate bread and said to him:

You alone fulfilled my order, you were not afraid to go to my grave for three nights. Go out into the open field and shout: "Sivka-burka, prophetic kaurka, stand in front of me like a leaf in front of the grass!" The horse will come running to you, you crawl into his right ear, and crawl out into his left. You will be where you are a fine fellow. Get on your horse and ride. Ivan took the bridle, thanked his father and went home, on the way again picked up mushrooms. At home, his brothers ask him:

Have you seen your father?

Did he eat bread?

Father ate his fill and did not order to come again.

At this time, the king called a cry: all good fellows, single, unmarried, gather at the royal court. His daughter, Incomparable Beauty, ordered to build herself a tower with twelve pillars, twelve crowns. In this mansion, she will sit on the very top and will wait for someone from one horse gallop to jump up to her and kiss her on the lips. For such a rider, of whatever kind he may be, the king will give his daughter, Incomparable Beauty, and half a kingdom to boot. The Ivanov brothers heard about this and say among themselves:

Let's try our luck. So they fed the good horses with oats, took them out, dressed themselves cleanly, combed their curls. And Ivan sits on the stove behind the chimney and says to them:

Brothers, take me with you to try your luck!

Fool, a patch! Better go to the forest for mushrooms, there is nothing to make people laugh.

The brothers sat on good horses, twisted their hats, whistled, shouted - only a column of dust. And Ivan took the bridle and went into an open field and shouted, as his father had taught him:

Out of nowhere, the horse runs, the earth trembles, flames emanate from his nostrils, smoke pours out from his ears. I stood rooted to the spot and asked:

What do you command?

Ivan stroked the horse, bridled, climbed into his right ear, and crawled out into his left and became such a fine fellow that he could not even think of, guess, or write with a pen. He mounted a horse and rode to the royal court. The sivka-burka is running, the earth is trembling, the mountains-valleys are covered with its tail, the stumps-decks between the legs are letting in. Ivan arrives at the royal court, and there the people are apparently invisible. In a tall mansion with twelve pillars and twelve crowns at the very top, in the window sits the Princess Incomparable Beauty.

The king went out onto the porch and said:

Which one of you, fellows, from a scattering on a horse will jump to the window and kiss my daughter on the lips, for that I will give her in marriage and half a kingdom to boot.

Then the good fellows began to ride. Where there is - high, not to get it! Ivanov's brothers tried, they did not reach the middle. The turn came to Ivan. He dispersed the Sivka-burka, shouted, gasped, jumped - he just didn't get two crowns. Soared again, scattered another time - I did not get one crown. He also spun, whirled, warmed up the horse and gave a prowl - like fire, flew past the window, kissed the Princess Incomparable Beauty on her sugar lips, and the princess hit him with a ring on the forehead, put a seal. Then all the people shouted:

Hold it, hold it!

And his trace is gone. Ivan galloped into an open field, climbed into Sivka-burke's left ear, and crawled out of the right one and became again Ivan the fool. He let the horse go, and he went home, picked up some mushrooms on the way. He tied his forehead with a rag, climbed onto the stove and lay there.

His brothers come, tell where they were and what they saw.

They were good fellows, and one of them was the best - he kissed the princess on the lips from flying away on horseback. They saw where they came from, but did not see where they left.

Ivan sits behind the pipe and says:

Wasn't it me?

The brothers got angry with him:

Fool - stupid and yelling! Sit on the stove and eat your mushrooms.

Ivan quietly untied the rag on his forehead, where the princess struck him with a ring - the hut was lit up with fire. The brothers got scared, shouted:

What are you fool doing? You will burn the hut!

The next day, the tsar invites all the boyars and princes, and ordinary people, and the rich and the poor, and old and small, to his feast.

Ivanov's brothers began to gather to the tsar for a feast. Ivan tells them:

Take me with you!

Where are you going to make people laugh, you fool! Sit on the stove and eat your mushrooms.

The brothers got on good horses and drove off, while Ivan went on foot. He came to the king for a feast and sat down in the far corner. Princess Incomparable Beauty began to bypass the guests. He brings a bowl of honey and looks at who has a seal on his forehead.

She walked around all the guests, went up to Ivan, and her heart ached. She looked at him - he was covered in soot, his hair on end.

Princess Incomparable Beauty began to ask him:

Whose are you? Where? Why did you tie your forehead?

I hurt myself. The princess untied his forehead - suddenly there was light all over the palace. She screamed:

This is my seal! That's where my betrothed!

The king approaches and says:

What a betrothed he is! He's bad, covered in soot. Ivan says to the tsar:

Let me wash my face. The king allowed it. Ivan went out into the yard and shouted, as his father taught:

Sivka-burka, prophetic kaurka, stand in front of me, like a leaf in front of the grass!

Out of nowhere, the horse runs, the earth trembles, flames emanate from his nostrils, smoke pours out from his ears. Ivan climbed into his right ear, crawled out of the left and became again such a fine fellow that he could not even think of, guess, or write with a pen. All the people gasped. Conversations here were short: a merry feast and for a wedding.

Audio tale "Sivka-burka" Russian folk tale... Staged by Vl. Glocera; Music by Yu.Butsko; Characters and performers Ivanushka - V. Nevinny, Host - A. Bogdanova, Father - A. Denisov, Older brother - M. Zimin, Middle brother - V. Gorelov, Sivka-Burka - V. Dugin, Tsar - N. Litvinov, Incomparable Beauty - N. Gulyaea; Director L. Portnova; Chamber instrumental ensemble directed by A. Korneev; "Melody", 1978 year. Listen baby audio stories and audiobooks mp3 in good quality online, is free and without registering on our website.

"Once upon a time there was an old man, and he had three sons."

This is how the fairy tale begins, and you already know in advance that it will talk about three sons, three brothers, about their adventures in search of happiness, success and failure, and that the whole thing will be in the third son, who was the youngest in the family.

You know all this very well, have a presentiment, predict, but listening to a fairy tale is all the same, oh, how interesting!

There is some kind of fabulous secret that I - a person who has read many fairy tales in his life - is a little known, and I will now share it with you.

Remember how the tale says about the elder brothers. They are smart, and handsome and handsome, and they know how, and this ... And about the least? He is unprepossessing, and he has little intelligence, and he almost does not know how to do anything ... Maybe there is some truth in that, because the youngest is only just entering life and has not shown himself. And that he is ugly so far is, firstly, a fixable matter, and secondly - how to look at less. He has not grown up yet - maybe he will outdid his older brothers.

In the meantime, he is unlucky in all respects.

No luck - that's all.

They still mock him. Known case: the youngest and most offended.

So you sympathize with him the most.

And here, too, there is a secret - maybe the lady is not so fabulous.

Even if the younger one doesn’t come out with his mind, he has a kind heart. And those who have a kind heart, who are in trouble, are an assistant, who will not offend the insect and the bird, who will save the beast from captivity, luck awaits him in a fairy tale.

Luck is not easy, fabulous.

Who will help the little brother to take possession of that luck? Storyteller? No. Kind people? Also no. But whether a beast, a bird, whom he rescued out of trouble, will always help.

prophetic kaurka.
Stand in front of me
Like a leaf in front of the grass! - Ivanushka will shout. And instantly Sivka-Burka, a fabulous horse, will appear in front of him.

Oh, and he is handsome, this heroic horse is a feast for the eyes! "It runs - the earth trembles, flame blazes out of nostrils, smoke puffs out of the ears in a column." "One of his hair is gold, the other is silver." Ivanushka cannot take his eyes off Sivka-Burka, that's who Ivanushka will be a good helper in luck!

Ivanushka. This is the affectionately called in a Russian fairy tale the youngest of the brothers, who has had no luck for a long time. And then they will also call Ivanushka the Fool. Never mind, do not be too offended for him, he will still prove to everyone what a fool he is! Other clever and wise cannot keep up with him!

In the fairy tale about Sivka-Burka, a prophetic cow, that is, about a horse that can speak with a human voice, broadcast - if you say in the old-fashioned way, happiness lies in that. to marry a royal daughter, Incomparable Beauty

I'm going to get married
On a nipple, on a burka,
On things kaurke.
take me on a stick
And myself on foot,
A shape-shifter.
- Ivanushka sings merrily.

And Sivka-Burka, of course, will take Ivanushka to the royal court. It will help to take possession of the Incomparable Beauty.

This is not a simple horse, but a fabulous one. Well, you, of course, will have to worry until Ivanushka wins. Victory is a victory, so that it is not immediately, not instantly in the hands was given, especially a fabulous victory.

More than once it will take your breath away when Ivanushka of "two crowns" does not reach the window of the princess, and then - only one ...

But, as it happens in a fairy tale, everything will end, I give you my word, happily. "And I was there, honey, drinking beer, flowing down my mustache, but it didn't get into my mouth."

Here. maybe everyone will finally see how beautiful Ivanushka is. And you yourself wonder who transformed him like that: Sivka-Burka or love for Incomparable Beauty ...

Fantastic magic will come true. because this fairy tale is magical. “Enter my right ear - wash yourself, enter my left ear - dress up, you will become such a fine fellow - neither think, nor guess, nor describe with a pen,” Sivka-Burka tells us.

Artists Vyacheslav Innocent - he is in the role of Ivanushka, Nina Gulyaeva - she plays the Incomparable Beauty, Nikolai Litvinov - he is here the old Tsar Father, Sivka-Burka - whose role is played by Vyacheslav Dugnn, and others - with pleasure they played this performance for you, to which composer Yuriy Butsko wrote the music generously. And I hope that more than once or twice you will want to hear the tale about the glorious Ivanushka and his faithful friend, the heroic horse Sivka-Burka. Listen to this fairy tale for joy and health.

Vladimir Glotser

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