Abstract of the design lesson 1 junior. Abstract of the design lesson in the first junior group "Fence for Pets

Antipyretics for children are prescribed by a pediatrician. But there are emergency situations for fever when the child needs to be given medicine immediately. Then the parents take responsibility and use antipyretic drugs. What is allowed to give to infants? How can you bring down the temperature in older children? What medicines are the safest?

Abstract of a design lesson with children of the 1st junior group. Theme: "Bed for little fairies."
Program content: To teach children to make the simplest buildings for the show. Learn to make a crib from sponge bricks lying flat and two other bricks placed vertically to it along the edges. To develop the ability to analyze and convey in buildings the relative position of parts of an object. Cultivate a positive attitude towards action.
Handout: sponges for each child, small dolls.
Musical accompaniment: "Waltz of Flowers", "Sounds of the Forest, Birds" "Lullaby"
Organizing time
Course progress. Music sounds, the children enter the hall. The carpet is decorated with beautiful flowers.
Educator: Guys, look where we got to? What a beauty, how many beautiful flowers in our glade.
“We came to the spring meadow, and found magic flowers”
Everyone will come up to the flower and see who is hiding in the flowers? And in the flowers live little flower fairies. Let's take them in hand.
Our little fairies sleep in flowers, they must be uncomfortable to sleep.
Guys, what do you sleep on?
Children: On cots
Educator: And let's build beds for our little fairies.
Children walk with dolls to the table, on which lies a box of sponges.
Educator: Guys, put your dolls on the table and let's remember what we built the beds from?
Children: From cubes.
Educator: Look, what kind of box is on our table? Let's open it. Zhenechka what lies in our box?
Zhenya: Sponges.
Educator: That's right, sponges are in the box, but unusual, magical. From these sponges we will build beds for our fairies.
Borya, what color are the sponges in our box?
Borya: Red, yellow, blue, green.
Educator: Well done, rightly said. Nastenka, are your lips hard or soft?
Nastya: Soft.
Educator: Correctly sponges are soft.
You can squeeze the sponge, it becomes small, and when you unclench it, the sponge becomes the same as it was, it took its shape.
Educator: And now I will show you how to build a bed for our fairies.
I will take two sponges lying flat and connect them with each other with long sides, then I will put one more sponge on the sides, these will be the backs of the crib. So the bed for my fairy turned out.
Teacher: Let's try it. Everyone will take sponges according to the color that he likes. Zhenya, what sponges will you take?
Zhenya: Red.
Educator: And you, Borya, what color will you take? Take it soon.
Borya: Yellow.
Educator: Nastya, what color will she take?
Nastya: Green.
Educator: What color did Ilyushka have left?
Ilyusha: Blue.
Educator: Let's start building your beds, and I will help you.
Slow music is playing. Children build their own beds for their little fairies.

Educator: What good fellows, beautiful beds you got. Now let's put down your fairies and lull them to sleep.

A lullaby sounds, the children clapping cradle their dolls.

Educator: Guys, your fairies fell asleep with a sweet dream.

Guys, what did we make beds from today?

Children: From sponges.

Educator: What sponges are soft or hard?

Children: Soft.

Educator: Well done guys, you all tried very hard.

Evgenia Bagul
Abstract of the design lesson in the 1st junior group.

Abstract of the design lesson in the 1st junior group.

Educator Bagul E. Yu.

Topic: "House for the Bunny".

Program content:

Educational area "Knowledge": To develop the ability of children to build elementary buildings according to the model. Contribute to the understanding of spatial relationships. Develop thinking, creativity through construction, develop the small muscles of the hands;

Educational area "Communication": Stimulate the desire to participate in the conversation, develop auditory attention. To form the skills of polite treatment, goodwill, discipline;

to activate in the speech of children words denoting primary colors, words: long - short, wide - narrow. Cultivate interest in design activities.

Material for classes: toy - bunny, Lego, a tape recorder with an audio recording of a song - games "A gray bunny is sitting ...", forest noise.

preliminary work: building a house from cubes, bricks,: looking at illustrations of houses, didactic game "What's gone?", mobile game "A gray bunny is sitting".

Methodological techniques:

- Verbal: questions, reading a poem, guessing a riddle;

- Gaming: game situation "Bunny Lost", psycho-gymnastics "Smile", mobile game "A gray bunny is sitting";

- Demo: visual material.

Course progress.

Children sit on chairs.

caregiver: Guys, get up in a circle and show what a good mood we have and share it with each other.

(children hold hands and pronounce the words together with the teacher)

Woke up with the sun

Stretched, smiled.

Hold hands together

I smile to myself

I will smile at you.

I smile all day

I'm not too lazy to smile!

caregiver: Guys, I'll give you a riddle,

and you guess who came to us.

Grow on top

Long ears.

Even though he's a boy

And such a coward!

Well guess what

What's the name?. (a Bunny toy appears).

caregiver: Only he, for some reason, is sad.

Bunny is crying in the clearing,

He misses his mother.

He was chasing a butterfly

Lost, lost.

Can't find home now

He trails in the wilderness of the forest.

caregiver: Guys, what to do? How to help Bunny?

(children's answers) That's right, you need to help the bunny to return home.

Let's dream up with you what kind of house our Bunny can have and build it.

What is the bunny's house? Anya?

What parts does it consist of? Kolya?

(foundation, walls, roof, window)

Where is the foundation, show me? Pasha?

Where is the window, show me? Nikita?

Where are the walls, show me? Lyosha?

Where is the roof, show me? Dasha?

Discussing the construction of a house with children.

Take a close look at how I will build a house.

It turned out to be a solid, beautiful house.

Independent creative activity.

Now you get to work.

Individual questions

Who are you building a house for?

What color is the part?

Outcome of joint activity.

Invite Bunny to the house.

Do you like the house?

Is it a beautiful house?

Let's all play together?

Fizminutka "A gray bunny is sitting"

Bunny gray sits

And wiggles his ears. (makes ears on the head with handles and moves them)

Like this, like this

And wiggles his ears. (2 lines 2 times)

It's cold for a bunny to sit

You need to warm up your paws. (claps hands)

Like this, like this

You need to warm up your paws. (2 lines 2 times)

It's cold for a bunny to stand

Bunny needs to jump. (jumping)

Like this, like this

Bunny needs to jump. (2 times)

The wolf scared the rabbit.

Bunny jumped and ran away.

Did you like our game?

Everyone tried hard today. Bunny liked the house, and he also liked to play with you.

Bunny thanks for your care, for such a beautiful, cozy house. Well done.

Related publications:

Synopsis of an integrated lesson in design and modeling in the second junior group "Zayushkina hut" PROGRAM CONTENT: To form the ability of children to recite familiar poems, nursery rhymes. To consolidate the ability to build houses, to reflect in the building.

Synopsis of a comprehensive lesson on the development of speech and design in the younger group "Here came the truck" Synopsis of a comprehensive lesson on the development of speech and design in the younger group “HERE THE TRUCK (toys) ARRIVED” PURPOSE: 1. Develop.

Abstract of the design lesson in the first junior group "Fence for Pets" Topic: "Fence for Pets" Purpose: To interest children in playing with building material. Tasks: - To form the ability of children to distinguish.

Abstract of the design lesson in the first junior group"Fence for ducklings" Purpose: 1. To acquaint children with the details of the building material ("brick", options for the location of building forms on the plane.

Summary of the design lesson in the first junior group "Turret of cubes" Summary of the design lesson in the first junior group "Turret of cubes" Educator: Radaeva Nina Petrovna Integration of educational.

Purpose: To teach children how to perform the "Snowman" design. Objectives: Educational: continue to teach children to roll balls of soft crumpled paper.

Program content.

1. Ensuring a holistic perception of the picture by children.

2. Development of visual perception, spatial thinking.

3. Improving the skill of working according to a given scheme.

4. Formation of the ability to answer questions about the picture (development of dialogic speech).

5. Increasing speech activity.

visual material.

Painting by O.R. Hoffman “We are building a house”, a big truck with cubes, a scheme for building a house from cubes, a toy bear.

Methodical methods.

1. Display of the painting "We are building a house" by O. R. Hoffman.

2. Showing the teacher, accompanied by a song.

3. Independent work of children with explanation.

4. Playing.

Preliminary work.

1. The arrival of a bear toy.

2. Examination of the painting “We are building a house” O. R. Hoffman.

3. Physical education.

4. Reading the poem “We are building a house” by O.R. Hoffman.

5. Playing with cubes on the carpet.

6. Playing with the building.

Used Books

1. Paramonova L. A. "Children's creative design" - M .: Publishing house "Karapuz", 1993.

2. "The role of plot construction in the mental education of a child of the second year of life" // preschool education. – 2005-№9

3. Education and training of children of primary preschool age: a book for a kindergarten teacher / T.L. Bogina, T.T. Kazakova, E.A. Timofeeva and others; Edited by G.N. Todina, E.G. Tiyushnaya. - M .: Education, 1987.

4. Acquaintance with the environment. Our kindergarten is a series of demonstration paintings with guidelines for teaching storytelling to preschoolers. Educational and visual aid author - compiler N.V. Nishcheva, artist O.R. Hoffman. St. Petersburg "Childhood - Press".

Course progress.

A bear appears from under the gazebo.

Educator: Oh, guys, look who climbed under the gazebo there. Whose brown coat is this? Let's see. Who is it?

Children: Bear.

Educator: Just a bear. Let's say hello to him.

Children: Hello bear.

Bear: Hello.

Educator: Bear, why did you climb under the gazebo.

Bear: I decided to play hide and seek with you.

Educator: Our guys also like to play, as well as look at the pictures.

Bear: I also like to look at pictures.

Educator: Then sit down with us, bear. Guys, sit on the chairs too.

Today we will look at the picture "We are building a house." Who do you see on it?

What are they doing?

They are building a house.

Kids in kindergarten built a house out of cubes. What kind of house did they have?





What is the roof of the house?

Right. The house has a blue roof. How many windows are in the house?

Two windows.

Right. The house has two windows and one door. What a beautiful house! The house turns out so beautiful because

The kids build it together. All work together. Let's look at how children build a house. Look at the boy in the blue overalls and white shirt. He brought the cubes in a big truck. The boy is sitting on the floor. Probably, he will now unload the cubes.

What does a boy in striped shorts and a colorful shirt do. Where is he sitting?

On the floor.

What color crane does he have?


What color cube is he picking up?

Well done! The blond boy is sitting on the floor. He has a red crane. He picks up the blue cube. Now look at the girl. What she does?

She is behind the house.

What is in her hands?

She has a bear.

Where does she want to put the bear?

To the house.

The bear will live in the house.

Good! A curly-haired girl in a smart dress and with a striped bow stands behind the house and wants to put a big brown bear cub in the house. What is the boy in the striped trousers doing?

What is he carrying?


What's in the truck?

Right. A boy in red trousers is driving a truck. The truck has a black cab and a yellow body.

What do you see in the picture on the left?

There is a closet there.

There are games in the closet.

What about behind the kids?

There's a window.

There is a flower on the window.

Look what a cozy group of kids. Light, spacious. There is a picture hanging on the wall, elegant curtains on the window. Good for kids in kindergarten.

Educator: Now, guys, we will rest a little and remember the exercise:

Physical education:

“What a beautiful house!”

One, two, three, four, five.

(Children stand facing in a circle, hands on their belts, perform turns left - right).

Let's build and play.

(Rhythmically perform squats).

We are building a big, tall house.

(Rise on toes, and stretch your arms up).

We put the windows, we cut the roof.

(Perform jumping in place).

What a beautiful house!

(Pointing gesture, stretch the arms forward.)

The bear will live in it.

(Sit down).

Educator: And now, guys, let's go to the rug.

Look what truck we got! He is big and handsome. And what color is it?

The truck has a red body, a blue cab.

What about wheels?

Of course the wheels are black. Let's count them.

One two three four.

Four wheels.

What did the truck bring us?

What cubes?


Right. The cubes are big. They are bright and colorful. What color are they?



Let's build a tall house out of blocks.

Look at the diagram. Which cubes should be taken first.


Right. Let's take and put three red cubes on the carpet. Which dice will we put on the red ones?

How many?

Right. Place the two blue dice on top of the red ones.

Which dice will you put on the blue ones?


How many?

Also two.

Well done! Place two green cubes on the blue ones.

Look at the picture. What color turret will you put on the very top?

Yellow tower.

Fine! Finish your work.

What have we done?

They built a house.

What house do we have?




Educator: Let's ask the bear if he liked the house.

Bear: I really liked how cozy and big my house is. Thank you guys for the house. Now I will live in it.

Educator: To make the house stronger, we read the poem “We are building a house”:

We build a house - Om - Om,

Five of us - Om - Om,

Here is the window, here is the roof

From - from - from, from - from - from.

Red cube, blue cube

Bring by car.

Bring by car.

The cube is red, the cube is blue.

The house grows - from - from.

The cat sees - from - from.

The roof is here, but the pipe is

Ba-ba-ba, ba-ba-ba.

Teacher: Now guys. Let's say goodbye to the bear. The bear is tired and wants to rest in his new house. Say goodbye to the bear.

Nina Radaeva
Summary of the design lesson in the first junior group "Turret of cubes"

Abstract of the design lesson in the first junior group« Tower of cubes»

caregiver: Radaeva Nina Petrovna

Integration of educational regions: "Social and communicative development", "Speech Development", "Artistic and aesthetic development".

Target: to form a skill in children designing turrets along the lines of an adult.


Develop a productive (constructive) activity.

Practice putting on cube to cube.

Encourage the use of matryoshka to play with the building.

Repeat the poem by A. Kuleshova "Glorious doll - matryoshka ..."

Develop the habit of putting toys away at the end of the game.

Encourage them to give their name.

To accustom to listening to poems, to accompany reading with a display of toys and other visual aids.

Develop the ability to answer simple questions.

Improve the ability to perform dance movements.

Educational Outcomes: The ability to distinguish cube, the ability to build a tower with the help of an adult, to deploy a game around a building, the ability to say one's name, to say hello at the reminder of an adult, to listen to verses that are accessible in content, the ability to accompany game actions with speech, the ability to perform movements as shown by the educator.

Type classes: frontal occupation.

Equipment: Demonstration material - sample, 3-4 cube, toy - matryoshka; handout - 3-4 cube, a toy for every child to play with.

Course progress.

Matryoshka comes to visit the children.

caregiver: Children, look who came to visit us? This is a matryoshka. She greeted you. Let's say to her: "Hello, matryoshka!"

The kids greet the toy in unison.

caregiver: Well done boys. Matryoshka wants to meet you. Matryoshka, my name is Nina. Who wants to meet a matryoshka?

The teacher encourages the children to say their name.

The teacher reads a poem by A. Kuleshova.

Glorious doll - matryoshka,

Where are the pens

Where are the legs?

Oh what cheeks

Red, ruddy!

Flowers on the apron

And on a sundress.

caregiver: Matryoshka loves to play with children. Let's play with matryoshka? We will build for her turret.

Children: (in chorus) Yes.

caregiver: That's how high I made the tower. I built tower of cubes. The cube lies on the cube. Like this we will build a tower.

caregiver: Look how I build a tower. I take cube and put it on the table I take more cube and put it on the cube, and one more put cube on cube. Got a tall tower.

caregiver: How I built the tower. First put one cube, I also put on it cube and another cube.

caregiver: And now you take cube and build a tower. Bet cube to cube. Place carefully cubes to keep the tower from collapsing.

caregiver: How much turrets turned out! all beautiful turrets. what kind turret will this matryoshka choose? She chose Yulia's turret. Turret high, cubes neatly stacked on top of each other.

caregiver: Now I will give everyone a matryoshka. Vanya bring the nesting doll to your tower and invite her to see how tall the tower turned out, go around the tower around and put the nesting doll on the tower. And now, children, invite your nesting doll to go around your tower and put the nesting doll on the tower.

Matryoshka praises the children, thanks them for the built towers and asks them to carefully disassemble the buildings and put them together. cubes in a box.

caregiver: Children listen to an excerpt from a poem by V. Berestov.

All the people are looking windows:

Matryoshkas went to dance.

Eight lead a round dance,

And the ninth sings.

caregiver: Guys, let's dance. A matryoshka came to visit us, and now we will turn into nesting dolls and dance.

Dance "Funny Matryoshkas" (music by Y. Slonov, lyrics by L. Nekrasova).

We are funny nesting dolls,

Sweeties, sweeties! Children clap their hands.

We have boots on our feet.

Sweeties, sweeties! They stomp their feet.

We walk in colorful sundresses,

Sweeties, sweeties! Half squat.

We look like sisters

Sweeties, sweeties! They make lanterns.

We tied scarves.

Sweeties, sweeties! "Tie scarves"

Our cheeks blushed

Sweeties, sweeties! They show their cheeks with their hands, turning their heads to the right and left.

Matryoshka praises the children, says goodbye and leaves.

List of used literature:

1. Litvinova O. E. Construction with children of early preschool age. Abstracts joint activities with children 2-3 years: studies. -method. allowance. - St. Petersburg: "PUBLISHING HOUSE "CHILDHOOD PRESS", 2015.- 160 p.

2. Construction from building materials Visual and didactic complex. 2-3 years. M.; Ed. Teacher, 2014.

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Abstract of GCD on designing in the first junior group "House for Bunnies""House for Bunnies" Tasks: To develop the ability of children to build buildings in a certain sequence: foundation, walls, ceiling, roof.

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