GCD abstract for designing in the second junior group. Theme "House" outline of the lesson on design, manual labor (junior group) on the topic

Antipyretics for children are prescribed by a pediatrician. But there are emergency situations for fever when the child needs to be given medicine immediately. Then the parents take responsibility and use antipyretic drugs. What is allowed to give to infants? How can you bring down the temperature in older children? What medicines are the safest?

Synopsis of the GCD in the 2nd junior group on designing using the methods of socio-game technology.

Author: Bykova Natalya Ivanovna, teacher.
Place of employment: MDOU "Child Development Center-Kindergarten No. 110", Petrozavodsk, Republic of Karelia

Design lesson in the 2nd junior group. Theme: "A home for Mishka and his friends."

Educational areas:"Cognitive development", "Speech development", "Social and communicative development", "Physical development".
Target: the formation of simple constructive skills in children of primary preschool age, the development of mutual understanding between children.
Social and communicative development: To educate children in the ability to work in a team, to promote the development of mutual understanding between children. Continue to teach children to work in pairs, helping each other in building together. To cultivate a sense of empathy and sympathy for the character (bear), the desire to help him, emotionally respond to someone's request.
Cognitive development: Develop visual and spatial perception, the ability to analyze, compare, generalize. Develop constructive skills in the process of working with building details, the ability to build a sustainable building. Reinforce the concepts: high, low. Practice counting up to 2.
Speech development: Expand and enrich the vocabulary of children, consolidate the skills of dialogic speech.
Physical development: Develop fine motor skills of hands, coordination of movements.
Demonstration and handout material: toy bear; pictures depicting houses made of bricks, straw, stones, branches, boards; small wooden builder; a large plastic constructor for a model for a teacher and for children (8 large bricks each; 6 cubes for two children); toys: fox, hare, mouse, frog, wolf. I. Motivational stage.
Educator: Guys, we have guests. Let's clean up the toys, put things in order, go up to the guests and say hello to them.
Educator: Guys, we have another guest! Look around with your eyes, where is our guest, where did he hide?
If the children do not find, you can offer to guess the riddle:
“The furry beast loves honey.
If something does not understand
May roar wildly
Because he is ... (bear)."
Children are looking for a toy, find it on a shelf, greet Mishka.
Educator: Children, something our Misha is sad. Let's ask him what happened? (the teacher "listens" to the bear).
Educator: Misha came to us from the fairy tale "Teremok". Do you remember what happened to the tower? (the bear wanted to climb into the tower and broke it). Now the little animals have nowhere to live, they don’t have a home. What to do, how to help Mishenka? (build a new house for Mishka and his friends).
Educator: You need to think about what you can build a house from.
II. Orientation stage.
Educator: From what material will we build a house for Misha? See what different houses I have in the pictures. What are they made of? (From bricks, boards, branches, stones, straw, etc.).
Educator: True, but in our group there are no bricks, no boards, no stones. What to do?
Children can offer to build from a wooden builder, or the teacher asks the children if it is possible to build a house for Bear from a small wooden builder.
Educator: Think about whether such a building is suitable for our Mishka (it won’t work, the house will turn out to be small, low, and the bear is big, tall). The bear needs a tall house.
III. Performing stage. We create an object.
Children offer (or the teacher leads the children to this) to build a house from a large outdoor constructor.
Educator: Guys, what does every house have? (walls, roof, windows). What needs to be built first? (walls). What should be the wall? (strong, stable, because it depends on what kind of house will turn out: reliable, strong or not).
caregiver(shows a detail of the designer) What is this? (brick).
The teacher shows how to build a wall: you need to connect 2 bricks together. The teacher connects, counts the bricks, offers to count the children. He also makes another blank for the wall. Children count how many parts they got (2).
Educator: I got a solid wall, stable? (Yes). And look at the cracks in such a wall (shows). What to do? (connect these parts together with cubes). Guys, what else do I need to do? (window). So I'll put 2 cubes on top, you get a window.
Then the teacher builds another wall, puts them side by side, shows the children.
Educator: Here's the house I got. To build a strong house, let's prepare our hands.
Finger gymnastics:
Knock and knock - there is a knock everywhere. (knocking fist on fist)
We are building a house, a big house, (we show the roof of the house with palms above our heads)
And with a porch and a pipe. (put palms together)
Smoke comes out of the chimney, (we show smoke with movements of the lips)
There is a lock on the door, (hands in the lock) Who could open it?
Pulled, twisted, (according to the words, we perform hand movements)
They knocked and opened. We open the gate, go through here (we spread the palms of our hands to the sides).
Game: "Find a couple."
Educator: Guys, when one person builds a house, it will take a long time. But if you build together - it will turn out quickly and fun. Find yourself a friend!
Dynamic pause.
The teacher gives tasks in pairs:
Smile at each other.
Stand with your back to each other.
Turn around and pat your friend on the head.
Look your friend in the eyes.
Put your hand on a friend's shoulder.
Hug a friend.
Educator: What good fellows you are! Friendly guys! Take your friend by the hand, go with him to any table where the designer lies. Build a house with a friend.
Children come to the table, do the work together. Pay attention to the sample. When the building is completed, invite the children to transfer it to the carpet.
Educator: Carry carefully so as not to break.
Educator: Guys, what is missing from our houses? (roofs).
Suggest to look around what is suitable for the roof (wooden plates).
IV. Let's summarize. Reflection.
Educator: Guys, what good fellows you are! We have not one teremok turned out, but many. What houses did we get? (large, strong, stable, beautiful, reliable). Did you enjoy building a house? Fun, interesting? You built a house with a friend, so you built it quickly and correctly. Do you think Mishka will like our houses?
V. We beat the object.
Educator: Come, Mishenka, into the house. Would you like to live here? Misha smiles, he is happy, he likes it very much in his new house! Bear invites his friends to new homes.
The teacher brings other animals: a mouse, a frog, a hare, a wolf, a fox.
VI. Exit to independent activity.
Educator: Guys, what else can we build for our animals? (road, benches, fence, etc.).
Invite the children to build something else they want, to play after class.

KSU Maloubinskaya secondary school

Mini-center "Brook"

Summaries of classes on the program "Zerek bala"

Second junior group (3-4 years old)

Educational area "Cognition"

Subdomain "Construction"

Compiled by: preschool teacher

education and training Pavlova N. V

year 2013


Target: the formation of simple constructive skills in children of primary preschool age.


1. Learn to design from building material and from paper.

2. Learn to build buildings according to your own plan, combine them according to the plot and beat them, the desire to complete the construction that has been started.

3. To develop the ability to work individually and in a team, establishing friendly relationships with peers.

4. Develop creative imagination, artistic taste.

Construction from building materials

Learn to build the simplest buildings from parts of different colors and shapes, use techniques: attaching, attaching parts, placing bricks, plates vertically and horizontally, put them in a row, in a circle, around the perimeter of a quadrangle, put them close to each other, or at a certain distance .

Develop the ability to change buildings by building on or replacing some parts with others, for example: "Paths" (for cars and pedestrians wide and narrow), "Fences for kids and camels" (high and low), "Gate" (low, high, wide, narrow).

Encourage children to name the main details of the building material (cube, brick, plate, prism), their color, size. To teach to distinguish between parts of the building in size (large - small, long - short, high - low, narrow - wide).

paper construction

To form the ability to convert sheets of paper into three-dimensional forms using paper construction methods: crumple, tear, twist (for example, grass, dandelions, birds).

Lesson notes

1. Paper construction


Target: Learn to fold a rectangular sheet in half, combining the corners and sides. Practice folding the sheet in half. To cultivate industriousness, the desire to do something pleasant for loved ones.

Sample book. Various books, notebook, album. Album sheet of paper for each child, felt-tip pens.

Bilingual component: book - kitap

Course progress.

The teacher invites children to look at books, a notebook and an album; name the differences and similarities of these objects. Offers to make a gift to mom - a beautiful book.

Shows and explains how the book will be made: “Look carefully and remember how we will make the book. We take a rectangle, put it on the table with the long side towards us (accompanies the display on the sample). We bend it exactly in half in the middle so that the corners and sides of the opposite parts of the rectangle exactly match. We iron the fold from top to bottom, holding the book with your hand "

Finger gymnastics.

Children fold sheets of paper. The teacher reminds the tricks of folding the sheet in half. Invites children to draw pictures in the book of their choice.

Summary of the lesson.

The teacher lays out the books on the board, draws the attention of the children to the fact that many beautiful books have turned out. Asks questions: “What did we do? How did they do it? What did Medet (Murat) draw in his book? Did you like making a book?

He offers to give the book to mothers when they come for the children in the evening.

2. Paper construction

Theme: "Colorful leaf fall"

Target: Expand children's ideas about changes in animate and inanimate nature in autumn, talk about the natural phenomenon of leaf fall. Teach children to cut paper into small pieces. Develop fine motor skills, coordination of both hands.

Demonstration and handout material: Thematic posters "Autumn", "Leaf fall"; bouquet of autumn leaves; strips of green, red, yellow, orange paper;

Bilingual component: sheet - zhapyrak, autumn - kuz, orange - sar ғ ylt, yellow - sary, red - kyzyl, zhasyl - green.

Course progress.

The teacher invites all the children to look at a beautiful bouquet of autumn leaves, pronouncing the color and size of the leaves.

Reads a poem by V. Shipunova "Autumn Bouquet":

Let's collect an autumn bouquet

Grandma for her birthday.

Green leaf, burgundy leaf,

Here is the green leaf again

Yellow leaf, golden leaf...

We'll take them home.

We need a lot of leaves.

Let them attack.

Draws the attention of children to pictures depicting autumn.

The teacher says: « Summer has passed, autumn has come. It is cold outside in autumn, the leaves on the trees are now not only green, but also what? (yellow, red). The sky is dark in autumn, there are clouds on it, it will probably rain. The wind is blowing and the leaves are falling from the trees

Offers to make colorful leaves and show how the leaves fall to the ground. And multi-colored paper will help us to do this. He asks what color we will take the paper (red, yellow, green, orange). Gives the children strips of paper of different colors and suggests tearing them into pieces to make small, light pieces of paper.

Finger gymnastics "Autumn leaves"

One, two, three, four, five - (bend fingers, starting with the big one)

We will collect leaves (squeeze and unclench fists)

birch leaves, rowan leaves,

Poplar leaves, aspen leaves, (fingers are bent, starting with the big one)

We will collect oak leaves,

Mom will take an autumn bouquet

(walk on the table with middle and index fingers)

Independent activity of children.

Children sit down at the tables, pick up strips of paper (one of each color) and tear it into small pieces. The teacher helps children who find it difficult to complete the task.

Summary of the lesson.

The teacher reads a poem. He invites the children to throw the multi-colored leaves prepared by them high above themselves and spin around.

Falling, falling leaves

Leaf fall in our garden.

Red, yellow leaves

They curl in the wind, they fly.

He praises the children: “How many children have made colorful leaves!”

3. Paper construction

Topic: "Christmas tree"

Target: To teach children to fold a square diagonally, combining corners and sides. Develop imagination, learn to see a Christmas tree from folded paper of a certain color, shape. Develop fine motor skills, coordination of both hands. Cultivate accuracy, the desire to make crafts with high quality.

Demonstration and handout material: Snowman toy, artificial Christmas tree. Blanks of green squares 10x10 cm.

Bilingual component: tree - shirsha, snowman - akkala

Course progress.

Guys, look who came to visit us! Yes, this is a snowman, he hurries to the animals with a Christmas tree! Look at his tree. (green, prickly, branched, fluffy). What does a tree look like? (on a triangle, bag, mountain). The Christmas tree is a beauty, but the Snowman is in trouble, he has one Christmas tree! Here the snowman is afraid that every forest kid will want to decorate a Christmas tree in his house. How can we help him? (Make Christmas trees for the animals).

Shows and explains how the Christmas tree will be made: “Look carefully and remember how we will make the Christmas tree. We take a green square, put it on the table with an angle to ourselves (accompanies the display on the sample).

We bend it from ourselves exactly in half diagonally so that the corners and sides of the opposite parts of the square exactly match. We iron the fold from the middle to the edges on one side and on the other, holding the Christmas tree with your hand "

Finger gymnastics"Herringbone"

Before us is a Christmas tree: (The fingers are intertwined, from the thumbs - the top of the "Christmas tree")

Cones, needles. (Fists; index fingers extended).

Balls, flashlights, (“Balls” from fingers up, down).

Bunnies and candles, ("Ears" from the index and middle fingers; both palms are folded, fingers are clenched)

Stars, people. (The palms are folded, the fingers are straightened; the middle and index fingers are on the table or look down).

Soon we will dress her up for the holiday.

Independent activity of children.

And now let's go back to the tables and once again remember how we will work. No-queue children name the stages of work, based on the model, and get to work. The teacher encourages the desire of children to make several Christmas trees. During the lesson, he helps children who find it difficult, makes reminders.

Summary of the lesson.

And now look what green beauties we have turned out and now there will be enough of them for all the forest dwellers to celebrate the New Year!

4. Designing from paper (teamwork)

Topic: "Dandelions in Spring"

Target: To form the ability to convert sheets of wet yellow paper into three-dimensional round shapes (crumpling). Develop imagination, learn to see flowers in wads of paper of a certain color, shape and size. Cultivate interest in teamwork.

Demonstration and handout material:

Bilingual component: dandelion bakbak, the sun -To un, grass - wөп, green - zhasyl, yellow - sary.

Course progress.

The teacher talks to the children about spring, about green grass, about the beauty of a green meadow, shows illustrations of landscape compositions.

Asking questions: " What is shown in this picture? (dandelions, grass, butterflies.) What is a dandelion? (petals, flowers.) What color are dandelions? (yellow) How else can you say: what are dandelions? (beautiful, spring.) What can you compare dandelions with? (with sunshine)

Let's make paper dandelions and combine them into a large panel. He asks what color we will take the paper. We will make dandelions by crushing the paper into round shapes, and place it on this green meadow (unfolds drawing paper on the table)

The teacher reminds the method of making a dandelion: a sheet of yellow paper, slightly moistened with a wet cloth and crushed well, forming a round shape. Then the resulting flowers, put on a green meadow.

Finger gymnastics.

Independent activity of children.

The teacher provides the children with practical assistance, teaches them to work carefully, tear the paper into even strips, arrange them beautifully against the background and stick them on their own, coordinating their work with the actions of other children.

Summary of the lesson.

Children admire the work done, note the beautiful combination of yellow and green colors. The teacher says that they all tried. He asks questions: “What kind of meadow did we get? (beautiful, yellow, spring.)
What flowers bloom in our meadow, what are they called? (dandelions)

M. Polyanskaya reads a poem:

Dandelions are everywhere

For spring grass:

Flickered in the yard

Run up the mountain

They hid in a ditch.

5. Designing from paper (teamwork)

Topic:"Bullfinches on a rowan branch"

Target: Continue to teach children to crumple soft paper into strong lumps with their fingers, to work independently, carefully. Clarify and summarize the knowledge of children about the bullfinch, about the trees in winter. Develop imagination, learn to see bullfinches in wads of paper of a certain color, shape and size. Cultivate interest in teamwork.

Demonstration and handout material: a picture depicting bullfinches on a rowan branch; paper sheet with a rowan branch painted on it, red paper.

Bilingual component: bullfinch - Boztorg ai

Course progress.

The teacher offers to solve the riddle:

It snowed, and this bird

Snow is not afraid at all.

We call this bird

Red-breasted ... (bullfinch).

He puts on the board a picture depicting bullfinches on a mountain ash.

Offers to consider the bullfinch and: draws attention to the fact that the body of the bird is covered with feathers, the feathers on the breast are red, on the back they are gray, and on the head they are black. The bullfinch has two wings and it flies; there is a tail, a beak, legs with claws. The bullfinch's neck is not visible, its head immediately passes into the body, rounded and not long. The bullfinch is a very beautiful and important bird.

Talks about rowan. In winter, the trees are bare, without leaves. Snow falls on the trees. In winter, the trees in the snow are very beautiful. Berries are preserved on the mountain ash. White snow lies on the red rowan berries. Birds fly and peck berries from mountain ash.

Let's make these paper birds and combine them into a large wall mural. We will make bullfinches by crushing paper into round shapes, and place them on these branches (unfolds drawing paper on the table)

Shows how to make a bullfinch: a sheet of red paper, slightly moistened with a wet cloth and crushed well, forming a round shape. Then the resulting bullfinch birds are placed on a rowan branch (pinned with a pin).

Finger gymnastics.

Independent activity of children.

The teacher helps children who are at a loss, reminds the way of crumpling paper.

Summary of the lesson.

Guys, did you enjoy working together? Everyone made one bird today, and when we put them together, we got a whole flock of bullfinches! Let's decorate our room by hanging a picture on the wall.

Reads a poem by A. Chepurov "Bullfinch":

Black-winged, red-breasted,

And in the winter he will find shelter:

He is not afraid of a cold,

With first snow

Right here!

6. Paper construction

Theme: "Christmas decorations"

Target: To acquaint children with the tradition of decorating the New Year tree with toys, garlands. To develop the imagination of children, to teach them to see Christmas tree decorations (balls) in multi-colored paper lumps. Exercise children to crumple a large sheet of soft paper into a tight lump, design a New Year's garland from multi-colored "balls", alternating them in color in a given order. Learn to work together, coordinating their actions with the actions of the children of the group.

Demonstration and handout material: pictures depicting the New Year holiday, paper table napkins (large in size) 3-5 colors, 5-7 sheets for each child.

Bilingual component: New Year - Zhan a zhyl, Christmas tree - shirsha

Course progress.

The teacher reminds the children of the upcoming winter holiday; makes a riddle about the Christmas tree:

In every house on New Year's Eve

This tree will come
Green and prickly
It is called ... (Christmas tree).

The teacher involves the children in a conversation about the upcoming holiday, offers to look at pictures depicting the holiday.

Asks questions: “What is it? (Christmas tree.) Christmas tree, what kind? (Beautiful, elegant, green.) How is the Christmas tree decorated? (Balloons, toys.) What will we hang on the Christmas tree? (Toys, lights.) This is a garland. Asem, tell me: what is it? Garland, what? (Long, multi-colored.) Where does the garland hang? Asem, tell me: where is the garland hanging? (A garland hangs on a Christmas tree)"

Then the teacher reads a poem about the decorated Christmas tree by E. Blaginin "Christmas Tree":

Well, the tree, just a miracle!
How elegant, how beautiful!
Here the fires were lit on her,
Hundreds of tiny lights.

With the help of a teacher, children figure out how to decorate a Christmas tree in a group: you can make a garland of multi-colored paper "balls".

The teacher reminds how lumps are made from napkins of different colors. These clumps will be balls for decorating the Christmas tree. The teacher arranges the lumps-balls in a certain sequence, pays attention to the given order of alternation of colors and asks to name the color of each lump-ball.

Finger gymnastics.

Independent activity of children.

Children work independently. The teacher suggests laying out the finished "balls" in a chain on the edge of the table, alternating them in color in a given order.

Summary of the lesson.

At the end of the lesson, the teacher “collects” all the “balls” with a needle and thread. Offers to admire the garland.

Asking questions : « What did we get? What's this? (Garland.) Where shall we hang it? What is the garland hanging on? What are the balls on? (On a thread.) What color are these balls, what are they? What is the garland like? (Long, multi-colored.) What have we done? (We decorated the Christmas tree)"

Children, together with the teacher, choose a place in the group room for a garland, admire it. The teacher draws the attention of the children to the fact that such a beautiful and long garland can only be made together.

7. Paper construction

Theme: "It's snowing"

Target: Continue to learn to tear off the paper in small pieces. To develop the imagination of children, to teach them to see white snow in small pieces of paper. Develop interest in the natural phenomenon "it's snowing." Develop fine motor skills, coordination of both hands.

Demonstration and handout: winter forest illustration,

Bilingual component:

Course progress.

The teacher brings a bucket of snow to the group. Asking children questions:

Guys, look what's in my bucket? (snow)

See what color our snow is? (white)

Feel the snow. What is he? Warm or cold? (cold)

The teacher shows an illustration picture depicting a winter forest, shows the children that all the trees in the forest are covered with snow. This snowball wrapped the branches so that the trees would not freeze in winter.

The teacher invites the children to spin like snowflakes (Children spin to the music)

Offers to make snow and show how quietly the snow falls, white, clean, like fluff. And paper will help us to do this.

He asks what color we will take paper (white). Gives the children strips of white paper and offers to tear them into small pieces to make small, light snowflakes.

Game exercise.

"It is snowing". Rebuilding in a circle.

Snowflakes are falling from the sky

Like a fairytale picture.

Let's catch them with our handsChildren raise their hands above their heads and make

And show mom at home.tagging movements, as if catching snowflakes.

And all around are snowdrifts,Stretching - arms to the sides.

Snow covered the roads.

There is a fox jumping in the forest,Jumping in place.

Like a soft red ball.

Well, we go, we goWalking in a circle.

And we come to our house.

Independent activity of children.

Children sit down at tables, pick up strips of white paper and tear it into small pieces.

The teacher helps someone who does not succeed.

Summary of the lesson.

The teacher reads a poem I. Demyanova

Snowflakes are flying.

Looking out of my hand:

Spinning and dancing in the air

Fluffy and light! The street got brighter

Pretty village.

Snowflakes are flying, spinning,

Around white-white!

He invites everyone to throw snow high above themselves and spin around. Praises the children: “How much the guys made white, fluffy snow”

He asks questions: “Can our snowball melt? What happened to our snow in the bucket? Why did the snowball melt and turn into water?


Topic: "Paths for cars and pedestrians"

Target: Expand children's ideas about changes in animate and inanimate nature in the fall, talk about the ripening of vegetables. Learn to model two road options (a narrow path for pedestrians, a wide road for cars). Learn to distinguish between the wide and narrow side of the brick, tightly connect the bricks (narrow and wide side). Develop imagination, teach to see the road in the elements of building material. Learn to beat the building, disassemble your buildings and carefully put the parts in a box. To cultivate interest in constructive activities, the desire to build and complete the construction that has been started, to work in a team of peers.

Demonstration and handout material: pictures of vegetables; wide roads with cars filled with crops and paths leading to the garden; bricks; toys: a small doll and a car.

Bilingual component: road - jol

Course progress.

The teacher talks about the big harvest of vegetables. Offers to consider pictures of vegetables. Then he switches the attention of the children to other pictures, which show cars carrying crops from the fields along a wide road, and people going to the garden along a narrow path.

The teacher brings the children to the understanding that freight and passenger transport (trucks, trams, buses) travel along wide roads, along narrow paths, along large roads, pedestrians walk or people (adults and children) ride a bicycle. There are narrow paths in every dacha, they lead to a garden where different vegetables ripen.

Asks questions: “What is shown here? What do you see here? (This is a garden. This is a house.) What is it? (Road.) Is the road wide or narrow? What is she? And what's that? (Path.) What can be said about the path? What is she? (Narrow, long.) And what is this? (These are vegetables.) Which road is the car driving on? Narrow or wide? What is this path? (Narrow.)

Summarizes the conversation from the pictures: to go by car for the harvest and bring it home, you need to build a wide road out of bricks.

The teacher shows the children the bricks, asks what these parts are called. He suggests taking the bricks in hand, examining them, finding the narrow and wide sides.

Explains and shows how to build a wide road, how to connect the bricks together: “Look how I will build a wide road. I took one brick, put it like this. I put the brick on the wide side. Now I take the second brick. I'll put it like this, close to the first brick. She laid brick to brick, the bricks lie side by side. See how I laid the bricks: wide side to wide side. Not even a slit was left between the bricks. The bricks are nearby. I placed them carefully. And I'll put a brick in the same way. That's how many bricks I put in"

He proposes to consider the constructed road, clarifies its purpose: a wide road for cars.

The teacher designs a sample of a narrow path. Explains and shows how to build a narrow road, how to connect the bricks together: “I took one brick, put it like this, on the widest side. Now I take the second brick. I'll put it like this to the first brick. See how I laid the bricks: narrow side to narrow side. There was no gap between the bricks. I'll put another brick in the same way. And one more. That's how many bricks I put in. What did I get, what do you think? Is the road narrow or wide? (narrow) Offers to consider the constructed road, clarifies its purpose: a narrow road for pedestrians.

Independent activity of children.

The teacher carries out an individual demonstration of the reception of a tight connection of parts.

Summary of the lesson.

Building play.

The teacher helps the children to combine all the narrow paths and all the wide roads; distributes small dolls and cars to children, asks which road is best for them to travel. Offers to play with toys - lead dolls along a narrow path, drive cars along a wide road; reads a poem by E. Pozhilenko:

We drove, we drove
They arrived at the cottage.
The children walked, walked, walked,
They went into the garden.

The teacher gives a positive assessment of the efforts of the children: “What good roads turned out! What a wide flat road for cars! And the narrow path is good!”

After the children have played with their buildings, the teacher shows how to disassemble the buildings and put the material in place; encourages those children who are eager to help put the material in place.

9. Building material construction

Topic: "Long and short tracks"

Target: teach children to place parts horizontally, tightly to each other. Strengthen the ability to compare objects by length. Develop the ability to get things done. Develop imagination, teach to see the road in the elements of building material. Learn, play with the building, disassemble your buildings and carefully put the parts in the box.

Demonstration and handout material: a strip of blue paper, 2 houses; 5 long and 5 short bricks for each child.

Bilingual component: road - jol

Course progress.

The teacher has a strip of blue paper on the table - a river, there are 2 houses.

The teacher says that dolls Dinara and Zhuldys live in the houses. They love to play by the river and swim. The dolls want paths to be laid from their houses to the river, but they don’t know how to make them.

Offers to help Dinara and Zhuldys build paths. He asks questions: “What can paths be built from? Do the tracks need to be built the same length? What kind of bricks is better to build a long path? What bricks are better to build a short path from?

With the help of children, he selects long bricks and, connecting them with short sides, builds a long path. In the same way, a short track is built. Particular attention of the children is drawn to the fact that the bricks should be located close to each other (“To make it convenient for the dolls to walk on them”). Invites children to build first a long, then a short path.

Independent activity of children.

The teacher makes sure that the children close the bricks. Encourages children to pronounce the words in the design process: long, short - brick, long, short - track.

Summary of the lesson.

After finishing work, the teacher asks if the paths are the same in length, which path Dinara will walk on, which path Zhuldys will walk on.

The teacher offers to play with the buildings: the children lead the dolls along the paths to the river, swim, sunbathe, go home. After the children have beaten their buildings, he offers to disassemble the buildings and put the material in place.

10. Building material construction

Theme: "Gate" (low, high)

Target: to teach children to change the design of an object by placing it in height. To consolidate the ability to make overlaps, choose details according to the size of the toys. Develop the ability to get things done. Develop imagination, see the gate in the elements of building material. Learn, play with the building, disassemble your buildings and carefully put the parts in the box.

Demonstration and handout material: 4 bricks and 4 cubes for each child; cars.

Bilingual component: gate - kakpalar

Course progress.

The teacher asks what are the gates (high and low, wide and narrow)

Shows and explains how to build a gate: place 2 bricks at a distance from each other and block them with a third. Get a low gate.

The teacher explains and shows how to increase the height of the gate: place cubes on 2 bricks and block them with the top brick.

Independent activity of children.

With the help of a teacher, children increase the building in height.

Summary of the lesson.

The teacher gives a positive assessment of the efforts of children. Offers to play with buildings: children carry cars of various sizes through the gates. After the children have beaten their buildings, he offers to disassemble the buildings and put the material in place.

11. Building material construction

Topic: "Big and small gates" (wide -high, narrow - low)

Target: Expand children's ideas about the gate (wide - narrow, low - high); supports, ceilings used in the construction of gates and other structures. Learn to correlate the sizes of buildings with the sizes of toys; build low gates according to the model (two supports and a simple ceiling) and high gates according to the conditions (changing a set of parts or one design parameter); analyze a building sample, name the building details from which these parts are built. Develop imagination, learn to see the gate in the details of the building material. To teach correctly, to position the supports in the space of the building (put one support exactly against the other); carefully disassemble the structure and remove the building material in boxes; beat the building.

Demonstration and handout material: Bricks: 3 short, 4 medium; 2 high bars; 3 cubes; toys: cars and trucks.

Bilingual component: gate - Қақpalar

Lesson progress

At the beginning of the lesson, the teacher reinforces with the children the knowledge of the details of the building material. He shows bricks of two sizes and a cube, invites children to name them. He introduces them to a new piece of building material - a bar, clarifies that the bar looks like a cube, but high.

Asks questions: “What details do you know? What is the name of this item? (This is a cube.) What is this? (This is a brick.) Show the widest side of the brick. Show the narrow short side. Where is the narrow long side? Are these two bricks the same or different? Show a long brick. Is this brick long? (No, short.) Look, here's one more detail. This is a bar. What does the bar look like? These are all building details. What can be done with them? (Build)"

The teacher says that today the children will build gates - wide - high, narrow - low

Explains and shows how to build a low gate with three short bricks: “In order to build a gate, it is important to correctly position the post bricks. One column must be placed exactly opposite the other column. It is necessary to put columns of bricks at a small distance from each other - so that a passenger car can pass between them. (Checks the distance by passing the car between the posts.) On top of the supports, one more brick must be carefully placed - the ceiling. The overlapping brick must be placed on the posts with the wide side - neatly, evenly.

Then the teacher turns to the children: “Can a tall, wide truck drive through these low gates? Why not? Let's check! What needs to be done to make the gate taller and wider?

Children in a practical way reveal the discrepancy between the size of the gate and the size of the machine. They find out that high and wide gates will be built from three medium bricks and two cubes. When the children answer, the teacher makes sure that the children do not replace the words “high”, “low” with the words “big”, “small”, corrects mistakes.

The teacher suggests building narrow - low gates for a passenger car, wide - high gates for a truck.

The children build their own gates. The educator directs children's construction, provides practical assistance, gives advice, encourages insecure children, and evaluates children's constructions.

Then he explains: in order for the gates to be strong, they should be strengthened, a cube should be placed at each support. It is necessary to strengthen the gate - put cubes on both sides of the supports - and check if a tall truck can pass through this gate.

The teacher says that the children built a high gate. But such gates can be built not only from bricks and cubes. They can be built from other parts. The children are given the task: to build a high gate, but use bars for supports. The teacher helps children who have difficulty in work.

Summary of the lesson.

At the end of the lesson, everyone examines the resulting gate and notes their features (strength, width, height).

Asks questions: “What have we built? What parts did we build the gate from? What did we take? What is the cover on? Are the bars lying or standing?
The teacher praises the children for the fact that everyone tried during work, and offers to play with the machines. Then he asks to quietly disassemble the structures and put the material in boxes.

12. Building material construction

Theme: "Furniture for dolls"

Target: To teach children to build buildings by combining bricks, cubes and plates. To form the ability to convert buildings to width. Continue to teach how to beat the building, disassemble your buildings and carefully put the parts in the box.

Material: dolls of different sizes, building parts cubes, bricks, plates of different colors.

Bilingual component: furniture - Zhiһ az, doll - kuyrshak, table - ustel, chair - oryndyk, bed - kereuet

Lesson progress

The dolls have come to visit. They ask the children to build furniture for them.

teacher p invites children to think about what parts can be used to build a table, chair and bed for dolls(sample not provided).

Reminds me of how to construct a chair, a table, and two beds:

1.chair: put the brick on a narrow, long edge and put a cube on it;

2. table: let's put a brick on a narrow, long edge, and put another brick on it;

3. narrow bed (for a small doll): put two bricks, and put a plate on it;

4. wide bed (for a large doll): put two bricks and put two plates on them.

Offers to beautifully arrange the built furniture so that it is convenient to play.

Independent activity of children

Pieces of different colors are laid out in piles in front of the children. The teacher gives each child a doll, slightly different in size, and asks to build pieces of furniture for the dolls, using the color of the details as desired. Encourages children to build differently.

Summary of the lesson

Draws attention to the buildings: “What beautiful beds, tables and chairs you have built, different in color.” Asks some children to tell how the furniture was built. Distributes dishes, bedding and plays with children.

13.Building material construction

Topic: "Long locomotive"

Target: to acquaint children with the shape - a cube, its features; learn to lay out a long train on a plane; introduce the concept of "long"; teach methods of design - application; to encourage, together with an adult, to beat the building, disassemble their buildings and carefully put the parts in a box.

Demonstration and handout material: Box with cubes; toys: bear, bunny, cat, monkey, dog.

Bilingual component: cube - cubetar

Course progress.

The teacher sings Zheleznova's song "Steam Engine":

Rides, rides a locomotive,

Three pipes and a hundred wheels.

Three pipes and a hundred wheels

He brought wagons.

And the wagons creak

And the wheels are rattling.

And the wheels are rattling

So-so-so, so-so-so-so

The locomotive puffs CHU-CHU,

I will fly like a bird.


I'll ride the kids!

Children are built one after another - “engine”, imitate the movement of a steam locomotive.

The teacher offers to make a train and ride toys on it. He asks the children who will ride on the train. (Shows toys - a bear, a bunny, a cat, a monkey, a dog). That's how many friends will ride the train. Let's build a long locomotive for them out of cubes.

The teacher puts a box of cubes on the floor. Shows the children cubes, asks what these parts are called. Offers to take a cube in hand, examine them. The teacher and the children come to the conclusion that the cube has all the same sides.

The teacher shows an example of the construction of a long steam locomotive. Explains and shows how to build a long engine, how to connect the cubes to each other: “Look how I will build a long engine. I took one cube and put it on the floor. Now I take the second cube. I'll put it like this, close to the first cube. I put the cube to the cube, the cubes lie side by side. I placed them carefully. And I'll put the cube in the same way. That's how many cubes I put in"

Independent activity of children.

Children take one cube out of the box and make a long train on the floor (cube to cube).

Summary of the lesson.

The teacher gives a positive assessment to the efforts of the children: “What a long, even train we got!”

The teacher praises the children for the fact that everyone tried during work, and offers to ride on the steam locomotive of our friends (sing the song again). Then he asks to quietly disassemble the structure and put the cubes in the box.

14. Building material construction

Topic:"Fence for cows and calves"

Target: Learn to alternate the bricks by color, placing them on a vertical and horizontal plane (for calves - a low fence, for cows - a high one). W to strengthen the ability of children to close the space.

Demonstration and handout material: the image of animals; bricks of different colors, green sheets of paper, large small figurines of cows and calves on stands with which they can stand on the table.

Bilingual component: cow - siyr, fence - korshau

Course progress.

teacher distributes large and small cardboard figurines of cows and calves to children. Asks who it is(Cows and calves)Our cows and calves will graze on the grass(gives two sheets of green paper).What color is the grass?(Green.) The grass is green and cows and calves graze on it. But they can go far and get lost. Guys, let's fence the grass with cows and calves, build pens for them.

We will use bricks for this:(In front of each child are bricks of a different color.)

We will have a large and high corral for cows, so that the cows in it can walk, nibble grass, but so that they cannot step over a high fence and run away. Bricks should be placed vertically on the short narrow side, close to each other. In order for the cows not to run away, the ends of the corral must be closed.

Our calf pen will be small and low, because the calves are smaller and lower than the cows. Bricks should be placed horizontally on the long narrow side, close to each other.(Sets one brick.)

To make the corrals beautiful, build them from bricks of different colors.

The teacher reminds that the fences must be carefully closed along the quadrangles(for calves - low fence, for cows - high)

Independent activity of children.

Children build their own fences. The teacher leads the children's design. Children who are struggling are given practical help.

Summary of the lesson.

teacherdraws the attention of children to each built paddock.

Asks questions: What are we building? What size corral was built for cows, and what size for calves? Why? From bricks, what colorMedet (Askhat)built a paddock? How many bricks do we need?

The teacher praises the children for the fact that everyone tried during work, and offers to play with animal figurines. Then he asks to quietly disassemble the structures and put the material in boxes.

15. Building material construction

Topic:« Fence around kindergarten

Target: To teach children to build a fence in various ways, placing bricks around the perimeter of the quadrangle. Encourage children to play with the building, use small toys to play. To cultivate the desire to build and complete the construction that has been started, to work in a team of peers.

Material: layout "Kindergarten", bricks and cubes of 10 - 12 for each child.

Bilingual component: kindergarten - bala baksha, fence - dual

Course progress.

Children are looking at the Kindergarten layout. The teacher teaches to recognize and name the objects of the kindergarten (Figures on the stand - trees, flower beds, playground). Draws the attention of children to beautiful trees, flowers, brightly colored objects of the site. Suggests to think about what is missing in the proposed composition.

Guesses a riddle:

One hundred boards in one row
They are firmly connected. (Fence)

The teacher suggests "to build a fence of boards around the kindergarten"

Asking questions: " What details do we need?(Bricks)

Explains and shows how to build a fence: “I put a brick on the short side (shows the short edge) and turn the wide side towards me, like this (shows). And so put all the bricks close to each other in a quadrangleat»

Proposes to build a fence around the kindergarten according to the proposed model.

Independent activity of children.

The teacher encourages those children who independently and immediately begin to complete the task, help all children with advice or in practice.

He proposes to build a fence in a different way, from bricks and cubes. Take the cubes and put them side by side, then put the bricks on the cubes on the short side and the wide side towards you.

Summary of the lesson.

The teacher notes the quality of the work, the degree of participation of each child. Distributes small figurines of dolls, offers to play "in the kindergarten area."

After the children have beaten their building, he offers to disassemble the building and put the material in place.

Construction from building material:

16. Topic: "Large and small houses for dolls"

Target: Teach children to change the design of the building in length and width. Develop imagination. Learn, play with the building, disassemble your buildings and carefully put the parts in the box. Continue to teach children to work independently at the same pace with their peers.

Material: A set of bricks, cubes, plates, prisms; a sample of building a house, dolls of different sizes.

Bilingual component: house - u th

Lesson progress

The teacher asks what should be in the house so that you can live in it (walls, roof, windows, entrance). Shows a sample of the house and asks questions: “How are the walls of the house built? What are the walls made of and how? (From bricks and cubes. Bricks are placed on the short, narrow side, and cubes are placed between them.) What and how is the roof built from? (From the plates on which the prisms are mounted.)

Offers to take a cookie and settle it in the house, and if it does not fit in size, then rebuild it.

The teacher explains and shows how to increase the length of the house - by attaching two bricks at the back and in width - by attaching bricks on both sides.

The teacher offers to build houses, says:

We are building a house: a big house,

And with a porch

And with a pipe.

This is whose, this is whose

New brick house?

These children are building a house.

For dolls to live in it.

Independent activity of children.

With the help of a teacher, children perform first one and then another operation.

Summary of the lesson.

The teacher gives a positive assessment of the efforts of the children: “What good houses we got! Then he offers to play with the houses.

After the children have beaten their buildings, the teacher asks to disassemble the buildings and put the material in place.

17 .Building material construction

Topic: " Tower and ladder»

Target:Develop the ability to build a sustainable building. To fix the concepts of height, color. Learn to talk about the future design, build according to the model, analyze the building. Continue to teach children to work independently at the same pace with their peers.

Demonstration and handout material: cubes and prisms of different colors, toy Kolobok.

Bilingual component: tower - mұnara, red - kyzyl, blue - kok, green - zhasyl, yellow - sary

Course progress.

Kolobok came to visit the children. The teacher says: “Our guest - a bun - lay on the window, ran through the forest, but had never been on the turret. And he so wants to sit on the tower. Can we help him guys?

What details will we select for the turret?(Cubes.)Where do we start?(We will choose cubes from a set of parts.)

If necessary, the teacher recalls the process of building a tower (cubes of the same color are used): “We take a cube, put it in front of us on the table. Now we take one more of the same cube and put it on the first cube, trim it. Now we take another one and put it on top, we also trim it. What a tower! Tall tower! What color is the tower?(Children call.)

After that, the teacher suggests building two towers of different colors - one of three cubes, and the other of four. Children select cubes of two colors and build towers. The teacher offers to decorate the tower. He shows the prism and demonstrates how to place it. Children find prisms and decorate their towers. The color of the prism must match the color of the tower.

Independent activity of children.

In the process of work encourages children, if necessary, prompts, helps with advice and action.

The teacher says that Kolobok wants to visit the very top of the tower. How canthere climb?(Along the stairs.)Offers to put a ladder next to the turret.

The teacher examines with the children a sample of a ladder of six cubes.Drawsattention to the details needed to build, how many cubes are needed to build a ladder. The children are building a ladder next to the tower.

Summary of the lesson.

The teacher analyzes in detail the erected turrets, draws the children's attention to the names of the details, their beautiful combination in color, the difference in buildings in size. He asks to tell what the children built, from what parts, what color the turrets turned out to be, what turrets the children built.

The teacher says that now our bun can climb the tower. Well done guys, helped the kolobok. He is very happy!

18.Construction from building material

Topic: "Fence for ducks"

Target: Learn to alternate bricks by color, placing them on a vertical plane. W to strengthen the ability of children to close the space in a circle ( Lake for ducklings.) Encourage children to play with the building, use small toys to play. To cultivate the desire to build and complete the construction that has been started, to work in a team of peers.
Develop thinking, imagination, speech. Develop the ability to get things done.
Demonstration and handout material: for each child: bricks of two colors, a blue sheet of rounded paper, small toys of ducks; fox toy.

Bilingual component: duck - Uyrek, fox - tүlki

Lesson progress.

The teacher says that today we will build a large lake in which ducks will swim. Gives children blue sheets of rounded paper and offers to fence the lake for ducks.

The teacher does not give an example of construction, but shows one constructive moment, using verbal instructions: “Today we will build a large lake in which ducks will swim. How many ducks are on your tables? That's right, a lot. Take one. Look how small she is, yellow, biting red. Let your duck swim in the lake. What color is it? That's right, blue. This is how little ducks swim in a big lake! But our ducks can be frightened by a fox, she is cunning. (Shows a toy.) Guys, let's fence the lake. Bricks should be placed on a narrow long side, close to each other so that the fox does not get to the ducks. (Installs one brick.) To make the fence beautiful, build it from bricks of different colors.

The teacher reminds that the lake must be fenced in a circle.

Independent activity of children.

In front of each child in piles are bricks of two colors. The teacher leads the children's design.

Summary of the lesson.

The teacher evaluates the children’s work on behalf of the fox toy: “What a fence Medet built: the bricks are crowded, even, I can’t get to the duck!” (The fox plays with them - trying to catch up with the ducks) Then he asks to quietly disassemble the structures and put the bricks in the box.


1. "Education of children in preschool institutions of the village" ed. A.S. Alekseeva. M., 1990

2. "Artistic and creative activity" auth. I. A. Ryabkova, O. A. Durlyukova 2011

3. "Introduction to the outside world" auth. G. V. Morozova 2010

4. Education of children in the second junior group of kindergarten / Comp. G.M. Lyamina. - M., 1981

5. Design and manual labor in kindergarten / From work experience. - M., 1990

6. Development of constructive creativity among preschoolers auth. A. N. DAVIDCHUK M., 1976

Constructive activity is very important for the harmonious development of a preschooler. She improves fine motor skills - hand movements become fast and dexterous. The creation of buildings and crafts forms the independence of the child, the desire to achieve the goal, creativity, and brings up aesthetic feelings. In the process of construction, the baby receives an important experience of exploratory behavior. In the second younger group, this activity is still closely connected with the game: a child puts a doll on a high chair, a butterfly folded from paper flies around the room with him. However, the very process of creating buildings and handicrafts is already more complex, it involves preliminary thinking and a greater variety of material.

Methodological aspects of design in the second junior group

Construction is a rather complex activity for preschoolers, in which one can find a connection with the constructive, technical and artistic activities of adults. Here, a plan is preliminarily outlined, the appropriate material and work technique are selected, and the result of the activity is aimed at practical application, for the child it is a game.

At 3-4 years old, children are already becoming more independent, active mentally and physically. Thanks to this, the ideas of kids about the objects and phenomena of the world around them are significantly enriched, which is necessary for designing.

The tasks of teaching design, relevant for the second younger group

  • Continue to learn to distinguish and name the main building elements (cubes and bricks, plates and cylinders).
  • To form the ability to combine details of different colors in buildings.
  • Learn to arrange building material (bricks and plates) vertically in different ways: in one row, along the perimeter of a quadrangle, in a circle.
  • Encourage the creation of structures from different parts: alternate posts with cubes, decorate gate posts with trihedral prisms.
  • Learn to change buildings in different ways: by replacing parts or by building them in length or height (add wagons near the train, make the tower taller).
  • Lead the kids to the analysis of the created buildings.
  • Encourage preschoolers to create buildings according to plan (independent choice of topic, selection of material), learn to beat them, combine them into a story game (the path and houses are a street, a table, a chair and a sofa are doll furniture).
  • To develop in children the habit of neatly putting the items in a box after the end of a lesson or game.
  • To teach kids to convert paper blanks into three-dimensional forms in various ways: by bending, tearing, crushing, twisting.

Types of design in the younger group

When working with pupils of the second junior group, 2 types of construction are used:

Artistic design involves improvisation

Construction from natural material in the younger group is practiced not in the classroom, but during a walk. From the sand, kids sculpt paths, slides, bridges, using molds and buckets, prepare Easter cakes and pies. In winter, wonderful slides, snowmen, animal figures, and fortresses are made from snow. Thus, construction organically fits into the gameplay. Here, children imperceptibly get acquainted with the properties of materials: they understand that sand can be loose and damp, but buildings can only be made from the latter. Snow is also not always suitable for modeling: when it is too cold outside, it crumbles in the hands, and only sticky is suitable for creating buildings.

Buildings made of snow are often collective in nature due to their scale.

What materials are appropriate to use in the younger group

In order for the lesson to be successful, the teacher must carefully consider what material to use. For model construction, individual building kits are best suited, including parts of various shapes and sizes (parts can be both wooden and plastic). After all, it is more convenient for babies of the fourth year of life to create buildings one by one.

The best option for working in the younger group is to provide each pupil with a separate building set

Any material with which children work should attract them with its appearance.

For Lego construction, sets with large parts and simple connections are selected. You can use special themed kits (for example, LEGO Duplo, which includes arches, semicircular shapes, beaks, animal figures, etc.).

The Lego Duplo set includes specific parts that can be used to build interesting structures.

As for paper design, the teacher uses paper of different colors and qualities (thin and cardboard, matte and glossy) and glue in the classroom. Also, to complement the crafts, children are provided with additional material: colored pencils, plasticine, foam rubber, toothpicks, cotton wool, yarn, etc.

Irina Rumyantseva
Perspective planning for the construction of "Construction games" in the second junior group

forward planning

organization of joint educational activities of an adult with children

on design (construction games)

Second junior group

Month / Week Topic / Tasks


1. Topic: "Paths for nesting dolls"

Tasks: to form the ability of children to build paths from bricks; encourage the desire to beat buildings; educate the desire to communicate during the game action.

2. Theme: "Furniture for kindergarten"

Tasks: develop the ability to create models of various pieces of furniture; to form interest in actions with building material; nurture interest in joint activities with adults.

3. Theme: "Path in the garden"

Tasks: to promote the formation of elementary design skills in children; encourage the desire to beat the building.

4. Topic: "Slide with ladders"

Tasks: improve basic design skills; expand children's ideas about objects in the immediate environment.


1. Topic: "Truck Tracks"

Tasks: develop the ability to build paths from bricks; arouse interest in beating the building; educate respect for the buildings of peers.

2. Theme: "Furniture for dolls"

Tasks: to form in children the ability to build according to the model and analyze the building, use details of different colors in the construction; develop the desire for gaming and speech communication.

3. Theme: "Table and chair"

Tasks: to develop in children the ability to distinguish and name building parts (cube, plate, brick, to form the ability to use parts, taking into account their structural properties (stability, shape, size); to raise interest in jointly playing with buildings.

4. Theme: "Car"

Tasks: to form the ability to perform construction according to the model; improve design skills; cultivate interest in objects of the immediate environment.

5. Topic: "Gates for different machines"

Tasks: to form the ability to build a structure according to a model, using additional materials according to one’s own design; develop the skill of independent organization of the game with buildings; nurture the desire to share parts and toys with partners in the game.


1. Topic: "Zoo" (building cages for animals)

Tasks: develop the ability to build animal cages from bricks according to the model. Develop partnerships, verbal interaction during the gameplay. Raise interest in the animal world.

2. Theme: "Furniture for dolls"

Tasks: develop the ability to build according to the model, using details of different colors, analyze the building. Develop a desire for gaming and speech communication.

3. Topic: “Tower. Getting to know the ‘‘pyramid principle’’”

Tasks: develop the ability to design from drawings, photographs. Reinforce the concepts of "high", "low".

4. Topic: "Table and chair for Mishutka"

Tasks: to develop in children the ability to distinguish and name building details (cube, plate, brick, the ability to use them, taking into account structural properties (stability, shape, size).


1. Theme: “Room for dolls”

Tasks: to exercise children in building models of furniture according to the presentation. To develop the ability to use in the work such a property of building parts as interchangeability.

2. Topic: "The gates are wide and narrow"

Tasks: to improve the ability to construct various buildings according to given conditions. Clarify the meaning of the concepts "wide - narrow".

3. Topic: "Garland - a chain of rings"

Tasks: develop the ability to glue rings from multi-colored strips of paper. To form a desire to create New Year's attributes with your own hands. Cultivate accuracy, attention; develop fine motor skills.

4. Topic: "Furniture for the Snow Maiden"

Tasks: continue to acquaint children with the character - the Snow Maiden. Expand children's ideas about familiar objects in the world around them. Develop the ability to play with your buildings.


1. Topic: "Kennel for a dog"

Tasks: improve the ability to design according to drawings, photographs. Continue to form ideas about the concepts of "high - low".

2. Theme: "Furniture for the doll"

Tasks: improve the ability to build in a certain sequence, change buildings by building on. Raise interest in playing with dolls.

3. Theme: "Furniture for Santa Claus"

Tasks: expand children's ideas about the New Year's character. Continue to form the children's skills to perform buildings in the right sequence, independently come up with a plot to beat their building.

4. Theme: "House for the chanterelle"

Tasks: to form the ability to build a house for a fox and beat your building. To cultivate independence, the desire to take care of the character of a fairy tale.


1. Topic: "Funny snakes" (paper)

Tasks: to form the ability of children to see the possibilities of aesthetic transformation of objects. Develop activity, independence.

2. Theme: "House for a bunny"

Tasks: to develop the ability of children to build a house according to their own plan, to beat their building. To form game interaction during the game.

3. Theme: "Airplane" (paper)

Tasks: to form the ability to perform paper crafts. To develop the interest] of children in the "revival" of the applicative image.

4. Topic: "Furniture store"

Tasks: develop the ability to carry out buildings that are different in size, height, width. To cultivate friendly interaction with peers in joint games.


1. Topic: "Building a house"

Tasks: develop children's ideas about the shape, size and color of objects. To form an interest in the design of houses.

2. Theme: "Furniture for dolls"

Tasks: develop the ability to build according to the model, analyze the building, use details of different colors in it. Develop a desire for gaming and speech communication.

3. Topic: "Matryoshka house"

Tasks: to form the ability to create buildings with internal free space. Raise the desire to bring joy to your favorite toy.

4. Topic: “Gate for a truck”

Tasks: improve the ability to build a building according to the model, using additional materials according to your plan. Develop the ability to beat buildings, share parts and toys with other children.


1. Theme: "Zoo"

Tasks: continue to develop the ability to build animal cages from bricks placed on the narrow long and narrow short sides close to each other or at a certain distance from each other. Develop cognitive interest, memory, imagination.

2. Theme: "Tower"

Tasks: develop the ability to design from drawings, photographs. To form an idea of ​​​​the concepts of "high - low". Develop the ability to beat buildings, share parts and toys with other children.

3. Topic: "A beautiful house for a bunny"

Tasks: to form in children an idea of ​​\u200b\u200bown significance - I can help the bunny. To develop the ability of children to design according to drawings, photographs.

4. Theme: "Kennel for the dog"

Tasks: develop the ability to independently design a familiar object, if desired, use drawings, photographs. To consolidate the concepts of "high - low".

1. Topic: "Houses on our street"

Tasks: to improve the skills of children to build models of houses of different heights. To form the ability to use their buildings in story games.

2. Theme: "House for the gnome"

Tasks: develop the ability to build a house for the character and beat him. Raise the desire to bring joy to your favorite toy.

3. Theme: "Town"

Tasks: promote the manifestation of children's initiative; encourage the desire to use the acquired constructive skills in the game.

4. Theme: "Bridges"

Tasks: improve children's skills to build according to the scheme. Develop the ability to beat buildings, share parts and toys with other children.


1. Kutsakova L. V. "Design and artistic work in kindergarten", M., shopping center "Sphere", 2010

2. Grisik T. I. et al., Rainbow. Planning work in a kindergarten with children 3-4 years old, M .: Education, 2012

Thank you for attention!

Building a fence around the lake


  • To learn to distinguish and name such building details as a brick, to build elementary buildings by combining familiar forms of building material, they are introduced to the dependence of the stability of parts on their location on a plane.
  • To teach to arrange the bricks horizontally in a quadrangle, putting them close to each other, to change the buildings by building them up in length.
  • Develop a desire to build buildings according to your own design, combine them according to the plot and beat them.

Demo material:

  • A set of constructor for each child; toys: ducklings, fox.
  • Blue sheet of paper (lake).

Preliminary work:

Mobile game: "Cunning Fox".

Examination of various buildings made from small and large constructors.

Lesson progress:

Our ducks in the morning

Quack-quack-quack! Quack-quack-quack!

One day the ducks gathered in the lake to swim. They walk, walk, suspect nothing. And behind them, the fox is watching how to grab the duckling and eat it for dinner ...

See how many ducks are on your tables? That's right, a lot. Take one. Look how small she is. What else is she? (yellow). And what is the beak? (Red). Let your duck swim in the lake. What color is it? That's right, blue. This is how little ducks walk and swim in a big lake!

Phys. minute.

But a sly fox is watching our ducks (showing a fox toy), she can scare them.

Guys, let's fence the lake. But for this we need building material. Look at what's on your table. What are these items called? (showing bricks, children's answers). But from these bricks we will build a strong, strong fence. Bricks should be placed on a narrow long side, close to each other, so that the cunning fox does not get to the ducks. (Sets one brick). To make the fence beautiful, build it from bricks of different colors. (In front of each child in piles are bricks of two colors).

Children build a fence around the lake. At the end of the lesson, I evaluate the work of children on behalf of a toy - a fox: “What a fence Arina built: the bricks are crowded, even, I can’t get to her duck!” (The fox is playing with them - trying to catch up with the ducks).

And so that the fox no longer bothers our ducklings, let's play with her, and she will become kind.

Mobile game: "Cunning Fox". The game is repeated 3 times.

Guys, well done. You liked the game. Children's answers.

For such strong and beautiful fences, the ducks have prepared a surprise for you. They give surprises.

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