We teach the child to write numbers correctly. Teaching a child to write numbers correctly Write numbers correctly

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for teaching the writing of numbers

Addressed for primary school teachers.

By the end of the first year, all students should have mastered the skill of writing numbers. Practice shows that writing numbers causes certain difficulties for schoolchildren.

A six-year-old child sees the figure as a whole, without highlighting the elements in it. Hence the distortion of numbers and their elements in writing. Therefore, it is so important at the first stages of learning to write numbers to pay attention to the initial analysis and synthesis of each number, comparison and comparison of identical elements of numbers of different configurations.

Technique for teaching the writing of numbersincludes the following steps:

  1. Sample analysis. Before proceeding to explain the writing of a number, it is necessary to show the children its sample, consider it together, find out what elements the number consists of (sticks, roundings, a wavy line), in which numbers these elements have already been encountered.
  1. Demonstration by the teacher of the visual writing of numbers.The teacher's showing of the writing of the number should be accompanied by brief explanations about which line is drawn, where it begins, in which direction it is led and where it ends, what the next line will be.
  1. Preparation for writing numbers:

a) "letter in the air" -children, taking pens, in the air repeat the order and sequence of writing the number, which makes it possible to remember the general movement of the hand;

b) writing on tracing paper or plastic stencil -the next step to help the first grader move on to writing the number of the desired size.

Students writing numbers.The teacher must observe the writing of the first numbers in order to timely correct the spelling.

Before learning how to write numbers, the teacher needs to remember the following:

  • all numbers are written with a height of a cell in its right half and "rest" on its right side;
  • the width of the digit should be approximately 2 times less than its height.

Hygienic writing rules:

  • you need to sit straight without touching the table with your chest;
  • legs should stand with the whole foot on the floor or on a stand;
  • when writing, the head must be tilted slightly to the left (for those who write with the right hand) and to the right (for those who write with the left hand);
  • The handle should be held with three fingers: thumb, forefinger and middle, while the ring and little fingers must be bent to the palm. The fingers from the rod are located at a distance of 1-1.5 cm;
  • the notebook lies at an angle to the edge of the table. The beginning of the line on the page where the work is in progress is in the middle of the chest;
  • you can not change the slope of the notebook while writing.

A six-year-old child quickly gets tired while writing, since his spine has not yet fully strengthened, the small muscles of the hand are insufficiently developed, and fine and precise coordination of movements. Before writing, during, as well as after writing, he needs to prepare his hand, relax his muscles, and change his posture. The following can help with this. exercises:

  • put your hands together with your palms and stretch them forward. Spread the hands to the sides without opening the wrists;
  • squeeze the fingers of one hand one at a time to make a fist. Unclench them one at a time. Perform the exercise with the other hand in the same way;
  • stretch your arms forward in front of your chest. Clench the fingers of your right hand into a fist. Unclench the fingers of your right hand. Clench the fingers of your right hand into a fist. Unclench the fingers of your left hand. Perform alternately;
  • palms together, fingers locked in a lock. Bend and unbend your fingers alternately;
  • Put your hands, fingers apart, on the table. Alternately tap the table with each finger of one or the other hand.

Each physical pause must include 2-3 exercises.

Methodical commentary on writing numbers

Number 1 consists of two elements - sticks, one of which is shorter than the other. A small stick is written first. They begin to write it a little higher than the center of the cell and lead to the upper right corner of the cell. Then write the main oblique stick from the upper right corner to the middle of the lower side of the cell.

Number 2 consists of an upper small semi-oval, oblique and wavy lines. They begin to write a number slightly above the center of the cell, lead a line up, round it in the upper right corner, and draw an oblique line to the middle of the lower side of the cell. Then a wavy line is written along the bottom side of the cell (up, down, up).

Number 3 consists of upper and lower small semi-ovals. They begin to write a number slightly above the center of the cell (approximately in the same part of the cell as the number 2). The beginning of writing the first element of the number 3 is very similar to the first element of the number 2. The upper half-oval is brought almost to the center of the cell and, without lifting the pen from the paper, write the lower half-oval. The lower semi-oval is slightly larger than the upper one.

Number 4 consists of three sticks. They begin to write the first stick slightly to the right of the middle of the upper side of the cell and lead it to the center of the cell. Tearing off the pen from the paper, they write a third stick, which starts just above the middle of the right side of the cell, and lead an oblique line to the middle of the lower side of the cell.

Number 5 consists of a small straight stick, a right semi-oval and a horizontal wavy line. First, a small, straight stick is written. They begin to write it slightly to the right of the middle of the upper side of the cell (like the number 4) and lead obliquely to the center of the cell. From this point, write a small right semi-oval, the same as the second element of the number 3. Then, from the top left to right, write the last element (stick slightly bent down). Its beginning coincides with the beginning of the first digit element, and the element ends in the upper right corner of the cell.

Number 6 consists of a large left and small right semi-ovals. They begin to write a number slightly below the upper right corner of the cell. In the upper right corner of the cell, they make a rounding, write a large left semi-oval, touch the middle of the lower side of the cell, lead the line up, rounding it to the left slightly above the middle of the cell.

Number 7 consists of a wavy line, large and small sticks. They begin to write a wavy line just below the middle of the upper side of the cell, bring it to the upper right corner of the cell. The spelling of the first element of the number 7 coincides with the writing of the last element of the number 2 (movement of the handle up, down, up) with the difference that for two this element is located on the lower line of the cell, and for seven - under the upper line of the cell. From the upper right corner, an oblique stick is drawn to the middle of the bottom side of the cage, as in the number 1. The small horizontal stick should cross out the long stick approximately in the middle.

Number 8 consists of upper and lower small ovals. The upper oval is slightly smaller than the lower one. They begin to write it a little lower and to the right of the middle of the upper side. Lead the line to the right and up, round it in the upper right corner of the cell, then from right to left to the middle of the lower side of the cell, round it and go up to the starting point.

Number 9 consists of a small oval and a large right semi-oval. They begin to write a number slightly below the upper right corner of the cell (approximately where the beginning of the number 6 is), lead a line up to the left, rounding it to the center of the cell, then up to the right to the starting point. From the starting point, write a large right semi-oval, touching the middle of the lower side of the cell.

Digit 0 is an oval. They begin to write the number slightly below the upper right corner of the cell (approximately in the same place where the writing of the numbers 6 and 9 begins). The first half of the number is written in the same way as for the number 6. In the upper right corner of the cell they make a rounding, write the large left semi-oval, touch the middle of the lower side of the cell, then the line smoothly goes up to the starting point.

Note: You cannot get first graders to verbally reproduce the sequence of writing numbers. The adult helps the child to speak out the actions performed:I retreat 2 cells down, one cell to the side, draw a line from the corner to the middle of the lower side of the cell, up, down, up, etc.


1. Kovalevskaya L.N. Methodical commentary on writing numbers // Pachatkova nauchivanne: syam'ya, dzitsyachy garden, school. - No. 4-2007-P.51.57.

2. Kovalevskaya L.N. Learning to write numbers in grade 1 // Pachatkova nauchivanne: syam'ya, dzitsyachy garden, school. - №7-2007-С.12.

August 2008

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Every mother wants to be proud of her child, so she tries to teach him as much as possible. Essential skills are reading and writing. Learning to write at home will affect the child's success in school in the future, his handwriting, so you should approach this in detail.

Suitable age for learning

Do not rush to put your child at a notebook if he has just recently learned to hold a pencil tightly in his hand. The problem with many modern parents is that they see their children as a chance to show and prove themselves. After all, a growing child prodigy can boast in front of friends. Who, if not his parents, noticed and developed his abilities? But it is categorically impossible to rush in learning, as well as to be late with it.

Before you teach your kid to write numbers, you need to teach him how to count to ten. Usually a child learns this by the age of five.

At three or four years old, children are usually fidgets. It is difficult for them to sit down for some activity, they do not concentrate on one thing, they cannot concentrate. If the child himself does not have a desire to learn how to write numbers, you should not force him. In the end, he will complete the task at your request, but he will do it quickly, without much enthusiasm, carelessly, just to get rid of him. It will be the beginning of the formation of an illegible, ugly handwriting.

If you nevertheless decide to take up this business (teach your child to read and write on your own), proceed correctly. Up to five years of age, do preparation, oral work in a playful way, and at five or six, the baby may already begin to try his hand at writing. Moreover, this is just the age to prepare for school. In anticipation of something new and meaningful, the child himself will With try to prepare yourself as best you can for this stage of your life.

How is learning useful?

The result of good correct training will not only be the kid's ability to display numbers:

  • Learning and writing numbers using visuals helps develop your child's creativity.
  • In the process of learning, you communicate with the child, spend time with him, become a mentor, friend, helper for him.

  • Fine motor skills of the hands develop.
  • The kid makes his first attempts to connect logical thinking.
  • Mathematical abilities, attention, memory are developing.

Try to develop in a crumb from an early age the desire to learn something new, and not just to fulfill your command. The further development of his self-development, self-education and self-control will depend on how you behave.

Studying the numbers

You can study numbers with a tiny amount in different ways - as long as he is not bored. You must all the time fuel his interest in the topic. For example, refer to your kid's favorite cartoon characters. Maybe some of them look like some kind of figure. Or they will be the heroes of the book.

Generally appeal to his imagination... Let him think and tell what or whom it looks like, for example, number 2. If it is difficult for him, find suitable illustrations yourself and show them. Perhaps this will awaken his fantasy. Use as often as possible proverbs, sayings, aphorisms, riddles, puzzles with the numbers being studied.

Draw a number in the air. Let the child guess it and then repeat it. You can also draw on sand, snow, flour or semolina.

Prepare figures in the form of numbers (you can use cardboard) and give them to the child. Let him study their forms, outlines.

You can memorize numbers using clock face and calendar. Let him find the numbers that you name, or name the ones that you show. You can associate numbers with daily activities or important events. For example, two o'clock in the afternoon is a quiet hour. January 1 - New Year.

Let her search for numbers everywhere and always, wherever you are: in a store, on a bus, in a park, at home or on a visit.

You can give the task to lay out the studied figure by hand means. It can be anything: counting sticks, pencils, buttons, toys, etc.

Most importantly, interest, captivate the baby and do not let him get bored. And, of course, learn to count to ten with him.


Before teaching a child to write correctly, it is necessary to develop fine motor skills of the hands. And also explain how to sit correctly (you need to form posture from early childhood) and hold a pencil.

Among the exercises that develop small motor function, the following can be distinguished:

  • beading;
  • modeling from plasticine, dough or clay;
  • cutting out various figures from paper, cardboard;
  • paper modeling;
  • designing, collecting mosaics, puzzles;
  • coloring pages;
  • applications from various materials;
  • Painting;
  • recipe;
  • sorting out cereals.

Before giving a child a whole number to write, it is necessary that he practice writing its individual elements: lines, hooks, circles, ovals, semi-ovals, sticks, etc.

The child needs study the cell well. He must know all its boundaries, where the center, angles, the middle of each edge are. You should also immediately explain that the figure must remain inside the cell, not go beyond its limits. It is also necessary set the angle of inclination, and that the preschool child observes it. To do this, draw a segment from the upper right corner of the cell to the lower border, more precisely, to its middle.

Learn to write in advance follows the points. Let the kid circle them in the recipes, and a number will be born in front of his eyes. This is both a good preparatory stage and a kind of positive reinforcement. The baby will see that the number is obtained and will rejoice at his success.

Explaining the correct spelling step by step

The kid must learn and remember that the height of the number is equal to the height of the cell. The digit fills a larger space in the cell. The part of the figure that is displayed on the right side of the cell is in contact with its right limit.

Number 1

We draw a straight line from a point slightly above the center of the cell to the upper right corner. Without tearing off the pencil, draw an even straight line almost to the middle of the lower border. The end point is slightly to the right of the center.

Number 2

Draw a semi-oval on top in the right sector. It occupies half of the upper right quarter of the cell. Continuing the semi-oval, we draw a straight line to the middle of the lower side. From this point we draw a winding line to the lower right corner: round it up, down and up again.

Number 3

We draw a small semi-oval in the upper sector of the cell to the right, stopping slightly to the right of the center. The rounded portions should touch the top and right ribs. Without interruption, we draw exactly the same oval, only slightly larger than the top one. The end point is slightly above the middle of the lower border of the cell.

For training, purchase math recipes. Repeat one number many times on one line. You can buy a stencil and circle numbers on it. The main thing is that the child does not lose interest in this activity.

Exercise every day for about twenty minutes so that there is a result.

For information on how to write numbers correctly, see the next video.

31 ratings

Many parents, spending a lot of time teaching the correct spelling of letters, do not pay attention to the spelling of numbers at all. But this business is also not very simple.

How many times have I watched children write numbers in a completely impossible way - 5 start from the bottom, in 8 they spend two times in one place ...

Print this template for the children and hang it directly on the wall above the baby's workplace.

Show the sequence of writing each number. Pay attention to the starting point where each number begins to be written.

Work on the spelling with your toddler, practicing every detail of the number.

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While learning to write, children master the writing of two types of signs at the same time - letters and numbers. There are many common points in teaching how to write numbers and letters, but there are also differences that you need to pay attention to if you want to teach your child the correct and beautiful spelling of numbers.

Preparatory stage

Children, as a rule, perceive the image of a figure as a whole, without dividing it into separate constituent elements. Namely, this approach is necessary in order for the child to learn how to write numbers quickly and without difficulty. Therefore, during the lesson, when you explain how this or that number is written, it is advisable to draw the child's attention to the key points in writing this or that sign.

The child should be taught to navigate well in the arrangement of the elements of the cell, which will mark up his student notebook in mathematics.

Required skills

  • The student should easily determine the right and left sides of the cage, its upper and lower borders;
  • Quickly find the center of the cell, its corners, the midpoints of all its sides;
  • It is desirable that the young student can visually divide the cell into four equal parts without any problems.
  • It is also necessary to teach how to observe the angle of inclination when writing numbers. To do this, show your child how to determine the slope by drawing a line segment that connects the upper right corner of the cell to a point in the middle of the lower edge.

For these exercises, it is better to print an enlarged layout of the cell, to put it simply, a rectangle, keeping the ratio of the proportions inherent in the notebook markup.
At the initial stage of learning, it is better to use it to teach the child to navigate well in parts of the cage.

Or you can buy ready-made options. For example, a reusable book "I'm learning to write numbers." Such books are good in that they come with a special marker that you can erase and write again. A great way to start preparing your hand for writing.

We select the recipe

A special recipe will help parents teach a young schoolchild to write numbers correctly. It is necessary to approach its selection carefully, paying attention to how the necessary educational material is presented in it. It is desirable that it be organized as follows:

The first are the numbers in black bold - these are the samples that the child should be guided by.
Behind the black numbers there should be two or three characters printed with dots or a very light shade of the font. Children will write these numbers by tracing the dots in the learning process.
Along one line there should be several numbers printed in bold, those that will serve as a model for the child (and not one - two only at the beginning of the line).

These requirements are met by the recipe “Calligraphy of numbers. Recipe for mathematics. "- these are recipes of a new generation in accordance with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard for LEO, which is an appendix to the course of mathematics according to the program of L. G. Peterson "Learning to learn" for grade 1.

We write numbers correctly

Before starting the training, we draw attention to an important point that concerns the writing of all the numbers: the height of the number is practically equal to the height of the cell, the sign should occupy most of it, while slightly shifting to the right. The part of the number that will be on the right should touch the right side of the cell.

Getting started learning

How to spell each number correctly
Step 1. Mark a point almost in the middle of the cell, just above its visual center. We connect this point with the upper right corner with a straight line.

Step 2. Connect the upper right corner of the cell with a long straight line with a dot at the bottom, approximately in the middle of the bottom line.

Step 1. Draw a small semi-oval in the upper right half of the cell.

Step 2. Extending the semi-oval, draw a straight line to the middle of the lower edge.

Step 3. We put a point, from it we draw a wavy line along the lower border. A wavy line consists of three “waves”: first up, then down, and up again.

Step 1. We draw a small semi-oval in the upper right half of the cell, rounding it off and just not bringing it to its visual center.

Step 2. We continue to write, moving on to the second semi-oval, it should be slightly larger than the previous one.

Step 1. Draw the first line as follows: put a point slightly to the right of the center of the upper edge, at an angle we lead to the middle. A little below the center of the cell we "unfold" the line, draw it horizontally to the right, stop, just a little short of the right side. We tear off the handle.

Step 2. Draw the last line from the upper right part of the cell down parallel to the already drawn line, stop at the very bottom of the cell.

Step 1. First, we write a small stick at a slight slope, almost along a line that visually divides the cell in half. We stop, slightly not reaching the middle.

Step 2. Draw a semi-oval, rounding it first up, then to the right, while it should touch the right side of the cell line. We finish the semi-oval, rising just above the middle of the bottom edge.

Step 3. Tear off the handle in order to draw the upper "tail". We begin to draw a "tail" at the point from which the upper oblique stick began.

This figure, unlike others, is shifted to the left of the cell.

Step 1. We begin to write an oval line approximately from the middle of the upper edge of the cell, slightly dropping down. Gradually move the oval line to the lower left corner.

Step 2. We finish drawing the semi-oval, rounding it, rising from the middle of the bottom line up to the central part. We close the oval. This figure is drawn without lifting the pen from the paper.

Step 1. Putting a point just below the middle of the upper line of the cell, draw a wavy line along it. We stop in the upper right corner.

Step 2. Without lifting the pen from the paper, draw an oblique vertical line down to the bottom border. It should end in the center of the bottom line.

Step 3. To draw a small stick, tear off the pen from the paper. We cross out the vertical line along the visual line dividing our cell in half.

Step 1. Start drawing the top oval by placing a point approximately in the middle of the cell, closer to its right edge. We draw an oval "drop-shaped", gradually returning to the point from which we started.

Step 2. Draw the bottom oval, moving down and to the left. Having rounded the oval, we return to the central point from which we began to draw the upper part of the number.

Step 1. We draw this sign as follows: first draw the upper part, placing a point slightly below the upper corner of the cell, on its right side. We draw the line down, to the left, and then up. You should get a small oval tilted to the right.

Step 2. Having reached the point from which we started drawing, we go through it, dropping to the lower border of the cell. Round off the line by raising the "tail" of the nine just above the bottom edge of the cage.

Step 1. Draw an ordinary oval, keeping in mind its inclination to the right. We put a point just below the upper right corner along the right border of the cell. We draw a semicircle, moving in a circle counterclockwise, go down.

Step 2. We finish drawing zero, completely closing the oval, rising from the bottom of the cell to the point on its right side from which we started.

Using this technique, you can quickly and effectively teach a small child the correct spelling of numbers. And having mastered the numbers, you can learn and

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