Topics design lesson 1 junior group. Abstract of a design lesson in the first junior group

Antipyretics for children are prescribed by a pediatrician. But there are emergency situations for fever in which the child needs to be given medicine immediately. Then the parents take responsibility and use antipyretic drugs. What is allowed to be given to infants? How can you bring down the temperature in older children? What are the safest medicines?

Synopsis of a design lesson with children of the 1st group. Topic: "Crib for little fairies."
Program content: Teach children to make the simplest buildings for display. Learn to make a bed out of a sponge bricks lying flat and two other bricks placed vertically to it along the edges. To develop the ability to analyze and convey in buildings the mutual arrangement of parts of an object. Foster a positive attitude towards action.
Handouts: sponges for each child, little dolls.
Musical accompaniment: "Waltz of the Flowers", "Sounds of the Forest, Birds" "Lullaby"
Organizing time
The course of the lesson. Music sounds, children enter the hall. The carpet is decorated with beautiful flowers.
Educator: Guys, look where we got to? What a beauty, how many beautiful flowers in our meadow.
"We came to the spring meadow, and found magical flowers"
Everyone will come up to the flower and see who is hiding in the flowers? Little flower fairies live in the flowers. Let's take them on handles.
Our little fairies are sleeping in flowers, they must be uncomfortable sleeping.
Guys, what are you sleeping on?
Children: On cots
Educator: Let's build cribs for our little fairies.
Children pass with dolls to the table, on which is a box of sponges.
Educator: Guys, put your dolls on the table and let's remember what we used to build cribs from?
Children: From cubes.
Educator: Look, what kind of box is on our table? Let's open it. Zhenya, what is in our box?
Zhenya: Sponges.
Educator: That's right, there are sponges in the box, but unusual, magical. From these sponges, we will build cribs for our fairies.
Borya, what color are the sponges in our boxes?
Borya: Red, yellow, blue, green.
Educator: Well done, he said correctly. Nastenka, and what sponges are hard or soft?
Nastya: Soft.
Educator: Correctly soft sponges.
The sponge can be squeezed, it becomes small, and when you unclench, the sponge becomes as it was, it took its shape.
Educator: And now I will show you how to properly build a crib for our fairies.
I will take two sponges lying flat and connect them to each other with long sides, then I will put one more sponges on the sides, these will be the backs of the crib. So it turned out a crib for my fairy.
Educator: Come on and you try it. Everyone will take their own sponges according to the color they like. Zhenya, what lips will you take?
Zhenya: Reds.
Educator: And you Borya, what color will you take? Take it soon.
Borya: Yellow.
Educator: Nastya, what color will she take?
Nastya: Green.
Educator: What color did you leave for Ilya?
Ilyusha: Blue.
Educator: Let's start building your beds, and I will help you.
Slow music sounds. Children build their own cribs for their little fairies.

Educator: What great fellows, beautiful cots you have turned out. Now let's put your fairies down and put them to sleep.

A lullaby sounds, children patting and cradling their dolls.

Educator: Guys, your fairies fell asleep in a sweet dream.

Guys, what did we make cribs out of today?

Children: From sponges.

Educator: What sponges are soft or hard?

Children: Soft.

Educator: Well done, guys, you all tried very hard.

Tatiana Ershova
Abstract of a design lesson in the first junior group "Fence for pets"

Topic: « Fence for pets»

Target: To get children interested in playing with building materials.


To form the ability of children to distinguish objects by height ( "high Low") ;

Develop the ability to construct a building according to a model.

To cultivate perseverance, the ability to build solid buildings.

The ways: Conversation, looking at pictures, playing motivation,

finger gymnastics, joint construction brick fence,


Facilities: Pictures with picture fences, construction details

material (bricks and cubes of different colors, doll, toys- homemade


Activity progress:

The teacher examines with the children pictures depicting different

fences(high and low, made of bricks and cubes).Conversations about the appointment

fences, about what they are.

Asks children to show high and low in pictures fences.

There is a knock on the door: (arrival of Katya doll)

Educator: Children, look, and for some reason the doll Katya is very sad,

Katya, what happened to you?

The doll tells that she cannot collect pets... As if

I did not try, they still scatter.

Educator: Children, let's help the doll Katya, what needs to be done to animals did not run away? What do you think?

Children: Need to build fence.

Educator: That's right, children, you need to build fence.

I have a magic box. Let's see what lies in it.

Children get bricks and cubes out of the box.

Educator: What is it?

Children: Brick.

Educator: What color is the brick?

Children: Red.

Educator: And what's that?

Children: This is a cube.

Educator: What color is the cube?

Children: Blue.

Educator: What do we need bricks and cubes for?

Children: To build fence.

Educator: Children, look at our schemes, according to what scheme we can

build fence(the teacher, together with the children, consider the schemes

buildings fences). The teacher invites children to build fence from

bricks, because it will be high and animals will not scatter.

The teacher invites the children to sit comfortably at the tables and play with


Finger gymnastics is performed "Lock".

“There is a lock on the door,

Who could open it?

Twisted, twisted….

And opened (children perform play actions as shown by the teacher)»

Then the teacher proposes to start building together fence,

reminds children to attach bricks to each other

close to a friend, then the fence will be durable.

Educator: Here's how wonderful we got it fence... What is he like?

Low or High?

The children's answers are high.

Educator: Is it durable? Let's check, get some air through our nose

and let's blow on fence... What happened? The fence did not fall... The doll Katya smiles.

Educator: Well done children! Durable built fence... Look, Katya,

how tall and strong fence turned out for our children. Now yours

animals they will not scatter anywhere.

Doll Katya: Thanks guys! You helped me a lot!



Who came to visit us today?

Whom did we help?

What have we built?

Which one then we made a fence?

And now I suggest you help Katya to collect animals behind the fence.

Abstract educational activities on designing

v first youngest group.

Topic: "Construction fence for pets»

Prepared and conducted

Ershova T.N.

2015-2016 account year

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Nina Radaeva
Abstract of a design lesson in the first junior group "A tower of cubes"

Abstract of a design lesson in the first junior group« Tower of cubes»

Educator: Radaeva Nina Petrovna

Integration of educational areas: "Social and communicative development", "Speech development", "Artistic and aesthetic development".

Target benchmark: to form a skill in children turret design modeled with an adult.


Develop a productive (constructive) activity.

Exercise in the ability to impose cube per cube.

Encourage the use of nesting dolls to play around with buildings.

Repeat A. Kuleshova's poem "Nice doll - matryoshka ..."

Form a habit of putting toys back in place at the end of the game.

Encourage people to use their name.

To teach to listen to poems, to accompany the reading by showing toys and other visual aids.

To form the ability to answer the simplest questions.

Improve the ability to perform dance movements.

Educational results: Ability to distinguish cube, the ability to construct a tower with the help of an adult, to unfold the game around the building, the ability to say your name, greet at the reminder of an adult, listen to verses that are available in content, the ability to accompany play actions with speech, the ability to perform movements as shown by the teacher.

A type classes: frontal class.

Equipment: Demo - sample, 3-4 cubes, toy - matryoshka; handouts - 3-4 cubes, a toy for playing up to every child.

The course of the lesson.

A matryoshka comes to visit the children.

Educator: Children, look, who came to visit us? This is a matryoshka doll. She greeted you. Let's say her: "Hello, matryoshka!"

The kids greet the toy in unison.

Educator: Well done boys. Matryoshka wants to meet you. Matryoshka, my name is Nina. Who wants to get acquainted with the matryoshka?

The teacher encourages the children to give their name.

The teacher reads a poem by A. Kuleshova.

Nice doll - matryoshka,

Where are the pens

Where are the legs?

Oh, what cheeks,

Red, rosy!

Flowers on the apron

And on a sundress.

Educator: Matryoshka loves to play with children. Let's play with the matryoshka? We will build for her turret.

Children: (in chorus) Yes.

Educator: That's how high I made the turret... I have built a tower of cubes. The cube lies on the cube... Here is such we will build a turret.

Educator: Look how I build the tower. I take cube and put it on the table, take more cube and put it on the cube, and one more I put the cube on the cube... A high tower turned out.

Educator: How I built the tower. First I put one cube, put on it yet cube and another cube.

Educator: And now you take dice and build a tower... Put cube per cube... Place carefully cubes to prevent the tower from collapsing.

Educator: How much turrets turned out! all beautiful turrets... which one turret will this matryoshka choose? She chose Julia's turret. Turret high, cubes stand neatly on top of each other.

Educator: Now I will give each of them a matryoshka. Vanya, bring the matryoshka to your tower and invite her to see how tall the tower is, go around the tower and put the matryoshka on the tower. Now, children, invite your matryoshka to go around your tower and put the matryoshka on the tower.

Matryoshka praises the children, thanks for the built towers and asks them to carefully disassemble the buildings and fold them cubes in a box.

Educator: Children listen to an excerpt from a poem by V. Berestov.

All the people are looking into windows:

Nesting dolls went to dance.

Eight dance in a circle

And the ninth sings.

Educator: Guys, let's dance too. A nesting doll came to visit us, and now we will turn into nesting dolls and will dance.

Dance "Funny nesting dolls" (music by Y. Slonov, lyrics by L. Nekrasova).

We are funny nesting dolls

Okay, okay! Children clap their hands.

We have boots on our feet.

Okay, okay! Stomp their feet.

We walk in motley sundresses,

Okay, okay! Half squat.

We are like sisters

Okay, okay! Make flashlights.

We tied our handkerchiefs.

Okay, okay! "Handkerchiefs are being tied"

Our cheeks are flushed

Okay, okay! They show their cheeks with their hands, turning their head to the right and to the left.

Matryoshka praises the children, says goodbye and leaves.

List of used literature:

1. Litvinova O. E. Construction with children of early preschool age. Abstract joint activities with children 2-3 years: textbook. -method. allowance. - SPb .: "PUBLISHING HOUSE CHILDHOOD-PRESS, 2015. - 160 p.

2. Construction from building materials Visual and didactic complex. 2-3 years. M.; Ed. Teacher, 2014.

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Abstract of a design lesson in the first junior group "Fence for pets" Topic: "Fence for Pets" Purpose: To get children interested in playing with building materials. Tasks: - To form the ability of children to distinguish.

Tatiana Profyeva

Software content: Explaining to children that there are simple techniques designing... We learn to connect parts by placing them horizontally or vertically on a plane. We will tell you what details are there and how they are called. Note that the details vary in size and color. We teach children that the house consists of walls, floor, roof, windows and doors. And also how they are located in space - above, below, in front. We teach build house in a given sequence. We evoke a feeling of compassion for a homeless toy, as well as a desire to help her.

Activating the dictionary: porch,

Necessary materials:

matryoshka, bear, pictures with the image houses for animals and insects, pictures of city streets - for demonstration,

constructor wooden, small nesting dolls or any other figurines - handouts.

Preliminary work: We look at photographs of city streets with children. We talk about being at home there are: wooden or brick, one-story or multi-story, that they are all different. We encourage children to love their city, to walk around it, to consider the world around us.

Course of the lesson:

We put chairs in a semicircle on the carpet in advance. Class let's start with a round dance game. Children are standing on the carpet.

Knock and knock - there is a knock everywhere (knocking fist on cam)

Building a house, the house is big (showing the roof of the house with our palms above our head)

And with a porch and a chimney, (we put our palms together)

Smoke comes out of the chimney (we show smoke with lip movements)

There is a lock on the door, Who could open it? (hands in the lock)

Pulled, twisted, (according to the words, we perform movements with our hands)

They knocked and opened. We open the gates, Come all here. (we spread the palms of our hands to the sides)

Educator: What a wonderful we made a house... Let's sit on the chairs and see who has come to us. The children sit down, and the teacher puts a chair and a table in front of them. There is a knock. The teacher approaches the door, through which the Bear appears. He greets the children and meets them.

bear (educator): Hello guys! I have a problem. I have girlfriends - nesting dolls. They dont have houses and I need your help. I cooked them at home, but for some reason they do not want to live in them. Teddy bear shows pictures with image: burrows, hollows, nests, dens, anthill, aquarium.

Children answer the bear why the nesting dolls refuse to live in them. They are discussing who could live in these houses.

Educator: Well, kids, did the bear help the nesting dolls?

Children: Not.

bear: Well, I can't do it alone. Will you help me build houses for nesting dolls?

Children: Yes

The children put the chairs at the tables and return to the carpet. A minute passes on the carpet pranks:

We woke up with the sun

stretched, smiled.

Hold your hands tightly

I'll smile at myself

I'll smile at you

I smile all day

I'm not too lazy to smile!

Children sit at tables where they are waiting constructor... The teacher draws the attention of children to what he is made of (wood)... What's in constructor there are both small and large details. That the items are in different colors.

Children start build houses.

Educator: Well done, soon we will have a whole street with houses. Matryoshka in houses will live, to visit each other to go.

After construction is over, the teacher takes pictures of the children.

Educator: Working day at builders ended... Did everything work out as planned? What are you up to? What happened? (listening to the children's answers)

Consider houses, we admire them. We invite nesting dolls, let them live in houses.

Letting children play with their buildings if possible. Can be supplemented tree buildings, cars, and other heroes. We took wooden figurines from the tabletop theater.

After the game, the children collect constructor... The teacher praises them. And offers to indulge in a little fingers:

Let's invite fingers.

Little finger - What are you planning build?

Nameless - What will we be from build?

Medium - What do we need for this?

Pointer - How We Will build?

Big - What happens?

Which the house will work?

Played - 1-2 times.

Teddy bear and nesting dolls: thank the children and say goodbye to them. Well done, goodbye!

Abstract of a design lesson in the first junior group.

"Fence for kids"

* Learn to build a simple building (fence) according to an adult's display, put bricks with a short narrow side, one next to the other.

* Name the details of the building material - bricks.

* Form the ability to correctly name the color.

* Develop interest in design, attention.

Materials: handout - bricks of two colors. Demonstration - a house, figurines of kids from a table theater.

Preliminary work: reading of the fairy tale "The Wolf and 7 Kids"

Educational areas: cognitive development, artistic and aesthetic, speech, physical education.

The course of the lesson.


Guys, my mother-goat called me today and said that she had gone into the forest again, and the little kids were left alone in the hut, they are very scared, let's go visit them. The path is very far, so we will not go on foot, but take the train.

There is an outdoor game "Train", "on the way" we sing a song

The steam locomotive is going, the locomotive is going The locomotive is puffing chu, chu

Three pipes and a hundred wheels I'll fly like a bird

Three pipes and a hundred wheels Chu, chu, chu, Chu, chu, chu.chu

He drove the kids to the trailers

And the wagons creak

And the wheels are knocking

And the wheels are knocking

So, so, so, so, so, so

We stop at the table on which there is a toy crowbar.

So we arrived. Look, this is a goat's house, but you can't see the little kids, where are they?

The answers of the children are hiding, they are afraid of the wolf.


That's right, that's why they don't go out into the yard for a walk, how can we help them? Let's build a fence around the house.

Sit down at the table, look, there is building material in front of you, these are bricks, let's look at them. Look, a brick has a wide side and a narrow, long and short side. Look how beautiful the bricks are, they are all different colors (name the color of the bricks)

Now I will teach you how to build a fence, look.

To make the fence high, we put one brick with the narrow short side, then we put the other brick next to it with the narrow side, put them evenly, to each other, so that there are no gaps so that the wolf cannot get into the yard.

Help me build a fence. (children build together with the teacher)

This is how we got a fence. Tall, the wolf will not be able to get over him, strong, the kids will not be afraid to walk after him now. Let's call the kids (the children are calling, the teacher puts the figurines of the kids near the house).

The kids say thank you. You and I have done a good job, and now let's rest and play a game.

Like our kids

Feet knocking merrily

Top, top, top, top, top, top

And tired legs clap their hands

Clap, clap, clap, clap, clap, clap

And then the little kids dance side by side (squat)

So, so, so, so, so, so

And how will the evil wolf start to run to catch up (running on the spot)

Children say goodbye to the babies.

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