Unusual ideas for the new year. How fun to celebrate the New Year at home? Things to do on New Year's Eve at home

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Probably, for most, the New Year is a familiar family holiday, full of traditions, which include bowls of salads cut on the evening of December 31, TV all night and, of course, a very pleasant process of eating half-eaten dishes from the New Year's table on January 1 and 2.

December is coming to an end, the New Year's fuss begins, and the most acute question arises before the majority: where, how and with whom to celebrate the New Year.

The hostesses especially like the last point, because the first days of the year are that rare time when you don’t have to cook lunches and dinners and don’t come up with reasons for this.

Of course, it is hard to argue with the fact that the New Year is a family holiday. No wonder there is a saying "With whom you meet the new year, you will spend it with."

And so, families - both old and young - gather together on New Year's Eve. Let it be boring for some, but for others, on the contrary, it is too lively. Let it be hard in the morning from the amount of food eaten and drunk. But it's habitual.

Or maybe try to go against the habit and celebrate the New Year differently than usual? After all, it is quite real and interesting. We bring to your attention a few ideas on how to celebrate the New Year in such a way that later you will happily remember this night, which is unlike any other.

Option number 1. Rampant. Restaurant or club

This option has a lot of advantages. Firstly, no need to prepare a huge festive table in the hustle and bustle. The restaurant will do it for you.

New Year's Eve with a clear conscience can be spent in a warm bath with a cosmetic mask and your favorite magazine. Then do, slowly, make-up and put on a beautiful evening dress. Second, n You don't have to think about what to do on New Year's Eve. All this will be thought out by the organizers and animators.

However, there are also disadvantages. This way of spending New Year's Eve will require you to strength and love for noisy parties. Spending the night on your feet in a whirlwind of dances and competitions is not for you under the TV, but with a glass of champagne and a plate of herring under a fur coat, to fall through.

Another disadvantage of such leisure activities is cost and not the biggest offer- so places in a restaurant or club will have to be ordered in advance.

Having small children can also stop, but if you do not belong to strict supporters of the theory that New Year's Eve must be spent with the whole family, then you can be calm: most likely, grandmothers and grandchildren will celebrate the New Year together and enjoy communication. And mom and dad on the first of January will more than pay for their absence on New Year's Eve.

Option number 2. Loosely comfortable. Recreation center or sanatorium

Many sanatoriums and recreation centers have recently been offering programs for celebrating the New Year on their territory. Check-in is usually December 30 or 31, check-out is January 1 or 2.

Again the main bonus - g finished table and program. But there is something else: since the check-in program involves one or more overnight stays, then, tired of a noisy night, you can go to your room at any time and go to bed.

Or arrange a romantic walk around the territory of the sanatorium. It is possible that you can take your children with you on such a trip. In childhood, animators will entertain them, and late at night you can cooperate with friends or neighbors and take turns looking after the sleeping offspring.

If you are lucky with the weather, you will also be provided with such a type of leisure in the daytime as skiing or sledding through the snowy forest. Agree, the picture pleases.

True, such a pastime assumes that you have to spend time collecting things with you. Well, you will have to prepare directly for New Year's Eve not in your apartment, but in a sanatorium room. Also, don't forget about strangers around.

And of course, main problem: to book seats and, therefore, you will have to plan your time in advance.

Option number 3. Romantic. One of the capitals of Europe

And why not give up on the New Year, for example, to the Czech Republic? Or to Lithuania? Maybe to Estonia? Or to another place that is associated in your soul with romantic notions. How about Paris?

Many travel agencies offer such new year tours. As a rule, it includes travel, a New Year's banquet, accommodation in a beautiful room, walks around one of the European capitals with their luxurious Christmas trees, New Year's illumination, and elegant shop windows.

Before leaving, you will probably be taken to the water park and to some huge store where you can run through the boutiques and buy something for yourself and your loved ones as a gift.

Certainly, the cost of such a meeting of the New Year will be higher than in the native country. But you can get more impressions as well. The prospect of moving, often at night, and the problem of who to leave the children with can scare away. Here again you can connect grandmothers.

Option number 4. Comfortable and informal. Dacha

Do you even want to imagine what it's like to spend the whole night in an evening dress and high heels? But the soul requires something unusual? And I don’t want to part with the children for the whole night ...

A wonderful option especially for you: to gather several families together and go to someone's country house. Believe me, and the cottage will be glad to unscheduled guests, and you can to spend time cheerfully, sincerely and without superfluous efforts.

Of course, if you choose this New Year's option, it is better for the male part to call on the dacha the day before to heat the house for the arrival of the main company.

Salads, however, will have to be cut. Or you can just buy ready-made snacks, since our culinary skills are already quite well developed, and you are not going to spend the whole night in front of the TV screen.

After all, in nature you can come up with so many interesting activities: make a snowman at night and dance around him (in the summer it will be very pleasant to look after the beds that you fertilized on New Year's Eve with your excellent mood).

You can play forfeits or "crocodile" - games that are equally suitable for both children and adults. And in the morning take a guitar and remember the students. Just imagine: your children are already sleeping, and you are transported back a few years and again young, in love, crazy ...

And in order to maximize make your life easier, provide disposable tableware that does not require special serving, let alone washing. And also agree with your company that the clothes should be as comfortable as possible and allow you to lead an active lifestyle. And no evening dresses!

January 1, do not be lazy, kindle a fire to bask near him and fry a piece of bread with lard. Someone who, and your children will definitely be grateful and will not soon forget this New Year. Especially if you add tobogganing or skiing to the New Year's program.

Option number 5. Cozy family. Healthy lifestyle

Do you have small children? And do you think that this fact cancels the very idea of ​​​​an interesting meeting of the New Year? Nothing like this! You can give a holiday to yourself and your loved ones, and even become rested and healthy. This is quite easy to do.

So decide ahead of time which three courses and you want to see on your New Year's table. Let them be expensive or exotic, but not very difficult to prepare - take quality, not quantity.

And at a time when cutting-cooking is already in full swing in other families, children are kicked out of the kitchens in every possible way, and they whine and ask the waving adults to play together, make a knight's move: sit down and play some exciting board game or do something else common cause, for which there is not enough time on ordinary days.

Start cooking at nine o'clock in the evening: one salad, one hot dish and dessert will not take much time and effort. Set a beautiful but no frills table.

It is better in the kitchen, if its size allows - this way you will save yourself from the smells of food in the rooms and the obligatory nightly cleaning of the New Year's table, and you will not be nervous if the children drop food on the floor. Beautiful, but without too much chic, dress up. Children will also be happy with the outfits.

Dine by candlelight and you can do without a TV at all. After waiting for the chiming clock, congratulate each other. And rather go to see what gifts Santa Claus brought under the Christmas tree. Of course, do not forget to call your relatives and friends, and - a non-standard move - by one or two in the morning it is quite possible to go to bed.

Although there may be options: how about getting into the car, putting the children in the seats (who will certainly fall asleep immediately, leaving you and your husband, thus, almost alone) and go for a ride in the night city full of celebration and lights?

Or maybe you should put the kids to bed, turn on a good New Year's comedy or another movie that is significant for your family, cuddle with your husband and just be together? Do not go to visit or to the Christmas tree through force, but go to bed so that you wake up at 9-10 in the morning with a healthy head, ready for full communication with your children?

Say boring? Not at all. You just try to go for a walk on January 1 at 11: you will be rewarded with a great mood, cheerfulness and a large, almost empty morning city, which at that time is in the power of only parents of small children and dog owners - such a picture can be seen only once a year, and even then, this is far from accessible to everyone.

And after walking up, you can go to wish Happy New Year to those relatives and friends who are just departing from New Year's Eve. Just do not overdo it with your cheerful look and sense of superiority, be generous!

Choose, invent and do not be afraid to take risks! The main thing is that you meet 2012 in harmony with yourself, your family and the world around you. And traditional bowls of salads and a TV can be left in the past year without any doubt.

Ekaterina Tarazevich

Folk wisdom says how you celebrate the New Year, so you will spend it. You can argue or agree with this. But the main question, where, how and with whom to celebrate the main night of the year, remains open.

We are here to help you choose. And in this article we have collected 30 ways to celebrate the New Year.

So, let's begin?

Bus.On New Year's Eve, you can rent a bus, decorate it, prepare snacks, choose music and drive around the city all night, visiting friends and visiting places where folk festivals take place.

Anna.The heroes of the famous film go to the bathhouse every year, why don't you repeat their path? Celebrating the New Year in the steam room is good not only for the body, but also for the soul. Bath helps to relax, relieve fatigue and leave all the bad things in the past year. In addition, this is a great way to warm up, remember Russian traditions and arrange an unusual New Year's photo shoot :)

Peak.This place is ideal for romantic natures who are at one with nature. Just imagine: exactly at midnight you stand on top, look around and feel all the greatness and beauty of nature. Elbrus, Caucasus Mountains or Kilimanjaro... It's up to you to choose.

City Park.Celebrating the New Year in the park is also very romantic and at the same time budget friendly. You can take a folding table, chairs, mulled wine in a thermos, champagne, tangerines, candles and lanterns with you and go to the park half an hour before the New Year. There, among the trees and the light of lanterns, you will feel like in a snowy fairy tale.

Village.On New Year's Eve, you can go to the village to your relatives or rent a house (room) from one of the local residents. Away from the hustle and bustle of the city, you can truly enjoy the charm of this family holiday. It is here, among snow-covered fields and small rickety houses, that you can go skiing, build snowmen, warm yourself by a warm stove and drink tea from a samovar. What could be nicer?

E annual Olivier, tangerines and herring under a fur coat.Traditional New Year with family- a good option. You can visit your parents, grandparents, or gather everyone at your home and arrange a big family holiday with the main New Year's character - dad, dressed as Santa Claus.

Christmas tree.We are talking about a large city Christmas tree, around which all festivities are usually concentrated. There is entertainment here not only for adults, but also for children who will be happy to participate in competitions and frolic in the ice town.

Wish.Have a wish night. Let each family member (guest) write their little wish on a piece of paper and give it to you a week before the holiday. Agree in advance not to think of something impossible. On New Year's Eve, Santa Claus or another fairy-tale character can take out wishes from a magic box and immediately fulfill them. Children will especially enjoy this holiday.

A fun pajama party.Who said that on New Year's Eve everyone must be at the parade. This year, try to go against tradition and have a warm cozy pajama night with mulled wine, tangerines and sweets. Don't forget to stock up on soft blankets, pillows and fluffy bears for your guests :)

And an intriguing fireworks show in Australia.It is in Sydney that the world's largest fireworks show takes place every year. Sparkling, roaring and rainbow-colored skyWhat else do you need for the New Year? On a festive night, residents and guests of the city rent boats and go to the harbor. It is there that the most unforgettable light show is played over their heads.

Great place for all fireworks fans!

Yorick, poor Yorick, or New Year's Eve in theatrical style.The original way to celebrate the New Year- organize a theatrical performance at your home. Start preparing about two weeks in advance. Choose a good New Year's or Christmas play, prepare the scenery and costumes, ask all the participants in the play to learn their roles and rehearse everything well. Be sure to prepare and print invitation cards for the performance for your guests and distribute them in advance. And then the show begins!

Roof.Another incredibly romantic place. On the roof you can lay a festive table, decorate everything around and have a big party, or you can just go up to the roof with glasses 10 minutes before the New Year and spend the last moments of the outgoing year there. It's so magical- to simultaneously see hundreds of lights burning in the windows, and to understand that in each of them at that moment they are celebrating a holiday.

Forest.An option for those who are not afraid to freeze. New Year in a tent or in a house in the woods can't be bad. Fresh air, a huge starry sky and snowflakes fluttering overhead ...

Sea.For those who are frozen in anticipation of the annual miracle, the best place to celebrate- sea coast. There, among the palm trees, warm breeze and shells, you will feel truly happy.

Night in red colors.The main color of the coming year of the rooster- Red. Make this color the leitmotif of your feast. Let the outfits, table setting, gifts and decor be decorated in different shades of red. Scarlet, carrot, madder, burgundy, titian, crimson, massaka ... The palette is very diverse. By the way, contests that will help you plunge into the symphony of color will be a great addition to your holiday of color.

Oh carnival!Another way to have fun in the New Year- go to a costume party or organize one at your home. The holiday will become even more fun if you try to come up with and make your own costume.

A train.Have you ever met the New Year on a train? A great idea for a celebration for the brave. The chiming clock to the sound of wheels, the flickering of lights outside the windows and endless train romance. New acquaintances, at least with a conductor, are provided. And also- sincere conversations and fragrant tea with tangerines.

Rio de Janeiro.In Rio! It is there that every year the largest New Year's party in the world is held. Hand the 4-kilometer beach of Copacabana gathers more than 2 million people dressed in all white. Dances, fireworks and a huge living white sea with burning lighters and mobile phone screens.

From achar.Today, the New Year can be celebrated even in the desert, or ratherin a caravan crossing the Sahara Desert! In order to carry out such an unusual undertaking, you just need to book a budget desert tour in Morocco (10 days) and rent a camel. Among the endless sands, the New Year will seem especially incredible!

T yumen and hot springs.A real exotic in a cold winter: the temperature outside is -25 -30 degrees, there is snow around, and clouds of steam rise from the water. And you celebrate the New Year not in an evening dress, but in a bathing suit.

Cleaning.Arrange a real cleaning right on New Year's Eve. Yes, don't be surprised. This is exactly what the people of Edinburgh do. Throw away everything unnecessary from the house on New Year's Eve. You can turn this seemingly boring activity into a real quest for yourself and your guests. Set up a game« 12 unnecessary things "- Hide 12 items around the house to throw away and have guests follow the clues laid out here and there to find them all. It's fun!

Let everyone who is going to visit you bring a couple of unnecessary things with them.- build an unusual NG tree out of all this junk, and then arrange a photo session with it. At the end of this action, you can safely take all the trash to the trash can.

Flashlights.Have a night of Chinese paper lanterns. At midnight, go outside and launch glowing cylinders high, high into the sky. Don't forget to make a wish :)

X rushchevka. Who said home is bad? There is no better place to celebrate the New Year than your small cozy apartment. It is there that it is best to say goodbye to the sadness of the past year and open the doors for new joyful moments. There won't be many of them this year. We promise :)

C branch greenhouse.For those who yearn for summer. It is not easy to get to such a place on New Year's Eve, but if you really want to, you can organize a New Year's rehearsal in advance. Among the bright fragrant flowers, you begin to believe in beauty even more, and therefore go to the greenhouse, for example, on the afternoon of December 31- great idea. There you can get your portion of summer and a charge of vivacity, which will last for a long time.

A wonderful trip to Veliky Ustyug.A good option for families with children. New Year's Eve visiting Santa Claus will definitely be remembered and will delight both kids and adults.

W smart karaoke bar.A great place for lovers of songs until dawn and noisy parties. Here, in a warm company, you can once again demonstrate your talent and really have fun.

Shch astier.This is the place where the New Year will definitely be the best. May each of us visit there many times in the coming year.

b, b, b. Celebration options for the most daring and desperate :)

Eiffel Tower.The most romantic place to celebrate the New Year is the Champs Elysees in Paris overlooking the New Year's Eiffel Tower. On a festive night, thousands of fireworks fly over it. Amazing spectacle!

Yu Moristic New Year.Good jokes cheer everyone up, especially during the holidays. May His Majesty Humor rule in your house this New Year's Eve. Prepare jokes and anecdotes, remember funny stories that happened to you and your loved ones this year, ask children and guests to show funny scenes, watch the most fervent KVN episodes. And then the night will turn into a real holiday of fun!

I'm pony.Have a Japanese New Year's Eve. Japanese cuisine, kimono, sake... And a lot of bells that should ring at midnight. In Japan, it is customary to ring the bells 108 times at X hour. There, in an instant, all the bell towers of local temples begin their sacred chime. Fascinating action! Try again :)

Happy New Year!

They say that waiting is painful and exciting. Especially when you are looking forward to the approach of the kindest holiday of the year - the New Year. But if thoughts are overshadowed by a lack of funds, the approach of any event becomes torture. Leave gloomy thoughts. After all, it is quite possible to celebrate the New Year inexpensively.

Where to cheaply celebrate the New Year: choose the direction

Indeed, often a pretentious solemn banquet in a prestigious restaurant on New Year's Eve turns out to be a boring dinner with memorized toasts, from which you just want to escape.

And a party with friends in a hostel on New Year's Eve leaves an indelible impression. Agree, a good mood and impressions do not depend at all on the high cost of the interior and the variety of snacks.

But everyone perceives the question of where to spend the New Year inexpensively, in their own way, depending on the goals of the celebration and financial capabilities. Someone just wants to save money on a holiday and chooses where to relax for the New Year inexpensively abroad or on exotic islands. And you can find an unlimited number of such offers on the network.

And someone really has a limited budget, every penny counts, and the question of where to celebrate the New Year inexpensively is critical.

Do not refuse the holiday due to the complete lack of finances or a limited budget.

Therefore, we propose to consider where to spend the New Year on a budget with absolutely no investment or with minimal spending.

Where to celebrate the New Year on a budget: the most low-budget ideas

Many people, after meeting the New Year warmly at a rich table, go to the city square to continue the celebration.

We suggest not to wait, but to dress warmly, and go outside before midnight. Believe me, there will be plenty of people who want to celebrate the New Year in the open air. And the gathering place is marked - the city square.

It is not necessary to stock up on snacks and champagne. Especially in the cold it is better not to drink alcohol.

It will be enough to take a thermos with coffee or hot tea with you. Here you can find new friends and like-minded people.

Accept congratulations and congratulate strangers yourself. Folk festivals, dances, songs, fireworks - what else is needed for a fun holiday.

Do not like noisy companies - choose sparsely populated places. In the city, for any reason, there are beautiful places where crowds do not gather on New Year's Eve.

For privacy, the shore of a lake or river, a gazebo in a snowy park are suitable. You don't need any money to visit these places. And what to take with you, choose at your discretion.

Even a few tangerines, chocolate and mulled wine will create a festive atmosphere.

But you can completely refuse snacks. Spend time playing snowballs, downhill, throwing snowballs. Especially this idea will appeal to children.

New Year's Eve with the family in the nearest park will be remembered for a long time. Is there a park or forest nearby? Just go outside. Even if there are no like-minded people here at midnight, immediately after the chiming clock, there will be a lot of people who want to have fun in the air.

Where is the budget and unusual to celebrate the New Year?

City New Year's festivities seem boring and mundane? Looking for options where to celebrate the New Year inexpensively, but unusually?

Rise to the roof of a multi-storey building. Having a party on the roof is not a new idea, but few people decide to celebrate the New Year in this way. But it's so interesting to watch the festive city from above, when the whole world is right at your feet on New Year's Eve.

Just don't forget the safety rules. And do not climb onto the roof with small children.

It will not be superfluous to take blankets and warming mulled wine in a thermos with you.

Or go underground, where you can spend the New Year cheaply right in the subway car. Immediately at midnight, there are those who are in a hurry and those who are late.

And they will gladly join your idea to congratulate strangers on a holiday in an unusual place. All expenses for such a holiday will consist of the cost of tokens, champagne and disposable cups.

Where to cheaply celebrate the New Year with friends

The easiest option for organizing an inexpensive holiday is to set the table in a pool. Such a prototype of the "student" style is popular not only among youth companies, but also among couples.

Divide the cost of buying food, fireworks for all participants in the holiday.

You will have to pre-compile, write a script and calculate the cost of everything you need for the holiday. You can distribute not only cash costs, but also responsibilities.

Let someone take over the preparation and conduct of the festive program, the other is responsible for decorating the Christmas tree and the room, and several people prepare the year and.

Another cost sharing option is to invite everyone to bring a tasty or.

A youth company, for which the question of where to celebrate the New Year cheaply is more critical, can rent an apartment. But it is better to find a suitable room and make an advance payment in advance.

Or go with the whole company to nature. More expensive options are to rent a country house or cottage, relax in a boarding house. But it's better to just find a house in the village, which is rented by local residents, or a hunting lodge. It is even better if someone in the company has their own country house.

Where to celebrate the New Year cheaply and cheerfully?

We invite you to take a short Christmas trip. But not for foreign countries, but for guests.

Put on a Santa Claus or Snow Maiden costume and go to visit relatives, acquaintances, friends.

Believe me, any doors will open before you on New Year's Eve.

And for cheerful and kind congratulations, they will pour a glass of champagne and feed you a salad.

Just do not forget that you came to visit to congratulate, cheer the owners of the house, and not to eat from the heart. In order not to look like an uninvited guest, do not linger for a long time, but recover to the next point of your New Year's trip.

Where and how to have a cheap holiday for the New Year?

Options where you can relax on New Year's Eve inexpensively, it is better to look for either long before the holiday, or in the last days of the year.

In the first case, you can save on the cost of the flight, the tour itself through booking or prepayment.

Moreover, tour operators offer to break the payment for the rest into several stages, which will not be so expensive for the family budget.

When buying vouchers at the last moment, you can find interesting options for "burning vouchers" that allow you to relax on New Year's Eve in interesting places for mere pennies.

But keep in mind that there is always a risk of not buying a ticket at all. Therefore, think over alternative options where to have a budget holiday for the New Year.

You can save money on paperwork for the trip. It is better to choose countries that do not require a visa or go on a tour of your native country.

If the priority is not to celebrate the New Year abroad, but to rest for the New Year holidays, choose tours with arrival and departure that do not coincide with the dates of the celebration. Such tours will be much cheaper.

For lovers of European shopping, it is better to go on a trip in early January - it is during this period that sales begin.

Plan your expenses, choose budget and interesting offers. Lack of money or a limited budget is not a reason to refuse to celebrate the New Year. You can always find options for an inexpensive holiday for the New Year, which will appeal to you.

Video: where it is cheap to relax on New Year's Eve without a visa

We offer you to get acquainted with the options for inexpensive recreation in the video.

In a series of holidays, the New Year in our country occupies a special place, it is the most beloved family holiday! How to organize it so that it is not only sincere, but also original and fun? Here are a couple of ideas.

1. We arrange at home the New Year's "Christmas tree commotion"

The beautiful Christmas tree is an invariable attribute of the New Year holiday - without it, a Russian person cannot celebrate the New Year. And if you feel sorry for the natural Christmas tree? They chop her poor “under the very root” ... And you don’t want an artificial one. In this case, we propose to arrange a "Christmas tree commotion" in the house - many different "trees" instead of one. And do not break the tradition and enjoy an unusual holiday! What "trees" do you mean?

edible christmas trees. We turn on the fantasy and decorate the festive table with all kinds of "Christmas trees". First, we make a salad "Christmas tree": we form a crown from lettuce leaves, which we decorate with vegetables so that they look like Christmas tree decorations (beads or "snowball" - from droplets of sauce or from cheese, a star - from bell pepper, etc. ). We replenish the festive feast with a buffet menu in the form of "New Year's toys" (canapes, sandwiches, etc.), decorate the table with stylish "Christmas tree" napkins.

Secondly, we make a "Christmas tree" from all sorts of goodies: fruits, sweets, chocolates. To do this, we buy a base in the form of a cone in flower shops and use skewers to attach all this “yummy” to it, interspersed with real Christmas tree decorations. Then, of course, a Christmas tree-shaped cake - cut out the cakes and decorate the cake (with berries, chocolate and cream) again like a Christmas tree.

"Christmas decorations. We decorate with "Christmas trees" (made of tinsel, colored stickers, beads, garlands and small toys) literally the whole house: walls, doors and windows. The “Christmas tree” on the wall can become the central one, under which we put toy Santa Claus, the Snow Maiden and prepared gifts.

Christmas tree entertainment. We continue the theme of Christmas trees in entertainment. For example, a beauty contest among couples, who is the best (in a limited time!) From ancillary material to decorate their “Christmas tree” (one depicts a Christmas tree, the other decorates it). Then, to Serduchka's song "Christmas trees are rushing around the city" - a general defile. The winner can be determined by "beauty" or by the number of items used to decorate.

new year at home, in a close company, it is also good that everyone can take part in all events and, without any hesitation, show all their talents. Why not arrange a parody contest for the singer Yolka or a wonderful musical - each to sing "A Christmas tree was born in the forest" to different motives and in a different manner: romance, rap, hard rock, etc.?!

With the participation of the "tree" there are many New Year's fairy tales that you can easily play out on your own. You can also stage the song "A Christmas tree was born in the forest" or play a small funny New Year's scene , does not require prior preparation and rehearsals.

The holiday under the slogan "Christmas tree commotion" will turn out to be cheerful and sincere, and most importantly, in its credits it will be possible to safely write that "during the organization of the holiday, not a single living Christmas tree was harmed"!

2. We arrange the New Year at home.

New Year with your family is a wonderful opportunity to be in a cozy atmosphere, sit at a delicious festive table, in an atmosphere of warmth, friendly communication and joyful fun!

"It's all love - great moments" - don't miss them!

Specially for the site

If you are going to celebrate the New Year with your soulmate, then we recommend choosing a romantic option. No need to stand from morning to evening at the stove, from the dishes there is enough meat and a couple of salads. Prepare a playlist of your favorite relaxing or lyrical music. Arrange candles around the room and light an aroma lamp (the best aromas for the New Year's atmosphere are cinnamon, ylang-ylang, bergamot, orange oil). Take a relaxing bath together an hour before the exciting chimes. After dinner, you can give each other a massage with a smooth transition to an even more pleasant experience.

Are you expecting guests? Then arrange a costume themed evening. Just remember to warn your friends in advance about the preparation of masks or costumes. For example, you can have a fantasy-themed party dressed up as elves and fairies. It will be very interesting to change clothes and see your friends in the attire of the ancient Greek gentlemen. In general, fantasize.

It will be great for kids to buy several different gifts, hide them in the most unexpected places and make a colorful search map. A couple of days before the holiday, tell that Santa Claus left you a map, but if you need a hint, the kid will have to tell a holiday rhyme. Prepare some competitions for children, they will definitely like it!

It is unusual to spend a holiday even alone: ​​read how to celebrate the New Year alone so that it is remembered.

How unusual to celebrate the New Year: other options

Of course, the most pleasant and unusual meeting of the New Year is golden sand and warm sea. If you want to spend the holiday this way, start postponing. Do not worry about the tour, because in the midst of the New Year's weekend, tour operators offer a lot of different vacation options.

A much more budget option, but no less exotic, is a sauna. If you are going to celebrate together with your loved one, then a couple of hours will be enough, if with a company, rent for the whole night. For dinner, order ready-made meals at a restaurant or buy at a supermarket.

A very cool and bold idea is to meet the coming year in a crowded place in the costume of the Snow Maiden and Santa Claus or a cartoon character. It will be even more fun if you gather a whole company of such little animals. Don't forget a bottle of champagne. If you wish, first buy a pack of inexpensive postcards or a bag of tangerines and congratulate passers-by with them - everyone will be very pleased. There will be a lot of impressions!

As you can see, there are many options for how unusual it is to celebrate the New Year. We hope that from the proposed ideas you will find exactly the one that you like. May this New Year's holiday be remembered by you with bright and cheerful impressions!

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