Cheats for enchanting in Skyrim. Cheats for enchanting in Skyrim Skyrim 5 how to load weapons

Antipyretics for children are prescribed by a pediatrician. But there are emergency situations for fever in which the child needs to be given medicine immediately. Then the parents take responsibility and use antipyretic drugs. What is allowed to be given to infants? How can you bring down the temperature in older children? What are the safest medicines?

What will happen if you take a dozen or two prisoners convicted of grave crimes, and then put them on one island? That's right: the triumph of unmotivated violence and the celebration of unjustified cruelty. It is in this that it is not enough simple, you need to be able to give back.

Don't forget to load your weapon!

Modern games have made us inattentive to many things. When you find weapons and cartridges for it, you almost certainly assume that they will somehow magically find each other in the inventory. But not in SCUM. Everything here is like in real life: there are cartridges, there are stores and there is the weapon itself.

Having found the "barrel" and cartridges, you need to open the inventory as soon as possible and with ammunition one of the free magazines, if it is, of course, at hand. To do this, you need to drag one item onto another. Now, when reloading a weapon, a character can use a loaded magazine.

Obviously, it is best to have at least 2 magazines, the main thing is not to forget to load the one that has just been released with cartridges.

How to heal wounds

The best way to survive in SCUM is to avoid facing the enemy. If this failed, then all that remains is to make sure that the character does not die from another hole in the side. The type and strength of the wound depends on how it was received. You can find out about the current state of health of the character on the corresponding screen. Yes, we also think it is very informative.

It doesn't matter what kind of damage the damage is, the method of treatment is always about the same: we find a medicine or other medical item in the inventory, right-click on it and select the desired action in the context menu. However, many injuries cannot be easily healed. If they are too heavy, then bandages and pain relievers alone will not be enough.

Serious wounds require full disinfection and antibiotics, otherwise they will not be completely cured. However, when there is no time, a bleeding wound is easier, because opponents are unlikely to wait for the drugs to take effect. There are 3 main items in SCUM to quickly heal a character:

  • Cloth or rags (level 1);
  • Clean bandages (level 2);
  • First aid kit (level 3).
The level of an item indicates how severe a wound it can heal, so there is little point in wrapping yourself in rags when the character has gangrene. It is also important to remember that wounds heal faster if they are disinfected. Minor injuries need to be treated first so they don't develop into more severe ones.

Melee tactics

How to behave when meeting other players? In fact, there are two options: either join the battle. Most choose aggression. It is important to always control the level of stamina of the character. It determines how much damage your character can take, as well as potential damage to the enemy. A kind of universal resource.

If the enemy has melee weapons, and you only have fists, then passive defense and evasion will be the best tactics. Try to move away from the enemy a moment before he hits. This will save you more health, and he will waste stamina.

If you have a good understanding of the mechanics of melee combat or outnumber the enemy in physical terms, then you can use the moments when the enemy is open to sometimes beat him. But the idea is to get active when your opponent runs out of stamina. Then he will not be able to block your attacks, and you will easily beat him with your fists until he loses consciousness in order to rob.

How to win a firefight?

By launching a multiplayer match in SCUM, you will meet other players in one way or another. Some of them just run back and forth, trying to figure out what to do here, others are busy collecting supplies or survive in the forests, and still others sit in secluded places and shoot at you only when they see you. The latter must always be remembered and be able to make quick decisions.

It is best to practice dodging on zombies, which are controlled by the game itself. But you should not get carried away with close combat, because all the most dangerous in SCUM is inextricably linked with shootings. If the enemy has a firearm, then you should move as unpredictably as possible, so that it is more difficult for him to hit you.

This will also increase his ammunition consumption, and hence the chance that the enemy will lag behind. Well, or it will be left without ammo, which is also great if you only have melee weapons at hand. Under no circumstances should you run headlong towards the enemy in the hope that there will be enough health to get closer and then "hammer" close. In SCUM, they can kill with one well-aimed shot.

Robots: Avoid or Fight?

Those players who are too confident in their abilities can try on robots guarding certain places in the game. It can be assumed that initially the robots are in a rather restrained mood, and when they meet, they offer the character to return home. Believe me, they are not doing this because they are afraid of you. On the contrary - you need to be afraid of them!

And also to thank the developers for the fact that robots first warn, and only then blow you to shreds with their large-caliber weapons. They are extremely dangerous, almost impossible to defeat alone, so under no circumstances should you engage in combat with them. Unless, of course, you want to lose your character in literally seconds.

Skyrim is a new territory in which the sequel to the legendary The Elder Scrolls unfolds. The new world will greet you extremely unfriendly. Therefore, any question will not only be interesting, but very vital.

I must say that the weapons are very widespread, however (unlike Morrowind) you will not find polearms in this game. The damage that you will inflict on your enemies depends on the blade itself, the degree of development of the corresponding skill and the ability to use this type of objects. Attacks with heavy weapons in Skyrim are slower, so they can be inferior in effectiveness to faster ones. Also, when using it, your movement is significantly slowed down. The combat system has undergone minor changes. The most interesting of them is the appearance of the activity of both hands, in any of them you can take any object (torch, shield or spell), as well as use a sword and a spell together, as well as make combinations of spells (for example, a fireball in one hand, treatment - in the other).

Fans of close combat will certainly appreciate the possibility of using two types of attacks: normal and power. Power Strike is a new type of attack produced by holding down the attack key and / or the movement button. The development of the skills of using axes allows the player to use new special feints (for example, when using the "Merciless Strike" ability with the "" specialization, it becomes possible to chop off the head of your opponent. than axes, and axes are faster than maces. Also the ability to strike with a shield. For example, "Disarming Strike" allows you to knock an object out of the enemy's hands. A backstab also causes serious damage, but the attack from stealth mode is more terrible. If you are tired, then your hero does not inflict strong damage and cannot inflict power attacks. Of course, one of the most interesting topics for a gamer will be the topic of the best weapon. One of the options offered by the game developers (it should be noted their sense of humor) is, of course, the Cudgel of the Giants. Many people consider Wabbajack to be the best, but in fact, the best for you will be what you consider properties. After all, each use for its intended purpose improves your skill of owning it.

Weapon efficiency can also be doubled using perks. For one-handed, this is Armsmen, for a bow - Overdraw and two-handed - Barbarian, respectively. Upgrading one-handed weapons in Skyrim can be done in the same way as in Morrowind: using enchantment. Everything here will depend on your skills in this area. A very common question on this topic is: How to enchant a weapon? Also, like in previous TES games, however, there are some changes in this process. In some cases, you will need a special table - the Pentagram of Souls. It is not uncommon, although it gives a strange impression. Nords disapprove of magic, but they still actively trade these devices.

Enchanted equipment is discharged during use. Therefore, the question of how to charge two-handed swords in Skyrim will not be idle. Unlike Morrowind, you will need to open your inventory, select an item to charge, press T and select. Everything. Charging completed. The answer to the question How to load the most powerful weapon in Skyrim will not be answered unambiguously. If, then it can be charged at the expense of the lives of the killed, some artifacts (Razor of Mehrun Dagon, Mace of Shigorat) do not require charging at all, but otherwise you will need Soul Stones in large quantities. You should not be afraid of this, the Stones of Souls literally roll under your feet. In principle, in the same place as always. Ruins, caves, dashing people, palaces and quests are sure ways to get some kind of rarity. As the saying goes: "Fight and Search!"

Enchanting is one of the skills in Skyrim that allows you to put magical enchantments into weapons, clothing, armor, and jewelry. The more the Enchant skill is developed, the more the hero will be able to enhance his chosen item. Enchantments are special effects that must first be mastered. To enchant the desired item, you need to use a special pentagram of the soul, which can be found in the Guild of Magic, in taverns, in other places, or installed in your own house. In addition, you also need a soul stone, the effect you want to enchant in the enchantment menu and, of course, the unenchanted item itself, on which you are going to enchant. You can study the effect of enchanting by disassembling an item that is already enchanted. If an enchantment was applied to a weapon, then with each blow to the enemy, this enchantment is dispersed. The cost of the enchantment depends on the size chosen during the enchantment of the soul gem. The larger the stone, the more damage can be done with enchanted weapons

But since some enchantments are difficult to do, you can use the following cheats

PlayerEnchantObject Item_ID_enchant_1 ID_enchant_2 - get an item with the specified enchantments (item_ID can be found in the articles cheats for weapons or armor).

for instance

PlayerEnchantObject 000877B1 0008850D 000F82FF
PlayerEnchantObject - get a Silver ring with a ruby ​​(its ID 000877B1) with enchantments The time between shouts is reduced by 20% (0008850D) + Additional transformations for werewolf units. (000F82FF).

To improve skills

00109632 - The Enchantment skill is increased by the selected number of units.

0007A106 - Increases attack with two-handed weapons

0007A104 - The number of coins per item decreases

0007A103 - Increases the skill of stealth Selected number of percent

0007A102 - The skill of improving weapons and armor increases

0007A100 - pickpocketing success increases

000D6933 -increases the skill of eloquence

0007A0FF - Increases damage from one-handed weapons

0007A0FC - Hacking is facilitated by the number of percentages chosen by you

0007A0FB - The skill of wearing light armor is increased

0007A0F9 - The skill of wearing heavy armor increases

0007A0F3 - Block with a shield increases the number of percent chosen by you

000F6906 - The success of eloquence is increased by the number of percent chosen by you

0007A0FE - The damage from the bow is increased by the selected percentage

0008B65C - Created potions become stronger at the number of percent you choose

0003EB29 - Enchantment of the selected item is more powerful by the number of units

0049507 - Increased reserve of strength

00049504 - Increases magic

000493AA - Increased Health

00109630 - Magic is restored with the selected percentage

0007A105 - Restoration of the reserve of forces the number of percent chosen by you

0007A0FD - Magic is restored with the selected percentage

0007A0F8 - Health is restored by the number of percent chosen by you

To increase resistance

00109638 - The resistance to electricity increases

00109637 - Increased resistance to magic

00109636 - Increases resistance to cold

00109635 - Fire resistance increases

00049295 - The resistance to electricity increases

000FF15E - Increased resistance to poisons

000B7A35 - Increases resistance to magic

00048F45 - Increased resistance to cold

00048C8B - Increases resistance to fire

00100E60 - Increased resistance to disease

On spells

00109634 - Recovery spells are consumed more slowly

00109633 - Illusion spells are consumed more slowly

00109631 - Destruction spells are consumed more slowly

0010962F - Conjuration spells are consumed more slowly

0010962E - Alteration spells are consumed more slowly

0007A101 - Recovery spells are consumed more slowly

0007A0FA - Illusion spells are consumed more slowly

0007A0F6 - Destruction spells are consumed more slowly

0007A0F5 - Conjuration spells are consumed more slowly

0007A0F2 - Spell changes are consumed more slowly

0010E809 - All spells consume 3 percent less magic


0008850D - Time between shouts is reduced by 20%

000EE5c4 - Enchanting Namira's Ring

000F82FF - Additional transformations for a werewolf for the number of units chosen by you.

000F8475 - You receive the Ancient Mask

0010FC14 = Mask - Heal or Summon Priest

00092A57 - Mask that reduces the noise of your movement

00092A48 - You can swim underwater without choking

0007A0F4 - The amount of weight increases

00017120 - Increases the class of armor by units.

000FF15C - Hidden attacks with one-handed weapons do double damage

000424E2 - Damage without weapons

Weapon Enchant ID

PlayerEnchantObject Item_ID Enchant_1 ID_enchant_2 - get an item with the specified enchantments.

PlayerEnchantObject 00013989 0002C593 000FEFBC
PlayerEnchantObject - Get Steel Sword (00013989) Enchanted with Elemental Fury (0002C593)
By the Light of Meridia (000FEFBC).

To increase the charge, put on the necessary weapon, the charge of which you want to increase, and apply the following cheat codes:

player.setav LeftitemCharge N - charge the weapon in your left hand for N charges
player.setav RightitemCharge N - charge the weapon in your right hand for N charges

0004605A - Deals fire damage. Those on fire take additional damage.

0004605B - ​​Damage by cold increases and reserves of strength increase

0004605C - Damage by electricity increases, takes away magic from the enemy

0010A273 - Inflicts on the enemy the number of units chosen by you.

000AA157 - Absorbs the reserve of forces from the enemy

000AA156 - Absorbs magic from the enemy

000AA155 - Absorbs health from the enemy

0005B44F - Takes away magic from the enemy

0005B450 - Subtracts a certain number of units of strength

000FB409 - Drain health from the enemy


0002C593 - Elemental rage (effect after shouting - increases the speed of the fight)

000FEFBC - Light of Meridia - increased Damage to undead, chance of explosion, causing fear in the enemy

0010B116 - Silver Damage (Silver Sword)

000F23F9 - Elven Slayer

0010582E - Additional Damage to Nords

00105831 - Additional damage to animals

0003B0B1 - Under the moons deals additional damage

000ACBB5 - Summoned Daedra are banished back to Oblivion

000ACBB6 - Chance to paralyze the enemy

000F5D15 - Additional damage to trolls

0005B46B - Undead take flight

000F5D24 - Fills the Soul Gem

000FB404 - Capture the Souls of Holdar

0010FAF1 - unknown

0005B452 - unknown

00069CE6 - Bound Sword FX

000C5BE1 - Bound Bow FX

000C5BE0 - Bound Ax FX

000BEE93 - Creatures and people take flight

0005B451 - Creatures and people take flight

000BEE94 - Creatures and people take flight

001019D6 - Increases Blacksmithing and deals increased electricity damage

Enchanting is the art of imparting magical properties to weapons and armor. To create an enchanted item, you must know the appropriate enchantment, have a soul gem with a soul trapped in it, and a non-magical item that can be used. The higher the enchant skill, the better the enchanted item will be.

You learn enchantments by destroying magical items on the pentagram of souls:

You can find soul stones in your travels already filled, or you can fill them yourself with the help of the "Soul Capture" spell, which places the soul of a creature in an empty soul stone.

Some types of enchantment are suitable only for weapons, others are only for clothing items, and still others are for strictly defined items, such as boots. Enchanted weapons lose a charge with each hit, so they need to be reloaded. The number of charges is determined by the size of the soul in the stone and the selected position of the charge slider.

Enchantments on clothing items are not depleted, nor do they require recharging.

Pentagram of souls

This is such a special table, with a skull and runes:

You can find it in the shops of magicians, alchemists, in some dungeons. The very first such table you will meet according to the main plot, in the city of Whiterun, in the building of the head of the city of the Dragon Redistribution.

Enchanting FAQ

How to capture a soul?

Cast Soul Trap on the target while it is still alive, and while the spell is in effect on it, kill. Soul capture will only occur if you have a suitable, clean soul gem in your inventory.

How to capture a person's soul?

This requires a black soul stone.

How to enchant an item? There is magic, but I cannot enchant.

To get the properties of enchantment, you must first destroy (on the pantagram of souls) an object with the property. In addition, there are bound properties that cannot be superimposed on other items.

How do I charge an item?

Open inventory, select an item to charge, press T, select a soul gem.

Property table

A table showing which property type can be applied to which property (assuming you have studied it).

Armor enchant properties

All properties applied to armor have constant the effect.









Skill Upgrade: Stealth

Skill Upgrade: Alchemy

Skill Upgrade: Change

Skill Upgrade: Shooting

Skill Upgrade: Sorcery

Skill Upgrade: Destruction

Skill Upgrade: Heavy Armor

Skill Upgrade: Illusion

Skill Upgrade: Light Armor

Skill Upgrade: Hacking

Skill Upgrade: One-Handed Weapon

Skill Upgrade: Pickpocketing

Skill Upgrade: Recovery

Strengthening the skill of the Blacksmith

Strengthening the Block

Prices are more favorable by n%

Reinforcing two-handed weapons

Empower unarmed (one-handed?)









Fire resistance

Cold resistance

Resistance to electricity

Magic Resist

Disease resistance

Poison Resistance









Health regeneration

Increased magic regeneration

Enhancing Stamina Recovery

Amplification Change and Mana Recovery

Increase Spellcraft and Magic Regeneration

Increased Destruction and Magic Regeneration

Increase Recovery and Regeneration of Magic

Increase in characteristics








Increased health

Magic boost

Increased stamina









Increased weight tolerance

Breathing underwater

Sound absorption

Non-transferable properties(only on special subjects)








Blessing of Mara (+ 10% Recovery)

Shadow Vision (Bow Damage)

Shadow Strength (Silent Walking Skill)

Shadow Strike (One-Handed Weapon Damage)

Shadow prosperity (stamina)

Weapon enchant properties

The properties applied to the weapon are triggered when hit by this weapon.

  • Electric damage;
  • Cold damage;
  • Fire damage;
  • Magic damage;
  • Absorption of health;
  • Absorption of magic;
  • Absorption of the reserve of forces;
  • Damage to the reserve of forces;
  • Capturing souls;
  • Hunter skill;
  • Putting undead to flight for n-seconds;
  • Fire trap of souls;
  • Exile;
  • Paralysis;
  • Fear;
  • Enchant of the Silent Moon (burns the target if there is no moon);

We bring to your attention some tips on how to charge For experienced shooters, these instructions may seem naive, but some of our readers may find them useful.

Pump-action shotguns

1. Make sure the safety lock is on, the chamber is empty and the barrel is pointing in a safe direction. This is a general rule of thumb when loading and handling any firearm.

2. Find out the caliber of your shotgun to find the correct cartridges. Shotguns of 10, 12, 16, 20, .410 and 28 calibers are widespread. There are special adapters for firing cartridges of a different caliber; they are smooth inset barrels. In most cases, it is best to use the correct caliber.

3. Place the heel of the stock on your thigh when seated. You can also grasp the stock with your hand, pointing the barrel to the side. Make sure the trigger and the trigger guard are facing away from you.

4. Insert one cartridge into the charging hole located near the safety clip with the tip first, that is, the end from which the shot or bullet is ejected. Hold the other end (with the capsule) with your fingers.

5. Push the cartridge into the magazine with your thumb until it clicks. A click indicates that the sleeve welt is locked into the magazine.

7. Press the delay button, pull the fore-end back and forth to feed and send the cartridge. Don't overdo it. Thus, the cartridge is delivered from the magazine to the chamber. The gun will then be ready to fire.

Rifle shotguns (breakout)

1. Make sure the safety lock is on the gun and is pointing away from you in a safe direction. Always handle the gun as if it were loaded.

2. Locate the barrel release lever, latch, button or flag. The release mechanism is usually located on the right or top of the gun, near the butt.

Unlike pump action shotguns, these shotguns do not have a magazine into which you can load several cartridges at once. Instead, cartridges are loaded directly into the chamber or chambers (if there are multiple barrels). This means that the gun must be reloaded after every shot or two (if the gun is double-barreled).

3. Pressing the barrel opening mechanism, lower the barrel down.

4. Remove and discard the spent cartridges. Be careful, if a shot was recently fired from a rifle, the casings may be hot. Try not to touch the metal of the barrel with your bare hands.

5. Insert new cartridges, tip first.

6. Close the barrel back until it clicks. The rifle is loaded and ready to fire.

  • Semi-automatic shotguns charge in much the same way as pump action shotguns.
  • On a new pump action shotgun it may take more effort to load the cartridge into the magazine due to the spring not yet worn out.
  • Loading the cartridges with the base of your thumb takes less effort.
  • Always keep the magazine empty if you are not going to shoot anytime soon.


  • Never try to push the cartridge into the magazine using foreign objects (such as a screwdriver). You could accidentally activate the primer, causing serious injury to yourself or others.
  • Always use only suitable cartridges with the correct powder weight. The cartridge may be of the same caliber, but a more powerful cartridge will explode the barrel or chamber, resulting in serious injury or even death to you or those around you.
  • Firearms are not a toy! Weapons should be handled with due respect. Do not give weapons to children without adult supervision.

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