Why can't you wet manta rays? What happens if you wet a manta ray?

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Since childhood, every person has been familiar with the mantoux vaccine and everyone knows that under no circumstances should it be wetted. At the same time, almost no one knows why exactly such a ban on plain water was put in place. And yet, what happens if she accidentally gets wet? To get answers to these questions, you need to familiarize yourself in more detail with what manta is and why it is made.

Mantoux vaccination: can it be wetted?

Mantoux vaccination or tuberculin test is a reaction of the human body to the introduction of tuberculin (this is a drug that was produced from purified products of the tuberculosis bacillus). Thanks to such a test, it is possible to determine whether there is a tuberculosis bacillus in the body or not. If the reaction is positive, it means that the child has previously had contact with this infection, which is in his body. A negative reaction indicates that the person has not previously encountered a disease such as tuberculosis.

Therefore, we can conclude that this test makes it possible to determine the development of tuberculosis in the early stages. This vaccination is done once a year. The fact is that it is very easy to become infected with tuberculosis today, which is why it is so necessary to undergo regular checks and pay special attention to the child’s condition.

The Mantoux reaction is carried out as follows: a certain dose of the drug (exactly 1 g) is injected under the skin, into the inner part of the forearm, using a special tuberculin syringe with a short needle. Then a papule or a small button will remain on the arm, which is a characteristic indicator. After vaccination, the nurse should warn how long it is forbidden to wet the manta ray (3 days).

72 hours after the vaccination, the child should see a specialist who will check the diameter of the papule using a simple ruler, after which the result is compared with the norm.

If the result is negative, it means that the size of the papule is about 0-1 mm. If the test is positive, the diameter of the button will be greater than 5 mm, and quite strong redness of the skin around it will be observed. There is also a possibility of manifestations of the so-called questionable reaction, in which the size of the papule will be from 2 to 4 mm, and the area of ​​​​hypertension is much larger. This result may indicate that there is an excessive amount of tuberculosis bacilli in the human body, that is, it exceeds the established norm. Such a result may indicate the presence of an individual tendency of the body to such a reaction.

Based on one or more tests, a diagnosis of tuberculosis is not made, since for this it is also necessary to undergo an examination by a TB doctor, after which a fluorographic examination is prescribed. If in children, a mantoux test performed once a year constantly shows a questionable reaction, they are among the candidates for BCG revaccination.

How many days can you not wet Mantu?

Many parents become very nervous because their child accidentally wets the manta ray. First of all, you need to calm down and not panic, since you first need to wait for the final result. You can and will independently assess the condition of the vaccination - if before going to the doctor you notice that the button has significantly increased in size and has become more than 5 mm in diameter, the skin around it has become very red, you must inform the doctor that the vaccination was wet. The doctor will have to record this in the patient’s record, since the mantoux test can give a false positive result. Moreover, in almost all cases, children wet manta rays, and the water that gets on the graft does not have any negative effect on the final result of the test.

What happens if you wet Manta?

Doctors insist that manta rays should not be wetted, as if water gets on the graft there is a risk of infection, as it may contain an infection. It is also possible to develop an unpredictable reaction - the appearance of severe swelling, hyperergic test, hyperemia. As a result, the mantoux reaction may be considered questionable and re-vaccination will be required. Also, a similar reaction is possible if the papule is sealed with a band-aid before bathing, or if the skin is intensively rubbed with a washcloth or treated with soap.

At the same time, if a child accidentally wets the vaccine, the above reactions may not occur, and the mantoux will be negative. Therefore, in the case of a normal reaction, no one may even know about such a small misunderstanding. At the same time, doctors recommend not to take risks and not to create such conditions, that is, not to allow the child to swim for 3 days, since after this period the vaccination will be checked.

So that worried parents do not worry about the fact that the child accidentally wet the vaccine, there are several useful and effective tips that will help you act correctly for 3 days until the mantoux test is carried out:

You should not deprive your child of necessary water procedures. The fact is that it is much more dangerous if dirt gets directly into the injection site, since, once under the skin, there is a risk of developing a dangerous infection.

For 3 days, the child does not have to take a shower or bath, but he must wash his hands regularly.

Under no circumstances should you rub the area where the vaccine was given. The same rule applies not only to children’s fingers, with which they can comb and scratch the manta, but also to the washcloth. As a result of such actions, there is a possibility of severe redness and thickening in this area.

If the child is allergic, under no circumstances during these 3 days should he be allowed to come into contact with allergens that can provoke a severe attack in him. It is necessary to protect the baby from contact with pets, vegetables, fruits and citrus fruits, as well as red berries, synthetic fibers and other potentially hazardous substances.

If, however, a reaction occurs in the form of thickening and redness, you should consult a doctor. Most often, the use of some kind of antihistamine for several days is prescribed. You should not carry out such manipulations yourself, so as not to aggravate the child’s condition.

In the event that your baby is at risk or has previously had contact with a person suffering from tuberculosis, under conditions of improper and inadequate nutrition, and also lives in poor conditions, most likely, redness of the mantu and the skin around it occurs not only because for water getting on it. This may justify your worst fears.

If a child accidentally wets the vaccine not with tap water, but in a pond, there is a possibility of infection, since dirt gets directly under the skin at the puncture site. As a result, there is a possibility of skin redness and thickening. This will need to be reported to the doctor, who will examine the mantoux on the 3rd day after vaccination.

Most parents, after a child accidentally wets a manta ray, begin to put plasters on it or bandage their hand, while others decide to use a variety of disinfectants, solutions or ointments. But we must remember that such actions will not have a positive effect on the condition of the mantoux, even if tuberculosis is not present in the body.

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