Why and how much it is impossible to wet manta?

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Vaccinations are not allowed to get wet. It seemed like a common statement. We have been hearing about this since childhood, so we perceive it without skepticism and do not question it. But is it really so? Let's analyze why it is impossible to wet the vaccine.

Today we will figure out where the “unwritten rule” came from, prohibiting wetting vaccinations, and whether this prohibition is universal for all types of injections.

Why can't we wet the vaccine?

We will temporarily postpone the controversy about whether it is possible to wet the mantle, since it would be a mistake to call it a vaccination. It is worth saying that mantoux is not a vaccination at all, but only a diagnostic injection.

Any vaccination seriously burdens the body and leads to a complex restructuring of the immune system.

Real vaccinations are the introduction of a small amount of live (oppressed, weakened) or dead cells of the pathogen into the human body in order to "start" the reaction to produce antibodies (immunity). Is it possible to wet the vaccine? Most likely, in a medical institution you will be categorically forbidden to do this.

When it comes to DTP vaccinations (pertussis, diphtheria, tetanus vaccine), it is always stressful for a healthy body, especially for a baby's body. Combining it with bathing (especially in hot running water) is highly undesirable! Despite the fact that the reaction to vaccination is always unpredictable, it is worth excluding factors that can affect the activity of introduced (“grafted”) pathogenic viruses and not to wet the vaccine at least on the first day.

Why and how much it is impossible to wet manta?

"Button" is referred to as nothing more than a tuberculin test, also known to us as mantoux (named after the French physician Charles Mantoux). By itself, it does not cure anything and does not even insure against anything, but simply helps doctors make a diagnosis, revealing the presence or absence of an allergic reaction to contact with tuberculin.

Mantoux is not a vaccination at all, but a diagnostic injection, and it is not forbidden to wet it

Why can't you wet the manta? It is forbidden to wet manta usually absolutely unreasonably. Really simple you can’t rub it, stick it with a plaster, smear it with brilliant green, treat it with peroxide. That is, you can wash yourself, but you can’t go to the bathhouse or “scrub” the injection site with a washcloth.

How long can you wet manta? Considering that the size of the papule (button) is measured after 48-72 hours, then 3 days is the optimal time during which it is better not to disturb it. However, even if the tuberculin test is positive, it does not provide information about the spread or localization of the disease. Even Dr. House makes mistakes sometimes, so don't panic if you get your manta wet and it "makes a bad verdict."

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