Abstract of the lesson on artistic creativity “New Year's toy. Summary of the lesson "New Year's toys Summary of the lesson crafting New Year's toys to school

Antipyretics for children are prescribed by a pediatrician. But there are emergency situations for fever when the child needs to be given medicine immediately. Then the parents take responsibility and use antipyretic drugs. What is allowed to give to infants? How can you bring down the temperature in older children? What medicines are the safest?

Julia Pashinina
Summary of the lesson "Christmas toys" Video

Target: production of bulk toys from colored paper and cardboard; by connecting 4 identical shapes (circles, rhombuses, squares, ovals, etc., cut according to a conventional measure, (by paired gluing of the sides); Learn how to decorate.


Educational: Generate interest in upcoming new year holidays. Expand the horizons of children, consider samples of decoratively designed toys, to consolidate knowledge of some laws of composition, to enrich the vocabulary of children.

To form the ability of children to use patterns, cut out the shape paper toys, and decorate it with decorative elements, using the laws of composition.

Educational: Create conditions for the development of visual perception, a sense of form, rhythm, composition. The development of the eye and fine motor skills. Synchronize the work of both hands.

Educational: To create conditions for the education of aesthetic taste, the manifestation of emotional responsiveness, the desire to help other children.

Equipment and materials:

ICT technologies; musical registration: Tchaikovsky P.I. "Nutcracker", Stephen Flaherty "Anastasia", Alan Menken "The beauty and the Beast"; video file"Christmas glass toys» ; table tree; colored paper; cardboard; cutting templates; pencil; glue; scissors; decorative glitter; yarn for making loops; white gouache paints; jars of water; paper napkins; gouache brushes; glue brushes; oilcloth; cups for tools; glitter bowls; teaspoons; volumetric execution algorithm toys.

Working methods:

Verbal, visual, playful, practical.

preliminary work:

Conversations about the future new year holiday, viewing New Year's toys; decor preparation for paper toys(cutting snowflakes from wrappers, foil).

Area integration:

OO "Cognitive Development", OO "Socio-communicative", OO "Physical development", OO "Speech Development"

Lesson progress

caregiver: Hello guys, what is on my table? (children's answers). Let's take a look at it shall we?

caregiver: Right. Oh, what is it? (Answers of children, they saw the letter)

caregiver: Let's read who it is from. Let's see, signed: "Children of the preparatory group" From whom is it? (children's answers)

caregiver: How did you guess? (children's answers)

caregiver: Guys, what kind of Santa Claus is he? (children's answers)

caregiver: Children, we talked about something and forgot about the letter, let's open it and read it.

“Hello, dear guys! The new year is coming soon. My faithful friend the snowman brought a Christmas tree to you to make it even more beautiful and better. I will soon. Father Frost." (letter from Santa Claus)

caregiver: How can we make the Christmas tree more beautiful? (children's answers)

caregiver Q: How can you decorate a Christmas tree? (children's answers)

caregiver: Come on, let's see how they do christmas toys? (children's answers) (Video« Christmas toys» )

caregiver: Interesting? (children's answers).

caregiver: I suggest you take a break.

Finger gymnastics

Winter walk

(Bend fingers one at a time)

One, two, three, four, five

("Let's go" on the table with index and middle fingers)

We came to the yard for a walk.

("Lepim" a lump with two palms)

They sculpted a snow woman,

(Crushing movements with all fingers)

The birds were fed with crumbs,

(We run the index finger of the right hand along the palm of the left hand)

Then we rode down the hill,

(We put our palms on the table with one side, then the other)

And also rolled in the snow.

(Shake off palms)

Everyone came home in the snow.

(Movement with an imaginary spoon, hands under the cheeks)

We ate soup and went to bed.

caregiver: What can be made from toys? (children's answers). For example I have glass toys, and plastic, as well as paper.

caregiver: I suggest you do paper toys? Do you agree? (children's answers) (toys made in the way that will be offered to children for development).

Practical work

caregiver: Well done. What tools do you have on your tables? (children's answers)

To do toy we have to choose colored paper. Who chose which color? (children's answers). Well done.

We take a sheet of colored paper, fold it 2 times in half, try to fold it evenly. What figure do we have? (children's answers)

Choose the template you like. Who chose what? (children's answers)

We put the template in the center of our rectangle, take a pencil from the cup, trace the shape, holding the center of the template with the fingers of our left hand.

We put the pencil in place, take the scissors. Don't forget how we use them? (children's answers) With the fingers of the left hand we hold our rectangle, paper cutouts. How many parts do we have? (children's answers) Put the scissors in place.

We put the waste in the trash can.

We take one of the parts and fold it in half with the colored side inward, we do the same with the remaining parts.

I want to invite you to play with me a little.

Physical education minute

Here it is under the tree.

Here under the green tree (Stand up.)

Crows jump merrily: (We jump.)

Kar-kar-kar! (Loudly.)

All day they screamed (Torso turns left and right.)

The children were not allowed to sleep: (Tilts of the body to the left-to the right.)

Kar-kar-kar! (Loudly.) (Clap hands above head.)

Only at night they fall silent (They wave their arms like wings.)

And they all fall asleep together: (Squat down, hands under the cheek - fall asleep.)

Kar-kar-kar! (Quiet.) (Clap hands above head.)

Well, what shall we continue? (children's answers)

On the oilcloth we put one of the parts of your future toys, take a small brush, dip it in glue and apply on one side. We press the forms with a napkin. We take the next part, and apply it to the previous one, and repeat the process from the beginning.

Before gluing the last parts, we put a rope between them. Why is she needed? (children's answers)

Our the toy is almost ready. What does she lack? (children's answers)

We take a large brush, open gouache. What color is our snow? (children's answers). That's right, so guys, I suggest you use white gouache.

We dip the brush into water, and then into gouache, and apply christmas patterns. What are these patterns? (children's answers) We rinse the brush in water, wipe it with a napkin and put it in a glass.

What else was put on toys at the Christmas tree toy factory? (children's answers) That's right, decorative glitter. On this table, there are 4 types of sparkles. What colors are they? (children's answers) Well done. We take a spoon and sprinkle your patterns, shake off unnecessary elements. Your the toy is ready. I offer mine hang toys on the tree. And now she came to us dressed up for the holiday.

Guys, tell me, what did we do today? (children's answers). Where have we been today? (children's answers) Who sent us the letter? (children's answers)

And now I suggest you take a picture with our Christmas tree, and when Santa Claus comes, we will show him what a beautiful Christmas tree we have. Do you agree?

Synopsis of organized artistic and creative activities with children in a group preparatory to school. Theme: "Christmas toys"

Program content:

Generate interest in the upcoming New Year holidays.
Develop communication skills, improve the lexical side of speech.
Review Christmas tree decoration safety rules.
To expand the horizons of children: acquaintance with the ancient custom of making toys for the Christmas tree.
Raise the desire to participate in the design of the holiday tree.
Improve the technique of relief modeling from salt dough.
Develop creative abilities.

Preliminary work:

Reading fiction on a winter theme. Examination of illustrations, postcards with the image of a Christmas tree, Christmas tree decorations.

Vocabulary work:

Homemade toys, old custom.

Materials, tools, equipment:

Flat cardboard balls on a string, salty colored dough (red, yellow, green, blue, brown, white), stacks, caps from felt-tip pens, a rag, a glass of water, brush No. 2, beads, beads, a treat.

Introductory part:

Children enter under the New Year's melody, sit down at the tables. Knock on the door. The postman comes and delivers the letter.


Guys, I have a letter for you: “To the children of the preparatory group of kindergarten No. 11 Geese-Swans.” From whom is it? Let's open it and find out what's in it (I print it out, take out a sheet of paper, read):

“Hello, dear guys!
The new year is coming soon. My faithful friend the snowman will bring a fluffy Christmas tree to your hall. I prepared toys for you for the Christmas tree, but an evil blizzard came and broke all the toys. How to decorate the Christmas tree now? Guys, help, make toys for the Christmas tree. Thank you in advance. Wait for me for the holiday.
Your Santa Claus.


Guys, do you think we can help Santa Claus?



What can you decorate a Christmas tree with?


Toys, crackers, garlands ...


Can you decorate a Christmas tree with lit candles? What can happen?



That's right, of course you can not decorate the Christmas tree with candles.


And this is how Korney Chukovsky dressed up the Christmas tree so beautifully, the poem is called “About the Christmas tree”:

Would be at the Christmas tree
She would run
Along the track.
She would dance
Together with us,
She would knock
Would spin on the Christmas tree
Toys -
colorful lanterns,
Would twirl on the Christmas tree
Of crimson and silver
Would laugh at the Christmas tree
And they would clap for joy
In the palms
Because tonight
At the gate
Cheerful knocked
New Year!
new, new,
With a golden beard!


Guys, do you know that there used to be such an old custom to make homemade toys: crackers, eggshell fish, foil stars, houses, huts, garlands ...

Let's also decorate the Christmas tree with homemade toys. To do this, we need: a flat ball on a string, colored dough, beads, beads, caps, stacks and your imagination. Look at these balls (showing cardboard balls) will they look beautiful on the Christmas tree?



And why?


They are not beautiful…


How can you decorate them?


Christmas trees, hearts, a snowman ...


Well done, indeed, our balls can be decorated in different ways, but in order for us to work well, let's stretch our fingers a little.

Finger gymnastics "Herringbone"

Before us is a Christmas tree:
(fingers are intertwined, from the thumbs - the top of the "Christmas tree")

Cones, needles.
(cams, index fingers exposed)

Balls, lanterns,
("balls" from the fingers - up, down)

Bunnies and candles
("ears" of the index and middle fingers; both palms are folded, fingers are clenched)

Stars, people.
(palms folded, fingers spread; middle and index fingers are on the table)


And now let each of you think about how he will decorate his ball, what he will need for this and can get to work (I distribute balls).

Main part of the lesson:

I turn on the New Year's melody. I go up to each child and ask what he will sculpt. I give advice to children who find it difficult to plan.

Final part:

Children bring their work to view (put on the table).

Lesson analysis:


Guys, who remembered what toys they used to decorate the Christmas tree in the old days?
Who likes to decorate Christmas balls today?
And who had a hard time at work?

Well done, you all got unusual New Year's toys. We still have a few days left before the holiday, so our toys will have time to dry, and then we will decorate the Christmas tree with them. I think your toys will look very nice on the Christmas tree.

A knock on the door - a crow flies in.


Kar-kar-kar. Hello, friends! And I flew from Santa Claus to find out if you fulfilled his request.



Well done, what wonderful toys you made for the Christmas tree, how beautiful ... kar-kar-kar. For the excellent work, Santa Claus sent you a treat.


Thank you very much crow and Santa Claus for the treat.


Goodbye, guys. Kar-kar-kar. (Crow flies away).

About everything in the world:

In 1930, the film "The Rogue Song" about the kidnapping of a girl in the Caucasus mountains was released in the US. Actors Stan Laurel, Lawrence Tibbett and Oliver Hardy played local crooks in this film. Surprisingly, these actors are very similar to the characters...

Section materials

Classes for the younger group:

Classes for the middle group.

Scenario of the educational situation in the group of young children "Toys for the Christmas tree"

Zhorova Victoria Nikolaevna
Position and place of work: educator of MDOU "Kindergarten No. 4" Pinocchio "TMR, Tutaev
Purpose of material: the material will be useful for educators of a group of young children

Target: development of activity and curiosity of children in the process of cognitive activity.
Tutorials: introduce the New Year tradition of decorating the Christmas tree with toys; to consolidate the ability to highlight color (red, yellow, blue, green), shape, as special properties of objects; group homogeneous objects according to two sensory features: shape, color; continue to acquaint children with objects of the immediate environment, their purpose (Christmas toys); expand and activate the vocabulary of children: “lace”, “bead”, “beads”, “circle”, “square”, “toy”.
Developing: enrich the sensory experience of children; develop fine motor skills; develop the aesthetic sense of children.
Educational: educate responsiveness, the desire to help; teach children to be polite (hello, say goodbye).
Equipment: video projector, screen, laptop, presentation "Christmas toys", Christmas tree, basket, plate, Christmas toys of various shapes (square, round), white synthetic winterizer, two boxes with geometric shapes depicted on them, a box for snowballs, snowballs made of cotton wool, semolina grits, a table for sand painting, wooden beads (red, blue, green, yellow), shoelaces of different colors (red, blue, green, yellow).
Preliminary work: looking at illustrations of a Christmas tree and toys; didactic games: "Pick up the shape", "Repeat the chain", "Lacing".
Organizational and motivational stage:
Educator: Guys, we have guests today. Let's say hello to them!
Hello, pens, clap, clap, clap.
Hello legs, top-top-top.
Hello, cheeks, plop plop plop.
Chubby cheeks plop plop plop.
Hello sponges, smack-smack-smack.
Hello, sweet nose, beep-beep-beep.
Hello guests. Hello!
(the teacher draws the attention of the children to the Christmas tree)
Educator: Guys, look what appeared in your group?
Children: Christmas tree.
Educator: Admire her. Feel. What is she?
Children: Prickly, green.
Educator: Who will tell me what holiday we will soon celebrate?
Children: New Year.
Educator: Right. And on this holiday it is customary to decorate a Christmas tree.
(sound of footsteps in the snow)
Educator: It looks like someone is coming.
(pay attention to the screen)
(Slide number 1 "Snowman")
Snowman: Hello dear guys! Soon you will be celebrating the New Year in kindergarten, and Santa Claus has collected toys for you so that you can decorate the Christmas tree for the holiday. I was bringing them to you, but a strong snowstorm arose along the way, and all the toys fell out of the sleigh and scattered through the forest. How to be? What will we do?
Educator: Guys, how can we help the Snowman? (children's answers; lead the children to the fact that you need to go to the forest, find and collect toys)
Educator: What are we going to put them into? (children are invited to choose an item: a basket or a plate)The teacher asks why the children made such a choice. Helps in case of difficulty.
Educator: Let's choose a rhyme, who will help me carry the basket? (children's answers; if there are a lot of people who want it, then we choose a counting rhyme)
One, two, three, four, five,
We go to the forest to look for toys.
Here the magpie flew in,
I told you to carry the basket.
Educator: We go to the forest.
Poem with movements "Let's go to the forest"
We will go to the dense forest full of fairy tales and miracles.
We walk through the snowdrifts, raise our legs higher.
Here are the trees along the way. How to get around the trees?
Bend down lower, lower and go quieter, quieter.
So we went around the Christmas trees, we came to the clearing.
They stretched, looked back and, of course, smiled.
Main stage:
(Slide number 2 "Winter forest")
Educator: Here we are in the forest.
Hello forest full of fairy tales and wonders!
Educator: Guys, why did we come to the forest? (children's answers)
The teacher summarizes the answers of the children.
Poem with movements "Winter walk"
But here are the snowdrifts on the way - raise their hands up.
The guys can't get through here! - shake their heads.
To make a path for us, - imitate
We'll dig a little. - blade work.
Oh, we are tired of digging. - wipe the "sweat" from the forehead,
The path must be trodden - move with a stomping step.
Educator: What's happened? We have a snowdrift on the way! What is on it? (two boxes are on the "snowdrift"; the teacher takes them and shows them to the children)
Educator: Look at the figures on them. Which?
Children: Circle, square.
Educator: Let's open it, maybe there is something in them? (children open boxes; they are empty)
Educator: Where are the toys? (children's answers)
Educator: Maybe they are in a snowdrift? (children find toys)
Didactic game "What form?"
Educator: What shape does your toy look like? And yours? What box do we put it in? (children put toys in boxes and put them in a basket)
(blizzard sound)

Educator: A snowstorm has risen. In order for us not to freeze, I suggest warming up - playing snowballs. But first they need to be blinded.
Imitation exercise "Snowball making"
We'll make snowballs
Let's play together.
And each other snowballs
We have fun throwing.
And here are the snowballs! (the teacher throws "snowballs" on the floor)
Game-entertainment "Snowballs"
(throwing snowballs)
Educator: How fun we played snowballs! Let's collect them. (children collect snowballs)
Educator: Look, guys, another snowdrift. What lies here?
(children approach the table with semolina, where the beads are hidden; one bead lies on top of the "snowdrift"; shoelaces lie next to the snowdrift)
Didactic game "Find what is hidden"
Educator: The snowdrift is deep. There might be something else hidden in there. Will we find? (children find beads in the cereal)
Educator: What's this? What do they look like? (children's answers)
Educator: What do you think can be done with beads and laces? (children's answers)
The teacher leads the children to the table.
Educator: Let's try to collect beads. What color is the lace, what color are the beads on it. (children perform)
Didactic game "Christmas tree beads"
Educator: What did we get?
Children: Beads.
Educator: Where can we hang these beads? (children's answers)
Educator: I suggest you add them to your shopping cart.
Educator: It's time for us to go back to kindergarten. Say the magic words:
Clap your hands, stomp your feet.
Turn around yourself and find yourself in the garden.
(children say words and perform movement)
(Slide number 3 "Empty")
Educator: Look, we have a full basket of different Christmas decorations. Guys, what would you like to do now?
Children: Decorate a Christmas tree.
(children hang beads and toys on the Christmas tree)
Educator: Admire! What kind of tree did we get?
Children: Dressy, beautiful. (the teacher looks at the screen)
(Slide number 4 "Dancing snowman")
Educator: See what the Snowman is doing?
Children: He is happy and dancing.
Educator: And I invite you to dance around a smart Christmas tree.
(children, together with the teacher, dance to the song “A Christmas tree was born in the forest,” lyrics by R.A. Kudasheva, music by L.K. Beckman)
Educator: We decorated the Christmas tree, danced around. Now it's time for us to say goodbye to our guests. Goodbye!

Presentation on the topic: Toys for the Christmas tree

Venue: GBOU "School No. 2099"

"Workshop of Santa Claus".

Purpose of the lesson: Acquaintance with folk traditions in Russia. Involvement of students in the independent production of festive decor.

Tasks : teaching - to master practical skills in the manufacture of toys, repeat the rules for safe work with scissors and a needle, get acquainted with the basic concepts of the compositional construction of an object - compositional modeling; developing - to develop fine motor skills of hands, an eye, aesthetic taste, imagination, arouse curiosity in the field of arts and crafts, technical aesthetics educational - to cultivate accuracy, patience.

Course progress.

1. Introduction .

Teacher: Dear children. Look at the calendar sheet. What is today's date?

Teacher: Children, the most beautiful and most beloved holiday among the people is approaching - the New Year. Very soon, the forest beauty of the Christmas tree will rightfully reign in your home. And let her reign not for long, but how much joy and fun she will bring with her. And decorating a Christmas tree is a pleasure. And here is a box with Christmas decorations. (The teacher shows New Year's toys from the box)

Teacher: My heart stops when I see this magic box. I really like to sort out toys in it and hang them on the Christmas tree. This is a very enjoyable activity. For a year, you forgot what toys are in your boxes. You open it, and there ... shiny stars, beads, cones, nuts. How beautiful and fragile they are! And we need to try to hang everything. After all, all toys are very dear to us: we made some with our own hands, some were left to us from our grandmother, and some are simply beautiful. Today I propose to make New Year's souvenirs - toys with your own hands. After all, handmade toys are especially expensive, they will decorate your Christmas tree and bring joy to you and your loved ones. Therefore, the topic of our lesson, as you probably already guessed, is “New Year's toys”.

Teacher: Guys, today I suggest you make New Year's toys of your choice, and which ones you can guess for yourself.

(The teacher makes riddles for the children)

1) An asterisk spun in the air a little, Sat down and melted On my palm. (Snowflake) (The teacher shows a snowflake from the box)

2) She feeds birds in the forest. On a holiday, she will dress with bright foil, She will shine brightly with scales, Decorate our Christmas tree with herself. (Bump) (The teacher shows a bump from the box)

3) A silvery carrot Clings deftly to the roof, Clings to the eaves And grows down in winter. (Icicle) (The teacher shows an icicle from the box)

2. The main part.

Teacher: Earlier in Russia, only 200-300 years ago, the Christmas tree was decorated with a vegetable from the garden, which, of course, was silvered and gilded. Of course it was potatoes. Then people learned how to make glass balls. The art of making them was kept in the strictest confidence and was passed down by masters from generation to generation. These balls, sprinkled with silver and gold dust, were very expensive and could only be afforded by a few. All sorts of goodies-sweets were hung on the Christmas tree: sweets, apples, nuts - each country has its own New Year's decoration. And how much joy the opportunity to pluck, cut something tasty from the Christmas tree caused in the children! And there was gingerbread too! Earlier in Russia, even in rich families, children did not eat sweets randomly, every day, but received sweets for the holiday in a bag or hung on a Christmas tree and received as a prize. Glass decorations appeared only in the 19th century in Germany. According to one legend, it happened quite by accident. Once upon a time there lived a master glass blower. And when it came time to decorate the Christmas tree, it turned out that he had no money for either sweets or nuts. But how could he leave his children without a holiday? The master thought, thought, and finally came up with. After waiting for the children to fall asleep, he took up his usual work and blew all kinds of toys out of the glass: apples, sweets, gingerbread - and all this sparkled, shimmered and sparkled. They say that the children liked these decorations so much that none of them were upset that they could not be eaten! The master's idea turned out to be so successful that it soon became fashionable, and then became a tradition. And Christmas decorations began to be made of paper, wax, cotton wool, and foil. Interior decoration for the New Year is a very exciting, but at the same time responsible process, and in order to make the holiday bright and unforgettable, you need to prepare for it in advance. On the eve of the New Year and Christmas, I want to decorate my house. There is one beautiful tradition that came to us from Western countries - to hang a Christmas wreath on the door. Of course, you can buy a wreath in the store, but it's more interesting to make it yourself. Guys, I suggest you make a Christmas wreath from fragrant coniferous twigs that will fill your home with a pleasant aroma. According to folk traditions, the Christmas Wreath should appear in the house four weeks before Christmas. Every Sunday before the holiday, a candle is inserted into it, each of which symbolizes a certain bright feeling: love, faith, hope and friendship. And also I want to invite you to make a Christmas tree decoration for the guardian angel's Christmas tree. The figurine of an angel is traditionally associated with the Christmas and New Year holidays. Teacher: Guys, have you decided on the choice of a souvenir?

Children: Yes.

Teacher: So that the work boils, Let's prepare everything for the job, We will cut and sew, Everything should be in order.

Teacher: Guys, what are the instruments that are on your table? A magic box will help you.

Teacher: What safety rules do we need to know? (Students take turns in poetic form name the instruments)

Teacher: Children, how to use scissors correctly?

Children: Don’t joke with scissors, Don’t twist them in your hands in vain, And, holding the sharp edge, Pass them on to a friend. Just finished work - Scissors need care Don't forget to close them And put them back.

Teacher: Guys, before you are samples of New Year's decorations: Look at these decorations and tell me what they have in common?

Children: These souvenirs are made without using a needle. These toys are designed to decorate the Christmas tree.

Teacher: Good. How are these toys different from each other?

Children: Color, shape, decoration.

Teacher: Right! What do you think, what materials and tools will we need to work?

Children: napkins, scissors, guipure, white cloth, PVA glue, threads.

Teacher: Remember the sayings - what must be observed and not forgotten in any work.

Children:“Do the job, but don’t leave the alterations”

"Where there is accuracy, there is also neatness"

"Seven times measure cut once"

"Done hastily, but done for fun"

Practical work:

Teacher: Guys, let's get to work. Technological maps will be your assistants in the manufacture of crafts. Consider them carefully, select the necessary materials, let's get to work.

Teacher: Guys, I think it's time to have a physical education session. Guys, please stand up. We will conduct finger gymnastics corresponding to the theme of our lesson - "New Year". Fizkultminutka New Year is coming! Clap your hands Children lead a round dance. The hands are clasped with fingers, the arms are extended, the hands are in-out. Balls hang on the Christmas tree, we alternately connect the fingers on two hands, forming a ball. Lanterns glow. Flashlights Here ice floes are sparkling, clenching and sharply unclenching fists in turn Snowflakes are spinning. It is easy and smooth to move the brushes Santa Claus is coming to visit, Fingers walk on the knees or on the floor He brings gifts to everyone. We rub our palms together to count the gifts, We will bend our fingers: We clap on the knees or on the floor, one hand with the palm, the other with the fist, and then change 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10. We massage each finger in turn Teacher: We continue practical work.

3. Final part.

Teacher: Guys, have you finished your work? Let's see what we got. (demonstration of manufactured souvenirs) (As they are made, children put their works on a common table)

Teacher: Children, look at what beautiful and interesting decorations you have made. (All works are considered and discussed, identifying the most accurate and tasteful)

Teacher: Well done guys! Everyone got the job done. Did you like your crafts?

Children: ... answer.

Teacher: Guys, you have worked hard and made wonderful decorations for your home. I think your loved ones will like it too.

Teacher: Well done guys! Let's put away the tools and tidy up our workspace. Our lesson is over.

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