Abstract of the lesson od. Synopsis of OOD compiling a story based on the painting "Reindeer

Antipyretics for children are prescribed by a pediatrician. But there are emergency situations for fever when the child needs to be given medicine immediately. Then the parents take responsibility and use antipyretic drugs. What is allowed to give to infants? How can you bring down the temperature in older children? What medicines are the safest?

Madina Kaitukaeva
Abstract of the OOD lesson on familiarization with the outside world in the middle group “What do we know about water?”

Synopsis on familiarization with the outside world

V middle group on the topic: "What we know about water

Target: learn about the properties of water.

Tasks: Create a holistic view of water as a natural phenomenon.

Get to know the properties of water(water is colorless, odorless, transparent.)

To expand children's ideas about the importance of water in human life and all life on earth.

Materials and equipment: transparent cups for each child with clean water and juice, gouache and brushes, models of two drops, album sheets for each child with clouds and grass drawn in advance.

Lesson progress:

Hello guys! Today we have an unusual class. Now I will give you a riddle, and you try to guess what we are going to talk about.

If there are blots on the nose,

Who then is our first friend?

Removes dirt from face and hands.

What Mom Can't Do Without

No cooking, no washing?

To make it rain from the sky

To grow ears of bread.

For ships to sail.

To cook kissels.

To avoid trouble

We cannot live without... (water)

That's right, guys, well done! Water is necessary for all living things, without water there would be no life on our Earth. Water is the basis of life

What do you think happens to the water? What can she do? (run, pour, flow, drip)

Tell me guys, but in our the group has water?

And where is she (in a tap, in a decanter, in a glass)

Water occupies most of our planet. There are 4 oceans and 30 seas on Earth.

Guys, do you want to know what water tastes like? (Yes)

(Each child has a glass of clean water and juice. The teacher invites the children to try the juice.)

What is he? (sweet)

Now taste the water. What is she? (no taste)

Conclusion: water has no taste.

Guys, do you want to know what color the water is? Can we say that water is white? (No)

And I know that water can change its color. Do you want to make sure of this? (Yes)

Then dip your brushes in gouache and dip them into glasses of clean water. Has the color of the water changed? (Yes)

Conclusion: water changes its color depending on what is added to it.

Now smell the water. What does she smell like? (nothing)

Conclusion: water has no smell.

Fizminutka Rain.

The rain is running down the path

Like a mischievous boy. (jumping)

Loudly clapping hands

And from happiness he is not himself. (clapping)

Summer rain is always fun

He is like a good friend to everyone (turns)

So the poplar has become green, As if brand new (hands up, tilts to the right and left.)

Like toys in a store

Clean houses cost (turns with arm out to the side)

The firmament became blue-blue

Bunnies sparkle in the puddles (hands up, flashlights)

Guys, it was raining heavily tonight, droplets fell and fell, and one drop fell to our kindergarten and came to us in group. She got lost and knows, where she lives. Who knows where do droplets live? (on cloud)

When the sun shines, everyone gets hot, everyone wants to drink: and trees and grass and flowers, they also want to drink and the rain waters them.

Do you want to know how it rains (Yes)

Then listen. One sunny morning, one drop woke up in a small river. Cheerfully sparkling in the sun, the droplet played with other droplets. But they did not play for long, the sun was hot and the droplets from the heat turned into steam. Together they climbed closer to the sun. But is there really only one drop? No, all the droplets came together so as not to get lost and fly far away from all the other droplets. One in such a big sky is bored, but together it’s more fun, so it turned out to be a big cloud. More and more droplets joined this cloud. And the cloud got bigger and heavier. What happens when the sky is full of clouds? (rain)

Of course, that's how it rains. And the better the rain wets the earth, the more flowers and grass will be.

Guys, let's draw our droplet many, many droplet girlfriends.

Independent work of children.

Outcome classes.

Well, ours is over. class.

What did we talk about today? (O water)

What have we learned about her? (has no taste, color or smell).

Did you like class? (Yes).

Next time we'll talk about something more interesting.


Related publications:

"What do we know about water?" Abstract of the lesson on ecology for children of the middle group Program objectives: To acquaint children with the properties of water.

"I am human". Summary of the lesson on familiarization with the outside world in the middle group TMK preschool educational institution "Khatanga kindergarten" Luchik "Educator Spiridonova Agniya Nikolaevna "I am a person" summary of the lesson on familiarization with others.

Synopsis of the OOD in the middle group on familiarization with the outside world "Friendship" Topic: "Friendship" Purpose: to generalize and expand children's knowledge about friendship. Tasks: - development of a child's conscious emotionally positive.

Synopsis of an open lesson on ecology in the second junior group "What do we know about water" abstract of an open lesson on ecology in the second junior group at the festival of open lessons. What do we know about water? Software tasks.

Abstract of a lesson on familiarization with the outside world in the preparatory group Topic: “What a wonderful woman-voditsa-sorceress” Summary of the lesson on familiarization with the outside world in the preparatory group Topic: “What a wonderful woman-voditsa-sorceress” Program content:.

Abstract of a lesson on familiarization with the outside world in the middle group "For preschoolers about professions" Topic: Professions Program objectives: - To introduce children to several types of professions. - Show the importance of work in life.

Synopsis of OOD according to GEFfor children of the senior group on the topic "Journey to visit Lesovik."

Target: Development of a complex of integrative qualities of the personality of pupils in the process of playing and cognitive-communicative activities.



    To educate a general culture of behavior, respect for nature.

    Form patriotic feelings.


    Develop coherent speech, thinking, attention, memory.

    Interested in independent problem solving of a cognitive and creative nature.


    To acquaint with the profession of a forester, its features.

    Review and consolidate the classification of wild animals.

Dictionary work : forester, arborist, guard.

Techniques used to guide children's activities :Motivation: surprise moment, using games, riddles, showing illustrations, commenting.

Activation of children's activities: the game "Engine", a conversation, creating a developing environment, didactic games, showing illustrations, posing a problematic question, solving a mathematical riddle.

Organization of practical activities: showing illustrations, commenting, using the game "Cut Picture", a mathematical riddle.

Motivation and maintenance of interest: a surprise moment, a situation of choice, listening to birdsong and forest sounds, a physical minute, a change in activities.

Evaluation of children's activities, activation of self-esteem: encouragement, didactic game "Cut picture", "Choose a word".

Subject-developing environment for OOD : a balloon, an envelope (with a split picture of a hare), pictures of animals and their dwellings, a hare toy, letters with numbers "chamomile", a picture of a forester, trees (oak, birch, mountain ash, pine, maple), magnetic board.

Handout: split pictures depicting a hare, daisies made of paper (on the reverse side of the number).

Activities of children in OOD : cognitive, cognitive-research, game, communicative, productive, motor.

Planned results :

the ability of children to act independently, the manifestation of emotional responsiveness in activities and communication with peers and adults, the education of moral qualities.

Intelligent: development of interest in the profession of a forester, its significance; developing an understanding of the forest as a home for birds and animals; the formation of ideas about the work of adults in society and the life of each person; ability to solve intellectual problems; expansion and activation of vocabulary.

Physical: the formation of a general culture of behavior and the need for a healthy lifestyle.

Criteria for evaluating the activities of children in OOD:

Active participation in cognitive activities;

Independence in the performance of assigned tasks;

Interaction with peers and adults;



The manifestation of volitional efforts;

The ability to evaluate their own actions and the actions of their comrades.

Educational areas: physical development, cognition (FTsKM, FEMP), communication, speech development, music.

OOD Plan

1. Introductory part 12 min. Psychological mood. Surprise moment. Finger game. D / and "Collect a picture." D / and "Choose a word." Physical education minute

2. Main body 15 minutes. Conversation about the rules of behavior in the forest. D / and "Recognize the tree by description." D / and "Who lives where." 2. Physical education. The game "Letters got lost." Story about the work of a forester.

3. Final part - 3 min. Fizkultminutka. Summing up the OOD. Evaluation of children's activities.

The duration of the OOD is 30 minutes.

Progress OOD

1. Introduction .

Psychological mood.

    All the children gathered in a circle

    I am your friend and you are my friend

    Let's hold hands tightly

    And we smile at each other.

Educator: I smile at you and you smile at each other

so that we have a good mood all day long.

(A balloon flies in)

Educator: Guys, look, a balloon has come to us, and there is a letter in it. Let's read it.

Dear guys! I invite you to visit the forest glade. My old friend will show you the way.

Waiting for you! Forester.

Guys, do you know who a forester is? Where does he live?

What is the name of his house, which stands in the forest ? (a forester is a person who looks after the forest, trees, animals, cleanliness in the forest. small housethe forester is called the gatehouse).

Well, guys, do you agree to go to visit the forester?

Shall we begin our journey?

But how can we get into the forest as soon as possible?

Let's go guys on a train journey.

Hurry up, take our wagons, let's go ...

(Children imitate the movement of the train).

Steam locomotive buzzed

He took wagons.

Choo-choo-choo, choo-choo-choo

I'll take you far.

Here we are in the forest ... How beautiful! Listen. What do you hear?

(Listening to the singing of birds and the sounds of the forest).

Educator: And who will show the way to the forester?

Guys, the letter says that an old acquaintance of the forester will show the way.

Who is he - we need to guess. You need to collect cut pictures.

(Children collect pictures that depict a hare)

(A hare appears - a soft toy)

Children, sit down on the stumps.

Guys, name the words that define a real live hare. What is he?

Didactic game "Choose the word"

(Children take turns calling words, for example: fluffy, white, fast, gray, cowardly, long-eared).

V: - Well done, and if a hare has long ears, then what is it? ( long-eared)

- What about long legs? (leggy)

Quick legs? ( swift)

And you can say about the hare - long-tailed? (No)

So what is he? (short-tailed or they also say short-haired)

(Repeat the word "stubby" and give it an explanation).

What does the rabbit eat? So what is he? (herbivorous)

What other herbivores do you know? Name.

V:-Let's ask the hare to show the way to the forester.

Bunny, Bunny - tell me

Bunny, Bunny, show me

How to find a track

To the forester in the lodge.

V: Bunny shows us

That we need to move in this direction.

Fizkultminutka "Together we go through the forest."

We walk through the forest together

We are not in a hurry, we are not behind.

Here we go to the meadow. (Walking in place)

A thousand flowers around! (Sipping - arms to the side)

Here is chamomile, cornflower,

Lungwort, porridge, clover.

The carpet is unraveling. (Smooth movements of the hands in front of you).

Both right and left. (Bend over and touch the left foot with the right hand, then vice versa - the right foot with the left hand).

Hands stretched to the sky

The spine was stretched. (Sipping - arms up)

We all had time to rest

And they sat down again. (Children sit down)

2. Main body.

Conversation about the rules of behavior in the forest

How should one behave in the forest? (do not make noise, do not shout, do not frighten forest dwellers, do not litter, do not make a fire, do not destroy animal dwellings, do not break branches, do not trample grass, do not touch animals and insects, this can be dangerous, etc.)

Didactic game "Recognize the tree by description"

In the kingdom of the forest there are both animals and birds,

Woodpecker and mole, there is a fox and a titmouse.

The forest is the decoration of our land!

There are chief inhabitants in the kingdom of the forest,

What do we call these people? ( trees are the largest plants

V:- Guys, let's remember what trees grow in the forest. I will give you a riddle, and you guess the name of this tree.

I am a mighty tree, I am a forest attendant.

And everyone knows this tree - both old and small.

I grow up to old age and a hundred, and two hundred years.

Children recognized me, because I am powerful ... (oak)

I am a Russian tree, I am a beauty tree!

I decorate green forests with myself.

In the forest, my white tender camp is far visible.

With a green border, my summer sundress.

It’s easier not to find the question, what kind of tree? .... (birch)

I have longer needles than a Christmas tree.

Very straight I grow in height.

If I grow at the edge, the branches are only at the top.

Up I stretch like a string, ship .... (pine)

The trunk is slender, dark bark,

It has been green all summer.

The autumn time has come

He wore a purple outfit.

Every year on it with a hunt,

Helicopters are growing ... .. (maple)

Many berries are red, ripe and beautiful.

They hang in clusters, their outfit is beautiful.

Collect berries on a string - for the soul,

From it, of course, the beads are very good .... (rowan)

(I post pictures)

V: Well done, all the trees learned.

Didactic game "Who lives where?"

Well done. In the meantime, we have already climbed far into the forest.

And here we see something very interesting and unusual. What's this? (This is someone's house) (show)

So someone lives in it. Who? (animal)

Are there wild animals or domestic animals in the forest? And how do they differ?

Wild animals build their own houses, or occupy other people's, abandoned houses.

(show pictures)

This is hollow. Who made it? (woodpecker)

And who can live in it ? (squirrel, mink, marten)

This is a lair. Who lives in it? (Wolf)

This is the bear's house. What is it called? ( den)

And what's that ? (Nora). Who can live in it? (fox, badger, rassomaha, raccoon, snake)

What is the name of the rabbit house? (the hare does not have a house)


  • Are you tired?

    Well, then everyone stood up straight,

    They stamped their feet, clapped their hands,

    Turned around, turned around

    We close our eyes tightly, open them,

    And we're moving forward again!

V: So we went out to the clearing.

There must be a forester's lodge around here somewhere.

What grows in this clearing?

Look guys, something is written here.

Help me please.

Lost letters game

Arrange the numbers in order from 1 to 7. and read what happens.

(children put letters together with numbers in order).

And the word came out - CAMOMILE.

What is the first sound we hear in this word? (sound [p]). Name the words that have the [p] sound.
What is the last sound in this word? (sound [a]). Name the words with the sound [a].

Let's decorate the forester's clearing with these flowers.

Look guys, here it is gatehouse forester.

And here is the owner gatehouses.

The story of the work of the forester (accompanies the display of photo illustrations)

Forester called forest watchman he guards the forest.

The arborist, forester is the owner of the forest, which the state has entrusted to him.

This owner must know his forest area well.

This study of the territory takes many years.

Therefore, the forester must be a local resident who is well acquainted with the surroundings.

A good forester knows his rounds down to the smallest detail, and any changes in the forest quarter will not escape his attention.

He will immediately determine where cattle were grazed without permission or trees disappeared, signs of an impending disease of the forest appeared (for example, an invasion of caterpillars or an animal disease).

Especially careful relationship should be forests in our steppe region, since we have few forests.

The forester is doing a lot of work to prevent forest fires. After all, any fire, an unextinguished match, a thrown cigarette butt causes the destruction of forests in the fire.

Fighting a forest fire is very difficult, sometimes impossible. That is why fire prevention is so important.

The forester is a friend to all the animals and plants of the forest.

Conscientiousness, professional honesty, diligence - these are the wonderful traditions that have developed over the centuries in the forestry of the country.

3. Final part .


The forester is very glad that we accepted his invitation. But we have to go to the kindergarten, back. The forester treated us with fragrant forest apples.

Well, now on the wagons, our train is leaving.

    Steam locomotive buzzed

    And he brought wagons.

    Choo-choo-choo, choo-choo-choo

    I will take you home..

Did you enjoy our trip?

What did you like the most?

And what profession did we meet today? Who is a forester?

Now you know for sure that this is a necessary and noble profession.

I think we did a good job today. You are great! Real travelers. It was my pleasure to take this journey with you.

Well, now let's eat apples.

Synopsis of OOD according to the Federal State Educational Standard for children of the senior group on the topic "Journey to visit Lesovik."

Target: Development of a complex of integrative qualities of the personality of pupils in the process of playing and cognitive-communicative activities.



  • To educate a general culture of behavior, respect for nature.
  • Form patriotic feelings.


  • Develop coherent speech, thinking, attention, memory.
  • Interested in independent problem solving of a cognitive and creative nature.


  • To acquaint with the profession of a forester, its features.
  • Review and consolidate the classification of wild animals.

Dictionary work: forester, arborist, guard.

Techniques used to guide children's activities:Motivation: surprise moment, using games, riddles, showing illustrations, commenting.

Activation of children's activities: the game "Engine", a conversation, creating a developing environment, didactic games, showing illustrations, posing a problematic question, solving a mathematical riddle.

Organization of practical activities: showing illustrations, commenting, using the game "Cut Picture", a mathematical riddle.

Motivation and maintenance of interest: a surprise moment, a situation of choice, listening to birdsong and forest sounds, a physical minute, a change in activities.

Evaluation of children's activities, activation of self-esteem: encouragement, didactic game "Cut picture", "Choose a word".

Subject-developing environment for OOD: a balloon, an envelope (with a split picture of a hare), pictures of animals and their dwellings, a hare toy, letters with numbers "chamomile", a picture of a forester, trees (oak, birch, mountain ash, pine, maple), magnetic board.

Handout: split pictures depicting a hare, daisies made of paper (on the reverse side of the number).

Activities of children in OOD: cognitive, cognitive-research, game, communicative, productive, motor.

Planned results:

Personal: the ability of children to act independently, the manifestation of emotional responsiveness in activities and communication with peers and adults, the education of moral qualities.

Intelligent:development of interest in the profession of a forester, its significance; developing an understanding of the forest as a home for birds and animals; the formation of ideas about the work of adults in society and the life of each person; ability to solve intellectual problems; expansion and activation of vocabulary.

Physical : the formation of a general culture of behavior and the need for a healthy lifestyle.

Criteria for evaluating the activities of children in OOD:

Active participation in cognitive activities;

Independence in the performance of assigned tasks;

Interaction with peers and adults;



The manifestation of volitional efforts;

The ability to evaluate their own actions and the actions of their comrades.

Educational areas:physical development, cognition (FTsKM, FEMP), communication, speech development, music.

OOD Plan

1. Introductory part - 12 min. Psychological mood. Surprise moment. Finger game. D / and "Collect a picture." D / and "Choose a word." Physical education minute

2. Main body – 15 minutes. Conversation about the rules of behavior in the forest. D / and "Recognize the tree by description." D / and "Who lives where." 2. Physical education. The game "Letters got lost." Story about the work of a forester.

3. Final part -3 min. Fizkultminutka. Summing up the OOD. Evaluation of children's activities.

The duration of the OOD is 30 minutes.

Progress OOD

1. Introduction.

Psychological mood.

  • All the children gathered in a circle
  • I am your friend and you are my friend
  • Let's hold hands tightly
  • And we smile at each other.

Educator: I smile at you and you smile at each other

So that we have a good mood all day long.

(A balloon flies in)

Educator: Guys, look, a balloon has come to us, and there is a letter in it. Let's read it.

Dear guys! I invite you to visit the forest glade. My old friend will show you the way.

Waiting for you! Forester.

Guys, do you know who a forester is? Where does he live?

What is the name of his house, which stands in the forest? (a forester is a person wholooks after the forest, trees, animals, cleanliness in the forest. small housethe forester is called the gatehouse).

Well, guys, do you agree to go to visit the forester?

Shall we begin our journey?

But how can we get into the forest as soon as possible?

Let's go guys on a train journey.

Hurry up, take our wagons, let's go ...

(Children imitate the movement of the train).

Steam locomotive buzzed

He took wagons.

Choo-choo-choo, choo-choo-choo

I'll take you far.

Here we are in the forest ... How beautiful! Listen. What do you hear?

(Listening to the singing of birds and the sounds of the forest).

Educator: And who will show the way to the forester?

Guys, the letter says that an old acquaintance of the forester will show the way.

Who is he - we need to guess. You need to collect cut pictures.

(Children collect pictures that depict a hare)

(A hare appears - a soft toy)

Children, sit down on the stumps.

Guys, name the words that define a real live hare. What is he?

Didactic game "Choose the word"

(Children take turns calling words, for example: fluffy, white, fast, gray,cowardly, long-eared).

V: - Well done, and if the harelong ears, then what is he? ( long-eared)

- What about long legs?(leggy)

Quick legs? (swift)

And you can say about the hare - long-tailed?(No)

So what is he?(short-tailed or they also say short-haired)

(Repeat the word "stubby" and give it an explanation).

What does the rabbit eat? So what is he?(herbivorous)

What other herbivores do you know? Name.

V: -Let's ask the hare to show the way to the forester.

Bunny, Bunny - tell me

Bunny, Bunny, show me

How to find a track

To the forester in the lodge.

V: Bunny shows us

That we need to move in this direction.

Fizkultminutka "Together we go through the forest."

We walk through the forest together

We are not in a hurry, we are not behind.

Here we go to the meadow.(Walking in place)

A thousand flowers around!(Sipping - arms to the side)

Here is chamomile, cornflower,

Lungwort, porridge, clover.

The carpet is unraveling.(Smooth movements of the hands in front of you).

Both right and left.(Bend over and touch the left foot with the right hand, then vice versa - the right foot with the left hand).

Hands stretched to the sky

The spine was stretched.(Sipping - arms up)

We all had time to rest

And they sat down again.(Children sit down)

2. Main body.

Conversation about the rules of behavior in the forest

How should one behave in the forest? (do not make noise, do not shout, do not frighten forest dwellers, do not litter, do not make a fire, do not destroy animal dwellings, do not break branches, do not trample grass, do not touch animals and insects, this can be dangerous, etc.)

Didactic game "Recognize the tree by description"

In the kingdom of the forest there are both animals and birds,

Woodpecker and mole, there is a fox and a titmouse.

The forest is the decoration of our land!

There are chief inhabitants in the kingdom of the forest,

What do we call these people? (trees are the largest plants

V: - Guys, let's remember what trees grow in the forest. I will give you a riddle, and you guess the name of this tree.

I am a mighty tree, I am a forest attendant.

And everyone knows this tree - both old and small.

I grow up to old age and a hundred, and two hundred years.

Children recognized me, because I am powerful ... (oak)

I am a Russian tree, I am a beauty tree!

I decorate green forests with myself.

In the forest, my white tender camp is far visible.

With a green border, my summer sundress.

It’s easier not to find the question, what kind of tree? .... (birch)

I have longer needles than a Christmas tree.

Very straight I grow in height.

If I grow at the edge, the branches are only at the top.

Up I stretch like a string, ship .... (pine)

The trunk is slender, dark bark,

It has been green all summer.

The autumn time has come

He wore a purple outfit.

Every year on it with a hunt,

Helicopters are growing ... .. (maple)

Many berries are red, ripe and beautiful.

They hang in clusters, their outfit is beautiful.

Collect berries on a string - for the soul,

From it, of course, the beads are very good .... (rowan)

(I post pictures)

V: Well done, all the trees learned.

Didactic game "Who lives where?"

Well done. In the meantime, we have already climbed far into the forest.

And here we see something very interesting and unusual. What's this?(This is someone's house) (show)

So someone lives in it. Who?(animal)

Are there wild animals or domestic animals in the forest? And how do they differ?

Wild animals build their own houses, or occupy other people's, abandoned houses.

(show pictures)

This is hollow. Who made it?(woodpecker)

And who can live in it? (squirrel, mink, marten)

This is a lair. Who lives in it?(Wolf)

This is the bear's house. What is it called? ( den)

And what's that ? (Nora). Who can live in it?(fox, badger, rassomaha, raccoon, snake)

What is the name of the rabbit house?(the hare does not have a house)


  • Are you tired?
  • Well, then everyone stood up straight,
  • They stamped their feet, clapped their hands,
  • Turned around, turned around
  • We close our eyes tightly, open them,
  • And we're moving forward again!

V: So we went out to the clearing.

There must be a forester's lodge around here somewhere.

What grows in this clearing?

Look guys, something is written here.

It's a word, but I can't read it.

Help me please.

Lost letters game

Arrange the numbers in order from 1 to 7. and read what happens.

(children put letters together with numbers in order).

And the word came out - CAMOMILE.

What is the first sound we hear in this word?(sound [p]). Name the words that have the [p] sound.
What is the last sound in this word? (sound [a]). Name the words with the sound [a].

Let's decorate the forester's clearing with these flowers.

Look guys, here it is forester's hut.

And here is the owner of the gatehouse.

The story of the work of the forester (accompanies the display of photo illustrations)

A forester is called a forest watchman he guards the forest.

The arborist, forester is the owner of the forest, which the state has entrusted to him.

This owner must know his forest area well.

This study of the territory takes many years.

Therefore, the forester must be a local resident who is well acquainted with the surroundings.

A good forester knows his rounds down to the smallest detail, and any changes in the forest quarter will not escape his attention.

He will immediately determine where cattle were grazed without permission or trees disappeared, signs of an impending disease of the forest appeared (for example, an invasion of caterpillars or an animal disease).

Particularly gentle relationship should be forests in our steppe region, since we have few forests.

The forester is doing a lot of work to prevent forest fires. After all, any fire, an unextinguished match, a thrown cigarette butt causes the destruction of forests in the fire.

Fighting a forest fire is very difficult, sometimes impossible. That is why fire prevention is so important.

The forester is a friend to all the animals and plants of the forest.

Conscientiousness, professional honesty, diligence - these are the wonderful traditions that have developed over the centuries in the forestry of the country.

3. Final part.


The forester is very glad that we accepted his invitation. But we have to go to the kindergarten, back. The forester treated us with fragrant forest apples.

Well, now on the wagons, our train is leaving.

  • Steam locomotive buzzed
  • And he brought wagons.
  • Choo-choo-choo, choo-choo-choo
  • I will take you home..

Did you enjoy our trip?

What did you like the most?

And what profession did we meet today? Who is a forester?

Now you know for sure that this is a necessary and noble profession.

I think we did a good job today. You are great! Real travelers. It was my pleasure to take this journey with you.

Well, now let's eat apples.

Antonina Stepanova

Organized educational activities for the development of speech in the preparatory group for school topic: « reindeer»

Educational area: "Speech development"

Topic: writing a story from a picture« reindeer»

Target: to form children's ability write a story about a picture using their knowledge of the appearance and life of animals.

educational: learn to select the most accurate definitions when describing the appearance of animals; develop skill carefully look at the picture(with the help of teacher questions, discuss its content.)

Educational: to exercise children in the ability to highlight specific objects depicted on picture, and give them appropriate names;

Educational: to cultivate the ability to listen carefully to a friend, not to interrupt or repeat him; evaluate stories of comrades arguing your choice.

vocabulary work:

Chum - a collapsible dwelling covered with deer skins;

Sledges - light sleds for riding dogs or reindeer;

Yagel - lichen (moss that serves as food reindeer.)

Area integration: "Cognitive Development"; "Speech development", "Artistic and aesthetic".

materials: painting« reindeer» , spyglass, song recording "I'll take you to the tundra", riddle, slideshow on laptop.

OOD progress:

1) Organizational moment.

Today we will make a trip to the Extreme North of our Motherland.

On the north of snow, freezing

Harsh nature.

Dances of stars in the sky

And there is no sun for six months.

Y. Shestopalov

Where do you try to guess? (listen to the song)

Children: To the tundra. Our path is not short, and we, as young researchers, will need map. Many of you guys can read and now they will help us find and determine exactly where the tundra is. Do you know that tundra in Finnish means "hostile" or "barren". Why it is called so, you will now see and understand everything. Tundra is the realm of cold, snow, piercing wind, permafrost, snowstorms and snowstorms. Winters are long and cold, and summers are short and cool. Dwarf trees grow in the tundra, standing next to which you guys will be giants. Are you interested in looking into this harsh corner of our vast country?

(slide show)

Guess what time of year it is in the tundra?

The white girl came

The whole meadow turned white.

Children: Winter.

What do you think about winter in the tundra? (children's answers - frosty, cold, harsh, fierce, blizzard, icy) What snow in winter? (children's answers are light, fluffy, shiny, crispy, sparkling, clean, wet, prickly, loose).

And let's look at the tundra from afar, for this I have "magic spyglass". Each of you, through the pipe, will see only one object or one living being. Look through the magic spyglass and tell: who or what do you see there?

The game "Spyglass"

Game progress: Children are invited picture for viewing and a landscape sheet to imitate a spyglass.

Examining the painting« reindeer» .

Now I suggest you take a look at picture and answer questions:

What is shown on this picture? (deer with deer)

What is he doing deer? (she bowed her head and eats reindeer moss - reindeer moss)

What is he doing fawn? (he stands next to her and looks at her)

Compare deer with deer.

What is the difference? (at deer wool dark, and at deer - gray. At fawn the horns are small and weak. He still can not get his own food. At strong deer, strong legs, she rakes the snow with them, finds food - reindeer moss, ( deer big and strong, a fawn(small and weak)

How are they similar deer and deer? (wool is thick and warm)

Guys, looking at pictures of the tundra I wanted to play a fun game with you.

Phys. minute: "We warm ourselves"

And it's cold outside

Well, everyone rubbed their nose

There is no need for us to beat the buckets

Everyone quickly took hold of their ears

They shook their heads!

By knees knocked!

Let's pat on the back!

And now let's sink!

Writing stories for children.

Now let's take another look at picture and try to make a story based on it. come up with reindeer life story, about the baby and about deer. Consider how you will start story What will you talk about and how will you end. Don't forget to name your story.

Option sample story.

"We lived - were on in the north, a deer with its mother - a deer. deer He was very small, his horns only grew a little. He stood unsteadily on his weak legs. And at deer- large branched horns, a beautiful head on a long neck. She bent down, eats reindeer moss and shows fawn: “eat, it’s tasty to grow up, big and you will have the same big and beautiful horns and slender, strong long legs!”

For storytelling children can form subgroups.

listening stories, teacher and other children evaluate story, which was more interesting, arguing his choice.

Summary of the lesson.

Guys, where have we been today? What did you learn interesting about the tundra? What new words have you learned?

Joint activities with parents

Related publications:

Synopsis of the final GCD "Compilation of a story based on the painting" Hedgehogs "" for children of the second junior group Objectives: Educational: Continue to engage the children in conversation while looking at the picture. To form the ability to communicate with the teacher:.

Synopsis of GCD for children of senior preschool age. Writing a descriptive story based on a painting Topic: "Compilation of a descriptive story based on the painting by A. Savrasov "The Rooks Have Arrived"". Purpose: the formation of the ability to compose a descriptive.

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Synopsis of the OOD on speech development in the second junior group "Compiling a story based on the painting "Cat with Kittens"" Program content: Help children understand the content of the picture, characterize the characters; educate the ability to listen to the story.

Dzagoeva Irina Yurievna
Position: senior educator
Educational institution: preschool department of MBOU Odintsovo secondary school No. 3
Locality: Odintsovo, Moscow region
Material name: article
Topic:"How to draw up a summary of the OOD in accordance with the GEF DO"
Publication date: 27.01.2017
Chapter: preschool education

Municipal budgetary educational institution Odintsovo secondary school No. 3 (preschool department)
“We draw up a summary of organized educational activities in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard of Education” Prepared by: Senior teacher of the Preschool Department of MBOU Odintsovo secondary school No. 3
Dzagoeva I.Yu.
G. Odintsovo 2016
The abstract is the main document of the educator, without which no organized activity can take place! Most importantly, the abstract should reflect current trends in the development of preschoolers and children.
be methodologically literate.
First of all, it should be noted that there is no clear replacement for the word “occupation” at the moment. In some regions they call
"directly educational

(GCD), in others -
"organized educational

(OOD), thirdly -
"educational situation"
(OS). All these definitions are correct, as they reflect a specific educational activity. So, how to make a summary. There are two options for preparing this document, but the title page must always meet the following design requirements: 1. Title page. At the top of the title page, in the center, the name of the educational organization is indicated. The center also indicates the type of organized activity, its topic, for which age group this summary was compiled. In the lower right corner (not quite on the edge of the sheet) it is indicated who compiled the abstract (full name, position, group number - if any). At the bottom of the sheet, in the center, the name of the settlement and the year of writing are written. Further: Option 1 At the beginning of the synopsis, the direction of the program activity and the specific area of ​​implementation of this activity must be indicated. (Type of OOD) 1. The topic of the lesson is written briefly. 2. Goal - the end result, what we are striving for. The program content is what requires execution, the solutions that need to be solved in the lesson are prescribed in detail. 3. The trinity of tasks is observed: teaching (what new teacher will teach children); developing (which cognitive processes will be developed or improved) (or correctional-developing) educating (what socially significant personal qualities will be brought up or knowledge about them will be replenished). 4. Integration of educational areas: the main educational area is indicated first, and other educational areas included in this lesson are indicated in brackets. 5. In the dictionary work, words are indicated that are entered into the active and passive vocabulary of children for the lesson and it is necessary to explain their meaning to the children. Reminder! The words planned for the active and passive dictionaries are specifically listed. It must be remembered that words from the passive dictionary are included in the active one after 2-3 lessons. In classes for the development of speech, the tasks from the sections "Grammatical structure of speech", "Sound culture of speech", "Coherent speech" are necessarily included. 6. The outline summarizes what preliminary work is required in order for the session to be successful and all tasks to be completed. 7. The pedagogical tools and equipment necessary for this lesson are reflected: technical (including computer, methodological, organizational tools. 8. The course of the lesson is described in the logic of the sequence of using these tools, when and which slide will be used, what questions will be asked children what game will be played. (If the game was compiled by the author independently and is not reflected in the teaching aids, both the course of its implementation and the purpose of using it at this stage of the lesson should be indicated).
Stages of work: 1.
Introductory part:
Organizational moment, including: setting a goal that should be achieved by students at this stage of the OOD (what should be done so that their further work is effective); determination of the goals and objectives that the teacher wants to achieve at this stage of the GCD; description of the methods of organizing the work of students at the initial stage and the topic of educational activities (taking into account the real characteristics of the group with which the teacher works). 2.
Main part:
Introduction to new material. Didactic game (game situation) that creates motivation for activity. Children are offered a game during which they remember what will help them get acquainted with a new topic (updating knowledge and skills). The game should be such that in the course of it there are no difficulties in the child's activity. 3.
Final part:
Fixing the material. Reproduction of the new in a typical situation. At this stage, games are held where children use new knowledge or skills. At the end, a game situation is created, which fixes the individual mastering of new material by each child. There is a self-assessment by the child of his activity in the development of new things. **** Repetition and development tasks. (Given in the abstract at the request of the educator) 4.
Summing up the lesson
: a description of the positive actions of students, determining the prospects for the acquired competencies (what they learned new, where the new will come in handy). Option 2 1.
Type of OOD:
classes on communication of new knowledge; classes to consolidate knowledge, skills; classes on generalization and systematization; final; accounting and verification; combined (mixed, combined); complex; integrated

Purpose of OOD
software content,
which includes: 1. Learning tasks (it is written what children will be taught in this lesson). 2. Developmental tasks (it is written that we will consolidate, clarify, not forgetting the development of mental functions and various properties). 3. Educational tasks (what mental, aesthetic, moral and volitional qualities will be formed in this lesson).

Integration of educational areas
vocabulary work
scheduled for every lesson. The words planned for the active and passive dictionaries are specifically listed. It must be remembered that words from the passive dictionary are included in the active one after 2-3 lessons. In classes for the development of speech, the tasks from the sections "Grammatical structure of speech", "Sound culture of speech", "Coherent speech" are necessarily included. It should be remembered that each new task is written from a new line. 6.
, which will be used in this DTE (for example: interactive whiteboard, easel, wallboard, cubes, coasters, etc.). The following is indicated
demo material,
where not only all manuals, paintings are listed, but also their authors, quantity, sizes are indicated. eight.
it is mandatory to list what material is taken with an indication of the size and quantity. 9.
Previous work as an educator
in preparation for the lesson: what they designed, what they made, what they compiled, studied, wrote, etc. After that, preliminary work with children, the entire volume of frontal and individual work with children (where they went on an excursion, what object they observed, what read to the children what they learned, etc.) 10.
individual work,
with whom (names and surnames of children are indicated) in what part of the lesson is planned to be held. It is advisable not to forget to enter this work in that part of the lesson in the abstract in which you planned. eleven.
methodical methods,
used in class. Parts of the lesson and specific methodological techniques are indicated.
For instance:
I. Introduction - 3 minutes. a) reading the poem "Autumn" by A. S. Pushkin; b) watching the autumn sky from the window; c) verbal didactic game "Think up a word" (selection of adjectives for the words sky, autumn, foliage). II. The main part is 15 minutes. a) a conversation about weather phenomena in autumn; b) looking at weather calendars; c) naming autumn signs by children; d) compiling stories about autumn weather; e) naming sayings about autumn by children; d) didactic game "From what tree leaf" ... etc. III. The final part - 2 minutes. a) reading a story about autumn; b) listening to the recording of P. I. Tchaikovsky "September"; c) generalization of the educator; e) analysis of the lesson (about what knowledge the children showed). 12.
Organization of children on educational activities.
The placement of tables, equipment, seating and placement of children is indicated - if necessary, a seating plan is placed. If the placement of children in different parts of the lesson changes, it describes how the transition from one part of the lesson to another is carried out. thirteen.
Description of the lesson
. The course of the lesson is written in direct speech. Be sure to write down all the words that the teacher will say. If during the lesson the teacher needs to perform some actions, this is indicated in the summary.
So, if we briefly formulate all the requirements, then the structure looks like

summary will be as follows:
1. Type, theme of the OOD with an indication of the age group of children. 2. The purpose of OOD 3. Program content (training, developing, educating tasks). 4. Vocabulary work. 5. Equipment for OOD. 6. Demonstration material.
7. Handout. 8. Previous work of the educator in preparation for OOD. 9. Preliminary work with children (with the whole group, with a subgroup, individually). 10. Individual work with children in OOD (what kind, with whom, in what part of the activity). 11. The structure of the OOD and methodological techniques. 12. Organization of children at OOD. 13. Move OOD (in direct speech). 14. At the end of the final phrases or analysis of the lesson. "Properties of Water". Lesson on cognitive research activities with elements of experimentation
OOD: "Journey with a drop"
Cognitive research activity with elements of experimentation.
To form an idea of ​​the properties of water
educational tasks. 1. Continue to acquaint children with the properties of water (it has no color, taste or smell). Developing tasks: 1. To develop the cognitive activity of children in the process of experimentation by comparison. 2. Activate children's vocabulary (colorless, tasteless).
educational tasks. 1. Cultivate accuracy in work in the process of experimentation.
preliminary work
1. Conversations on the topics: "Where you can meet water"; “What and who needs water”; 2. Conducting experiments with water. 3. Consideration of illustrations on the theme "Water". 4. Reading fairy tales, poems, stories, proverbs, guessing riddles about water. 5. Observation of indoor plants in a corner of nature, running errands (watering).
Kind of activity:
cognitive research
Form - work:
Children's age:
second junior group (3-4 years old)
Methods and techniques:
1. Visual (schemes - symbols indicating the properties of water). 2. Practical (observation, experiment). 3. Verbal (teacher's story, search questions, artistic word).
Integrations of educational areas:
Cognitive - research, social - communicative.
Material for classes:
Water drops made from paper; schemes - symbols indicating the properties of water; glasses of water and straws for a cocktail (according to the number of children).
Lesson progress
Educator: Oh, guys, what happened this morning, I forgot to tell you - I just went into the kindergarten, A droplet came to me (shows a picture of a droplet, Says, I’m a miracle guest, Here I admire from above, I like your Earth, Blue and big Educator: Guys, a droplet asked us a riddle... So that it rains from the sky, So that ears of bread grow, So that ships sail, So that jelly is boiled, So that there is no trouble - You can't live without .... (Water) Educator: - That's right without water, So what are we going to talk about today? (about water).
What is water? (children's answers). What kind of water happens, do you know its properties? Today we will learn the properties of water. And a droplet came to visit us and to her droplet sisters who live in our group. Just couldn't find them. Educator: - Guys, let's show Droplet where the droplet sisters live, what they do with us and what benefits they bring. Children in the group find a drop in a corner of nature: near plants. Flowers need to be watered, they will wither without water, they need water. Near the sink (sink) they find a drop: the assistant teacher needs water to wash the dishes. A droplet is found in the play corner, water is needed to wash toys. At the table, on which there is a decanter of water, they find a drop, water is needed so that we can drink it. A drop is found in the toilet room, water is needed so that the children can wash their hands and face. Educator: Well done guys. - Here is Droplet, how many droplet sisters live in our group, who bring us great benefit. And we promise to take care of them with the guys. Educator: Guys, did we find answers to the questions, what kind of water is there? Maybe in the laboratory we will find answers to our questions? Educator: Let's go to the laboratory and invite Droplet with us. Before starting research, let's remember the rules of behavior in the laboratory: - Do not make noise - this is how we disturb others. - Handle dishes with care. - Listen carefully to the teacher. - After completing the observation, draw a conclusion. Experience No. 1: “Water is a liquid” One is with water, the other is empty. Gently pour water from one to the other. Teacher: What happens to the water? Children: It pours. Educator: Why is she pouring? Water flows because it is liquid. So what is water? (Liquid). Since water is liquid and can flow, it is called a liquid. Conclusion: Water is a liquid (I hang the symbol on the board). Experience No. 2 “Clear water” There are two cups in front of the children: one with water, the other with milk. Children throw coins into both cups. Educator: In which cup is a coin visible? That's right, in a glass of water. Why do you think the coin is visible in this cup? Children: Water is clear, but milk is not. Conclusion: Water is colorless, has no color (I hang the symbol on the board). Experience number 3: "Water has no smell." The teacher invites the children to smell the water. Educator: Children, what does water smell like? It doesn't smell right at all. Pure water is odorless (I hang a symbol). Experience No. 4 "Water has no taste." The teacher invites the children to take a straw for a cocktail and try the water. Educator: Children, tell me, does water have a taste? (Answers of children). That's right, pure water has no taste. The water is tasteless, has no taste (I hang a symbol). And if we put sugar or salt in a glass of water, what will the water taste like? (children perform the experiment themselves). Salty and sweet. Educator: Guys, having done our experiments, did we find out what kind of water is? (Answers of children). That's right, water has no color, no taste and no smell. Well done boys! Educator: Guys, let's please our guest and give her beautiful soap bubbles. Experiment No. 5. This experiment is called “Salute from soap bubbles” Materials: glasses of water, pipettes with liquid soap, cocktail tubes.
Drop liquid soap from a pipette into a glass of water. Dip the cocktail straw into the glass and blow through the straw. What do you see? (soap bubbles appeared). Educator: Well done guys, thank you! Droplet is very glad that you know so much about water.
Droplets thank everyone for the fact that you know her droplet sisters so well, you know how they help and what benefits they bring to us. (Children are given bubbles with soap bubbles as a gift).

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