How to behave if your husband does not work?

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Valeria Chumakova | 08/25/2015 | 895

Valeria Chumakova 08/25/2015 895

If the husband does not work temporarily or does not want to work at all, the wife’s task is to react to this correctly.

What to do if the husband cannot take the reins of the family budget? Let's consider the basic behavioral strategies.

If the husband does not work temporarily

Give me time to find a good job?

One possible strategy is to give your husband time to sort through all the job offers and choose the most worthy one. But what to do if he is stuck in “waiting mode” or if there are no good offers on the horizon?

First of all, remember that you and your husband are a family, you are one whole. And in a sense, his problems become your problems too. Therefore, your task is to support your man and help him in every possible way during this difficult period, and not to humiliate or ridicule him.

Help him find vacancies, discuss together what you need to increase your chances of getting a prestigious position (perhaps improve your qualifications, get additional education, a license or driving license, learn a foreign language).

The main thing you can do to help your man is to be a good support and support for him. If you agree to temporarily take on the functions of the main breadwinner in the family in order to give your husband the opportunity to find a truly worthwhile job, there is no need to “nag” him and start scandals. On the contrary, surround him with softness, warmth and care. Believe that he will certainly find the best way out of the situation and will not let his family down. Even if you don’t believe it, convince him otherwise!

Believe me, if your husband is a serious, responsible person, this will be enough for him: a favorable atmosphere at home plus an understanding wife will definitely become good motivators.

  • You are a calm and balanced woman, ready to completely rely on your man, no matter what happens.
  • Your husband is responsible for your family, and you feel it.
  • The husband is not inclined to constantly borrow money and does not sit on his parents’ neck.
  • The husband is active and interested in his position in the family and society.

If your husband prefers to work from home

Leave your husband to "do the housework"?

Not a bad strategy either. You work, and your husband completely takes care of the house: cooks, cleans, pays bills, picks up the children from school, takes them to training. Everything would be fine, but there is one “but”. This family structure and the roles you play

  • or it must initially suit both of you,
  • or they should be a temporary measure.

Otherwise, discord may begin in the family. In our society, it is accepted that a man is obliged to support his family, and a woman’s job is children and home comfort. Therefore, an unexpected family “revolution” can lead to serious conflicts with the husband and relatives, as well as dissatisfaction and excessive criticism towards oneself (“I’m a bad housewife, my husband cooks borscht for me”).

And one more important nuance. If you have agreed that your husband runs the household (temporarily or permanently), there is no need to nag him about it. This is your mutual decision, so do not reproach your spouse for doing something that is not “manly” work.

Which couple is this strategy suitable for?

This strategy is ideal if the financial issue is “not a problem”: you earn enough or have savings, but at the same time, your husband does not want to feel like a slacker.

  • If you are a self-sufficient, strong woman, and your husband is not against you being “at the helm.”
  • If your husband is satisfied with the position of a man as the keeper of the home and housework gives him pleasure.

If the husband doesn't want to work

Demand immediate return to any job?

You work hard at two jobs, but your husband doesn’t give a damn? We urgently need to do something about this!

You have the right to demand from your spouse that he start any job as soon as possible, even if it is not a job in his profile and with a low salary.

Split the budget?

If the husband refuses “dirty” work, considering doing it beneath his dignity, and is not at all interested in where the food in the refrigerator comes from and how money is earned to pay for utilities and “equip” the children for school, it’s time to take decisive action.

Give an ultimatum: the husband will temporarily move out of the apartment until he is able to provide for himself and his family. If it is impossible to separate for a while, keep a separate budget. For example, cook dinner strictly for yourself and your children and do not invite your husband to the table. Perhaps this will be a good shake-up for him.

The main thing is to be consistent and unyielding. After all, if you don’t “remove” the parasite from your neck in time, you risk working for two for the rest of your life, denying yourself and your children new clothes and rest.

Which couple is this strategy suitable for?

If the husband is obviously not worried about losing his job and does not plan to look for a new one.
The wife does not feel any support from her husband and has no desire to “carry out” the entire life on herself.

Whatever the cause of financial difficulties in your family, we hope that they are temporary and that you and your husband will find the strength to cope with them!

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