If we go to the hospital with our child

Antipyretics for children are prescribed by a pediatrician. But there are emergency situations with fever when the child needs to be given medicine immediately. Then the parents take responsibility and use antipyretic drugs. What is allowed to be given to infants? How can you lower the temperature in older children? What medications are the safest?

A hospital, even the best one, is far from the best place in the world. But, unfortunately, children end up there, and very often. Can you go to the hospital with your baby? What to take with you? Who should I contact for help?

We have the right

If doctors think that your baby needs to be hospitalized, feel free to go to the hospital with him. According to the legislation of the Russian Federation (Part 3 of Article 51 of the Federal Law of November 21, 2011 No. 323-FZ “On the fundamentals of protecting the health of citizens in the Russian Federation”), a parent or other relative has every right to be with the child in a medical institution. Firstly, you are the legal representative of the little one and make all decisions regarding his health. Secondly, sometimes forced separation from loved ones can have much more serious consequences than the disease itself.

Remember and, if necessary, quote: “One of the parents, another family member or other legal representative is given the right to be with the child in a medical organization when providing medical care in an inpatient setting during the entire period of treatment, regardless of the child’s age.” And this is all free: “If you are staying together in a medical organization in an inpatient setting with a child until he reaches the age of four years, and with a child older than this age - if there are medical indications, a fee for creating conditions for staying in an inpatient setting, including for providing sleeping place and food are not charged from these persons.”

IMPORTANT! Relatives may well replace each other, being next to the baby “in shifts.”

Unfortunately, getting to intensive care, even if the baby has been there for a long time, is much more difficult. The fact is that the decision to admit parents to this department is made by the chief physician, and most often his answer is negative. It is believed that relatives are violating the sterility of the premises and preventing medical staff from doing their work. Nevertheless, there are public organizations that are struggling with this state of affairs. We really hope that over time the situation will change, and loved ones will be able to be with sick children constantly.

re going

In case of planned hospitalization, a doctor will give you a referral to the hospital in advance (under a compulsory medical insurance or voluntary health insurance policy with the “hospitalization” option). In emergency
In cases, the ambulance usually takes the patient to the nearest hospital where there are free beds, but can - at your request - go to the clinic of your choice (again, if there are beds available).

You will need:

— to the hotline of your city’s health department;

- to the insurance company that issued the child: in accordance with Art. 15 of the Law of the Russian Federation “On Medical Insurance of Citizens in the Russian Federation”, it is she who is obliged to control the volume, timing of provision and quality of medical care;

— To the Public Council for the Protection of Patients' Rights under the Federal Service for Surveillance in Healthcare.

— To the All-Russian public organization “League of Patient Advocates.”

We are settling in

Which ward you will end up in - a double room, a box, or a shared one with a whole group of fellow sufferers - unfortunately, it is impossible to predict; it depends on the layout of the hospital. It happens that the hospital cannot provide the parent with a separate bed, and then they will have to sit together with the child in the same bed. The problem can be solved, for example, with the help of a cot, an air mattress, a sleeping bag or, ultimately, a travel mat.

In a hospital, they are usually fed three times a day according to a schedule; food can be brought to the ward or distributed in the dining room. Most patients are not enthusiastic about the quality of hospital food, so it’s worth thinking about backup food options. Some clinics have kitchens where you can heat up food and refrigerators for storing food. It also happens that in addition to the canteen, the hospital has a buffet or a small store.

Visits are usually allowed in the afternoon (except for intensive care and infectious diseases departments, where access for visitors is limited). But relatives can give you food, clothes and other things outside of visiting hours - through a special point.

The fact that you are in the hospital with your child does not impose an obligation on you to clean the room or wash the floor in the corridor. But the medical staff will be very grateful if you look after the kids who are here without their parents, or, for example, help distribute food. In addition, you will have to follow the “dormitory rules” - for example, do not make noise, do not talk loudly on the phone and do not watch movies on your laptop when your neighbors are trying to sleep.

BY THE WAY. Some hospitals provide paid services. For example, by concluding an agreement, you can get into a more comfortable and “sparsely populated” ward (from 600 rubles per day, subject to availability).

Memo for mom

While in the hospital, he perceives most situations the same way as you. Try to cope with your own panic! Treat to hospitalization as a necessity - yes, not the most pleasant, but certainly not frightening, dangerous or very sad. Explain to your baby everything that is happening to him and around him, but just don’t lie: the baby will quickly discover that injections are painful, and not “a mosquito bit.” And of course, do not intimidate the child, do not forbid him to be afraid and cry - the little one has every right to express emotions.

Let's heal!

Even at the reception department you will be asked to sign a “consent for medical intervention”. Strictly speaking, no one can even smear brilliant green on a child’s broken knee without your permission.

Please read the documents carefully before leaving an autograph! Make sure that you are given all the necessary explanations about the goals and methods of providing medical care, the risks associated with them, possible medical intervention options and their consequences, as well as expected results. And remember that you have the right to refuse medical intervention if for some reason you consider it unacceptable (this point should also be in the “consent”!).

The doctor “attached” to you will prescribe tests and studies for the young patient. He usually conducts an examination once a day, during a round, and it is at this time that you can ask all the questions you are interested in (prepare them in advance). There are no taboo topics: diagnosis (preliminary or accurate) and possible complications of the disease, names and effects of medications, the need for procedures and how they will be carried out, etc. In some cases, painful injections can be replaced with tablets, and tablets with syrup. If you consider it necessary, you can invite another specialist (or several) from another clinic for a consultation.

The head of the department and the attending physician are usually at work from 9 to 17 hours, so in the evening and at night, as well as on weekends, you need to contact the doctor on duty and nurses for help and information.

If possible, accompany your baby to all procedures. The doctor, of course, has the right to ask you to wait in the corridor (they say it will be calmer without you), but the truth is that most children feel more confident right next to their mother. Feel free to insist on your own! Comfort and persuade the child for as long as it takes: the medical staff is doing their job and simply physically cannot worry about the morale of each patient, but the child is your own, and it’s up to you to deal with the consequences of stress.

Important! You have every right to receive all information about the child’s health condition and his treatment plan. Questions like “Are you a doctor?” or “You don’t trust us?” are, to put it mildly, incorrect. You can also ask to change the attending physician if the relationship with the appointed specialist does not work out for some reason.

Let's have fun

Most of the hospital time is occupied not by procedures, but by bed rest of varying degrees of severity, so think in advance about how you and your baby will spend your leisure time. Many children's departments have "relaxation rooms" with a TV, but you will no doubt also find it useful:

- books with bright pictures;

— board games with simple rules and no small chips (they get lost easily);

— (for example, glove dolls - with their help you can endlessly act out scenes from hospital and “free” life);

- plasticine;

- with large parts;

- albums, coloring books, pencils, markers and wax crayons.

Try to make sure that you have a new book/toy for every sick day. Waiting for a surprise will significantly improve the patient’s mood, and an optimistic attitude is the key to a speedy recovery!

Let's check out!

Hurray, it’s over, the child is feeling much better - and it’s time to say goodbye to the hospital. On the day of discharge, your last meeting with the doctor will take place: from him you will receive an extract from the medical history (it indicates the diagnosis and lists all types of assistance provided) and recommendations for the period of outpatient treatment or recovery. You can also ask for copies of the results of all tests and examinations performed during your stay in the hospital, as well as x-rays. Is it possible to leave the hospital without waiting for discharge? You have the right to do this on any day and at any time of the day, without waiting for the arrival of the main or attending physician. You only need to write a receipt in a standard form indicating that you have been warned about the consequences of refusing medical care and that you take full responsibility for the life and child. In some cases, “escape” home or to another clinic may indeed be justified - if, for example, the hospital is overcrowded, the living conditions there leave much to be desired, or the parent is not allowed to be near the child. Sometimes there is no particular point in staying in the hospital if you are admitted on the eve of a weekend or holiday: you will certainly receive first aid, but the attending physician will be able to carefully examine the little patient and make appointments only on his working day. Make sure that doctors recognize the situation as not threatening the life and health of the baby, and at this time be treated at home, under the supervision of a local pediatrician.

ATTENTION! All of the above does not apply to serious illnesses and “acute” conditions, when the child needs to be under the constant supervision of doctors.

Post-hospital syndrome

The child has already recovered, but at the same time refuses to be alone, is afraid of strangers, is capricious, or, conversely, “freezes” without showing emotions? The best way to cope with post-hospital syndrome is to let your baby feel safe again: carry him in your arms, talk to him more - including talking through possible fears. They will help overcome psychological trauma - for example, send the doll and the bear to the hospital, offer them medicine, bandage them and immediately “discharge them home.” Accompany your actions with a story about the courage of the toy patient.


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